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Old 07-04-2012, 06:14 PM   #1

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Default Islamic charity dinners
Have muslims compltely lost the plot - dinner fr Gaza? I jst dnt gt it.
I would love the opinion of Ulama on this subject.

This is my humble opinion on islamic charity dinners:

People (muslims) hv compltly lost the plot - dinner fr gaza? I jst dnt gt it.
Yea, wickd idea - lets hv a nosh up in the nme of our Gazian bros n sistrs whilst they starve n struggle

These dinners are a wrong response for tragedies because the atmosphere involved on them is hardly one of mourning....

The worlds goin crazy......there's so many things that defy all logic and yet people just follow blindly. Like sheep......mere sheep

When did prophet (s.a.w) hv a charity meal fr the emancipation of Billal (r.a), etc n to stop da persecution of muslims?

charity dinners are a non muslim invention that was started in America in the last century. How can muslims gain the help of Allah by following non Muslim ideas and by sinning ?????

u wna contrbte (money) ?jst do it. Dnt go doing sin, no pardah, mixing of sexes, eat till you burst, etc for it
Sry people, im jst hvin a rant, ignre me.....actually dont
i jst pray u get wot im sayin

You are free to disagree with me, just expalin to me please why you think I'm wrong.

End of rant
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Old 07-04-2012, 06:21 PM   #2

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sorry, one last thing.....

The motivating factor within Muslims to spend on the poor should be their imaan (which encourages them to be generous because a miser can never be a true mo'min as mention in ahaadith), the fear of Allah and an empathy for Muslims as well as non Muslims (the whole of mankind).

A dinner shouldn't be the motivating factor for spending for a mo'min. for a non muslim ? yes, but for a momin? no!
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Old 07-04-2012, 06:46 PM   #3

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Sadly, such things are a reflection of the state of the ummah. There shouldn't have to be benefit dinners and parties to raise funding for Muslims...there should be outright donations given at the masajid or to the respective charities but the inferiority complex kicks in and then people think that since the non-Muslims do it, why shouldn't the Muslims?
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Old 07-04-2012, 07:18 PM   #4

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Its just raising money, usually the food is donated to save costs, hence a lot of money goes to charity. There are some instances where some are a messed up. However the ones i know off invite ulema qaris etc and have a fundraiser
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Old 07-04-2012, 07:43 PM   #5

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Its just raising money, usually the food is donated to save costs, hence a lot of money goes to charity. There are some instances where some are a messed up. However the ones i know off invite ulema qaris etc and have a fundraiser
thanks for the reminder, calling qaris and that is even worse because then it becomes like a charity ball which was something that started in the 70's in America, calling pop stars to raise money, band aid and the likes are good examples.

The quraan recitation is simply not for that,
we have strayed from the eccense of islam.
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Old 07-04-2012, 07:50 PM   #6

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excellent and brave thread

personally i think there are just too many events

of course one might argue,events lead to action
but surely theres simpler and more sunnah ways of leading people to action
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Old 07-04-2012, 08:39 PM   #7

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im very vocal with this stuff in my community and i get looked down on like im the wierdo, but Alhamdulilah sensible people see sense and agree with me and boycott such events n stop propogating them. we need to mk dua too taht allah guides us and the ummat.
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Old 07-04-2012, 09:02 PM   #8

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Agreed with the OP.

What happened to one hand not knowing what the other hand gives?
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Old 07-04-2012, 11:42 PM   #9

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Salaam. Let me give you an example http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/show...raising-Dinner! ulema are involved.. its just a method to encourage fubdraising,
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Old 07-05-2012, 04:10 PM   #10

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Salaam. Let me give you an example http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/show...raising-Dinner! ulema are involved.. its just a method to encourage fubdraising,
"ulema are involved" my piont exactly! The ulama have bowed to the pressure of the public and endorsed such activities. The involvemnet of ulama doesn't make it right, rather it is a reflection of our poor and detrimental state. Most times you will not see our aged , pious and prominent Ulama endorsing such activities because it is in contrast to the blessed way of Prophet (S.a.w) and the Sahaabaa.
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Old 07-05-2012, 04:53 PM   #11

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Brother - I was involved with two charity dinners in close succession following the earthquake in Pakistan. In the space of a few days we raised over £250,000 i.e. just over a quarter of a million pounds (after hall expenses etc were paid off) from these two dinners which went directly to the victims.
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Old 07-05-2012, 05:04 PM   #12

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Brother - I was involved with two charity dinners in close succession following the earthquake in Pakistan. In the space of a few days we raised over £250,000 i.e. just over a quarter of a million pounds (after hall expenses etc were paid off) from these two dinners which went directly to the victims.
Brother - and before we started doing charity dinners Muslims were still donating as much (if not more)!!! The beautiful mosques that we have in this country and abroad are testamount to the generosity of the Mo'mineen. Muslims give because of their emaan. We do not need to be propped up and motivated by these false ways and methods of the enemies of Allah and his Rasool (s.a.w).

