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#21 |
you can download it here |
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#22 |
maulana asim umer has two informative books on this topic mashallah
you can download them here |
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#23 |
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#24 |
in english would be appreciated brother. |
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#26 |
Salaam One other thing, the Taliban flag is white, not black. Where do the black banners come from? |
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#27 |
Bayan:Dajjal Ka Fitnah Speaker: Hazrat Maulana Mufti Abdur Rauf Sakharvi Sahab Damatbarakatuhum (Khlifa Mufti Muhammad Shafi Sahab R.A) Date: Jun 2005 Venue: Jamia Masjid Bait Ul Mukarram, Karachi . |
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#28 |
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#29 |
![]() I've been thinking about this, and based on what Ahadeeth tell us and through lectures on the topic, I'm presuming that Dajjal's onslaught will be in 3 phases. The first phase; attack on the weak muslims both physically and spiritually due to him claiming to be a "reformer" and "Mujaddid". This is a similar trait we have seen with mini Dajjals in the past namely Qadiani and Elijah Mohammed amongst others. This coupled with the introduction of new "reformed" models of Islam which we have been subjected to over the past 1400 years albeit totally failed ones, I can envisage a "reformed" version of Islam which he will preach to the weak, apostates and Munafiqs of this Ummah. The ones targetted particularly are the women who are increasingly rejecting The Shariah in favour of "Feminist" models and the ones who have been most vocal against Islam in recent times are women. Dajjal's army is also said to comprise a lot of women. The second phase; attack on Jews spiritually. These people are still awaiting their "Messiah" and Dajjal claiming Prophethood means this accounts for 70,000 Jews following him out of Isfahan. On the other hand, from my understanding 70,000 is seen as a large number in Hadeeth Science and Shia doctrine of "Imamah" would mean this could also include Shia that are awaiting "The Hidden Imam". Dajjal claiming to have been hiding all this time would lend credence to this notion of a large number of Shia following Dajjal; their Mehdi who will bring back people from the dead. Shia doctrine claims that Imam Mehdi will bring back Sahaba from the dead to punish them ( na'thubillah). The third phase; attack on atheists. Those that claim to follow what they see with their eyes would be completely dumbfounded by the "miracles" that Dajjal brings with him. Bringing people back to life, food and water following him etc are the very things that deceives such people particularly when Dajjal claims Godhood. Most of this Dunya is atheistic in belief and this would too provide credence to this concept. A large part of his following is said to be illegitimate children and these through coming from broken dysfunctional families are absolutely atheistic in belief. Mujaddid, Prophet, God May Allah SWT forgive me for my mistakes and protect us all from the Fitnah of Dajjal. |
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#30 |
![]() It was narrated that ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: “Whoever told you that Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) saw his Lord was lying. He said that no vision can grasp him [cf. al-An’aam 6:103]…” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, al-Tawheed, 6832). It was narrated that Abu Dharr said: “I asked the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), ‘Did you see your Lord?’ He said, ‘ He is veiled by Light, how could I see Him.’” (Narrated by Muslim, al-Eeman, 261). It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas said: “ ‘The (Prophet’s) heart belied not what he saw, and indeed he saw Him at a second descent.’ [al-Najm 53:11-12] (This means that) he saw Him twice with his heart.” (Narrated by Muslim, al-Eemaan, 258). |
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#31 |
Assalamu alykum
looks like part 2 of the book is out http://islamicbookslibrary.wordpress...010/08/12/709/ |
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#32 |
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#33 |
Merit or Demerit: As this book is about the “Antichrist (Dajjal)” but the topic of “Dajjaliyat” is exactly at its end. The book begins with the discussion of Hazrat Mehdi Radhi Allah-hu Unhu (may Allah be pleased with him) and afterwards the mention is about the dignified Hazrat Masih (Christ) Alleh-hes-Salam (may the peace be upon him). After getting through the topics of “Mehdiwyat” and “Masihiyat” you will be able to see the topic of “Dajjaliyat”. This is because before mentioning the Antichrist (Dajjal), the remembrance of those spiritual personalities should be made first who are appointed to finish him. The mention of evil forces be made but to destroy these there is no declaration of the forces of virtue, it’s against the tradition of Shariah (Islamic Laws). Therefore, to reach the actual topic (Dajjaliyat), the reader should wait until he gets through the introductory topics of “Mehdiwyat” and “Masihiyat”, and after reading