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Old 12-15-2010, 01:44 PM   #1

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Default help required answering a salafi, and combating salafi resources
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Old 12-15-2010, 02:13 PM   #2

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I need help answering a Salafi, this is what he says:

Also I need resources to combat the standard Salafi objections such as the statement of Imam Abu Hanifa "if the Hadith is sahih it is my mathab"
The best answer in debates with ghair muqallids is silence. These people never accept anything that is not in their interest.
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Old 12-15-2010, 04:05 PM   #3

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These people never accept anything that is not in their interest.
True brother... Silence...
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Old 12-15-2010, 05:33 PM   #4

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Most of them are incapeble of objectively looking at the topic. As soon as they begin to loose they will go off at tangent and come back to the same point. We have had this experience with many of the Ghair Muqalids in this forum. With these people it is a never ending story. They keep muslim busy in this so people waste time and effort instead of focusing in self betterment and defeating the anti islamic argument. In their zeal, they help none but the enimies.

Anway try http://www.masud.co.uk/ and other useful websites
salam, visit this link of brother colonel hardstone [SF member]:
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Old 12-16-2010, 04:10 AM   #5

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I need help answering a Salafi, this is what he says:

Also I need resources to combat the standard Salafi objections such as the statement of Imam Abu Hanifa "if the Hadith is sahih it is my mathab"
go to: http://www.youtube.com/user/hanafifiqh

and keep visiting them.They constantly update their site, and are adding more videos, day by day. Many salafi attacks have been dealt with by this site.

may Allah help you. Ameen.
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Old 12-16-2010, 05:09 AM   #6

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Indeed Allaah knows best and you do not know anything about this issue but slander. The scholars of the Salafi thought of our time respect all four Imaams. They have a due reverance and respect for Imaam Abu hanifa [rh], Imaam Maalik [rh], Imaam Shaafi'i [rh] and Imaam Ahmad [rh]. This is only partially true. Salafis tend to be ok with 3 of the madhabs - but they show intense hatred for Imam Abu Hanifa. They push the idea that the Imam was not a taabiee (someone who met Sahabis), and constantly ridicule Imam sahib's opinions, because they are too thick to understand them.

The irony is that they claim to love the salaf, yet they do not follow the imam who is closest to the salaf out of the 4 imams.

As for what they have said concerning the madhaahib is what the Salaf also said about them, and what even the Imaams said about their own madhaahib. Which is to avoid blind following Imaams or opinions IF IT CONFLICTS with correct ahaadeeth. here's that word again - taqleed - which the salafis have turned into a dirty word. If a Salafi translates taqleed as "blind following", tell him to shut up, and then let him know that taqleed is "following expert opinions" and not "blind following."

As you well know there are many upon many statements confirming this. That all four Imaams as well as the Salaf always reminded people to reconnect with Rasulullaah [saws] and not to follow their errors. So our scholars do the same. If they do not agree with one opinion they do so with a basis not just because of it being the hanafi or Maliki opinion! this is a false claim. ALL the imams had proofs. Some Imams had stronger proofs than others, but they ALL had proofs, so you can't knock any of them. As for following the "strongest" hadith each time, people have already tried that, and abandoned the idea. THe ZAHIREE madhab is a madhab that follows the hadiths very strictly. The Salafis nowadays copy the Zahirees. The Zahiree madhab died out hundereds of years ago, because it was too childish and simple. Rather like the Salafis of today, no?

What the Imaams of our times, as well as the four Imaams themselves had a problem with are people who are extreme in their blind following, who do not follow the correct aqeedah and methodology of the Salaf in their following of the Qur'an and Sunnah. yes, very true. But if some western-educated smart alec, who struggles to speak, let alone read arabic, comes along and tells me that he has 'discovered' a sahih hadith that 'proves' that others are doing their worship wrong, i would probably slap him, and tell him to shut up, because he doesnt know what he is taking about. Would you follow the advice of a medical student who read something up in a school textboook over that of a trained professional?!? of course not!

finally, watch these episodes on the life of Imam Abu Hanifa to understand the genius of this great man:
Abu Hanifa biography:

PART1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8A-Su...eature=related
PART2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5yIU...eature=related
PART3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1_Bo...eature=related
PART4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MA6lQ...eature=related
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Old 06-10-2012, 05:29 PM   #7

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one of the u.k,s most infamous salafis..mohammed siddique khan ,despised tabligh and tasawwuf...and denied the 4 imams hence his ignorant and self destructive ending which also harmed the muslims of the u.k not to mention the many non muslims ,may god/allah rest their souls
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Old 06-10-2012, 05:34 PM   #8

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I need help answering a Salafi, this is what he says:

Also I need resources to combat the standard Salafi objections such as the statement of Imam Abu Hanifa "if the Hadith is sahih it is my mathab"
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Old 06-10-2012, 05:39 PM   #9

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This link has all the answers inshallah.

Provided they need to be ready to listen.
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Old 06-10-2012, 05:50 PM   #10

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How do we know the truth?

Salafis assume that written texts reveal the truth, is this justified? Maybe, the written textual hadith can be sahih, but its context of revelation is not known, or it is known and it is not applicable to all situations? How many sahih hadiths are there in total? Does any living human have total and comprehensive knowledge of all of these?

