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Old 05-29-2012, 01:11 PM   #1

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Default Do not be proud of your Nation/Race/ancestory, Lets live as MUSLIMS.

"Let people stop boasting about their ancestors. One is only a pious believer or a miserable sinner. All men are sons of Adam, and Adam came from dust"

- Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi)

"On the Day of Qiyamah Allah Ta'ala will not ask if you are from India, America, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Saudi etc, But He will ask if you divided the Ummah or not...! "

Watch this video:

Muslims Being Racist!? - Shaykh Zahir Mahmood | MUST WATCH | HD


P.s. We all are guilty of being racist at one point or the other, lets repent and try our best to unite our Ummah as one, for the sake of Allah Ta'ala.
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Old 05-29-2012, 01:28 PM   #2

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This is an excellent reminder for us all insha'Allah.
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Old 05-30-2012, 12:20 PM   #3

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Here is an excellent blog post from one of our members of sunniforum: http://thestrivingone.wordpress.com/...ionary-notion/
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Old 05-30-2012, 06:30 PM   #4

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Here is an excellent blog post from one of our members of sunniforum: http://thestrivingone.wordpress.com/...ionary-notion/
I thought I ll go ahead and paste the whole article here:

Nationalism – A delusionary notion
29 Apr

“Nationalism is a political ideology that involves a strong identification of a group of individuals with a nation.” (ref. Wikipedia). Before commenting upon this definition, I would first like to highlight upon a fact that a Nation in today’s terminology is a group of elements that are mutually coherent and significantly similar. A nation is not just a place in today’s world, but a means to take pride upon, to feel patriotic about and a means to feel the sense of unity and brotherhood. A nation is supposed to have the same ideas, same traditions and similar cultural activities. It is thought of as a joint to stick people together.

Nationalism consists of all the actions that give strength to this idea of nation as well as the activities and feelings that revolve around this idea. These feelings are so intense that anyone from outside the nation is treated with inexplicable discrimination. Politically, nationalism is a fallacy that states that anyone from within a certain area, usually a country, is from within the so called brethren while anyone from outside the territory is not from it and can be questioned for his/her actions.

What is more astonishing is the fact that this ideology is not just political unlike the definition earlier quoted from Wikipedia, it has gone to such extremes that it has become the means of division among all the stratus of the society. It is in fact a socio-political mindset. The social dilemma rooting from it needs no detailed explanation; a simple instance might be enough; virtually every one of us must have watched or heard some kind of news bulletin aired on our media waves in which words like Balochis, Sindhis, Punjabis and even so as to say Pakistanis are iterated time and again. All such words depict a feel of prejudice for a particular group of individuals from a particular part of the world.

Media being the most prominent proponent of such fake delusions insinuates within the masses this mindset which has become so strong that people now discriminate on mere facial complexion and origins (which were neither their choice nor decision in the first place!). This has gone to such unfathomable exceptions that we hear people killing each other in the name of race, province, country, origin and tribe. The disease of nationalism has thus carved its impact so deeply within our souls that we utter the oneness of Allah with our tongues but we act upon what nationalism teaches us.

What is most unbelievable and yet unfortunate is the fact that neither the Quran and nor the Sunnah of our beloved final Prophet, Hazrat Mohammad Sallalahu Alaiyhi Wasallam have anywhere stated or depicted such divisions. What led us to this mindset then?

As Muslims we express our belief in every word of the Quran but do we believe in every word of it with the conviction of the heart? The blatant reply to this enquiry is a NO! Have we ever thought about the fact that whenever Allah orders us, He uses the words: “O you who believe”, and whenever he mentions the disbelievers he uses the words: “Those who have disbelieved”? These words signify something that has to be perceived beyond just literary phrases. They highlight the fact that there are only 2 types of human creations. The superior and the foremost in the sight of Allah is the first type who believed in Him with all his attributes, powers, and abided by His orders and implemented them from his/her personal self to his/her surroundings. The second types of humans are those who have been showered with wrath in this life as well as the eternal after life, these are those who disbelieved and rejected the signs of Allah (swt).

