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Old 04-25-2012, 05:09 AM   #1

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Default 6 Qualities to be achieved by every Muslim
6 Qualities to be achieved by every Muslim

These 6 qualities need to be practised upon and not just learnt.

1. Conviction in Kalimah.

To have the conviction of belief that the Sahabah رضى الله عنھ had in the kalimah LaIllahaIllallah Muhammedur Rasullah (There is none worthy of worship except for Allah, Muhammed is the messenger of Allah) (صلىالله علیھ وسلم) .

The deeper meaning to this is that Allah does each and everything without the help of the creation, but the creation can not do nothing without the help of Allah; success of both the worlds lies in following the commands of Allah shown by the prophet of Allah (صلىالله علیھ وسلم).

To bring this reality into our lives:

a) We would call (giving dawah) towards the ‘Power, Might and Majesty of Allah’. The help Allah gave to the Prophets, The help Allah gave to the Sahabah رضى الله عنھ and the signs of emaan.

b) The practice would be to listening to the talks of the greatness of Allah, ponder over Allah’s abilities in the creation, ponder over the greatness of Allah

c) Make dua to Allah to for the reality of emaan, full conviction and ehsaan.

2. Salaah

The way Rasullah (صلىالله علیھ وسلم) taught Sahabah رضى الله عنھ to pray their Salaah and achieve its reality; in the same manner we want to pray our Salaah. How our outside 24 hour life can be like the state of Salaah. How everyone of our problems can be resolved through Salaah.

To bring this reality into our lives we would:

a) Call towards the reality of Salaah that the Sahabah رضى الله عنھ had reached, and how they lived their lives according to the manner in how they performed Salaah, and resolved all their problems through Salaah.

b) Pray nafl Salaah as a practice towards perfecting our Salaah by having 5 qualities:

- The full conviction in the kalimah
- Concentration and devotion to Allah
- Knowledge of the rules of Salaah
- knowledge of the virtues of Salaah
- Sincerity (in doing Salaah) for the sake of Allah

c) Make dua to Allah to provide us with the reality of the Salaah

3. Ilm (knowledge) and Dhikr (remembrance)

The way Sahabah رضى الله عنھ had that zeal enthusiasm to ask Rasullah (صلىالله علیھ وسلم) and those regarded as Ulama or Fuqahah in regards to the commands of Allah and the Sunnah of every action, and then practised upon it; we should also ask Ulama or Fuqahah about the correct requirement from Allah and what is the Sunnah practice for every action.

To bring this reality into our lives we must:

a) Call towards the zeal and enthuasim of acquiring knowledge from the Ulama and Fuqahah; the way Sahabah رضى الله عنھ had that zeal and enthusiasm to ask Rasullah (صلىالله علیھ وسلم).

b) Read ‘fazail e amaal' to achieve the virtues of deeds, ‘Munkhtakab Ahadith’ to achieve the ilm of the 6 qualities, read ‘Hayatus Sahabah’ to achieve the correct training and only acquire knowledge from reliable scholars.

c) Make Dua to Allah that he gives us beneficial knowledge.

Dhikr (remembrance)

The Sahabah رضى الله عنھ were constantly in a state either as if they were seeing Allah or that Allah was watching them.

To bring this reality into our lives we must:

a) Call people towards the state of remembrance of the Sahabah رضى الله عنھ

b) Recite the ‘three tasbhihaat’ 100x in the morning and evening. Third Kalimah - draw the closeness to Allah. Durood - attain the love of Rasullah (صلىالله علیھ وسلم). Istigfar - gain forgiveness from Allah.

c) Make dua to Allah that he gives un the quality of Ehsaan and his remembrance that ensures we do only do those acts that are halal and refrain from those acts that are haraam.

4. Ikramul Muslimeen

The Sahabah رضى الله عنھ were willing to do whatever it took to keep the the Ummah united

To bring this reality into our lives we must:

a) Call towards the Character of the Prophet (صلىالله علیھ وسلم)

b) Learn the rights of others and fulfill those rights even if it means suppressing our own rights.

c) Make dua to Allah to give us the Character of the Prophet (صلىالله علیھ وسلم)

5. Sincerity of Intention

Each and every act the Sahabah رضى الله عنھ did was for the pleasure of Allah alone

To bring this reality into our lives we must:

a) Call towards the sincerity that the Sahabah رضى الله عنھ had for Allah

b) Always check the state of our intention, if it correct then say ‘Praise is to Allah’. If our intention strays then say ‘Allah forgive me’ and correct the intention.

c) Make dua Allah gives to reality of doing all actions for his pleasure.

