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Old 05-05-2012, 02:55 PM   #1

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Default Why dont we Follow Imam Jafar Saadiq (A) or Imam Zaid Shaheed (A) ?
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Asalamu Aleikum , i have a question but please dont get me wrong i am pure ahluss-sunnah but this question is really disturbing me . We follow our 4 Imams who undoubtedly expert in matters of Fiqh , but Imam Jafar Saadiq (A) and Imam Zaid Shaheed (A) were even more expert than our 4 imams , and Imam Zaid shaheed was even more expert in matters of Fiqh than Imam Jafar Saadiq (a) so why dont we follow them ? and what about zaidi shias they say they follow teachings of Imam Zaid shaheed (A) do they really follow him ? and i have noticed zaidi shias beleive in the first three caliphs and our mother Sayeda Ayesha (R)

and Jafari shias say they follow Fiqh of Imam Jafar SAadiq (A) is it true ?
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Old 05-05-2012, 03:21 PM   #2

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Assalamu alaykum


This man falcon is under taqiyyah: Kindly go through all his post and threads.
what makes you say that i am under taqiyya ? i asked a simple question . because i really do wonder why we dont follow Imam Jafar SAadiq (A) and Zaid (A) ?
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Old 05-05-2012, 03:23 PM   #3

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You could take the question a step further and ask: Why isn't anyone following Imams Awza'i, Sufyan Ath-Thauri, Tabari etc? Because either they, or their students did not completely codify their madh-hab, thus causing it to eventually die out. A person can't practice complete deen with an incomplete source of masa'il. I've seen in aqeedah and fiqh books that when their positions are in accordance to the 4 madhaahib, then it's accepted, otherwise not.
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Old 05-05-2012, 03:48 PM   #4

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Assalamu alaykum


This man falcon is under taqiyyah: Kindly go through all his post and threads.
I too agree.
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Old 05-05-2012, 04:05 PM   #5

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what makes you say that i am under taqiyya ? i asked a simple question . because i really do wonder why we dont follow Imam Jafar SAadiq (A) and Zaid (A) ?
You keep asking the kind of questions that seem to indicate you have some serious problems in iman... I suggest you get off the internet and learn your religion properly
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Old 05-05-2012, 04:14 PM   #6

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what makes you say that i am under taqiyya ? i asked a simple question . because i really do wonder why we dont follow Imam Jafar SAadiq (A) and Zaid (A) ?
In order to follow someone, their principles (usul) must have been codified, either by themselves (Imam Shafi'i in his Risala and his students' elaborations thereafter) or by their students (Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Ahmad, Imam Malik), along with their verdicts on masa'il (issues) being preserved.

Imam Jafar al-Sadiq And Imam Zaid did not have their teachings properly codified. If you look at Zaidi books, there are a few issues with them.
1) Most of their hadeeth are just Sunni hadeeth.
2) They are Mu'tazilah, and Mu'tazilah is an evil creed according to the Ash'aris and Maturidis so you don't exactly want to be following that.

Rather, if you look at the books which have narrations from them, tons of it is ridiculous stuff that they never actually said. How are you going to sift out the actual verdicts of these great Imams on the numerous masa'il?
On the other hand, let's compare this to Imam Ahmad .

The great compiler of the mad'hab, Imam Abu Bakr al-Khallal , collected all the verdicts of Imam Ahmad into a compendium. This compendium remained with the Hanbalis for years, and then in the end it was lost, but right now, all the opinions of the Hanbali mad'hab can be somehow traced back to Imam Ahmad because of how many narrations from him there are.

So following Imam Ahmad and the Hanbali mad'hab is possible, but following Imam Jafar al-Sadiq is not, because his principles and opinions on masa'il were not codified.
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Old 05-05-2012, 04:20 PM   #7

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This is the same question as why don't we follow Rasoolullah directly from the ahadeeth.

