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Old 02-21-2008, 01:32 AM   #21

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Haji Imdadullah had many khulafa deobandi and non deobandi. Hazrat Syed Waris used to attend Qawaali and urs at all the famous maqam.. although he was baya to Hazrat Gangoh we know know the supposed stance of Hazrat Gangoh on urs etc .. but somehow his khalifa .. Syed Waris was one who attended such gathering s.
JazakAllah for the input.

However, some things need further explanation.

Sama' of Hazrat Syed Waris Shah was not like the prevalent qawwali. In 'Iqtibasul Anwar' Capt Wahid Baksh has explained how sama' was done by his mashaykh. There are lot of restrictions on who is supposed to attend, what has to be read, in what sequence, what instruments can be used (they used only sittar. No harmonium!) and how are attendees to reflect and understand the poetry being read, etc.

In summary, it is correct that sama' is a controversial issue even amongst the sufis but none of those who permit it do so without any restrictions.

Moreover, these akabir had nothing but praise for the Deobandi scholars.
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Old 02-21-2008, 01:36 AM   #22

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It is very ironic that whereas, most of the common lay Muslims are not aware of the basics of Islam we have people here talking about realities which are beyond the grasp of most of us.

Tabligh is for one's self and these simple lay public. Not for elite and intellectual individuals.
salamu `alaykum

Just because tabligh is for oneself and the simple public does not mean that one can "dumb down" the science of tasawwuf and dilute the concept of this science in the eyes of the masses, transforming it into something as simple as outward action.

The same way Islamic Law cannot be "dumbed down" to following "sound hadith" for this opens a gateway to misconception and ignorance.

No wonder we have numerous laypeople who criticise not only Sufism, but the Sufi scholars en mass for their "innovation" and straying from the path of the righteous. It is only because they have been fed a simplified version of a science whose breadth and depth is beyond measure.

A more effective method would be trying to explain the reality of this science in a manner in which it can be understood, while stressing that such a reality is all together inconceivable at the initial stages of ones traversing.

Half-baked Mawlvi's, we have, half-baked Awliya', we shall have also if such a trend of utter simplification continues.

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Old 02-21-2008, 01:44 AM   #23

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I for one am satisfied with the laymen's understanding of Tasawuf. The secrecy of it which most have claimed as goal is not but Ma'rifa of Allah Himself, such that one attains the level of Ihsan. When I looked for a sheikh it was not so that I could one day become elite in this field.. whoever has thought such has achieved nothing but deception. The aim and goal is nothing but fulfiling the shariah as it is supposed to be fulfilled.

Am I to say of failure of one who spends 100 years of his life in complete submission to each and every sunnah avoiding makroohaat attaining mustahabbat to its fullest and yet doesnt gain any of these "secrets"..

As my sheikh teaches me, One who keeps full to his requirements of deen and not witness anything of what sufiyaa talk of, is better than one who witness much and think it to be of some significance..

I see Ihsaan as the epitome of Tasawwuf just as Hazrat Sheikh r.a mentioned.. and one who prays 5 times with Jamaat in Masjid , with all the Sunnahs, Nawafil.. Khushu etc plus Masnoon Duas throughout the day, Ikram al Muslimeen, Sit down to learn deen so he can practice upon them, and spends time in Itikaaf, wakes early before fajr for tahajjud and weeps profusely before Allah .. All this and much more.. I find it hard to believe that he cannot attain Ihsaan.. or the secret which he would only receive from the awraad and asbaaq of certain sheikh..

Kher, Tablighi Jamaat does have all that to offer for those who wish to take it.. And it is true that its a door from doors to attain the Mahasil.. just like any khankah

P.S One of the recomendation within the work of Tableegh is to get Bayah to a Sheikh Kamil.. so A spiritual guide is part and parcel of this Tablighi Tasawuf ideology...

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Old 02-21-2008, 02:10 AM   #24

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salamu `alaykum

No one joins this path to become an "elite in the field" but to be with Allah - pure and simple. As for "satisfaction: - the bedouin was satisfied with the five pillars, another may be satisfied with adding certain acts of nawawfil, another with adding some dhikr. The Sufis though are only satisfied when they are "with" Allah, not an intellectual ma`rifa but an experiental one.

The examples of the past Sufis are replete regarding the ultimate state of ihsan. Thinking anything else to be the goal is, i am sorry to say, also deception. Ihsan is a "hal", and it has levels just like wilaya does.We should recognize the ends and the means to the ends; not consider the means an ends in themselves.

