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Old 01-16-2008, 07:05 AM   #1

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Default Top Bangladeshi Scholar Passes away

The noble shaykh has left this world.
Please make dua for the shaykh. Allamah Fultali (RAH) as he was widely known, was a very pious man. He was probably one of the very last scholars we had linking us to the great ulama of the past. He was a very moderate scholar and was a great example of the Shah Wali Allah (RA) school. His janaza will be performed later today.

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Old 01-16-2008, 07:48 AM   #2

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Sad news, for the entire ummah, it seem's like we have lost so many of our esteemed , ulemah over the last decade or so.
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Old 01-16-2008, 07:56 AM   #3

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Old 01-16-2008, 10:58 PM   #4

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The noble shaykh has left this world.
Please make dua for the shaykh. Allamah Fultali (RAH) as he was widely known, was a very pious man. He was probably one of the very last scholars we had linking us to the great ulama of the past. He was a very moderate scholar and was a great example of the Shah Wali Allah (RA) school. His janaza will be performed later today.

My dear brothers and sisters;

the world has sufffered the tragic loss of a great Wali of Allah! Allama Saheb Qibla Fultali passed away around 20;00GMT on the 15th january 2008

May Allah accept his comtributions to Islam and the muslim Ummah and raise his status in the hereafter


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Old 01-16-2008, 11:37 PM   #5

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Old 01-17-2008, 03:13 AM   #6

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Old 01-17-2008, 05:21 AM   #7

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A top Bangladeshi Scholar, known as Fultoli Saheb, had passed away yesterday. Please make dua for him. He was around 105 years old.

May Allah make him a resident of Jannatul Firdaus and fill his qabr with noor. Amin
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Old 01-17-2008, 05:56 AM   #8

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105! He must have seen most of the Akabireen? The Shaikhul Hadith of Dhabel also passed away recently (I think his name was Moulana Ikram (rahmatullahialayh)). Please make dua for him too. I heard that Shaikh Yunus (damatbarakatuhum) used to say that he is afraid of going to Dhabel becuase Moulana Ikram's (rahmatullahialayh) knowledge scares him!
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Old 01-17-2008, 06:18 AM   #9

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105! He must have seen most of the Akabireen? The Shaikhul Hadith of Dhabel also passed away recently (I think his name was Moulana Ikram (rahmatullahialayh)). Please make dua for him too. I heard that Shaikh Yunus (damatbarakatuhum) used to say that he is afraid of going to Dhabel becuase Moulana Ikram's (rahmatullahialayh) knowledge scares him!

He was a great scholar and sufi master. Following the Tareeqa Naqshbandi-Mujadidi-Muhammadi. His name was Allamah Abdal Latif who hailed from the village of Fultali in the disrtict of Sylhet in Bangladesh. I have started a thread here, as well:


innalilahi wa ina aliyhi rajioun

He was indeed a link to the scholars of the past.
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Old 01-17-2008, 06:47 AM   #10

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It is very sad this scholar passed away, I was in Bangladesh in Jul 2007, and whilst there from everyone I heard good word about this Shaykh people from different background always enquiring about his health, which amazed me, I really wanted to go an see the scholar but due to one reason or another never got round to it, my relatives who are related to him informed a great mass of people(estimated uver 800000) gathered for his funeral and came to pay last respect, The Village of Fultoli is overwhelmed with people grieving, I have been told Indian/Bangladesh border on that part of country letting anyone through as people coming from India too.
I remember meeting him long time ago, then didnt know much about value of Islamic Scholars. May Allah reward him for all his best efforts, and grant him Firdous.
It is also saddening to hear of other scholars passing away..make dua for the whole Ummah.
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Old 01-17-2008, 06:50 AM   #11

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Allamah Abdul Latif Fultali Saheb Qiblah (R)
(1913-January 16, 2008)

Allamah Abdul Latif Chowdhury (Fultali Saheb Qiblah) was born in 1913 (1321 Bangla) on Thursday in the village Fultali of Zakigonj, Sylhet in a family of a renowned scholar . His honourable father Mufti Maulana Abdul Majid Chowdhury (R) was a revered and famous Muslim cleric and jurist. He was a well known scholar and sage of Indian sub-continent, his fame was widespread throughout the country.

Saheb Qiblah Fultoli breathed his last and past away on the 15th of January 2008. his death has brought sadness throughout the entire world. may allah grant him Jannatul Firdaus, Ameen.

In that period ninety percent of the Islamic scholars were his student. He used to give written verdict of various difficult religious issues.