There is no such thing as the Ja'fari madhhab because it died out. The Shi'as do not follow the Ja'fari madhhab - they merely fabricated ahadeeth and made it part of their religion.
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Old 05-05-2012, 07:14 PM   #8

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Moderators please help

Asalamu Aleikum , i have a question but please dont get me wrong i am pure ahluss-sunnah but this question is really disturbing me . We follow our 4 Imams who undoubtedly expert in matters of Fiqh , but Imam Jafar Saadiq (A) and Imam Zaid Shaheed (A) were even more expert than our 4 imams , and Imam Zaid shaheed was even more expert in matters of Fiqh than Imam Jafar Saadiq (a) so why dont we follow them ? and what about zaidi shias they say they follow teachings of Imam Zaid shaheed (A) do they really follow him ? and i have noticed zaidi shias beleive in the first three caliphs and our mother Sayeda Ayesha (R)
Walaikum Salam,

Ok but how are you going to follow them? What source are you going to use?

and Jafari shias say they follow Fiqh of Imam Jafar SAadiq (A) is it true ? Jafari Shias don't follow the fiqh of Imam Jafar Sadiq (ra) but rather they follow bunch of liars from Qum who fabricated narrations and attributed them to Imam Jafar (rah) who was living in Madina.
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Old 05-05-2012, 07:22 PM   #9

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As-salamu ´alaykum,

As a reply to what brother Jadeed wrote:

1. The opinions of al-Imam Zayd (radiya'Allahu ´anhu) were documented and preserved. If one doubts the authenticity of the Majmu´, one may turn towards al-Amali of Ahmad bin ´Isa bin Zayd, compiled by Imam Muhammad bin Mansur al-Muradi. While the Usul might not have been fully explained by al-Imam Zayd himself in writing, it was laid down by the scholars following him, as with the Maliki- and Hanafi schools. Furthermore,

2. The books of the later Zaydiyya are filled with "Sunni Hadeeth". The earlier authorities had their own asaneed, mostly through the descendants of the Household, radiya'Allahu ´anhum. As most of the Ahadith are to be found within the major books of Ahlus-Sunnah, later Zaydi scholars started to quote them from the Sunni books, as the majority (Sunnis) were more familiar with these sources. It is more practical when displaying what narrations the Zaydi Ijtihadat are based on.

3. Yes, the Zaydiyya's aqa'id become close to the Mu´tazila, however this is not to discredit them in their works of Usul al-Fiqh and its' Furu´, for otherwise the major works in Usul of Ahlus-Sunnah will have to be discredited (in addition to some works in Furu´), as they were written by Mu´tazila, or under heavy Mu´tazili influence. Likewise, the Aqidah of many of the Hanabilah is also problematic to most Ash´ari- and Maturidi scholars.

As for Imam Ja´far bin Muhammad (radiya'Allahu ´anhu), it may prove more problematic. However, that is not to say that none of his opinions have been properly preserved. For they have, both in Al-Amali of Imam Ahmad bin ´Isa bin Zayd (rahimahu'Allah), and the Musannafs of Abu Bakr ibn Abi Shaybah and ´Abdur-Razzaq, radiya'Allahu ´anhuma.

Wa Allahu a´lam.
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Old 05-06-2012, 12:31 AM   #10

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I too agree.
If loving Hazrat Ali (R) , Syeda Fatima (R) and their offspring is prohibited in Sunni Islam and is only a part of shia islam , then i am the biggest shia right now . Happy ?? i have come out of taqiyyaaaaah
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Old 05-06-2012, 12:34 AM   #11

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Assalamu alaykum


This man falcon is under taqiyyah: Kindly go through all his post and threads.
our honourable 4 Imams are not greater in rank than Imam Jafar Saadiq (a) and Imam Zaid ibn Ali (A) Ban me if you want , but this is the truth and your opinion wont matter
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Old 05-06-2012, 12:37 AM   #12

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You changed Hazrat Ali (AS) to Hazrath Ali (R). Hard to defend taqiyyah.

