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My short meeting with Dr. Allama Khalid Mahmood
In Brussels, Belgium a gathering for the propagation of the finality of the prophethood took place. In this gathering, scholars such as Mufti Abdul Wahhab (of Iqra TV, who graduated from Binnori Town) and others such as Dr. Khalid Mahmud were invited to speak. His talk was beneficial in the sense that he did not give any references from the works of the Qadianis, but made an appeal to our aql saying that we should use our aql in responding to the Qadianis if you do not have the capacity to memorize references from the books of Qadianis. One example he gave was that we are Ahlus Sunnah so if we would become Qadiani, it would mean we would have to break up the ummah that has been going along for 1400 years, and we are not ready for that. After the talk I was more concerned with Mawlana Khalid Mahmood in observing and staying with him. He is one of the great scholars of Deoband who graduated from Dar al-Ulum Dhabel. He is quite old now, and has become weak. Needs help when he walks. Does not hear the person in front of him properly and you need to talk loudly if you want him to hear you. He was surrounded by some people and after the gathering was finished, he went to his room. I followed and asked permission to come in and ask him a few questions. He let me come in and a sat in front of him. He asked who I was and where I came from. I introduced myself and said I affiliate myself with the scholars of Deoband. I asked him about some issues from his book, in particular the last verse of surat Luqman. I said to him that in your book Mutali’a Barelwiyat, you stated that denying the meaning of this verse, is unbelief, so I straightforwardly asked him the question whether Mawlana Ahmad Raza Khan was an unbeliever for stating the opposite meaning of the verse? Mawlana Khalid Mahmood replied that first mention what I have literally said in my books. So he asked me first whether you will understand my reply or not. I said I will try to. So he asked what did you understood from the verse. I said that the absolute (kulli) knowledge of those 5 things where known by Allah only. So he said: do you know what kulli means? I said: mufassal? He said that is not the meaning of it. Kulli is a term in logic (mantiq). It is possible that through ilhaam or kashf a person happens to know what is in the womb of a woman. In the meantime, a young mawlana sitting next to us wanted to go and asked permission, but Mawlana Khalid Mahmood didn’t let him, and said: this is important for you as well. Then he narrated the incident of Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) stating that a female sister of Sayyida Aisha will be born. Mawlana continued further: to claim Abu Bakr knows what is in the womb of every woman on earth, this is what you call kulli. So this is what I said. As to the point of calling Mawlana Ahmad Raza Khan a kaafir, this is not what I have mentioned. When people ask me about it I say: I am not a Mufti. Then I stated that a certain Mufti does call him a kaafir. Mawlana replied, yes I know he calls him a kaafir. Then I asked: so what is your opinion then? He said, that will be bad adab when you cite the name of a Mufti and ask my opinion about it. So I said: can not there be difference of opinion on this issue between the scholars? So Mawlana said: yes but are you the only person left who gathers the differences between the scholars? But then in the end he said: yes, I don’t consider him [Ahmad Raza Khan] a Muslim but that is from a general point of view looking to him as a whole. Then he starting mentioning some other blameworthy points of view of Mawlana Ahmad Raza Khan, saying he considered the Prophet a part (juz’) of the essence of Allah, and cited the poetry of Ahmad Raza Khan. He went in-depth in mentioning some examples of this. So I asked him another question about Mamatis. I asked what do you say about Mamatis? He said: I will say they are not ahl as-sunnah. What else will we say? We don’t call them kaafir. I wanted to ask him some more questions but because of the busy gathering, him being old and the fear of annoying him, and the people surrounding him I didn’t. I asked Mawlana for du’a which he performed for me, shook his hands and left. A TV crew of ARY news also wanted to join in but Mawlana humbly refused saying we don't give interviews to TV stations. |
