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Old 03-23-2012, 09:35 AM   #1

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Default Struggling with laziness, procrastination, effecting life... advice needed

Insha'Allah I pray that some brothers and sisters will take the time to read this post and give some advice.

I have always struggled with laziness, procrastination, and losing interest in things. Alhamdulillah, it never outwardly effected me so much. I was always on top of class in school, was always considered "very good" when I went into my job, etc. Alhamdulillah, none of that is from me and it is all Allah's swt favor... my point is that when I say I have always suffered with laziness, procrastination, and losing interest in things... I don't want to convey an image of a 'couch potato' or something, because that may land me some irrelevant advice.

I always knew all my life that if I actually "tried", I could be so much more. Yes, I'm one of those people who get by without "trying" and yet people think they must be working so hard to do what they do. You know the kids in school who don't study and yet always ace all exams, that was me... again not boasting, may Allah forgive me, rather trying to help you guys understand where I'm coming from.

Fast forward to adulthood, for the past 2 years or so, I have had an opportunity to work on a business (home-based business mainly) which I need, which my family needs. It is something which I can do in my spare time and slowly build it up to Insha'Allah a full-time income where my family can have a lifestyle where everyone doesn't have to work so hard 24/7 (I'm talking about Internet marketing for those who are familiar). It also gives me an opportunity to make the business completely halal (at least as much as possible in this day and age? Astaghfirullah. Since I can pick and choose what I work with and what I don't work with). If I actually 'worked' at it, in 2 years time I "should" have been a millionaire already... but I'm barely making some extra pocket change every month (which, Alhamdulillah, I am extremely thankful for, so again don't get me wrong here).

The problem is, nothing can hold my attention. Every time I start a project, I am all excited about it and go at it with full force; but once that initial adrenaline and rush is gone, I can't seem to take interest in it no matter how hard I try and it either gets left halfway done, or gets completed but not as well as I thought it would since I just can't keep interest in it. For example, Alhamdulillah I write very well (or so I've been told), I have written for some small publications in the past they loved what I wrote... but yet I can't figure out what to write about (on the internet, if you can write well about a certain topic, you can usually turn it into some type of an income in the long run). I got accepted at some of the bigger writing services online, thinking I would write a couple of articles for them daily to earn a little bit of extra cash on the side and maybe get into the "writing mode" for my own projects, but I sit there and go through their assignments in all categories and nothing appeals to me for some reason.

This is my main issue that I'm trying to get to: I cannot, for the life of me, figure out what my "passion" is!

I'm not a "loner" or a "weird guy" or any characteristics which one may associate with someone who doesn't "like" anything or doesn't have a passion. I'm actually a very normal, fun guy, have a nice family and friends, people like me and respect me. Again, not boasting, but trying to drive home the point that I am a "normal" guy who apparently doesn't like anything enough for it to hold his interest? How is that possible?

I have even done some of those exercises here and there, where you sit down and make a list of everything that pops into your head and then try to narrow down something you would love to do from there, but never was able to figure out something to which I would just say "oh my God this is it, I can't wait to do this and keep doing it from this point forward!". You know how they say your true passion is what you would do whether you were getting paid to do it or not? That's what I'm looking for but apparently having a bit of trouble finding it.

Even if I arrive at something which I think I like, as I said, after a while, sometimes hours, sometimes days, weeks at most, I completely lose interest in it to the point where I don't even want to look at it. I have many websites, many projects, many half-written articles on my hard drive and half-written business plans (something 'new' every time), some finished, most unfinished. All this stuff appealed to me highly at one point but as I said, at some point I completely lost interest in them.

I have the ability to write well, Alhamdulillah, but as I said, I cannot figure out what to write about, nor do I like to write to be honest, even though I have the ability to write well (hope that makes sense). I feel that if I could find a topic which I was extremely passionate about, combined with my writing & researching skills, I could really develop a huge, successful authority site in that topic... but I have tried and tried, researched niches and topics for years and years, and for some reason I'm not passionate about anything?? How is that possible?

I'm just not understanding why I keep selling myself short, when I know I am capable of so much more. Alhamdulillah, I have a job with a decent salary (though not the best hours but Alhamdulillah can't complain!), but there are just certain circumstances with myself and some loved ones where I seriously need to jump in and help out (with financial support), and I know that Insha'Allah financial support and more can come from a successful internet business, which I have the opportunity to run, and Insha'Allah even have a good amount of knowledge in my head to put into practice, but I just can't get moving!

