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Old 01-25-2012, 02:54 AM   #1

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Default Age of Chaos and Usury : Riot prone cities Muslims should avoid !!
Interntional bankers are trying to provoke chaos in many parts of the world. They want to set up a world government out of the chaos. Check this to see what the satanist is telling.


There will be a war between America, some of its puppet government Arab States and Iran. This will be horrendous

China and Russia will be involved. Enjoy!

Our system is a hierarchical one. We are putting this in place now: see Italy and Greece. Notice how America is a little more than patriotic and just a little less than fascist? Not long to go. Notice how government uniforms (including police) are now more military in style?

I've told you that riots are coming this year and that we have planned for these.

How to identify those riot-prone areas ? The bankers need some local factors to provoke a riot in a city . Such as

1. bad economy . This make people are angry and want to blame someone for the distress.
2. Existence of different types of people divided along the lines of race or religion or culture. Remember Bosnia. Partion of India in 1947.

Please give us feedback on these three issues - name of your city , condition of economy and social composition.
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Old 01-25-2012, 04:49 AM   #2

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Billionare Soros Threatens Blood on the Streets? Why ? Check this.


George Soros on the Coming U.S. Class War ... Has the great short seller gone soft? Well, yes. Sitting in his 33rd-floor corner office high above Seventh Avenue in New York, preparing for his trip to Davos, he is more concerned with surviving than staying rich. "At times like these, survival is the most important thing," he says, peering through his owlish glasses and brushing wisps of gray hair off his forehead. He doesn't just mean it's time to protect your assets. He means it's time to stave off disaster. As he sees it, the world faces one of the most dangerous periods of modern history—a period of "evil." Europe is confronting a descent into chaos and conflict. In America he predicts riots on the streets that will lead to a brutal clampdown that will dramatically curtail civil liberties. The global economic system could even collapse altogether. – Daily Beast

Dominant Social Theme: Soros is very worried about the state of the world, and we should be, too. Maybe Davos will save us! Or the Bilderbergs?

Free-Market Analysis: The Daily Beast is out with an article that ticks many of the boxes of dominant social themes of the elite. As we have often explained, the power elite works via fear-based promotions that frighten the middle classes into giving up power and wealth to globalist institutions.

George Soros has the fear-based stuff down to a science. The article (see excerpt above) is one fear-based meme after another. "Survival is the most important thing" ... "a period of evil" ... "a descent into chaos and conflict."

It should be pointed out that George Soros wasn't always such a splendid spokesperson for the power elite. In fact, for a long time, from what we can tell, he was a kind of rogue trader using the Austrian business cycle analysis he learned at the London School of Economics to make increasingly profitable bets on a variety of currencies.

Soros seemingly didn't pay much attention to the formal power structure, and that structure didn't pay much attention to him until one day in the early 1990s he made a billion dollar bet (a lot of money back then) that the British pound was going to crash. In fact, it proved a self-fulfilling prophecy and suddenly Soros was the most famous trader of them all.

Not only was he was famous. He was suddenly in demand. So much so that the Queen of England herself granted him a private audience. In fact, she didn't so much grant it as demand it.

Now, we don't know what was said in that interview so long ago, but we've observed since then that George Soros – post interview – seemed like a changed man. Instead of ignoring the Anglosphere power structure, he virtually personifies it.

How did this come about? Our pet theory is that the Queen of England gave him an old fashioned "verbal spanking." She said something along the lines of, "George, you've become a real pain-in-the-caboose! You'd better get with the program ... "

"What do you mean by that, Your Majesty?" George Soros asked.

It means that one night, Georgie, you'll go to bed and never wake up.

To sleep well, George Soros began to work closely with the Anglosphere power elite that he once disregarded and even traded against. Gradually, his trading activities became less prominent, or less discussed anyway.

George Soros launched a variety of non-profit efforts – high profile ones that feature various kinds of leftist activism. He became well known as a socialist engineer on a vast scale.

Of course, this might seem curious given that Soros was a market entrepreneur, but not if you know the MO of the central-banking families that want to build a formal New World Order.

This tiny handful of people – perhaps located mostly in the City of London – seek front men that support the Hegelian Dialectic that helps them move the world's sociopolitical and economic discussion toward full-fledged globalism.

Rupert Murdoch, as we've pointed out, is probably one such front-man. He's received an inordinate amount of money to erect "conservative" papers around the world.

Curiously, such papers, despite their labeling, are firmly jingoistic and militaristic. Murdoch sounds like a libertarian, but scratch the surface and he's statist to the core.

Can this be coincidence? How about Soros? ... As a trader, it doesn't seem to us that he evinced a great deal of leftism, but these days he's the biggest, or most prominent, leftist on the planet.

It's like he was told to pick a persona. He could be a "conservative" like Murdoch, so long as he was a supporter of the warfare state, or he could be a "liberal" and jet around the world creating groups and movements that would lobby for greater state involvement on behalf of social and economic "leveling."

Perhaps "they" didn't have an opening on the conservative side of the dialectic. Who knows? In any case, in the past several decades George Soros has emerged as perhaps the world's leading billionaire leftist.

Of course, we have a hard time believing it, for all the reasons presented above. There seems to us a pattern to George Soros's involvement in various causes, and it seems to us a predetermined one.

Even the mainstream media coverage he gets is pretty much predictable. Fox "hates" him the way the Guardian newspaper "hates" Murdoch. (A big, phony hate.) Here's some more from the Daily Beast article:

While Soros, whose new book, Financial Turmoil in Europe and the United States, will be published in early February, is currently focused on Europe, he's quick to claim that economic and social divisions in the U.S. will deepen, too. He sympathizes with the Occupy movement, which articulates a widespread disillusionment with capitalism that he shares. People "have reason to be frustrated and angry" at the cost of rescuing the banking system, a cost largely borne by taxpayers rather than shareholders or bondholders.

Occupy Wall Street "is an inchoate, leaderless manifestation of protest," but it will grow. It has "put on the agenda issues that the institutional left has failed to put on the agenda for a quarter of a century." He reaches for analysis, produced by the political blog ThinkProgress.org, that shows how the Occupy movement has pushed issues of unemployment up the agenda of major news organizations, including MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News.

It reveals that in one week in July of last year the word "debt" was mentioned more than 7,000 times on major U.S. TV news networks. By October, mentions of the word "debt" had dropped to 398 over the course of a week, while "occupy" was mentioned 1,278 times, "Wall Street" 2,378 times, and "jobs" 2,738 times. You can't keep a financier away from his metrics.

As anger rises, riots on the streets of American cities are inevitable. "Yes, yes, yes," he says, almost gleefully. The response to the unrest could be more damaging than the violence itself. "It will be an excuse for cracking down and using strong-arm tactics to maintain law and order, which, carried to an extreme, could bring about a repressive political system, a society where individual liberty is much more constrained, which would be a break with the tradition of the United States."

See? Soros is apparently "gleeful" about the prospect of unrest. We're not surprised! We also learn, "In spite of his warnings of political turmoil in the U.S., he has no plans to engage in politics directly." In fact, from what we can tell, this is a misleading statement, if not a flat out fib.

There's plenty of evidence on the Internet that Soros has been deeply involved in funding the Occupy Wall Street movement. We've written numerous articles about OWS, along with many others in the libertarian alternative press, showing how OWS is very likely a kind of power elite false flag.

The people behind OWS are apparently funded by money derived in part from Soros and other power-elite affiliated elements. You can see much the same pattern when it comes to "green" investing, etc. The idea, again, is to generate a dialectic that involves the state.

