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It is mentioned from the messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) “The one who stands IN RAMADAN with Imaan and hoping for reward, his past sins will be forgiven.” (BUKHARI VOL 1 PAGE 269). It will therefore be, as it is mentioned in FATHUL BAARI(VOL 4 PAGE 291) of Ibn Hajar (demise 852 AH) who quotes Imaam Nawawi (demise 676 AH) as saying “Verily what is meant by ‘STANDING IN RAMADAN’ is ‘Salaatut Taraweeh’ (SHARAH MUSLIM VOL 1 PAGE 259). Note One of the specialities of the authentic Hadeeth book of Imaam Bukhaari (demise 256 AH) is that Ahaadeeth are put under certain chapters to show that the contents of the hadeeths’ have a connection with the chapter, this is the reason why some Ahaadeeth are repeated to show its various connections with different chapters. Firstly, we will clarify those Ahaadeeth in which eleven Rakaats is mentioned In the Hadeeth collection of Imaam Maalik which is called MU’ATTA IMAAM MAALIK, in the chapter of ‘Standing in ramadan’ a Hadeeth is as follows “Narrated by Muhammad Ibn Yusuf, who relates from Saa’ib Ibn Yazeed, that Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) commanded two persons to lead the people in eleven Rakaats of Salaah. MU’ATTA IMAAM MAALIK PAGE 40 However to back this narration there is no other narration found. Whereas in the same chapter there is mentioned in another Hadeeth TWENTY THREE Rakaats of Salaah by Yazeed Ibn Rummaaan, who said “The people used to stand in the time of umar (may Allah be pleased with him) in ramadan for TWENTY THREE rakaats”. (MU’ATTA IMAAM MAALIK PAGE 40). This includes the three rakaats of Witr Salaah as it is mentioned by Imaam Baihaqi (demise 458 AH) in marginal note number 12. In addition to this the following is to be considered: • Yahya ibn Sa’eed narrates umar (may Allah be pleased with him) commanded a person to lead the people in TWENTY rakaats. (MUSANNAF IBN ABI SHAIBAH VOL 2 PAGE 393) • Abdul Aziz ibn Rafee’ narrates Ubay ibn Ka’b used to lead the people in Ramadan, in Madina for TWENTY rakaats and three rakaats of Witr. (IBID) • Imaam Tirmizi demise 279 AH says “The majority of the people of knowledge are upon that which Ali, Umar and other Sahabah have related, which is TWENTY rakaats (of Taraweeh Salaah). This is also the opinion of Sufyan Thowri (demise 161 AH) and Abdullah ibn Mubaarak (demise 181 AH) and Imaam Shafi’ee (demise 204 AH). Imaam Shafi’ee says “And like this I have found in our city Makka performing TWENTY Rakaats. (SUNAN TIRMIZI VOL 1 PAGE 99/166) • Imaam Nawawi writes in his ‘Sharah Muhazzab’ “Our companions take that Hadeeth as a proof which Imaam Baihaqi and the like have related from Saa’ib ibn Yazeed, who has an authentic chain of transmission that the people used to perform TWENTY Rakaats in the time of Umar (may Allah be pleased with him). (MAJMU’ SHARAH MUHAZZAB VOL 4 PAGE 32) BEFORE MOVING ON We would like to explain and clarify further into a Hadeeth mentioned in Bukhaari Under the chapter ‘Virtue for the one who stands in Ramadan’, in which Abi Salmata ibn Abdirrahman asks Aa’isha (may Allah be pleased with her) “How was the Salaat of Rasulullah (peace be upon him) in Ramadan?, she replied “He did not increase in Ramadan, nor OUTSIDE Ramadan upon eleven Rakaats, he would perform four Rakaats, and do not ask about the beauty and the length of it, he will then read another four Rakaats, and do not ask of its beauty and length, then he would perform three Rakaats, thus I asked him, “Oh Rasul of Allah do you sleep before you perform three Rakaats of Witr? He replied, “Oh Aa’isha, verily my eyes are sleeping and my heart is not” (BUKHAARI VOL 1 PAGE 269) NOTE The above mentioned Hadeeth is also found in BUKHAARI VOL 1 PAGE 154 under chapter of ‘Standing of Nabi (peace be upon him) at night in Ramadan and OUTSIDE Ramadan’ Remember as we are aware that Imaam Bukhaari himself says he avoided repetition of Hadeeth throughout his Saheeh al Bukhaari. However as mentioned before repetition of some Ahaadeeth are only to show the connection with the various chapters. So when a person sees this Hadeeth in discussion repeated, he is puzzled. One could say well there is a slight difference in the chain of transmission which is the reason why it is repeated. However this is not the