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Old 06-27-2012, 04:04 PM   #1

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Default America's military technology development problems
Seems the tables are turning and America's rapid development is being halted and other nations are being given a chance to catch up




Lets hope the muslim lands capitalise on this combined with the western economic problems, in order to rapdily develop and unite inshAllah and become powerful enough that nations will stop interfering, pillaging, invading and bombing our lands inshAllah t'ala. We need rapid development inshAllah in this critical window of opportunity
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Old 06-27-2012, 04:54 PM   #2

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The problem is, we don't have anything to throw against their older fighters either, eg. the F-18 Hornet and the F-16 Falcon. These planes have been around and their bugs have been worked out.

Secondly, pilot quality really matters a lot. A good pilot can take an old plane like a Mig-21 or a Phantom and still put up a good fight.

Thirdly pilots matter more than planes. Running out of good pilots kills an air force. Planes can be replaced in a few weeks, pilots take months/years of flying experience to mature.

This happened to Japan, in the end they even recruited the pilot teachers. When the teachers were killed it was over. So there need to be plenty of good pilots in reserve, and keep the teachers alive!
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Old 06-27-2012, 07:27 PM   #3

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The problem is, we don't have anything to throw against their older fighters either, eg. the F-18 Hornet and the F-16 Falcon. These planes have been around and their bugs have been worked out.

Secondly, pilot quality really matters a lot. A good pilot can take an old plane like a Mig-21 or a Phantom and still put up a good fight.

Thirdly pilots matter more than planes. Running out of good pilots kills an air force. Planes can be replaced in a few weeks, pilots take months/years of flying experience to mature.

This happened to Japan, in the end they even recruited the pilot teachers. When the teachers were killed it was over. So there need to be plenty of good pilots in reserve, and keep the teachers alive!
Good pilots? Won't be needed in the future. Modern warfare is moving towards more specialist operations and any largescale aerial bombardment will done by a whole generation of new drone aircraft (they are doing so right now). The pilots merely sit in an airbase in the US and remotely fly them from the comfort of their surroundings watching their targets get destroyed on a screen. A bit like playing some modern computer games.

Ground warfare is being limited to to special forces/merceneries who were formerly trained soldiers and marines. Now they are on contract to kill by Dept of Defense, working for the likes of Xe corp (formerly knows as Blackwater) and Dyncorp etc. Aided by advanced Communications gear and striking in a stealthy fashion, this is more cost effective (militarily and politically) than fighting Iraq-style full-on wars - where nations can be seen to be agressors. In the future, there are plans to add more automated processes into that kind of warfare - tha advent of 'drone' trucks and armoured military vehicles is being tested in the US - Lockheed is one such company developing this for combat purposes.

We just need to focus on how to avoid and keep away from this bloody enterprise that many others are either developing or participating in. That is not to say we diminish our defense needs. Rather develop it so it meets our needs and not make it into a multi-billion business as it is in the Capitalist system.

Allahu A'lam
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Old 06-27-2012, 07:43 PM   #4

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Drones play a large role, yes. But only if the side using them have unopposed control of the air. Drones really aren't that fast, and being remotely piloted means they respond slowly to threats in the air.

But it is also true that developing an effective airforce is VERY expensive. Probably the best way to oppose drones is to hack the control signals. That still leaves the enemy planes...

But then again, we see that Hezbollah in 2006 and the Serbs in 1999 simply mastered camouflages and hid their artillery and weapons. I still remember when Nato bombed Serbia and claimed 90% destruction of tanks and heavy equipment, but later found they only destroyed 5-10%. The Serbs used decoys. Tanks that had been hit were moved a little bit, and they put a heat source inside to simulate a running engine, and Nato just kept hitting the same tanks over and over.

We might take a leaf from these kafirs.
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Old 06-27-2012, 08:03 PM   #5

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Drones play a large role, yes. But only if the side using them have unopposed control of the air. Drones really aren't that fast, and being remotely piloted means they respond slowly to threats in the air.

But it is also true that developing an effective airforce is VERY expensive. Probably the best way to oppose drones is to hack the control signals. That still leaves the enemy planes...