The sages in this tariqa upto shaheed Sayyid Ahmed Berlovi (R) are Hadrat Shah Muhammad Abdullah Chowdhury (R), Hadrat Maulana Gulam Salman (R), Hadrat Sufi Foteh Ali (R), Gazi e Balakut Hadrat Sufi Noor Muhammad Nizampuri (R), Hadrat Sayyid Ahmed Berlovi (R).

Allamah Abdul Latif Chowdhury Fultali Saheb Qiblah is the descendant of the renowned sage Hadrat shah Ala Baksh (R) who is the descendant of Hadrat Shah Kamal (R) a famous companion of Hadrat Shah Jalal (R). His family lineage is as follows:

Allamah Abdul Latif Chowdhury Fultali son of Mufti Maulan Abdul Majid Chowdhury son of Shah Muhammad Hiron son of Shah Muhammad Danish son of Shah Muhammad Sadeq son of Shah Muhammad Elahi Baksh son of Shah Muhammad Ala Baksh (R).

During the period when Hadrat Mujaddid e Alfe Sani Ahmed Sirhindi (R) revolted against the Deen e Elahi of Mughal emperor Akbar, Hadrat Ala Baksh (R) was one of the great sages who had a significant role in that movement.

He moved to Fultali with his family from Jalalpur of Sylhet to occupy himself in strict spiritual endeavours.

From his offspring Hadrat Mufti Maulana Shah Muhammad Abdul Majid Nakshbandi Mujaddidi (R), Hadrat Allamah Fultali Saheb Qiblah was born.

Educational Background


Hadrat Allamah Fultali Saheb Qibla started his education from his own family. He received basic religious education from his respected parents and then joined Fultali Alia Madrasah. His primary tutor Moulana Fatir Ali (r) was his distant cousin brother. During that period he studied qirat and tajweed under qari Syed Ali Saheb. At that time his honourable father was the headmaster of Gongajol madrasah. His student the headmaster of Rangauti Madrasah ( Kasar, India) a renowned scholar Moulana Abdur Rashid requested his respected teacher to enrol fultali Saheb in that madrasah. In 1336 Bangla he took admission and studied there successfully.

Maolana Abdur Rashid was a student of Saheb Qiblah’s father. After that, he enrolled into Badarpur Senior Madrashah in 1338 Bangla and finished higher secondary education from there. After the accomplishment of his higher secondary level, his teacher and Murshid Abu Yusuf Shah Muhammad Yakub Badarpuri suggested him to enroll into Madrasha e Alia Rampur. As a consequence, he finished Fanunnat (...) at Madrasha e Alia Rampur and then enrolled into Matlaul Ulum Madrashah in order to gain knowledge on Hadith. He studied there for a couple of years and obtained first class- first position in the final exam of Hadith in 1355 Hijri. His teachers at that Madrashah were Allama Khalilullah Rampuri and Allama Waji uddin Rampuri. Apart from this, he attained degrees on Tafsir and Fiqah.

Study of ilm e Qirat & tajweed:

Ilm e qirat & tajweed is a highly important aspect of religious knowledge. Many people regard this knowledge with negligence. Numerous Islamic scholars who possess profound knowledge in shariah are incorrect in qirat. However Hadrat Allamah Fultali Saheb Qiblah gained proficiency in ilm e qirat with great importance.

He obtained the first sanad in ilm e qirat from his Pir and Murshid Hadrat Abu Yousuf Shah Muhammed Yaqub Badarpuri (R). He studied further ilm e qirat by the suggestion of his Pir and Murshid, from the renowned Qari of India sub-continent Hadrat Maulana Hafiz Abdul Rauf Karampuri Shahbazpuri (R). Hadarat Shah bazpuri (R) was the student of world famous Qari Hadrat Irqisus al Misri(r). Hadrat Abdur Rauf (R) was from Karampur (presently known as Shabazpur) in Borolekha sub- district of Moulovi Bazaar district, and due to this fact he was known as Karampuri and Shabazpuri. In 1351 Bangla with the permission of his murshid he made journey to the holy land of revelation to study and achieve the highest sanad in ilm e qirat and tajweed. There he attended at the service of Raisul Qurra Ahmed al Hejazi(R) who was the most famous Qari of the whole muslim world and the chief examiner of the qurras and imams of masjidul – haram, to study ilm e qirat. At first Hadrat Ahmed al Hejazi (R) mildly refused to listen to someone from India as the pronounciation of Indian student is incorrect, however when he was informed that allamah fultali Saheb Qibla studied under the student under the student of famous qari irkusus al misri (r), instructed. He started serving as a teacher at Badarpur Alia Madrashah in 1946 A.D. after he had finished his education. He pursued his job there until 1950 A.D. After that, he joined Gasbari Alia Madrshah as a Muhadith in 1954. He served there for 6 years. He was respectively made vice principal and principal within this short period. He then joined Shatpur Alia Madrasshah and Isamati Alia Madrashah as a Muhadith and taught Hadith. He, at this time, successfully taught Bukhari, Nasa-i, Ibn Majah, Itkan, Nurul Anwar, Akaid, Tirmiji, Abu Daud, Hidaya, Jalalain and so on. He still teaches Hadith at Kamil Jamat in Fultali Alia Madrashah two days a week. He bestowed the certificate of hadith to his students in 2006. In his long sphere of teaching, he has illuminated thousands of students by his knowledge.

