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Old 07-12-2012, 03:42 PM   #1

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Default LaiLaha IlalLah Muhamadur Rasulullah What Proof

When giving dawa what is the best way to prove the truth of the kalima?

What do we start with? How do we prove the truthfullness of the Prophet
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Old 07-12-2012, 03:44 PM   #2

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The Quran.

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Old 07-12-2012, 03:56 PM   #3

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The Quran can be proven by showing it is perfect? How can we prove it is perfect.
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Old 07-12-2012, 04:27 PM   #4

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The Quran can be proven by showing it is perfect? How can we prove it is perfect.
compare it with the imperfectness of man
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Old 07-12-2012, 04:47 PM   #5

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The Quran can be proven by showing it is perfect? How can we prove it is perfect.
Dear Brother, Assalaamoalikum

For a muslim, the Holy Qur'an is a Book on which (in which) there is no doubt. The Holy Qur'an contains Allah(SWT)'s Words. Therefore, for a muslim, the Holy Qur'an is perfect.

Notwithstanding above,

Your questions seem to address two issues, viz.

1. By showing that the Holy Qur'an is perfect, we prove the Holy Qur'an? What is meant by proving the Holy Qur'an? That it comes from Allah(SWT)? THat it was revealed, and not written by the Holy Messenger(SAW)? ..................Please clarify

2. How can we prove that the Holy Qur'an is perfect? i.e ..... please clarify.

Brotherly yours
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Old 07-12-2012, 05:05 PM   #6

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i think you first need to understand the person you giving the message to. the op said the truth about the Kalima. so if you want to prove the quraan is true to a person that doesnt even believe that Allah exists his going to say that the quraan is made up just as the creater was made up.

so look at the jehovahs witnesses & see how they do it. when they speak to muslims they only speak about the old testiment because alot in there they have in common with us & where we differ they wouldnt mention, so they would speak about Musa AS but not the slaughter of the son of Abraham AS. they would speak about Aadam & the deception of Shaytaan too & about Nuh AS.
when they speak to catholics they wouldnt mention the old testiment but rather stick to the new.

so first sum up who you speaking to & then bring the message over. he might believe in Allah but not Rasulullah SAWS then you dont need to talk about Allah's existance that much. he might be an athiest but loves the example of Muhammad SAWS so then you use that to bring him to find Allah.
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Old 07-12-2012, 05:07 PM   #7

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1. By showing that the Holy Qur'an is perfect, we prove the Holy Qur'an? What is meant by proving the Holy Qur'an? That it comes from Allah(SWT)? THat it was revealed, and not written by the Holy Messenger(SAW)? ..................Please clarify
Yes to prove to a non Muslim that the kalima is the truth we have to use the Quran, we have to prove to them that it is perfect, because it is from Allah and not written by a human.

2. How can we prove that the Holy Qur'an is perfect? i.e ..... please clarify. Most people today would not understand if you told them that the Arabic used in the Quran is perfect, because most of us are not masters of the Arabic language like the first people who listened to the Quran in Arabia 6th century C.E. We would have to show that its content, laws, teachings are perfect. How would we start to do this using basics and primary (baby steps) to try to show a non Muslim that it is from Allah and there is no doubt about it. I want us together to come up with some good proofs that would help us to say the right things. Most semi-educated non Muslims would consider it to be a book like any other book, what can we use to show to them that it is unique, Divine in origin and above all other books in perfection.
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Old 07-12-2012, 05:14 PM   #8

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Dear Brother, Assalaamoalikum

For a muslim, the Holy Qur'an is a Book on which (in which) there is no doubt. The Holy Qur'an contains Allah(SWT)'s Words. Therefore, for a muslim, the Holy Qur'an is perfect.

Notwithstanding above,

Your questions seem to address two issues, viz.

1. By showing that the Holy Qur'an is perfect, we prove the Holy Qur'an? What is meant by proving the Holy Qur'an? That it comes from Allah(SWT)? THat it was revealed, and not written by the Holy Messenger(SAW)? ..................Please clarify

2. How can we prove that the Holy Qur'an is perfect? i.e ..... please clarify.

Brotherly yours
The holy Quran is the only book that is for everything & w/o any error.This book is also a rectification for the earlier manipulated books like Bible, Torath, Zaboor. Eg. In bible it is mention that god has created heaven & earth in 6 days & he rested on 7th day, but in quran the error is rectified & its clearly mention (mafoom) that I (ALLah) doesnt need any rest. Besides this there are many facts which was not possible to be known then about 1400 years ago
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Old 07-16-2012, 06:25 PM   #9

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[QUOTE=Abu Zakir;791898]

Yes to prove to a non Muslim that the kalima is the truth we have to use the Quran, we have to prove to them that it is perfect, because it is from Allah and not written by a human.

