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Old 03-08-2012, 02:44 AM   #1

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Default War on Usury : Be Brave to Boycott all Banks and Break the satanic bankers
" Banking is part of the Babylon Mystery and bankers believe we are still enthralled with their ‘fractional reserve banking’ sleight of hand.
And they are right. Although people are waking up, they still don’t get it.

Boycotting the banks is the blindingly obvious approach. If somebody is enslaving you with interest and fractional reserve banking while destroying the economy by not lending why would you patronize his business?
But only few even within the Free Media are willing to accept this simple conclusion.

The fact of the matter is: many are still enthralled with the ‘magnificent edifice of international finance’, as Rothschild mouthpiece the Economist once called it.
And how about this: “The few who understand the system, will either be so interested from its profits or so dependent on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class.” — Rothschild Brothers of London, 1863

One of the key reasons banks exist and why we are in the mess we are in, is because people are not looking at the system to reform it, they are looking for ways to move higher up the food chain themselves.
And this attitude does not only guarantee continued enslavement, it makes us accomplices.

Check this .
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Old 03-08-2012, 03:10 AM   #2

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for this. I'll read the blog article (and comments) and get back.

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Old 03-08-2012, 03:59 AM   #3

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Where are they going to keep their money? Under the mattress (sarcasm)?
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Old 03-08-2012, 04:07 AM   #4

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There are several groups fighting against the international money power , the central bankers . Check this.

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Old 03-08-2012, 04:09 AM   #5

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The western civilization is under the painful grip of some central bankiing families who accumulated huge wealth through usury in the past
several centuries. Check this article for further information on these bankers or money-lenders.




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Old 03-08-2012, 07:28 AM   #6

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This article nails a part of the issue on the head.

Most people suffer from a paradoxical set of attitudes. They have a slave mentality, but they can’t bear the idea of being one. They believe the way to escape slavery is to enslave others. The version that is likely more in line with reality may read: in a sick and twisted irony, the slave enslaves the slave on whom the system is dependent on and it is the system that enslaves all 3, including itself.

This article is well worth the read.

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Old 03-31-2012, 12:50 AM   #7

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We, the Fed, the most powerful monopoly on the planet, are concerned about the "increased oligopoly power" of our distribution system.

Free-Market Analysis: The excerpt above is taken from a column that "monitors" financial markets in order to hold "companies, executives and government officials accountable for their actions."

OK. It's a well-written column, but it misses a main point, in our humble view. The Federal Reserve is a mercantilist (quasi public) facility apparently controlled by dynastic families out of the City of London and elsewhere. For an entity within this larger monstrosity to call parts of the US banking system "too big to fail," is rich, to put it mildly.

This is actually part of a larger elite dominant social theme, that central banks are a public good and that the quasi-private banking system beneath them is where the problems reside.

This simply isn't true, in our humble opinion. As we've often pointed out, the current Western banking system is nothing but a distribution channel for the elite's monopoly fiat money. That's why the world is so overbanked.

If the Dallas Fed honchos had written the following, it would be closer to the truth: "Go to any large city on the planet and observe that the largest skyscrapers are filled with headquarters of obscure banks you've never heard of. Travel to any country and observe that banking is a primary occupation ...

"Banking is the world's biggest bubble. We distribute our printed and digital money-from-nothing through large commercial banks and thus they are never allowed to go out of business. They are part of us and we would no more remove them from the body politic than we would cease to purvey our endless tidal wave of currency."

In other words, it's kind of hypocritical for the Dallas Fed to complain about the size of American central banks. To use another metaphor, it's kind of like an obese person pointing to his stomach and claiming that it ought to shrink. Sure, a big stomach is a problem, but it's not the WHOLE problem by any means. Here's some more from the article:

Having seen the biggest banks make risky bets, crush the economy and get rewarded leaves "a residue of distrust for the government, the banking system, the Fed and capitalism itself," Mr. Rosenblum wrote. It's one thing for the Occupy movement to point out how bailing out the biggest banks -- with little cost to their executives or shareholders and creditors -- has demolished credibility. It's quite another for top officials in the Federal Reserve system to put it in an annual report.
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Old 03-31-2012, 01:24 AM   #8

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Old 03-31-2012, 03:34 AM   #9

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Break the Cycle - Use the Gold Dinar where possible in transactions, savings etc...

