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Old 07-31-2012, 03:17 AM   #1

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Default Is Imaam Dahabi against taqleed?

Some ignorants present this from http://www.systemoflife.com/articles/refutation/2000002-salaf-us-saliheen-were-not-muqallideen

Haafidh Abu Abdullah Shams ud-Deen Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Uthmaan adh-Dhahabi (rahimahullah) has opposed taqleed openly in several places, and said:

“And Every Imaam’s saying can be taken and rejected, except the saying of Imaam ul-Muttaqeen as-Saadiq al-Masdooq al-Ameen al-Ma’soom (Muhammad – Peace and blessing be upon him), May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him. Thus By Allaah! Amaze is upon the Scholar who does the taqleed of a Specified Imaam in his Deen, in every saying of his, despite having the knowledge that the authentic ahadeeth refute the madhab of his Imaam. Wala quwwata Illa Billah”[Tadhkirat ul-Huffaadh: Vol 1 Pg 16, Tarjumah: Sayyidunah Abdullah bin Mas’ood (radiallah anhu)]
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Old 07-31-2012, 03:36 AM   #2

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Some ignorants present this from http://www.systemoflife.com/articles/refutation/2000002-salaf-us-saliheen-were-not-muqallideen

Haafidh Abu Abdullah Shams ud-Deen Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Uthmaan adh-Dhahabi (rahimahullah) has opposed taqleed openly in several places, and said:

“And Every Imaam’s saying can be taken and rejected, except the saying of Imaam ul-Muttaqeen as-Saadiq al-Masdooq al-Ameen al-Ma’soom (Muhammad – Peace and blessing be upon him), May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him. Thus By Allaah! Amaze is upon the Scholar who does the taqleed of a Specified Imaam in his Deen, in every saying of his, despite having the knowledge that the authentic ahadeeth refute the madhab of his Imaam. Wala quwwata Illa Billah”[Tadhkirat ul-Huffaadh: Vol 1 Pg 16, Tarjumah: Sayyidunah Abdullah bin Mas’ood (radiallah anhu)]

The above is in reference to a Scholar (Mujthahid) doing Taqleed, as he clearly says repeatedly regarding many Scholars of high calibre: "He was a Mujtahid, never did Taqleed of anyone", so this is clearly in reference to a Scholar who has reached the level of Ijthihad!

There are clear references from the books of al-Dhahabi stating that a layman should do Taqleed, and here is one from his Siyar:

سير أعلام النبلاء

وقال فيها : أنا أتبع الحق وأجتهد ولا أتقيد بمذهب

قلت :نعم ، من بلغ رتبة الاجتهاد ، وشهد له بذلك عدة من الأئمة ، لم يسغ له أن يقلد ، كما أن الفقيه المبتدئ والعامي الذي يحفظ القرآن أو كثيرا منه لا يسوغ له الاجتهاد أبدا ، فكيف يجتهد ، وما الذي يقول ؟ وعلام يبني ؟ وكيف يطير ولما يريش ؟


He (Ibn Hazm) said in it (his book): “I follow the truth and perform ijtihād, and I do not adhere to any madh’hab”, “I say: yes. Whoever has reached the level of ijtihād and a number of imāms have attested to this regarding him, it is not allowed for him to do taqlīd, just as it is not seeming at all for the beginner jurist and the layman who has committed the Qur’ān to memory or a great deal of it to perform ijtihād. How is he going to perform ijtihād? What will he say? On what will he base his opinions? How can he fly when his wings have not yet grown?” Wallahu A'lam
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Old 07-31-2012, 03:45 AM   #3

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The above is in reference to a Scholar (Mujthahid) doing Taqleed, as he clearly says repeatedly regarding many Scholars of high calibre: "He was a Mujtahid, never did Taqleed of anyone", so this is clearly in reference to a Scholar who has reached the level of Ijthihad!

There clear references from the books of al-Dhahabi stating that a layman should do Taqleed, and here is one from his Siyar:

سير أعلام النبلاء

وقال فيها : أنا أتبع الحق وأجتهد ولا أتقيد بمذهب

قلت :نعم ، من بلغ رتبة الاجتهاد ، وشهد له بذلك عدة من الأئمة ، لم يسغ له أن يقلد ، كما أن الفقيه المبتدئ والعامي الذي يحفظ القرآن أو كثيرا منه لا يسوغ له الاجتهاد أبدا ، فكيف يجتهد ، وما الذي يقول ؟ وعلام يبني ؟ وكيف يطير ولما يريش ؟


Wallahu A'lam
brother al zayn,i was expecting your reply only,infact, can you please provide your email address aftab.siddiqui08(at)gmail(dot)com
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Old 07-31-2012, 03:50 AM   #4

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In translation He (ibne hazm) or he (ibne barr)?

