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Old 07-08-2012, 11:49 PM   #1

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Default Rastafarianism: A recent form of shirk

I m sure some of the members heard about someone mixing Islam and Rastafarianism and Ganja smoking few hours ago. All this mumbo jumbo has nothing to do with Islam. This is just to understand what is this new type of shirk is all about. Its just a hippie religion formed by a bunch of weed smokers.

From BBC.

Rastafari at a glance

Rastafari is a young, Africa-centred religion which developed in Jamaica in the 1930s, following the coronation of Haile Selassie I as King of Ethiopia in 1930.

Rastafarians believe Haile Selassie is God and that he will return to Africa members of the black community who are living in exile as the result of colonisation and the slave trade. Rastafari theology developed from the ideas of Marcus Garvey, a political activist who wanted to improve the status of fellow blacks. There are approximately one million world wide adherents of Rastafari as a faith. The 2001 census found 5,000 Rastafarians living in England and Wales.

Followers of Rastafari are known by a variety of names: Rastafarians, Rastas, Sufferers, Locksmen, Dreads or Dreadlocks.

- It spread globally following the success of Bob Marley and his music in the 1970s
-Rastafarians believe that blacks are the chosen people of God, but that through colonisation and the slave trade their role has been suppressed
-The movement's greatest concerns are the repatriation of blacks to their homeland, Africa, and the reinstatement of blacks' position in society
-It is an exocentric religion - as Haile Selassie, whom adherents consider as God, is outside the religion
-Rastafari religious ceremonies consist of chanting, drumming and meditating in order to reach a state of heightened spirituality
-Rastafarian religious practice includes the ritual inhalation of marijuana, to increase their spiritual awareness
-Rastafarians follow strict dietary laws and abstain from alcohol.
-Rastafarians follow a number of Old Testament Laws
-There is a separate code of religious practice for women in Rastafari
-Rastafarians believe reincarnation follows death and that life is eternal
-Rastafarians are forbidden to cut their hair; instead, they grow it and twist it into dreadlocks
-Rastafarians eat clean and natural produce, such as fruit and vegetables
-Rastafarians try to refrain from the consumption of meat, especially pork
-Rastafarians are opposed to abortion and contraception

This has nothing to do with Islam.
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Old 07-09-2012, 12:35 AM   #2

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ajeeb indeed
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Old 07-09-2012, 03:51 AM   #3

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Lol, is this seriously a religion?

And of course it has nothing to do with Islam!
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Old 07-09-2012, 04:04 AM   #4

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Ufff, everyday we are introduced to a new group of idiots through the internet. The word at first glance, seems to refer to the ideology of the rashtriya rifles... It isnt ajeeb , this is exactly what one can come up with under the influence of weed. May Allah Guide all the muslim and kafir charsees (druggies) of the world.
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Old 07-09-2012, 06:32 AM   #5

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This has nothing to do with Islam.
Tell us something new.

wa 3alaikum as salaam.
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Old 07-09-2012, 06:43 AM   #6

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Tell us something new.
lets see.... well, the Higgs Boson has been found.
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Old 07-09-2012, 09:06 AM   #7

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lets see.... well, the Higgs Boson has been found.
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Old 07-09-2012, 10:53 PM   #8

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Do not curse those they call upon besides Allah, in case that makes them curse Allah in animosity, without knowledge. In this way We make the actions of every nation seem attractive to them. Then they will return to their Lord, and He will inform them about what they did. (al-An`am 6:108)

Haile Selassie Died immediately after reciting the Shahada according to one source