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Old 02-21-2008, 02:16 AM   #25

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It is very ironic that whereas, most of the common lay Muslims are not aware of the basics of Islam we have people here talking about realities which are beyond the grasp of most of us.

Tabligh is for one's self and these simple lay public. Not for elite and intellectual individuals.

Tasawwuf can not be a mass movement (tehreek). It needs lots of self motivation on an individual level. That may be the reason that akabir of tabligh kept it like this way. That is, on individual level tasawwuf is to be promoted and encouraged.
Well said. As it is said, Tableegh is covering the need of khanqahs in our time. Tableegh is, you can say, a walking khanqah.
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Old 02-21-2008, 02:36 AM   #26

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salamu `alaykum

No one joins this path to become an "elite in the field" but to be with Allah - pure and simple. As for "satisfaction: - the bedouin was satisfied with the five pillars, another may be satisfied with adding certain acts of nawawfil, another with adding some dhikr. The Sufis though are only satisfied when they are "with" Allah, not an intellectual ma`rifa but an experiental one.

The examples of the past Sufis are replete regarding the ultimate state of ihsan. Thinking anything else to be the goal is, i am sorry to say, also deception. Ihsan is a "hal", and it has levels just like wilaya does.We should recognize the ends and the means to the ends; not consider the means an ends in themselves.


Jazak Allah.. you confirm what I said.. It is a Haal and the attaining of that haal is through means.. some by awraad but preferably by masnoon ways.. All the Ibadiyaat Jamat Tabligh does are masnoon, and top that with sincerety and a kamil spiritual guide, you have the making of a best candidate for that "Haal".

Neither the mashaikh of Tablighi Jamaat or The khankahs attached to them claim to provide intelectual ma'rifa.. It is attained the same way your silsila would attain it. However in Tablighi Jamaat you will continue to strive in dunya much more than secluded muraqbas. It is nothing of secrecy in Marifa..as you said yourself it is a Haal, the secrecy in it is ONLY that it cannot be explained in meagre wordings.. But nonetheless Ihsaan is the goal..

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Old 02-21-2008, 02:52 AM   #27

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Asalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah,

If the Mashaikh of the blessed effort of Dawat and Tabligh would understand that being engaged in the before-mentioned effort is totally sufficient, they wouldn't give bay'ah. Or am I wrong?

In my opinion Tabligh is there to teach people the basics of 'Aqeedah, of Fiqh and of Tasawwuf and to encourage the laymen to go and learn more about these 3 parts of Allah's Deen. Because it's not possible for every Muslim to become a Mutakallim, Faqih or Arif. At the other hand like brother Abu Hajira mentioned I believe as well that one can attain un-certain levels of wilaya and ihsaan through sticking to those things he mentioned, because to what else could a Shaykh encourage you?

At the end of the day we are all forced to say "W'Allahu Alam", because Allah alone knows which of his slaves he accepts through which effort. Maulana Yusuf (Rahimullah) always made the following Du'a: "Ya' Allah! Accept me for the effort through which a human becomes your wali."

p.s. Wouldn't it be ignorance of the Sufi-e-Kraam to claim that the goal of Tasawwuf (may it be Ihsan or "being with Allah") can be reached only through ONE way?

Was Salam
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Old 02-21-2008, 02:55 AM   #28

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Neither the mashaikh of Tablighi Jamaat or The khankahs attached to them claim to provide intelectual ma'rifa..
And even if they did, there are plenty of those in tabligh who have achieved knowledge of Allah, in whatever way some may define it.
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Old 02-21-2008, 03:26 AM   #29

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Well said. As it is said, Tableegh is covering the need of khanqahs in our time. Tableegh is, you can say, a walking khanqah.
Stationary khanqahs do exist in our time though although the true ones where success may be attained are few and far between.

Not you, but another Tableeghi brother did say to me that kanqah's don't exist today. I was quite surprised at his statement.
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Old 02-21-2008, 04:12 AM   #30

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Jazak Allah.. you confirm what I said.. It is a Haal and the attaining of that haal is through means.. some by awraad but preferably by masnoon ways.. All the Ibadiyaat Jamat Tabligh does are masnoon, and top that with sincerety and a kamil spiritual guide, you have the making of a best candidate for that "Haal".