The OWS movement, for instance, is not focused on central banking or the powerful families that control it and are trying to set up, apparently, some sort of one-world government. No. OWS, in its incipient stages anyway, was focused on the inequities of Wall Street – the one percent.

The solution being proposed by OWS is to use the awesome power of the US federal judiciary to punish the Wall Street "banksters." As we've pointed out many times now, this is a kind of neo-"French Revolution" solution to the problem. The corrupt and vicious US judicial system should be disbanded – not utilized, strengthened and given renewed credibility.

Think of the USSR. Would freedom have been advanced in that bleeding country by inviting the KGB to punish powerful evildoers, or would freedom have been advanced by dismantling the KGB?

That may seem an extreme example, but the US has the most fiercesome domestic security apparatus in the world today. It doesn't need any encouragement, in our view, not with six million Americans under lock-and-key and 300 empty "prison camps" scattered around the country.

We've long pointed out that one of the goals of those behind OWS is to create a new Pecora Hearing that will pass further laws and set up even more regulatory strictures on what the US financial industry can and cannot do.

And this, too, in our opinion, will be a kind of false flag, just as it was in the 1930s. Then, as now, the system of central banking destroyed the economy. And then, as now, the powers-that-be behind central banking managed to deflect attention from Money Power by blaming Wall Street.

Of course, this time round, thanks to the Internet era – what we call the Internet Reformation – things aren't working quite so smoothly. The faux-populism of OWS has been exposed on numerous levels, along with its suspicious enthusiasm for authoritarian measures and lack of interest in confronting Money Power itself.

Yes ... thanks to the exposure of alternative 'Net press, OWS in all its manifestations has been a kind of fizzle. Developed as part of the power elite dialectic, it's not pulling its weight. The OWS "occupy Congress" intervention was something of a failure. Around the country, OWS sites are abandoned, fading-to-black.

And thus ... enter Soros. He's no innocent bystander, remember? We think his funds are behind OWS, along with a lot of other power elite money. And what is Soros "anticipating"?

Why, bloodshed! He says it flat out, speaking of a coming "US class war." That's exactly what the elites want, of course. Nothing like a class war between the one percent and the 99 percent to distract attention from the .000000001 percent that actually run things!

Conclusion: Maybe we're wrong about all this! Heck, we're meme-watchers not fortune-tellers. But Soros's eager doom-and-gloom-ism makes us highly suspicious. Operation "OWS" needs a boost. Time to take it to the next level?
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Old 01-27-2012, 01:35 AM   #3

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More insight !!

Breaking Up the Western World

Isn't it just as likely that Britain will hit the rocks and break up? ... In the period immediately after the Costa Concordia hit a rock off the coast of Tuscany, the behaviour of the passengers and crew has given us all sorts of insights into the eternal glories and failings of human nature. Perhaps the most symbolically pregnant gesture took place in the dining room. When the crockery started to slide from the tables, as the ship began to list, the waiters just picked it up and put it back. "It is nothing!" they said soothingly. "It is an electrical fault. Tutto va bene and what would madame like for the antipasto?"... I am like the Concordia waiters, in that I can't really believe, somehow, that we can be set on a course for destruction. But look at the facts, my friends. Look at that submerged reef marked "devo max", or fiscal independence for Scotland. If you can unpick the fiscal union, what is there to maintain the monetary union? And if you unpick monetary union — as George Osborne rightly points out — then political union is dead ... That is the nature of slo-mo disasters: they can change very quickly, from being an outlandish theoretical possibility to a predestined inevitability. – Boris Johnson, UK Telegraph

Dominant Social Theme: Things fall apart. The center cannot hold.

Free-Market Analysis: The Telegraph's Boris Johnson has written an interesting article on the potential break-up of Britain, comparing it to the unexpected Costa Concordia cruise ship disaster.

In a sense this article by Johnson is part of a larger power elite dominant social theme, in our view. The rhetoric of fear-based promotions by various Anglosphere mouthpieces has grown a good deal more shrill of late.

We pointed out just yesterday that George Soros is predicting significant unrest in the United States. His vehicle of choice is Occupy Wall Street and, according to a reporter, he sounded almost gleeful about the prospect.

From our point of view, Soros is a power elite operative, doing the bidding of that select group of powerful families who control the world's central banks and are trying to set up one-world government.

To do this, in our view – a view we have come to only reluctantly as patterns emerge more and more clearly – the elites may be planning to foment an all out chaotic depression that will make the current Great Recession look positively peaceful.

The idea is to deepen chaos around the world so significantly that further solutions – organized by the elites themselves – will seem both tempting and practical. In this way, perhaps, they will advance a one-world currency along with deepening global authorities such as the UN, IMF, etc.

This is simply speculation, of course, based on what we consider to be their dominant social themes. We don't make any apologies, because that's our MO. We speculate about the activities of the world's most powerful people based on what we consider to be the kinds of propaganda that their mouthpieces are unleashing on an unsuspecting world.

George Soros, we figure, is at this point one of the elite's hand-picked minions, a man who is participating fully in the left/right Hegelian Dialectic that the top elites utilize to move the larger sociopolitical and economic conversation in a given direction – almost always toward more state control.

Soros is predicting the proverbial "blood on the streets" but it's not just Soros. The Economic Collapse blog came out with an interesting article recently entitled "Are George Soros, The IMF And The World Bank Purposely Trying To Scare The Living Daylights Out Of Us?" The article quoted from our interview with Gerald Celente at length, as follows:

"I believe that we have to watch out for something along the lines of an economic martial law. The European system is in collapse. The financial system in the United States is just as tenuous, if not more, and I believe they will not admit there will be a financial crash but rather they will use a geo-political issue to get the people in a state of fear and hysteria whereby they'll then call a bank holiday or devaluation of the currency, or a hyperinflation of the currency, and blame it on somebody else."

Here's some more from the article:

George Soros is not the only one issuing these kinds of warnings. Once again, the head of the IMF, Christine Lagarde, has made a speech in which she openly warned that we are heading for a repeat of the "1930s". She told an audience in Berlin on Monday that the globe is facing "a 1930s moment, in which inaction, insularity and rigid ideology combine to cause a collapse in global demand".

During the speech she called for a trillion more dollars to support financially troubled governments, and she made the following statement...."It is not about saving any one country or region. It is about saving the world from a downward economic spiral."

As I wrote about the other day, the World Bank has also been using apocalyptic language about the global financial situation. In a shocking new report, the World Bank revised GDP growth estimates for 2012 downward very sharply, it warned that Europe could be facing financial collapse at any time, and it instructed the rest of the world to "prepare for the worst."

The lead author of the report, Andrew Burns, said that the "importance of contingency planning cannot be stressed enough" and that if there is a major financial crisis in Europe the entire globe will be deeply affected....

This is an important article because it brings together statements of several different individuals to show how there is a mounting chorus of top elite spokespeople predicting disaster.

Now, one can define this messaging as a "warning" – but we're prepared to go even deeper than that, as we did with our Soros article. Having become convinced that the elite operates within the ambit of "directed history," we tend to believe these statements – growing shriller by the minute – may be issued as a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy.

This, unfortunately, is how directed history works, in our view. First, the elites create the groundwork for whatever they have in mind and then, after events have begun to proceed in a planned direction, the mainstream media begins to quote the elite pundocracy and other mouthpieces about the inevitability of what's occurring.

It is important from their point of view that whatever occurs is properly positioned. In this case, a planned worldwide depression is to be accompanied by plenty of fanfare. People are to be made aware of what is about to occur. They are to be warned in some detail.

Again, to many, such an analysis will seem, if not foolhardy, at least paranoid. But in fact, there is really no other way to anticipate what may be headed in our direction other than looking at elite trends and rhetoric.

