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Old 05-12-2012, 11:10 PM   #21

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The local Turkish community at one stage were going to change all prayers, duaas etc to be in Turkish, when I recently went Turkish masjid they even do Khutba in Turkish even though there are many Arab speaking people?
Every thing at our mosque is said in english except the prayers; which are recited in arabic.

We have a large masjid with people from every country. So english is like the neutral language.

Plus, being in America, most of the people are trying to learn english anyway.
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Old 05-12-2012, 11:38 PM   #22

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Taken from "Muntakhab Ahadith":

- Sa'd narrates that Rasulullah said: No one who intends evil for the people of Madinah except that Allah will melt him in the Fire, like the melting of lead or the dissolving of salt in water. -(Muslim)

- Jabir Ibne Abdullah narrates: I heard Rasulullah saying: He, who frightens the residents of Madinah, frightens me. -(Musnad Ahmad, Majma-uz-Zawaid)

- Abdullah Ibne Umar narrates that Rasulullah said: He who can die in Madinah, let him die there; verily I shall intercede for those who die there. -(Ibne Hibban)

- Abu Hurairah narrates that Rasulullah said: No one amongst my Ummah who will endure the hardship and rigour of Madinah, without my being an intercessor or witness on his behalf on the Day of Resurrection. -(Muslim)

I do not know if it is in reply to my query. If it is so, then these are to do with madinah and I am asking about ahadeeth speaking about loving arabs in general. If your reply was not aimed at my post, kindly ignore it.
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Old 05-13-2012, 12:05 AM   #23

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I do not know if it is in reply to my query. If it is so, then these are to do with madinah and I am asking about ahadeeth speaking about loving arabs in general. If your reply was not aimed at my post, kindly ignore it.
Yes, it was reply to your query although I also think its not perfect answer. But somewhere I read/heard Hadith regarding Arabs.
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Old 05-13-2012, 12:32 AM   #24

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welcome back to Islam, brother Revert2001, may Allah SWT grant you steadfastness on Deen, summa aameen. However I feel the reason those guys didn't give their daughter in marriage to you has more to do with tahaffuz then racism, they are giving their daughter not son, and every parent and definitely conservative Muslims will want security of their daughter and thats not the same when agreeing to get their son to marry a revert sister, for ex. nobody would want to give away their family jewels to a just established shop for polishing and stuff...

women in Islam are something else altogether. hope you understand.
however, my dad's friend's daughter got married to a revert (white or black no matter, that'll be racist if I say who she married)

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Old 05-13-2012, 12:47 AM   #25

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welcome back to Islam, brother Revert2001, may Allah SWT grant you steadfastness on Deen, summa aameen. However I feel the reason those guys didn't give their daughter in marriage to you has more to do with tahaffuz then racism, they are giving their daughter not son, and every parent and definitely conservative Muslims will want security of their daughter and thats not the same when agreeing to get their son to marry a revert sister, for ex. nobody would want to give away their family jewels to a just established shop for polishing and stuff...

women in Islam are something else altogether. hope you understand.
however, my dad's friend's daughter got married to a revert.
I had been a muslim for 5 years.

So it wasn't like I was a beginner or didn't know the Deen.

The sister had told me before hand that it was going to be difficult because I was not from her country; and not from her tribe. Plus, me being white was really going to be a problem with her family.

Yet, she thought she could convince them to accept me.

But, in this case. Culture won out over Islam.
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Old 05-13-2012, 12:56 AM   #26

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I had been a muslim for 5 years.

So it wasn't like I was a beginner or didn't know the Deen.

The sister had told me before hand that it was going to be difficult because I was not from her country; and not from her tribe. Plus, me being white was really going to be a problem with her family.

Yet, she thought she could convince them to accept me.

But, in this case. Culture won out over Islam.
then thats sad brother, make dua for them, i'm still quite happy, 'coz I'm sure if such a thing happens in the future with her kids, that sister who initially agreed to marry you but couldn't due to parental pressure won't forward the tribe culture on her kids, it'll end with her parents. she is a daughter, so her parents would have wanted more safety for her than normal, but i'd be sad if her dad went back on his promise, which was not the case, so just make dua.
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Old 05-13-2012, 01:04 AM   #27

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Now, there is an avatar on this forum somewhere (another sister brought it to my attention not too long ago and it reads):

Well, Allah is looking at you right now and saying:
I am saving this person for someone special Just think about that.

