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Old 04-26-2012, 04:41 PM   #1
Garry Richardson

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Default Your Deeds Are Your Rulers


By Mufti A. Desai (Damat Barakatuhum)

RASULULLAH (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:

“Just as you are, so too will rulers be appointed over you.”

Hadhrat Isaa (alayhis salaam) supplicated to Allah Ta’ala:

“O my Rabb! What is the sign to indicate that you are pleased with Your creation?”

Allah Ta’ala said:

“I cause the rains to descend when it is time for sowing the seeds, and I withhold the rains when it is time to harvest the crop. I appoint benevolent men to rule over them. I assign their monetary affairs to generous persons.”

Nabi Isaa (alayhis salaam) said:

“O my Rabb! What is the sign of your wrath on your creation?”

Allah Ta’ala said:

“I send the rains when they harvest the crops, and I withhold the rains when they sow the seeds. I appoint ignoramuses to rule them, and I assign their monetary affairs to their *****rdly ones.”

Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:

“Allah Ta’ala says: ‘I am Allah. There is no deity except Me. I am the King of kings. The hearts of kings are in My Hands when the people obey Me, I turn the hearts of the rulers with benevolence and mercy towards them. Verily, when the people disobey Me. I turn the hearts of the rulers with wrath and vengeance towards them. Then they (the rulers) inflict severe punishment on them. Therefore do not become involved with cursing the rulers. On the contrary engage yourself with thikr and humility so that I protect you against the tyranny of your rulers.”

Hadhrat Ali (radhiyallahu anhu) said:

“Verily, when Allah Ta’ala becomes wrathful on a nation whose destruction He has not ordained by means of earthquakes and disfigurement, then He causes prices to soar; He withholds rain, and He appoints the worst of people to be their rulers.”

Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:

‘Verily, Allah Azza Wa Jal says: ‘I extract vengeance from those on whom is My Wrath with others on whom is My Wrath. Then ultimately I shall cast them all (both groups) into Jahannum”

“Don’t revile the rulers. Supplicate to Allah for their rectitude, for verily, their rectitude is linked to your rectitude.” (i.e. if you reform yourselves, the rulers will become reformed.)

“I take oath by Him in whose control is my life! Command righteous and prohibit evil. (If you do not) then the vilest among you will be appointed rulers over you. Your pious people will then supplicate, but their duas will not be accepted.”

Rulers are the reflections of the deeds of the masses. The rulers are mirrors in which the citizens can view their own deeds. A corrupt people will be saddled with tyrannical and corrupt rulers. Thus Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “Your deeds are your rulers”. Since the rulers are our reflections in the mirror, it is unintelligent to revile our own ugly reflection we see in the mirror. If a beautiful image is desired to be reflected in the mirror, it is necessary for the object in front of the mirror to be beautiful. A very ugly ignorant man who had never seen a mirror in his life once picked up a broken mirror. When he looked in it, he saw his own ugly face. In disgust he threw the mirror to the ground and exclaimed: “No wonder you have been thrown away!” This buffoon reviled the mirror for his own ugliness which was reflected in it. This is the condition of people who revile the rulers. They in fact revile themselves in the same way that the buffoon had thrown away the mirror and reviled it.

In the Hadith Qudsi, we are instructed to reform ourselves and become obedient servants of Allah Ta’ala. He will then either reform and tenderize the hearts of the tyrannical rulers or replace them with kind, benevolent rulers. It is quite obvious from the many Ahaadith of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) as well as stemming from the Qur’aan-e-Hakeem that in general cruel and oppressive rulers are the consequences of the evils of the masses, and that the solution for the oppression and tyranny is not vilification of the tyrants. On the contrary, it is selfvilification, soul-searching, regret and repentance. Moral reformation and submission to the Shariah of Allah Azza Wa Jal will bring about a peaceful revolution which will see either the change of heart of the rulers or their replacement by benevolent rulers. It is also quiet clear that the basic theme of all the Ahaadith on this subject is selfreformation, for only such reformation is the enduring solution for the tyranny of oppressors.

