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Old 05-05-2012, 04:08 AM   #1

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Default Why do Muslims make me doubt Islam? :(
I have been on this forum a while now and It stated OK, i learnt some good stuff and it made my faith stronger. But now every other thread makes me doubt Islam more and more due to the comments some brothers make. I am not a scholar to be able to verify information so I have to take what more "knowledgeable" people state as potential truth and a lot of the time it is causing me to run away from Islam inch by inch. What should I do?

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Old 05-05-2012, 04:18 AM   #2

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I have been on this forum a while now and It stated OK, i learnt some good stuff and it made my faith stronger. But now every other thread makes me doubt Islam more and more due to the comments some brothers make. I am not a scholar to be able to verify information so I have to take what more "knowledgeable" people state as potential truth and a lot of the time it is causing me to run away from Islam inch by inch. What should I do?

what you should do is to realize the brothers dont have to be taken seriously unless their answers are properly referenced with a scholar's work with a reference you can confirm.
you naturally cant verify information otherwise.
other than that in-depth aqeedah and the bidat war threads should be avoided. never good. people get emotional. say a lot of stuff they don't mean.

don't jeopardize your emaan for anything. use the forum in a limited capacity and choose some brothers and sisters whose post u wd like to read. for rest just don't believe straight out what they have to say.
keep busy with ibaadat
good luck and pray for us too : )
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Old 05-05-2012, 04:39 AM   #3

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I have been on this forum a while now and It stated OK, i learnt some good stuff and it made my faith stronger. But now every other thread makes me doubt Islam more and more due to the comments some brothers make. I am not a scholar to be able to verify information so I have to take what more "knowledgeable" people state as potential truth and a lot of the time it is causing me to run away from Islam inch by inch. What should I do?

What have been said that have put doubts in your mind about Islam if you don't mind my asking?
Maybe someone can clear it up..InshaAllah.
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Old 05-05-2012, 05:43 AM   #4

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Dear brother, please read this article (I recommend everyone to read it!):

Asalaamu alaykum waRahmatullahi waBarakaatuh

When you become a Kafir (disbeliever) in your heart.. what do you do?

My Experiences:

Last year someone asked me a question about an anti-Islamic claim. No-one could answer it, so I looked for answers for it on other sites.

I noticed another brother who was famous for providing answers had also faced this question, but he himself couldn't find an answer for it. So he was confused for a while... - after alot of mental confusion he replied - 'I don't know, it's like now i'm only Muslim by name.''

This really shocked me. I wondered why this person had said this? What made him so confident in saying this when he could have kept this thought quietly in his head until he had improved his emaan and become a stronger Muslim?

Lately, I've seen this trend growing and it's really saddened me. People who I used to look upto have even fallen into this.

This is what I see:

1 - They start off with being really energetic when they newly start practising, then after around 2 years their emaan energy level drops.*

*NOTE: I have seen this trend because people when becoming 'newly practising Muslims';i - first read the meaning of the Qur'an,
ii - then read the Biography of the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alayhi wasalam),
iii - then read the lives of the Salaf.
iv - Then they read what happens later on in our history, and forget to continuously read the meaning of the Quran and Biography of the Messenger for Guidance in their lives. This abandoning of the guidance leads the person to go into deeper parts of our history which involves Sects and Wars amongst Muslims. So this person gets confused and gets a harsh attitude - causing them to find religion a burden instead of a source of guidance and right-direction.

2 - Then they cannot reach that high level of emaan (which they had at the beginning), so they start becoming stressed out. They will try doing things to strengthen their emaan, so they will get short bursts of it - but it will go back to the low level again.

3 - They go Absent from the Islamic community (whether it's online or offline). (This slight distance from the Islamic community gets them more attached to the non-Islamic world.)

4 -They come back and either start freshly again, but most of the times they don't. Some even start getting interested into going into other sects (like Sufism) because they believe it is more spiritual. Sadly though, I have seen many people leaving Islam after joining a distorted version of Sufism for some time. (the praiseworthy ascetic Sufis are those who follow the Salaf (righteous earliest Muslims), the dispraised are those who oppose the Salaf's way).

- Alot of people who followed the wrong sect and went astray and left Islam altogether.

- Others leave Islam because they themselves couldn't find answers like the first brother mentioned in the article.

- Some expose their disbelief while others keep it quiet within themselves. But one thing is for sure, they are daring enough to admit their rebellion against Allah.

So we have to wonder, why is this? What is the root problem? And how can any of us fall into it?

Biggest Disease: I know for sure - the biggest problem for each of these people is that they do not have a strong relationship with Allah & they do NOT want to strengthen their relationship with Him. If they were really close to Allah with Islam, they would beg Allah for help in whatever they were confused in. They would cling onto Allah because they loved Him. But they didn't hope for Allah.. so Allah let them go...

Allah tells us that shaytaan said;

قَالَ فَبِعِزَّتِكَ لَأُغْوِيَنَّهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ - إِلَّا عِبَادَكَ مِنْهُمُ الْمُخْلَصِينَ

[Iblees] said, "By your might, I will surely mislead them all. Except, among them, Your MukhliSeen slaves
- (Quran Saad 38: 82-83)

MuKhliS is someone who;

- has IkhlaaS = Sincerety
- is KhaaliS = Pure (from sins and shirk.)

So if you have symptoms of low emaan, ask yourself this;

1 - When I do actions, am I doing it for the sake of Allah? If not, you're lacking IkhlaaS (sincerety) - and therefore you are exposed to shaytaan.

2 - Do you do sins which are bad? Then you are not being Pure (KhaaliS) to Allah, therefore you are exposed to shaytaan misguiding you.

Now when you had emaan, you felt strongly close to Allah and always in tranquility/calmness. But when it lowered, you probably started sinning, doing less good actions, or doing your actions less sincerely for Allah.

That caused you to go astray and lose that happiness, and if you never stayed persistent in trying to strengthen yourself in emaan (i.e. By begging Allah), then it would stay low and you would persistently feel miserable.

Allah tells us;

'O mankind! eat from the earth what is halaal (permissible) and pure , and do not follow the footsteps of shaytaan, surely he is for you especially a clear enemy' (Quran al Baqarah 2:68)

Why does Allah tell us to eat the Halaal, and why does He compare it to shaytaan's footsteps?

I have heard stories of knowledgeable Muslims who have left Islam secretly, and they do sins which have gone past all limits. This is a Proof that shaytaan exists, because when people leave Islam, they don't just start living their lives like they did before Islam, but they follow the footsteps of shaytaan in doing the worst of evils.

When emaan continues to drop, you go past ALL limits. If you have left the path of guidance, then the only other path is misguidance. If you are walking the path of misguidance while knowing the right path - how more evil can you get? This is exactly what Iblees (shaytaan) did after abandoning guidance, these are the footsteps of shaytaan.

