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Old 12-17-2010, 02:21 AM   #1

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Default Shiah & Sunni - Need Answers Please
ii was just wondering if any1 could answer some of my questions please..
..Im sunni & i have a shiah friend whu tells me some things which make me think, but same time i dOnt know as much about Islam as he duz...He has SO much to say n i get all c onfused.

One he says, that he is syed Shiah & they r highly respected? Theyr Related tO the prophet or something like that?
How is that?

Second he says that it is haraam to fast on the 9th, 10th or 11th of Muharram because the person whu killed Prophets Grandson was fasting on the day?
Is it haram to fast then?

Thirdly he keeps trying to point out to me that sunnis are wrong n shiahs are right?

I know us sunni's r right, but how cud i explain that to him?

I Hope you lot could help me out please...Thanxs
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Old 12-17-2010, 02:42 AM   #2

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ii was just wondering if any1 could answer some of my questions please..
..Im sunni & i have a shiah friend whu tells me some things which make me think, but same time i dOnt know as much about Islam as he duz...He has SO much to say n i get all c onfused.

One he says, that he is syed Shiah & they r highly respected? Theyr Related tO the prophet or something like that?
How is that?

Second he says that it is haraam to fast on the 9th, 10th or 11th of Muharram because the person whu killed Prophets Grandson was fasting on the day?
Is it haram to fast then?

Thirdly he keeps trying to point out to me that sunnis are wrong n shiahs are right?

I know us sunni's r right, but how cud i explain that to him?

I Hope you lot could help me out please...Thanxs

sis i would run so far from this caracter so hard his head would spin.

seems to me someone is trying to convert someone

there a hadeeth that goes

sunnah is like noah ark
board it and you will be saved
or stay behind and deal with consequenses.

also is it true this friend is a man.
and your a sister.

you shouldnt befirend men my sister specially if there not mahram to you.

it only leads to sin.

so i would base my running away on the fact he is shia or whatever.
and the fact that he is a man..

maybe hes trying to convert you then hell suddenly propose..

run sis run

fear allah my sister and stay aboard on the ark ..

i begg you..
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Old 12-17-2010, 02:48 AM   #3

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and to my knowledge fasting on the done on the 13 14 and 15. and is like you have fasted for a whole year..

the muharam month the 9 10 and 11..

if you fast those not sure what the reward is but huge sis believe me ..

i see that this man is trying to drive you into his thinking which would be your downfall if you listen to him.

sister sometime ppl have loads of knowledge but their work is fruitless because of their heart is sealed.

i dont know why and when people have abonded the sunnah of our beloved rasool saas.
they whould be ashamed of themselves and pray allah for forgivniss
allah states cleary in the quran follow mohammed..!!!

and not your own inovations or whims and desires

may allah forgive me my sins and my speeches if i said something wrong or cruel..


and he will try and win you and your trust

im sure ..
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Old 12-17-2010, 03:15 AM   #4

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Since you know little about the shiah doctorine and thei way, it is better to stay away from them. Most of their doctorine and arugments have been defeated before by scholar of the past and present like Imam Abu Hanifa (RAH). One must have sufficient knowldge before they get into debate and disscussion. You need to learn the fundemental of Islam first. Use the following website to increase your understanding and post your concern.

List of reading materials

Deen of Islam is Fitra (a natural disposition of man). Knowldge of islam aids one to inculcate this natural state with ease. Hence what and when we learn is part of our natural growth as a muslim. Keeping this in mind and after consultation with the scholars, the following list of books are recomeneded for the education of a new muslim. Please note: The study material will vary from scholar to scholar but the following books are deemed most suitable due to high standard of English tranlsation and scholarly input and at the same time sensitive to the fresh mind of a convert/new muslim.

1. Essential Islamic Knowledge Author: Qadi Thanaullah Panipati ISBN: 1-872531-34-2 IslamicFoundation – Lecister http://sitecreator.siteberry.com/App...&W_ID=1&P_ID=3
The Absolute Essentials of Islam (9780972835848)by Shaikh Faraz Rabbani
Used for new muslim in Sunnipath Online course
One of the two book listed in red above is a must for new muslim before any other book.
3. The Compendium Of Knowledge AndWisdom by Ibn Rajab Hambali (RAH), Commentery of Imam Nawayis 40+ hadith, Turath Publsihing

4. Ash Shifa (Muhammad: Messenger of Allah) by Qadi 'Iyad, translated by Aisha Bewley
Muhammad His Life based on the Earliest Sources by Martin Lings

5.Manners In Islam (Al-Adabal-Mufrad) (11-HAD0017) by Imam Buhari (RAH)

6.Hisnul Muslim
Compiled and referenced by: Sa'eed Ibn Wahf Al-Qahtaani.
Pocket size Dua book for all occasions. Contains the basic duas that every Muslim should know.

