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Old 05-03-2012, 12:47 AM   #1

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Default Imam Gazali #2(ten manners living with women folks)
Ten Manners of living with women folks ( Discussion #2)

Warning. Blessed Imams views are based on Quran and sunnah. As such it’s a Manuel for momenin who are following shariah ,under the Islamic ambiance and governance of sharia. However we as ommah of Mohammad SAS are far from it. So it is not a word by word remedy for us. Please apply with caution. May Allah SWT make imams work as mowaddah (love)between the brothers and sisters and not a help for sheitan, .

Please read the first four adab in the previous posting

Fifth Adab (to be moderate in man hood pride “ghairat”

To limit the women from anywhere that there is the danger and fitnah. He should try to not let her to go out and to keep her from na mahram. Most calamity come through the eyes .
To control his suspicion. To not be suspicious without a reason. And to be moderate in his manhood pride “gheirah”
Hadith: once prophet SAS and sahabi arrived in madinah at night time. Prophet sas forbid anyone to go home at middle oif the night and surprise his family. Two sahabi disobeyed the order. Both of them noticed wrong things in the household which was cause of family problem for them
Ali RA said “do not exceed in your Gheirah(manhood pride). People would make fun of your women folks.
Prophet (SAS) asked Fatimah RA what is best for women? She answered; that they not see men and men do not see them. Prophet SAS loved the answer and took her by his blessed side and said; (Allah made good race from good ones) “dhoryatta badhaha min badh.
Umar Ra said do not let your women dress good and keep them in the house.
Hadith: one blind man came to the house of prophet SAS. Aysha and some other women were sitting there and they did not leave the room they said he is blind. Prophet (sas) replied; but, and you can see!

Sixth adab (to not be stingy )

That to provide the women with enough sustenance and to not be stingy neither do excess .he should know that the reward of spending for his wife is more than sadagah.
Hadith: prophet (sas) said; money that a man spend for jihad, or for sadagah, or freeing a slave or spending for his family . the one for his family has the highest reward (afdhal)
Man should not eat any food by himself and if he eats by himself he should do it hiddenly.
It has been reported that when a man eats with his family, Allah and his angels send blessing and salutation to them.
Any money that he gives to his wife should be earned from a hala means . giving wife haram rizzg is the biggest betrayal.

Seventh adab(teaching ilm of deen)

To teach his wife ilm of deen such as; knowledge about salat, taharah(cleansing rituals), etc. And if the man does not take the matter seriously then the woman herself is obligated to go out and learn it.
Allah(SWT) say ; “Save your family from the fire of hell” (66/6)

Eighth adab (egalitarian attitude toward wives)

If man has more than one wife to desire them equally. In giving sustenance and visitation he should treat them equally. But equal expression of love and intimacy is not an obligation because it is not in his hand.
Hadith: Prophet SAS every night used to visit one of his wives. Though he used to love Aysha more. He SAS used to love Aysha RA more he said; O’ Allah, I struggle with whatever is within my control. But my heart is not.
If a man lost interest with a woman and does not like to sleep with her he should divorce her and not enslave her.
Hadith prophet SAS had intention to divorce Sudah (RA) she had become very old. Sudah (RA) said ya rasul Allah do not divorce me I want to be among your wives in Qyamah I give my time to Aysha. Prophet (SAS) accepted and he used to spend two nights with aysha (RA).

Ninth adab(with disobedient wives)

If wife was disobedient and did not follow orders of her husband first try to pursue her with kindness and hikmah. If she insisted in her disobedience then he should sleep separately in the bed or turn his back to her. If that was not effective he may bit her lightly not so hard that brake or brose her. If she was performing her religious duties such as work of deen or performing salat he can be angry at her up to a month. Prophet SAS was angry with his wives for about a month.

Tenth adab(intimacy and copulation)

He should not copulate facing kiblah. Before copulation he should play with her and be pleasant. .
Hadith. Prophet SAS said a man should not fall on his wife like horses. He should play and kiss her before the action
He should read necessary Duas before the action.