reason why Imaam Bukhari repeated the Hadeeth, in fact the repetition of Ahaadeeth which have slight changes with regards to the chain of transmission is a speciality of Imaam Muslim (demise 261 AH). Although Imaam Bukhaari brings the Hadeeth in discussion again, he is trying to show that this Hadeeth has a connection and a link both IN Ramadan and OUTSIDE Ramadan, it has a connection with both the chapters that is the reason why he has repeated the Hadeeth. And Allah knows best Further on, with regards to this Hadeeth the following should be considered: • This Hadeeth of Abi Salamata ibn Abdirrahman in discussion has been mentioned under the chapter of ‘Salaat of the night’ (without restricting it to any specific time of the year). (MUSLIM VOL 1 PAGE 254) • This Hadeeth is also mentioned in MU’ATTA IMAAM MAALIK PAGE 42 under the chapter of ‘Salaat of Nabi (peace be upon him) in Witr. • Imaam Abu Dawud (demise 275) has also mentioned this Hadeeth under the chapter of ‘Prayer of the night’ ABU DAWUD PAGE 189 • Imaam Tirmizi (demise 279) has also mentioned this Hadeeth under the chapter ‘In the description of the prayer of Nabi (peace be upon him) in the night’ TIRMIZI VOL 1 PAGE 99 NOTE The Hadeeth in discussion has come under the chapters of the above mentioned Hadeeth books all without RESTRICTION TO A SPECIFIC TIME OF THE YEAR. This means that this type of Salaah which was performed in UNITS of FOUR was the general practise of the prophet (peace be upon him). TARAWEEH AT THE TIME OF THE SAHABAH AND THE TABI’EEN (FOLLOWERS OF THE SAHABAH) CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: • Ubay ibn Ka’b stood with the people for TWENTY Rakaats in Ramadan and three Witr, thus the majority of the Scholars understood this is Sunnat. (MAJMU’A FATAAWA VOL 1 PAGE 191), in vol 22 page 234 it is mentioned “This action of Umar is Sunnat.” And in vol 1 page 148 it is mentioned that Ubay ibn Ka’b led the Sahabah in TWENTY Rakaats of Taraweeh during the time of Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) • Abdirrahman Salami says, “Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) used to call all the reciters in Ramadan and he used to command one of them to perform TWENTY Rakaats, Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) used to also lead them in the Salaah. (SUNAN UL KUBRA BAIHAQI VOL 2 PAGE 495) • Umar ibn Qais relates from Abil Hasna that Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) commanded a person to lead the people in Ramadan for TWENTY Rakaats. (MUSANNAF IBN ABI SHAIBAH VOL 2 PAGE 393) • Hazrat Ataa is from amongst the elder Tabi’een, he has had the opportunity to meet two hundred Sahabah. He has said “I have seen the Sahabah and Tabi’een performing TWENTY Rakaats. (AATHAARUS SUNAN VOL 2 PAGE 55, MUSANNAF IBN ABI SHAIBAH VOL 1 PAGE 55, FATHUL BAARI VOL 4 PAGE 219) • Allaama ibn Abdil Barr (demise 463) said “And this is the opinion of the majority Scholars, amongst them from Kufa, hazrat Ali, Ibn Masud, and Imaam Abu Haneefa. This is also the opinion of the majority of the Scholars of Kufa and the Scholars of the mazhab of the Shafi’ee School and most of the Fuqahaa (Scholars of deep understanding). This is also correct from Ubay ibn Ka’b without any difference from the Sahabah. (SHARAH AINEE LIL BUKHAARI) • Allaama Ainee (demise 855) mentions in the khilaafat of Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) the Sahabah performed TWENTY Rakaats and this continued during the khilaafat of Uthman and Ali (may Allah be pleased with both of them). (SHARAH AINEE LIL BUKHARI VOL 7 PAGE 178) UNITS OF TARAWEEH ACCORDING TO THE FOUR SCHOOLS OF JURISPRUDENCE HANAFI SCHOOL Allaama ibn Humaam (demise 861 AH) says that the consensus was eventually reached that the Taraweeh Salah comprises of TWENTY Rakaats and this is what has been passed on from generation. (FATHUL QADEER VOL 1 PAGE 407) When Imaam Abu Yusuf (may Allah have mercy on him) asked Imaam Abu Haneefa (may Allah have mercy on him) whether Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) had any proof from Rasulullah (peace be upon him) to perform twenty Rakaats Taraweeh, Imaam Abu Haneefa replied, “Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) was never one who perpetrated acts of bid’ah (innovation).” (FAYDHUL BAARI VOL 2 PAGE 420, MIRAAQIL FALAAH