Other additonal books one may like to refer to are as follows to develop ones understnading

1. Aqaid at Tahawhiyaa - The Creed Of Imam Al-Tahawi,
translated by Shyakh Hamza Yusuf, Zaytuna Institute

2.Prayers For Forgiveness (PB)(9780972835817) Small Classical compilation of supplication, translated by Mufti Abdur Rahman Ibn Yusuf

3.Differences of Imams
Codification of fiqh in simple terms and relation to the hadith.

4.Bidah & The Salaf's Worship
authored by Maulana Abu al-Hasanat Abd al-Hayy Lucknawi (RH) and edited by
Shaikh Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah (RH)
Learn from qualified Tradtional Scholar or in absense take an online course at Shariahprogram.ca or www.sunnipath.com.
The following sites will be good sources of information
Q&A Source
1. www.daruliftaa.com
2. http://seekersguidance.org/
3. www.askimam.org
4. www.sunnipath.com

salam i agree with you i need knowledge before i debate
but by allah if i can save a sister with my not so broad knowledge i will.

i wish for her what i wish for my self
the truth.

hence i say after leaving forgive me allah if i said something wrong or have been cruel
and if i wasnt 100% sure of her having a chance to be more confused and diverted from the true path
i would speak up even if its little information she may receive from me.
anything to save a slave from allah and a sunni sis or bro
and if it causes me to sin i seek forgifniss from allah.
everything in life is a learing curve for me you and this sis involved with a non mahram shia man.

may allah save us and guide us ameen

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Old 12-17-2010, 03:16 AM   #5

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ii was just wondering if any1 could answer some of my questions please..
..Im sunni & i have a shiah friend whu tells me some things which make me think, but same time i dOnt know as much about Islam as he duz...He has SO much to say n i get all c onfused.

One he says, that he is syed Shiah & they r highly respected? Theyr Related tO the prophet or something like that?
How is that?

Second he says that it is haraam to fast on the 9th, 10th or 11th of Muharram because the person whu killed Prophets Grandson was fasting on the day?
Is it haram to fast then?

Thirdly he keeps trying to point out to me that sunnis are wrong n shiahs are right?

I know us sunni's r right, but how cud i explain that to him?

I Hope you lot could help me out please...Thanxs
1) Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab and Abu Talib were from the same family that Rasoolullah SallAllahu alaihi wasallam was from, infact, they were His uncles. So what difference does it make? should we respect them? Islam teaches us " The most respectable amongst you is the one who is the more pious". Being Syed is not some reason to respect someone. If Allah doesn't bless one, a Syed like "Waris Shah" writes a useless novel like Heer Ranjha, and if it's Allah's blessings, a son of Hindu "Ahmed Ali Lahori" writes the commentary of the Qur'an. So who is the more respectable?

Ask your friend, "If a prostitute is Syed, and there's a person with Jewish or Hindu father, but he himself is a pious Muslim, who is better? A prostitute or a Pious Muslim?"

2) It's the sunnah of Rasoolulllah SallAllahu alaihi wasallam that he used to fast in Ashura, as a matter of fact , when he was wasting on 10th of Muharram, some people told him that Jews also fast on this day, so Rasoolullah SallAllahu alaihi wasallam said "Oh, so if I remain alive next year, I'll fast two days ( i.e. , either 9th+10th or 10th+11th).

Ask that shia "Was the deen completed in the time of Nabi SallAllahu alaihi wasallam or not?" if he says "yes", then ask him how can something that happened AFTER the Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasallam be rendered haraam, especially something HE did himself?

Secondly, ask him if the people killing Hussain Radhi Allahu anh were wearing clothes or not? If they were, then the shia should walk around naked.

3) Ask him what "Shia" means, If you don't know, "Shia" means group or sect or party. Sunni or Ahlus Sunnah means people who follow the path ( of Rasoolullah sallAllahu alaihi wasallam and His Companions [ May Allah be pleased with them ] ). How can a bunch of people who like "divide" themselves as their name itself calls them a "Group" be right?

These are just a few points that you can pose in front of them.
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Old 12-17-2010, 03:19 AM   #6

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also, I wouldn't recommend running away from these people. Face them and you'll know how stupid they are insha'Allah.
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Old 12-17-2010, 03:58 AM   #7

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السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

@ Sister ~*Hirah*~

May peace and blessings of Allah be upon you sister,

First of all let me clear this out, The Twelver Shia is a deviant sect and recently they have been targeting new converts to Islam, ESPECIALLY WOMEN, they use emotional arguments and propaganda to make new converts (i.e ppl with no knowledge or resources) convert to that Sect. They try to make it look like they support Palestine and care for the Nation and when they get your full trust they start spreading their poison.

