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Old 03-22-2012, 07:55 AM   #1

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Default Giving bayyah to a Sheikh.
Salaam i just want ask peoples advice on whether to pursue a bayyah with a particular Sheikh. Recently i had the good oportunity to meet Sheikh Yayha bin nowy. i Asked him whether i could take bayyah with him and he said he would need to do istkhfara (sounded somwthing like that). i told my friend what happeend and he said i would need to rectify my aqeedah, (him being a barelvi). My question is should i purse a bayyah with Sheikh Yahya bin nowy, as i am inclined to the the deobandi ulema, or should i not?

i should say i am slightly impulsive. which basicall means i may have asked for bayyah due to being in the presence of a highly esteemed individual. Honestly i havent heard that much talks of the Sheikh previously. SHould i abandon pursuing bayyah with this sheikhh and attemp to seek bayyah with a more local sheikh and whose lectures i am familiar with, such as Sheikh Riyadh al Huq.

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Old 03-22-2012, 08:02 AM   #2

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Salaam i just want ask peoples advice on whether to pursue a bayyah with a particular Sheikh. Recently i had the good oportunity to meet Sheikh Yayha bin nowy. i Asked him whether i could take bayyah with him and he said he would need to do istkhfara (sounded somwthing like that). i told my friend what happeend and he said i would need to rectify my aqeedah, (him being a barelvi). My question is should i purse a bayyah with Sheikh Yahya bin nowy, as i am inclined to the the deobandi ulema, or should i not?

i should say i am slightly impulsive. which basicall means i may have asked for bayyah due to being in the presence of a highly esteemed individual. Honestly i havent heard that much talks of the Sheikh previously. SHould i abandon pursuing bayyah with this sheikhh and attemp to seek bayyah with a more local sheikh and whose lectures i am familiar with, such as Sheikh Riyadh al Huq.

I would suggest Shaykh Saleem Dhorat
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Old 03-22-2012, 08:46 AM   #3

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Salaam i just want ask peoples advice on whether to pursue a bayyah with a particular Sheikh. Recently i had the good oportunity to meet Sheikh Yayha bin nowy. i Asked him whether i could take bayyah with him and he said he would need to do istkhfara (sounded somwthing like that). i told my friend what happeend and he said i would need to rectify my aqeedah, (him being a barelvi). My question is should i purse a bayyah with Sheikh Yahya bin nowy, as i am inclined to the the deobandi ulema, or should i not?

i should say i am slightly impulsive. which basicall means i may have asked for bayyah due to being in the presence of a highly esteemed individual. Honestly i havent heard that much talks of the Sheikh previously. SHould i abandon pursuing bayyah with this sheikhh and attemp to seek bayyah with a more local sheikh and whose lectures i am familiar with, such as Sheikh Riyadh al Huq.

Asalamalikum, trust me brother you would be very very fortunate if you get bayaha with a gem like Shaykh Ninnowy!.
BTW, he is not barelvi? How did you come about that conclusion :S. Barelvi and deobandi are only indo-pak lol
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Old 03-22-2012, 12:28 PM   #4

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brother hugga12 do istkarah and mashwara. Don't ever do things on impulse. It is important not to rush into anything. See your compatibility with a shaykh. Let me give you my own example. I could never get bait to somebody like hazrat maulana yusuf motala db, hafiz patel db etc as it would be difficult for me to contact them very often. I like a shaykh that I can contact each week by phone or spend time with etc. However some people don't mind minimal contact. It is a matter of temperament. From amongst those in the UK who impressed me and are very accessible would be; qari ismail samni of Bolton, maulana fazle haq db of bolton...i have heard good things about hafiz yusuf of bolton, shaykh abdur raheem of oldham (old, pathan shaykh) and maulana ayub surti db of leicester. These mashaikh are very approachable and you would have a good 1 to 1 relationship with them inshallah. I was very impressed by mufti kamaludeen db but I don't think you would have a 1 to 1 kind of relationship with him.
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Old 03-22-2012, 03:24 PM   #5

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I know you, don't take bay'ah from Shaykh Ninowy. Just look for someone who comes to Birmingham regularly and you can see often (like Qari Ismail Sahib db) or a Shaykh that has very strong links to Birmingham like Mawlana Saleem Dhorat Sahib db.