Most people today would not understand if you told them that the Arabic used in the Quran is perfect, because most of us are not masters of the Arabic language like the first people who listened to the Quran in Arabia 6th century C.E. We would have to show that its content, laws, teachings are perfect. How would we start to do this using basics and primary (baby steps) to try to show a non Muslim that it is from Allah and there is no doubt about it. I want us together to come up with some good proofs that would help us to say the right things. Most semi-educated non Muslims would consider it to be a book like any other book, what can we use to show to them that it is unique, Divine in origin and above all other books in perfection. Dear Brother, Assalaamoalaikum,

There are two approaches to this issue.
The first approach is to say that the Holy Messenger (SAW) also had the same problem, viz. how to explain and prove Allah(SWT) to the Kaafirs, how to prove that he, the Holy Messenger(SAW) was, in fact, the Messenger sent by Allah(SWT) as a transmitter of the Message of Allah(SWT), as a guide, and as a model, and how to prove that the Holy Qur’an was a revelation from Allah(SWT).
The Holy Messenger(SAW) only transmitted the Holy Quran as and when the verses were revealed, and guided the muslims through his sayings and actions. He did not look for scientific facts to prove that Allah(SWT) exists, did not try to find ways and means to prove that the Holy Qur’an was from Allah(SWT), and that he was a messenger sent by Allah(SWT).
Allah(SWT) provided answers to all these questions through the verses He revealed. The same verses are still in the Holy Qur’an, and we may still use these to provide replies to such interrogations from non-muslims, today also. For example,
It is Allah Who causeth the seed-grain and the date-stone to split and sprout. He causeth the living to issue from the dead, and He is the one to cause the dead to issue from the living. That is Allah: then how are ye deluded away from the truth?
( سورة الأنعام , Al-Anaam, Chapter #6, Verse #95) – Yusuf Ali (Source: Searchtruth.com).
Say: "travel through the earth and see how Allah did originate creation; so will Allah produce a later creation: for Allah has power over all things.
( سورة العنكبوت , Al-Ankaboot, Chapter #29, Verse #20) Yusuf Ali (Source: Searchtruth.com)
We need to look around and we will find many examples in nature that clearly indicate that there is necessarily a design behind every thing that exists, and that design inevitably leads to a DESIGNER. Unfortunately logic and reasoning only are not sufficient to come to such a conclusion; otherwise scientists throughout the ages would all have been believers. Guidance from Allah(SWT) is NECESSARY.
On a certain secular forum (I have forgotten which one), there was a brother whose username was :The Submitter is back”, and who used to reply to the kaafirs by only providing the relevant verses from the Holy Qur’an. Whether they insulted him or not, his replies were always only verses of the Holy Qur’an – and nothing more. I really admired him. Shouldn’t we follow his example?
Obviously, the second approach is to try to (a) prove that the Holy Qur’an could not have been but revealed, and as a consequence that the Holy Messenger(SAW) was a messenger of Allah(SWT) sent as a model / guide to humanity, and lastly that Allah(SWT) is He WHO Revealed the Holy Qur’an, the Creator and Sustainer of all the worlds.
For our own consumption, we note that the Holy Qur’an contains information that could not have been copied from other religious scriptures because, inter alia, such information was not available to anyone at that time. Western Europe was still living in caves.
Would you go for the second approach?

Brotherly yours
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Old 07-16-2012, 08:54 PM   #10

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Would you go for the second approach?

Brotherly yours
Yes, and I have just thought about something I heard from someone that usually it is our actions not our words that tend to attract people...if our words are Islamic and our actions are not, no one will be attarcted to Islam. Islam is good because it allows humans to live peacefully and succesfully on earth...
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Old 07-16-2012, 09:18 PM   #11

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Practical efforts which suhabah did among themselves made them true representatives of islam and wherever they would go then, islam would spread at the speed of 50km/day but today we left the effort of suhabah thats why our lives are full of talk but empty of deen...!

Practical efforts of suhabah is the only solution to every problem

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