Neither the mashaikh of Tablighi Jamaat or The khankahs attached to them claim to provide intelectual ma'rifa.. It is attained the same way your silsila would attain it. However in Tablighi Jamaat you will continue to strive in dunya much more than secluded muraqbas. It is nothing of secrecy in Marifa..as you said yourself it is a Haal, the secrecy in it is ONLY that it cannot be explained in meagre wordings.. But nonetheless Ihsaan is the goal..

salamu `alaykum

Sidi, as you know i never denied the positive influence and effect joining tabligh has on an individual. These positives are undoubted. My only point was that the reality of tasawwuf is really beyond and above putting into words or describing or anything we can ever truly imagine. This is coupled with the fact that "states" have levels. Even people of great piety may not necessarily be `arifin of the highest level.

For example, there is no doubt that the scholars considered Sayyidina Mansur al-Hallaj to be a wali with a strong ihsani haal. However, they also mention that he did not complete the path, he did not reach the goal but only a specific stage within the path. This is not saying that Sayyidina Mansur was not pious, that he had no "state" of ihsan, and so forth but merely that he only sipped a little bit from the divine vessel. This is for a man who was so annihilated in Allah that he said "ana al-haqq". Imagine the annihilation and subsistence (baqa') of those who went far above and beyond him, those who drank the whole vessel till they were quenched.

This is a state that I am talking about, one that is found to be very rare. It takes years and years and years of companionship with one's murshid to reach it.

Shaykh Nuh said once that Shaykh Hashmi, the shaykh of Sayyidina `Abd al-Rahman Shaghouri, sometimes gave ijaza to people whom he saw nur in. However, many of these individuals never materialized into `arifin in the truest sense of the word, or individuals who inherited the murshid's secret. However, this is not to say that such people had no haal at all. They did, but even haal has levels.

Also, I am merely repeating what I heave learnt from my shaykh. I neither claim to be one actualized in tasawwuf nor one who has tasted the reality of it.

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Old 02-21-2008, 06:00 AM   #31

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From : Ashrafiya

Hadhrat Shaykh Sayyid Raziuddin Ahmad was khalifa of Shaykh Fakhruddin Illahabadi, who was a mureed of Mawlana Mohammad Hussain Illahabadi and recieved khilafat from Shaykh Afzal Bukhari, both of the latter were khulafa of Hadhrat Haji Imdadullah mohajir Makki (may Allah have mercy on them).

After migration to Pakistan Shaykh Sayyid Raziuddin Ahmad (may Allah have mercy on him) resided in Karachi. He had a Khanqah behind Islamiya College, Gurumander and was very active in the work of jamat dawat o tabligh.

He authored many books, Tum muskarao tu sab muskarain, Ahl e sulook per achi buri sohbet kay aseraat, Zikirullah, and others.

His prominent khulafa include his youngest son Hadhrat Sayyid Wahajuddin Ahmad and Hadhrat Mansoor Wasif sahib (may Allah preserve them). Both of them are very active in jamat dawat o tabligh. It is highly recommended to the brothers and sisters involved in tabligh to benefit from them by formally traversing the sulook under their guidance (without any alienation to tablighi activities at all). Halqa e zikr is still held at khanqah on Tuesday evenings. Daily majlis is in morning at ishraq time.

Hadhrat passed away in mid 1990s and was burried at Darul Uloom Karachi’s new grave yard.

May Allah have mercy on him and raise his status manifolds. And allow us to benefit from him abundantly. Ameen!

Jazak Allah for sharing this. I have an abridged version of 'Hujjatullah al Baligha' of Hazrat Shah Waliullah by Shaykh Raziudding Ahmad

Also, I remember meeting Hazrat Mansoor Wasif (db) when he came to our local masjid in Houston around the ijtima time in 1998. He was very soft spoken and friendly. Someone told me that he had khilafat in tasawwuf but its today that I found out with whom. Subhan Allah, its a small world.
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Old 02-21-2008, 09:53 AM   #32

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sidi Salman,

Hasil e Behes... The endavours of the khankahi mizaaj, may it be shadhiliyya or Chishtiyya is undoubted.. What is in discussion is Tablighiyya .. Which in fact, is not tablighiyyah but chishtiyyah more or any one of others from among naqshbandiya, qadriya and suhurwardiyyah etc..

Perhaps the reason why you have judged Tablighi Jamaat being inferior to any khankah is because you have only considered it Zahiri Surat and that too in Western World. or perhaps you have not come across Arifeen Kamileem within the Tablighis.. Mufti Memood Gangohi r.a was perhaps the most famous.. Majority of the Akabireen of Tablighi Jamaat in the Marakiz are indeed of high levels of ma'rifa. Albeit, we have less knowledge of it because of our ignorance. Maulana Inaamul Hassan r.a was a giant in Hadeeth along with his spiritual level.. but how many know of him being a Muhaddith? He chose to fulfil the task of tabligh to awaam and served a life sentence in it..