2 stories

There is a sister who says that she lowered in emaan and due to that, she went to a bad shop where they sell bad things. She said she felt no regret about it at all, except one fear. (which we will discuss soon)

I have also heard of another sister who was an Islamic teacher and she left her teaching job for another public job as a bad woman - sharing her sins recorded publicly.

You know what is meant by this, and this is why Allah tells us to eat the Halaal (permissible) and Pure things, and NOT to follow the footsteps of shaytaan. Because when people start sinning, they even forget to do the permissible and pure (like marriage), and they become fooled into and addicted to the Haraam (forbidden things) and impure things.


These are the most common symptoms people get when they have this attitude. They are;

- being Emotionless
- falling into Extreme sin (rebellion)
- The path of Kufr (ungratefulness & disbelief).

So in some ways, they are worse than normal people who do not know the Guidance.

The Fear Safety Tool:

When people leave Islam after knowing its truthfulness, they follow their desires. But in its early stages, they feel really bad. One of the biggest things they feel is a constant fear and anxiety.

This fear and anxiety of destruction is your last safety tool and a massive blessing, without it you would have left Islam a long time ago. Yet Allah has given you abit of respite time to return.

If you lose this fear and continue on the wrong path - you will earn the wrath of Allah, and a gradual destruction which will reach you from where you don't expect. And you will never find safety except if you turn back to the guidance.

How do I use this Fear Safety Tool to my Advantage?

1 - You force yourself to beg Allah to help you out of this state. Whether you want to or not, even if Islam seems like an uphill struggle. Because you know that Islam is better than all other uphill struggles of life - it is the truth (even if all things don't make sense to you.)

You need to beg - otherwise you are in danger. This is your last means for safety. So ask Allah for safety, and to make His pleasure easy for you. Especially in sajdah (prostration) - the best position to recieve calmness in.

2 - Listen to nasheeds, or lectures which uplift your spirit. You know what increased you in emaan (faith) in the beginning, so revive those feelings through experiencing them again.

Mera dil badal dei (change my heart) nasheed by Junaid Jamshed is a good nasheed and is a prayer to Allah for help.
Or Talib al Habib's nasheeds are good.

All heart softening nasheeds which have a sincere du'a (wish) will be useful for you.

3 - Do NEW/refreshing Islamic activities which raise your rank in the sight of Allah:

You might be in situation similar to the brother mentioned at the beginning of this article who gave da'wah but his emaan didn't increase.

So what you need to do is pause the activity which is distracting you from Allah. Then do a good deed which freshens your emaan (faith).

I did Da'wah sometimes because i felt I had to benefit others with some knowledge I had. But non muslims reacted harshly and some time later I got exhausted and my emaan dropped too. So I wondered why my eman wasn't increasing if I am doing da'wah (calling to Allah) which is good?

The answer is: You're supposed to sustain your da'wah with good acts of worship (like salaah and du'a which connects you strongly and constantly to Allah.) Allah's Messenger (sal Allahu alayhi wasalam) was commanded with Tahajjud (night prayer when people sleep).

So pause your da'wah if your emaan is dropping and focus on yourself and Allah for a few days. Because your main priority is saving your OWN SELF from the fire. You know which things increase you in Emaan, so do them things.

Some common thoughts:

'I don't get the same emotions'
- you know you feel 'alive', 'colorful', happy in a certain way when your emaan is strong. But when your emaan drops, you feel sad and gloomy, and depressed.

Then when you try to strengthen it, you feel you're not getting the same good emotions. So you wonder, what am I doing wrong?

: You are doing something partially wrong which is preventing you from tranquility (sukoon). But you are doing something good to increase yourself in emaan, which is a proof of your sincerety to Allah. Sincerety is the secret to success with Allah.

If you sustain this good - hoping to make Allah happy, He will make you happy. So carry on doing the good, even if you feel you are not getting the same happiness yet, it will come. But to feel the full happiness - you will have to submit to Islam whole-heartedly just like you did when you tasted the full sweetness of emaan at the beginning.

My main point is: Don't judge your emaan on your 'inner feeling' alone, but judge it on how much good you are doing to make Allah happy.
If you keep it up, Allah will unveil this happiness to you because you showed your desperation and sincerety to Him.

Do New Fresh Good deeds to sustain your Emaan:

Emaan usually drops when you abandon good deeds, and you waste your time doing wasteful things which will not grow you spiritually. You have to seek closeness to Allah in everything you do, otherwise you will get closer to something else and you will gradually forget Allah. Then you will follow shaytaan and he will distance you even more from Allah and soon lead you to the hellfire.

What often encourages me to refresh my Emaan are the Ahadeeth Qudsi. And to turn to Allah in fear, hope, longing and repentance repeatedly.

إِنَّهُ لَا يَيْأَسُ مِن رَّوْحِ اللَّهِ إِلَّا الْقَوْمُ الْكَافِرُونَ
Indeed, no one despairs of relief (RawH) from Allah except the disbelieving people (kaafiroon)." - Surah Yusuf 12:87 -

The word RawH comes from the root word RaaHa which means 'Relaxation'. So no-one gives up of the relief and relaxation from Allah except the people who choose to be ungrateful/disbelieve (kufr) to Him.

This is why those who lose Emaan and don't care about getting close to Allah again - they will soon become ungrateful to Allah and soon become disbelievers (kaafiroon.)


Symptoms of Disease:

1 - Lack of Sincerety.
2 - Laziness in doing good deeds.
3 - Lack of Purity (physical and spiritual)
4 - Sinful attitudes.

5 - Lack of personal space/time to increase yourself in Emaan. (maybe you spent too much time in da'wah that you exhausted yourself, and now you just need time to recover?)

6 - Wasting time in worthless activities which distance you from Allah, so they seem more pleasing to you and gradually you don't care even if you say evil about Allah - because you don't seek closeness to Him. (see example of this here; Quran al Maa'idah 5:64 ; Quran Fat-h 48:6)

Cures for the Disease:

1 - the Final Fear which Allah has put in your heart before a soon destruction. You HAVE to take advantage of this fear from Allah, if you ignore it - you will become the worst of criminals who earn Allah's wrath/anger.

2 - Begging Allah to save you from His anger and promising Him you will try your best to stay on this good path.

3 - Learning Qur'an, Arabic and seeing the character of Prophet Muhammad (sal Allahu alayhi wasalam) to gain certainty in the Miraculous Divine nature of the Qur'an (this certain knowledge will encourage you to stay firm on Islam.)

4 - Having good thoughts about Allah and reviving your hope in His Mercy, pleasure and reward of Paradise. Hoping from Allah that you can reach there someday.