We would be foolish not to do so (in our humble opinion) because the world's economic system at this point is an entirely artificial one. It partakes of the "free market" only in certain aspects. But between central banking and the various globalist banking and trade entities, there is not much that the elites do not have a direct hand in organizing and purveying.

Central banking is a ruinous enterprise. It begs common sense that those who have built these banks (while hiding in the shadows) do not know exactly what they do and how they do it. Printing money from nothing causes first booms and then great busts.

The globalism that the elites continually try to inflict on this wretched world only magnifies the phony booms and busts of central banking and makes them resonate universally. The entire planet has become a kind of miserable economic echo chamber, quivering as the larger financial industry lurches from disaster to another.

Of course, the news is not all grim. We point out regularly that what we call the Internet Reformation has radically challenged the secretive financial might and conniving of the power elite. What was to have been a seamless transition to world government has now become a lurching and obvious series of clumsy and increasingly brutal ploys.

Having been found out – and the evidence is all over the Internet for anyone to see – the powers-that be have turned increasingly to the tried-and-true playbook of war, authoritarianism and legal force. The laws now being passed in even the freest Western countries are positively Draconian. They are destroying hundreds of years of painfully gained freedoms.

Which brings us back to Boris Johnson's article about Britain's devolution. During the era of the Gutenberg Press there was a good deal of schisming within the context of various power structures. Religion obviously comes to mind, but there were political changes as well.

We figure the same kind of schisming could occur as the Internet Reformation continues to have an impact. The world's largest countries are all wracked with either protest movements or outright rebellion, from what we can tell: Europe, the US, China and Russia among them.

To some degree, we believe this unrest is being fomented by the power elite itself. The historical precedent for this, of course, is the French Revolution. The way one deals with outbreaks of information about the Way the World Really Works is to create so much social chaos that people eventually prefer authoritarian government to "anarchy." The child of the French Revolution was Napoleon.

But this strategy has considerable risks. It is taking place within the context of a very powerful information revolution. The various kinds of social chaos that the elites may have in mind fomenting may end up backfiring.

Real secession and valid forms of republican government can certainly result from social upheaval. The Anglosphere power elite may not find it so easy to put the genie of social chaos back in the proverbial bottle.

Conclusion: The elite's mavens and mouthpieces are in full cry about upcoming social and economic chaos. Perhaps they ought to be careful what they wish for.
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Old 01-27-2012, 02:55 AM   #4

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Many cities in the USA seem to be very dangerous places for the Muslims. Check this.


Police Preparing for Riots / Martial Law / Economic Collapse

I expect that Middle Eastern war zones will look pretty tame by comparison to some of the war zones on the North American continent. After all, the land of the gun can only be pacified by the gun.

All the police state laws since the false flag 9/11 attacks have contributed to the process of global state-building and the establishment of a universal slave grid system. The unstated objective of this new international system is permanent bondage of the people. The criminal and Satanic elite want to gain complete control of the planet and human destiny. According to historian Webster Tarpley, radio host Alex Jones, and others, large pockets of the middle class and the underclass will be exterminated under this system of mass death.

This is where Homeland Security comes in. It has been set up as an extrajudicial killing and spying machine. But its undercover anti-democratic and eugenicist operations are being concealed behind false narratives like the war on terror and false aims like domestic security.
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Old 01-28-2012, 04:34 AM   #5

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Celente Predicts Revolution, Food Riots, Tax Rebellions By 2012

The man who predicted the 1987 stock market crash and the fall of the Soviet Union is now forecasting revolution in America, food riots and tax rebellions – all within four years, while cautioning that putting food on the table will be a more pressing concern than buying Christmas gifts by 2012.

Gerald Celente, the CEO of Trends Research Institute, is renowned for his accuracy in predicting future world and economic events, which will send a chill down your spine considering what he told Fox News this week.

Celente says that by 2012 America will become an undeveloped nation, that there will be a revolution marked by food riots, squatter rebellions, tax revolts and job marches, and that holidays will be more about obtaining food, not gifts.

“We’re going to see the end of the retail Christmas….we’re going to see a fundamental shift take place….putting food on the table is going to be more important that putting gifts under the Christmas tree,” said Celente, adding that the situation would be “worse than the great depression”.

“America’s going to go through a transition the likes of which no one is prepared for,” said Celente, noting that people’s refusal to acknowledge that America was even in a recession highlights how big a problem denial is in being ready for the true scale of the crisis.

Celente, who successfully predicted the 1997 Asian Currency Crisis, the subprime mortgage collapse and the massive devaluation of the U.S. dollar, told UPI in November last year that the following year would be known as “The Panic of 2008,” adding that “giants (would) tumble to their deaths,” which is exactly what we have witnessed with the collapse of Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns and others. He also said that the dollar would eventually be devalued by as much as 90 per cent.

The consequence of what we have seen unfold this year would lead to a lowering in living standards, Celente predicted a year ago, which is also being borne out by plummeting retail sales figures.

The prospect of revolution was a concept echoed by a British Ministry of Defence report last year, which predicted that within 30 years, the growing gap between the super rich and the middle class, along with an urban underclass threatening social order would mean, “The world’s middle classes might unite, using access to knowledge, resources and skills to shape transnational processes in their own class interest,” and that, “The middle classes could become a revolutionary class.”

In a separate recent interview, Celente went further on the subject of revolution in America.

“There will be a revolution in this country,” he said. “It’s not going to come yet, but it’s going to come down the line and we’re going to see a third party and this was the catalyst for it: the takeover of Washington, D. C., in broad daylight by Wall Street in this bloodless coup. And it will happen as conditions continue to worsen.”

“The first thing to do is organize with tax revolts. That’s going to be the big one because people can’t afford to pay more school tax, property tax, any kind of tax. You’re going to start seeing those kinds of protests start to develop.”

“It’s going to be very bleak. Very sad. And there is going to be a lot of homeless, the likes of which we have never seen before. Tent cities are already sprouting up around the country and we’re going to see many more.”

“We’re going to start seeing huge areas of vacant real estate and squatters living in them as well. It’s going to be a picture the likes of which Americans are not going to be used to. It’s going to come as a shock and with it, there’s going to be a lot of crime. And the crime is going to be a lot worse than it was before because in the last 1929 Depression, people’s minds weren’t wrecked on all these modern drugs – over-the-counter drugs, or crystal meth or whatever it might be. So, you have a huge underclass of very desperate people with their minds chemically blown beyond anybody’s comprehension.”
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Old 01-28-2012, 04:43 AM   #6

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More bad news from the USA.




What is going to happen if we see widespread rioting in major U.S. cities like George Soros is predicting? Is now the time to move away from major U.S. cities?

Is now the time to move away from major U.S. cities?

As the U.S. economy falls apart and as the world becomes increasingly unstable, more Americans than ever are becoming “preppers”. It is estimated that there are at least two million preppers in the United States today, but nobody really knows. The truth is that it is hard to take a poll because a lot of preppers simply do not talk about their preparations. Your neighbor could be storing up food in the garage or in an extra bedroom and you might never even know it. An increasing number of Americans are convinced that we are on the verge of some really bad things happening. But will just storing up some extra food and supplies be enough? What is going to happen if we see widespread rioting in major U.S. cities like George Soros is predicting? What is going to happen if the economy totally falls to pieces and our city centers descend into anarchy like we saw in New Orleans during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina? In some major U.S. cities such as Detroit, looting is already rampant. There are some sections of Detroit where entire blocks of houses are being slowly dismantled by thieves and stripped of anything valuable. Sadly, the economy is going to get a lot worse than it is at the moment. So is now the time to move away from major U.S. cities? Should preppers be seeking safer locations for themselves and their families? Those are legitimate questions.

