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Old 08-24-2011, 06:41 AM   #1

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Default Promotion of Dark Spirituality by Hollywood Movies
Evil should not be underestimated. How cleverly they are using movies to lure the public to the dark side !!! More on this issue is here.


George Lucas developed the spiritual format of Star Wars culture to be precisely Kabbalistic.

The lower levels of human society will be completely sexualized. Sexuality will saturate society. Sexual exploration will be encouraged from youth: hence the current seeding of child sexualization. Sexual practice will be a mandate, not an option. At higher levels, true sexual mastery will be taught.

The Illuminati are seeding the public with notions that gradually grow larger and more influential over time. They did it with Feminism; they did it with flexi-sexuality; they are doing it with anti-religion and with child sexualization now. They do this because the future society they have planned must be structured differently from what we all know now. A different structure requires citizens with different thinking who will accept that structure.
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Old 03-01-2012, 10:17 PM   #2

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Satanic bankers who own the main stream media tries to ignore the real origin of life on earth and thus promotes atheism. It wants to erase the concept of Allah, Almighty Creator.
Check this.


More News Sources Admit the "Mystery" of Life's Origin

It's not every day that the mainstream media admit that the origin of life is a mystery. But it happens.

In a recent article, "Origin-of-Life Theorists Fail to Explain Chemical Signatures in the Cell," we noted the admission from Nature News: "How life began is one of nature's enduring mysteries." Now, a LiveScience article on MSNBC, titled "The mystery of how Earth's primordial soup came to life," asks: "What turned sterile molecules into living, changing organisms? That's the ultimate mystery."

But of course, the same media sources resist leaving the impression that we really don't understand how life arose by natural chemical means. The article goes on to say:

Just as species are believed to have evolved over time, the individual molecules that form the basis of life also likely developed in response to natural selection, scientists say.

It sounds so easy, so simple. But how much have scientists actually explained? According to the article, they've explained how a couple of compounds in the primordial soup might have escaped destruction by UV radiation:

Molecules that could combine to gain attributes would survive longer and proliferate, while those that were more easily destroyed would fade away.

One example is the compound of glutamic acid and two glycine molecules.

Individually, each of these molecules was easily destroyed by ultraviolet radiation. But put together, they were extremely stable.

Yes, this compound might have been naturally selected to avoid destruction by UV radiation. But the problem is how to produce glycine in the first place. Origin-of-life theorists still haven't shown there's a viable mechanism capable of producing the organic molecules necessary for a primordial soup under the actual conditions on the early Earth.

Yet even once you've got a primordial soup of amino acids (or other organic molecules), you've got the problem of linking the primitive monomers into polymers. This can't happen in an aqueous environment like a prebiotic soup because, as the U.S. National Academy of Sciences observes:

In water, the assembly of nucleosides from component sugars and nucleobases, the assembly of nucleotides from nucleosides and phosphate, and the assembly of oligonucleotides from nucleotides are all thermodynamically uphill in water. Two amino acids do not spontaneously join in water. Rather, the opposite reaction is thermodynamically favored at any plausible concentrations: polypeptide chains spontaneously hydrolyze in water, yielding their constituent amino acids.

But assuming that you can somehow get polypeptide chains out of the primordial soup, there's no way to properly order the amino acids to produce something functional. This explanation from the article certainly doesn't solve the problem:

"If you have to evolve a receptor composed of a precise ordering of 400 amino acids, it wouldn't be possible to do it all at once," [Michigan State University physiologist Robert Root-Bernstein] said. "You have to use stable modules."

These modules are the compound molecules that have become stable by combining. If life assembled from combinations of these already-stable building blocks, rather than a random combination of raw molecules from scratch, the process would have been much more efficient.

"The difference between trying absolutely everything and trying a small number of stable modules is huge," Root-Bernstein said. "It makes something that's virtually impossible into something that's very likely."

The problem with this argument is that natural selection requires replication. But as far as we're aware, life cannot replicate until many parts are present. Without natural selection, you're stuck with what David Berlinski calls "sheer dumb luck." Unless there's some reason (and none is given in the article) to expect the spontaneous production of all the "stable modules" of the 400-amino-acid receptor, all you can rely on is sheer chance.

The odds of assembling a 400-amino acid receptor by chance are nil, but even if you had that receptor, it still is dramatically insufficient to yield a living, reproducing organism. No wonder biochemist Nick Lane observes that the "soup has no capacity for producing the energy vital for life."

It's time for a little reality check here: origin-of-life theorists need to explain how a myriad of complex proteins and features arose and self-assembled into a self-replicating life-form by unguided processes, but they are still scraping for mechanisms to explain how an inert primordial soup of organic molecules could have arisen in the first place.

I wish them the best of luck in their efforts, because they'll need it. They are a long way from explaining how life arose. It looks like Nature was right after all: "How life began is one of nature's enduring mysteries."
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Old 03-01-2012, 10:32 PM   #3

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This is the core issue - a war for our souls, whether it's about economy, politics, sexuality, art and culture, or even science in certain cases. Most people don't see that or seem to lose track of that.
One is not allowed to even begin to doubt Darwinism in scientific circles. The level of brainwashing is scary in academia. Scientists and professors act as gatekeepers - and most are probably not even aware of it, only those at the top realize it. If others do realize it, they keep silent because they know they would lose their job or funding if they said anything.

