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Old 05-10-2012, 05:24 AM   #1

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Default Major depression
Salaamu alaiykum
Alhamdullilah I am under major depression. I was listening to a lecture about death and I heard the lecturer say that people who did good deeds may be thrown into the hell fire for a small sin they commited and people who did bad deeds may be taken to jannah for a small good they commited, and no one can question Allah in regards to that. And then he told storied about Uthman being promised Jannah yet he cried so much in front of the grave. It makes me feel depressed because it makes me seem so lost in regards to the hereafter. I could ask Allah for so much forgiveness and I will hope for the forgiveness yet I may still be thrown into hell fire for a small sin. I'm losing my sense alhamdullilah so I would like some words from you guys.
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Old 05-10-2012, 05:34 AM   #2

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Salaamu alaiykum
Alhamdullilah I am under major depression. I was listening to a lecture about death and I heard the lecturer say that people who did good deeds may be thrown into the hell fire for a small sin they commited and people who did bad deeds may be taken to jannah for a small good they commited, and no one can question Allah in regards to that. And then he told storied about Uthman being promised Jannah yet he cried so much in front of the grave. It makes me feel depressed because it makes me seem so lost in regards to the hereafter. I could ask Allah for so much forgiveness and I will hope for the forgiveness yet I may still be thrown into hell fire for a small sin. I'm losing my sense alhamdullilah so I would like some words from you guys.
Stop listening to them, period! I am serious, just listen to happy stuff like the Tour of Jannah by Anwar Al-Awlaki (May Allah bless his grave with noor)
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Old 05-10-2012, 05:39 AM   #3

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Stop listening to them, period! I am serious, just listen to happy stuff like the Tour of Jannah by Anwar Al-Awlaki (May Allah bless his grave with noor)
But akhi, it will still be at the back of my mind because I know now that it is reality. My mind naturally functions where it cannot think until it has dealt with the most desperate of situations, and this one I cannot deal with...
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Old 05-10-2012, 05:48 AM   #4

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Like a bird has two wings to fly successfully a muslim should also have two wings to fly successfully.
One is fear of Allah
the other is hope of Allah.
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Old 05-10-2012, 05:51 AM   #5

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We have to stop thinking that Allah is out to "get" people (nauzubillah). Allah does not look for or need "loop holes". He will not say "I know you spent your life trying to follow My commands to the best of your abilities, but guess what... I found a loop hole which allows Me to throw you into the fire" (nauzubillah).

Humans look for loop holes, but the Creator of the humans, Allah is way above all of that. He is at a level which we cannot comprehend, so we should not pay attention to thoughts which insult His mercy, as they are just one of shaitaan's many clever ploys to whisper and create doubts in our hearts.

Remember, this world and everything it contains is only 1 part (out of 100) of Allah's mercy, the other 99 parts of His mercy will be shown by Him on the Day of Judgement. Also remember that Allah will be so Merciful on the day of judgement, that even shaitaan will start thinking that he may be forgiven.

Subhan'Allah, there are countless other mentions and stories of Allah's mercy in the Quran and Hadith.

Keep this in mind instead of the stuff you have pointed out in the OP, and instead of anything else which makes you feel hopeless about the aakhikrah. Devote as much time to reading, learning, and asking scholars about the Mercy of Allah swt as you seem to be devoting towards researching the punishment of Allah swt. Yes, pondering and crying over death and aakhirah is absolutely necessary, as was taught by the Prophet , but it is to help us understand what's going to come and to help us lead a pious life as a result of that understanding. It is not so we pick on one thing such as the ones pointed out in the OP, and then spend the rest of our life being "depressed" and "hopeless" due to it while giving up on everything else. That is not the intention behind these lessons. Allah knows best.

If you are feeling depressed and hopeless, I heard in a bayan (can't "back it up" at the moment) that one hadith says the best cure for depression is the third kalima, so Insha'Allah start reciting this kalima abundantly throughout the day, as well as following Allah's commandments, implementing every last Sunnah of His Messenger into your life which you possibly can to the best of your abilities, and surround yourself with pious people often (spend time in the Masjid, go out in jamaat, etc).

Please keep myself and all Muslims in your duas as well.

May Allah forgive me for using sarcastic language while referring to Him, as Insha'Allah my intention is to make a point and make for an understandable example.

Allah knows best.