Okay so we many to raise huge amounts in a charity dinner, but was that really due to the event or due to the imaan and the compassion of the Muslims?

Furthermore, if we follow the ways of the non Muslims, thinking it to be Deen, and manage to raise $10 million , there will be no barakat in that money due to the fisk and fujoor and 'bay-pardagee' (not observing hijaab) and the israaf and wastage and unislamic practices that are rampant at these events! What good can there be in such money??!!!

Allah doesn't need money to solve our problems; a little with Barakat is better than lots without (barakah)!!!!

Wake up Muslims and stop srguing for a false cause!!!

sorry brothers and sisters for the rant.....
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Old 07-05-2012, 05:35 PM   #13

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You're right to a certain extent brother. This was my first involvement and I can't say I agreed 100% to what I saw at these events, there was what most would view as free mixing (family sections) and also the playing of music. Of course I could unwield a whole bunch of fatwas from lamppost, suhaibwebb.com and other such american modernist websites justifying these things (and you'd have no means of retort since there will now be 'ikhtilaaf' on the issue=)...but I won't as I didn't feel these things were right.

Those issues aside, most people dont go to the masjid anymore. That's a sad reality and it seems you need these gimmicks (auctions, nasheeds etc) for our people to part with cash. At the end of the day the people in Gaza, earthquake victims etc who are in dire need, the vast amounts of money that these dinners can raise helps them significantly. The means does not justify the end and I'm certainly not advocating any dubious practices (music, free mixing etc) but to do them within halal boundaries.

I'm not sure I fully agree with you with not using charity dinners simply because it's a non-Muslim 'invention', if it works and done in a halaal way why not? They probably also invented credit cards, paypal etc should we stop Muslims donating using these too. Our deobandi ulemah also utilise fund raising dinners http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/show...raising-Dinner! so I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with these dinners per se, as long as they adhere to Shariah boundaries.
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Old 07-05-2012, 06:28 PM   #14

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just a brief reply beacuse otherwise our conversation will go on for ever:

you wrote "most people dont go to the masjid anymore", so does that mean we start collecting at other venues? no! our effort should be to connect Muslims to the masjid. If they aren't coming , we should go call them , going door to door and encouraging them like the Prophets did. Muhammed (s.a.w) joined and collected the ummat in the masjid - his masjid was the khanqaa, the community centre, the madrassa, etc. In following his blessed sunnah we should also endevour to do the same. Once Muslims join with the masjid their imaan will increase and they will give generously, etc.

Secondly the salvation of this ummat can only be in follwoing the ways of Prophet Muhammed (s.a.w). If we adopt other means to propogate and support Islam and Muslims there can be no ultimate success.
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Old 07-05-2012, 07:59 PM   #15

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Ulema werent just involved, they created it. E.g in the link i posted earlier sheikh zahir is doing it as to raise money for one of the building he in future intendsnto utilise. I hardly think this is a crime... Would muft abu hajira comment or any other scholars??
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Old 07-05-2012, 08:09 PM   #16

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One Ulamas Opinion:

The Audio Below Is 12MB - Urdu And English -

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Old 07-06-2012, 11:42 AM   #17

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One Ulamas Opinion:

The Audio Below Is 12MB - Urdu And English -

Subhanallah! What a clip, Beautifully said by Hazrat Molana Saleem Dhorat sab! wah, wah. I would urge everyone to listen to this clip.

He has beautifully articulated what I have been thinking and what I tried to present to you brothers and sisters in this post.

Allah guide the ummat.

Can anyone still now argue about the ligitimacy of these dinners?
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Old 07-06-2012, 11:57 PM   #18

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One Ulamas Opinion:

The Audio Below Is 12MB - Urdu And English -


im glad he mentioned the AWAAM
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Old 07-07-2012, 05:00 AM   #19

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i dont understand urdu, i heard "barbeque". The event i mention is organized by ulemas, i dont get why your so against it
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Old 07-07-2012, 07:53 AM   #20

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Can you summarise that audio? From the comments it appears charit dinners are not allowed?
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