From the beginning of 2012 I have been on a leave of absence from my day job due to certain reasons, and I have about 6 weeks or so left before I go back to work. So I have the luxury of more or less dedicating as much time as needed to this business during this time. I need to Insha'Allah make something happen in these few weeks, otherwise I will get sucked back into the day-job again and that will probably be it.

I'll stop talking (writing) now as I've babbled enough already, but I certainly hope I was able to make my point. In the end, I am looking for help, I'll try just about anything, to find my passion which I could venture into and Insha'Allah turn into a full-time gig for me.

One point I would like to make is that, , , , , I am not lazy in matters of the deen. I could absolutely be 1000% better, as I do the bare minimum, but what I'm saying is that when it comes to the minimum, I am able to keep a routine Alhamdulillah. By the grace of Allah swt, I am able to make my salat no matter where I may be, I make it to the masjid daily 99% of the time (basically I don't miss going to the masjid unless I absolutely *must* accommodate a family gathering or something else which comes up), and I find all the interest and time to spend reading about the deen. Not boasting again but Insha'Allah trying to make the point that Alhamdulillah my laziness and losing interest doesn't carry into the deen (thank Allah) and I would like to be able to direct a similar type of dedication and energy toward a 'worldly' project. Insha'Allah my intentions behind all of this are not completely worldly, as I wish to change my family's lifestyle with the help of Allah , and I also intend to Insha'Allah give more time to the deen once I can get a business established.

I might even say that my only interest which, Alhamdulillah, I am able to keep and not lose interest in, is Allah's deen. I have thought about starting some type of 'site' having to do with something with the deen... but some things keep stop me, among which are me not being a Mufti so I don't want to set up anything which people might think it's from a scholar and potentially end up doing the wrong thing based on reading my site thinking they were following a scholar, and also I am not sure to what extent can one go with making "money" with the deen. For example, can I have a "for-profit" Islamic website, which makes money from advertising etc (like any other website), is that even allowed? I know of course thousands of businesses sell Islamic "products", such as clothing, books, etc, but I'm talking more from an "informational site" point of view. These are the kind of things which stop me from entering into figuring out business which can be fueled by my interest for the deen of Islam. At the same time, even if I was to do so, again I wouldn't exactly be sure where to start, what kind of site to start, what are people looking for, etc.

But... how to combat the laziness & procrastination? I have been making dua to Allah swt and it has helped. I think Allah has led me to make this post and Insha'Allah we can find some good advice here.

Finally, I firmly know and believe that what is written is written, and only Allah knows what is written. If He has a certain plan for me, then I cannot change it no matter how many people I ask and no matter how many people try to help me. Allah knows best.

Any dua's, advice, tips, comments, anything at all will be appreciated.

for your time and your advice.

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Old 03-23-2012, 10:57 AM   #2

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I would venture to guess that there are many, many people who are in a similar situation (I know I am). I work from home and I can tell you it is difficult - the work is easy enough for me (research) but it takes a lot of discipline which I find lacking most days. Of course, wearing many 'hats' in the same space does not help either; I find having to switch between various roles and duties within the same space (home) difficult. There is something to be said about being in a space dedicated specifically for a certain job and I definitely am much more productive that way but I am also extremely grateful to Allah (SWT) for being able to do what I do so that I can actually homeschool my son.

So, what can I offer you by way of advice? I can say that I have noticed a rhythm in my ability to sustain focus and work but it is hard to pin-point, the window is surprisingly small and environmental factors can easily throw it off (like barometric pressure). Not much help right? Not necessarily, I still work outside of that time-frame (have to, no choice) but I make an extra effort at that time (need to remain flexible yet structured). I have also learned a lot about my abilities through this experience: I love to think (and write) but I find that, once I've solved a puzzle in my mind I'm just not motivated to go through the same thought over again in slow-motion to get it down on paper (yes, I am working on patience here)... So, here's some of what I try to do:

  • set aside a space dedicated solely to that activity and nothing else;
  • write a daily to-do list (even if you don't go through items). I like to check items off and add to my list as I do things that weren't initially listed. This way, at the end of the day I can see what I've actually accomplished and where I've procrastinated. I write my list at night - review and prep for the next day.
  • set aside a good chunk of time (say 2 hours) and sit at your designated work-space for the allocated time - even if you don't end up doing exactly what you had planned, make sure that whatever you do end up doing is related to your work in one way or another. So, lets say you had planned to sit and write an article for 2 hours but ended up doing research instead - all good, it is work towards the same end.
  • Make a schedule (aside from the to-do list) - keep all the key elements on it and post it someplace visible to you and your family members so they know not to disturb you when you're at 'work'.
  • Diversify but try to keep to a routine. Try to do different types of jobs regardless of pay difference - like volunteering to help an elderly community member with their grocery shopping or volunteering to help youth with homework issues etc. Try to build in at least a little time for hands-on types of jobs - like gardening, or fixing cars, or carpentry... (even if it is tedious work).