6. Struggling for the sake of Allah

Sahabah رضى الله عنھ were willing to give their health, wealth and abilities for the sake of Allah

To bring this reality into our lives we must:

a) Call towards the sacrifices of the Sahabah رضى الله عنھ and how we should like them give our health, wealth and abilities for Allah and bring the entire ummah onto the sacrifice of Sahabah رضى الله عنھ

b) Following the prescription of the elders we should aim to give 4 months as soon as possible and renew this with 4 months every year with a minimum of 40 days. 10 days a month with a minimum of 72 hours. 8 hours every day dedicated to the Masjid with a minimum of 2.5 hours.

c) Make dua to Allah that our living and dying becomes only for his sake.
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Old 04-25-2012, 05:12 AM   #2

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this is really important for every Moomin... MAsha Allah!
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Old 04-25-2012, 05:17 AM   #3

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this is really important for every Moomin... MAsha Allah!
I have been conscious of the wording. I may still need to review it. One key factor that stuck was a brother in India (zakir) said that the primary teaching of the 6 qualities has to be so simple that a Bedouin farmer who need not read or write gets it!

Another important factor is that each quality needs to be redirected to what the Sahabah رضى الله عنھ did. If you look at point 6 you will see that it is not 'dawah' but the individual Muslim willing to give their health, wealth and abilities for the sake of Allah
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Old 04-25-2012, 05:21 AM   #4

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I really struggle with number 2.
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Old 04-25-2012, 05:23 AM   #5

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I really struggle with number 2.
Blimey who does not. but are you calling towards the Salah of the sahabah? the way they used to pray? It is a fundamental that you must talk about their salah and see how your own will be nourished
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Old 04-25-2012, 05:27 AM   #6

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Blimey who does not. but are you calling towards the Salah of the sahabah? the way they used to pray? It is a fundamental that you must talk about their salah and see how your own will be nourished
As far as I know, yes. I try to stay away from things that they, and the Prophet (pbuh), didn't instruct us to do.

Old 04-25-2012, 05:40 AM   #7

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Blimey who does not. but are you calling towards the Salah of the sahabah? the way they used to pray? It is a fundamental that you must talk about their salah and see how your own will be nourished
and this is what Molana Saad said in a recent talk, he was saying that why is it that the saatis salah remains the same? that the dawah we give should be on that salah that we need to bring in our lives
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Old 04-25-2012, 09:19 AM   #8

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3. Ilm (knowledge) and Dhikr (remembrance)

The way Sahabah رضى الله عنھ had that zeal enthusiasm to ask Rasullah (صلىالله علیھ وسلم) and those regarded as Ulama or Fuqahah in regards to the commands of Allah and the Sunnah of every action, and then practised upon it; we should also ask Ulama or Fuqahah about the correct requirement from Allah and what is the Sunnah practice for every action.

To bring this reality into our lives we must:

a) Call towards the zeal and enthuasim of acquiring knowledge from the Ulama and Fuqahah; the way Sahabah رضى الله عنھ had that zeal and enthusiasm to ask Rasullah (صلىالله علیھ وسلم).

b) Read ‘fazail e amaal' to achieve the virtues of deeds, ‘Munkhtakab Ahadith’ to achieve the ilm of the 6 qualities, read ‘Hayatus Sahabah’ to achieve the correct training and only acquire knowledge from reliable scholars.

c) Make Dua to Allah that he gives us beneficial knowledge. What do we say about the dhikr part? i always struggle with that.
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Old 04-25-2012, 09:54 AM   #9

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Could you please explain 6(b)?

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Old 04-25-2012, 10:42 AM   #10

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Could you please explain 6(b)?

It's part of a cillabus and time format that Ulamaa recommend to reform one's Nafs and increase one's Imaan, among other benefits.
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Old 04-25-2012, 10:59 AM   #11

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It's part of a cillabus and time format that Ulamaa recommend to reform one's Nafs and increase one's Imaan, among other benefits.

for answering. Is it a part of giving bayah to a shaykh?
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Old 04-25-2012, 11:32 AM   #12

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Could you please explain 6(b)?

Sister he is talking about going in the path of Allah in jamaat. The time frames the brother mentioned (3 days, 10 days, 40 days, 4 months, etc) have been set-up by the elders for the maximum benefit but they are not written in stone. If someone can only do one day then Insha'Allah they should do that, or if they can do 20 days not 40 then Insha'Allah they should do that. The days consist of staying in one or more Masajid, disconnecting yourself from the dunya and immersing yourself in an environment of deen, learning and doing every single action by the Sunnah of the Prophet and the way which Sahaba used to do things, and establishing and strengthening the five amaal at the Masjid you are in. This is a short list because Subhan'Allah there are so many benefits of going in jamaat, even if only for 3 days. Since Allah in His infinite mercy gives His believing slaves a minimum of 10X reward for each good deed, it is said that spending 3 days in the path of Allah is Insha'Allah equivalent to spending 30 days in the path of Allah in terms of reward, even more if He so wills. So if one even just gives 3 days every month with sincerity, Insha'Allah they will be rewarded as if they were out in the path of Allah all the time. This thread had some brothers discussing the type of effects going out in jamaat had on them & the positive changes they started noticing in themselves.