the “Masih ul Huda” (Christ of Guidance), then he will be able to read the “Masih uz Zalallat” (Messiah of Evil and Misguidance,). On the front page or in the index of some books there are some attractive topics but those have no mention in the transcript or the issue is not such hot as hot the news was. To the contrary, sometimes it happens that in the transcript the “additional” matter is discussed with open heart but there is no description on the front page. Under mentioned book belongs to this one category. We can’t say with certainty whether its merit or demerit. But it is humbly described that sometimes the purpose of writing overshadows the flaws in the way of writing. The readers are requested to have an oversight of the writing style and keep the purpose before them. Insha-Allah (God willing) the purpose of the book will never disappoint you. The Foremost and the Last: This is one thing. Secondly, although per chronological sequences of the events, first of all Hazrat Mehdi will appear, then Dajjal and afterwards to abolish this great tribulation Hazrat Masih Alleh-hes-Salam will descend from the haven. But as per the arrangement of the transcript the mention of Hazrat Masih Alleh-hes-Salam will be first and that of Dajjal will be at the last. Its reason is only this that the representatives of the forces of The All-Merciful (Al-Rehman) be mentioned together and then that of satanic forces afterwards. Then whosoever takes part in whatever column or transcribe ones name in whichever file, it’s the matter of fortune. Ambiguity and Complications: The third and the last thing is that the ambiguity which lies in the uncertainty of the signs of the doomsday is itself a doomsday. The complications which are faced during their contemporary application and based on solid grounds the inferences seem, on time when the actual events took place, far….too far…..gripped in complex convolutions, on these grounds the topic is much interesting but its application on the affairs of the time is hard and dishearten job. Taking the refuge in care and under the shade of the interpretations of the elders, whichever is done by this humble is being presented here. As far as possible, the fact is taken into account in quest to relate the Ahadith to the contemporary era, neither specific interpretation be made of the Prophetic ordinances, nor to apply these to the specific incidents by force. Only that much be said which is clearly understandable and no emphasis be made of it. …..Allah is the All Knower! Here this question will surely arise, on this topic whatever the “present stuff” is collected, what was the deterrent to present it before? If we are close to the end times, and the importance of the tribulations of the end times are so much then what was the rationale to avoid this? This was the expedience or the hypocrisy? This was deliberate concealment or ignorance? This question itself is reasonable and timely and it’s detailed and proven answer lies in the first subject of the book. From us the humble humans, whatever is workable, all praise is to Allah, we have done it. Further all the matters lie with Allah. Beggars have only the choice to plead before Allah and to become well-wisher of the humans. Conflict in the Unity. Here this thing should be clear that in this period of time the followers of the three large existing divine religions (Islam, Judaism, and Christianity), who are the overwhelming majority of the world, are awaiting a Personality who will appear in the end times, and shall be the savior of the humanity. In each divine nation, the assurance is given of this “Promised Christ”. But after this narrow concurrence, there lies a conflict in its details. The followers of Islam are awaiting the descent of Essa (Jesus) son of Mary, Alleh-hes-Salam. They have the belief that after descent he will kill the anti-Christ, destroy the Cross and kill the Pig (means in the World, the worship of the Cross be ceased, the meat of that impure beast will be prohibited to eat), taxes will cease to charge and in whole the world Islamic Justice Laws will be applied. The Christians are also awaiting the descent of Essa, Alleh-hes-Salam. The difference is that, near them Jesus was taken into heaven after three days of the crucifixion and shall eliminate the non-Christians after descending in the end times. During this the Christians, while sitting in balconies of the heaven, shall see the elimination of the non-Christians humanity. While near the Muslims, Hazrat Essa, Alleh-he-Salam, were taken by the Allah Almighty to the heaven safe and sound. The Jews were unable to dent even his single hair. Then he will eliminate the Jews after the Descent and with the Jews, those Christians who has helped them by being Zionist-Christian shall also be eliminated. And the remaining soft and kind hearted Christians will embrace Islam on the hands of Jesus Alleh-hes-Salam. The personality who is being awaited by the Jews is the descendent of Hazrat Dawood (David) Alleh-hes-Salam who is “Al-Qaim Al-Muntazir” (The Standing One, Being Awaited). And the Jews have the belief that they will rule over the entire World due to him. On arrival of the Messiah (means Pseudo-Messiah, Christ of Evil and Misguidance), the Global Jewish State shall be established. All the non-Jews shall surrender