All praise due to Allah (swt)! As Muslims we are among the superior and the foremost type of Human creations. Our Nation is Islam and our ideology is Iman (faith). Only Iman is the sole factor that binds us together in a tightly knit network of compatibility and co-ordination. As Allah mentioned in the Quran:

“Every Muslim is a brother to another Muslim.” (Surah Hujurat 10)

We are all equal and form firm brethren of Iman (faith). The territorial, racial, traditional and historical differences mean nothing in front of Allah and must not mean anything for us when judging others. We must only judge others with Aqeedah (beliefs) and not these superficial and apparent factors. We must not disregard anyone for his complexion, economic status and race because Allah clearly states in the Quran:

“Verily, the noblest of you in the sight of God is the one who is most deeply conscious of Him.” (Surah Hujurat 13)

Only Taqwa is the differentiating factor in front of Allah to judge Mankind. But this does not mean that the way humans are spread on the face of the earth with different skin colors, territories and identities is unorthodox or is not proven. Allah says these factors are a blessing but are only for identification:

“And (we) have made you into nations and tribes, so that you might come to know one another.” (Surah Hujurat 13).

Alas! Today our preferences have changed; our sight has shifted from the noble teachings of Islam to the man-made method of identification of the West. For many of us today our nation is the place we live in. My respected readers these borders we see in the global map today were not present in the days of Rasulullah (Sallalahu Alaiyhi Wasallam). These have been created by the forces that intend to divide us and thus rule upon us to enforce their ideology and subsequently believe in their evil notions. I won’t delve into naming these forces here (everyone can make out easily which forces I am talking about!). But I can firmly say that these forces are working day in and day out to destroy the noble brethren of faith that Allah states in Quran.

The Ummah (brethren of faith) must unite today under the flag of oneness of Allah and other fundamentals of faith. We must defy the deity of ‘nation’ that has been made in front of us. We must stop judging others by the fundamentals of the idea of Nationalism (namely borders, language, race and colors) because by judging people with these standards we deny through our actions the orders of Allah (which were mentioned earlier). Verily, the idea of Nationalism is the worst of deities and is even more deadly than the idols of wood and stone that were carved by the people of Jahiliyyah!

May Allah save us from the ailment of nationalism and grant us the true sense of brotherhood. Ameen!

And Allah knows best!
agracias is offline

Old 05-30-2012, 08:18 PM   #5

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I thought I ll go ahead and paste the whole article here:

Nationalism – A delusionary notion
29 Apr

“Nationalism is a political ideology that involves a strong identification of a group of individuals with a nation.” (ref. Wikipedia). Before commenting upon this definition, I would first like to highlight upon a fact that a Nation in today’s terminology is a group of elements that are mutually coherent and significantly similar. A nation is not just a place in today’s world, but a means to take pride upon, to feel patriotic about and a means to feel the sense of unity and brotherhood. A nation is supposed to have the same ideas, same traditions and similar cultural activities. It is thought of as a joint to stick people together.

Nationalism consists of all the actions that give strength to this idea of nation as well as the activities and feelings that revolve around this idea. These feelings are so intense that anyone from outside the nation is treated with inexplicable discrimination. Politically, nationalism is a fallacy that states that anyone from within a certain area, usually a country, is from within the so called brethren while anyone from outside the territory is not from it and can be questioned for his/her actions.

What is more astonishing is the fact that this ideology is not just political unlike the definition earlier quoted from Wikipedia, it has gone to such extremes that it has become the means of division among all the stratus of the society. It is in fact a socio-political mindset. The social dilemma rooting from it needs no detailed explanation; a simple instance might be enough; virtually every one of us must have watched or heard some kind of news bulletin aired on our media waves in which words like Balochis, Sindhis, Punjabis and even so as to say Pakistanis are iterated time and again. All such words depict a feel of prejudice for a particular group of individuals from a particular part of the world.