Secondly, Most Sayyed (descendants of the Prophet PBUH) are Normal Muslim (Ahlul Sunnah), I am a Sayyed myself and my grandparents are Both Hassan and Hussein may Allah be pleased with them. The Muslim scholars have written books since ancient times about the lineage of the Prophet PBUH and if you ask any expert in this field of genealogy he will tell you that more than 80% of Sayyeds are from ahlul Sunnah. Another thing is most Shia are concentrated in Iran and India and the majority of Shia who claim to be Sayyeds are Liars, they often fabricate fake family trees So that they can claim to be superior than the average shia laymen (this gives them political dominance as well as many other advantages like Taking their follower's money).

Thirdly We the Muslims follow CLEAR proofs from the Quran and the Authentic Sunnah(traditions) of our Prophet PBUH, The Shia on the other hand make up lies and believe them.

So he said fasting on Ashura is HARAM, tell him to bring forth a SAHIH(authentic) Hadith or a Quranic verse which prove this claim, otherwise it is He who is disobeying the Prophet PBUH BECAUSE:

The Prophet Muhammad (Salla-Allaahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam) said: "The best of fasting after Ramadan is fasting Allaah's month of Muharram."
Hadith rank: Narration is Authentic (SAHIH).

The Prophet Muhammad (Salla-Allaahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam) was asked about fasting on the Day of Aashooraa (10th of Muharram). He answered:
"It atones for the sins of the preceding year." (Reported by Muslim).

He also said:

"Fasting the day of Aashooraa (is of great merits). I hope that Allaah will accept it as an expiation for (the sins committed in) the previous year."

When Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa-sallam) came to Madeenah, he saw the Jews fasting on the day of Aashooraa. He said: 'What is this?' They said: 'This is the day when Allaah saved Musa(Moses) from drowning, so we fast on this day.' Then he said: "We have more right to Moosa than you." So he (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa-sallam) fasted on this day and advised the Muslims to do the same.
Hadith rank: Narration is Authentic (SAHIH).

The great companion Ibn Abbas (radhi Allaahu anhu) narrated: "When Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa-sallam) observed the fast of the day of Aashooraa and ordered (the Sahabah) to fast, they said: "O Messenger of Allaah! It is a day revered by Jews and Christians." Allaah's Messenger (sallAllaahu 'alayhi wa-sallam) said: "The coming year, if Allaah wills, we will fast on the ninth (also). But the Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him) died before the advent of the next year " [Saheeh Muslim, vol: 1, p: 359]

دخل النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم المدينة ، وإذا أناس من اليهود يعظمون عاشوراء ويصومونه ، فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم : ( نحن أحق بصومه ) . فأمر بصومه . The great companion Abu Musa al Asha'ari (ra) narrated: The Prophet PBUh entered Madinah and he saw some folks from the jews fasting on Ashura and glorifying it, The Prophet PBUH said: "We are more deserving of Fasting this day" and he ordered that we fast it.

عن عائشة رضي الله عنها : كان عاشوراء يصام قبل رمضان ، فلما نزل رمضان قال : ( من شاء صام ومن شاء أفطر ) . The Mother of believers Aisha and the wife of the Apostle of Allah may Allah be pleased with her said: They(Muslims) used to fast on Ashura before Ramadan, When The fasting of Ramadan was ordered He(prophet PBUH) said: "He who wants can fast it and He who doesn't want to fast on it then he doesn't".
Source: SAHIH al Bukhari.

So fasting on Ashura has great merit but it is not obligatory, it is a Sunnah.

Narrated 'Aisha (ra): The people used to fast on 'ashura (the tenth day of the month of Muharram) before the fasting of Ramadan was made obligatory. And on that day the Ka'ba used to be covered with a cover. When Allah made the fasting of the month of Ramadan compulsory, Allah's Apostle said, "Whoever wishes to fast (on the day of 'ashura') may do so; and whoever wishes to leave it can do so." (bukhari Book #26, Hadith #662)

Narrated Salama bin Al-Akwa (ra): Once the Prophet ordered a person on 'ashura' (the tenth of Muharram) to announce, "Whoever has eaten, should not eat any more, but fast, and who has not eaten should not eat, but complete his fast (till the end of the day). (Bukhari Book #31, Hadith #147)