5 - Making your own space and time to relax and reconsider which path is better for you.

6 - Listening to Heart softener and du'a (prayer) based nasheeds. They will relax your heart and reconnect you with Allah.

7 - Work gradually in small good deeds again, and try to earn the pleasure of Allah by showing Him your sincerety.

8 - Try not to fall into the same mistakes you did when you lost your emaan.

9 - Make du'a to Allah, remain thankful to Him. So when you want to talk to Allah, you make du'a. When you want Allah to talk to you, make short term and long term du'as.

Short term duas include small things like asking Allah to give you a happy day. So when you have a happy day - you feel thankful to Him and increase in emaan.

When your short term duas work, you know your long term duas/wishes have also been heard by Allah.

10 - Repeat this process throughout your life and continuously keep yourself busy with new fields of good deeds to keep yourself busy with good works until you face the reality (death), so when you meet your Provider - He will be happy with you and you will have mountains of good deeds which will hopefully be accepted by Him.

O Allah, turner of the hearts - keep my heart firm on your guidance and obedience, ameen!

Further Reading

Ibn al Jawzi
, Ibn al Qayyim - they are experts in explaining the sicknesses of the heart and the cures for it. Here's a good book you should download and read slowly;

Purification of the Soul:

Source: It was posted on the "Islamic Awakening Forums" by brother "Mu'awiya".
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Old 05-05-2012, 09:45 PM   #5

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I have been on this forum a while now and It stated OK, i learnt some good stuff and it made my faith stronger. But now every other thread makes me doubt Islam more and more due to the comments some brothers make. I am not a scholar to be able to verify information so I have to take what more "knowledgeable" people state as potential truth and a lot of the time it is causing me to run away from Islam inch by inch. What should I do?

it sounds like you are judging Islam by Muslims

if you run away from Islam it is only your loss

what is wrong with following people who are more knowledgeable than ourselves? - it is what the believers have always done in every age.
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Old 05-06-2012, 02:33 AM   #6

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Kuffs I'm really sorry for your bad experience on this forum, often I myself cringe at how many here misrepresent Islam, if I wasn't Muslim already and I stumbled upon them, I would have fled too. I would advise you to completely disable this account of yours and buy a whole load of books from Amazon, and meet up with like minded Muslims who are thoughtful, humble, kind, display the best of manners and don't put you off Islam.
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Old 05-06-2012, 02:36 AM   #7

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Dear brother, please read this article (I recommend everyone to read it!):

Asalaamu alaykum waRahmatullahi waBarakaatuh

When you become a Kafir (disbeliever) in your heart.. what do you do?

My Experiences:

Last year someone asked me a question about an anti-Islamic claim. No-one could answer it, so I looked for answers for it on other sites.

I noticed another brother who was famous for providing answers had also faced this question, but he himself couldn't find an answer for it. So he was confused for a while... - after alot of mental confusion he replied - 'I don't know, it's like now i'm only Muslim by name.''

This really shocked me. I wondered why this person had said this? What made him so confident in saying this when he could have kept this thought quietly in his head until he had improved his emaan and become a stronger Muslim?

Lately, I've seen this trend growing and it's really saddened me. People who I used to look upto have even fallen into this.

This is what I see:

1 - They start off with being really energetic when they newly start practising, then after around 2 years their emaan energy level drops.*

*NOTE: I have seen this trend because people when becoming 'newly practising Muslims';i - first read the meaning of the Qur'an,
ii - then read the Biography of the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alayhi wasalam),
iii - then read the lives of the Salaf.
iv - Then they read what happens later on in our history, and forget to continuously read the meaning of the Quran and Biography of the Messenger for Guidance in their lives. This abandoning of the guidance leads the person to go into deeper parts of our history which involves Sects and Wars amongst Muslims. So this person gets confused and gets a harsh attitude - causing them to find religion a burden instead of a source of guidance and right-direction.

2 - Then they cannot reach that high level of emaan (which they had at the beginning), so they start becoming stressed out. They will try doing things to strengthen their emaan, so they will get short bursts of it - but it will go back to the low level again.

3 - They go Absent from the Islamic community (whether it's online or offline). (This slight distance from the Islamic community gets them more attached to the non-Islamic world.)

4 -They come back and either start freshly again, but most of the times they don't. Some even start getting interested into going into other sects (like Sufism) because they believe it is more spiritual. Sadly though, I have seen many people leaving Islam after joining a distorted version of Sufism for some time. (the praiseworthy ascetic Sufis are those who follow the Salaf (righteous earliest Muslims), the dispraised are those who oppose the Salaf's way).

- Alot of people who followed the wrong sect and went astray and left Islam altogether.

- Others leave Islam because they themselves couldn't find answers like the first brother mentioned in the article.

- Some expose their disbelief while others keep it quiet within themselves. But one thing is for sure, they are daring enough to admit their rebellion against Allah.

So we have to wonder, why is this? What is the root problem? And how can any of us fall into it?

Biggest Disease: I know for sure - the biggest problem for each of these people is that they do not have a strong relationship with Allah & they do NOT want to strengthen their relationship with Him. If they were really close to Allah with Islam, they would beg Allah for help in whatever they were confused in. They would cling onto Allah because they loved Him. But they didn't hope for Allah.. so Allah let them go...

Allah tells us that shaytaan said;

قَالَ فَبِعِزَّتِكَ لَأُغْوِيَنَّهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ - إِلَّا عِبَادَكَ مِنْهُمُ الْمُخْلَصِينَ

[Iblees] said, "By your might, I will surely mislead them all. Except, among them, Your MukhliSeen slaves
- (Quran Saad 38: 82-83)

MuKhliS is someone who;

- has IkhlaaS = Sincerety
- is KhaaliS = Pure (from sins and shirk.)

So if you have symptoms of low emaan, ask yourself this;

1 - When I do actions, am I doing it for the sake of Allah? If not, you're lacking IkhlaaS (sincerety) - and therefore you are exposed to shaytaan.

2 - Do you do sins which are bad? Then you are not being Pure (KhaaliS) to Allah, therefore you are exposed to shaytaan misguiding you.

Now when you had emaan, you felt strongly close to Allah and always in tranquility/calmness. But when it lowered, you probably started sinning, doing less good actions, or doing your actions less sincerely for Allah.

That caused you to go astray and lose that happiness, and if you never stayed persistent in trying to strengthen yourself in emaan (i.e. By begging Allah), then it would stay low and you would persistently feel miserable.

Allah tells us;

'O mankind! eat from the earth what is halaal (permissible) and pure , and do not follow the footsteps of shaytaan, surely he is for you especially a clear enemy' (Quran al Baqarah 2:68)

Why does Allah tell us to eat the Halaal, and why does He compare it to shaytaan's footsteps?