Ahlussunnah don't need certificate from shias regarding our love towards ahle-bayth.
Ahlus sunnah have great respect for Hazrat Ali ( Alaih Salaam ) . i have noticed whenever name Ali , Fatima , or their offspring is mentioned by me your insides burn with hatred upon hearing their names - truth is you are nasibi not sunni - dont claim yourself to be sunni
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Old 05-06-2012, 12:43 AM   #13

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whether i am using taqiyah or not - i dont need to prove it to you , ALLAH is witness who is using taqiyah and who is claiming to be so called lover of Ali (A) and his offspring
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Old 05-06-2012, 12:49 AM   #14

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Wallah! I am not doing taqiyyah!
you are saying by ALLAH - but re read my threads , whenever i mentioned the names Ali (A) , Fatima (A), Imam Jafar Saadiq (A) , Imam Mohammad Baaqir (A)Imam Zaid ibn Ali (A) then why were your replies full of hatred upon hearing their names ? fear ALLAH , you are saying WALLAH and yet at the same time lying ?? Shame on you , if you want proof i can show your past replies to my threads in which names Ali , Fatima and Their Offspring was mentioned and how your insides burnt with hatred upon hearing their names , hate them if you want but dont claim to be sunni - rather claim to be an extreme NASIBI
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Old 05-06-2012, 01:04 AM   #15

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Assalamu alaykum


This man falcon is under taqiyyah: Kindly go through all his post and threads.
Moderators do this site a huge favour and please ban this NASIBI . whenever i mention Ali (A) , Fatima (A) and their offspring in my threads he ruins my threads

or if mentioning of Ali (A) , Fatima (A) and their offspring is prohibited in this site then please do me a favour and ban me so that i will know that mentioning these names is not allowed in this site
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Old 05-06-2012, 01:11 AM   #16

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Wallah i am not doing taqiyyah either in full state of consciousness
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Old 05-06-2012, 01:21 AM   #17

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Brother White Falcon isn't Shi'ah especially from his posts that i have been reading, he has questions that may have been put forward by a Shi'ah to him that is why you are getting the feeling he is a closet-shi'ah. Unless he has openly denied on the forum the Khilaafah of the Shaykhayn (Radiya Allahu 'Anhuma) or the integrity of Umm-ul Mu'mineen (Radiya Allahu 'Anha) or even shown hatred to some Companions like Ameer Mu'awiyyah (Radiya Allahu 'Anhu) etc. He has shown love and respect for the Ahl al-Bayt and this is a good thing. The Shi'ahs have hijacked the term Ahlul Bayt and their "apparent" love for them (when we know they have no such love). It's time for us to jack it back from them and show our love for them and the rest of the Companions .

Moving on, today there is no such thing as a Ja'fari Madh-hab or even a Zaydi Madh-hab, though their opinions might be scattered here and there, and remnants of their Usool in some of their students work, none from the trustworthy after them have carried this forward through the centuries nor have they worked on it, the Shi'ahs are not the one to trust to begin with even if they claim they have it passed to them for it is very clear how their books are like, Munqati', Majhool, Mawdhoo' etc etc. As for the Zaydis of today none of the Sunni 'Ulama accept their School, again they might have opinions of Imam Zayd but those that came after him throughout the centuries and worked on the Zaydi School have changed it to a Mu'tazili leaning one and a Shi'i leaning one (i.e Imaamah, not accepting the Shaykhayn). So what is documented of the Zaydis (unless it is Imam Zayd's original books and confirmed) should be doubted.
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Old 05-06-2012, 01:21 AM   #18

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I shall leave it to Allah SWT.
Same here
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Old 05-06-2012, 01:25 AM   #19

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You bros should have left it to Allah about 20 posts before.
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Old 05-06-2012, 01:27 AM   #20

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dumb thread.
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