Anyway I'll email you insha Allah.

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Old 03-22-2012, 06:48 PM   #6

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MashAllah! it's a good initiative brother.

Well, better to took bayah from a Sheikh who have the current seat/authority of the Tariqa's Golden Chain, not from the ordinary one. And it's better to stay with him before asking for bayah & Good Luck!
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Old 03-22-2012, 07:30 PM   #7

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Many times people place much undue importance to a Shaykh's "authority" "greatness". Who decides this? What are the objectives of Tasawwuf? What are the right questions we need to be asking? Does it matter how many Mureeds the Shaykh has? Or what titles he has?

Here is an excellent introduction to Tasawwuf which covers the core objectives of this path which Shaykh Kamaluddin Sahib db delivered in Cambridge University - click on the one titled "Tazkiyah & Tasawwuf" http://www.islamicspirituality.org/city/cambridge

The audio discusses how to seek a Shaykh. It's a must-listen for anyone seeking/connected - in fact I can't stress it enough as it is a very concise and comprehensive covering of the topic with no excesses. It is simply Tasawwuf and it is spelt out from a master of this science.

I heard (paraphrase) Shaykh Kamaluddin Sahib db say once that his Shaykh, Hazrat Shaykh Zulfiqar Sahib db say "nowadays people are simply not satisfied with just a Rumi...they seek Shams Tabriz"
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Old 03-22-2012, 07:49 PM   #8

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As-salamu ´alaykum,

Our Master, Shaykh Muhammad bin Yahya al-Ninowy (may Allah Ta´ala preserve him) is without the shadow of a doubt a gem from the immense treasure of ruhaniyyah. He generally does not allow everyone to just give bay´a without prior consideration. Rather he wants to make sure that there is munasabat (congeniality) and dedication (from the side of the murid). He will make istikhara (seek the guidance of Allah Ta´ala) before taking anyone on. It is an ´ilmi based tariqah, so as a student you will be asked to memorize, learn and master books of Aqidah and the Fiqh of at least one math'hab at a basic level. It is truly a tariqah for Suluk (travelling), not just for barakah. Keep that in mind. If you put the effort in, you will gain like never before.

I have sat with, studied and taken from numerous shuyukh of various fields, including tasawwuf, and I can easily say that I have found none paralell to the noble Shaykh. He is authorized in just about every main tariqah that you will find, including many various branches; he is also a great Muhaddith (hadith scholar); authorized to give fatwa in the Shafi´i, Hanafi and Maliki schools; as well as mastering the various qira´at (modes of recitation) of the Qur'an. He was authorized in the variout tariqahs by many of the great masters. He formally gives the Shadhiliyya, Rifa´iyya and Qadiriyya, but one should be able to tap in to the fayd of the other turuq, such as the Naqshbandiyya, Khalwatiyya, Sammaniyya, Mawlawiyya, etc. as many of us have been blessed to experience.

The Shaykh makes a point to try to be as accessible as he can to murids, receiving and replying emails etc. He (hafithahu'Allah) is not Barelwi, nor is he Deobandi, and you will find that there are both Deobandi and Barelwi murids of the Shaykh, as well as those from other backgrounds. No matter who you are and what your background is; if you are sincere, willing to work hard to better yourself, the ruhani drink of Shaykh al-Ninowy (hafithahu'Allah) will surely quench your thirst.

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Old 03-22-2012, 11:34 PM   #9

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It is best to find a Shaykh one is compatible with and have access to on a regular basis. Good advice below from Ashrafiya blog.

Shaikh Sharf-uddin Ahmed Yayha al-Muneri (d:786 Hijri/1384CE) in his search for a Shaikh visited Shaikh Nizam uddin Auliya (d:1325CE) (Allah have mercy on them) in Delhi. He was the most famous Shaikh of India at that time and people from all over the Islamic world came to benefit from him. He was known as Mehboob-e-Ilahi, the beloved of Allah. However, Shaikh al-Muneri did not find munasbet with this great wali and continued his search.
Eventually he found munasbet with a less famous al Suharwardi-al Kubrawi Shaikh Najib-uddin al-Firdausi (Allah have mercy on him) and became his disciple.
Maktubaat e Sadi: Introduction
It is from the basic principles of the tariq that munasbet with Shaikh is essential for spiritual benefit.
A common mistake is to overlook this principle and be hasty, go for famous Shuyukh and give in to peer-pressure.