.................................................. .................................................. ..........

however, coming back to the ground in general terms you can avoid riba transactions by using institutions mentioned below...


http://www.islamic-bank.com/ Islamic Bank of Britain


http://www.dib.ae/Files/Peel/default.aspx Islamic Bank of Dubai


http://www.dibpak.com/ Dubai Islamic Bank in Pakistan



.................................................. ..........................................

you may find these institutions of interest, as they all offer Islamic financial services of one type or another

Sukuk Bank

CIMB Islamic

Islamic Retail Bank

Jordan Islamic Bank

Takaful Ikhlas

CIMB-Principal Islamic Asset Management

Qatar Islamic Bank

Kuwait Finance House

Falcom - an Islamic Fund Manager

Samba Financial Group

Tourism Development & Investment Company Abu Dhabi

Kuwait Finance House

Absa Islamic Banking

CIMB Islamic

European Islamic Investment Bank

Al-Salam Bank Algeria

Bahrain Islamic Bank

Islami Bank Bangladesh

Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam

Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt

Bank Muamalat Indonesia

Jordan Islamic Bank

Kazakhstan - Al-Hilal Islamic Bank

Kuwait Finance House

Arab Finance House - lebanon

CIMB Islamic Bank (Malaysia)

Meezan Bank, Pakistan

Qatar Islamic Bank

Falcom (Saudi)

Islamic Bank of Asia

Al Salam Bank (Sudan)

Türkiye Finans

Bank of London and the Middle East

Devon Bank (US)


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Old 04-10-2012, 03:14 AM   #10

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Far too much energy is wasted on analyzing the banking system to death. The key to understanding its machinations is seeing that it is one global system, controlled and directed from the top down. Shifting blame from Government to Central Banks to Wall Street is just a distraction.

Endless analyses of exactly who is to blame for what is filling the columns of both the mainstream- and alternative media. Is it Wall Street, the Central Banks, derivatives, politicians, economists, greed?

This article by the Daily Bell is a typical example. In the article the Daily Bell correctly analyzes that the Central Banks are trying to generate a world wide depression. However, they present the Central Banks as a statist operation, messing up the operations of free market players, which would be the banks.

The problem with this is, that the Central Banks and the commercial banks are owned by the same people.

The banking system must be seen as a whole. It includes all the Central Banks, all major commercial banks, BIS, the academic world ‘studying’ economics and finance and the financial press.

The Daily Bell is right to say that they are engineering a depression. They are wrong to suggest that the CB’s are responsible for this while the banks are not. Yes the banks are on the receiving end of the CB’s, but they’re all just mere links in the chain of command and control.

Central Banks were created by the banking community as lenders of last resort because they went bust so often. They needed the CB’s to maintain a certain stability within the system, otherwise they would not have been able to maintain their monopoly on currency.

Nowadays CB’s are all powerful financial juggernauts allowing the Money Power full control always. They don’t care about some of their banks going bust occasionally, because they are just the vehicles dividing the market among them. Their market control remains 100%.

When the CB’s do things to hurt creditors (the big banks) they do so to damage their balances and their ability to lend. In this way the illusion of real forces creating a depression is created. It’s the same thing with the BIS raising capital reserve requirements. They know this means depression, but their sell is ‘stability’. The instability they created by purposefully allowing the banks to leverage ever more only a decade ago is conveniently forgotten by well paid academics and journalists who most people think are on the lookout for these kind of things.

Stagflation is easily created by combining the deflationary bust with rising prices for commodities through speculation. These price rises then eventually attack the whole economy already strapped for cash.

In earlier times bankers just published an advertizement in their Banker Magazine telling their members at what date to start calling in loans. In this way contracting the money supply and creating a deflationary depression allowing them to buy everything up for pennies on the dollar. Nowadays things are a little more convoluted.

But for the few men controlling the system it is not. They just order: ‘create depression now’. Their executives push the buttons and voila.

And yes, it’s a gigantic control grid and very complicated and it is very difficult for them to maintain control. But it still is a system, being worked. And those that work it are the most powerful men in the world.

A ‘Free Gold Market’
When we realize how the system is controlled in this way, it is also easy to understand that a ‘free currency market’ is also easily controlled top down.

Massive funding for Gold based currency, support from the media, the academics, political pressure. A real onslaught that will quickly conquer the maiden ‘free market’. Then the easy contraction of the money supply at will by controlling world Gold reserves.