However, shaitaan has succeeded in casting the Ummah into the massive deception of believing that the problem is for example Hosni Mubarak, Gadhaafi, Asad and the host of other kuffaar and munaafiqs who are today at the helm of affairs in the lands of Islam. These tyrants are merely the reflections of the moral degradation, bid’ah, fisq, fujoor and kufr in which the Ummah is today wallowing in a drunken stupor. Removal and killing of the tyrants without moral reformation and submission to the Sunnah is simply the substitution of one system of tyranny for another system of tyranny. The scenario of substitution of tyrannies comes within the scope of the Hadith Qudsi (mentioned above) in which Allah Azza Wa Jal says that both groups – the oppressors and the oppressed who replace the former oppressors – are Mabghoodh Alayhim, i.e. the Wrath of Allah Ta’ala has settled on them. Both groups of scum will be swept into Jahannum. This is the situation prevailing currently in the Arab lands in the aftermath of the socalled stupid ‘Arab Spring’. Both groups are Mabgoodh Alayhim.

The other form of punishment mentioned in the Ahaadith for a flagrantly transgressing and rebellious Ummah when their final destruction has not yet been ordained, but is divinely schemed to be gradual and incremental, is drought, scarcity of essential foodstuff, soaring prices, pestilence, infighting, etc. Then when the hour dawns for the ultimate decree of annihilation, no respite will be granted.

“And, when We decide to destroy a place (town/city, i.e. its people), we command its affluent ones (that is, we grant them leeway to transgress recklessly). Then they indulge in transgression. Thus the decree (of punishment) is ordained for them. Then We utterly destroy them.”

“And, when their appointed time (of annihilation) arrives, it will not be delayed a moment nor advanced.” (Qur’aan) As long as Muslims fail to understand that every particle moves by the direct intervention and command of Allah Azza Wa Jal and that the oppression which rulers inflict on the populace is the decree ofAllah Ta’ala, and the solution for such tyranny is Inaabat ilallaah (Turning to Allah with Repentance), they will remain sinking in an abyss of moral degradation and humiliation to remain the slaves of the western kuffaar. “And not a leaf falls (from a tree) but He is aware of it….”

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Old 04-26-2012, 05:50 PM   #2

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Brother, are you saying that Muslims cannot change their rulers?
Are you saying that if the ruler implements kufr on Muslims, we Muslims cannot remove him from power?

Should a people want to implement Islam after suffering under kufr laws for so long, should they not ask for the previous ruler to step down or implement Islam completely? This was the case in Algeria when the people wanted Islam by the regime refused.

How should Muslims change their conditions? Let us accept that people change what is within themselves and WANT Islam, how do they go about changing the society and government?
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Old 04-26-2012, 08:02 PM   #3

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How do you want to overthrow the ruler if the majority of the masses are irreligious like their rulers? With which power will you manage that?
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Old 04-26-2012, 08:31 PM   #4

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So a people become corrupt first then the corrupt leader emerges? Is this true at all times and in all places? Or can we have a situation where the corrupt leader takes power and oppresses the people and makes them corrupt? In Soviet Russia for example many Muslims were murdered and forced to abandon their religion (eat pork, drink alcohol and the masjids were turned into night clubs).
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Old 04-26-2012, 08:53 PM   #5

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Salam 'Aleykum,

'Umar bin 'Abdul-'Aziz (rah) was VERY GOOD but he ruled for about 3 years maybe, the ruler before him was corrupt and the ruler after him was very corrupt.
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Old 04-26-2012, 09:03 PM   #6

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Why this oppression

At this moment we are protesting against the persecution and oppression of the British
colonial power in India.
At the same time we fear even more the future government that will take over (from
them.) Did not Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) warn us about this? Did he not
in very clear terms explain to us the causes of such goverments and actions? Is there any
fault in the affectionate love, teachings and warnings of Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu
Alayhi Wasallam)?

May my soul, my father and my mother be sacrificed for him!! Never is it possible that
there can be any flaw in his teachings!
He said:

“As you are (as far as your actions are) so will be the rulers that will soon be set over
you.” (Mishkat)

Therefore if we desire the best (and most just) government to rule over us, there will be
only one way of assuring that. And that is righteous deeds.

In a second Hadeeth it is reported: Abu Darda (Radiallahu anhu) reports that Rasulullah
(Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: “Allah says: I am Allah besides whom there is no
Diety, the Master of Kings, King of Kings. Verily the hearts of kings are under the
control of My Hands. When My servants obey me, I turn the hearts of kings and rulers
towards them so that they rule over them with mercy and kindness and when My servants
disobey Me, I turn the hearts of kings and rulers to treat them harshly, with anger and
vengeance. Thereby they mete out torture and oppression. Hence do not occupy
yourselves with praying for curses upon kings and instead turn to Me in remembrance
and with humility. And I will preserve you against the tyranny of the kings.”