I hope some of this proves helpful. I'm not sure what else I can contribute but if I think of anything, I'll add it here.

May Allah (SWT) make it easy for you and may He increase your patience and perseverance. Ameen.

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Old 03-23-2012, 11:45 AM   #3

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Dear Shuayb,
your maintenance of minimal Islamic routine is worth emulating for many of us find it difficult to do even that much.
And yes, you have made your point.
Will it be alright if I take the liberty of using psychological approach?
The better thing to do will be to approach a Shaikh - that is what they are for. The danger at an open forum is that even those people start jumping in who are replying just by common sense. And common sense is the best approach provided it is in harmony with Allah(SWT). Most of the time our common sense is more in harmony with taghoot.
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Old 03-23-2012, 12:03 PM   #4

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I should add what I've written goes for all duties - including deeni. For instance: my to-do lists include salaat and anything else I do that relates solely to Islam (including reading and fasting); I have space within my home designated just for salaat and a space where I keep my books; and my schedule includes time for salaat, reading, dhikr etc. and has certain days reserved for possible fasting. This provides the ideal for me (both deeni and dunyavi) at this given time and does not necessarily mean I am able to do it all. It provides motivation and reminder.

A balance between all aspects of life (deen, family/community and work) and insha'Allah in line with Allah (SWT) throughout.

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Old 03-23-2012, 03:05 PM   #5

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I should add what I've written goes for all duties - including deeni. For instance: my to-do lists include salaat and anything else I do that relates solely to Islam (including reading and fasting); I have space within my home designated just for salaat and a space where I keep my books; and my schedule includes time for salaat, reading, dhikr etc. and has certain days reserved for possible fasting. This provides the ideal for me (both deeni and dunyavi) at this given time and does not necessarily mean I am able to do it all. It provides motivation and reminder.

A balance between all aspects of life (deen, family/community and work) and insha'Allah in line with Allah (SWT) throughout.

Masha Allah ta’aala. Organized people are really fantastic.

Brother, I think the utmost passion an individual can possess results from living for an ideal that is greater than themselves. The greatness of that ideal forever attracts them and keeps them eager for its realization. Thus, the greater the ideal, the more intense our passion for it. To illustrate this, we could choose to dedicate our lives to supporting our families and our communities finding fulfillment therein. But what is that next to supporting all impoverished Muslims? Just imagine being the reason behind the complete eradication of poverty from the face of the earth. Because of you (by the Grace of Allah SWT), every child has a chance at life and every family the right to live respectably. How would you rather spend your life? Wouldn’t you love to be that individual? Same here, everyone would. So my advice is to set the greatest ideal you can think of for yourself and then go all-out for it!

Barak Allah ta’aala.
wonceinee is offline

Old 03-23-2012, 04:57 PM   #6

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I'm sorry, akhi, I don't really have any advice, but I do recommend this du'a:

Allāhumma innī a'ūdhu bika mina'l hammi wa'l hazan wa a'ūdhu bika mina'l-'ajzi wa'l kasal wa a'ūdhu bika minal jubni wa'l bukhl wa a'ūdhu bika min ghalabati'd dayn wa qahri'r-rijāl
O Allāh! I seek refuge in You from anxiety and grief, and I seek refuge in You from weakness and laziness, and I seek refuge in You from cowardice and miserliness, and I seek refuge in You from being overwhelmed by debt, and the tyranny of men.
DeronBoltonRen is offline

Old 03-25-2012, 07:04 AM   #7

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Asalaam-o-alaikum Warahmatullah.

I would venture to guess that there are many, many people who are in a similar situation (I know I am). I work from home and I can tell you it is difficult - the work is easy enough for me (research) but it takes a lot of discipline which I find lacking most days. Of course, wearing many 'hats' in the same space does not help either; I find having to switch between various roles and duties within the same space (home) difficult. There is something to be said about being in a space dedicated specifically for a certain job and I definitely am much more productive that way but I am also extremely grateful to Allah (SWT) for being able to do what I do so that I can actually homeschool my son.

