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Bismillah Ar Rahman Ar Raheem
Taking pains to remove the pains of others is the true essence of generosity. {Abu Bakr RadiAllahu anhu} The gem and light of my life is my mother. No one in the dunya can fill the shoes of my mother. There is no friend, there is no companion who can give me the love that my mother has given me. Verily it is my mother who has taken so many pains upon her shoulders in order to make my life one of comfort and joy. When you may feel everyone deserts you in this world, know that it is your mother who will stand by your side. I can never repay my mother for what she has given me. Her presence in my life is a shining light which has illuminated my journey in this dunya. Her radiance is one that has lit the lives of so many souls. She is incomparable to any other woman in the world. It is my mother who can sense my happiness and my sorrow. It is my mother who will sacrifice her sleep, her food and her comfort only for my own. I cannot imagine my life without the affection of my mother. I cannot be grateful enough to Allah for giving me such an irreplaceable gift. I pray that my Lord takes my mother to Jannah Al Firdaus and that I can enter the gates of Paradise along her side. Ameen. We are all on a journey. A journey with one aim and one purpose and that is the Pleasure of Allah. And verily the Pleasure of Allah lies in the Pleasure of the parent. The heart of a mother will shatter into a million pieces on seeing the distress of her child. The bond between a mother and child is so strong, that she cannot be content until she knows within her heart that her child is safe. Her eyes will not close and her body will not rest until she is sure that her baby is fast asleep. And even then, it is only the mother who can spend nights upon nights just watching over her child, with a smile upon her face that could illuminate the whole world. Just take a step back and imagine how a mother would feel on seeing her child in pain. How would a mother feel as she see’s tears flow down the face of her child as they cry for a morsel of food. How do you think she will feel as she watches on helplessly as her child battles for their life in search for just a drop of water. How would that mother feel as she watches her flesh and blood shiver with just a few rags covering their body. How would the state of the heart of that mother be? The reality is O Muslims that we cannot ever imagine the sorrow and heart ache of this mother. As much as we read about it, as much as we see accounts of this and even as much as we witness it through our own eyes, we will never feel the heart ache that this mother feels. And dear brothers and sisters, even in this century, even in this era, there are so many mothers in this dunya, within our ummah who watch their child die before their eyes out of hunger and thirst. They watch on helplessly as they breathe their last. O Muslims, we cannot become so engrossed in our lives and affairs that we forget the mothers of this ummah. We cannot forget that the lives of others are not all the same as the life of our own. As we retire to sleep with a roof above our heads, know that millions of mothers and children have the sky as their roof and the scorching sand as their carpet. As we chuck away the food that we do not want to eat, know O Muslims that it is these millions of mothers and children who will run to eat those morsels. Know - O Muslims that what may seem minute to us will be a means of life for another. O Muslims, how can we sleep in peace, day in and day out when we know and we see that the mothers of this Ummah walk days upon days in search of just water and food. What will it take for us to mobilise and do something? How many more children have to die and how many more hearts have to break before the more fortunate ones of this ummah make a stand? The scars of this ummah have become so deep, that we cannot remain in our slumber anymore. Poverty and hardship is affecting the Imaan of our Ummah on an unprecedented scale. baby somalia.jpg O Muslims the situation will not change until we change it ourselves with the Help of Allah. And by Allah everyone can help, whether you possess wealth or whether you do not, for verily du’a is the weapon of the believer. O Muslims, it was just last Ramadhan, that our brothers and sisters in the horn of Africa were facing the greatest drought for the last 60 years. SubhanAllah mothers would have to choose which children to take in search for refuge and which children to leave. Mothers would walk up to 300 miles in search for the bare necessities that we ourselves take for granted. And yet despite all this hardship, their Imaan and their faith in Allah Almighty remained unwavered. The water became so scarce within the horn of Africa, that our brothers and sisters, our mothers and children passed away without being able to have their compulsory bath. O Muslims this is a reality. This is not a story. This cannot be something that affects us for a few passing moments and then we return back to our ordinary lives. It is time for us to realise that this ummah is one. This Ummah is an ummah of care and concern. We are like one body. Irrespective of where affliction hits, we have to make a stand and make a change. As Abu Bakr RadiAllahu anhu said, Taking pains to remove the pains of others is the true essence of generosity. By Allah if we strive for His Sake, we will definitely see the fruits of our actions. Whether it be in this world or not – no doubt, we will certainly see it in the hereafter insha’Allah. O Muslims these fruits will be so sweet and so eternal that any strife that is required in acquisition of them will no doubt be worth it. It is time for us to place our trust in Allah Most High. It is time for us to embark upon a journey that will restore peace and prosperity into the lives of the mothers and children of this ummah. Following the worst drought seen for sixty years, Ummah welfare Trust has set up a unique project to help thousands of families to re-start their lives insha’Allah. This project aims to provide the thousands of mothers, fathers and