According to a recent Gallup poll, satisfaction with the government is now at an all-time low. Americans are rapidly losing faith in virtually every major institution in society.

Anger and frustration are rising to very dangerous levels, and we are rapidly approaching a boiling point.

When people feel as though they have lost everything, they get desperate.

And desperate people do desperate things.

In many communities in the United States today, crime has become so terrifying that people are literally sleeping with their guns.

The following is a story from Rancho Cordova, California that one of my readers recently sent me….

When I first moved here, it was not a bad place, it was quiet and clean.

However, over the past three years this place has gone to the dumps there are thugs and unruly people everywhere.

I have prevented two car break-ins by scaring these thugs away.

While I was home on thanksgiving weekend, someone decided to break into my apartment.

They trashed my place stole all my items and even took my law enforcement (LE) vehicle to include my equipment.

I m sure they had been watching me for a while because they did not take items that contained my identification.

Thank god, I had my weapon with me.

In many areas of the country, law enforcement resources are being dramatically cut back due to budget problems at the same time that crime is rapidly rising.

Right now, the city of Detroit is teetering on the verge of bankruptcy. Officials there recently announced that due to budget constraints, all police stations will be closed to the public for 16 hours a day. From now on, they will only be open to the public from 8 AM to 4 PM.

But in Detroit the police are needed now more than ever. The following is what one British reporter found during his visit to Detroit….

Much of Detroit is horribly dangerous for its own residents, who in many cases only stay because they have nowhere else to go. Property crime is double the American average, violent crime triple. The isolated, peeling homes, the flooded roads, the clunky, rusted old cars and the neglected front yards amid trees and groin-high grassland make you think you are in rural Alabama, not in one of the greatest industrial cities that ever existed.

The population of Detroit is less than half of what it used to be. Over the past few decades people have left in droves, and large sections of the city are in an advanced state of decay.

Not too many people want to buy homes in Detroit now. At this point, the median price of a home in Detroit isjust $6000.

The following video contains some video footage of the “ruins of Detroit” that is hard to believe….

Detroit has become a very scary place. 100 bus drivers in Detroit recently refused to drive their routes out of fear of being attacked on the streets. The head of the bus drivers union, Henry Gaffney, said that the drivers were literally “scared for their lives“….

“Our drivers are scared, they’re scared for their lives. This has been an ongoing situation about security. I think yesterday kind of just topped it off, when one of my drivers was beat up by some teenagers down in the middle of Rosa Parks and it took the police almost 30 minutes to get there, in downtown Detroit,” said Gaffney.

But it is not just Detroit that is having these kinds of problems.

In Cleveland, over 50 percent of all children are living in poverty and abandoned houses are everywhere.

The city has already demolished about 1,000 homes, and there is a plan to demolish 20,000 more homes. The following comes from a recent CBS News report by Scott Pelley….

Perfectly good homes, worth 75, 100 thousand dollars or more a couple of years ago, are being ripped to splinters in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Here, the great recession left one fifth of all houses vacant. The owners walked away because they couldn’t or wouldn’t keep paying on a mortgage debt that can be twice the value of the home. Cleveland waited four years for home values to recover and now they’ve decided to face facts and bury the dead.

Down in St. Louis they have a different problem. In some of the worst areas of the city, roving packs of wild dogs are a serious threat to children that are walking to school. A recent report by the local CBS affiliate in St. Louisdescribed the situation this way….

…Lewis Reed is sounding the alarm. “I’ve witnessed packs of dogs, 10 and 15 dogs running together, and I’ve seen all these dogs I’m talking about they don’t have collars, they don’t have tags, these are truly wild dogs,” he said.

Reed says stray dogs are terrorizing the north side. “It’s obscene that parents have to walk their kids to school, in some parts of the city, with a golf club to fend off wild dogs.”

How would you feel if you had to fend off wild packs of dogs as you walked your child to school?

These kinds of conditions can be found out on the west coast as well.

For example, there is an area of San Francisco that is known as “Hunter’s Point” that is an absolute nightmare. In Hunter’s Point, over half of the population lives in poverty and more than half of all children live in a home where there is no father present. The following is what one reporter discovered on a visit to Hunter’s Point….

Abernathy and I cut through the complex, tromping over an expanse of dirt and concrete toward the northeast end of the development, where a row of apartments looked down from a grassy hill. We paused next to a vacant, boarded-over unit to take in the scene: A stream of ****, piss, tampons, and toilet paper spewed from a dark hole in the sidewalk, poured down the hill, and formed a sort of **** lagoon next to the street. Weeds, about six inches tall, were growing in the little lagoon.

Raw ****, obviously, is not cool. Beyond the fact that it smells and looks nasty, fecal matter provides a haven for dangerous bacteria, most notably E. coli, a virulent pathogen that can sicken and even kill humans, especially infants.

When conditions like this reign, it is a prime breeding ground for crime.

In major U.S. cities all over the United States, drug dealing, gang activity and prostitution are on the rise. The following comes from a recent article in the New York Times….

In November, a terrified 13-year-old girl pounded on an apartment door in Brooklyn. When a surprised woman answered, the girl pleaded for a phone. She called her mother, and then dialed 911.

The girl, whom I’ll call Baby Face because of her looks, frantically told police that a violent pimp was selling her for sex. He had taken her to the building and ordered her to go to an apartment where a customer was waiting, she said, and now he was waiting downstairs to make sure she did not escape. She had followed the pimp’s directions and gone upstairs, but then had pounded randomly on this door in hopes of getting help.

In some major U.S. cities, the gangs have virtually taken over. In an article entitled “City of Ruins“, Chris Hedges described what life is like today in Camden, New Jersey….

There are perhaps a hundred open-air drug markets, most run by gangs like the Bloods, the Latin Kings, Los Nietos and MS-13. Knots of young men in black leather jackets and baggy sweatshirts sell weed and crack to clients, many of whom drive in from the suburbs. The drug trade is one of the city’s few thriving businesses. A weapon, police say, is never more than a few feet away, usually stashed behind a trash can, in the grass or on a porch.

As I wrote about the other day, the FBI says that there are now 1.4 million gang members inside this country. That number has increased by 40 percent since 2009.

Organized criminal behavior by groups of young people is on the rise all over the nation. Just check out this video which shows a flash mob robbery happening in Montgomery County, Maryland.

Sadly, this is just the beginning.

This country is still enjoying a tremendous amount of prosperity. We still have a very high standard of living compared to most of the rest of the world.

So how nightmarish are things going to get when the economy gets really bad?

The most frightening thing is when these criminals start invading private homes.

The following home invasion story from Sacramento, California was sent to me by one of my readers a while back….

Somebody got into my sister’s house last night while she was out. My mom was upstairs, but didn’t hear anything. Whoever it was, they ate some chips and sorted through a stack of maternity clothes my sister had ready for selling on ebay. He left a dirty pair of boxer shorts and a bottom dentures on the dining room table. Fortunately, he was gone when she got home. I’m amazed, but the police actually came out and collected fingerprints and his boxers and false teeth. Probably a homeless guy. He may have switched his dirty boxers for a clean pair of maternity jeans, so the police just have to look for a guy wearing women’s maternity pants with no lower teeth.

Because of stuff like this, an increasing number of Americans have decided that it is better to be armed.

The truth is that you never know when you will get jumped.

For example, in Pennsylvania the other day one 65-year-old man was suddenly knocked off his bicycle by three teen thugs.