So, what can I offer you by way of advice? I can say that I have noticed a rhythm in my ability to sustain focus and work but it is hard to pin-point, the window is surprisingly small and environmental factors can easily throw it off (like barometric pressure). Not much help right? Not necessarily, I still work outside of that time-frame (have to, no choice) but I make an extra effort at that time (need to remain flexible yet structured). I have also learned a lot about my abilities through this experience: I love to think (and write) but I find that, once I've solved a puzzle in my mind I'm just not motivated to go through the same thought over again in slow-motion to get it down on paper (yes, I am working on patience here)... So, here's some of what I try to do:

  • set aside a space dedicated solely to that activity and nothing else;
  • write a daily to-do list (even if you don't go through items). I like to check items off and add to my list as I do things that weren't initially listed. This way, at the end of the day I can see what I've actually accomplished and where I've procrastinated. I write my list at night - review and prep for the next day.
  • set aside a good chunk of time (say 2 hours) and sit at your designated work-space for the allocated time - even if you don't end up doing exactly what you had planned, make sure that whatever you do end up doing is related to your work in one way or another. So, lets say you had planned to sit and write an article for 2 hours but ended up doing research instead - all good, it is work towards the same end.
  • Make a schedule (aside from the to-do list) - keep all the key elements on it and post it someplace visible to you and your family members so they know not to disturb you when you're at 'work'.
  • Diversify but try to keep to a routine. Try to do different types of jobs regardless of pay difference - like volunteering to help an elderly community member with their grocery shopping or volunteering to help youth with homework issues etc. Try to build in at least a little time for hands-on types of jobs - like gardening, or fixing cars, or carpentry... (even if it is tedious work).

I hope some of this proves helpful. I'm not sure what else I can contribute but if I think of anything, I'll add it here.

May Allah (SWT) make it easy for you and may He increase your patience and perseverance. Ameen.

JazakAllah sister for your practical advice! Insha'Allah I will try to implement as much of it as possible right away. It does help a lot. I do agree with having a dedicated space to do 'work'. I think one of the issues is that currently my 'work space' is my bedroom so as soon as I sit down on the computer to work I start feeling lazy and the bed starts calling me (when, if it was just 'browsing the internet' or going through and participating at SF, that would not be the case, so in the end I think it's just an inner 'excuse' that I need to overcome). For example, I could sublet a small type of office space somewhere and go there daily just to work, but not sure how much of an effect that would have and if I would still end up being lazy and procrastinating in the end.

Dear Shuayb,
your maintenance of minimal Islamic routine is worth emulating for many of us find it difficult to do even that much.
And yes, you have made your point.
Will it be alright if I take the liberty of using psychological approach?
The better thing to do will be to approach a Shaikh - that is what they are for. The danger at an open forum is that even those people start jumping in who are replying just by common sense. And common sense is the best approach provided it is in harmony with Allah(SWT). Most of the time our common sense is more in harmony with taghoot.
JazakAllah brother Maripat for your reply. Regarding the Islamic routine... Alhamdulillah, it is only given by Allah and nothing special whatsoever about me personally to be able to do that. Allah can make it stop in a blink of an eye and put me back to where I was (I have had that happen, where all of the sudden it became very tough to go to the mosque daily and I really, really had to push myself to go... even though it's such a regular "routine" for me now. I think those times serve as a 'reminder' from Allah swt to not become "proud" of myself just because I can do something regularly). So Insha'Allah I must try to be humble and thankful about everything at all times.

Also, Yes, please go ahead and use a psychological approach! I am open to anything (halal) at this point. I completely understand what you're saying about people giving advice on Islamic forums (and in general) and other people acting on the advice without confirming with a scholar. Subhan'Allah I always take Islamic advice found on the internet with a grain of salt and always verify it with my local mufti at the masjid (who Masha'Allah is very good with answering our questions on a daily basis) and also verify it with some of the established fatwa sites such as Islamweb.net or islamqa, etc.

JazakAllah again for your advice brother and I look forward to your 'psychological' approach.

I should add what I've written goes for all duties - including deeni. For instance: my to-do lists include salaat and anything else I do that relates solely to Islam (including reading and fasting); I have space within my home designated just for salaat and a space where I keep my books; and my schedule includes time for salaat, reading, dhikr etc. and has certain days reserved for possible fasting. This provides the ideal for me (both deeni and dunyavi) at this given time and does not necessarily mean I am able to do it all. It provides motivation and reminder.