All the levels that you are talking about, after which a sheikh can be called a Kamil sheikh.. have been achieved by some chosen among the Tablighi Mashaikh as well. They are also aware of the vessel of ma'rifa. Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel db. of Durban is a shining example for you.. He started out in Tabligh in a two man's team.. his excellence in Tabligh and in Tasawwuf in incomparible in whole of South Africa.

And indeeed you know as I do, that majority of those of true Ma'arifa.. who have indeed gone the full mile, are rarely exposed to the awaam like us. Thus for us to limit such mahaasil only to the specifics in the circles of traditional khankahi nizaams is naive.

A factoid : Numerous elders in Raiwind are such that they give 3 days per month to their homes... like awaam give 3 days per month to Tablighi work.. These elders are spend 25-27 days per month in the markaz under the honored Mashaikh... If you add that to even a meger 10 years of service under the sheikh.. The "condition" of being under the solace tutelage of the sheikh is aptly fulfilled. Now beyond that , Allah gives Ma'rifa , Laqaa, Baqaa, Fanaa.. to whome ever He so wishes..

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Old 02-21-2008, 10:27 AM   #33

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sidi Salman,

Hasil e Behes... The endavours of the khankahi mizaaj, may it be shadhiliyya or Chishtiyya is undoubted.. What is in discussion is Tablighiyya .. Which in fact, is not tablighiyyah but chishtiyyah more and any one of others from among naqshbandiya, qadriya and suhurwardiyyah etc..

Perhaps the reason why you have judged Tablighi Jamaat being inferior to any khankah is because you have only considered it Zahiri Surat and that too in Western World. or perhaps you have not come across Arifeen Kamileem within the Tablighis.. Mufti Memood Gangohi r.a was perhaps the most famous.. Majority of the Akabireen of Tablighi Jamaat in the Marakiz are indeed of high levels of ma'rifa. Albeit, we have less knowledge of it because of our ignorance. Maulana Inaamul Hassan r.a was a giant in Hadeeth along with his spiritual level.. but how many know of him being a Muhaddith? He chose to fulfil the task of tabligh to awaam and served a life sentence in it..

All the levels that you are talking about, after which a sheikh can be called a Kamil sheikh.. have been achieved by some chosen among the Tablighi Mashaikh as well. They are also aware of the vessel of ma'rifa. Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel db. of Durban is a shining example for you.. He started out in Tabligh in a two man's team.. his excellence in Tabligh and in Tasawwuf in incomparible in whole of South Africa.

And indeeed you know as I do, that majority of those of true Ma'arifa.. who have indeed gone the full mile, are rarely exposed to the awaam like us. Thus for us to limit such mahaasil only to the specifics in the circles of traditional khankahi nizaams is naive.

A factoid : Numerous elders in Raiwind are such that they give 3 days per month to their homes... like awaam give 3 days per month to Tablighi work.. These elders are spend 25-27 days per month in the markaz under the honored Mashaikh... If you add that to even a meger 10 years of service under the sheikh.. The "condition" of being under the solace tutelage of the sheikh is aptly fulfilled. Now beyond that , Allah gives Ma'rifa , Laqaa, Baqaa, Fanaa.. to whome ever He so wishes..

salamu `alaykum sidi

I have no doubts in your words regarding the Akabir who participate in tabligh. My answers though were specifically regarding the general populace that engages in tabligh and how i feel that they consider the goals of tasawwuf to be limited in comparison to its true depth. For example, if we were to teach people fiqh, we would introduce them to what a school (madhab) is, why we follow one, the rank of the a'imma, the complexity of the science, and so forth. These are all required explanations to make an individual understand why we follow scholars, and what a true faqih is. If someone was taught that fiqh is merely hadith proof then such a person will have a limited exposure to the depth of fiqh and its vastness.

I have personally been exposed to tabligh for numerous years. Some of my teachers in fiqh and hadith were people who would go on tabligh regularly and abundantly. One of my ustadhs spent years in tabligh before he settled to teach the Islamic Sciences. I have nothing but love for the Akabir who engage in this noble practice. Granted that people of different exposures participate in tabligh, I still believe that it would be good to expound on the science of tasawwuf and its haqiqa, its infinitude, the rank of the awliya', the `arifin, and what it means to be "with" Allah as they were. This not only inspires people, but it makes them reflect on their states. Saying that the "outward" actions are what you should be doing is good, but its not the full picture. There is a vast difference between a person of taqwa and a person of ma`arifa. The former is not necessarily the latter, the latter though is the former.