children of Somalia with a foundation on which they can have a fresh start insha’Allah. It is a project that will restore the light into their lives, bring comfort to the mothers who have endured so much and bring hope to the lives of the next generation. O Muslims, the home of these brothers and sisters lies in your heart and all they ask is do you have space? For JUST £700, YOU can help a family re-start their life and provide them with the essential necessities that we unfortunately take for granted. We are a deen of quality. A donation of £1 can have such an immense weight in the eyes of Allah if done with sincerity and Ikhlaas. Our pious predecessors were so successful because they knew this transient and temporary world was worth sacrificing for a greater eternal abode. O Muslims, please step upon this journey with us insha’Allah. Please help make a change and pave the way for our brothers and sisters in Somalia. What they have endured is beyond belief and insha’Allah it is now our duty to help restore some comfort into their lives. We ask for one challenge which everyone can insha’Allah take part in with the Help of Allah. This will serve to boost the total and get this project going insha’Allah. We ask each and everyone who reads this to try and pledge just £5 insha’Allah for the sake of Allah Most High. And thereafter just to share this message with family and friends around you. Whoever points towards a good will insha’Allah get the reward of that good! With the vast numbers of people on facebook, email and so on, if everyone who reads this was able to step up to the challenge, there is no reason why this project and the target can't be reached in no time insha’Allah. May Allah Almighty Reward you greatly in this world and the hereafter - and may He Subhanahu wa Ta’ala Grant you happiness just as you will bring many smiles to our brothers and sisters in Somalia. Ameen. Zakah Accepted To donate/more info image2.jpg |
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O Muslims, the home of these brothers and sisters lies in your heart and all they ask is do you have space? |
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#3 |
O Muslims, even in this century, even in this era, there are so many mothers in this dunya, within our ummah who watch their child die before their eyes out of hunger and thirst. They watch on helplessly as they breathe their last. O Muslims, we cannot become so engrossed in our lives and affairs that we forget the mothers of this ummah. We cannot forget that the lives of others are not all the same as the life of our own. As we retire to sleep with a roof above our heads, know that millions of mothers and children have the sky as their roof and the scorching sand as their carpet. As we chuck away the food that we do not want to eat, know O Muslims that it is these millions of mothers and children who will run to eat those morsels.
Know - O Muslims that what may seem minute to us will be a means of life for another. O Muslims the situation will not change until we change it ourselves with the Help of Allah. Please help restore the light into the lives of the families of Somalia, bring comfort to the mothers who have endured so much and bring hope to the lives of the next generation. insha'Allah. |
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#4 |
Alhamdulillah a £200 donation has just come in! May Allah Reward you abundantly for your support! Please keep donating generously insha'Allah. Zakah Accepted!
Muhammad SalAllahu ‘alaihi wassalam said, ‘…Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala remains committed to help his servant as long as he stays committed to help his brother in need…’ (Muslim) |
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The scars of this Ummah are very deep
SubhanAllah someone sent this to us earlier today and it penetrated the heart so much that it had to be shared. It really drives home how fortunate we are subhanAllah and how ignorant we are with regards to the state of OUR ummah. The rays of hope will shine upon this ummah once we realise that this ummah is one. Once we truly realise and we truly act upon the Hadith where Rasulullah [May Allah bless him and grant him peace] said, ‘The believers, in their love, mutual kindness, and close ties, are like one body, when any part complains, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever.’ What happened to the days of Umar RadiAllahu anhu who said before he was martyred, ‘By Allah, if I live longer, I will not leave any widow of Iraq in need of anyone after this year.’ What happened to the days of Amr ibn Al ‘Aas RadiAllahu anhu who said, Help is on its way, just wait. I am sending to you a caravan the first of which will reach you whilst the last of it is still with me. The Ummah with the Grace of Allah is expanding greatly. We are a world of billions. Why are we not uniting to eliminate the calamites that keep befalling this ummah? Why are we indulging in our own fortunes whilst forgetting the others around us? What if we were to be in their situation and them in ours? Would we have the same outlook? Sometimes words can lose effect, especially when the same message, the same phrases, the same words are portrayed to us time and time again. Sometimes we become desensitized to reality. But it is important for us to realise that our desensitization - in no way – detracts from the disastrous effects reality can have upon lives. An earnest plea however for this short message, is that dear brothers and sisters - do not let what follows come to you as just words on a page. Do not think that the solution lies with somebody else. It is true that the solution lies with somebody, with the Help of Allah. And it is also true that you are a somebody as well. We can never imagine how it feels for a father to have to sell his daughter for a few dollars. We can never imagine how it feels for a mother to see her child paralysed for life from the repeated attacks that the Gazan people have sustained over the years. We can never imagine some of the catastrophies and some of the scenes that the children of this ummah have witnessed at such a tender