Media being the most prominent proponent of such fake delusions insinuates within the masses this mindset which has become so strong that people now discriminate on mere facial complexion and origins (which were neither their choice nor decision in the first place!). This has gone to such unfathomable exceptions that we hear people killing each other in the name of race, province, country, origin and tribe. The disease of nationalism has thus carved its impact so deeply within our souls that we utter the oneness of Allah with our tongues but we act upon what nationalism teaches us.

What is most unbelievable and yet unfortunate is the fact that neither the Quran and nor the Sunnah of our beloved final Prophet, Hazrat Mohammad Sallalahu Alaiyhi Wasallam have anywhere stated or depicted such divisions. What led us to this mindset then?

As Muslims we express our belief in every word of the Quran but do we believe in every word of it with the conviction of the heart? The blatant reply to this enquiry is a NO! Have we ever thought about the fact that whenever Allah orders us, He uses the words: “O you who believe”, and whenever he mentions the disbelievers he uses the words: “Those who have disbelieved”? These words signify something that has to be perceived beyond just literary phrases. They highlight the fact that there are only 2 types of human creations. The superior and the foremost in the sight of Allah is the first type who believed in Him with all his attributes, powers, and abided by His orders and implemented them from his/her personal self to his/her surroundings. The second types of humans are those who have been showered with wrath in this life as well as the eternal after life, these are those who disbelieved and rejected the signs of Allah (swt).

All praise due to Allah (swt)! As Muslims we are among the superior and the foremost type of Human creations. Our Nation is Islam and our ideology is Iman (faith). Only Iman is the sole factor that binds us together in a tightly knit network of compatibility and co-ordination. As Allah mentioned in the Quran:

“Every Muslim is a brother to another Muslim.” (Surah Hujurat 10)

We are all equal and form firm brethren of Iman (faith). The territorial, racial, traditional and historical differences mean nothing in front of Allah and must not mean anything for us when judging others. We must only judge others with Aqeedah (beliefs) and not these superficial and apparent factors. We must not disregard anyone for his complexion, economic status and race because Allah clearly states in the Quran:

“Verily, the noblest of you in the sight of God is the one who is most deeply conscious of Him.” (Surah Hujurat 13)

Only Taqwa is the differentiating factor in front of Allah to judge Mankind. But this does not mean that the way humans are spread on the face of the earth with different skin colors, territories and identities is unorthodox or is not proven. Allah says these factors are a blessing but are only for identification:

“And (we) have made you into nations and tribes, so that you might come to know one another.” (Surah Hujurat 13).

Alas! Today our preferences have changed; our sight has shifted from the noble teachings of Islam to the man-made method of identification of the West. For many of us today our nation is the place we live in. My respected readers these borders we see in the global map today were not present in the days of Rasulullah (Sallalahu Alaiyhi Wasallam). These have been created by the forces that intend to divide us and thus rule upon us to enforce their ideology and subsequently believe in their evil notions. I won’t delve into naming these forces here (everyone can make out easily which forces I am talking about!). But I can firmly say that these forces are working day in and day out to destroy the noble brethren of faith that Allah states in Quran.

The Ummah (brethren of faith) must unite today under the flag of oneness of Allah and other fundamentals of faith. We must defy the deity of ‘nation’ that has been made in front of us. We must stop judging others by the fundamentals of the idea of Nationalism (namely borders, language, race and colors) because by judging people with these standards we deny through our actions the orders of Allah (which were mentioned earlier). Verily, the idea of Nationalism is the worst of deities and is even more deadly than the idols of wood and stone that were carved by the people of Jahiliyyah!

May Allah save us from the ailment of nationalism and grant us the true sense of brotherhood. Ameen!