The above is in reference to a Scholar (Mujthahid) doing Taqleed, as he clearly says repeatedly regarding many Scholars of high calibre: "He was a Mujtahid, never did Taqleed of anyone", so this is clearly in reference to a Scholar who has reached the level of Ijthihad!

There are clear references from the books of al-Dhahabi stating that a layman should do Taqleed, and here is one from his Siyar:

سير أعلام النبلاء

وقال فيها : أنا أتبع الحق وأجتهد ولا أتقيد بمذهب

قلت :نعم ، من بلغ رتبة الاجتهاد ، وشهد له بذلك عدة من الأئمة ، لم يسغ له أن يقلد ، كما أن الفقيه المبتدئ والعامي الذي يحفظ القرآن أو كثيرا منه لا يسوغ له الاجتهاد أبدا ، فكيف يجتهد ، وما الذي يقول ؟ وعلام يبني ؟ وكيف يطير ولما يريش ؟


Wallahu A'lam
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Old 07-31-2012, 04:01 AM   #5

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Imam al-Dhahabi was writing in reference to Ibn Hazm's statement

أنا أتبع الحق وأجتهد ولا أتقيد بمذهب

Saying this is correct if you are a Mujthahid, as Ibn Hazm was!
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Old 07-31-2012, 04:29 AM   #6

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brother al zayn,i was expecting your reply only,infact, can you please provide your email address aftab.siddiqui08(at)gmail(dot)com
Email sent.
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Old 07-31-2012, 05:25 AM   #7

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Some ignorants present this from http://www.systemoflife.com/articles/refutation/2000002-salaf-us-saliheen-were-not-muqallideen

Haafidh Abu Abdullah Shams ud-Deen Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Uthmaan adh-Dhahabi (rahimahullah) has opposed taqleed openly in several places, and said:

“And Every Imaam’s saying can be taken and rejected, except the saying of Imaam ul-Muttaqeen as-Saadiq al-Masdooq al-Ameen al-Ma’soom (Muhammad – Peace and blessing be upon him), May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him. Thus By Allaah! Amaze is upon the Scholar who does the taqleed of a Specified Imaam in his Deen, in every saying of his, despite having the knowledge that the authentic ahadeeth refute the madhab of his Imaam. Wala quwwata Illa Billah”[Tadhkirat ul-Huffaadh: Vol 1 Pg 16, Tarjumah: Sayyidunah Abdullah bin Mas’ood (radiallah anhu)]

Hafiz ad-Dhahabi appears to have adopted the ruling of the major early Shafi'i mujtahids on this issue:



Al-Munawi transmitted from Hafiz al-Dhahabi (Allah – Exalted is He – have mercy on them) that he said: “It is necessary for us to believe that the four Imams, the two Sufyans, al-Awza‘i, Dawud al-Zahiri, Ishaq ibn Rahwayh, and all the Imams, were upon guidance, and no attention is paid to those who speak against them with what they are free from. The truth in accordance with the majority is that the one who is right in the corollaries is one, and Allah (Exalted is He) has a sign in what He has decreed, and that the mujtahid is given the responsibility of finding it, and that the one who misses it is not sinful, but is rewarded. Thus, the one who is right has two rewards, and the one who errs has one reward. Yes, if the mujtahid is deficient [in his knowledge], he is sinful, by agreement, and [it is necessary] for the non-mujtahid to do taqlid of a specific madhhab…but it is not permissible to do taqlid of the Sahabah and likewise the Tabi‘in, as stated by Imam al-Haramayn, of all whose madhhab has not been codified, so taqlid of other than the four [Imams] in judicial decree and fatwa is prohibited, because the four madhhabs have spread and have been codified, such that the conditions of their absolutes and the specifications of their generalities are clear; as distinguished from [madhhabs] besides them due to the extinction of their followers. Imam al-Razi (Allah – Exalted is He – have mercy on him) transmitted consensus of the verifiers on the prohibition of laypeople doing taqlid of individuals from the Sahabah and their elders.” (Fayd al-Qadir by al-Munawi, 1:210)

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Old 07-31-2012, 06:09 AM   #8

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Hafiz ad-Dhahabi appears to have adopted the ruling of the major early Shafi'i mujtahids on this issue:



Al-Munawi transmitted from Hafiz al-Dhahabi (Allah – Exalted is He – have mercy on them) that he said: “It is necessary for us to believe that the four Imams, the two Sufyans, al-Awza‘i, Dawud al-Zahiri, Ishaq ibn Rahwayh, and all the Imams, were upon guidance, and no attention is paid to those who speak against them with what they are free from. The truth in accordance with the majority is that the one who is right in the corollaries is one, and Allah (Exalted is He) has a sign in what He has decreed, and that the mujtahid is given the responsibility of finding it, and that the one who misses it is not sinful, but is rewarded. Thus, the one who is right has two rewards, and the one who errs has one reward. Yes, if the mujtahid is deficient [in his knowledge], he is sinful, by agreement, and [it is necessary] for the non-mujtahid to do taqlid of a specific madhhab…but it is not permissible to do taqlid of the Sahabah and likewise the Tabi‘in, as stated by Imam al-Haramayn, of all whose madhhab has not been codified, so taqlid of other than the four [Imams] in judicial decree and fatwa is prohibited, because the four madhhabs have spread and have been codified, such that the conditions of their absolutes and the specifications of their generalities are clear; as distinguished from [madhhabs] besides them due to the extinction of their followers. Imam al-Razi (Allah – Exalted is He – have mercy on him) transmitted consensus of the verifiers on the prohibition of laypeople doing taqlid of individuals from the Sahabah and their elders.” (Fayd al-Qadir by al-Munawi, 1:210)

Brother I didn't understand the Red Part highlighted above. Is Imam Razi saying laypeople should not do Taqlid of individuals from the Sahabah and their elders ? Can you please expand on that.

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Old 07-31-2012, 06:20 AM   #9

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Brother SOG, Yes i remember reading that, here is the text from Faydh al-Qadeer of al-Munawi transmitting the verdict from al-Dhahabi:

فيض القدير شرح الجامع الصغير - المناوي

ويجب علينا أن نعتقد أن الأئمة الأربعة والسفيانين والأوزاعي وداود الظاهري وإسحاق بن راهويه وسائر الأئمة على هدى ولا التفات لمن تكلم فيهم بما هم بريئون منه والصحيح وفاقاً للجمهور أن المصيب في الفروع واحد ولله تعالى فيما حكم عليه أمارة وأن المجتهد كلف بإصابته وأن مخطئه لا يأثم بل يؤجر فمن أصاب فله أجران ومن أخطأ فأجر،

نعم إن قصر المجتهد أثم اتفاقاً وعلى غير المجتهد أن يقلد مذهباً معيناً وقضية جعل الحديث الاختلاف رحمة جواز الانتقال من مذهب لآخر والصحيح عند الشافعية جوازه

لكن لا يجوز تقليد الصحابة وكذا التابعين كما قاله إمام الحرمين من كل من لم يدون مذهبه فيمتنع تقليد غير الأربعة في القضاء والافتاء لأن المذاهب الأربعة انتشرت وتحررت حتى ظهر تقييد مطلقها وتخصيص عامها بخلاف غيرهم لانقراض اتباعهم وقد نقل الإمام الرازي رحمه الله تعالى إجماع المحققين على منع العوام من تقليد أعيان الصحابة وأكابرهم

Wallahu A'lam

(p.s. the link i had to Islamport is not working, so i had to suffice with the shia library quoting the above Ibarah)
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Old 07-31-2012, 06:33 AM   #10
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Brother I didn't understand the Red Part highlighted above. Is Imam Razi saying laypeople should not do Taqlid of individuals from the Sahabah and their elders ? Can you please expand on that.

The statement is easily explained that a layman (if he goes directly to the quotes of the Sahaabah ) wouldn't be able to differentiate with their opinions for they too had Usools in deriving, and at the base of it a layman wouldn't even know if their opinion was their last opinion on the matter, so it is talking about a fulaan that says i will follow the Madh-hab of 'Umar or if not all, not to say he wasn't a person of Ijthihad and the others weren't also, but because nothing was codified by them nor their students and on the other hand if the layman takes the matter (quotes of the Sahaabah) to a person of Ijthihad then that is another case (he does Taqleed to his Scholar) and will follow the answer given to him.

Wallahu A'lam.
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Old 07-31-2012, 07:11 AM   #11

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al-Salamu Aleykum,

True al-Dhahabi (rah) is mainly talking about Mujtahids, big scholars, as for laypeople it is from the most obvious matters that Taqleed is allowed and recommended.
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