Narrated Ar-Rubi' bint Mu'awadh (ra): "The Prophet sent a messenger to the village of the Ansar in the morning of the day of 'ashura' (10th of Muharram) to announce: 'Whoever has eaten something should not eat but complete the fast, and whoever is observing the fast should complete it.' "She further said, "Since then we used to fast on that day regularly and also make our boys fast. We used to make toys of wool for the boys and if anyone of them cried for, he was given those toys till it was the time of the breaking of the fast." (bukhari Book #31, Hadith #181)

Narrated Salim's father: The Prophet said, "Whoever wishes may fast on the day of 'ashura'." (Bukhari Book #31, Hadith #218)

Narrated Ibn 'Umar (ra): Fasting was observed on the day of 'ashura' (i.e. 10th of Muharram) by the people of the Pre-lslamic Period. But when (the order of compulsory fasting) in the month of Ramadan was revealed, the Prophet said, "It is up to one to fast on it (i.e. day of 'ashura') or not." (bukhari Book #60, Hadith #28)

Jabir b Samura (ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) commanded us to observe fast on the day of ashura and exhorted us to do it and was particular about it But when (fasting) in Ramadan was made obligatory, he hence. forth neither commanded us nor forbade us, nor was he so particular about it. (Muslim Book #006, Hadith #2514)

Hakam b. al-'Araj (ra) reported: I went to Ibn 'Abbas (Allah be Pleased with both of them) and he was reclining using his mantle as a pillow near the fountain of Zamzam. I said to him: Tell me about fasting on ashura. He said: When you see the new moon of Muharram then count the (days) and observe fast on the 9th. I said to him: Is it how the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) observed the fast? He said: Yes. (Muslim Book #006, Hadith #2526)

Abu Qatada al-Ansari (Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) was asked about his fasting. The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) felt annoyed. Thereupon 'Umar (Allah be pleased with him) said: We are pleased with Allah as the Lord, with Islam as our Code of Life, with Muhammad as the Messenger and with our pledge (to you for willing and cheerful submission) as a (sacred) commitment. He was then asked about perpetual fasting, whereupon he said: He neither fasted nor did he break it, or he did not fast and he did not break it. He was then asked about fasting for two days and breaking one day. He (the Holy Prophet) said: And who has strength enough to do it? He was asked about fasting for a day and breaking for two days, whereupon he said: May Allah bestow upon us strength to do it. He was then asked about fasting for a day and breaking on the other, whereupon he said: That is the fasting of my brother David (peace be upon him). He was then asked about fasting on Monday, whereupon he said: It was the day on which I was born. on which I was commissioned with prophethood or revelation was sent to me, (and he further) said: Three days' fasting every month and of the whole of Ramadan every year is a perpetual fast. He was asked about fasting on the day of 'Arafa (9th of Dhu'I-Hijja), whereupon he said: It expiates the sins of the preceding year and the coming year. He was asked about fasting on the day of 'ashura (10th of Muharram), whereupon be said: It expiates the sins of the preceding year. (Imam Muslim said that in this hadith there is a) narration of Imam Shu'ba that he was asked about fasting on Monday and Thursday, but we (Imam Muslim) did not mention Thursday for we found it as an error (in reporting). (Muslim Book #006, Hadith #2603)

and many other Authentic narrations which time does not permit us to post...

ALSO He said that the Man who killed Hussein RA (his name is Shimr bin thu al jawshan) Was fasting on that day, Tell him to give you A SAHIH(Authentic) Hadith with the sources that prove this, otherwise his words aren't worth a dime.

Also even if that Bad Man was fasting does that mean we do not fast? I know a lot of Horrible people who fast on Ramadan, should we abandon fasting Ramadan because of this and break The word of Allah?

While we the average Muslims are Fasting on this day out of love for our Prophet PBUH the Twelver Shia sect are committing horrible paganistic rituals on this day such as you see here:
or here:
or worshipping the graves of their Saints and prostrating to them like in here:

Let me show you what the Prophet PBUH says in the authentic Narrations regarding these Rituals:

ليس منا من لطم الخدود ، وشق الجيوب ، ودعا بدعوى الجاهلية .
الراوي: عبدالله بن مسعود المحدث: البخاري - المصدر: صحيح البخاري - الصفحة أو الرقم: 1294
خلاصة حكم المحدث: [صحيح Ibn Masood RA said: The Prophet PBUH said: He is Not From Us! He who Slaps his Face and rips/tears His Clothes(from sadness) and follows the ways and traditions of the Days of Jahiliyah(Ignorance).
Hadith rank: SAHIH.