I have heard stories of knowledgeable Muslims who have left Islam secretly, and they do sins which have gone past all limits. This is a Proof that shaytaan exists, because when people leave Islam, they don't just start living their lives like they did before Islam, but they follow the footsteps of shaytaan in doing the worst of evils.

When emaan continues to drop, you go past ALL limits. If you have left the path of guidance, then the only other path is misguidance. If you are walking the path of misguidance while knowing the right path - how more evil can you get? This is exactly what Iblees (shaytaan) did after abandoning guidance, these are the footsteps of shaytaan.

2 stories

There is a sister who says that she lowered in emaan and due to that, she went to a bad shop where they sell bad things. She said she felt no regret about it at all, except one fear. (which we will discuss soon)

I have also heard of another sister who was an Islamic teacher and she left her teaching job for another public job as a bad woman - sharing her sins recorded publicly.

You know what is meant by this, and this is why Allah tells us to eat the Halaal (permissible) and Pure things, and NOT to follow the footsteps of shaytaan. Because when people start sinning, they even forget to do the permissible and pure (like marriage), and they become fooled into and addicted to the Haraam (forbidden things) and impure things.


These are the most common symptoms people get when they have this attitude. They are;

- being Emotionless
- falling into Extreme sin (rebellion)
- The path of Kufr (ungratefulness & disbelief).

So in some ways, they are worse than normal people who do not know the Guidance.

The Fear Safety Tool:

When people leave Islam after knowing its truthfulness, they follow their desires. But in its early stages, they feel really bad. One of the biggest things they feel is a constant fear and anxiety.

This fear and anxiety of destruction is your last safety tool and a massive blessing, without it you would have left Islam a long time ago. Yet Allah has given you abit of respite time to return.

If you lose this fear and continue on the wrong path - you will earn the wrath of Allah, and a gradual destruction which will reach you from where you don't expect. And you will never find safety except if you turn back to the guidance.

How do I use this Fear Safety Tool to my Advantage?

1 - You force yourself to beg Allah to help you out of this state. Whether you want to or not, even if Islam seems like an uphill struggle. Because you know that Islam is better than all other uphill struggles of life - it is the truth (even if all things don't make sense to you.)

You need to beg - otherwise you are in danger. This is your last means for safety. So ask Allah for safety, and to make His pleasure easy for you. Especially in sajdah (prostration) - the best position to recieve calmness in.

2 - Listen to nasheeds, or lectures which uplift your spirit. You know what increased you in emaan (faith) in the beginning, so revive those feelings through experiencing them again.

Mera dil badal dei (change my heart) nasheed by Junaid Jamshed is a good nasheed and is a prayer to Allah for help.
Or Talib al Habib's nasheeds are good.

All heart softening nasheeds which have a sincere du'a (wish) will be useful for you.

3 - Do NEW/refreshing Islamic activities which raise your rank in the sight of Allah:

You might be in situation similar to the brother mentioned at the beginning of this article who gave da'wah but his emaan didn't increase.

So what you need to do is pause the activity which is distracting you from Allah. Then do a good deed which freshens your emaan (faith).

I did Da'wah sometimes because i felt I had to benefit others with some knowledge I had. But non muslims reacted harshly and some time later I got exhausted and my emaan dropped too. So I wondered why my eman wasn't increasing if I am doing da'wah (calling to Allah) which is good?

The answer is: You're supposed to sustain your da'wah with good acts of worship (like salaah and du'a which connects you strongly and constantly to Allah.) Allah's Messenger (sal Allahu alayhi wasalam) was commanded with Tahajjud (night prayer when people sleep).

So pause your da'wah if your emaan is dropping and focus on yourself and Allah for a few days. Because your main priority is saving your OWN SELF from the fire. You know which things increase you in Emaan, so do them things.

Some common thoughts:

'I don't get the same emotions'
- you know you feel 'alive', 'colorful', happy in a certain way when your emaan is strong. But when your emaan drops, you feel sad and gloomy, and depressed.

Then when you try to strengthen it, you feel you're not getting the same good emotions. So you wonder, what am I doing wrong?

: You are doing something partially wrong which is preventing you from tranquility (sukoon). But you are doing something good to increase yourself in emaan, which is a proof of your sincerety to Allah. Sincerety is the secret to success with Allah.

If you sustain this good - hoping to make Allah happy, He will make you happy. So carry on doing the good, even if you feel you are not getting the same happiness yet, it will come. But to feel the full happiness - you will have to submit to Islam whole-heartedly just like you did when you tasted the full sweetness of emaan at the beginning.

My main point is: Don't judge your emaan on your 'inner feeling' alone, but judge it on how much good you are doing to make Allah happy.
If you keep it up, Allah will unveil this happiness to you because you showed your desperation and sincerety to Him.

Do New Fresh Good deeds to sustain your Emaan:

Emaan usually drops when you abandon good deeds, and you waste your time doing wasteful things which will not grow you spiritually. You have to seek closeness to Allah in everything you do, otherwise you will get closer to something else and you will gradually forget Allah. Then you will follow shaytaan and he will distance you even more from Allah and soon lead you to the hellfire.

What often encourages me to refresh my Emaan are the Ahadeeth Qudsi. And to turn to Allah in fear, hope, longing and repentance repeatedly.

إِنَّهُ لَا يَيْأَسُ مِن رَّوْحِ اللَّهِ إِلَّا الْقَوْمُ الْكَافِرُونَ
Indeed, no one despairs of relief (RawH) from Allah except the disbelieving people (kaafiroon)." - Surah Yusuf 12:87 -

The word RawH comes from the root word RaaHa which means 'Relaxation'. So no-one gives up of the relief and relaxation from Allah except the people who choose to be ungrateful/disbelieve (kufr) to Him.

This is why those who lose Emaan and don't care about getting close to Allah again - they will soon become ungrateful to Allah and soon become disbelievers (kaafiroon.)


Symptoms of Disease:

1 - Lack of Sincerety.
2 - Laziness in doing good deeds.
3 - Lack of Purity (physical and spiritual)
4 - Sinful attitudes.

5 - Lack of personal space/time to increase yourself in Emaan. (maybe you spent too much time in da'wah that you exhausted yourself, and now you just need time to recover?)

6 - Wasting time in worthless activities which distance you from Allah, so they seem more pleasing to you and gradually you don't care even if you say evil about Allah - because you don't seek closeness to Him. (see example of this here; Quran al Maa'idah 5:64 ; Quran Fat-h 48:6)

Cures for the Disease:

1 - the Final Fear which Allah has put in your heart before a soon destruction. You HAVE to take advantage of this fear from Allah, if you ignore it - you will become the worst of criminals who earn Allah's wrath/anger.

2 - Begging Allah to save you from His anger and promising Him you will try your best to stay on this good path.