PAGE 81, BAHRUR RAA’IQ VOL 2 PAGE 66) Imaam A’mash (may Allah be pleased with him) reports that Abdullah ibn Masud (may Allah be pleased with him) used to perform TWENTY Rakaats Taraweeh and three Rakaats of Witr. (UMDATUL QAARI VOL 11 PAGE 127, QIYAAMUL LAYL PAGE 91) Allaama Ainee says, “During the Khilaafah of ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) the Sahabah (may Allah be pleased with him) performed TWENTY Rakaats Taraweeh and this continued during the Khilaafat of Uthman and Ali (may Allah be pleased with both of them). (SHARAH AINEE LIL BUKHARI VOL 7 PAGE 178) Burhan Uddin Abul Hasan Ali ibn Abu Bakr Al Fargaani (demise 593 AH) in his book Al Hidaayah with regards to qiyaam (to stand) in Ramadan that “It is preferable for the people to gather in the month of Ramadan after the Esha Salaat, thus the Imaam leading them in Salaat with five Tarweeha (which means after every four Rakaats there will be a pause) a resting time this preferably means the Sunnat.” (HIDAAYAH VOL 1 PAGE 150-151) MAALIKI SCHOOL Yazeed ibn Rummaan (may Allah have mercy on him) says “During the khilaafat of Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) people performed TWENTY THREE Rakaats of Taraweeh together with Witr Salaat. (MU’ATTA IMAAM MAALIK PAGE 40) Ibn Abdil Barr (demise 463 AH) says that it is a fact that the Sahabah performed TWENTY Rakaats Taraweeh during the khilaafat of Umar. (MIRQAAT VOL 2 PAGE 174) SHAFI’EE SCHOOL Imaam Nawawi (demise 676 AH) writes in Al-Majmu’a Sharah Muhazzab with regards to the number of Rakaats in Taraweeh, “Our school of thought is of the opinion that it is TWENTY Rakaats with ten salaams and five Tarweeha.” Imaam Abu Haneefa and his companions, Imaam Ahmad, Imaam Dawud all hold the same opinion. (MAJMU’A SHARAH MUHAZZAB VOL 4 PAGE 32) Imaam Ghazaali (demise 505 AH) writes “The Taraweeh Salaat comprises of TWENTY Rakaats and is Sunnah Mu’akkada. (IHYAA UL ULOOM VOL 1 PAGE 208) Allaama Subki Shafi’ee (demise 756 AH) writes, “We believe that Taraweeh Salah is TWENTY Rakaats, as proven by authentic narrations.” (SHARAH MINHAAJ) Imam Sha’raani (demise 973 AH) writes “Umar (may Allah have mercy on him) then gave instruction for TWENTY THREE Rakaats to be performed, three being the Witr Salaah. This was then practised in all cities.” (KASHFUL GHUMMA) The research of Muhaddith Ibn Hajar Haytami (demise 974 AH, may Allah be leased with him) also reveals that the Sahabah (may Allah be pleased with them) were unanimous about performing TWENTY Rakaats Taraweeh. (TUHFATUL AKHYAAR PAGE 197) HANBALI SCHOOL Haafiz ibn Qudaama al-Maqdasi al-Hanbali (demise 620 AH) writes according to Imaam Ahmad Taraweeh is TWENTY Rakaats, Imaam Thowri, Imaam Abu Haseef, and Imaam Shafi’ee all hold the same opinion. (MUGHNI IBN QUDAAMA VOL 1 PAGE 789-799) Haafiz ibn Qudaama writes in another place that the Sahabah were unanimous on this about performing TWENTY Rakaats. (MUGHNI IBN QUDAAMA VOL 1 PAGE 803) NOTE No doubt throughout the centuries TWENTY UNITS of TARAWEEH SALAAH has been performed in Ramadan unanimously. After the demise of the prophet (peace be upon him) in each century that passed Scholars of high calibre did not hesitate to mention the Rakaats (units) of Taraweeh to be TWENTY. Twenty rakaats taraweeh is sunnat e muakkada, hazrat Umar (may Allah pleased with him) in the presence of great sahabah had started TWENTY rakaats, on which none of the big sahabah made any OBJECTION nor DENIED this. From the time of the sahabah to this day, and from east to west the twenty rakaats of taraweeh is being performed. The bequest of the messenger (peace be upon him) upon the sunnat of the khulafaa e raashideen “Whoever from amongst you lived after me will thus see a lot of differences, so hold on firm to my sunnah, and the sunnah of the khulafaa e raashideen and stay away from new things, because all new things are innovation and all innovation is misguidance. (Mishkaat vol 1 pge 30) And Allah knows best….. Acknowledgements All praise is due to Allah ta’ala, by his will we have been able to accomplish this humble work. I would like to express my gratitude to all of my teachers whilst I was in South Africa and other teachers in London. Fadhlul Islam Khan, 4TH Ramadan 1432, Wednesday 4TH August 2011 |
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