Darul Qirat Majidia Fultali Trust:

It has been mentioned earlier that Allama Fultali Saheb Qiblah received his Ilm-e-Qirat’s certificate from his Murshid Hazrat Moalana Shaha Yaqub Bdarpuri (Rh). Hazrat Badarpuri would urge his disciples and followers to take themselves to the utmost perfection of reciting holy Quran. Because one’s Salat wouldn’t be accepted unless one’s Qirat is perfect, and failure to recite Quran perfectly is meant as a failure to gain perfection in any Ibadat. So it is obvious for all of us to learn the way of reciting at least a few Surahs in perfect way. Badarpuri Saheb was ever pleased with Fultali Saheb’s Qirat since he taught him on his own.

has Nevertheless, Badarpuri Saheb could perceive that Fultali Saheb would have to contribute in this outlet in a broader field, and that’s why he must attain more knowledge and higher degree in this outlet. Consequently, he started advising him to upgrade his eligibility in Ilm-e-Qirat. Fultali Saheb Qiblah was involved with teaching at Badrapur Alia Madrashah during that time. He then went to the famous Qari of the subcontinent, Qari Maolana Abdur Rouf Karampuri Shahbazpuri to enhance his knowledge in reciting Quran. Shahbazpuri was a student of Hazrat Irkasus Al Misri. He stayed at Mecca in later times and was taught by the famous Qari, the examiner of Haram Sharif, descendent of Egyptian caste, Raisul Qurra Ahmad Hijaji (Rh.). His enterprise took him to the utmost perfection in Ilm-e-Qirat. Consequently, he established Darul Qirat Majidia Fultali Trust in order to teach people Ilm-e-Qirat.

Inauguration of Darul Qirat:

Hazrat Saheb Qiblah returned to Badarpur Alia Madrashah once he was certified in Ilm-e-Qirat by Ahmed Hijaji and resumed his teaching. One day Maolana Abdunnur Garkaponi (Rh.), a renowned Alim the then, paid a visit to him while he was teaching in a class. Saheb Qiblah gleefully welcomed him and asked him to sit by his side. He then resumed teaching the class once his guest was seated. After finishing the class, Saheb Qiblah asked him to tell the reason behind his visit. Abdunnur Garkaponi (Rh.) said, “There is hardly any Alem who can recite holy Quran perfectly let alone the general people. So I request you to spare at least one hour a week from your valuable time in teaching Qiran.” Fultali Saheb Qiblah replied, “I can hardly leak out from my busyness, because I happen to spend the same time in preparing my classes’ lectures that I do in the class.” Having heard this answer, Abdunnur Saheb made his leave

Source: wikipedia(please forgive me for any errors)
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Old 01-17-2008, 07:21 AM   #12

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May Allah forgive him and give him place in Jannatul firdaus and give sabr to he's family aameen.
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Old 01-17-2008, 11:14 AM   #13

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Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'oon.

May Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) forgive him of his sins and grant him jannat al firdaus. Ameen.
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Old 01-17-2008, 12:05 PM   #14

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Innalillahi wainna ialyhi rajiun,

May Allah enlighten his grave, and elevate his status. When I read about Hazrat in this forum I really intended to meet him when I go back to Bangladesh. May Allah enable us to value the gems who live in our backyards and gain benefit from them, lest we deprive ourselves till they become beloved to Allah.
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Old 01-17-2008, 03:10 PM   #15

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The noble shaykh has left this world.
Please make dua for the shaykh. Allamah Fultali (RAH) as he was widely known, was a very pious man. He was probably one of the very last scholars we had linking us to the great ulama of the past. He was a very moderate scholar and was a great example of the Shah Wali Allah (RA) school. His janaza will be performed later today.

Wa alaikum salam

May Allah have mercy uppn him. Is it not true that this Shaykh was strongly in line with the Barelwi ideology and he practiced Miladun-Nabi, belived in Hadir wa Nadir and was anti-Deobandi or not? I ask, because some 10 years back i heard that a Shaykh al-hadith from his area of Zakigonj known as Mawlana Abdal Ghani was ready to debate this late Shaykh over these types of issues.