The 65-year-old man responded by pulling out his gun and shooting two of them. One of the teens was killed.

Down along the border with Mexico, many ranchers have discovered that a gun battle could potentially erupt on any night. The federal government has refused to protect the border, and so millions of illegals just keep streaming on in. The following was recently posted on standwitharizona.com….

Barbed wire fencing doesn’t keep illegal aliens off the property anymore. One Starr County, TX rancher doesn’t have time to worry about the illegals these days. He now worries about the smugglers protecting their loads.

“I don’t think they would have any conscience of taking someone’s life,” the rancher says.

He saw that will to kill firsthand. A smuggler shot at him on his own land.

“One round was fired at me, and it missed my head by about two feet,” says the rancher.

He says there’s only way to react.

“Fire all the rounds you have, reload, and do it again,” says the rancher.

The more stories like this you read, the easier it is to understand why more than 10 million guns were sold in the United States during 2011.

The truth is that you never know when you may need to defend yourself.

This past New Year’s Eve, a single mother named Sarah McKinley was home alone with her three-month old son when she discovered that two armed men were trying to invade her home. If she had not had a gun, there is no telling what might have happened. The following is from a news story about that incident….

An Oklahoma woman was recently home with her 3 month old son when two men tried to break in. Armed with a shot gun and a pistol she called 9-1-1.

Operator: “Are your doors locked?”

Caller: “Yes, I’ve got two guns in my hand. Is it ok to shoot him if he comes in this door?”

Operator: “I can’t tell you what you can do but you do what you have to do to protect your baby.”

The mother did shoot killing one of the intruders. Oklahoma police called the shooting justified.

What would you have done in that situation?

America is rapidly changing, and we all need to adapt to the new reality all around us.

The truth is that America is not the same place it used to be. In some U.S. cities, authorities are actually dumping dead bodies into mass graves.

Just check out what the Daily Mail says has been going on in Chicago….

It’s a practice more closely associated with third world countries, but in bleak times in a Chicago-area suburb, 30 people were buried in a mass grave on Wednesday.

The pauper’s burial section at Homewood Memorial Gardens was established for those who could not afford to pay for a burial plot.

And it is a problem that’s sweeping America as tough economic times have led to an increase in the number of indigent burials the morgue must perform.

All over the country, major U.S. cities are flat broke and are rapidly decaying. They are filled with impoverished people that are rapidly becoming angrier and more frustrated.

There simply are not enough jobs for everyone. Millions of ordinary Americans spend their days agonizing over the fact that they cannot provide even a basic living for themselves and their families.

And as the economy gets even worse, the economic despair in this country is going to grow to unprecedented levels.

So is now the time to move away from major U.S. cities?

In the end, each of us is going to have to answer that question for ourselves.

Jobs are scarce, so if you have a good job right now it may not be wise to give it up. It can be incredibly challenging to move to a new area when you don’t have a job.

One solution may be to move farther away from your current job so that you are in a more rural setting. But the rising cost of gasoline can make that a very expensive proposition.

Some families are purchasing second homes that they can “bug out” to in the event of a major disaster or emergency. But if your financial resources are limited that may not be an option for you.

In the final analysis, you have just got to do the best you can with what you have.

But if you are able to move, it is better to do it while times are relatively stable (like now) than when times are very unstable.

So what do all of you think?

Do you think that now is the time to move away from major U.S. cities?
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Old 01-28-2012, 05:02 AM   #7

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Massive US Troop Movements In California Raise Russian Concerns

Analysis as to why these troops are currently massing in California, this report says, could involve any number of scenarios including: 1.) A planned US-EU invasion of either Mexico or a South American nation. 2.) Preparations to put down large scale rioting erupting in the United States. 3.) Preparations to assist the civilian population in the aftermath of a catastrophe caused by war or natural disaster.




A disturbing report prepared by the Ministry of Defense circulating in the Kremlin today states that Russian Military Officials were rebuffed by NATO yesterday after questions were raised regarding massive troop and war equipment movements in the United States region of California and said to involve over 78,000 soldiers from various countries.

Reports coming in from the United States verify these extraordinary troop movements are currently underway with videos showing massive amounts of tanks and other war equipment being brought into the California region by train near Santa Cruz [see video HERE] and Morgon Hill [see video HERE] along with reports detailing that areas of Los Angeles were cordoned off this week for secret military exercises.
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Old 01-30-2012, 10:41 PM   #8

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British Army Exercise to Put Down Insurrection or riots !!

################be aware of female pic #########


On Saturday, The Telegraph carried an article explaining how hundreds of soldiers from the third battalion of the Parachute Regiment are learning how to put down insurrection. So-called “public order training” will be critical during Britain’s upcoming version of panem et circenses – the 2012 Olympics – as the Greatest Depression deepens.

The Telegraph points out that the brutal tactics used by the British Army in Northern Ireland “have been lost” following the 2007 decision to pull back from Ulster. British troops were sent to Derry in 1969 not to keep the peace, but to put down an insurrection after Irish police invaded Catholic areas of the city and imposed a curfew, sealed off Lower Falls, and began shooting unarmed civilians. The violence culminated in Bloody Sunday on January 30, 1972, when 26 unarmed civil-rights protesters and bystanders were shot by soldiers.

Now the “Troubles” have reached Britain, thanks to the global engineered economic implosion currently underway.

According to The Telegraph, during the British Army “training package” held in Kent, soldiers were taught how to use body-length riot shields, protect themselves from missiles and how to identify and arrest “ring leaders’ using specially trained “snatch squads.”

The Greater Manchester Police used “snatch squads” during the 2011 riots. The tactic was pioneered during the anti-globalist demonstrations in Seattle (in this photograph, we see cops snatching a dangerous photographer). During the G20 in Pittsburgh, the military worked with cops and used “snatch and grab” units to kidnap activists. The tactic was also used in Toronto during the G20.

Another police tactic pioneered at anti-globalist demonstrations is kettling – cops penning protesters into a small area in order to restrain them. Violent police behavior during the 2009 London G20 resulted in the death of Ian Tomlinson, a newspaper seller who had nothing to do with the demonstration. The tactic was used in New York against Occupy Wall Street protesters. The NYPD kettled several dangerous female protesters and pepper sprayed them

“Learning how to deal with public order situations is a new skill for on a challenging and extremely realistic course,” noted Major Richard Todd, an officer commanding the training. “Many of the drills are no different to what the Roman Army used to do, with highly disciplined soldiers advancing forward under the protection of shields.”

The Roman Army specialized in putting down slave revolts and insurrections in England, Gaul, Germania, Judaea and other hot spots around the empire.

Specialized troops will be required in Britain and elsewhere across Europe – and eventually here in the United States – as the Greatest Depression picks up speed. At the globalist G20 confab in Cannes last year, British PM David Cameron urged countries plagued by an engineered sovereign debt crisis to forge ahead with deficit reduction plans and austerity measures.

In November, the United Nations’ International Labour Organization issued a grim forecast of the social effects of the continuing economic crisis. It said anger could erupt on the streets of Europe and other continents in response, as it has in Greece. In 2010, as the economic implosion began in earnest, the IMF warned about the inevitability of a “social explosion.”

In 2008, trends forecaster Gerald Celente predicted that by 2012 America will become an undeveloped nation, that there will be a revolution marked by food riots, squatter rebellions, tax revolts and job marches.
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Old 01-30-2012, 11:02 PM   #9

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Old 01-31-2012, 12:44 AM   #10

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New York Police Officers were shown "Anti-Muslim" Film During Training...
Check this.