A balance between all aspects of life (deen, family/community and work) and insha'Allah in line with Allah (SWT) throughout.

Masha'Allah, this is kind of where I want to get to as well. To have everything scheduled including deeni activities, and therefore even increase the amount of dhikr etc I do on a daily basis since I will be allotting a separate block of time for it. Right now Alhamdulillah I make all my salat, do dhikr etc but I am kind of all over the place in trying to 'balance' everything since I'm not the best when it comes to time management.

Insha'Allah I will reply to the rest of the posts a little bit later (running low on time at the moment) but JazakAllah I do appreciate everyone's replies.

Asalaam-o-alaikum Warahmatullah.
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Old 03-25-2012, 07:58 AM   #8

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Salaam i just want to add my two cents because its very helpful. As a ddue that is overweight, one thing that dictates everything else is my sleep, belive it or not. if you get ur sleep in order, things will work out, no joke
JoZertekAdv is offline

Old 03-25-2012, 10:06 AM   #9

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Masha Allah ta’aala. Organized people are really fantastic.

Brother, I think the utmost passion an individual can possess results from living for an ideal that is greater than themselves. The greatness of that ideal forever attracts them and keeps them eager for its realization. Thus, the greater the ideal, the more intense our passion for it. To illustrate this, we could choose to dedicate our lives to supporting our families and our communities finding fulfillment therein. But what is that next to supporting all impoverished Muslims? Just imagine being the reason behind the complete eradication of poverty from the face of the earth. Because of you (by the Grace of Allah SWT), every child has a chance at life and every family the right to live respectably. How would you rather spend your life? Wouldn’t you love to be that individual? Same here, everyone would. So my advice is to set the greatest ideal you can think of for yourself and then go all-out for it!

Barak Allah ta’aala.
sister, JazakAllah for your reply. You have shown me a perspective which I never thought of before, and one that makes complete sense. May Allah swt reward you for that. What you're saying makes a lot of sense, and if one makes their focus to Insha'Allah be able to service all of mankind and not just their immediate family and such, then things can Insha'Allah take a turn in a way which we wouldn't have thought of before. I will definitely always try to keep this in my mind and strive to achieve such a level of thinking and take action on it, Insha'Allah. JazakAllah again for your advice.

I'm sorry, akhi, I don't really have any advice, but I do recommend this du'a:

Allāhumma innī a'ūdhu bika mina'l hammi wa'l hazan wa a'ūdhu bika mina'l-'ajzi wa'l kasal wa a'ūdhu bika minal jubni wa'l bukhl wa a'ūdhu bika min ghalabati'd dayn wa qahri'r-rijāl
O Allāh! I seek refuge in You from anxiety and grief, and I seek refuge in You from weakness and laziness, and I seek refuge in You from cowardice and miserliness, and I seek refuge in You from being overwhelmed by debt, and the tyranny of men.
JazakAllah brother. I have actually seen that dua on several occasions, every time laziness is being spoken about in Islamic circles. May Allah forgive me, I am actually such a procrastinator that I've been meaning to memorize this dua for a while now and haven't done it. I was actually noticing an improvement in my life in regards to these issues when I was reading this dua a few times daily (by looking at my phone). Insha'Allah now that you've mentioned it again, I'll take it as my cue to get with it and get it memorized. May Allah reward you. If you can find the Arabic of this dua (with all tajweed marks) somewhere and post it, I would really appreciate it as well. JazakAllah.

Salaam i just want to add my two cents because its very helpful. As a ddue that is overweight, one thing that dictates everything else is my sleep, belive it or not. if you get ur sleep in order, things will work out, no joke
brother. Completely agree with you on the sleep comment. That was actually something I used to struggle with greatly as well, but Alhamdulillah it got better as I started making salat regularly. For example, I now wake up bright and early everyday for Fajr, and even on days off the latest I can sleep is until Dhuhr, naps cannot be extraordinarily long because a salat would usually fall in between so I have to wake up, cannot stay up all night long staring at my computer screen like I used to because then it's that much tougher to wake up for Fajr, etc.

One thing that has helped me in the past, that I am trying to get back into but having a tough time, is not going back to sleep after Fajr. Alhamdulillah I wake up for Fajr (except for the once in a blue moon where I may miss my alarm and wake up late, may Allah forgive me), Alhamdulillah go to the masjid and everything, but as soon as I get back home, I want to jump back into bed and then I don't wake up until late afternoon (since I am off from work these days as I said in my OP). There was a period of time recently where I wasn't going back to sleep after Fajr and just going about my day instead, and Subhan'Allah the amount of work/things one can get done between Fajr-Dhuhr is just amazing. I read somewhere that Rasulullah asked Allah swt to put barakah in all Muslims' early morning (halal) affairs and that is the reason for that. It makes complete sense if one really tries taking advantage of it.