age. BUT, irrespective of whether we can imagine or not - this does not detract anything away from its bitter reality. Brothers and sisters, the scars of this ummah have become so deep and have penetrated the lives of the ummah so greatly, that it is time for us to make a stand and mobilise. We cannot remain in our fairytale lives any longer. We cannot house such a hard heart within our bodies. The tears of the children, the tears of the mothers, the tears of the widows will not dry until we create the means for those tears to transform into smiles. And don’t think for any second that you cannot be a means of this with the Help of Allah. Brothers and sisters, never belittle any small deed or any act of goodness - for verily it may be that this one act will be our means of entry into the everlasting Paradise insha’Allah. Those that have wealth, use your wealth to support the Deen of Allah. Allah Almighty Has give you such a blessing, such a ni’mah, utilise it in a way that will benefit the ummah and no doubt yourself in your akhira. Those that do not have wealth, know that sadaqah is not limited to monetary means. Even a smile is sadaqah. Once we truly realise the meaning of the aforementioned Hadith - and once we truly realise it is us, as much as anybody else whom the solution lies with, will the rays of hope and the times of the pious predecessors fill our ummah once again. Words may lose effect over time, but we must remember - somewhere in the world, in some corner of this earth, there is an orphan who feels the world and our ummah have turned their backs towards them. There is a widow, so helpless that she cannot fend for herself let alone her own children. We have to come back to reality in order to cultivate change. We have to realise the state that our brothers and sisters are in - and only then will we begin to act insha’Allah. If only one thing is taken from this, then remember – the next time you see a calamity befall someone, the next time you see a disaster hit our ummah whether it be a population of millions of a village of dozens, never think – somebody should do something about it, before you realise that you too are a somebody. There are so many ways to help and assist. There are so many projects and endeavours that have been set up. We just need to take the initiative to involve ourselves within them. Endeavours without people to drive them are fruitless. Amidst the many opportunities I have seen - I recently came across an initiative by ummah welfare trust to help our brothers and sisters within Somalia. A very unique opportunity to help families re-start their lives and at such a tangible figure as well. This project was a great eye opener as it emphasised how much of an effect a single donation can have on the life of a family. Brothers and sisters if you can spare anything at all – please act on this message and please support the brothers and sisters behind this ‘NewLife’ Project. Allah Willing, you can be the means of that transformation. All you have to do is step up to the challenge and donate insha’Allah. May Allah Almighty Grant us all the Tawfeeq to step up and help the Ummah in need and be a means of solace for our brothers and sisters worldwide insha’Allah. Ameen. |
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#8 |
newlife project Ramadhan challenge.jpg Can YOU Raise £700 this Ramadhan? “We are helping to build their dunya, But most certainly, They are helping to build our Akhira” AIM --> To raise £700 to help a family re-start their life in Somalia . Help restore some normality into their lives this Ramadhan. Following the worst drought seen for sixty years, Ummah welfare Trust has set up a unique project to help thousands of families to re-start their lives insha’Allah. This project aims to provide the thousands of mothers, fathers and children of Somalia with a foundation on which they can have a fresh start insha’Allah. It is a project that will restore the light into their lives, bring comfort to the mothers who have endured so much and bring hope to the lives of the next generation. What will YOUR £700 provide? Your £700 will completely change the life of a family in Somalia . Not only will it provide them with a home that lasts a lifetime, it will equip them with the absolute essentials they need to re-start their lives once again insha'Allah. This £700 package will provide them with the nourishment they need for their Deen and Dunya! The Prophet SalAllahu ‘alaihi wassalam said, ‘…Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala remains committed to help his servant as long as he stays committed to help his brother in need…’ (Muslim) Out of an earth of billions, we are looking towards 70 generous individuals who can step up to the challenge. 70 amazing people who can insha’Allah try and raise £700 this Ramadhan to provide a new home for life for a family in Somalia ! Can YOU be one of these 70? Invest in YOUR Akhira this Ramadhan insha’Allah! Help completely change the life of an entire family in Somalia during this blessed month. It will only serve to make your scales heavier on the day of Judgement insha’Allah. There are so many ways to raise £700! With Allah’s Help anything is possible, so don’t feel daunted! Step up to the challenge insha’Allah and help in inspiring real change! YOU can change this around completely insha’Allah. Why not take up this opportunity? Their home lies in YOUR heart and all they ask is do YOU have space? O Muslims, please step upon this journey with us insha’Allah. Please help make a change and pave the way for our brothers and sisters in Somalia . What they have endured is beyond belief and insha’Allah it is now our duty to help restore some comfort into their lives. If you can step up to this challenge, please do email us at: We shall email you an e-fundraising pack to try and assist you as best as we can to reach this £700 target insha’Allah. Insha’Allah together let us see if we can meet this 70 home target by the end of Ramadhan. May Allah Ta’ala Always Keep you happy, just as you will bring many, many smiles to our families in Somalia. Ameen. |
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