Eleventh Adab(Child birth)

Once the baby is borne, he should read azan in right ears and egamah on the left ear.
It is sunnah that after baby is born to put sweet in his moth and seventh day to cut his hair and to give sadagah
He should give baby a good name. Allah SWT loves names such as Abdul rahman , abdul Rahim,….
Agigah is sunnah mokaddah to sacrifice for a girl one sheep and for a boy two sheep’s.
He should not dislike having a girl and neither too much happiness for having a boy. One does not know which will bring khair for the family. Prophet SAS said the girls are more blessing raising girls has more thawab (blessings)
Hadith: prophet SAS said anyone who has three girls or sister and raise them Allah SWT will have rahmah on him. They asked even two or one he SAS said yes

Twelfth adab (divorce disliked)
He should do his best to not divorce . Allah SWt does not like divorce. He SWT hates divorce
If he divorce her he should not do (three talag) which is makroh
In time of heiz (monthly period) divoce is haram.
If she is out of period if he copulated with her it is haram to divorce her.
At the time of divorce he should give her a gift and let her leave happily. He should not reveal her secrets to any one nor say anything bad about her after divorce.
P9CCd35R is offline

Old 05-03-2012, 03:16 AM   #2

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Ten Manners of living with women folks ( Discussion #2)

Warning. Blessed Imams views are based on Quran and sunnah. As such it’s a Manuel for momenin who are following shariah ,under the Islamic ambiance and governance of sharia. However we as ommah of Mohammad SAS are far from it. So it is not a word by word remedy for us. Please apply with caution. May Allah SWT make imams work as mowaddah (love)between the brothers and sisters and not a help for sheitan, .

Please read the first four adab in the previous posting

Fifth Adab (to be moderate in man hood pride “ghairat”

To limit the women from anywhere that there is the danger and fitnah. He should try to not let her to go out and to keep her from na mahram. Most calamity come through the eyes .
To control his suspicion. To not be suspicious without a reason. And to be moderate in his manhood pride “gheirah”
Hadith: once prophet SAS and sahabi arrived in madinah at night time. Prophet sas forbid anyone to go home at middle oif the night and surprise his family. Two sahabi disobeyed the order. Both of them noticed wrong things in the household which was cause of family problem for them
Ali RA said “do not exceed in your Gheirah(manhood pride). People would make fun of your women folks.
Prophet (SAS) asked Fatimah RA what is best for women? She answered; that they not see men and men do not see them. Prophet SAS loved the answer and took her by his blessed side and said; (Allah made good race from good ones) “dhoryatta badhaha min badh.
Umar Ra said do not let your women dress good and keep them in the house.
Hadith: one blind man came to the house of prophet SAS. Aysha and some other women were sitting there and they did not leave the room they said he is blind. Prophet (sas) replied; but, and you can see!

Sixth adab (to not be stingy )

That to provide the women with enough sustenance and to not be stingy neither do excess .he should know that the reward of spending for his wife is more than sadagah.
Hadith: prophet (sas) said; money that a man spend for jihad, or for sadagah, or freeing a slave or spending for his family . the one for his family has the highest reward (afdhal)
Man should not eat any food by himself and if he eats by himself he should do it hiddenly.
It has been reported that when a man eats with his family, Allah and his angels send blessing and salutation to them.
Any money that he gives to his wife should be earned from a hala means . giving wife haram rizzg is the biggest betrayal.

Seventh adab(teaching ilm of deen)

To teach his wife ilm of deen such as; knowledge about salat, taharah(cleansing rituals), etc. And if the man does not take the matter seriously then the woman herself is obligated to go out and learn it.
Allah(SWT) say ; “Save your family from the fire of hell” (66/6)

Eighth adab (egalitarian attitude toward wives)

If man has more than one wife to desire them equally. In giving sustenance and visitation he should treat them equally. But equal expression of love and intimacy is not an obligation because it is not in his hand.
Hadith: Prophet SAS every night used to visit one of his wives. Though he used to love Aysha more. He SAS used to love Aysha RA more he said; O’ Allah, I struggle with whatever is within my control. But my heart is not.
If a man lost interest with a woman and does not like to sleep with her he should divorce her and not enslave her.
Hadith prophet SAS had intention to divorce Sudah (RA) she had become very old. Sudah (RA) said ya rasul Allah do not divorce me I want to be among your wives in Qyamah I give my time to Aysha. Prophet (SAS) accepted and he used to spend two nights with aysha (RA).