The Banking System is One. It is controlled top down. Those that control it are the Money Power. It’s global and it rules finance. It dominates every Government on the planet through it.

Its basic operations are simple: maintain monopolistic control of the money supply. Provide credit at interest. Create a boom/bust cycle by inflation and deflation. Finance those under control or to be brought under control and starve the rest. Translate this financial omnipotence to Global Despotism.

The implementation of these basic policies have become more complex during the last century. But for the controllers little has changed.

This is basically all we need to know about the problem. There is no need to endlessly analyze what the CB’s are up to now or what Goldman Sachs is doing next. They’re busy doing what they’ve always done.

We should be busy deserting the system and building new, really free and independent currencies instead.
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Old 04-10-2012, 12:40 PM   #11

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Far too much energy is wasted on analyzing the banking system to death. The key to understanding its machinations is seeing that it is one global system, controlled and directed from the top down. Shifting blame from Government to Central Banks to Wall Street is just a distraction.

Endless analyses of exactly who is to blame for what is filling the columns of both the mainstream- and alternative media. Is it Wall Street, the Central Banks, derivatives, politicians, economists, greed?

This article by the Daily Bell is a typical example. In the article the Daily Bell correctly analyzes that the Central Banks are trying to generate a world wide depression. However, they present the Central Banks as a statist operation, messing up the operations of free market players, which would be the banks.

The problem with this is, that the Central Banks and the commercial banks are owned by the same people.

The banking system must be seen as a whole. It includes all the Central Banks, all major commercial banks, BIS, the academic world ‘studying’ economics and finance and the financial press.

The Daily Bell is right to say that they are engineering a depression. They are wrong to suggest that the CB’s are responsible for this while the banks are not. Yes the banks are on the receiving end of the CB’s, but they’re all just mere links in the chain of command and control.

Central Banks were created by the banking community as lenders of last resort because they went bust so often. They needed the CB’s to maintain a certain stability within the system, otherwise they would not have been able to maintain their monopoly on currency.

Nowadays CB’s are all powerful financial juggernauts allowing the Money Power full control always. They don’t care about some of their banks going bust occasionally, because they are just the vehicles dividing the market among them. Their market control remains 100%.

When the CB’s do things to hurt creditors (the big banks) they do so to damage their balances and their ability to lend. In this way the illusion of real forces creating a depression is created. It’s the same thing with the BIS raising capital reserve requirements. They know this means depression, but their sell is ‘stability’. The instability they created by purposefully allowing the banks to leverage ever more only a decade ago is conveniently forgotten by well paid academics and journalists who most people think are on the lookout for these kind of things.

Stagflation is easily created by combining the deflationary bust with rising prices for commodities through speculation. These price rises then eventually attack the whole economy already strapped for cash.

In earlier times bankers just published an advertizement in their Banker Magazine telling their members at what date to start calling in loans. In this way contracting the money supply and creating a deflationary depression allowing them to buy everything up for pennies on the dollar. Nowadays things are a little more convoluted.

But for the few men controlling the system it is not. They just order: ‘create depression now’. Their executives push the buttons and voila.

And yes, it’s a gigantic control grid and very complicated and it is very difficult for them to maintain control. But it still is a system, being worked. And those that work it are the most powerful men in the world.

A ‘Free Gold Market’
When we realize how the system is controlled in this way, it is also easy to understand that a ‘free currency market’ is also easily controlled top down.

Massive funding for Gold based currency, support from the media, the academics, political pressure. A real onslaught that will quickly conquer the maiden ‘free market’. Then the easy contraction of the money supply at will by controlling world Gold reserves.


The Banking System is One. It is controlled top down. Those that control it are the Money Power. It’s global and it rules finance. It dominates every Government on the planet through it.

Its basic operations are simple: maintain monopolistic control of the money supply. Provide credit at interest. Create a boom/bust cycle by inflation and deflation. Finance those under control or to be brought under control and starve the rest. Translate this financial omnipotence to Global Despotism.

The implementation of these basic policies have become more complex during the last century. But for the controllers little has changed.

This is basically all we need to know about the problem. There is no need to endlessly analyze what the CB’s are up to now or what Goldman Sachs is doing next. They’re busy doing what they’ve always done.

We should be busy deserting the system and building new, really free and independent currencies instead.
Max Kaiser has some interesting thoughts on the modern banking scandal and some similar issues.