Unfortunately, the reason why I speak as I do is because of the experience and results I myself have seen from the utter simplification of the haqiqat al-tasawwuf. I have seen so many people with ijaza in the tariq that simply fail to embody the definition of an `arif. They pray, they fast, they do dhikr, but their are many things in which they lack in: sins of the tongue, for example, caring about other peoples opinions, not fitting in with the attributes of the past `arifin, and so forth. You will ask: How can you judge? I cant answer this, because it is a private matter.

It is exactly like the manner of fiqh. I have heard numerous scholars - Deobandi and others - express concern about the "authority crisis" within traditional Islam. Now we have three year `alim courses and individuals come out of these programs with ijazat and are looked upto as scholars. Compare this, sidi, to the fuqaha of the past. What they learned in dozens of years, we do in three? What Mawlana Thanawi learnt in an 18 year or so darse nizami can now be done in six? It is concerning.

The same, unfortunately, is happening with tasawwuf. I have met a few shuyukh who state that they give or have seen ijaza given to people who are "people of taqwa though not `arifin". How can a non`arif guide to true ma`arifa? The reason given was that the states of the past knower's of Allah is very difficult for people to reach in our time, so we simplify tasawwuf. Subhanallah. But people, though, will think these individuals are ones who traversed the path all the way to Allah.

This is why I have seen many shuyukh, such as my own, speak of the realities of this science and its true meaning and rank. How it is not easy, and calls for immense effort. The meaning of an ijaza, the meaning of taqwa, wilaya and so on. They go into the books of the past `arifin and explain their words in light of the Qur'an and sunna. It is just levels and levels and levels of maqamat that puts one into a state of awe and simple admiration and love for such people. Wallahu A`lam.

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Old 02-21-2008, 10:34 AM   #34

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I will reply in detail.. but ma'khuz is you are looking at the Mubtadi of the field and judging the field by him.. You should look at the Asl in Tablighi Jamaat and not what the general person says or does..

If you go to pakistan and then to all the astaanas of Qadri, do you think you will find all Arifeen there? Ofcourse not.. Only handfull of thousands get to get the ausaaf which you descrive..and of those handfull only a finger tip gets to taste the actual Ma'rifa... We cannot expect everyone to be in that category.

Your very first day with your sheikh.. did he teach you about baqaa or did he teach you about Ikhlaas in niyah?

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Old 02-21-2008, 10:43 AM   #35

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Your very first day with your sheikh.. did he teach you about baqaa or did he teach you about Ikhlaas in niyah?

salamu `alaykum

Our lessons are different, though connected, to the mudhakara sessions the shaykh gives.

The lessons concentrate on actions and getting rid of evil traits. For example, lesson one will be to pray 40 days without missing a single prayer out of its time, and to not get angry (more details to this). Lesson two is regarding the sins of the tongue, and so forth.

The mudhakara sessions though are very technical. They go into details about the reality of tasawwuf, we read from traditional texts of people such as Shaykh Alawi, Ibn Ata'illah, the Lata'if al-Minan, and so forth. You will hear alot of "Junayd said" and "Abu Madyan said" and so forth. You will hear much of the Sufi terminology of fana' wa'l baqa' wa'l tawajjud wa'l wajd and so forth. This is not for a particular class within the tariqa, these are general mudhakara lessons of the shaykh. This is not done to make one feel "proud" and what not. This is to simply embed the goal into our hearts, and to understand the path and the haqiqat of the knower. It is to allow us to know what is the goal and what is the means.

Ofcourse, there are other simpler materials, such as Introduction to Sufism, its place in Islam, and so forth.

I will reply in detail.. but ma'khuz is you are looking at the Mubtadi of the field and judging the field by him.. You should look at the Asl in Tablighi Jamaat and not what the general person says or does. I did not mean the beginner, sidi. I mean the general populace who are *regular* and *active* in tabligh activities.

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Old 02-21-2008, 11:46 AM   #36

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is behez mein nafsani boo hain,
zara murke dekhe,
kahi rastein sein pao na hat jaye

just a thought, had to put it down. maybe it will benefit someone.