3 - Learning Qur'an, Arabic and seeing the character of Prophet Muhammad (sal Allahu alayhi wasalam) to gain certainty in the Miraculous Divine nature of the Qur'an (this certain knowledge will encourage you to stay firm on Islam.)

4 - Having good thoughts about Allah and reviving your hope in His Mercy, pleasure and reward of Paradise. Hoping from Allah that you can reach there someday.

5 - Making your own space and time to relax and reconsider which path is better for you.

6 - Listening to Heart softener and du'a (prayer) based nasheeds. They will relax your heart and reconnect you with Allah.

7 - Work gradually in small good deeds again, and try to earn the pleasure of Allah by showing Him your sincerety.

8 - Try not to fall into the same mistakes you did when you lost your emaan.

9 - Make du'a to Allah, remain thankful to Him. So when you want to talk to Allah, you make du'a. When you want Allah to talk to you, make short term and long term du'as.

Short term duas include small things like asking Allah to give you a happy day. So when you have a happy day - you feel thankful to Him and increase in emaan.

When your short term duas work, you know your long term duas/wishes have also been heard by Allah.

10 - Repeat this process throughout your life and continuously keep yourself busy with new fields of good deeds to keep yourself busy with good works until you face the reality (death), so when you meet your Provider - He will be happy with you and you will have mountains of good deeds which will hopefully be accepted by Him.

O Allah, turner of the hearts - keep my heart firm on your guidance and obedience, ameen!

Further Reading

Ibn al Jawzi
, Ibn al Qayyim - they are experts in explaining the sicknesses of the heart and the cures for it. Here's a good book you should download and read slowly;

Purification of the Soul:

Source: It was posted on the "Islamic Awakening Forums" by brother "Mu'awiya".
i must say that was a great read alhumdulillah. masha Allah. really informative.
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Old 05-06-2012, 03:09 AM   #8

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@ Abu jahid Al Iraqi.....!
JazakAllah brother ! What a wonderful article,mashaAllah.!
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Old 05-06-2012, 08:04 AM   #9

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What have been said that have put doubts in your mind about Islam if you don't mind my asking?
Maybe someone can clear it up..InshaAllah.

Just general things, mostly about women and some general smaller statements over time. When I listen to actual scholars and the like then it helps, it just seems Muslims generally make things worse (not all, some are great). I am a very sceptical person by nature anyway and in my final year of my degree in Biology and Psychology makes me more sceptical, so I query many things and that is probably why I lose a bit of my faith over these things.

Thanks for your response Sister .

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Old 05-06-2012, 08:06 AM   #10

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Dear brother, please read this article (I recommend everyone to read it!):

Asalaamu alaykum waRahmatullahi waBarakaatuh

When you become a Kafir (disbeliever) in your heart.. what do you do?

My Experiences:

Last year someone asked me a question about an anti-Islamic claim. No-one could answer it, so I looked for answers for it on other sites.

I noticed another brother who was famous for providing answers had also faced this question, but he himself couldn't find an answer for it. So he was confused for a while... - after alot of mental confusion he replied - 'I don't know, it's like now i'm only Muslim by name.''

This really shocked me. I wondered why this person had said this? What made him so confident in saying this when he could have kept this thought quietly in his head until he had improved his emaan and become a stronger Muslim?

Lately, I've seen this trend growing and it's really saddened me. People who I used to look upto have even fallen into this.

This is what I see:

1 - They start off with being really energetic when they newly start practising, then after around 2 years their emaan energy level drops.*

*NOTE: I have seen this trend because people when becoming 'newly practising Muslims';i - first read the meaning of the Qur'an,
ii - then read the Biography of the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alayhi wasalam),
iii - then read the lives of the Salaf.
iv - Then they read what happens later on in our history, and forget to continuously read the meaning of the Quran and Biography of the Messenger for Guidance in their lives. This abandoning of the guidance leads the person to go into deeper parts of our history which involves Sects and Wars amongst Muslims. So this person gets confused and gets a harsh attitude - causing them to find religion a burden instead of a source of guidance and right-direction.

2 - Then they cannot reach that high level of emaan (which they had at the beginning), so they start becoming stressed out. They will try doing things to strengthen their emaan, so they will get short bursts of it - but it will go back to the low level again.

3 - They go Absent from the Islamic community (whether it's online or offline). (This slight distance from the Islamic community gets them more attached to the non-Islamic world.)

4 -They come back and either start freshly again, but most of the times they don't. Some even start getting interested into going into other sects (like Sufism) because they believe it is more spiritual. Sadly though, I have seen many people leaving Islam after joining a distorted version of Sufism for some time. (the praiseworthy ascetic Sufis are those who follow the Salaf (righteous earliest Muslims), the dispraised are those who oppose the Salaf's way).

- Alot of people who followed the wrong sect and went astray and left Islam altogether.

- Others leave Islam because they themselves couldn't find answers like the first brother mentioned in the article.

- Some expose their disbelief while others keep it quiet within themselves. But one thing is for sure, they are daring enough to admit their rebellion against Allah.

So we have to wonder, why is this? What is the root problem? And how can any of us fall into it?

Biggest Disease: I know for sure - the biggest problem for each of these people is that they do not have a strong relationship with Allah & they do NOT want to strengthen their relationship with Him. If they were really close to Allah with Islam, they would beg Allah for help in whatever they were confused in. They would cling onto Allah because they loved Him. But they didn't hope for Allah.. so Allah let them go...

Allah tells us that shaytaan said;

قَالَ فَبِعِزَّتِكَ لَأُغْوِيَنَّهُمْ أَجْمَعِينَ - إِلَّا عِبَادَكَ مِنْهُمُ الْمُخْلَصِينَ

[Iblees] said, "By your might, I will surely mislead them all. Except, among them, Your MukhliSeen slaves
- (Quran Saad 38: 82-83)

MuKhliS is someone who;

- has IkhlaaS = Sincerety
- is KhaaliS = Pure (from sins and shirk.)

So if you have symptoms of low emaan, ask yourself this;

1 - When I do actions, am I doing it for the sake of Allah? If not, you're lacking IkhlaaS (sincerety) - and therefore you are exposed to shaytaan.

2 - Do you do sins which are bad? Then you are not being Pure (KhaaliS) to Allah, therefore you are exposed to shaytaan misguiding you.

Now when you had emaan, you felt strongly close to Allah and always in tranquility/calmness. But when it lowered, you probably started sinning, doing less good actions, or doing your actions less sincerely for Allah.

That caused you to go astray and lose that happiness, and if you never stayed persistent in trying to strengthen yourself in emaan (i.e. By begging Allah), then it would stay low and you would persistently feel miserable.