JazakAllah for your advice brother. Can I ask for you for a favor? Do you mind elaborating a bit on what you said... "If you get your sleep in order, things will work out". You sound very confident and seems like this has made a difference for you Masha'Allah, so if you don't mind sharing some details about what sort of changes you made to your sleep schedule, how you went about making them solid and how it helped you, Insha'Allah myself and others can benefit from it.

JazakAllah again to all and may Allah swt make it easy for all of us. Ameen.

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Old 03-25-2012, 10:26 AM   #10

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JazakAllah brother. I have actually seen that dua on several occasions, every time laziness is being spoken about in Islamic circles. May Allah forgive me, I am actually such a procrastinator that I've been meaning to memorize this dua for a while now and haven't done it. I was actually noticing an improvement in my life in regards to these issues when I was reading this dua a few times daily (by looking at my phone). Insha'Allah now that you've mentioned it again, I'll take it as my cue to get with it and get it memorized. May Allah reward you. If you can find the Arabic of this dua (with all tajweed marks) somewhere and post it, I would really appreciate it as well. JazakAllah.

Wa iyyakum, and I found the arabic:
source: http://www.makedua.com/display_dua.php?sectionid=34
I hope that this helps .
DeronBoltonRen is offline

Old 03-26-2012, 02:26 AM   #11

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ta’aala brother, that’s really fantastic. May you feel Allah’s SWT support in all your noble endeavors. Amin everyone. Barak Allah ta’aala.
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Old 03-26-2012, 03:12 AM   #12

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Assalaamu alaikum Wr wb,

Br Shuayb,

I just wondered, are you feeling an undue pressure to fulfil this desire or can it be said to be a dream or would you say it is an intention, to provide for your family and yourself in the way in which you have described?

It is a sincere question.

I am aware of a feeling of despondency that can come with not knowing how to begin or where to start or the weight of the task in front of you without realising that it is actually weighty.

In life, sadly, as I am told, much to my frustrations, life requires hard work. But hard work even went tearing you apart is something that you can actually bear if it is something that you believe in. Or can see the end result of.

Is the internet business that you are after, really viable? Have you done the research or are you doing the research that you need to make it happen? Or is that really the issue, that perhaps, you thought you knew where you were going but that actually, climbing up mount everest is not as romantic or as easy as people make it out to be even with all the equipment.

The drive is important.

Procrastination, is a killer. I speak from personal experience.

In the end, the only person you injure is yourself. (I apologise for the negativity in that, but it is true, and painful a truth).
I'm bad for giving myself a lot of guilt-ridden pep talks, and then I learnt that sometimes even those dont really help.

The surge of drive and adrenaline that you describe, sounds momentarily like you've forgotten to say bismillah. And then the crash that you get after, sounds a little like the despair and waswasa of our old 'friend' iblis, which then sounds like you forget to say authobillah. I may be wrong. But it would be worth saying those simple words.

Bismillah, oh Allah, make my day fruitful, and my research fruitful, for by my act, I pray that this a form of worship for you, for I would like to benefit not only my family and myself, but the ummah, and keep me steady in my actions, and let me not become lazy, for time is gift, and You love that we should use such a gift well. Today You have made me healthy and blessed me with intelligence, allow me to benefit oh Lord from these, and increase me in deen, and bless my efforts and protect me from shaytaan, and may there be peace and blessings upon the Prophet PBUH. Oh Lord, from You is provision. Ya Razzaq, oh Provider, oh Most Wise, let me not worsen my own state nor sin before you. Help me Allah, and bless me in my efforts, and forgive me of my sins, for You Love forgiving are oft-forgiving ever merciful.

Thus, if these help you, I pray you gain success from them.

I would also commence your day with the Wird, and the last two surahs of al-baqara, ayat-ul-kursi, the last three quls and finally before actually starting your work, Al-fatiha.

Sis Acacia has some really great points.

I would strongly ditto her point on flexibility, and finding a good space conducive to further work, and not to despair. Do set aside even half an hour, such that even if you only work efficiently for 5 minutes, if Allah wishes, and if your intention insha'Allah is good, who knows, that 5 minutes, may extend into 10 and 10 into 15 minutes and before you know it an 1hr or 2 or a day. It is Allah who can bless your time. Ever noticed how you can do so much sometimes in half an hour compared to an afternoon?