Ninth adab(with disobedient wives)

If wife was disobedient and did not follow orders of her husband first try to pursue her with kindness and hikmah. If she insisted in her disobedience then he should sleep separately in the bed or turn his back to her. If that was not effective he may bit her lightly not so hard that brake or brose her. If she was performing her religious duties such as work of deen or performing salat he can be angry at her up to a month. Prophet SAS was angry with his wives for about a month.

Tenth adab(intimacy and copulation)

He should not copulate facing kiblah. Before copulation he should play with her and be pleasant. .
Hadith. Prophet SAS said a man should not fall on his wife like horses. He should play and kiss her before the action
He should read necessary Duas before the action.

Eleventh Adab(Child birth)

Once the baby is borne, he should read azan in right ears and egamah on the left ear.
It is sunnah that after baby is born to put sweet in his moth and seventh day to cut his hair and to give sadagah
He should give baby a good name. Allah SWT loves names such as Abdul rahman , abdul Rahim,….
Agigah is sunnah mokaddah to sacrifice for a girl one sheep and for a boy two sheep’s.
He should not dislike having a girl and neither too much happiness for having a boy. One does not know which will bring khair for the family. Prophet SAS said the girls are more blessing raising girls has more thawab (blessings)
Hadith: prophet SAS said anyone who has three girls or sister and raise them Allah SWT will have rahmah on him. They asked even two or one he SAS said yes

Twelfth adab (divorce disliked)
He should do his best to not divorce . Allah SWt does not like divorce. He SWT hates divorce
If he divorce her he should not do (three talag) which is makroh
In time of heiz (monthly period) divoce is haram.
If she is out of period if he copulated with her it is haram to divorce her.
At the time of divorce he should give her a gift and let her leave happily. He should not reveal her secrets to any one nor say anything bad about her after divorce.
Can u give the link for the first part please? JAZAKALLAH again
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Old 05-03-2012, 03:58 AM   #3

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Ten Manners of living with women folks ( Discussion #2)

Warning. Blessed Imams views are based on Quran and sunnah. As such it’s a Manuel for momenin who are following shariah ,under the Islamic ambiance and governance of sharia. However we as ommah of Mohammad SAS are far from it. So it is not a word by word remedy for us. Please apply with caution. May Allah SWT make imams work as mowaddah (love)between the brothers and sisters and not a help for sheitan, .

Please read the first four adab in the previous posting

Fifth Adab (to be moderate in man hood pride “ghairat”

To limit the women from anywhere that there is the danger and fitnah. He should try to not let her to go out and to keep her from na mahram. Most calamity come through the eyes .
To control his suspicion. To not be suspicious without a reason. And to be moderate in his manhood pride “gheirah”
Hadith: once prophet SAS and sahabi arrived in madinah at night time. Prophet sas forbid anyone to go home at middle oif the night and surprise his family. Two sahabi disobeyed the order. Both of them noticed wrong things in the household which was cause of family problem for them
Ali RA said “do not exceed in your Gheirah(manhood pride). People would make fun of your women folks.
Prophet (SAS) asked Fatimah RA what is best for women? She answered; that they not see men and men do not see them. Prophet SAS loved the answer and took her by his blessed side and said; (Allah made good race from good ones) “dhoryatta badhaha min badh.
Umar Ra said do not let your women dress good and keep them in the house.
Hadith: one blind man came to the house of prophet SAS. Aysha and some other women were sitting there and they did not leave the room they said he is blind. Prophet (sas) replied; but, and you can see!

Sixth adab (to not be stingy )

That to provide the women with enough sustenance and to not be stingy neither do excess .he should know that the reward of spending for his wife is more than sadagah.
Hadith: prophet (sas) said; money that a man spend for jihad, or for sadagah, or freeing a slave or spending for his family . the one for his family has the highest reward (afdhal)
Man should not eat any food by himself and if he eats by himself he should do it hiddenly.
It has been reported that when a man eats with his family, Allah and his angels send blessing and salutation to them.
Any money that he gives to his wife should be earned from a hala means . giving wife haram rizzg is the biggest betrayal.