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Old 05-10-2012, 05:52 AM   #6

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i have also heard in a lecture that one should expect from Allah (swt) that which he wants from Allah(swt).
We should not say thing like "we are doomed for the hellfire" and so on.
ps:That in no way negates the need for amal and shariah
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Old 05-10-2012, 05:54 AM   #7

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my suggestion is if you are depressed, listen / read more on the rahmat of ALLAH, glad tidings and encouragements...

wallaahu a'lam.
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Old 05-10-2012, 06:01 AM   #8

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Salaamu alaiykum
Akhi, I HEARD that believing that Allah will definately give you that thing which you did for is a heretic belief because it puts conditions on Allah. Allah can do what he wants. So we cannot put conditions on him that since we did this, this will happen to us. That's what makes me depressed - nothing is guaranteed, and thus it makes me feel like everything is not required. The only thing that relieves my depression is knowing that the prophet Muhammad PBUH is going to jannah. As long as he goes, I don't care where I go. Or is that a silly thing to say?

Did you even read my post? Your reply was pretty swift.

Please read and ponder it at least a few times before saying anything further.

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Old 05-10-2012, 06:11 AM   #9

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Did you even read my post? Your reply was pretty swift.

Please read and ponder it at least a few times before saying anything further.

Jazakallahu khaiyrun.
May Allah remove everyone's, who contribute to this thread, depression in this life and the next like you have helped me remove mine through the will of Allah
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Old 05-10-2012, 07:29 AM   #10

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Jazakallahu khaiyrun.
May Allah remove everyone's, who contribute to this thread, depression in this life and the next like you have helped me remove mine through the will of Allah
for the dua brother and same for you and your family Insha'Allah!


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Old 05-10-2012, 07:35 AM   #11

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You have to hope for Allah's mercy and loss hope whilst also fearing his punishment because Allah is the all mercyful and he is also sever in punishment. So you have to constantly make dua to Allah with these two qualities and the state that your going through know is actually a good state and wish I was also going through the same state of deperession because it shows that you have fear of Allah
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Old 05-10-2012, 07:40 AM   #12

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But akhi, it will still be at the back of my mind because I know now that it is reality. My mind naturally functions where it cannot think until it has dealt with the most desperate of situations, and this one I cannot deal with...
Increase in thikr, quran and duas. Have you read bidayat al hidaya?
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Old 05-10-2012, 08:41 AM   #13

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Never lose hope in Allah Ta'ala's Mercy. Even if our Sins are as high as the mountains His Mercy is far greater than them.

'Certainly no one despairs of Allah's Mercy, except the people who disbelieve. ' (Qur'an 12: 87)

We are Muslims, so its compulsory for us to have hope in Allah's infinite Mercy. The cure for depression is 'La hawla wala Quwwatta illah billah'

On the authority of Abu Hurayra (may Allah be pleased with him), that the Messenger of Allah(may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said,
“Say;" la hawla wa la quwwatah illa billah "(there is neither power nor strength except with Allah), it is the cure for ninety nine illnesses, and it makes worries easy.”
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Old 05-10-2012, 12:03 PM   #14

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I was in a similar dilemma sometime back and what I have understood from everything is that, as long as we realise and feel gultiy for our sin and ask for forgiveness we can be hopeful of Allah's mercy.

This is how I made sense of it..there was a woman who neglected her cat and the cat died, that woman was sent to hell. There was another man who killed 100 people but felt remorseful and asked for sincere forgiveness just before he died, and Allah swt forgave him. If Allah swt can forgive a man who killed 100 people why didn't he forgive that woman who killed one cat? Because that woman probably never realised her mistake and never asked for Allahs mercy, Allah has told us He will forgive if we repent and resolve to never commit the sin again. That is the key in my opinion, to constantly seek Allahs forgiveness and be hopeful of his mercy. I have read somewhere that Allah swt likes those who commit sins but immediately ask for sincere forgiveness.

So brother, do not despair, all you have to do is ask for forgiveness for all your sins every night before you sleep and try hard not to commit them again. Allah swt is very merciful. do not despair.

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Old 05-10-2012, 02:44 PM   #15

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But akhi, it will still be at the back of my mind because I know now that it is reality. My mind naturally functions where it cannot think until it has dealt with the most desperate of situations, and this one I cannot deal with...
It it like this: you do not go to Gym when you have been running high fever.
It does not mean that Gym has gone out of your reach once and for all. You take medicine. You recuperate. You take rest. When you are healthy again and have forgotten about the fever and the ensuing weakness one day you again end up in the Gym.

Make it a habit to listen to Surah Rahman morning and evening. Thoughts of punishment bring fear in our hearts - that is also necessary. At the moment you need positive sentiments and thoughts in your mind. These come when you hear about Allah (SWT)'s Mercy. Go for for the biggest manifestations of Mercy. Who can tell these manifestations better than our Lord Himself? He has done that for us in Surah Rahman.

And which of the favours of thy Lord shall ye deny?

Every Friday Sermon has the words: Never despair of Mercy of Allah (SWT) for He (SWT) is Oft-Forgiving (Al-Ghafoor), Very-Forgiving (Ar-Rahim).
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