to the Jews and they shall only get permission to live to those to whom they deem necessary for their service. The Last Battle: In the beliefs of these three nations this thing is also common that before the liberation of humanity through “Messiah”, on the earth an enormous and devastating war will be occurred. In this great battle which is called “Um-ul-Ma’arik” (Armageddon) means the Mother of the Wars, atleast two third human population will be smashed. The remaining one third people shall rule over the World without any compeer. Now who is that one third nation? And by which doctrine they will rule over the World? Its outcome is yet to pass. And its result shall come in Palestine near the “Harmajdoon” valley to which the westerners call “Armageddon”. The Christians and the Jews are extensively preparing themselves for this Great War……And true is that they have made the preparation. And are awaiting only a terrible blast of which will occur (we seek refuge from Allah) on the fall of Gumbad-e-Sakhra”(Dome of the Rock). Because (as per their obsolete beliefs and pseudo religious legends) the ruined building of the Temple is underneath the Gumbad-e-Sakhra. When, after dismantling the foundations of Gumbad-e-Sakhra, the signs of the Temple shall appear, the Messiah will come out. And on his arrival that great slaughter will take place after which the non-Jewish people (especially Muslims) will be eliminated. And Westerners (Christian or Jews) shall be the rulers of this earth without any compeer. The Only Safe Path. By this approach, today’s World is on the brink of the Third World War. It is not too far when the East and the West shall be chucked into the fire of this war. Only difference is that the Westerners has preparation for it….they call themselves materialists and seems they don’t have belief in the realities of unseen and prophecies…But they, behind the screen, has prepared themselves per the distorted predictions of Torah, Bible and Talmud….while the Easterners standing on the lip of the volcano are ignorant of this terrible incident. Whose news is given by their most truthful and honest Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). And his prophecies, while becoming true bit by bit, are now near to complete. This book is an alarming call before the followers of Islam, is an appeal, plead, cry and humble request. The storm coming from West is almost to override us. We shall, in the company of our savior Leaders Imam Mehdi and Hazrat Massih, Alehe-Mus-Salam, (be peace upon them), prepare by adopting firm Eman (faith) and pious works for Jihad which means fight in the way of Allah. This is the only, first and the last precise safe path. May Allah provide us the apprehension of the next life and grant us the courage to go through this terrible incident with success which is awaiting us before the last day, Amen. Source |
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#34 |
Who will Hadhrat Mahdi be? Who will Hadhrat Mahdi’s companion be? What type of struggle would Hadhrat Mahdi be of? When, where and how will Hadhrat Mahdi appear? What will the role of Hadhrat Haris & Hadhrat Mansoor be? Why will Hadhrat Mahdi succeed against the colossal materialistic force of the West? A letter addressed to Hadhrat Mahdi (AS) Hadhrat Maulana Rafiuddin رحمت الله عليه, the first administrator of Darul Uloom Deoband, possessed both internal and external knowledge. He was among the elders of the Naqshbandia clan. Towards the end of his life, he migrated to Makkah Mukarramah. He died there and is buried there. He was very keen to know about the appearance of the signs of the Day of Judgement especially the worldwide faithful struggle under the leadership of Hadhrat Mahdi. Hadhrat Mahdi was to appear in Makkah Mukarramah. On the other hand, Maulana Rafiuddin رحمت الله عليه knew the hadith that the Blessed Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم handed over the keys of the Ka’aba to the Shaibi clan on the occasion of the conquest of Makkah and since the Ka’aba would exist till the Day of Judgement, no matter if all the clans of Makkah are destroyed, the Shaibi clan would remain till then. Therefore, towards the end of his life, when Hadhrat Maulana Rafiuddin رحمت الله عليه strongly yearned to take the Bay’ah (oath of allegiance) of Hadhrat Mahdi and participate in Jihad (Holy war) under his leadership, he came up with an odd plan: Since this clan would continue to exist till the Day of Judgement, then evidently it would be present during the time of Imam Mahdi’s appearance. When Imam Mahdi will appear, he will be resting against the wall of the Ka’aba and taking the oath of allegiance from the Muslims. The keys of the Ka’aba would be in the hands of a member of the Shaibi clan. Therefore, in the context of this, Maulana took a harness, a sword and wrote a letter addressed to Hadhrat Mahdi. The text is as follows: “Dervish Rafiuddin from Deoband is hereby present in Makkah Mukarramah and you are preparing for jihad. You have mujahideen (warriors) accompanying you who will be given the same reward that was given to those who participated in the Battle of Badr. Thus, this harness is a token for you from Rafiuddin. Please hand over this sword to any mujahid (warrior) so that he may act as my representative by engaging in war and in this way, I