Allah is the one that also provides. Be weary that your intention to provide for your family is not out of a selfish thing nor a feeling of taking over the duty of God. Small actions but sincere honest big intentions, small steps can make a big difference.

If you unduly put pressure on yourself to have a successful internet business, you may see less success, than if you additionally have hope in your Lord and realise that if it fails, than it is as He wills, and He really knows what's best for you.

This is a hard pill to swallow, but it may be that there is something that we want really badly, but it is harmful for us, and there is something we dont want but it is something actually better for us.

I pray your business venture is a successful halal venture. And I pray that Allah puts baraka in your effort and time and brings fruit that benefits not only you and your family, but muslims too, and that it brings harmony and benefit to our not only our ummah but mankind too.

Forgive me dear brother if I have said anything wrong. I may be the less brighter voice there, but I do recognise from similar experiences with myself, where you may be coming from.

Remember insha'Allah, Allah is Your Provider. What you do in the next second, has more weight than what you may or may not do in the 2 hours from now. I say that with sadness, as I am probably the biggest procrastinator of all. God forgive us all, and help us with the time we are given, and inspire us with right and good actions, and protect us always from every evil.
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Old 03-26-2012, 03:23 AM   #13

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you got some really good advice from all of the sisters and brothers who replied. Through your question, I (and others insha'Allah) are also benefiting form the answers, Alhamdulillah.

for the question and the answers.

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Old 06-10-2012, 06:52 AM   #14

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Insha'Allah, keeping consistency in mind may also be helpful (short talk by Shaykh Husain).

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Old 06-10-2012, 07:17 AM   #15

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Insha'Allah I pray that some brothers and sisters will take the time to read this post and give some advice.

I have always struggled with laziness, procrastination, and losing interest in things. Alhamdulillah, it never outwardly effected me so much. I was always on top of class in school, was always considered "very good" when I went into my job, etc. Alhamdulillah, none of that is from me and it is all Allah's swt favor... my point is that when I say I have always suffered with laziness, procrastination, and losing interest in things... I don't want to convey an image of a 'couch potato' or something, because that may land me some irrelevant advice.

I always knew all my life that if I actually "tried", I could be so much more. Yes, I'm one of those people who get by without "trying" and yet people think they must be working so hard to do what they do. You know the kids in school who don't study and yet always ace all exams, that was me... again not boasting, may Allah forgive me, rather trying to help you guys understand where I'm coming from.

Fast forward to adulthood, for the past 2 years or so, I have had an opportunity to work on a business (home-based business mainly) which I need, which my family needs. It is something which I can do in my spare time and slowly build it up to Insha'Allah a full-time income where my family can have a lifestyle where everyone doesn't have to work so hard 24/7 (I'm talking about Internet marketing for those who are familiar). It also gives me an opportunity to make the business completely halal (at least as much as possible in this day and age? Astaghfirullah. Since I can pick and choose what I work with and what I don't work with). If I actually 'worked' at it, in 2 years time I "should" have been a millionaire already... but I'm barely making some extra pocket change every month (which, Alhamdulillah, I am extremely thankful for, so again don't get me wrong here).

The problem is, nothing can hold my attention. Every time I start a project, I am all excited about it and go at it with full force; but once that initial adrenaline and rush is gone, I can't seem to take interest in it no matter how hard I try and it either gets left halfway done, or gets completed but not as well as I thought it would since I just can't keep interest in it. For example, Alhamdulillah I write very well (or so I've been told), I have written for some small publications in the past they loved what I wrote... but yet I can't figure out what to write about (on the internet, if you can write well about a certain topic, you can usually turn it into some type of an income in the long run). I got accepted at some of the bigger writing services online, thinking I would write a couple of articles for them daily to earn a little bit of extra cash on the side and maybe get into the "writing mode" for my own projects, but I sit there and go through their assignments in all categories and nothing appeals to me for some reason.

This is my main issue that I'm trying to get to: I cannot, for the life of me, figure out what my "passion" is!

I'm not a "loner" or a "weird guy" or any characteristics which one may associate with someone who doesn't "like" anything or doesn't have a passion. I'm actually a very normal, fun guy, have a nice family and friends, people like me and respect me. Again, not boasting, but trying to drive home the point that I am a "normal" guy who apparently doesn't like anything enough for it to hold his interest? How is that possible?