There is a dark agenda behind this video. Foot soliders are intentionally trained to hate Muslims who might be slaughtered en masse during the riots
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Old 01-31-2012, 05:09 AM   #11

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How is the economic situation in these cities ?

Muslim population in European cities

###########be aware of female pic ######

I was recently asked which cities in Europe have the highest Muslim percentage. The following is what I found in my research.

I linked to my sources, but note that not all sources have the same reliability level. STAT - official municipal or national statistics, EUMAP - EU Research program, WIKI - Wikipedia, NEWS - mentioned in the news.

If my readers have more information, I will be glad to integrate it into this list.

Note that in some of these cities, there are neighborhoods which have a much higher percentage of Muslims (for example: Kreuzberg in Berlin, Molenbeek in Brussels and Tower Hamlets in London) and neighborhoods with a much lower percentage.


Vienna - 8% (120,000) (NEWS)


Antwerp- 6.7% (>30,000 of >450,000) (EUMAP)
Brussels (region) - 17%-20% (160,000-220,000) [some say 33% (City of Brussels?)] (NEWS, NEWS)


Aarhus - ~10% (NEWS)
Copenhagen - 12.6% (63,000 of 500,000) ( EUMAP)


Ile de France - 10%-15% (up to 1.7 milliion) (NEWS)
Marseilles - 25% (200,000 of 800,000) (NEWS), PACA region - 20% (0.7-1.0 million of 1.5 million) (EUMAP)
Paris - 7.38% (155,000 of 2.1 million) (EUMAP)
Strasbourg - 10% (NEWS)


Berlin - 5.9% (~200,000 of 3.40 million) (EUMAP)
Cologne - 12% (120,000 of 1 million) (WIKI)
Hamburg - 6.4% (~110,000 of 1.73 million) (EUMAP)

The Netherlands

Amsterdam - 24% (180,000 of 750,000) (STAT), Greater Amsterdam - 12.7% (STAT)
The Hague - 14.2% ( 67,896 of 475,580) (STAT), Greater Hague - 11% (STAT)
Rotterdam - 13% (80,000 of 600,000) (EUMAP), Greater Rotterdam - 9.9% (STAT)
Utrecht - 13.2% (38,300 of 289,000) (STAT), Greater Utrecht - 7% (STAT)
Zaan district - 8.8% (STAT)


Moscow - 16%-20% (2 million of 10-12 million) (NEWS)


Malmö - ~25% (NEWS) [percent of immigrants, foreign born or both parents foreign born: 36% (STAT)]
Stockholm - 20% (>155,000 of 771,038) (EUMAP) [percent of immigrants: 36% (STAT)]

United Kingdom

Birmingham - 14.3% (139,771) (WIKI)
Bradford - 16% (75,000) (NEWS)
Leicester - 11% (>30,000 of 280,000) (EUMAP)
Greater London - 8.5%-17% (1.3 million of 7.5 million) (NEWS, WIKI)
Luton - 14.6% (26,963) (WIKI)

Thanks to Nieuw Religieus Peil for helping collect the data.
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Old 02-04-2012, 05:55 AM   #12

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Cameron Fleeing America To Escape Collapse?

The wealthy are buying insurance policies abroad

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
Thursday, February 2, 2012

If you think that Hollywood director James Cameron’s decision to leave America and move his entire family to a farm in New Zealand is simply to provide his kids with a “strong work ethic,” as Cameron claims, then think again.

“Cameron has successfully applied to buy 1,067 hectares (2,636 acres) of farmland in New Zealand. In an application filed with the New Zealand Overseas Investment Office, Cameron says he and his family “intend to reside indefinitely in New Zealand and are acquiring the property to reside on and operate as a working farm,” reports the Associated Press.

Cameron is leaving his $5 million dollar villa in Malibu to move to the rural property which is a 90 minute drive from Wellington.

Granted, the fact that rumors suggest the sequel to Avatar will be filmed in New Zealand, in addition to the close proximity to Weta Digital’s Wellington headquarters, the studio won an Oscar for its work on the first Avatar, are undoubtedly factors behind the purchase, but Cameron’s decision to abandon America entirely, when he could more easily have bought a holiday home in New Zealand, surely suggests other reasons for the move.

Cameron’s decision fits the trend of wealthy Americans pulling their money out of the country and reinvesting it to buy land in the southern hemisphere, escaping spiraling tax rates and protecting themselves against the potential for widespread social dislocation.

In 2010, John Malone, billionaire chairman of Liberty Media, announced that he had bought a retreat on the Quebec border as an insurance policy to “have a place to go if things blow up here,” adding that he was concerned about the survival of the dollar and whether or not “America (was) going to make it” through the economic crisis.

“My wife, who is very concerned about these things, moved all her personal cash to Australia and Canada,” Malone told the Wall Street Journal, “We own 18 miles on the border, so we can cross. Anytime we want to we can get away.”

The political class are also seeking financial refuge in foreign land buys. The Bush family purchased 100,000 acres in Paraguay back in 2006.

Growing concern that economic stagnation could lead to widespread civil unrest, allied to crippling tax hikes, is causing many members of the super-rich to abandon the United States in pursuit of more stable countries with friendlier financial conditions for those with wealth. According to the Census Bureau, “The top-earning 1% of US taxpayers are leaving the USA at the highest rate in history.” In addition, a Zogby International poll found that more than 3 million US citizens relocate abroad every year, as record numbers of rich US citizens renounce their citizenship to escape punishing levels of taxation.

“Short of the mainstream media coming out and broadcasting to the American people that the system is about to destabilize and to expect nothing short of total meltdown and pandemonium, reading between the lines and watching the actions of those who are interconnected with the money and power structures on which the system is built will be our only warning signal for the difficult times we face in the near future,” writes Mac Slavo.

Indeed, emergency relocation specialists that we have spoken to tell us that the wealthy are digging in with the purchase of fortified compounds which include underground bunkers, or alternatively leaving the United States altogether.

While a catastrophic collapse may not occur, those with significant wealth are exercising their financial muscle to buy insurance policies in the form of land and secure compounds either in remote areas of the United States or in more stable foreign countries.
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Old 02-04-2012, 06:00 AM   #13

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Insightful comment

kazy says:
February 3, 2012 at 12:39 am

I doubt very much Cameron is moving because of the taxes here in America. We’re the biggest slackers for rich people here. Isn’t anyone paying attention to the fact that wealthy people pay way less than they should? He’s most likely moving in order to avoid America’s decline along with its economic collapse although no one on the planet will be immune, there are some places that will fare better and one of the things to strengthen your situation is to be able to grow your own food so a farm is an absolute necessity to weather the storm as food will become more scarce and prices will continue to rise. America also doesn’t like private little farms in small communities, or self sufficient households that take away money from mega utility companies and big grocery chains. They want Americans enslaved whether they can afford it or not to corporations. Moving out of America is a good way to avoid Big Brother. If I could, I would get the hell out of here
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Old 02-10-2012, 06:17 AM   #14

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Govt is preparing for the post-riot scenario secretly !! Check this.


An anonymous source has sent photos to Infowars.com of a FEMA training camp located at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Sam will talk with Alex Jones on his nationally syndicated radio show today.

The FEMA camp whistleblower was contracted to work at the camp. He describes it as a “civilian inmate training camp” and told Infowars.com he has spotted foreign troops in maroon and purple uniforms instructing troops in the use of baton tactics and crowd control techniques.

He said there has been “incredible activity” at the camp since the passage of NDAA.

Prior to Obama’s signing the NDAA bill into law on January 1 of this year, we reported on a push to outfit FEMA and Army camps around the United States. Documents on the effort were forwarded to us by a state government employee who wanted to remain anonymous.