Seventh adab(teaching ilm of deen)

To teach his wife ilm of deen such as; knowledge about salat, taharah(cleansing rituals), etc. And if the man does not take the matter seriously then the woman herself is obligated to go out and learn it.
Allah(SWT) say ; “Save your family from the fire of hell” (66/6)

Eighth adab (egalitarian attitude toward wives)

If man has more than one wife to desire them equally. In giving sustenance and visitation he should treat them equally. But equal expression of love and intimacy is not an obligation because it is not in his hand.
Hadith: Prophet SAS every night used to visit one of his wives. Though he used to love Aysha more. He SAS used to love Aysha RA more he said; O’ Allah, I struggle with whatever is within my control. But my heart is not.
If a man lost interest with a woman and does not like to sleep with her he should divorce her and not enslave her.
Hadith prophet SAS had intention to divorce Sudah (RA) she had become very old. Sudah (RA) said ya rasul Allah do not divorce me I want to be among your wives in Qyamah I give my time to Aysha. Prophet (SAS) accepted and he used to spend two nights with aysha (RA).

Ninth adab(with disobedient wives)

If wife was disobedient and did not follow orders of her husband first try to pursue her with kindness and hikmah. If she insisted in her disobedience then he should sleep separately in the bed or turn his back to her. If that was not effective he may bit her lightly not so hard that brake or brose her. If she was performing her religious duties such as work of deen or performing salat he can be angry at her up to a month. Prophet SAS was angry with his wives for about a month.

Tenth adab(intimacy and copulation)

He should not copulate facing kiblah. Before copulation he should play with her and be pleasant. .
Hadith. Prophet SAS said a man should not fall on his wife like horses. He should play and kiss her before the action
He should read necessary Duas before the action.

Eleventh Adab(Child birth)

Once the baby is borne, he should read azan in right ears and egamah on the left ear.
It is sunnah that after baby is born to put sweet in his moth and seventh day to cut his hair and to give sadagah
He should give baby a good name. Allah SWT loves names such as Abdul rahman , abdul Rahim,….
Agigah is sunnah mokaddah to sacrifice for a girl one sheep and for a boy two sheep’s.
He should not dislike having a girl and neither too much happiness for having a boy. One does not know which will bring khair for the family. Prophet SAS said the girls are more blessing raising girls has more thawab (blessings)
Hadith: prophet SAS said anyone who has three girls or sister and raise them Allah SWT will have rahmah on him. They asked even two or one he SAS said yes

Twelfth adab (divorce disliked)
He should do his best to not divorce . Allah SWt does not like divorce. He SWT hates divorce
If he divorce her he should not do (three talag) which is makroh
In time of heiz (monthly period) divoce is haram.
If she is out of period if he copulated with her it is haram to divorce her.
At the time of divorce he should give her a gift and let her leave happily. He should not reveal her secrets to any one nor say anything bad about her after divorce.
Salam u alaikum.

JazakAllah, if this is from Ihya, then kindly give the reference , the volume and chapter. Or if you can inform the name of the book if other than Ihya.

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Old 05-03-2012, 11:08 AM   #4

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wa alikum assalam wa rahmat Allah,

Jazak allah khair for your kind note brother. This summery is from" kymyeye saadat" of Imam Gazali RA. page 313 to 323. it is a summery to the best of my ability
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Old 05-03-2012, 11:14 AM   #5

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Can u give the link for the first part please? JAZAKALLAH again[/QUOTE]

Assalam alikum wa rahmat Allah
kindly use sunu forum search with this name
Imam Gazali (ten masnners (adab) with women folks)
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Old 05-03-2012, 09:25 PM   #6

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wa alikum assalam wa rahmat Allah,

Jazak allah khair for your kind note brother. This summery is from" kymyeye saadat" of Imam Gazali RA. page 313 to 323. it is a summery to the best of my ability
JazakAllah khairun wassalam u alaikum Wa rehmatullahi wa barakatahu.
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Old 05-03-2012, 09:27 PM   #7

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Is there anymore?
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Old 05-03-2012, 11:30 PM   #8

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Is there anymore?
Assalam alikum wa rahmat Allah,

I have translated a summery version of Imam Gazali's work from kymyayeh saadat(6 or 7 topics so far) . Please use suni forum search under" Imam Gazali"
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Old 05-04-2012, 05:23 PM   #9

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Where are the 1st 4 aadabs?Can u provide the link?
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Old 05-04-2012, 06:13 PM   #10

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Assalam alikum wa rahmat Allah
kindly use sunu forum search with this name
Imam Gazali (ten masnners (adab) with women folks)
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