Then there is a Turkish saying (which I'm sure must be from Arabic but I've only ever heard it in Turkish): yanlızlık Allah'a (SWT) mahsustur, loosely translated as: solitude is reserved/intended for Allah (SWT), meaning: we are not meant to be alone. So, insha'Allah keep praying for that special person Allah (SWT) has intended for you and don't give up based on one failed attempt. Talk with the imam of your mosque, insha'Allah he can help you with this.
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Old 05-13-2012, 01:16 AM   #28

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Now, there is an avatar on this forum somewhere (another sister brought it to my attention not too long ago and it reads):

Just think about that.

Then there is a Turkish saying (which I'm sure must be from Arabic but I've only ever heard it in Turkish): yanlızlık Allah'a (SWT) mahsustur, loosely translated as: solitude is reserved/intended for Allah (SWT), meaning: we are not meant to be alone. So, insha'Allah keep praying for that special person Allah (SWT) has intended for you and don't give up based on one failed attempt. Talk with the imam of your mosque, insha'Allah he can help you with this.
Thank you for your words of encouragement.

But I am 59 years old now.

So I seriously doubt a muslimah is in my future.

Besides, the sister I wanted to marry was still of the child bear age. And I really want to be the father of a muslim child (children) and raise them in the deen.

On a positive note: Yesterday I celebrated my 12th year of saying Shahada at the Masjid!!
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Old 05-13-2012, 01:59 AM   #29

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Thank you for your words of encouragement.

But I am 59 years old now.

So I seriously doubt a muslimah is in my future.

Besides, the sister I wanted to marry was still of the child bear age. And I really want to be the father of a muslim child (children) and raise them in the deen.

On a positive note: Yesterday I celebrated my 12th year of saying Shahada at the Masjid.
Keep up hope and prayer for all good things - even the children you do have - regardless of whether they are Muslim or not. May Allah (SWT) guide them all and make your relations with your children easy for you. Ameen.

Your 12th year has not gone unnoticed (and that was partly why I was in a rush to get your story up on the blog). May Allah (SWT) keep you on the path of righteousness.

Now... back to age, fathering etc. etc. I am learning some prophetic du'aas and this past week we started the story of S. Zakariyya (as). He was a prophet and the guardian of S. Maryam (as). He saw that S. Maryam (as) would receive out-of-season fruits and food in her room to which he was the only one who had access and when he inquired about it... well, let's see what Allah (SWT) says about this in the Qur'an:

So, her Lord accepted her, a good acceptance, and made her grow, a good growth, and made Zakariyya her guardian. Whenever Zakariyya visited her in the Arch, he found with her some food. He said: "Maryam, from where has it come for you?" She said: "It is from Allah. Surely, Allah gives whom He wills without measure." (Surah 'Al-Imran, 3:37)

From this, S. Zakariyya (as) observed/learned that Allah (SWT) gives without earthly means. Now, S. Zakariyya's (as) wife was barren and he was very old yet he knew that "...Allah (SWT) gives whom He wills without measure".... and made the following du'aa, as revealed in the Qur'an:

Thereupon, Zakariyya prayed to his Lord. He said: "O my Lord, grant me from Your own (power) a goodly progeny. Verily, You are the listener of the prayer." (Surah 'Al-Imran, 3:38)

S. Zakariyya (as) was then given the good news that he would father a son, S. Yahya (as). You can read more commentary about this in Ma'ariful Qur'an, Surah 'Al-Imran 3:37-41.

As noted in Ma'ariful Qur'an, "making prayers to have children is a blessed practice of the prophets and the righteous" and they are our examples. Their du'aas were answered by Allah (SWT) and this is why we make du'aa with the same wording. Prophetic du'aas are powerful du'aas and ones that we know have been answered. So, don't despair... make du'aa, be steadfast in your deen and insha'Allah your du'aas will be answered too.

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Old 05-13-2012, 02:23 AM   #30

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Your 12th year has not gone unnoticed (and that was partly why I was in a rush to get your story up on the blog). May Allah (SWT) keep you on the path of righteousness.
Thank you sister for posting my story.

May it help bring people to Islam and increase the Iman of the ummah who read it.

And my Allah (swt) reward you greatly for your effort. Inshallah
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Old 05-13-2012, 02:26 AM   #31

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Ameen, Insha'Allah.
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Old 05-13-2012, 06:25 AM   #32

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Brother mercyofallah. Inshallah I will get back to you shortly about the Hadith were the profit saws says love Arabs because I'm an Arab.
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Old 05-13-2012, 06:40 AM   #33

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I looked into it & found a Hadith where the profit saws says love the Arabs for 3 reasons, because Quran is Arabic, because I am arab & because the language of jannah is Arabic.
But, it is classed as weak or fabricated.
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Old 05-13-2012, 06:45 AM   #34

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Your story is very inspirational brother revert! Please do visit the forum and let us know if/when you have finished writing your book insha'alla.