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Old 01-17-2008, 03:27 PM   #16

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forget that, the Sheikh has now passed on to a better place.

May Allah most gracious grant us all Jannah
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Old 01-17-2008, 04:11 PM   #17

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Wa alaikum salam

May Allah have mercy uppn him. Is it not true that this Shaykh was strongly in line with the Barelwi ideology and he practiced Miladun-Nabi, belived in Hadir wa Nadir and was anti-Deobandi or not? I ask, because some 10 years back i heard that a Shaykh al-hadith from his area of Zakigonj known as Mawlana Abdal Ghani was ready to debate this late Shaykh over these types of issues.


Promoting heresay is wrong. If you want clarification of what I say, there are plenty of his senior mureeds still alive, you can ask at Darul Hadis Latifiyah for more info.

But No, the shayk was NOT barelvi. Nor was he Deobandi. He was against the concept of Hazir i Nazir, and there is a youtube video circulating the web that shows him saying that there is no basis for this terminology found in the sharia.

But yes, he was pro mawlid.

And, no he was NOT anti-deobandi. He agreed with them on many issues. He had both supporters from the deobandi and barelvi camps, as well as haters. He was a close friend with the famous deobandi alim, Allamah Bourana sahib qibla (rah).

It is because of people like Allamah Fultali (RAH) and Allamah Biscutti (RAH) that we in Bangladesh, have many people who are neutral in leaning.

PS: He was also against the istigatha practiced by barelvis, if you go to a mawlid gathering that one of his student/followers hold. You will clearly hear at the dawah at the end of the salwat, the shaykh saying Ya Allah please convey our salams to your prophet sawas.

Rest assured, he did not agree with any fatwas of takfir aimed at any group of scholars. He has praised Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (RA) and Shaykh Al Hadith Zakariyah Khandalvi (RAH) numerous times, and I am sure the other akabir of deoband too.

Being a person who is pro mawlid, does not make one anti deobandi or one to become a barelvi, this is imporant to note.
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Old 01-17-2008, 04:27 PM   #18

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Old 01-17-2008, 05:16 PM   #19

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i was at my local Masjid yesterday, they announced his death.

May Allah [Azza Wa Jal] forgive him and grant him Jannath ul Firdaws.

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Old 01-17-2008, 05:18 PM   #20

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Promoting heresay is wrong. If you want clarification of what I say, there are plenty of his senior mureeds still alive, you can ask at Darul Hadis Latifiyah for more info.

But No, the shayk was NOT barelvi. Nor was he Deobandi. He was against the concept of Hazir i Nazir, and there is a youtube video circulating the web that shows him saying that there is no basis for this terminology found in the sharia.

But yes, he was pro mawlid.

And, no he was NOT anti-deobandi. He agreed with them on many issues. He had both supporters from the deobandi and barelvi camps, as well as haters. He was a close friend with the famous deobandi alim, Allamah Bourana sahib qibla (rah).

It is because of people like Allamah Fultali (RAH) and Allamah Biscutti (RAH) that we in Bangladesh, have many people who are neutral in leaning.

PS: He was also against the istigatha practiced by barelvis, if you go to a mawlid gathering that one of his student/followers hold. You will clearly hear at the dawah at the end of the salwat, the shaykh saying Ya Allah please convey our salams to your prophet sawas.

Rest assured, he did not agree with any fatwas of takfir aimed at any group of scholars. He has praised Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (RA) and Shaykh Al Hadith Zakariyah Khandalvi (RAH) numerous times, and I am sure the other akabir of deoband too.

Being a person who is pro mawlid, does not make one anti deobandi or one to become a barelvi, this is imporant to note.
Wa alaikum salam

Thank you for your clarification. You see, whenever i came across strongly Deobandi affiliated Ulama in Britain and the name of Shaykh Fultoli or his mureeds came up (like those in Latifiyya school) - i only heard negative sentiments against his Tariqa. It is a known fact that Fultoli saheb was attached to Brick Lane masjid and this place is not too comfortable with East London Mosque/Jamati Islami or other Deobandi/Tablighi masajid in London at least.

Like i said, there was going to be a debate between Mawlana Abdal Ghani Deobandi versus Shaykh Fultoli in Zakigonj back in the late 1990's but it never materialised for unknown reasons to me. Sh. Abdal Ghani is usually in the UK on an annual basis and i am sure he can clarify more than me or you about his distant relative, the late Shaykh Fultoli saheb.

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