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Old 02-21-2008, 03:46 PM   #37

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sidi Salman,

1. You will see the same lessons for initiated everywhere..

2. You forget that Tablighi Jamaat is not solely for Tasawuf. This I think is the biggest misconception that is prevailing in this thread. While Khanqahs are established for the sole purpose of Tazkiyatun Nafs, Tablighi Jamaat encompasses a broader aim. This is why you would find majority in tablighi jamaat to be inclined towards or against the tasawwuf JUST LIKE in normal general population. To compare you would have to look at those withing Tablighi Jamaat who choose to go pursue sulook. And those who dont, are not left void as well .. they attain the blessing of ibaadiyaat in general.

3. Also look at the spectrum and types of people khanqas attend to.. e.g silsila Shadhiliyya is not in the forefront just like Owaisi etc.. So the perception of general masses within small silsilas will not really show in the a bigger Silsila. e.g Naqshbandi.. How many of naqshbandies general masses know squat about ibadiyaat let alone the secrets of Al-Haqaiq. Similarly Tablighi Jamaat covers the entire world.. So it is is very much plausable that a vast majority will not be dir hard in to tasawwuf..

4. At the same time It out to be mentioned very clearly, that the means may just be that (mean) but when it comes to ibadiyaat they are NOT ONLY means.. they serve the purpose of worshiping Allah. We do not wish to confuse the aspects of dhikriyyahs that once the mahasil is attained the mean is no longer required. With regards to Ibadiyaat they remain the core requirement for the Wilaya.. such that should one lessen his ibaadiyaat or leave faraidh he is no longer mustahiq of being called Wali.. rather a Dhalim who, while knowing the Maqam of a Fardh left it out.

If that is not the case with Sufiyaa in arab lands then I will only deduce that Tablighi Sufiyaa are more solid on the fundamentals of tasawuf.

5. Tasawwuf, as you said, is NOT knowing about the Ahwaal .. or knowing about the Aqwals, or knowing about the Abdaals.. it is a personal Ta'luq Ma' Allah. The intaha of it is that even the link of Sheikh gets blurred in ones link to Allah. And All this is such that even a streethawker can gain without having any abilities in the know how of aqwaal and ahwaal of tasawuf. He may be a laymen in your or my terms, yet be at a high level of Arif billah, without even knowing himself what his status is..

At the very end, the idea of this discussion is not to see Tabligh from Tasawwuf eyes, rather the opposite.. and as explained Tasawwuf is an integral Juzz of Tablighi Jamaat.. It doesnt have to be apparent in the general people .. as long as its teaching are practiced it. What needs to be apparent is Tabligh (towards the Ahkaam of Deen, and towards the Islaah un Nafs, and towards Islahul Muamalat), for which it is termed Tabligh.. It is a blessing of Allah that along with all these important factors, it also allows one to excel in his spirituality in ones link to Allah.

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Old 02-21-2008, 04:03 PM   #38

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is behez mein nafsani boo hain,
zara murke dekhe,
kahi rastein sein pao na hat jaye

just a thought, had to put it down. maybe it will benefit someone.


Jazak Allah.. very nice point..

I am here defending the Tasawwuf aspect of Tabligh Jamaat withough being a tableeghi.. I do so only to acknowledge what I feel is right.. InshAllah may Allah give me taufeeq to spend time in the jamaat as well.. warna main to seeda saadha banda e khuda hoon, na mujhe is ki fikr hai ke kya mahasi hay aur kya mahsool.. bas apni lagan lagi rahe..

as Maulana Zulfiqar db so nicely says.. when someone asked that is there a need for a salik to attain high darajaat and kamaliyaat.. he said that when one is engages in dua to Allah.. what does he care what level he will get or not.. he has already attainted the goal to be with Allah in that dua.. he should be pleasently content with himself being in Allah's presence..Knowing that even if he cannot see Allah.. Allah not only sees him, but is attentively listening to him .. What more does a lover want from the beloved..

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Old 02-21-2008, 06:23 PM   #39

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Good discussion. Nice to see,unlike the usual tabligh topics this one not going off on a tangent.
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Old 02-21-2008, 06:29 PM   #40

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Nov 2005
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Asslamo Allaikum,

Just wanted to ask that if Tabligh is Fardh Ain (Obligatory individually) on whoever believes in Khatm-e-Nabuwwat (Finality of Prohethood of Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam)?


Is it Fardh-Kifayah (Obligatory Communnally)?

What is the Fatwa?
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