I have even done some of those exercises here and there, where you sit down and make a list of everything that pops into your head and then try to narrow down something you would love to do from there, but never was able to figure out something to which I would just say "oh my God this is it, I can't wait to do this and keep doing it from this point forward!". You know how they say your true passion is what you would do whether you were getting paid to do it or not? That's what I'm looking for but apparently having a bit of trouble finding it.

Even if I arrive at something which I think I like, as I said, after a while, sometimes hours, sometimes days, weeks at most, I completely lose interest in it to the point where I don't even want to look at it. I have many websites, many projects, many half-written articles on my hard drive and half-written business plans (something 'new' every time), some finished, most unfinished. All this stuff appealed to me highly at one point but as I said, at some point I completely lost interest in them.

I have the ability to write well, Alhamdulillah, but as I said, I cannot figure out what to write about, nor do I like to write to be honest, even though I have the ability to write well (hope that makes sense). I feel that if I could find a topic which I was extremely passionate about, combined with my writing & researching skills, I could really develop a huge, successful authority site in that topic... but I have tried and tried, researched niches and topics for years and years, and for some reason I'm not passionate about anything?? How is that possible?

I'm just not understanding why I keep selling myself short, when I know I am capable of so much more. Alhamdulillah, I have a job with a decent salary (though not the best hours but Alhamdulillah can't complain!), but there are just certain circumstances with myself and some loved ones where I seriously need to jump in and help out (with financial support), and I know that Insha'Allah financial support and more can come from a successful internet business, which I have the opportunity to run, and Insha'Allah even have a good amount of knowledge in my head to put into practice, but I just can't get moving!

From the beginning of 2012 I have been on a leave of absence from my day job due to certain reasons, and I have about 6 weeks or so left before I go back to work. So I have the luxury of more or less dedicating as much time as needed to this business during this time. I need to Insha'Allah make something happen in these few weeks, otherwise I will get sucked back into the day-job again and that will probably be it.

I'll stop talking (writing) now as I've babbled enough already, but I certainly hope I was able to make my point. In the end, I am looking for help, I'll try just about anything, to find my passion which I could venture into and Insha'Allah turn into a full-time gig for me.

One point I would like to make is that, , , , , I am not lazy in matters of the deen. I could absolutely be 1000% better, as I do the bare minimum, but what I'm saying is that when it comes to the minimum, I am able to keep a routine Alhamdulillah. By the grace of Allah swt, I am able to make my salat no matter where I may be, I make it to the masjid daily 99% of the time (basically I don't miss going to the masjid unless I absolutely *must* accommodate a family gathering or something else which comes up), and I find all the interest and time to spend reading about the deen. Not boasting again but Insha'Allah trying to make the point that Alhamdulillah my laziness and losing interest doesn't carry into the deen (thank Allah) and I would like to be able to direct a similar type of dedication and energy toward a 'worldly' project. Insha'Allah my intentions behind all of this are not completely worldly, as I wish to change my family's lifestyle with the help of Allah , and I also intend to Insha'Allah give more time to the deen once I can get a business established.

I might even say that my only interest which, Alhamdulillah, I am able to keep and not lose interest in, is Allah's deen. I have thought about starting some type of 'site' having to do with something with the deen... but some things keep stop me, among which are me not being a Mufti so I don't want to set up anything which people might think it's from a scholar and potentially end up doing the wrong thing based on reading my site thinking they were following a scholar, and also I am not sure to what extent can one go with making "money" with the deen. For example, can I have a "for-profit" Islamic website, which makes money from advertising etc (like any other website), is that even allowed? I know of course thousands of businesses sell Islamic "products", such as clothing, books, etc, but I'm talking more from an "informational site" point of view. These are the kind of things which stop me from entering into figuring out business which can be fueled by my interest for the deen of Islam. At the same time, even if I was to do so, again I wouldn't exactly be sure where to start, what kind of site to start, what are people looking for, etc.

But... how to combat the laziness & procrastination? I have been making dua to Allah swt and it has helped. I think Allah has led me to make this post and Insha'Allah we can find some good advice here.

Finally, I firmly know and believe that what is written is written, and only Allah knows what is written. If He has a certain plan for me, then I cannot change it no matter how many people I ask and no matter how many people try to help me. Allah knows best.

Any dua's, advice, tips, comments, anything at all will be appreciated.

for your time and your advice.

Make worship as the niyyat for doing your business. You gotta get yourself active and over it. Make a routine and schedule and stick to it strictly. Whatever is making you lazy in get rid of that thing.
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