But then again, we see that Hezbollah in 2006 and the Serbs in 1999 simply mastered camouflages and hid their artillery and weapons. I still remember when Nato bombed Serbia and claimed 90% destruction of tanks and heavy equipment, but later found they only destroyed 5-10%. The Serbs used decoys. Tanks that had been hit were moved a little bit, and they put a heat source inside to simulate a running engine, and Nato just kept hitting the same tanks over and over.

We might take a leaf from these kafirs.
Against most nations, US/NATO will have air control. Air defenses outside Russia, even in China are abysmal. The US/NATO always begin their wars with targeted campaign of guided-missile strikes. That removes the airdefenses to a large degree, it destroys command and control facilities, it removes any offensive hardware sitting in hangers, on the ground or at airports. That is half the job done in a few days - most of the info used to do that will be realtime from satellites, so it will be rather accurate compared to how they fought wars - even 10 years ago. They will be watching movements on the ground while that happens aswell. I realsie there are ways of cracking Stealthy aircraft through tiny yet distinct signatures and patterns they leave. But howmany nations can actually do that?

Also, the next generation of drones are Stealthy and being kitted out to drop heavier payloads. This takes away the necessity of having experienced combat pilots. Warfare is becoming more and more automated and the red lines are becoming alot more blurred. Nations are employing trained-killers/mercenries to go and do the work they cannot legally get their uniformed soldiers to do. Like the occasional killings that happen in remote Afghan villages - the US always denys its forces were involved and even refuses to acknowledge the killings - it later becomes clear it was done by merceneries who were acting under a contract with Dept of Defense. The only way to stop that is to have rigurous checks in place and increase eavesdropping for security purposes - not allowing these assassins to pass through the net and cause mayhem & death wherever they want.

Allahu A'lam
DoctorQuquriramba is offline

Old 06-27-2012, 09:01 PM   #6

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Useless conversation!!
It is not just muslim but the have not of the world need to be educated and away from the post colonial shackle so many of us like to wear i.e gutless, unsophisticated, greedy self serving new money politician. As long as personality based politics takes presides over objective governance, nothing is going to change. The problem is with most of the developing nations are run by autocratic family - much like most of our UK based bangali, Pakistnai majseds. Qualfied scholars are not given opportunity to do much in these masjeds.
Deaf dumb and blind leading dumb people!
Great feedback !! As long as the Muslim boys are good in cooking , they might not become strong in military technology !! Check this.


Making money by selling chicken Biryani is much easier than making Ak-47 rifles !!
Long Live Chicken Biryani !!
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Old 06-27-2012, 09:09 PM   #7

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Seems the tables are turning and America's rapid development is being halted and other nations are being given a chance to catch up




Lets hope the muslim lands capitalise on this combined with the western economic problems, in order to rapdily develop and unite inshAllah and become powerful enough that nations will stop interfering, pillaging, invading and bombing our lands inshAllah t'ala. We need rapid development inshAllah in this critical window of opportunity
The critical term is rapidly ! You need to understand the natural life cycle of a civilization and identify the phase in which your nation is currently residing . Check this.


“The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years. During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequences:

1. from bondage to spiritual faith;

2. from spiritual faith to great courage;

3. from courage to liberty;

4. from liberty to abundance;

5. from abundance to complacency;

6. from complacency to apathy;

7. from apathy to dependence;

8. from dependence back into bondage.”

I’ve always been fascinated by history, and the first time I heard about this cycle was the classic “lightbulb” moment. It applies to every great empire and civilization: China, Persia, Greece, Rome, Britain, and now the American empire. Some of you may balk at my referring to the American “empire”, but that’s another discussion entirely in itself. The thing that gets me about this cycle, is just how deeply apathetic we, in the west, have become.

Actually, it’s not even the apathy that really bothers me. It’s the ignorance. The people who think and act like all the troubles in the world right now are happening for the very first time. Sure the characters might be different this time around, but it’s still the same story. But even worse than that is the arrogance. The people, and particularly some of our leaders, who know that it’s all happened before, yet continue to make the same mistakes and think that this time they can “beat the system”. What’s that definition of insanity again? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

There’s no stopping this bus from going over the cliff, but it sure would be nice to know that at least one or two other passengers noticed that the cliff was coming.