إن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم بريء من الصالقة ، والحالقة ، والشاقة The Prophet PBUH also said “I dissociate myself from those women who cut their hair(or tear it), who loudly shout or tear their clothes (upon the calamity)."
[Hadith is Agreed upon]

Narrated Umm Atiyya: We (Women) gave the Pledge of allegiance to the Prophet and he recited to me the verse "That they will not associate anything in worship with Allah" (60.12). And he also prevented us from wailing and lamenting over the dead. A woman from us held her hand out and said, "Such-and-such a woman cried over a dead person belonging to my family and I want to compensate her for that crying"

In Sahih bukhari:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar : Sad bin 'Ubada became sick and the Prophet along with 'Abdur Rahman bin 'Auf, Sad bin Abi Waqqas and 'Abdullah bin Masud visited him to enquire about his health. When he came to him, he found him surrounded by his household and he asked, "Has he died?" They said, "No, O Allah's Apostle." The Prophet wept and when the people saw the weeping of Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) they all wept. He said, "Will you listen? Allah does not punish for shedding tears, nor for the grief of the heart but he punishes or bestows His Mercy because of this." He pointed to his tongue and added, "The deceased is punished for the wailing of his relatives over him."

comment: That means that you will be rewarded for the grief in your heart and the tears you shed for a loved one BUT YOU WILL BE PUNISHED FOR WAILING/Weeping or what they call in Shiism as "Jaze'e" or "Jaz3"

Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah Allah's Apostle used to shroud two martyrs of Uhud in one sheet and then say, "Which of them knew Quran more?" When one of the two was pointed out, he would put him first in the grave. Then he said, "I will be a witness for them on the Day of Resurrection." He ordered them to be buried with their blood (on their bodies). Neither was the funeral prayer offered for them, nor were they washed. Jabir added, "When my father was martyred, I started weeping and uncovering his face. The companions of the Prophet stopped me from doing so but the Prophet did not stop me. Then the Prophet said, '(O Jabir.) don't weep over him, for the angels kept on covering him with their wings till his body was carried away (for burial)."
[Sahih bukhari]
ثلاث لا يزلن في أمتي حتى تقوم الساعة النياحة والمفاخرة في الأنساب والأنواء
الراوي: أنس بن مالك المحدث: الهيثمي - المصدر: مجمع الزوائد - الصفحة أو الرقم: 3/15
خلاصة حكم المحدث: رجاله ثقات The Prophet PBUH said: Three will still remain in my Ummah until the hour rises (the first one is Wailing/Weeping, the second one was boasting about lineage)
Al Haythami said all narrators are trustworthy.
أربع من الجاهلية لن يدعها الناس النياحة والتغاير أو التعاير شك أبو عامر في الأحساب ومطرنا بنوء كذا وكذا والعدوى جرب بعير في مئة فمن أعدى الأول
الراوي: أبو هريرة المحدث: ابن جرير الطبري - المصدر: مسند علي - الصفحة أو الرقم: 8
خلاصة حكم المحدث: إسناده صحيح Ibn Jarrer al tabari narrated a hadith That Abu huraira RA heard the Prophet PBUH say: Four Acts of Jahiliyah(ignorance) the people will never leave (the first one he mentions is Wailing/Niyaha).
Source: Musnad Ali.
Hadith rank: SAHIH.

Sahih hadith:
Narrated Abu Burda:
That his father said, "When Umar was stabbed, Suhaib started crying: O my brother! 'Umar said, 'Don't you know that the Prophet said: The deceased is tortured for the wailing/weeping of the living'?"

in Sahih Bukhari:
(the wife of the Prophet) Once Allah's Apostle passed by (the grave of) a Jewess whose relatives were weeping over her. He said, "They are weeping over her and she is being tortured in her grave."

In Sahih Bukhari:
The Prophet passed by a woman who was sitting and weeping beside a grave and said to her, "Fear Allah and be patient."

According to the shia book Nahjul balagha:

وقال عليه السلام : ينزل الصبر على قدر المصيبة ، ومن ضرب يده على فخذه عند مصيبته حبط عمله" In nahjul Balagha itself, in the sayings of Imam Ali RA

Ali (r.a) said: "Aid (from Allah) is in proportion to the trouble; and whoever hits his hands on his thigh upon a calamity; his deeds are annulled" (saying 138)

Allah says:

“And make not your own hands contribute to your destruction; but do good; for Allah loves those who do good.” (Quran, 2:195)

“Nor kill or destroy yourselves: for verily Allah has been to you Most Merciful!” (Quran, 4:29)


Joining Sects is Strictly forbidden in islam because sects create division, Allah told his prophet PBUH regarding those who divided from their religions and joined Sects:

"As for those who have created schisms in their order, and formed different sects, you have no concern with them. Their affair is with God. He will tell them the truth of what they were doing." [6:159]

May Allah guide the deviant twelver Shia who seek to divide the Muslims and make them join their sect.

peace be with you,

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
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Old 12-17-2010, 04:12 AM   #8

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Thanxs to u all above..& i dont knw but theyr is something that i keep talking to him, maybe the fact that im getting to learn more about my religion

1) Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab and Abu Talib were from the same family that Rasoolullah SallAllahu alaihi wasallam was from, infact, they were His uncles. So what difference does it make? should we respect them? Islam teaches us " The most respectable amongst you is the one who is the more pious". Being Syed is not some reason to respect someone. If Allah doesn't bless one, a Syed like "Waris Shah" writes a useless novel like Heer Ranjha, and if it's Allah's blessings, a son of Hindu "Ahmed Ali Lahori" writes the commentary of the Qur'an. So who is the more respectable?

Ask your friend, "If a prostitute is Syed, and there's a person with Jewish or Hindu father, but he himself is a pious Muslim, who is better? A prostitute or a Pious Muslim?"

2) It's the sunnah of Rasoolulllah SallAllahu alaihi wasallam that he used to fast in Ashura, as a matter of fact , when he was wasting on 10th of Muharram, some people told him that Jews also fast on this day, so Rasoolullah SallAllahu alaihi wasallam said "Oh, so if I remain alive next year, I'll fast two days ( i.e. , either 9th+10th or 10th+11th).

Ask that shia "Was the deen completed in the time of Nabi SallAllahu alaihi wasallam or not?" if he says "yes", then ask him how can something that happened AFTER the Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasallam be rendered haraam, especially something HE did himself?

Secondly, ask him if the people killing Hussain Radhi Allahu anh were wearing clothes or not? If they were, then the shia should walk around naked.

3) Ask him what "Shia" means, If you don't know, "Shia" means group or sect or party. Sunni or Ahlus Sunnah means people who follow the path ( of Rasoolullah sallAllahu alaihi wasallam and His Companions [ May Allah be pleased with them ] ). How can a bunch of people who like "divide" themselves as their name itself calls them a "Group" be right?

These are just a few points that you can pose in front of them.
That was SO Helpfull...Thanx sooo muchh...im jus worried..i wouldnt mind saying this to him but wouldnt it be harsh? wht if he gets offended?

Oh and btw he evenn said that, y do we people think they dont believe the prophet Muhammad (pbuh)..
He goes that they dont du wat we do, they follow the Prophet (pbuh) aswell as his family..
Why doese he think this way?

Other then that...when i asked him..Y do you pray with your arms open, he goes that Ali (ra) prayed with his arms open thats y. Then he said, he followed Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and we followed ali (ra).
This is wer else im confused, i know we should pray with our arms crossed but i stil dont get why they dont do that?
then he said wer in the Qur'Aan duz it say cross ur arms and pray?

I Am not believing him, i jus want answers so i can back myself up...same way i learn more about the differences

Mash'Allah the forum is very lovely...ii love it
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Old 12-17-2010, 04:23 AM   #9

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Thanxs to u all above..& i dont knw but theyr is something that i keep talking to him, maybe the fact that im getting to learn more about my religion

That was SO Helpfull...Thanx sooo muchh...im jus worried..i wouldnt mind saying this to him but wouldnt it be harsh? wht if he gets offended?

Oh and btw he evenn said that, y do we people think they dont believe the prophet Muhammad (pbuh)..
He goes that they dont du wat we do, they follow the Prophet (pbuh) aswell as his family..
Why doese he think this way?

Other then that...when i asked him..Y do you pray with your arms open, he goes that Ali (ra) prayed with his arms open thats y. Then he said, he followed Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and we followed ali (ra).
This is wer else im confused, i know we should pray with our arms crossed but i stil dont get why they dont do that?
then he said wer in the Qur'Aan duz it say cross ur arms and pray?

I Am not believing him, i jus want answers so i can back myself up...same way i learn more about the differences

Mash'Allah the forum is very lovely...ii love it
All the Narrations in their books are weak and corrupt, they fabricated loads of Hadith and attributed all of them to some members of ahlulBayt.

As for Ali RA he used to pray just like all other companions prayed and like all of us Muslims today pray, He prayed Behind Abu bakr RA when the Prophet PBUH was in his last sickness, this is written in important Shia books:

((كان يؤدي الصلوات الخمس في المسجد خلف الصديق راضيا بامامته ومظهراللناس اتفاقه معه ووئامه معه))
الاحتجاج للطبرسي ص 53---كتاب سليم بن قيس ص203----مرآة العقول للمجلسي ص388

"He(Ali) used to pray the five prayers in the mosque behind Al Siddeeq(Abu Bakr) and he accepted his Imamat and he showed the people that he was in agreement with him and that like liked him."