Sidi Muhammad Bashir Tijani RA was a complete shaykh, alim, and one of the few if not the only ones who ever led a Jihad against the Ruler Haille Salassie. The shaykh was the first of Tijani shuyukh from the Ethiopian region of Wollo which is very close related to the same tribe (Tigra) of the ruler and contemporary of the Prophet SAWS the king the righteous lover the Tab'i Sidi Ahmad Najashi. The region of Wollo was known to be a great area of scholars and great Shuyukh of the Qadiriya Tariqa. The shaykh first took tariqa from Sidi Ahmad al Shingiti of Mauritania and became one of his successors and also he was one of the successors of Sayid Faqih Muhammad Ahmad Umar (who flooded the tariqa tijaniya in Ethiopia). Upon searching for a guide one day while sitting in the masjid he asked Allah sincerely to unveil for him a guide to lead him in his training of purification. At the very moment after making dua a certain Sidi Ahmad al Shingiti came to the doorway of the masjid called his name and told him to follow him. Sidi Bashir followed this Sidi Ahmad Shingiti to an area of mountains that was known to be an area of the home of Ifreet Jinn. This area of Ethiopia is known to be a home to some of the most powerful and dangerous Jinn for it is believed that it was used as a prison for the most powerful of bad behaving Jinn during the time of Prophet Sulayman alaihi Salaam. This mountain region was were Sidi Ahmad Shingiti lived and he brought his new disciple to this area to do his spiritual training. Sidi Ahmad Shingiti was known to live in this area due to him being ordered to discipline the Ifreet Jinn of that area, give them dawah of Islam, and many of them became believers and many also took the Tariqa Tijaniya at his hands. After Sidi Muhammad Bashir Tijani completed his spiritual training at the hands of Sidi Ahmad Shingiti he then saw the oppression that many of the Muslims of Ethiopia were suffering at the hands of the then ruler Emperor Haille Salassie and he began to gather an army of Believers men and Jinn to take over the kingdom of Ethiopia. Sidi Muhammad Bashir Tijani then took over many regions in Ethiopia till it was thought that he would take over the whole country with his army of men and Jinn. But to no avail many of the people who decided to fight along side with him fled, gave up, and many left his army of Mujahideen. This was due to Sidi Muhammad Bashir at that time not receiving permission from the Hadhra (Presence) of the Prophet alaihi salat wa Salaam. It is from the reports of some certain khabar or weak hadiths that point to a statement of the Prophet saying that Ethiopia was never to be taken over by an army and the dawah of Islam was never to be done with the sword in the country. This statement or khabar reported from the Prophet also stated that the only way Islam was to spread in Ethiopia was how Islam arrived there in the first place, and that was through the sincere love of the Prophet and only this. Islam was only to be spread through Ethiopia through the writing and singing of Qasa'id (Poems) about the love of the Prophet and till this day many non muslims in Ethiopia come to islam through the recitation of reciting poetry and nasheeds in which many Christians now the contents of these poems and sing them in which many many take their Shahada through falling in love with the Prophet through the poetry. The poems about the Prophet are sung in the masjids all throughout the city and just as it is common to hear the Adhan (Call to Prayer) before the salat it is also common to hear the Qasa'ids (poems in praise of the Prophet) recited after the salat in particular during Ramadan, the month of Rabi' al Awwal, and Thursday nights for the eve of the Holy day of Yawm al Juma'a. Sidi Muhammad Bashir with his armies leaving him was now discovered on the validity of these khabar reports and he was then found and taken to jail by the Ethiopian government . A certain sequence of events are well known in the Ethiopian Government till this day and the events are still spoken word and a part of oral tradition there. While in Jail for rebelling against Haille Salassie one particular police officer who was in charge of watching his cell at night tells the story......"whenever I would take Muhammad Bashir Tijani to his cell and I chain him up and lock all the many locks on him. His cell was empty of other things that will give him access to escape but when i returned to him in the morning i would come to the cell and see his room amazingly full of books and all his chains would be loose. I would then come to the cell amazed at this miracle, this occurance would happen many times due to me putting him back in his chains with even more locks but whenever i returned to his cell to check on him i would always find him with more books reading or either making his prayers or using his rosary". Because Sidi Muhammad Bashir made the worst of crimes (rebelling) against the Emperor he was sentenced to death. On the day of his execution the firing squad was told to fire but all of their guns were jammed. Whenever new guns was replaced with the jammed ones those new guns became jammed as well. Even to the point they buried Sidi Muhammad Bashir in the ground with only his head showing with the intention of a tank to roll over his head. But to the surprise of the jail officials the tank suddenly exploded with the metal flying in the air killing many of those who were present trying to kill Sidi Muhammad Bashir Tijani. When they finally gave up on killing him they just decided to keep him in jail forever down in the bottom bottom basement of the Jail. During this time one of the top government officials that was very close to Haille Selassie had a daughter in which she was feared to be possessed by a powerful Jinn. The officials tried all sorts of medicine and attempts to cure the daughter for she was near a coma and they feared that the jinn possessing her would never leave and use the body of the girl as a means of doing its evil. When the jail officials heard of the news of this daughter of the major Government official they then told him that they knew someone who may be able to help for they have seen amazing wonders happen around this certain Sidi Muhammad Bashir. They then took Muhammad Bashir to the house of this government official. As soon as Sidi Muhammad Bashir got out of the vehicle walking up to the house everyone heard a loud loud shrek coming from the body of the possessed daughter and from ever window they saw dark smoke leaving the house. Sidi Muhammad Bashir's mere presence was enough to scare the powerful Jinn away from the Officials daughter. When the official saw this miracle he then went to tell Haille Selassie of this news and the happiness that he had from the Shaykh helping his daughter with her demonic illness. Haille Selassie then pardoned Sidi Muhammad Bashir and let him free with the condition he would not rebel anymore against the government. The two then built up a sort of teacher student relationship in the latter days of the life of Haille Selassie and it was told to us by the son of Sidi Muhammad Bashir Tijani that the Shaykh was present at the deathbed of Haille Selassie and that his father informed him that at his death bed the Emperor stated the words of the Shahada and passed away. Of course this isnt something that is known in Ethiopia but it is said that his immediate family are aware of this event. But for the fear of the masses hearing this news the family ordered him to be given a Christian burial. But those who know are well informed but Allah is the best of Knowers! Sidi Muhammad Bashir was also a descendant of the Prophet alaihi salat wa Salam and his grave is visited by many for the barakat. I was blessed to stay in the house of his descendants during my three month stay in Ethiopia and the legacy of the Tijani Shuyukh is still alive and present today I copied and pasted this from Facebook, I have no idea if it could be verified or not
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Old 07-09-2012, 11:31 PM   #9