I want to read more!!

Insha'allah hope you can find some solace in the following quote ... I know I did.

"Know that what has passed you by was never to befall you... And (know that) what has befallen you was never to have passed you by... And know that victory accompanies perseverance, relief accompanies affliction, and ease accompanies hardship..."
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Old 05-13-2012, 06:49 AM   #35

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Racism has really affected me also & something just happened on Friday at jumaa. We go to a salafi masjid & my friend started coming for few months, since then he has started growing his beard which is highly disliked in Turkish culture, so Friday my friend didn't have time to travel to salafi masjid & went to the local turkish masjid were he was met by many saying things like ohhh your an Arab now! Your turning your back on turkey! We don't have beards only Arabs have beards and they are the ones who have always tried destroying our culture & were the enemy of atiturk!
It really saddens me to hear these kinds of stories constantly....
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Old 05-13-2012, 07:11 AM   #36

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Racism has really affected me also & something just happened on Friday at jumaa. We go to a salafi masjid & my friend started coming for few months, since then he has started growing his beard which is highly disliked in Turkish culture, so Friday my friend didn't have time to travel to salafi masjid & went to the local turkish masjid were he was met by many saying things like ohhh your an Arab now! Your turning your back on turkey! We don't have beards only Arabs have beards and they are the ones who have always tried destroying our culture & were the enemy of atiturk!
It really saddens me to hear these kinds of stories constantly....
What amazes me is some Turkish muslims that go to the Mosque for jummah, and are religious, will still stick up for Ataturk as a hero.

From what little I know about him.

He hated Islam and wanted to wipe it out from Turkey.
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Old 05-13-2012, 07:20 AM   #37

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Your story is very inspirational brother revert! Please do visit the forum and let us know if/when you have finished writing your book insha'alla.

I want to read more!!

Insha'allah hope you can find some solace in the following quote ... I know I did.

"Know that what has passed you by was never to befall you... And (know that) what has befallen you was never to have passed you by... And know that victory accompanies perseverance, relief accompanies affliction, and ease accompanies hardship..."
Thank you Sister for your kind words and advice.

I attend the large Masjid in Boston where Imam Suhiab Webb is the Imam. (Check out his videos on YouTube)

We do a lot of Dawa there and have anywhere from 1-5 people say Shahada every Jummah.

If you are ever in Boston please come to visit.

We are trying to make our Mosque ground zero for the propagation of Islam in America.
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Old 05-13-2012, 07:21 AM   #38

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Brothers, I don't understand how countering such attitudes with same is helpful.

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Old 05-13-2012, 08:21 AM   #39

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Brothers, I don't understand how countering such attitudes with same is helpful.

I agree. We all experience this type of behaviour from different ppl all the time. Rather than calling them racist perhapsnwe should just make up 101 excuses why they are behaving the manner they are. No one race, ethnicity or nation is perfect. Labeling the whole group based on the action of a few minority may actually lead to slandering?? I dont know.

Thank you Sister for your kind words and advice.

I attend the large Masjid in Boston where Imam Suhiab Webb is the Imam. (Check out his videos on YouTube)

We do a lot of Dawa there and have anywhere from 1-5 people say Shahada every Jummah.

If you are ever in Boston please come to visit.

We are trying to make our Mosque ground zero for the propagation of Islam in America.
1-5 people. Masha'allah. I cant believe how many ppl revert to Islam especially with how Islam is protrayed in the media. It is always wonderful news to hear about people taking shahadas. Insha'allah I would like to experience such an event in person. Your very lucky. Insha'allah, Allah will put barakah in all the dawa work you and your mosque do for the community and reward you all abundantly for all your efforts.

I always say 'never say never'. I doubt i will ever visit Boston but if I ever do I will be sure to drop in and give the sisters there my salaam. I do visit the states but west coast.
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Old 05-13-2012, 09:27 AM   #40

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Brothers, I don't understand how countering such attitudes with same is helpful.

I just think something needs to be done for the Turkish community as a whole.
Turkish sheikhs are just employees of the Turkish government who hold Turkish culture above Islam.
They say to pay ribaa is ok even as your first investment property??
May Allah guide the Turks & send a true ISLAMIC leader to guide the Turkish people back to the real Islam & leave anti-Islamic atiturk culture behind.
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