They also have ladies jamaats where a woman can travel with her husband or mahram and participate in the same activities with other sisters. Of course not every Masjid is equipped to handle masturat jamaats so that involves a bit more planning but Alhamdulillah there are many ladies jamaats usually going around as well.

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Old 04-25-2012, 11:51 AM   #13

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Oh, I see. for explaining. Sounds wonderful.

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Old 04-25-2012, 02:53 PM   #14

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What do we say about the dhikr part? i always struggle with that.

I have now added
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Old 04-25-2012, 03:03 PM   #15

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What is important and crucial which I may change the text to reflect this point is that anecdotes of Ambiyah Sahabah should only be used when giving dawah.

The more we talk about them and the state they were in the more the struggle continuous. However if we fail to discuss their state then we eventually end up comparing ourselves to the Muslims around us (in the internet age that would be globally) and subconsciously the Shaitan and Nafs will tells 'your not that bad!, you could be far worse or look how bad these Muslims are....' and then our Dawah leans towards discussing all the bad that the other Muslim do. Or if we do not look down on other Muslims we do not progress since we make a comparision with those around us and then see this as the standard.

This is a classic syndrome that hinders our progression. But if one has the Sahabah as his goal then one will constantly be in a struggle to reach those heights.

For example in point number #2 for Salah an anecdote that can be used is that of Hadrath Zubair ibn Awam....

"It is noted in many books of fiqh the Kushoo and Khudooo (concentration and devotion) of Zubair ibn Awam. Once a man started reading Quran and saw the respected Sahabi in Sajdah. He read through Surah Baqarah, Al-imran and Al-maidah and looked up and saw that he was still in the same sajdah..."

So relying only these anecdotes should compell us to constantly approve our state.
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Old 04-25-2012, 05:29 PM   #16

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for answering. Is it a part of giving bayah to a shaykh?
. In some ways, yes and in other ways, no.

In ways that it is, one follows the general and specific instructions laid down by Ulamaa for reformation etc. In ways that it's not, generally some of the formal practices in the science of Tazkiyyah/Tasawwuf may not be there, like giving bay'ah to just one Shaikh.

We've seen that those who combine the two (Da'wah and Tazkiyyah) with balance, travel further on the path of Imaan and Islah.
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Old 04-25-2012, 05:47 PM   #17

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They also have ladies jamaats where a woman can travel with her husband or mahram and participate in the same activities with other sisters. Of course not every Masjid is equipped to handle masturat jamaats so that involves a bit more planning but Alhamdulillah there are many ladies jamaats usually going around as well.

As far as i know ladies jamaats do not stay in the masajids, they stay at a house of a local near the masajid. The males of the house will stay in the masjid with the jamaat brothers and the ladies will stay with the female's of the house.
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Old 04-25-2012, 06:30 PM   #18

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As far as i know ladies jamaats do not stay in the masajids, they stay at a house of a local near the masajid. The males of the house will stay in the masjid with the jamaat brothers and the ladies will stay with the female's of the house.

Yes, that sounds more correct because that's what normally seems to be happening. However I wasn't aware that sisters do not stay in masjids at all.

for the information.

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Old 04-25-2012, 06:40 PM   #19

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Yes, that sounds more correct because that's what normally seems to be happening. However I wasn't aware that sisters do not stay in masjids at all.

for the information.

Thats fine bro

It reminds me of a mufti who gave a fatwa that masturat jamaats are not allowed, the mufti thought that like men go in ghust (door to door) so do the women. The mufti said this in front of the whole majma and the tj's where bewildered, but then it was explained to the mufti that this is not the case and he retracted his fatwa infront of the majma the next day
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Old 04-25-2012, 07:37 PM   #20

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. In some ways, yes and in other ways, no.

In ways that it is, one follows the general and specific instructions laid down by Ulamaa for reformation etc. In ways that it's not, generally some of the formal practices in the science of Tazkiyyah/Tasawwuf may not be there, like giving bay'ah to just one Shaikh.

We've seen that those who combine the two (Da'wah and Tazkiyyah) with balance, travel further on the path of Imaan and Islah.

and to the others that provided added clarifications re: women.
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