He used to come on the Iranian English news channel PressTV before the UK government closed its down in the Britain and caused it to have to seek alternative ways of transmission .
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Old 05-06-2012, 11:28 PM   #12

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There is a very interesting seminar coming up on the subject of Islamic Finance and Banking by Shaykh Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi and Tarek El Diwany. Details are given below.


Islamic Banking & Finance - A Myth or A Reality?
Groundbreaking UK-First Seminar
By Dr Mohammad Akram Nadwi & Tarek El Diwany
Saturday 19th May 2012
Registration: http://courses.meoc.org.uk
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Old 05-24-2012, 07:28 PM   #13

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More insights.


Free market currencies directly competing with the Banks are the way forward. That is the basic premise of Real Currencies as we have put forward. But we don’t stop there: the Gelre offers a revolution in interest free currency and we need your help in building it.

The Gelre is the first Regional Currency (RC)in the Netherlands. But it is so much more than that: it is the first interest free, free market currency in the world that provides both convertibility to Euro and interest free credit.

The point is this: there are basically two classic models for free market currencies:

The first method is Mutual Credit. Barters around the world operate in this way. The famous Swiss WIR is Mutual Credit based.

The main limitation of this model is that there is no convertibility to other units. This means that participants are forced to limit their acceptance of the unit, to avoid being saddled with units they cannot spend plausibly. This is very damaging for the liquidity (what the currency will buy) of the unit.

A Euro or Dollar backed unit solves the problem of convertibility. Every unit in circulation is backed by a Euro or Dollar. Businesses saddled with more of the RC than they can usefully spend can convert them back to the national currency.

However, no interest free credit is possible: for every unit in circulation, there must be a Euro or a Dollar available.

This is the model of for instance the Chiemgauer, or the Berkshares.

The Gelre combines the best of both worlds!

It provides interest free credit on a Mutual Credit basis. And it is convertible. How it’s done can be read here.

We are very close to completing the necessary programming for the Gelre. But we need help. Two kinds of help:

- Money. We are cash strapped. We need every cent we can get to basically just survive until we can get the program on line and hook up the first few hundred businesses. After that it will be self-supporting through a small fee that businesses will pay.

- Programming help. We are looking for a great PHP programmer who will help us out with this. It needn’t be for free, but we would need a little entrepreneurship. A skilled programmer should require no more than net 40 hours of programming for the task at hand. Please contact me at info (at) gelre.org if you feel you can be of help.

The Gelre lays the groundwork for a revolution. Everywhere in the world barters are initiated to help alleviate the problems caused by the credit crunch. History shows these units will help, but they will not end the need for national currencies. They are simply too limited.

The Gelre has been built on the answers to the question: How can we build a unit so powerful it can do away with the Banks?

I am absolutely, utterly convinced that the Gelre and the concepts it entails are that answer. It is now all about implementation.

The Gelre technology will be made available for everybody. The goal is to build high powered currencies capable of competing directly with Euro and Dollar in the marketplace.

Everything you have been reading about on Real Currencies is integrated in the Gelre. They tell the same story in different ways. The Gelre is by far the most important of the two as it goes beyond words and will speak a powerful language of its own.

Think of it in this way: we are building a printing press that will provide interest free credit that will buy Euro or Dollar and thus everything else. It will be made available to initiatives worldwide at (close to) zero cost and these regional (but also international Internet based) currencies will allow the people to buy back the world interest free.
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Old 06-02-2012, 02:31 AM   #14

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Patrick Honohan, Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland, a Rothschild controlled vehicle, feels that the banks are not repossessing properties fast enough in Ireland. His use of the word “repossessing” is an interesting one. Did the banks ever own or possess these properties in the first place?

Honohan also slams debt forgiveness as “unaffordable”. Unaffordable to whom? Unaffordable to the private banks who created the original credit from the “borrower’s” signed promise to pay, without investing or risking a single cent of their own?

Honohan’s sentiments are echoed by Pat Farrell, CEO of the Irish Banking Federation, another group friendly to the Rothschilds’ financial interests.

Farrell, responding to Honohan’s comments that banks need to be more aggressive in repossessing properties, is dismayed by the fact that:

“A ‘legal vacuum’ is preventing banks from promptly repossessing homes owned by individuals who have fallen into mortgage arrears…and was an impediment to repossessing homes from people who took mortgages before December 1st, 2009.” (Spoken like a truly rapacious predator.) More at Irish Times.