Al Ihtijaj for al Tabrasi p53.
Kitab Salim bin Qays p203.
Mira'at al Uqool for Majlisi p388.
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Old 12-17-2010, 04:42 AM   #10

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All the Narrations in their books are weak and corrupt, they fabricated loads of Hadith and attributed all of them to some members of ahlulBayt.

As for Ali RA he used to pray just like all other companions prayed and like all of us Muslims today pray, He prayed Behind Abu bakr RA when the Prophet PBUH was in his last sickness, this is written in important Shia books:

((كان يؤدي الصلوات الخمس في المسجد خلف الصديق راضيا بامامته ومظهراللناس اتفاقه معه ووئامه معه))
الاحتجاج للطبرسي ص 53---كتاب سليم بن قيس ص203----مرآة العقول للمجلسي ص388

"He(Ali) used to pray the five prayers in the mosque behind Al Siddeeq(Abu Bakr) and he accepted his Imamat and he showed the people that he was in agreement with him and that like liked him."

Al Ihtijaj for al Tabrasi p53.
Kitab Salim bin Qays p203.
Mira'at al Uqool for Majlisi p388.
ii didnt get the last bit, does it mean that Ali Got Abu Bakrs Habbits?
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Old 12-17-2010, 04:51 AM   #11

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ii didnt get the last bit, does it mean that Ali Got Abu Bakrs Habbits?
It means he prayed just like the rest of the Muslims, not like the shia do, They pray on a stone made from the clay of Hussein's RA grave and so on.
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Old 12-17-2010, 05:05 AM   #12

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It means he prayed just like the rest of the Muslims, not like the shia do, They pray on a stone made from the clay of Hussein's RA grave and so on.
Oh yeahh So then were did the shiah see Ali reading with his hands on the side? is it jus made up?
And why do they pray on a stone made from the clay of Husseins Ra Grave for?
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Old 12-17-2010, 11:47 AM   #13

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Oh yeahh So then were did the shiah see Ali reading with his hands on the side? is it jus made up?
And why do they pray on a stone made from the clay of Husseins Ra Grave for?
Well they believe in doing the opposite of what prophet(Saw) taught to muslims..So they just attributed the opposite practise to ttheir imams. There are narrations that hz ali(ra) too used to offer salah like the ahlesunnah, as well as from the prophet(Saw).

2. Because they are grave worshippers. Did ever hz ali(ra) or hz hussain(ra) used the sand from the grave of prophet(Saw) for doing sajdah on it? If no then why? Didn't they consider prophet(Saw) the best of creature? And if they didnt do this then it means that they diodnt consider this to be correct. BUt the rafidah are known for innovations unislamic things in islam.
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Old 12-17-2010, 12:13 PM   #14

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hey hirah shia people basiclaly think wrong about the Prophet saw's companions ... they have bad beliefss bad bad
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Old 12-17-2010, 03:59 PM   #15

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sunnah is like noah ark
board it and you will be saved
or stay behind and deal with consequenses.

i dont think its wise to use this hadith because the shia would say the family of Rasulullah SAWS are like the ark of Noah AS.
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Old 12-17-2010, 04:01 PM   #16

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ii was just wondering if any1 could answer some of my questions please..
..Im sunni & i have a shiah friend whu tells me some things which make me think, but same time i dOnt know as much about Islam as he duz...He has SO much to say n i get all c onfused.

One he says, that he is syed Shiah & they r highly respected? Theyr Related tO the prophet or something like that?
How is that?

Second he says that it is haraam to fast on the 9th, 10th or 11th of Muharram because the person whu killed Prophets Grandson was fasting on the day?
Is it haram to fast then?

Thirdly he keeps trying to point out to me that sunnis are wrong n shiahs are right?

I know us sunni's r right, but how cud i explain that to him?

I Hope you lot could help me out please...Thanxs

brother im sorry
she should run and hard too.

if this friend was a woman i would agree face her and stand strong but this is a man.

she shouldnt befriend men!!

and this guy is using her becuz its a fact woman is easier to persuade because a woman is weaker then a man.

it would be harder for him to convert a man, so he chooses to convert a woman

sister no disrespect but you need to cut ties with this man.

and if i was you i would let him know why i cut ties with him

his beliefs are haraam and he shouldnt also be befriending a woman.

this is a HARAAM ACT..

as for me when i feel doubt in my heart regards anything i try to stay away from it.
sound to me you have huge doubts about this fellow.
so turn away, and dont mix with men.
lower your gaze,
you can increase you knowledge online or via books without having to sin.

may allah guide these ppl back to the truth ameen

and praying with his arms open because ali alahi salam did?
never heard of that.
but astarfoullah..