can also earn the same reward.” Maulana entrusted these three items to the Shaibi clan and told them that since your clan will exist till the Day of Judgement, I hand over these items to you to give to Hadhrat Mahdi. When you die, pass on my will to your surrogate and tell him to inform his surrogate and so on till the time these items reach Hadhrat Mahdi. Khutbaat Hakeem ul Islam (book 2, pg. 98) There are three things that are very important to be understood with respect to Hadhrat Mahdi: (1) Who will Hadhrat Mahdi be? (2) What will he do after his emergence? (3) When will he appear? If this is understood, then many misconceptions even misleading information and ignorance that has been spread in this regard can be cleared. First point: Who will Hadhrat Mahdi be? The very first question, ‘Who will Hadhrat Mahdi be?’ can be answered in two different ways. Hadhrat Mahdi’s introduction – In occultation Hadhrat Madhi’s introduction (in occultation) is apparent in that he would be the descendant of Hadhrat Hassan رضى الله عنه. His name will be Mohammad or Ahmed and his father’s name will be Abdullah. Allama Sayyed Barzanji, who has done a lot of research on Mahdaviat (belief in and efforts to prepare for the Mahdi), says that he was not able to find an authentic narration regarding Hadhrat Mahdi’s mother’s name although some people have mentioned the name, ‘Amna’ in their writings. Mahdi is not his real name, but his title meaning ‘the guided one’. The Muslims will have given numerous sacrifices but despite this fact they will not have succeeded and the reason being the absence of certain regulations and the factors required for its success. Hadhrat Mahdi will easily perceive this by the blessings bestowed upon him from Allah سبحانه و تعالى. His role would be exemplary for the Ummah and he would compensate for the deficiencies by adopting certain attributes with ease. He will do so much in years that Muslims could not have achieved in centuries. He has not been born yet. He will be born like common men. At the age of forty, the Muslim Ummah will make him their leader and give their oath of allegiance to him. They will embark upon a valiant battle against the evil and tyranny raised by the non-believers that would ultimately lead to the establishment of an Islamic Caliphate worldwide. This is a simple introduction of Hadhrat Mahdi that can be cited in several ahadith. Hadhrat Mahdi’s introduction – After appearance With respect to the introduction of Hadhrat Mahdi after his appearance, first of all it should be kept in mind that whosoever claims to be the Mahdi can never be the true Mahdi. Just as fire and water contradict each other, the same exists between claiming to be the Mahdi and the real Mahdi. There are many arguments to support this. False claimants have been spreading turmoil in all eras….. In our era too, there are no less of those who despite possessing a spiritual status work for material interests; therefore, we are trying to put forth solid arguments in reply to the turmoil spread by false claimants: (1) Mahdaviat is a spiritual status and my Shaykh and Murshid (Sufi teacher); admired by all Ulema, Hadhrat Maulana Peer Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqshbandi (Damat Barakatahum) narrates a saying of one of the elders: ‘In the field of spirituality, the punishment of a claimant is execution’. It should be noted that the lineage of Hadhrat Hassan رضى الله عنه has the honour of Mahdi’s emergence because they had abandoned their just claim and right, so is there any question left for the real Mahdi to claim this great recognition? The detail of this abstract is that the grandson of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, Syedna Hadhrat Hassan رضى الله عنه demonstrated great sacrifice when he gave up his Caliphate for Hadhrat Mu’awiyah رضى الله عنه solely for the purpose of integrity and peacemaking among the Muslims. In lieu of this, during the time when integrity and unity would be a necessity for the Ummah, Allah سبحانه و تعالى would designate a mujahid leader from the line of Hadhrat Hassan رضى الله عنه to establish Caliphate worldwide. It is Allah’s سبحانه و تعالى rule that whosoever abandons something for His sake, Allah سبحانه و تعالى bestows upon him or his progeny with something even better. Therefore by abandoning limited Caliphate, Hadhrat Hassan’s رضى الله عنه lineage will be given the reward of worldwide Caliphate. The second reason that Ulema write about Hadhrat Mahdi being from the lineage of Hadhrat Hassan رضى الله عنه is that many Prophets came from the lineage of Hadhrat Ishaq علىه السلام but Allah سبحانه و تعالى only sent a single Prophet from Hadhrat Ismail’s علىه السلام lineage, who was the Seal of Prophets. Similarly many pious Saints belonged to the lineage of Hadhrat Hussain رضى الله عنه but a great Saint will descend from Hadhrat Hassan’s رضى الله عنه lineage, who will be the Seal of pious Saints. (Please see: Mullah Ali Qari’s Marqa tul Mufateeh 147/10 & Maulana Idrees Kandhalvi’s Al Taleeq us Sabeeh 197/6) (2) The second proof of the falsehood of claiming to be the Mahdi is that Hadhrat Mahdi will follow the path of those who are close to Allah سبحانه و تعالى in that he will be reluctant (as far as possible) to accept leadership and privilege as explicitly cited in hadith. There will