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Old 03-22-2012, 11:39 PM   #10

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Giving Bayyah to a Sheikh nowadays is not as important as it was previously. Its importance is over hyped nowadays.
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Old 03-24-2012, 07:52 PM   #11

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Giving Bayyah to a Sheikh nowadays is not as important as it was previously. Its importance is over hyped nowadays.

Shaikh-murid relationship
Posted on March 19, 2012

Hakim al Umma Mawlana Ashraf Ali Thanawi (Allah have mercy on him) said,

‘The analogy of the company of pious is like planting a sour-flavored mango sapling beneath a Fajri (better quality and sweet tasting) mango tree. And then grafting a branch of Fajri on its stem. It is quite evident that (now) this (sour-flavored) tree will bear Fajri mangoes.’

Majeed al Majeed, page 33

The pious elders commonly use the analogy of plant grafting when discussing the Shaikh-murid relationship. In order to understand this better we discuss the technical part of this plant grafting first. Thereafter, we draw the similarities between them.

Grafting of graftage is a horticultural technique whereby tissues from one plant are inserted into those of another so that the two sets of vascular tissues may join together.

In most cases, one plant is selected for its roots and this is called the stock or rootstock. The other plant is selected for its stems, leaves, flowers, or fruits and is called the scion or cion. The scion contains the desired genes to be duplicated in future production by the stock/scion plant.

For successful grafting to take place, the vascular cambium tissues of the stock and scion plants must be placed in contact with each other. Both tissues must be kept alive until the graft has ‘taken’, usually a period of a few weeks. Successful grafting only requires that a vascular connection take place between the grafted tissues.

The advantages of grafting include:

1. Precocity: The ability to induce fruitfulness without the need for completing the juvenile phase. Juvenility is the natural state through which a seedling plant must pass before it can become reproductive. In most fruiting trees, juvenility may last between 5 and 9 years, but in some tropical fruits e.g. Mangosteen, juvenility may be prolonged for up to 15 years. Grafting of mature scions onto rootstocks can result in fruiting in as little as two years.

2. Dwarfing: To induce dwarfing or cold tolerance or other characteristics to the scion. Most apple trees in modern orchards are grafted on to dwarf or semi-dwarf trees planted at high density. They provide more fruit per unit of land, higher quality fruit, and reduce the danger of accidents by harvest crews working on ladders.

3. Ease of propagation: Because the scion is difficult to propagate vegetatively by other means, such as by cuttings. In this case, cuttings of an easily rooted plant are used to provide a rootstock. In some cases, the scion may be easily propagated, but grafting may still be used because it is commercially the most cost-effective way of raising a particular type of plant.

4. Hybrid breeding: To speed maturity of hybrids in fruit tree breeding programs. Hybrid seedlings may take ten or more years to flower and fruit on their own roots. Grafting can reduce the time to flowering and shorten the breeding program.

6. Maintain consistency: Apples are notorious for their genetic variability, even differing in multiple characteristics, such as, size, color, and flavor, of fruits located on the same tree. In the commercial farming industry, consistency is maintained by grafting a scion with desired fruit traits onto a hardy stock.

7. Better flavor and price of flowers and fruits. Individuals familiar with the grafted (qalmi) mangoes can appreciate this very vividly.

Now we draw attention to the analogous issues in it to the state of the murid.

The procedure has to be done by an expert (Shaikh) who knows how to make the cuts (tarbiyet) in order to join (establish nisbet) the vascular cambium of stock and scion.

There should be compatibility (munasbet) between the genus, species, etc. of the stock and the scion.

It is essential to make sure that scion being used is the desired quality (Shaikh e kamil).

The murid (stock) has to completely submit to the Shaikh (scion) and remove all of its attributes (takhaliya). It has to remain in constant, firm and intimate contact (suhba) for a considerable duration of time for this to be successful. Confluence of vascularities (spiritual blessing/faidh) has to be maintained. The stem, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits (tajaliay) that ensue are that of the scion.

The success of the procedure is only evident when the grafted plant bears flowers and fruits. The growth of branches and leaves alone do not guarantee success.