Imam Malik (RA) ignored hadiths, giving preference the Amal of the people of Madina. His view was that if thousands of people in Madina were doing a particular amal...it must be part of the sunnah as picked up from father to son in the city. If the Adhan is being given in a particular way in Madina during the time of Imam Malik, it is unlikely that it was different from the time of the Rasul (SAW), if someone changed it, the whole of Madina would have objected to it. If some comes along with a sahih hadth to show that the Azan being given in Madina is wrong, Imam Malik would ignore it because the Amal of the people of Madina is the Sunnah.

There are two branches of salafis.

1) the Saudi so called 'wahabis'.

2) the Egyptian Ikwanis and followers of Sayid Qutub.

Both have been highly influenced by Jamaludin Afghani and Muhammad Abduh, and both are becoming irrelevant as time goes on, they are bankrupt, the only danger from them comes in their gaining political power...if they do so they will destroy Islam from inside.

Good background on Wahabism here:
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Old 06-10-2012, 06:29 PM   #11

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I need help answering a Salafi, this is what he says:

Also I need resources to combat the standard Salafi objections such as the statement of Imam Abu Hanifa "if the Hadith is sahih it is my mathab"

I believe that Shah Waliyullah also references this work (below, of Imam An-Nawawi) when explaining the meaning of the above quote which is reported in different wordings from all the imams.

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Old 06-10-2012, 06:33 PM   #12

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All in all tho bro you seem much more knowledgeable than me but i can tell you from experience that these sorts of arguments/debates are not very fruitful. let the person discover the truth on their own or refer him to a book (which he is of course at liberty to refuse reading) like Mufti taqi Uthmani's "legal status of following a madhab" of "fiqh al'imam" by Mufti Abdurrahman Ibn Yusuf.

in general most salafis respect the 4 imams. its the much later scholars that some (not all) show disrespect to, usually those scholars who were also well-known sufis or asharis etc.

again one shud stress that no 2 salafis are alike you have many different flavors of salafism (as many as there are prominent salafi ulema). no two salafis typically have the exact same style of ibadah they typically have some differences int heir diets, slah style etc. aqeedah is where they are the most similar.
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Old 06-13-2012, 02:59 PM   #13

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In this lecture Sheikh Abdur Raheem gives an account of how Maulana Amin Safdar Okarvi went from being a Salafi to a Hanafi and the 6 points he was taught as a salafi
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Old 06-13-2012, 04:48 PM   #14

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great more salafi bashing. Seem salafis get more threads than atheists, christians, barelwis, haqqanis and shia combined

these guys must really pose the biggest danger to islam according to you guys
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Old 06-13-2012, 05:02 PM   #15

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great more salafi bashing. Seem salafis get more threads than atheists, christians, barelwis, haqqanis and shia combined

these guys must really pose the biggest danger to islam according to you guys
That's the trend now-a-days... We didn't start it.. THEY DID !!!
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Old 06-13-2012, 05:05 PM   #16

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That's the trend now-a-days... We didn't start it.. THEY DID !!!
I dont think salafi ulema have bashed deobandis much. I agree salafi laymen have been harsh on deo's sometimes

however we have a lot in common and im sure an understanding can be reached inshAllah

i think for deo's to understand which salafis are reaching out to them and which ones are attacking them is a good start. Distinguishing between madkhalis and salafis is important inshallah

al maghrib and al kauthar and teh like are generally warm to deo's
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Old 06-13-2012, 05:13 PM   #17

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al maghrib and al kauthar and teh like are generally warm to deo's

Not only, but they play and hype up their own "Deobandi" background to deceive common, lay Deobandis. See the thread regarding al-Kauthar about this!

To expose these pseudo-Salafis who masquerade as Deobandi "molvis" is extremely important! More important then the MADkhalis.

Wonder why Salafi laymen are harsh on Deobandis!!?? Is that not a reflection on their 'ulama?? Their scholars? Their leaders? What does it say about the Salafi leadership and its standing and influence amongst its masses??

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Old 06-13-2012, 05:19 PM   #18

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these guys must really pose the biggest danger to islam according to you guys
my point exactly if you remove atheists from the list
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Old 06-13-2012, 05:29 PM   #19

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I dont think salafi ulema have bashed deobandis much. I agree salafi laymen have been harsh on deo's sometimes
What about Shaykh Uthaymeen saying Imam Nawawi erred in his aqeedah. There is recording of it in youtube with subtitles. I cant find it out right now. I mean if people start saying Imam Nawawi erred in his aqeedah, then who are the people of haqq... ya akhi?

Not to mention Shaykh Albani...

Edit: Bro, I was a salafi for sometime, but I couldn't take it. I mean labeling so many great ulemas as deviants... I just couldn't take it.
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Old 06-13-2012, 05:37 PM   #20

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What about Shaykh Uthaymeen saying Imam Nawawi erred in his aqeedah. There is recording of it in youtube with subtitles. I cant find it out right now. I mean if people start saying Imam Nawawi erred in his aqeedah, then who are the people of haqq... ya akhi?

Not to mention Shaykh Albani...

Edit: Bro, I was a salafi for sometime, but I couldn't take it. I mean labeling so many great ulemas as deviants... I just couldn't take it.

Maybe these shaykh's are in Brother AbuFatima's madhkhali's list ...

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