be seven Ulema from different parts of the world (Pakistan and Afghanistan, Turkey, Syria, Morocco, Algeria, Uzbekistan, Sudan) who will come in search of Hadhrat Mahdi and more than three hundred and ten people will have given their oath of allegiance to each of these Ulema. Together they will start their search for such a person due to whom the Ummah will unite and strengthen, attain central leadership, suppress tyranny, break the Christian crosses (in Europe) and put an end to the conspiracies of Jews (in America & Israel) and then Allah’s سبحانه و تعالى governance will be established. These Ulema will be learned and righteous and will also have taken the oath of allegiance of engaging in jihad till death from each of their groups. (Oh People of Islam! Why do you go astray from the bearers and preachers of the Knowledge of Deen, spirituality according to Shariah and jihad in the path of Allah سبحانه و تعالى?) The seven Ulema will unite to search for Hadhrat Mahdi in both the sacred masajid (place of worship for muslims). When they will succeed in their search and find all the characteristics of Mahdi in him, they will ask: “Are you the son of so and so?” Hadhrat Mahdi would skillfully refrain by replying: “I am an Ansari (meaning: a supporter of Allah’s سبحانه و تعالى deen)”. After have saying this, he will seek refuge in Madinah Munawwarah from Makkah Mukarramah. The Ulema will keep searching for Hadhrat Mahdi until they reach Madinah Munawwarah. Hadhrat Mahdi will once again seek refuge in Makkah Mukarramah to abstain from being given the position of Imamat (the position of a divinely- appointed leader). These Ulema would be restless in that they would have engaged in jihad worldwide, struggled for prosperity, sacrificed numerous lives, wealth and honour but despite all this, failed to succeed in their objective. Neither is infidelity weakening its roots nor is its prevalence weakening, and the reason simply being the absence of a righteous leader. The Ummah is in need of a leader who not only has intellect and wisdom, but also courage and determination and guidance and support from Allah سبحانه و تعالى; and though we have come close to this leader, but have been deprived. The Ulema will once again reach the Haram in Makkah in search of Imam Madhi. In this way, they will move thrice between the Haram in Makkah and Haram in Madinah. Finally, they will find Hadhrat Mahdi beside Hajr-e-Aswad (The black stone). Hadhrat Mahdi will be clinging to the Ka’aba, rubbing his face against the wall of the Ka’aba and crying over the Ummah’s plight. Source |
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#35 |
bro, alhumdulliah i have much interest in this topic Mehidyat and dajjal. what i understand uptill now is below. i am not a mufti or aalim, its just my personal presumptions, so maybe they are wrongs. 1. I blv, although from the establishment of Israel in arab land is a big symptom that now the fitna of dajjal has been started, but i think it will take some time (maybe 50-100-150 or more) that dajjal will come out on scene. BCZ when dajjal came out, one thing will be cleared, munafiq and momin will be clearly seperated. today all are mix. all are claming to mujahid of islam but its seems, soon the time came where to practice islam bcm v.v.v.difficult and at this stage, all things will be clear who is true muslim and those who are lier, but it take time. 2nd when Mehdi AS came. the muslim force has four part. ppl from hijaz, yemen ppl, khurasan(pak/afghan area) and west muslims. at this stage, west muslims, there is no jamat, although much ratio of revert to islam but not yet much strong that came out for qittaal. so i think it take time. 3rd, the force of mujahideen will be unite as one . there will be not a single drop of contraversal issue btw them. and none of them ever had acted the kabira sin in life. at this stage, there are many gruops in field but there are issues/akhtilaf btw them, we all know. so to me it seems it will take time by that groups (arab, khurasani, west) to come to one thing and unity. 4th..............the most imp....who will be wid Mehdi AS. i will say only a single line with for that... those ppl have such a strong yaqeen and relation ALLAH SWT that ALLAH SWT will answer to their dua/prayers immidiately. and all their neccesities will be directly fullfilled by ALLAH SWt and they are not depenndent on any wordly thing. So bro who wants to be HIM, strong ur eman and acquire these qualities. PS. these are just my personal view and ppl can have different view so sorry if soemone dont agree. |
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#36 |
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#37 |
A second book was published about the Dajjal: http://islamicbookslibrary.wordpress...010/08/12/709/
I do believe however that you will find a lot of theories about the dajjal without any solid evidence. Too many difference of opinions about what could happen. The interpretation of hadith and whether or not all kinds of technology will fail is a primary example. |
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#38 |
@Ansari ,
there are some athar that Dajjal is living and chained at some Island. see here: |
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#40 |
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