The expert gardener (Shaikh) may even give a certificate (khilafa/ijazah) that this is a grafted plant. However, appearance of desired quality fruits and flowers will prove this without any doubt.

Prior to this we have to wait patiently making sure that the optimum environment (good company), nutrition (desired actions, physical worship & praise-worthy morals) and protection (from all that is undesired, physical sinful acts & blame-worthy morals) are in place for the stock-scion plant to mature.

May Allah make this information beneficial for us. Amin!
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Old 03-25-2012, 01:00 AM   #12

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brother hugga12 do istkarah and mashwara. Don't ever do things on impulse. It is important not to rush into anything. See your compatibility with a shaykh. Let me give you my own example. I could never get bait to somebody like hazrat maulana yusuf motala db, hafiz patel db etc as it would be difficult for me to contact them very often. I like a shaykh that I can contact each week by phone or spend time with etc. However some people don't mind minimal contact. It is a matter of temperament. From amongst those in the UK who impressed me and are very accessible would be; qari ismail samni of Bolton, maulana fazle haq db of bolton...i have heard good things about hafiz yusuf of bolton, shaykh abdur raheem of oldham (old, pathan shaykh) and maulana ayub surti db of leicester. These mashaikh are very approachable and you would have a good 1 to 1 relationship with them inshallah. I was very impressed by mufti kamaludeen db but I don't think you would have a 1 to 1 kind of relationship with him.
Assalam alaykum wa rahmatullah

Do you know how to get in contact with these mashaykh insh'Allah ?

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Old 03-25-2012, 01:31 AM   #13

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Yeah u fone his mureed, im sure his number is out there
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Old 03-25-2012, 02:37 AM   #14

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for that but where can a sister find a female murshida? Barak Allah ta'aala.
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Old 03-25-2012, 03:31 AM   #15

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Don't rush into a 'tariqah'.
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Old 03-25-2012, 05:57 AM   #16

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It is best to find a Shaykh one is compatible with and have access to on a regular basis. Good advice below from Ashrafiya blog.

Shaikh Sharf-uddin Ahmed Yayha al-Muneri (d:786 Hijri/1384CE) in his search for a Shaikh visited Shaikh Nizam uddin Auliya (d:1325CE) (Allah have mercy on them) in Delhi. He was the most famous Shaikh of India at that time and people from all over the Islamic world came to benefit from him. He was known as Mehboob-e-Ilahi, the beloved of Allah. However, Shaikh al-Muneri did not find munasbet with this great wali and continued his search.
Eventually he found munasbet with a less famous al Suharwardi-al Kubrawi Shaikh Najib-uddin al-Firdausi (Allah have mercy on him) and became his disciple.
Maktubaat e Sadi: Introduction
It is from the basic principles of the tariq that munasbet with Shaikh is essential for spiritual benefit.
A common mistake is to overlook this principle and be hasty, go for famous Shuyukh and give in to peer-pressure.

I think, the issue of compatibility is dependent on the culture to some extent. If you are an Bangladeshi guy, you will find a Bengali sufi shaykh more compatible
with you. However, if no shaykh is available from your own culture near your home , then check out the local sufi shaykhs even though they are from different cultures.
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Old 03-25-2012, 06:08 AM   #17

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As-salamu ´alaykum,

Our Master, Shaykh Muhammad bin Yahya al-Ninowy (may Allah Ta´ala preserve him) is without the shadow of a doubt a gem from the immense treasure of ruhaniyyah. He generally does not allow everyone to just give bay´a without prior consideration. Rather he wants to make sure that there is munasabat (congeniality) and dedication (from the side of the murid). He will make istikhara (seek the guidance of Allah Ta´ala) before taking anyone on. It is an ´ilmi based tariqah, so as a student you will be asked to memorize, learn and master books of Aqidah and the Fiqh of at least one math'hab at a basic level. It is truly a tariqah for Suluk (travelling), not just for barakah. Keep that in mind. If you put the effort in, you will gain like never before.