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Dr Sahab give no publicity to them. Just because it was difficult to get rid of them it does not mean that they amount to anything more then zilch.
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Old 07-10-2012, 03:16 AM   #10

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i know right i cant believe this a religion, what breaks my heart more is that my mother converted to this stupid religion. She was a muslim and has rejected its straight path. May Allah protect us from this. Ameen
La ilaha illallah Allah will guide who he wants and will lead astray who he want.

Salamu Alaikum
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Old 07-10-2012, 03:26 AM   #11

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i know right i cant believe this a religion, what breaks my heart more is that my mother converted to this stupid religion. She was a muslim and has rejected its straight path. May Allah protect us from this. Ameen
La ilaha illallah Allah will guide who he wants and will lead astray who he want.

Salamu Alaikum

i am so sorry to hear this. May Allah guide her back to Islam. in sha Allah i will pray for her and ask other people to do it too!
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Old 07-10-2012, 04:14 AM   #12

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i know right i cant believe this a religion, what breaks my heart more is that my mother converted to this stupid religion. She was a muslim and has rejected its straight path. May Allah protect us from this. Ameen
La ilaha illallah Allah will guide who he wants and will lead astray who he want.

Salamu Alaikum
May Allah guide her as a blessing to you. Keeping trying to educate her brother, InshaAllah she will one day realise her mistake.
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Old 07-10-2012, 04:19 AM   #13

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Do not curse those they call upon besides Allah, in case that makes them curse Allah in animosity, without knowledge. In this way We make the actions of every nation seem attractive to them. Then they will return to their Lord, and He will inform them about what they did. (al-An`am 6:108)

Haile Selassie Died immediately after reciting the Shahada according to one source

I copied and pasted this from Facebook, I have no idea if it could be verified or not
It seems possible he said Shahada before he died, but prior to that he had lived much of his life as a bulwark against the growth of Islam.

Interestingly he came to power as the result of events that occurred after a relative of his loosing the throne of Ethiopia due to his conversion to Islam.
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