A Satanic cult has colonized the earth. This is the key to understanding
history and avoiding the pitfalls of modern "cult--ure."


If you wish to escape the ravages of modern life, understand that
mankind is satanically possessed. We are being inducted into the lowest ranks of a satanic cult, the Illuminati.

I am not speaking from a Christian or Biblical perspective. I am from a secular background. The difference is that I recognize, in secular terms, that God is the magnificent moral and natural order governing the universe.

The prevalent Illuminist denial of God is a satanic rebellion that ultimately cannot be won.

Our satanic possession is the product of a highly organized long-term conspiracy to establish a "New World Order." Today, the cancer has spread to all social institutions, public and private, including charities and the church. As a result, humanity has fallen into a coma, hardly able to recognize the sickness, let alone resist.

As I have said, the mainspring of this diabolical conspiracy is the Cabalist (Illuminati) dynastic families who own the world's central banks. Their control of most large corporations, especially media, and consequently politicians ensures that their cancer is all pervasive.

Here are just some logos with Illuminati motifs. Politicians and entertainers adore making the sign of Baphomet and the Masonic handshake.

The instrument of this secret control is Freemasonry, a Cabalist secret Society. (The Illuminati is a secret society within Freemasonry.) Essentially you will rise in Freemasonry and society according to your willingness to serve Lucifer, and betray your community to the new Luciferian dispensation.


Democracy is a charade. Sure, we can decide where the sewers will go, but the big issues have been taken out of our hands. All the politicians are Freemasons: Ron Paul, Obama, Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum.

They divide into a House League, with certain Masons taking the Right, and other Masons taking the Left. The people are polarized, distracted and deceived. No one sees the puppet master. Nothing fundamental ever changes.

Left Vs. Right : Two apparently opposing forces advancing the same goal, a thinly veiled world police state ruled by satanist billionaires.

The same applies to the international stage: Islamists Vs. Zionists: Both Masons.

Nothing illustrates our peril better than 9-11. Essentially the Illuminati bankers through their Masonic proxies murdered over 3000 Americans in broad daylight and got away with it.

This mass trauma brainwashing was designed to justify foreign wars and a domestic police state. It could not have succeeded without the collaboration of the mass media and virtually the whole political elite, who are an occupying power, a colonial administration.

The essence of Satanism is to turn the natural and moral order upside down i.e. "revolution."

God is Reality. Satanism turns reality on its head.

Thus, the good is made to appear evil and vice-versa. Lies have the authority of truth. The Truth can never be known. It is a matter of perception. It is whatever the Illuminati say it is.

Beautiful is ugly and ugly is considered beautiful. What is healthy and natural (e.g. marriage, family, heterosexuality) is painted as unhealthy while what is sick (e.g. homosexuality) is presented as natural and healthy.

These examples of our satanic possession should be seen in this light:

1. The divorce of sex from love, marriage and procreation. The promotion of anonymous sex in place of courtship degrades all human contact to the level of sex appeal. Anonymous sex is hyped as the best experience in life.

Pornography, the sex addicts' cocaine, is made widely available. 70-80% of teenage boys watch online porn regularly. Girls need to behave like porn stars to be loved. The sexualization of children takes place and eventually, acceptance of pedophilia. In Japan, porn is killing heterosexual relations.


(left, The liberal media does a happy dance every time two marines kiss.)

2. Gender bending - the relentless media promotion of feminism, lesbianism and homosexuality is designed to destroy heterosexual identity and values, including marriage and family.

3. Incessant wars have no purpose other than to increase the wealth and power of the Illuminati and undermine nation states. All wars are contrived by the Illuminati to kill off natural leaders and demoralize, degrade and destroy humanity. Ironically, they are an excuse for Illuminati "world government."

4. Entertainers are members of the Illuminati and part of the Satanic initiation. Madonna's Superbowl half-time and Nicki Minaj's performance at the Grammy's were both Satanic rituals.

5. The dumbing down of the public through sports, entertainment and a defective education system.

My whole website is devoted to this topic. The point is -- mankind is satanically possessed.

left, hiding in plain view. A Masonic sculpture in front of Toronto Police HQ, shows a woman cop working on a pyramid.)


The masses are in denial. Corruption and sexual abuse (e.g. Gerry Sandusky) abound but no one mentions Freemasonry. The legal system and police are compromised.

Society is a full accomplice in its own subversion. The masses have Stockholm syndrome. They hope that the psychopaths won't harm them if they keep their heads down and play along.

Fully invested in their enslavement, people are too venal, craven or dumb to face reality. They prove Aldous Huxley's prophesy that the slaves "will love their slavery."

Eventually the Illuminati will degrade us until humanity's promise is lost, and the Illuminati's depraved vision of man is vindicated. Then our culling under some pretext will seem like Divine Justice.