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![]() A hafiz friend of mine regularly visits him, he was telling me how a few weeks back Allamah saheb was going for Aisha here in Jamia Islamia masjid and one of the brothers spotted that his lower garment (Izaar) was torn on one side. When he pointed it out to Allmah saheb he said, " Kaparey hi phatay howay haina, Dil to phata howa nahin hai ! " trans: " So what if my trousers are torn, My heart is not ! " just thought i should share it with you guys. ![]() |
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Jazakallah brother for the post.. loved reading about your interaction with Allama Sahib
below is assume is the talk from Brussels - its near the end Below is a bio of allama sahib.. slightly out of date but you get the idea Hadhrat was born in Syalkot, Pakistan. He began his education in Gujrawala (or Gujarkhan, can’t remember) before travelling to Dar ul Uloom Deoband and finally to Dhabel where he graduated as an Alim having studied under Ulema of the calibre of Allamah Sulayman Nadwi, Moulana Khayr Muhammad Jaalandhari, Mufti Muhammad Shafi and Allamah Idrees Khandelwi (may Allah have mercy on them all) during his travels. He then taught at Murray College, Syalkot as a Professor before joining Tanzeem Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’at and also wrote for its magazine, “Da’wat”. In 1966, Hadhrat came to the U.K. and established the Manchester Academy, where great personalities such as Moulana Yusuf Motala Sahib (daamat barakaatuhum) worked along side him (before establishing Dar ul Uloom Bury) and Shaykh Asif Husain Farooqi Sahib (daamat barakaatuhum) would also sit in his talks. He also completed a Phd in Historical Transmission in London. He is currently a senior member of the Sharia Appellate Bench of the Supreme Court of Pakistan and a World famous munazir and debator. Hadhrat has debated with the biggest personalities of many deviant sects and astonishingly participated in his first debate at the age of just 12 with a Qadiani senior old enough to be his great grandfather. He has also debated with the official Mujtahids of the Shia sect and put them to shame in their own backyard in Lukhnow and also debated with the senior students Moulana Nazeer Husain, one of the greatest elders of the Ahle Hadith sect. This is in addition to his famous victory over the senior most Barelwi Schalors of the UK in 1979 in Sheffield, where Hadhrat single handedly raised the flag of Ahlus Sunnah and overcame his opposition with devastating ease. Hadhrat is famed for his unique insight, razor sharp mind and peercing intellect. But not many know that Allah has also endowed him with a photographic memory and as such, he never took any notes during his entire time in Dar ul Uloom. Even now, as Hadhrat himslef related once, as soon as something enters his ears, he never forgets it. Hadhrat has authored over 100 books including an 8 volume masterpiece on Barelwism entitled Mutala-e-Barelwiat, Athar ut Tanzeel (on the topic of the sceince of Tafsir), Athar ul Hadith (on the topic of the sceince of Hadith), Athar ut Tashree (on the topic of the sceince of Fiqh), Athar ul Ihsan (on the topic of the sceince of Tasawwuf), Khulafa e Rashideen (on the topic of the continuation of Islam after the passing of Sayyiduna Rasulullah, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him), Abqaat (similar to Bawaadir un Nawaadir of Hakeem ul Ummat, rahmatullahialayh) and many others. He also has Ijazah in the Qadri Silsilah and descends from a long line of Shaykhs. Hadhrat is currently over 90 years of age and we pray to Allah that He grants him many, many more healthy years. Ameen! Athaarul-Hadeeth which is a two (2) volume detailed history of the science of Hadeeth by Allamah Khalid Mahmood Saheb (DB). Hadhrats other books in the Athar series are just as comprehensive and insightful . With regards to Athar ut Tanzeel, Hadhrat Moulana Qari Muhammad Tayyib Sahib (rahmatullahialayh) writes in response to the question, “How is the book Athar ut Tanzeel, written by Moulana Khalid Mahmood Sahib?” “The first answer to this question is that it is written by Moulana Khalid Mahmood Sahib who in the line of authorship and writing is famous and in the academic world is a well known author. On the usool of qadr as shahaadah qadr as shuhood, the appreciation and status of the author’s knowledge is an open sign of the appreciation and status of his writing…For the Ulema e kiram and students, as well as for the educated university folk, the study of this book will be very beneficial.” |
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