In January, witnesses came forward with evidence of a FEMA rendition facility located at the airport in Los Angeles.

FEMA camps are a touchy subject for the government. In December 2010, an episode of Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory covering FEMA camps, fusion centers and the police state did not re-air on TruTV after the government put pressure on the network.
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Old 02-10-2012, 06:36 AM   #15

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The economic situation in the UK is becoming worse day by day !! Check this.


Ever since the coalition government introduced its Health and Social Care Bill, it has been obvious that what was planned was nothing less than the destruction of the NHS as a universal healthcare provider, and the gradual privatisation of the service, leading to greater profits for private companies and, simultaneously, cuts to services.

Understanding this, the professional bodies representing those who actually work in the NHS have opposed the bill. Amongst other bodies, the British Medical Association, the Royal College of Nursing and the Royal College of Midwives have opposed the government’s plans, and last week, in an editorial published simultaneously in the British Medical Journal, the Health Service Journal and Nursing Times, the editors of those magazines described the government’s plans as a “damaging … unholy mess,” and stated that the NHS “is far too important to be left at the mercy of ideological and incompetent intervention” and that “we must make sure that nothing like this ever happens again.”

In a second British Medical Journal editorial last week, Kieran Walshe, professor of health policy at Manchester Business School, explained how abandoning the bill now would save over Ł1bn in 2013. As he explained, “Going ahead with the bill means setting up the NHS Commissioning Board (with an annual running cost of Ł492m), 260 clinical commissioning groups (with an annual running cost of Ł1.25bn), and the new economic regulator, Monitor (with its anticipated annual running cost of Ł82m). Each of these new statutory organisations will have additional set-up costs — perhaps amounting to a one-off spend of Ł360m. If the bill were stopped now, it would save all those set-up costs, and at least Ł650m in annual running costs — just over Ł1bn in 2013.”

On Wednesday, a group of 365 GPs, specialists and health academics urged the government to drop bill, which, they said in a letter in the Daily Telegraph, will “derail and fragment” the NHS. As the Guardian described it, the letter urged the government to “drop the bill altogether and focus instead on the ‘real issues,’ namely improving safety, efficiency and the quality of patient care.”

The letter stated that the clinical commissioning group leaders who have backed the bill “do not represent the majority of GPs who believe the bill will seriously damage patient care,” and the signatories added, “The NHS is not in peril if these reforms don’t go ahead. On the contrary, it is the bill which threatens to derail and fragment the NHS into a collection of competing private providers. The bill will result in hundreds of different organisations pulling against each other, leading to fragmentation, chaos and damage to the quality and availability of patient care.”

Also last week, the Royal College of General Practitioners, which represents 44,000 GPs in England, and the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, which has over 50,000 members, called for the bill to be withdrawn.

Dr. Helena Johnson, the chair of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, said, “Together with many other health professionals, we have tried to engage constructively and make sensible suggestions throughout the bill’s passage through Parliament. But time and time again, the views of patients and health professionals have been ignored. The government seems determined to press ahead with these reforms.”

The most damaging criticism, however, came from the GPs, because, as the BBC noted, the BMA and the nurses’ and midwives’ organisations are unions, and their complaints allowed a deeply cynical government “to suggest they were motivated by the dispute over pay and pensions, whereas the RCGP is part of the professional arm of the health service which sets standards.” The GPs’ criticism is also hugely significant, of course, “because GPs are widely thought of as one of the main beneficiaries of the reforms, as they are supposed to get more control over how NHS funds are spent.” In fact, that is putting it mildly, as GPs are supposed to take over NHS commissioning with a budget of Ł60 bn, even though the details of how this is supposed to happen have not been explained.
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Old 02-11-2012, 07:36 AM   #16

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USA is in a deep hole of usury !! Check this.


When most people think about America’s debt problem, they think of the debt of the federal government. But that is only part of the story. The sad truth is that debt slavery has become a way of life for tens of millions of American families. Over the past several decades, most Americans have willingly allowed themselves to become enslaved to debt. These days, most of us are busy either going into even more debt or paying off the debt that we have accumulated in the past.

When your finances are dominated by debt, it makes it really hard to ever get ahead. Incredibly, 43 percent of all American families spend more than they earn each year. Even while median household income continues to decline (now less than $50,000 a year), median household debt continues to go up. According to the Federal Reserve, median household debt in America has risen to $75,600. Many Americans spend decades caught in the trap of debt slavery. Large numbers of them never even escape at all and die in debt. It can be a lot of fun to spend lots of money and go into lots of debt, but it can be absolutely soul crushing to toil and labor for years paying off those debts while making others wealthy in the process. Hopefully this article will inspire many people to try to escape the chains of debt slavery once and for all.

Because the truth is that the American people need a wake up call. Consumer borrowing rose by another $19.3 billion in December. Right now it is sitting at a grand total of $2.5 trillion according to the Federal Reserve.

Overall, consumer debt in America has increased by a whopping 1700% since 1971.

We always criticize the federal government for going into so much debt, but we rarely criticize ourselves for our own addiction to debt.

Debt slavery is destroying millions of lives all across this country, and it is imperative that we educate the American people about the dangers of all this debt.

The following are 30 facts about debt in America that will absolutely blow your mind….

Credit Card Debt

#1 Today, 46% of all Americans carry a credit card balance from month to month.

#2 Overall, Americans are carrying a grand total of $798 billion in credit card debt.

#3 If you were alive when Jesus was born and you spent a million dollars every single day since then, you still would not have spent $798 billion by now.

#4 Right now, there are more than 600 million active credit cards in the United States.

#5 For households that have credit card debt, the average amount of credit card debt is an astounding $15,799.

#6 If you can believe it, one out of every seven Americans has at least 10 credit cards.

#7 The average interest rate on a credit card that is carrying a balance is now up to 13.10 percent.

#8 According to the credit card calculator on the Federal Reserve website, if you have a $10,000 credit card balance and you are being charged a rate of 13.10 percent and you only make the minimum payment each time, it will take you 27 years to pay it off and you will end up paying back a total of $21,271.

#9 There is one credit card company out there, First Premier, that charges interest rates of up to 49.9 percent. Amazingly, First Premier has 2.6 million customers.

Auto Loan Debt

#10 The length of auto loans in America just keeps getting longer and longer. If you can believe it, 45 percent of all new car loans being made today are for more than 6 years.

#11 Approximately 70 percent of all car purchases in the United States involve an auto loan.

#12 A subprime auto loan bubble is steadily building. Today, 45 percent of all auto loans are made to subprime borrowers. At some point that is going to be a massive problem.

Mortgage Debt

#13 Total home mortgage debt in the United States is now about 5 times larger than it was just 20 years ago.

#14 Mortgage debt as a percentage of GDP has more than tripled since 1955.

#15 According to the Mortgage Bankers Association, approximately 8 million Americans are at least one month behind on their mortgage payments.

#16 Historically, the percentage of residential mortgages in foreclosure in the United States has tended to hover between 1 and 1.5 percent. Today, it is up around 4.5 percent.

#17 According to Dylan Ratigan, 46 percent of all mortgaged properties in Florida are underwater, 50 percent of all mortgaged properties in Arizona are underwater and 63 percent of all mortgaged properties in Nevada are underwater.

#18 Overall, nearly 29 percent of all homes with a mortgage in the United States are underwater.

#19 If you can believe it, the mortgage lenders now have more equity in U.S. homes than the American people do.

Medical Debt

#20 Medical debt is a major problem for a growing number of Americans. One study discovered that approximately 41 percent of all working age Americans either have medical bill problems or are currently paying off medical debt.