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Old 06-30-2012, 12:17 AM   #8

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Drones play a large role, yes. But only if the side using them have unopposed control of the air. Drones really aren't that fast, and being remotely piloted means they respond slowly to threats in the air.

But it is also true that developing an effective airforce is VERY expensive. Probably the best way to oppose drones is to hack the control signals. That still leaves the enemy planes...

But then again, we see that Hezbollah in 2006 and the Serbs in 1999 simply mastered camouflages and hid their artillery and weapons. I still remember when Nato bombed Serbia and claimed 90% destruction of tanks and heavy equipment, but later found they only destroyed 5-10%. The Serbs used decoys. Tanks that had been hit were moved a little bit, and they put a heat source inside to simulate a running engine, and Nato just kept hitting the same tanks over and over.

We might take a leaf from these kafirs.
Drones are vulnerable. Check these links.



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Old 06-30-2012, 06:02 AM   #9

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It's not the sword but the hand holding the sword. If there is no strength in the hand, even the best of swords is useless......

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Old 06-30-2012, 06:34 AM   #10

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It's not the sword but the hand holding the sword. If there is no strength in the hand, even the best of swords is useless......


pakistan has nukes but what have they achieved with that
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Old 06-30-2012, 02:33 PM   #11

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pakistan has nukes but what have they achieved with that
Deterred ten times bigger Hindu Civilization from physically interfering into Islamic world from the East ..... India never invaded Pakistan after nuclear explosions...

Today , Pakistani Strategic Missile Forces cover ALL of India ...and with 700,000 strong! soliders standing on the Indian borders..Not to mention thousands of Tanks , hundreds of Air crafts , and tens of naval ships and sub-marines are there ...ready to deter any Indian Aggression into 'lost Hindu areas' (lost to Islamic civilization) ...

Mission Accomplished.

Pakistani nukes achieved everything they were created for....

What are other Muslim nations doing? Specially rich Arabs ? NOTHING! Arabs only donate their money to the United States and get expensive 'toys' from there..Only hope for the Islamic World are countries like Turkey , Iran , Egypt , Indonesia , Malaysia , Pakistan etc ...

Muslims MUST become economically independent of the West .....

Good modern Islamic education (not cramming of Qur'an like in Madrassas) , progressive social education , focus on Science and Technology, and build up of economy should be Muslims' FIRST priority in today's age....
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Old 06-30-2012, 03:04 PM   #12

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Wud have fully agreed with your post if it wasn't for the usual Arab bashing. Saudi are doing just as good az any other Muslim nation. I like your pragmatic approach but it's ruined by your sectarian\racist attitude towards saudi. They have plenty to offer the Muslim world in conjunction with the other nations u mentioned inshallah so don't divide the ummah, this is why we have problems. We need political unity inshallah and racism is the biggest obstacle to that

As for drones, they are militarily no match for manned fighter jets. They are only strong against ak47. Inshallah when Islam is a strong state again with a proper army, things will change inshallah.

I wish people wud stop bashing Saudi and Arabs, we're so fragmented and need full cooperation between Muslim nations inshallah if we are to become a powerful nation
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Old 06-30-2012, 05:43 PM   #13

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Deterred ten times bigger Hindu Civilization from physically interfering into Islamic world from the East ..... India never invaded Pakistan after nuclear explosions...

Today , Pakistani Strategic Missile Forces cover ALL of India ...and with 700,000 strong! soliders standing on the Indian borders..Not to mention thousands of Tanks , hundreds of Air crafts , and tens of naval ships and sub-marines are there ...ready to deter any Indian Aggression into 'lost Hindu areas' (lost to Islamic civilization) ...

Mission Accomplished.

Pakistani nukes achieved everything they were created for....