Our best hope is the Internet. It's very hard to institute a police state in an age of instant communication.

As long as the Internet is free, we will remain free. Let's defend it with our lives!
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Old 03-01-2012, 11:04 PM   #4

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Salaamu alaiykum
Simple solution. Don't watch movies. As far as the education system is concerned, there are some islamic literature available that help you deal with some of these issues, like of darwanism etc.
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Old 03-02-2012, 09:34 AM   #5

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Lots of movies with magic gered towards children,Muslims need to be very mindful of. And not to mention the immoral behavior and violence that is in most movies.Parents need to be more concern with these issues.
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Old 03-30-2012, 05:46 AM   #6

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A new movie " The Hunger Games " is out for mass indoctrination !

The movie delivers the message that girls (the main target) should be aggressive and macho.

If they behave this way, they can beat any challenges.

No mention that girls who behave this way will have serious problems in marriage and the raising of their own children, roles where femininity is crucial.

############# be aware of female pic #########
The Hunger Games" describes the return of gladiator-style violence intended to occupy the attention of mid- to lower-level citizens in the future society that the Illuminati have planned.

The Illuminati have drawn up a plan for a strictly hierarchical society, far stricter than what is presented in this film, by the way. The lesser levels of society will need entertainment.

The past few years have borne the phenomenon of a sudden garden of gladiator films. Of course we had the in-your-face film "Gladiator", with Russell Crowe, in 2001. That was the setoff. It's been followed by the "Undisputed" series, I (2002), II (2006), and III (2010), "Blood and Bone" with Michael Jai White, "Fighting" with Channing Tatum, "Real Steel" with Hugh Jackman, "Arena" with Samuel Jackson, and so forth.

The gladiator is coming back.
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Old 06-29-2012, 10:57 PM   #7

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The article below was written from a Christian perspective. Still , it provides insight about the satanic bankers who control Hollywood movie makers.

Prometheus is a movie where there are simply too many Illuminati signals to ignore, or dismiss as coincidence. It is a message of what is coming our way.

We are living in the times of occultist Alice Bailey's Externalization of the Hierarchy, a time when the satanic plan for humankind would not be the property of a few initiates, but would be promoted openly.

Prometheus relies heavily on the works of Erich Von Daniken, the author of The Chariots of Gods and other works that affirmed that aliens created men. It also defends the views of people like Zachariah Stichin, who say that Sumerian gods from outer space, the Anunnaki, created men.
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Old 06-30-2012, 12:15 AM   #8

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The article below was written from a Christian perspective. Still , it provides insight about the satanic bankers who control Hollywood movie makers.

Prometheus is a movie where there are simply too many Illuminati signals to ignore, or dismiss as coincidence. It is a message of what is coming our way.

We are living in the times of occultist Alice Bailey's Externalization of the Hierarchy, a time when the satanic plan for humankind would not be the property of a few initiates, but would be promoted openly.

Prometheus relies heavily on the works of Erich Von Daniken, the author of The Chariots of Gods and other works that affirmed that aliens created men. It also defends the views of people like Zachariah Stichin, who say that Sumerian gods from outer space, the Anunnaki, created men.
LOL - if only you guys knew the shaitaan have no influence on those who are protected by the Words of Allah, Al-Quran

It seems the externalisation is having its desired effects ??

You guys overemphasise the power, when in reality, its an illusion !!!

Dont fall for the illusion of those strutting their power on earth ! - They got NO power. They are jokers, just laughable, thats why they need films, light entertainment to get to you lol lol !!

La Hawl Wa La Quwata Illa Billa hil Ale ul Azeem

There is no power and no strength except that of Allah
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Old 06-30-2012, 12:18 AM   #9

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LOL - if only you guys knew the shaitaan have no influence on those who are protected by the Words of Allah, Al-Quran

It seems the externalisation is having its desired effects ??

You guys overemphasise the power, when in reality, its an illusion !!!

Dont fall for the illusion of those strutting their power on earth ! - They got NO power. They are jokers, just laughable lol lol !!

La Hawl Wa La Quwata Illa Billa hil Ale ul Azeem

There is no power and no strength except that of Allah
The Illuminati, Freemasons & Bin Laden
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Old 06-30-2012, 12:26 AM   #10

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Secret societies ?

Over a million people slaughtered in Iraq OPENLY, based on OPEN lies, completly in OPEN, no secrets - in your face....!

and we are really worried about what they do in secret, what a complete joke !!

Aouthobillah, Astagfiirallah
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Old 06-30-2012, 06:33 AM   #11

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Its all one brother. People were prepared by Hollywood for anti-Muslim wars long before the war on terror started.
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Old 06-30-2012, 06:35 AM   #12

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Lots of movies with magic gered towards children,Muslims need to be very mindful of. And not to mention the immoral behavior and violence that is in most movies.Parents need to be more concern with these issues.
I know some people who let their young children watch Cbeebies, but nearly every program on that channel promotes either dancing (which they manage to slip in everywhere) or magic.
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