Allah tells us;

'O mankind! eat from the earth what is halaal (permissible) and pure , and do not follow the footsteps of shaytaan, surely he is for you especially a clear enemy' (Quran al Baqarah 2:68)

Why does Allah tell us to eat the Halaal, and why does He compare it to shaytaan's footsteps?

I have heard stories of knowledgeable Muslims who have left Islam secretly, and they do sins which have gone past all limits. This is a Proof that shaytaan exists, because when people leave Islam, they don't just start living their lives like they did before Islam, but they follow the footsteps of shaytaan in doing the worst of evils.

When emaan continues to drop, you go past ALL limits. If you have left the path of guidance, then the only other path is misguidance. If you are walking the path of misguidance while knowing the right path - how more evil can you get? This is exactly what Iblees (shaytaan) did after abandoning guidance, these are the footsteps of shaytaan.

2 stories

There is a sister who says that she lowered in emaan and due to that, she went to a bad shop where they sell bad things. She said she felt no regret about it at all, except one fear. (which we will discuss soon)

I have also heard of another sister who was an Islamic teacher and she left her teaching job for another public job as a bad woman - sharing her sins recorded publicly.

You know what is meant by this, and this is why Allah tells us to eat the Halaal (permissible) and Pure things, and NOT to follow the footsteps of shaytaan. Because when people start sinning, they even forget to do the permissible and pure (like marriage), and they become fooled into and addicted to the Haraam (forbidden things) and impure things.


These are the most common symptoms people get when they have this attitude. They are;

- being Emotionless
- falling into Extreme sin (rebellion)
- The path of Kufr (ungratefulness & disbelief).

So in some ways, they are worse than normal people who do not know the Guidance.

The Fear Safety Tool:

When people leave Islam after knowing its truthfulness, they follow their desires. But in its early stages, they feel really bad. One of the biggest things they feel is a constant fear and anxiety.

This fear and anxiety of destruction is your last safety tool and a massive blessing, without it you would have left Islam a long time ago. Yet Allah has given you abit of respite time to return.

If you lose this fear and continue on the wrong path - you will earn the wrath of Allah, and a gradual destruction which will reach you from where you don't expect. And you will never find safety except if you turn back to the guidance.

How do I use this Fear Safety Tool to my Advantage?

1 - You force yourself to beg Allah to help you out of this state. Whether you want to or not, even if Islam seems like an uphill struggle. Because you know that Islam is better than all other uphill struggles of life - it is the truth (even if all things don't make sense to you.)

You need to beg - otherwise you are in danger. This is your last means for safety. So ask Allah for safety, and to make His pleasure easy for you. Especially in sajdah (prostration) - the best position to recieve calmness in.

2 - Listen to nasheeds, or lectures which uplift your spirit. You know what increased you in emaan (faith) in the beginning, so revive those feelings through experiencing them again.

Mera dil badal dei (change my heart) nasheed by Junaid Jamshed is a good nasheed and is a prayer to Allah for help.
Or Talib al Habib's nasheeds are good.

All heart softening nasheeds which have a sincere du'a (wish) will be useful for you.

3 - Do NEW/refreshing Islamic activities which raise your rank in the sight of Allah:

You might be in situation similar to the brother mentioned at the beginning of this article who gave da'wah but his emaan didn't increase.

So what you need to do is pause the activity which is distracting you from Allah. Then do a good deed which freshens your emaan (faith).

I did Da'wah sometimes because i felt I had to benefit others with some knowledge I had. But non muslims reacted harshly and some time later I got exhausted and my emaan dropped too. So I wondered why my eman wasn't increasing if I am doing da'wah (calling to Allah) which is good?

The answer is: You're supposed to sustain your da'wah with good acts of worship (like salaah and du'a which connects you strongly and constantly to Allah.) Allah's Messenger (sal Allahu alayhi wasalam) was commanded with Tahajjud (night prayer when people sleep).

So pause your da'wah if your emaan is dropping and focus on yourself and Allah for a few days. Because your main priority is saving your OWN SELF from the fire. You know which things increase you in Emaan, so do them things.

Some common thoughts:

'I don't get the same emotions'
- you know you feel 'alive', 'colorful', happy in a certain way when your emaan is strong. But when your emaan drops, you feel sad and gloomy, and depressed.

Then when you try to strengthen it, you feel you're not getting the same good emotions. So you wonder, what am I doing wrong?

: You are doing something partially wrong which is preventing you from tranquility (sukoon). But you are doing something good to increase yourself in emaan, which is a proof of your sincerety to Allah. Sincerety is the secret to success with Allah.

If you sustain this good - hoping to make Allah happy, He will make you happy. So carry on doing the good, even if you feel you are not getting the same happiness yet, it will come. But to feel the full happiness - you will have to submit to Islam whole-heartedly just like you did when you tasted the full sweetness of emaan at the beginning.

My main point is: Don't judge your emaan on your 'inner feeling' alone, but judge it on how much good you are doing to make Allah happy.
If you keep it up, Allah will unveil this happiness to you because you showed your desperation and sincerety to Him.

Do New Fresh Good deeds to sustain your Emaan:

Emaan usually drops when you abandon good deeds, and you waste your time doing wasteful things which will not grow you spiritually. You have to seek closeness to Allah in everything you do, otherwise you will get closer to something else and you will gradually forget Allah. Then you will follow shaytaan and he will distance you even more from Allah and soon lead you to the hellfire.

What often encourages me to refresh my Emaan are the Ahadeeth Qudsi. And to turn to Allah in fear, hope, longing and repentance repeatedly.

إِنَّهُ لَا يَيْأَسُ مِن رَّوْحِ اللَّهِ إِلَّا الْقَوْمُ الْكَافِرُونَ
Indeed, no one despairs of relief (RawH) from Allah except the disbelieving people (kaafiroon)." - Surah Yusuf 12:87 -

The word RawH comes from the root word RaaHa which means 'Relaxation'. So no-one gives up of the relief and relaxation from Allah except the people who choose to be ungrateful/disbelieve (kufr) to Him.

This is why those who lose Emaan and don't care about getting close to Allah again - they will soon become ungrateful to Allah and soon become disbelievers (kaafiroon.)


Symptoms of Disease:

1 - Lack of Sincerety.
2 - Laziness in doing good deeds.
3 - Lack of Purity (physical and spiritual)
4 - Sinful attitudes.

5 - Lack of personal space/time to increase yourself in Emaan. (maybe you spent too much time in da'wah that you exhausted yourself, and now you just need time to recover?)

6 - Wasting time in worthless activities which distance you from Allah, so they seem more pleasing to you and gradually you don't care even if you say evil about Allah - because you don't seek closeness to Him. (see example of this here; Quran al Maa'idah 5:64 ; Quran Fat-h 48:6)

Cures for the Disease:

1 - the Final Fear which Allah has put in your heart before a soon destruction. You HAVE to take advantage of this fear from Allah, if you ignore it - you will become the worst of criminals who earn Allah's wrath/anger.