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Old 12-17-2010, 04:04 PM   #17

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1) Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab and Abu Talib were from the same family that Rasoolullah SallAllahu alaihi wasallam was from, infact, they were His uncles. So what difference does it make? should we respect them? Islam teaches us " The most respectable amongst you is the one who is the more pious". Being Syed is not some reason to respect someone. If Allah doesn't bless one, a Syed like "Waris Shah" writes a useless novel like Heer Ranjha, and if it's Allah's blessings, a son of Hindu "Ahmed Ali Lahori" writes the commentary of the Qur'an. So who is the more respectable?

Ask your friend, "If a prostitute is Syed, and there's a person with Jewish or Hindu father, but he himself is a pious Muslim, who is better? A prostitute or a Pious Muslim?"

2) It's the sunnah of Rasoolulllah SallAllahu alaihi wasallam that he used to fast in Ashura, as a matter of fact , when he was wasting on 10th of Muharram, some people told him that Jews also fast on this day, so Rasoolullah SallAllahu alaihi wasallam said "Oh, so if I remain alive next year, I'll fast two days ( i.e. , either 9th+10th or 10th+11th).

Ask that shia "Was the deen completed in the time of Nabi SallAllahu alaihi wasallam or not?" if he says "yes", then ask him how can something that happened AFTER the Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wasallam be rendered haraam, especially something HE did himself?

Secondly, ask him if the people killing Hussain Radhi Allahu anh were wearing clothes or not? If they were, then the shia should walk around naked.

3) Ask him what "Shia" means, If you don't know, "Shia" means group or sect or party. Sunni or Ahlus Sunnah means people who follow the path ( of Rasoolullah sallAllahu alaihi wasallam and His Companions [ May Allah be pleased with them ] ). How can a bunch of people who like "divide" themselves as their name itself calls them a "Group" be right?

These are just a few points that you can pose in front of them.
I think we should be careful how we speak about the ahlul bayt especialy if they on haq. nabi
SAWS said something to this effect. 'Im leaving two things behind the quran & my house hold" this is in muslim.
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Old 12-17-2010, 04:07 PM   #18

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i dont think its wise to use this hadith because the shia would say the family of Rasulullah SAWS are like the ark of Noah AS.

brother i think these shia ppl,
would twist and use anything in order convert a person.

i even read about stories them pretending to be sunni, marry a sunni woman.
aoudu billahi mini shjitani rashim..

and then turn into cruel husbands once they made it known that they are shia.

truly horrible, i guess that they didnt even know that the marriage is not even valid in this case,
but that is still terrible after u have consumated the marriage and maybe even carrying a child by him
but it shows you how far they go into winning ppl to their side.

sister your so lucky that he didnt do this to you, because of your niceniss seems to me you are way to nice with him.

be hard in this situation ..

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Old 12-17-2010, 04:18 PM   #19

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Assalaamu 'Alaykum

@ Brother Tripoly Sunni

I think you should refer her to your thread- "various scandalous and corrupt beliefs of Twelver Shias" so that she will know about their filthy nature.

And please request her not to start debating with those stupids. Because she won't be able to defeat them rather they will inject their poison in her mind too. Because, every deviant section has its own interpretation which satisfies its followers.

How is this idea- she'll invite him to this forum and we'll smash his false belief?
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Old 12-17-2010, 04:25 PM   #20

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Assalaamu 'Alaykum

@ Brother Tripoly Sunni

I think you should refer her to your thread- "various scandalous and corrupt beliefs of Twelver Shias" so that she will know about their filthy nature.

And please request her not to start debating with those stupids. Because she won't be able to defeat them rather they will inject their poison in her mind too. Because, every deviant section has its own interpretation which satisfies its followers.

How is this idea- she'll invite him to this forum and we'll smash his false belief?
asalam thank you zahed,
rather then giving her tools to debate them,

advice her to stay away.
also what i said before which nobody seemed to reply on,

is it not in out beliefs then men and woman should not communicate unless its unavoidable.
and really nessecerly..

so all the long long stories could have been avoided by just advicing her to stay away.
and then in her own time and need for knowledge she can eduacate herself about these shia ,s
in order for her to not repect this dubble sin, talking to men, and mixing with mushrikeen.

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