All this only goes to show how prescient Professor Carroll Quigley proved to be when he wrote in Tragedy And Hope (1966) that the purpose of central banks was:

“to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations.

“Each central bank….sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the levels of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.”

The Irish Central Bank is ostensibly owned by the Irish Government but, in reality, the real power behind it and all central banks is a small handful of international bankster families.

When the euro fails, and we go back to printing our Punt Nua, the first thing we must do is abolish the central bank and arrest and interrogate its mouthpieces, past and present. And if they are found to have been guilty of fraud and treason they must be punished accordingly. This also applies to commercial bank executives, politicians, academics, journalists, and others of the same ilk.

Our only hope for the future rests in a debt-free, interest-free currency issued and supervised by the People and based upon the productivity and natural resources of the Irish Nation as a whole.
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Old 06-08-2012, 06:02 AM   #15

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Take your Money out of the Banks NOW!!


They say we need the banks, because otherwise the real economy would have no money to trade with.

All this is complete and utter rubbish, of course. If banks can create credit, then anybody can. That’s just common sense.

Just imagine: we are led to believe that we need to cough up trillions just to have a means of exchange. One that is completely paper/computer based. I.e., almost free of cost.

Banking is part of the Babylon Mystery and bankers believe we are still enthralled with their ‘fractional reserve banking’ sleight of hand. And they are right. Although people are waking up, they still don’t get it.

A good example of this is the ‘take your money out of Bank of America’ of last October. Bank of America decides to rake in an extra 60 dollars per year with a silly fee. This upsets people.

While they are paying $300k interest over 30 years on their $200k mortgage. Which the bank created the moment they borrowed it.

Meanwhile, 45% of our disposable income is lost to cost for capital included in the prices we pay for our daily needs.

In other words: Penny wise, pound foolish.

People still don’t understand how badly they are being raped. They still don’t understand how they are fleeced through interest on fictional debt.

Coming to terms

Of course, it was a great step and absolutely fantastic to see people finally showing a little teeth. But it shows how hesitantly people are coming to grips with the reality of banking.

Boycotting the banks is the blindingly obvious approach. If somebody is enslaving you with interest and fractional reserve banking while destroying the economy by not lending why would you patronize his business?

To say this is irresponsible as it will worsen the crunch is ridiculous: propping up a system that only exists to enslave us is irresponsible, not disconnecting from it.

But only few even within the Free Media are willing to accept this simple conclusion.

The fact of the matter is: many are still enthralled with the ‘magnificent edifice of international finance’, as Rothschild mouthpiece the Economist once called it.

It is unfortunate that there is still widespread misunderstanding about both money and our real problem with it.

People do not yet understand how pervasive the enslavement through interest really is.
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Old 07-26-2012, 05:56 PM   #16

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The Few Banks that Own All




In the Fall of 2011, a study by Swiss scientists revealed that a small number of banks controlled a decisive stake in the globe's economy.

The idea that this banking cartel controls the economy is now a scientifically quantified matter of record.

The study, called 'the Network of Global Corporate Control' was done by Stefania Vitali, James B. Glattfelder, and Stefano Battiston, in Zurich, Switzerland. The method was datamining the Orbis Marketing Database 2007, with data on more than 30 million economic actors (companies and investors) worldwide, including asset positions.

The study was published in the New Scientist, a highly respected outlet of mainstream science.

The results were interesting, although basically predictable.

Massive centralization

It transpires that there are about 43,000 companies that are Transnational according to the OECD definition.

There is a top 1,318 of them that seem to be at the center of it all. This core group has three important characteristics.

1. Between them, they generated 20% of the world's income.

2. They own each other.

See below the article for a list of the top 50 of this list.

As you can see from that list, they are all banks or other financial institutions.

So no, it's not a hyperbole to say the Banking System is One. We're not overstating the case when we say it's just one massive cartel. That the banks own everything, including all the major industries. Oil, Weapons, Pharmaceuticals, Food, Telecom and IT, etc. It's all one massive monopoly. Controlled from the top down.

The Money Power is real and these Swiss gentlemen have done us a favor by crunching the numbers.

Questions remain. How do the CAFR's of US Governmental pension funds and the like fit in this picture? How are the companies controlled if they all own each other?

However, the last few years we have seen conspiracy theory getting validated more and more everyday. People are still surprised, but that is only because they don't understand human nature. People conspire to do just about everything. It would have been really surprising had there not been a conspiracy to rule the world.
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