2 - Begging Allah to save you from His anger and promising Him you will try your best to stay on this good path.

3 - Learning Qur'an, Arabic and seeing the character of Prophet Muhammad (sal Allahu alayhi wasalam) to gain certainty in the Miraculous Divine nature of the Qur'an (this certain knowledge will encourage you to stay firm on Islam.)

4 - Having good thoughts about Allah and reviving your hope in His Mercy, pleasure and reward of Paradise. Hoping from Allah that you can reach there someday.

5 - Making your own space and time to relax and reconsider which path is better for you.

6 - Listening to Heart softener and du'a (prayer) based nasheeds. They will relax your heart and reconnect you with Allah.

7 - Work gradually in small good deeds again, and try to earn the pleasure of Allah by showing Him your sincerety.

8 - Try not to fall into the same mistakes you did when you lost your emaan.

9 - Make du'a to Allah, remain thankful to Him. So when you want to talk to Allah, you make du'a. When you want Allah to talk to you, make short term and long term du'as.

Short term duas include small things like asking Allah to give you a happy day. So when you have a happy day - you feel thankful to Him and increase in emaan.

When your short term duas work, you know your long term duas/wishes have also been heard by Allah.

10 - Repeat this process throughout your life and continuously keep yourself busy with new fields of good deeds to keep yourself busy with good works until you face the reality (death), so when you meet your Provider - He will be happy with you and you will have mountains of good deeds which will hopefully be accepted by Him.

O Allah, turner of the hearts - keep my heart firm on your guidance and obedience, ameen!

Further Reading

Ibn al Jawzi
, Ibn al Qayyim - they are experts in explaining the sicknesses of the heart and the cures for it. Here's a good book you should download and read slowly;

Purification of the Soul:

Source: It was posted on the "Islamic Awakening Forums" by brother "Mu'awiya".
Amazing response brother, May Allah reward you and give you Paradise. I will read that book brother slowly after I have read the biography of Imam Ali (ra), InshAllah.

Thanks again brother. Allah will reward you, He is the most just.

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Old 05-06-2012, 08:09 AM   #11

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Kuffs I'm really sorry for your bad experience on this forum, often I myself cringe at how many here misrepresent Islam, if I wasn't Muslim already and I stumbled upon them, I would have fled too. I would advise you to completely disable this account of yours and buy a whole load of books from Amazon, and meet up with like minded Muslims who are thoughtful, humble, kind, display the best of manners and don't put you off Islam.
I would be happy if I actually wanted to flee from Islam, but I don't. It makes me happy more than anything else and I truly think it would solve the world's problems. So in that alone I never want to leave, I just want to full my doubts with faith. But yes you are right some Muslims do just cause problems. Let's hope Allah protects us from them and helps them.

Thanks for your response.

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Old 05-06-2012, 01:42 PM   #12

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These doubts are due to our own lack of knowledge and understanding. There are many things we do not know about the deen. When things get academic and in depth it might overwhelm us a bit. And shaytaan uses this opportunity well to whisper and instill doubts in our mind. The trick is to concentrate on the basics bro. Are we doing our salah properly, do I give Zakat every year, am i taking care of my parents, do I have good character? etc etc etc.

Perhaps this thread will be good for you at this point: http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/show...on-and-debates

And this video will certainly help : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtjwtmjbOKE

Cheer up Akhi
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Old 05-06-2012, 09:22 PM   #13

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Kuffs I'm really sorry for your bad experience on this forum, often I myself cringe at how many here misrepresent Islam, if I wasn't Muslim already and I stumbled upon them, I would have fled too. I would advise you to completely disable this account of yours and buy a whole load of books from Amazon, and meet up with like minded Muslims who are thoughtful, humble, kind, display the best of manners and don't put you off Islam.
most of the books on amazon about Islam are by the enemies of Islam (many of whom have Muslim names),

better to get books on Islam from an Islamic bookshop.

Sunniforum is plagued at the moment by several trolls and hypocrites who only pretend to be Muslims to attack Islam by stealth,

they start thinly veiled anti-Islamic threads with attacks upon Islam even in their titles

and then they twist and turn to argue against Islam with nearly every post they make, both openly and in secret.

they plot a plot, but Allah plans a plan and they can never suppress the light of Islam.

It is probably the poison of these trolls, however, that has got into brother kuffs veins.

because of this there is much sense in someone like him avoiding it

and only seeking Islamic knowledge from the trustworthy websites of scholars like Hanafi.co.uk etc.

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________

Brother Kuffs the university system is very much a conditioning mechanism for the materialistic ideology that dominates the West at the moment, its the second time I have said this to someone today, but really you should read Dajjal System by Ahmad Thomson published by Ta Ha Publishers, it may give you a different view on the 'education' we have got or are getting when we pass through the university system at the moment.

I know that the now universalized pseudo-science of 'evolutionary psychology' can give us Muslims a big obstacle when we study psychology, but one simple answer for us is to write 'evolutionary psychologists say or evolutionary psychologists explain etc' if we are faced with times when it may be necessary for us to pretend we believe in human evolution.

As you are studying psychology and biology you should also make sure that (when you finish your degree, not before) you read works that give an alternative view to the 'established' ones that may be giving you some stress where they appear to conflict with Islam.

Also at the end of the day you should remember that current research in human psychology is at a very primitive level where we are effectively still trying to discover if circles are round, if you know what I mean (although most psychologists like to pretend otherwise). This is why there tends to be such a great disparity between the understanding of human psychology of the pure researchers and the various most popular and most functional theories that are held by psychological therapists of different types (excluding CBT).
xIuvyAuT is offline

Old 05-06-2012, 09:37 PM   #14

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Sunniforum is plagued at the moment by several trolls and hypocrites who only pretend to be Muslims to attack Islam by stealth,

they start thinly veiled anti-Islamic threads with attacks upon Islam even in their titles

and then they twist and turn to argue against Islam with nearly every post they make, both openly and in secret.

they plot a plot, but Allah plans a plan and they can never suppress the light of Islam.

It is probably the poison of these trolls, however, that has got into brother kuffs veins.

because of this there is much sense in someone like him avoiding it

and only seeking Islamic knowledge from the trustworthy websites of scholars like Hanafi.co.uk etc.