And Allah knows best!
Great article mashaAllah
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Old 05-30-2012, 08:31 PM   #6

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Here is an excellent blog post from one of our members of sunniforum: http://thestrivingone.wordpress.com/...ionary-notion/

amr123 and everyone who appreciated. Your encouragement will help me a lot to write more of these articles! Keep following my blog I will inshaAllah try to come up with more articles with the help of Allah (swt).
The ummah definately needs to unite under the banner of Tawheed. May Allah help us to unite and forget the differences. Ameen!
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Old 05-31-2012, 02:07 AM   #7

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This thread needs to be made a sticky across all forums.
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Old 05-31-2012, 02:08 AM   #8

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mashaAllah jazakAllah khair
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Old 05-31-2012, 09:15 PM   #9

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This thread needs to be made a sticky across all forums.
mashaAllah jazakAllah khair

to everyone. All the appreciations are for Allah and only He is worthy of them.
May Allah help us to implement these words in our life. Ameen.
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Old 07-04-2012, 12:26 AM   #10

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Racism, Bad Nicknames & Arrogance - Shaykh Hasan Ali

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Old 07-04-2012, 07:02 AM   #11

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Amazing how muted the responses to this thread have been especially given just how much racism some posters exhibit from time to time on the forum.
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Old 07-04-2012, 08:10 AM   #12

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"Let people stop boasting about their ancestors. One is only a pious believer or a miserable sinner. All men are sons of Adam, and Adam came from dust"

- Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi)

"On the Day of Qiyamah Allah Ta'ala will not ask if you are from India, America, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Saudi etc, But He will ask if you divided the Ummah or not...! "

Watch this video:

Muslims Being Racist!? - Shaykh Zahir Mahmood | MUST WATCH | HD


P.s. We all are guilty of being racist at one point or the other, lets repent and try our best to unite our Ummah as one, for the sake of Allah Ta'ala.
How can you say this? There was a thread here last month when someone asked about being proud of ones lineage, and a few scholars commented on that saying that there is nothing wrong with it. Infact, they argued that its ones right to be proud off it, and anyone who questions that need to travel back in time and teach the old scholars. Br. dr76 commented along the lines that you have posted here and was severly dealt with.

PS here is the link: http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/show...syed-families)
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Old 07-04-2012, 08:21 AM   #13

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Mufti Ebrahim Desai: http://www.islam.tc/cgi-bin/askimam/...=6403&act=view
Shaykh Zahir Mahmood: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atvA3...eature=related
Shaykh Hasan Ali: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lH_-Q...eature=related
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Old 07-04-2012, 10:09 AM   #14

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Unless Allah wills otherwise there will be no pan-Islamic Amirate linking and protecting the Ummah as long as there is nationalism that splits up the Muslims, so lets be Muslims and human beings
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Old 07-08-2012, 08:13 AM   #15

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The Muslim ummah is an unique ummah among the whole of mankind:

Their Land is One, their War is One, their Peace is One, their Honour is One and their Trust is One.

- Beloved Muhammad Salla Allahu 'alayhi wa 'aalihi wa Sallam
[narrated by Ahmad]
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Old 07-14-2012, 11:20 PM   #16

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We are One Nation...
The Ummah of Rasoolullah ...!

Stand united for the sake of Allah the Almighty....!!!
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Old 07-15-2012, 01:59 AM   #17

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How can you say this? There was a thread here last month when someone asked about being proud of ones lineage, and a few scholars commented on that saying that there is nothing wrong with it. Infact, they argued that its ones right to be proud off it, and anyone who questions that need to travel back in time and teach the old scholars. Br. dr76 commented along the lines that you have posted here and was severly dealt with.

PS here is the link: http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/show...syed-families)
In the link that you have posted, I see no quotation from scholars that it is one's right to be "proud" of one's lineage.

You need to reread the thread you have posted a link to.
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Old 07-15-2012, 02:15 AM   #18

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Jazak'Allah Brother amr123. Great thread and greater need for it in our lives.
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Old 07-19-2012, 05:57 PM   #19

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Old 07-21-2012, 05:45 AM   #20

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How can you say this? There was a thread here last month when someone asked about being proud of ones lineage, and a few scholars commented on that saying that there is nothing wrong with it. Infact, they argued that its ones right to be proud off it, and anyone who questions that need to travel back in time and teach the old scholars. Br. dr76 commented along the lines that you have posted here and was severly dealt with.

PS here is the link: http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/show...syed-families)

correction bro.. it was bro dr ati.. not me..

wa assalam..
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