I have sat with, studied and taken from numerous shuyukh of various fields, including tasawwuf, and I can easily say that I have found none paralell to the noble Shaykh. He is authorized in just about every main tariqah that you will find, including many various branches; he is also a great Muhaddith (hadith scholar); authorized to give fatwa in the Shafi´i, Hanafi and Maliki schools; as well as mastering the various qira´at (modes of recitation) of the Qur'an. He was authorized in the variout tariqahs by many of the great masters. He formally gives the Shadhiliyya, Rifa´iyya and Qadiriyya, but one should be able to tap in to the fayd of the other turuq, such as the Naqshbandiyya, Khalwatiyya, Sammaniyya, Mawlawiyya, etc. as many of us have been blessed to experience.

What is his spiritual lineage in Naqshbandiya ?
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Old 03-25-2012, 06:26 PM   #18

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for that but where can a sister find a female murshida? Barak Allah ta'aala.

Sister I am not aware of female Shaykhas. Even sisters are supposed to consult a Shaykh only. You can even have a bayt. It shall be with a curtain between you and your Shaykh and you shall be with a Mahram. You can have correspondence with your Shaykh, with or without bayt, but all your letters to and fro will be read by a mahram. That is how Shuyukh conduct female tarbiyyah. Since your location is Belgium I am rather hampered by my lack of knowledge about the Shuyukh in that region.

Our friend Dr76 and other brothers and sisters might be of help. May Allah(SWT) make it easy for you and may He spread the benefits of our Masha-ikh far and wide. May He make Islam a Rahmat for whole of the world - a Rahmat that it is.
JulieSmithdccd is offline

Old 03-26-2012, 03:21 AM   #19

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Sister I am not aware of female Shaykhas. Even sisters are supposed to consult a Shaykh only. You can even have a bayt. It shall be with a curtain between you and your Shaykh and you shall be with a Mahram. You can have correspondence with your Shaykh, with or without bayt, but all your letters to and fro will be read by a mahram. That is how Shuyukh conduct female tarbiyyah. Since your location is Belgium I am rather hampered by my lack of knowledge about the Shuyukh in that region.

Our friend Dr76 and other brothers and sisters might be of help. May Allah(SWT) make it easy for you and may He spread the benefits of our Masha-ikh far and wide. May He make Islam a Rahmat for whole of the world - a Rahmat that it is.


Thanks a lot and for your reply.

If there are no Murshidas out there, then I will insha Allah ta’aala become the mureeda of a Murshid instead. It’s just that I won’t be able to benefit from his company like his male disciples and right now, it’s righteous company I’m seeking. I’m convinced righteous company would do so much for my Iman. The other day I was watching Shaykh Mohammad Hassan(may Allah ta’aala preserve him) and could actually feel the softening of my heart walhamdulillahi ta'ala. I thought “if this is the case just watching a kamil Shaykh, imagine their effect on my Iman in person!” The other thing is, Shaykh Mohammad Hassan isn’t a sufi but from his akhlaaq it’s evident he exercises muraaqabah over his nafs, as if every word passes by his heart before ever leaving his mouth. I guess we could call him a quasi-sufi … and, personally, I’d feel more at ease learning under such Shuyuukh because they seem to me - do forgive me now - more ‘normal’ than our sufi shaykhs. So, if anyone could recommend me Shaykhs like him, it would mean a lot ta’aala.

Barak Allah ta’aala.

PS I’m not in Belgium brother Maripat heheh, I’m currently living in Cairo. Barak Allah ta’aala
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Old 03-26-2012, 04:41 AM   #20

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If there are no Murshidas out there, then I will insha Allah ta’aala become the mureeda of a Murshid instead. It’s just that I won’t be able to benefit from his company like his male disciples and right now, it’s righteous company I’m seeking. I’m convinced righteous company would do so much for my Iman.
assalaamu 'alaykum ww
Many women are under this misconception that being women they will not benefit from a Shaykh because we cannot sit in their company. This is a deception of Shaytaan because if you think about it sister, it is Allah subhaanahu wata'ala's command we are following by being concerned about our islah as well as keeping a distance from the Shaykh. So now how can we be deprived of benefit?

Insha Allah i firmly believe we too are not deprived of attaining the same benefits as our brothers...as someone said in another thread, its the heart to heart connection which is important. Congeniality with a shaykh is of utmost importance and distance has nothing to do with it. I pray you find the right guide for this path...and may Allah subhaanahu wata'ala grant us all His pleasuer and nearness, aameen
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