I agree with you. A lot of 'dangerous elements' in Sf at the moment. With deviant propaganda. I hope the Mods stop them from polluting the forums.
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Old 05-06-2012, 09:40 PM   #15

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The trouble is much of Islam is today mostly theory with very little actual Islam in practice. And Muslims are undergoing many trials and confusions with all sorts of people giving their solutions. We have to be careful, critical and sceptical. Islam is not just go to the Masjid and live together in a locality...there are important community wide matters that are missing from our lives. We do not have any real leaders. We have local shaykhs or imaams who try to guide us towards moral improvement and shariah...but no real secular leadership at the community level. No Zakat collectors, no Muslim markets, no Muslim Waqfs, or apprenticeships. We could have our own social security, schools, hospitals etc which would make Muslims living in the UK for example independent of the British State. All those people who hate Muslim immigrants would be unable to criticise Muslims as welfare cheats...we would be a beacon of good society, we would agree to get our internal disputes dealt with by our leader and this would be the greatest dawa to the non Muslims. The westerners need Islam they just need to see it in action.
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Old 05-06-2012, 10:10 PM   #16

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I would be happy if I actually wanted to flee from Islam, but I don't. It makes me happy more than anything else and I truly think it would solve the world's problems. So in that alone I never want to leave, I just want to full my doubts with faith. But yes you are right some Muslims do just cause problems. Let's hope Allah protects us from them and helps them.

Thanks for your response.


I would humbly ask you to disregard the "advice" given to you by "Idil_". Islam cannot be learned from books. If you're sincere, attach yourself to a shaykh and forget about sects and divisions - instead focus on improving yourself. it will be of more benefit and less confusing than any online experience.
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Old 05-06-2012, 10:38 PM   #17

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These doubts are due to our own lack of knowledge and understanding. There are many things we do not know about the deen. When things get academic and in depth it might overwhelm us a bit. And shaytaan uses this opportunity well to whisper and instill doubts in our mind. The trick is to concentrate on the basics bro. Are we doing our salah properly, do I give Zakat every year, am i taking care of my parents, do I have good character? etc etc etc.

Perhaps this thread will be good for you at this point: http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/show...on-and-debates

And this video will certainly help : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtjwtmjbOKE

Cheer up Akhi
I have read a few books, I have been to classes and I have been taught by many great Shaykhs. But yes obviously I do not know everything. The issue is I know the very basics of Islam (as far as I know) with regards to theology, morality and the Sharia. For example I have no issue with stoning to death of adulterers where as other Muslims might, I have no issue with the laws of Islam (except a few issues here and there) I have no issue with the theology and philosophy of Islam. It's just very small issues that form a big issue. The point of doing salah properly, giving Zakat, taking care of parents etc is sometimes difficult when I have these doubts going around my head.

Maybe I have it wrong but I look for the "truth" academically and asking help from Allah with Dua. It is difficult to pray 5 times a day when I have doubts. I hope this makes sense.

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Old 05-06-2012, 10:41 PM   #18

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@OP..hope u are not a revert muslim..i don't think born Muslims can ever get any doubt about Islam. u should always keep in ur mind regardless no matter what.. ISLAM is ALLH'S DEEN..THE DEEN OF THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE...

When ever u feel u are being disturbed by the surroundings just leave that place immediately for sometime until u feel comfortable.

Try to be punctual in ur salaahs and reciting AlQuran and read seerah books..this is the best SPIRITUAL Medication for PEACE OF MIND..and to keep u steadfast on ISLAM..
We are all born Muslims sister, you mean 'raised' Muslims.

That's why Most reverts use the term revert in preference to convert

- revert acknowledges that they have just returned to their fitra.

I think many reverts would argue with you when you imply that they are less solid in their faith than those raised in Muslim families as this is very often the opposite from what I have seen, where real reverts (as opposed to those who became Muslim for worldly reasons) tend to be very devout and religious whilst most Muslims raised in Muslim families tend to be rather weak in their religion nowadays.

but the other things you are saying are so true...

u should always keep in ur mind regardless no matter what.. ISLAM is ALLH'S DEEN..THE DEEN OF THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE...

When ever u feel u are being disturbed by the surroundings just leave that place immediately for sometime until u feel comfortable.

Try to be punctual in ur salaahs and reciting AlQuran and read seerah books..this is the best SPIRITUAL Medication for PEACE OF MIND..and to keep u steadfast on ISLAM..
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Old 05-06-2012, 10:42 PM   #19

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most of the books on amazon about Islam are by the enemies of Islam (many of whom have Muslim names),

better to get books on Islam from an Islamic bookshop.

Sunniforum is plagued at the moment by several trolls and hypocrites who only pretend to be Muslims to attack Islam by stealth,

they start thinly veiled anti-Islamic threads with attacks upon Islam even in their titles

and then they twist and turn to argue against Islam with nearly every post they make, both openly and in secret.

they plot a plot, but Allah plans a plan and they can never suppress the light of Islam.

It is probably the poison of these trolls, however, that has got into brother kuffs veins.

because of this there is much sense in someone like him avoiding it

and only seeking Islamic knowledge from the trustworthy websites of scholars like Hanafi.co.uk etc.

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _________

Brother Kuffs the university system is very much a conditioning mechanism for the materialistic ideology that dominates the West at the moment, its the second time I have said this to someone today, but really you should read Dajjal System by Ahmad Thomson published by Ta Ha Publishers, it may give you a different view on the 'education' we have got or are getting when we pass through the university system at the moment.

I know that the now universalized pseudo-science of 'evolutionary psychology' can give us Muslims a big obstacle when we study psychology, but one simple answer for us is to write 'evolutionary psychologists say or evolutionary psychologists explain etc' if we are faced with times when it may be necessary for us to pretend we believe in human evolution.

As you are studying psychology and biology you should also make sure that (when you finish your degree, not before) you read works that give an alternative view to the 'established' ones that may be giving you some stress where they appear to conflict with Islam.

Also at the end of the day you should remember that current research in human psychology is at a very primitive level where we are effectively still trying to discover if circles are round, if you know what I mean (although most psychologists like to pretend otherwise). This is why there tends to be such a great disparity between the understanding of human psychology of the pure researchers and the various most popular and most functional theories that are held by psychological therapists of different types (excluding CBT).
I know and understand the majority of the corruption in all systems in the world and therefore I am wary, but my degree makes me query everything, which is supposedly good academic practice. So if I come across a strange Hadith or law, I search for the answer academically and if I cannot find a suitable answer I find it difficult and the doubts begin. If i cannot find the answer in Religion I search it for in Science and that just makes the doubts stronger.

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Old 05-06-2012, 10:46 PM   #20

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Oct 2005
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I agree with you. A lot of 'dangerous elements' in Sf at the moment. With deviant propaganda. I hope the Mods stop them from polluting the forums.
A lot of the people do not seem like trolls and actually seem to be "knowledgeable". If I knew they were trolls then of course I would not take notice of them. I don't want to name any of the brothers who cause the problems because that is not good. But i am thankful there are decent brothers here too

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