What are other Muslim nations doing? Specially rich Arabs ? NOTHING! Arabs only donate their money to the United States and get expensive 'toys' from there..Only hope for the Islamic World are countries like Turkey , Iran , Egypt , Indonesia , Malaysia , Pakistan etc ...

Muslims MUST become economically independent of the West .....

Good modern Islamic education (not cramming of Qur'an like in Madrassas) , progressive social education , focus on Science and Technology, and build up of economy should be Muslims' FIRST priority in today's age....

And yet..... 7 lone 'terrorists' enter your naval base and destroy aircrafts worth millions!

Does india even need to attack pakistan? We already have indian films playing in pakistani cinemas. We already have indian culture in our homes. They have attacked us through tv. We have lost the cultural war. kids in pakistan know what holi is, what mangal sutra is, what rakhi is... They kniw shahrukh khan, salman khan.. but ask any kid if they know who Umar is? Who is Abu bakr? They wont have an answer!

I think if india does attack, the situation will get better. Atleast the sectarian killins will stop and people will die for a cause.

As for abufatimah getting angry on arabs...... Saudis are doing alot... BUT for themselves, not for the UMMAH.

In our whole Islamic history, muslims have never been technologically superior to kuffar and this will never happen again.

The reason is simple, we dont fight on the basis on material superiority and this is where the truth of Islam is. from badr to afghanistan, we have always been less in numbers and technology.

We need to work on our imaan more than on technology.

Yes Allah has ordered us to gain strength in quran But He has also ordered us to enter Islam completely.

Whats the use of going into space when you dont even recognizr your creator?

Whats the use of nuclear bombs when you cant even implement Allah's law in your land?

No use....

And when khilafat comes again inshaAllah in a few years, it will not be because of technological superiority.. It will be because of Iman.

May Allah give us all complete hidayat.

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Old 06-30-2012, 06:03 PM   #14

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Recently Iran brought down a US drone flying in its air space. Brought down meaning taken control remotely and landed. This means Iran may have hacked into American military hardware, it has been suggested on the Internet that China produces the micro chips for American computer hardware including military hardware...and they have back doors built in to the chips. China may have given the secret code to Iran. If true American military hardware is compromised and China is 'a super power'. America may have invaded Afghanistan to try and contain China.
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Old 06-30-2012, 08:45 PM   #15

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Deterred ten times bigger Hindu Civilization from physically interfering into Islamic world from the East ..... India never invaded Pakistan after nuclear explosions...

Today , Pakistani Strategic Missile Forces cover ALL of India ...and with 700,000 strong! soliders standing on the Indian borders..Not to mention thousands of Tanks , hundreds of Air crafts , and tens of naval ships and sub-marines are there ...ready to deter any Indian Aggression into 'lost Hindu areas' (lost to Islamic civilization) ...

Mission Accomplished.

Pakistani nukes achieved everything they were created for....

What are other Muslim nations doing? Specially rich Arabs ? NOTHING! Arabs only donate their money to the United States and get expensive 'toys' from there..Only hope for the Islamic World are countries like Turkey , Iran , Egypt , Indonesia , Malaysia , Pakistan etc ...

Muslims MUST become economically independent of the West .....

Good modern Islamic education (not cramming of Qur'an like in Madrassas) , progressive social education , focus on Science and Technology, and build up of economy should be Muslims' FIRST priority in today's age....
seems you have been reading a lot of pakistan studies text books.
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Old 07-01-2012, 03:45 AM   #16

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The likes Auzer what I consider enemy within. They have no problem criticing institute set up to safeguard Islamic sciences.
this is how the quranist and other batil group came into existance. I rather have Jewish friend then likes of Auzer to advice me on anything. Lawrnece of Arabia charaton are running muck.
Hows that? How am I the enemy within when I'm pushing Muslims for better future and criticizing their wrong-doings?

And yet..... 7 lone 'terrorists' enter your naval base and destroy aircrafts worth millions!
Mehran Naval Base was located INSIDE population centers.... NO military base should be located even near population centers , let alone IN mega cities like Karachi....

Plus : In wars , things happen...no problem ....

seems you have been reading a lot of pakistan studies text books.
Not really...
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