#21 Sadly, the number of Americans that are protected by health insurance continues to decline. An all-time record 49.9 million Americans do not have any health insurance at all right now, and the percentage of Americans covered by employer-based health plans has fallen for 11 years in a row.

#22 But even if you do have health insurance, there is still a good chance that you could end up with huge medical debt problems. According to a report published in The American Journal of Medicine, medical bills are a major factor in more than 60 percent of the personal bankruptcies in the United States. Of those bankruptcies that were caused by medical bills, approximately 75 percent of them involved individuals that actually did have health insurance.

Student Loan Debt

#23 Total student loan debt in the United States is rapidly approaching 1 trillion dollars.

#24 If you went out right now and starting spending one dollar every single second, it would take you more than 31,000 years to spend one trillion dollars.

#25 In America today, approximately two-thirds of all college students graduate with student loan debt.

#26 The average student loan debt load is now approximately $25,000.

#27 After adjusting for inflation, U.S. college students are borrowing about twice as much money as they did a decade ago.

#28 One survey found that 23 percent of all college students actually use credit cards to pay for tuition or fees.

#29 The student loan default rate has nearly doubled since 2005.

#30 Student loans made to directly to parents have increased by 75 percentsince the 2005-2006 academic year.

At this point, most Americans are up to their eyeballs in debt. According to a recent study conducted by the BlackRock Investment Institute, the ratio of household debt to personal income in the United States is now 154 percent.

Our entire economy has become based on credit.

Do you need a car?

Just get an auto loan.

Do you need a house?

Just get a mortgage.

Do you need to fill up your house with stuff?

Just get a credit card.

Do you need an education?

Just get a student loan.

In fact, if you are anything like a typical American, you probably have a mortgage you can barely afford, you probably have at least one auto loan, you probably have several credit card balances and you probably have a student loan that you deeply regret.

So what should you do if you are drowning in debt?

First, make a firm decision that you are going to break the chains of debt slavery once and for all.

Secondly, come up with a plan to reduce your debt. Paying off debt that carries a high rate of interest first (such as credit card debt) is usually a good idea.

The big financial institutions want to get us into as much debt as possible, because all of this debt makes them incredibly wealthy.

Don’t play their game.

Yes, that may mean that you may have to put off certain purchases until you can come up with the money, but in the long run you will be much better off.

So do any of you have any debt slavery stories to share? Please feel free to leave a comment with your thoughts below….
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Old 02-24-2012, 04:13 AM   #17

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Remember that before or during every major terrorist event such as 911 , July 7/7 bombing , govt agencies were doing a drill !! Same is now being done for London 2012 Ollympics !! Check this.


A mocked-up terror attack on the London Underground is being staged as part of a massive exercise to test security for the 2012 Games.

The exercise is to test the response to a terrorist incident on the London Underground network during the Olympics.Some 2,500 people – spanning everyone from police constables to Cobra, the top level Government committee which sits during national emergencies and crisis, are being put through their paces by the two-day test.

The disused Aldwych station, a stone’s throw from central London’s Royal Courts of Justice, will be the scene of the live test, with much of the action taking place behind closed doors.

The test is being staged as if it is August 8 and 9 – two busy days during the Olympics.


A mocked-up terror attack on the London Underground is being staged as part of a massive exercise to test security for the 2012 Games.

The exercise is to test the response to a terrorist incident on the London Underground network during the Olympics.

Some 2,500 people - spanning everyone from police constables to Cobra, the top level Government committee which sits during national emergencies and crisis, are being put through their paces by the two-day test.

The disused Aldwych station, a stone's throw from central London's Royal Courts of Justice, will be the scene of the live test, with much of the action taking place behind closed doors.

The test is being staged as if it is August 8 and 9 - two busy days during the Olympics.

National Olympic Security Coordinator, Assistant Commissioner Chris Allison said: "Testing and exercising is vital to getting our safety and security operations for the Games right. We need to be confident that we have the right people in the right places, that we understand how others operate and that we are talking to each other at the right levels and in the right way.

"This is part of series of exercises which we have run in the lead up to the Games, but this is the first with such a significant response from the emergency services on the ground. The initial incident will test the tactical response including evacuation the station, rescuing injured people and managing the crime scene.

"The exercise will go on to test how senior decision makers manage the impact of the incident, the investigation to catch those responsible and a range of issues such as travel disruption, protest and organised crime which may impact on the smooth running of the Olympic Games."

Crime and Security minister James Brokenshire said: "We want to deliver a Games where the sporting achievement and the Olympic spirit is what people will remember - not the security. To ensure that happens we need to test our plans and this exercise gives us the opportunity to inform, reassure and build confidence in the UK's safety and security operation.

"We are determined to leave nothing to chance to deliver a safe and secure Games that London, the UK and the World can enjoy."
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Old 02-28-2012, 12:14 AM   #18

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Now remember what happened the 22nd July 2011 in Norway and the zionist slaughter, and have a look at this information published the 21st July 2011 in London ‘Olympics halts nuclear trains through Hackney’, full details here. Are you now starting to connect the dots with what has been published as terror warnings, here last year?

Pre-Olympic anti-terror drill held

* An exercise is being held to test the response to a terrorist incident on the London Underground network during the Olympics

A mocked-up terror attack on the London Underground is being staged as part of a massive exercise to test security for the 2012 Games.

The exercise is to test the response to a terrorist incident on the London Underground network during the Olympics.
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Old 03-09-2012, 04:06 AM   #19

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Bluebeam Scheduled for 2012 Olympics?



Independent researcher Rik Clay also went public with his whistle-blower investigations in 2008 connecting the 2012 Olympics' with Zion and the false UFO invasions relationship to the coming New Jerusalem.

A close look at a video of the 2012 construction of the Olympic stadium will reveal that 2012 Olympic symbol clearly spells out the word "Zion".

For the connection between the Olympics and Zion see also this detailed document.
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Old 03-09-2012, 02:35 PM   #20

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Assalamu Alaikum

the breakdown or partial breakdown of modern capitalist society due to a number of factors is a very real modern possibility.

Peak Oil is perhaps the biggest problem - as oil resources gradually decline whilst consumer demands grow across many countries social instability and even war may eventually result in the struggle to maintain oil supplies, whilst industries that modern societies rely upon may be starved.

As most of us are aware the Iraqi and Afghan invasions were really oil wars and Western interest in other countries Libya, Sudan-Darfur, Somalia etc is also related to these countries oil resources.

As oil becomes yet more valuable and supply and demand constrains its use as a power source and as the basis of modern industry (for example plastic is made from oil) Muslims may become subject to new threats of violence due to international problems that this will cause.

At present no suitable and realistic plan is being enacted to help the human race move beyond oil reliance - greater use of sustainable materials, natural sources of power and use of low energy electrical appliances is required, but not one modernized country in the world is working for this at a suitably fast level.

Other problems looming over modern society are Climate Changes that are very real, more floods, storms, extreme conditions of wet and dry, hot and cold are causing havoc with agriculture and the food production of the world - Climate change puts international food resources at very real jeopardy, - the people most vulnerable to any growth in these problems will be the urban poor -

(wait a minute aren't most Western Muslims in this group? sadly yes)

Furthermore we know that the Zionists/Dajjalic/Freemason bunch, the racists and most of the politicians and Media are against us, we know that there are diabolical plans afoot to separate Western Muslims from their Deen through various pressures on individuals, Mosques and Madrassas to adopt a false liberal interpretation of Islam, yet we confine ourselves to a very vulnerable position in large urban communities, where like babies of modern society we have no connection to the real natural world which is the real source of our sustenance through the Mercy of Allah (SWT).
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