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Old 05-03-2012, 10:36 PM   #1

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Default Imam Gazalis (eight sunnah of choosing a wife)
Warning. Blessed Imams views are based on Quran and sunnah. As such it’s a Manuel for momenin who are following sharia ,and are living under the governance of sharia and Islam Islamic. However we as ommah of Mohammad SAS are far from it. So it is not a word by word remedy for us. Please apply with caution. May Allah SWT make blessed imam’s work a means of mowaddah (love)between the brothers and sisters and not a help for sheitan,

Eight sunnah of choosing a wife

First sunnah; Piety

To be pious And loyal in wealth and chastity to her husband.
Some explanation; If a women betray her husband in chastity and the man kept quiet about it , that is a sign of weakness in man’s himma (guts)and deen. It will cause him to loose his honor among people. But if he was not quiet about it their life tranquility will be in jeopardy. if he divorce her, her love and attachment will cause him problem later. And if he was nice with an impious women this is even a bigger calamity.
Hadith: One man complained to prophet (SAS) about his impious wife. Prophet (SAS) said then divorce her. He said I love her too much. Prophet (sas) said then keep her because if you divorce her you will fall in fasad (immorality).
Rewayah: It has been reported that if someone marry a woman for wealth or beauty he will be in lose of both benefits. But if he marry for deen he will gain both benefits.

Second sunnah; Good kholog (character)

Good character is the best that a woman can have. Women with bad character are ungrateful. And would not be obedient nor accept husband’s authority. Woman with bad kholog will destroy the tranqulity in their shared life. She is a hazard for man’sdeen.

Third Sunnah ; Beauty (jamal)

Beauty of Woman in marriage will be cause for intimacy and love among them. For that reason seeing her face before marriage is a sunnah.
Hadith: prophet (SAS) said on the eyes of Ansari woman is some kind of affect that turns off ones heart. Any one wants to marry one of them should see her features first.
Rewayah; anyone who marry before seeing the face of a woman will be disappointed and remorseful later.
Hadith; seek the ladies with deen not with beauty. (imam RA explains that this hadith means that one should not marry a woman solely for her beauty . It does no mean that one should not look at her before marrying her.
If the reason for marriage is to have children, or one marry to fulfill sunnh and get thawab of sunnah of nikaah; then there is no harm to be indifferent to her beauty. Imam calls it an act of Zohd (asctism).
Imam Hanbal choose a woman who was blind in one eye to her sister who was more beautiful because he was told that she was wiser.

Fourth sunnah; light dawery

Haadith; Prophet (SAS) said “the best women are the ones who have light dawery and are beautiful in appearance”. High dawery are makroh (disliked). Prophet (SAS) performed some nikahs for ten dirham. And he married his own (SAS) daughters for less than 400 dirham.

Fifth Sunnah; ( impotency)

Hadith; prophet SAS said a piece of spread (hasir, kilim, rug) in the corner of a house is better than a woman who does not bear child.

Sixth Sunnah; (virginity)

To be virgin. It will make hearts to attach better and ia good cause for intimacy.
Hadith; Jabir married a widowed woman. Prophet (SAS) said why you did not seek a virgin so you could play with her and she paly with you.
Seventh sunnah; (good family)

That woman be from a good family. Good family means family that were religious and taught her proper religious adab and akhlag (manners) If she has bad manners that will effect the childrens upbringing.

Eighth Sunnah; (not a relative)

That the woman to not be from the near relatives. It has been reported that the children will be weak natured. (it could be due to the fact that lust with relatives is weak and not strong)

Note for fathers and mothers;

Blessed Imam advises fathers who want to marry their daughter to choose a pious man. Especially to watch for bad character and stinginess in the man. And make sure he is not a fasig. He RA notes the following hadith;
Prophet (SAS) Said; “ any one who marry his daughter to a fasig he destroyed her womb (rahem)”. And said (SAS) nikah is a form of “bonds manship . Know who you are bonding your child to.
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