Malik bin Maghool says: “I have read a verse similar to this in the Zaboor of Nabi
Dawood (Alayhis Salaam).”
Similar guidance is also given in many similar Ahaadeeth. Among the masnoon duaas to
be recited is this:

“0 Allah, do not because of our sins place in authority to rule over us such as will not
show any mercy to us.”

In the Holy Quran Allah says:

“And so We let some of the evil doers have authority over others because of that which
they earn.”
(SVI v30)

There are various explanations given by the Commentators (Mufassireen) on this verse.
Jalalain (Rahimahumullah) says it means exactly as we explained above (viz that harsh
rulers are placed over people because of the sins of those people). Imam Qatadah
(Rahmatullah Alayh) says that evil jinns are placed over them to chastise the wrongdoers.
Imam A’mash (Rahmatullah Alayh) again says it means that when the deeds of people
become bad, the worst of cruel and unjust rulers are made to rule over them.
Sayyidina Umar (Radiallahu anhu) says: “I have been told that either Nabi Moosa or
Nabi Eesa once asked Allah: “What is the sign of Your being pleased with people?”
Allah replied: “The sign is that at the time of their sowing the fields I send the rains and
at the time of harvesting I keep the rains away. Their administrative affairs I place in the
hands of soft-hearted people and their public finances I allow to be controlled by
generous ones.”
They then inquired: “And what is the sign of Your being displeased with people?”
Allah replied: “The sign is that at the time of sowing the fields I withhold the rains and at
the time of harvest I send torrential rains. Their administrative affairs I place in the hands
of the foolish ones and their public finances I allow to be controlled by stingy persons.”

(Durr Manthoor)

Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: “You people should continue to enjoin
people towards the doing of righteous deeds and you should continue to prohibit them
from evil; otherwise Allah will put into authority over you the worst of people to rule
over you. At such time the best from among you will pray to Allah (for deliverance) and
your prayers will go unanswered.’


Often we feel this doubt within ourselves: Conditions are bad. Why do not the saintly
ones (whose prayers are supposed to be answered) pray for deliverance? People who
have these doubts should look at themselves and ask themselves how much of enjoining
towards good and prohibiting from evil do they perform? When this important duty has
been neglected it is no use hopirig for even their prayers to be answered.

In one Hadeeth it has been said:
“When Allah desires the well-being of a nation, He appoints tolerant good- natured
rulers over them. The learned scholars (Ulema) judge their cases (justly and with
knowledge). And their wealth lies in the hands of the generous ones (so that all benefit
through their generosity). And when Allah desires bad for a nation (because of their
iniquity) He appoints fools to rule over them, their ignorant ones judge their cases and
their wealth lies in the hands of the stingy ones.’’

According to another Hadeeth it is said:
“When Allah is angry with a people and the ultimate extreme punishment like the earth
caving in upon them, or transfiguration of men into animal does not descend upon them,
he causes prices (of commodities) to rise high and rains to be withheld from them and the
worst of people are made to rule over them.”

According to another Hadeeth reported by Jabir (Radiallahu anhu):
Verily Allah says: “I take revenge against those who have earned my anger and then I
shall cast them all into hell.”


For this reason it has been stated in another Hadeeth:
“Do not curse or swear the rulers. Instead pray to Allah for their goodness for indeed
their goodness is their well-being.”

This Hadeeth indicates that abusing, swearing and cursing the rulers is not going to
improve them.
In another Hadeeth we are told:
“Do not occupy your hearts showering abuse on the rulers and kings. instead draw near
to Allah in prayers for them. Perchance Allah will cause their hearts to turn in kindness
towards you.”


Makki Bin Ibrahim (Rahmatullah Alayh) says:
“While we were sitting in the company of Ibn ‘Aun the people started to discuss and
abuse Bilal bin Abi Burdah. Ibn ‘Aun remained silent. They said to him: “It is because of
you that we are abusing and reviling him because of the fact that he had treated you
Ibn ‘Aun replied:
“Every single word of mine becomes registered in my book of deeds. Surely on the Day
of Judgement those deeds will be read out. I so much more prefer that instead of abuse
against another in my book, much Zikr of La Ilaha Iilallah should be registered therein on
that day.” (IHYA)
Once in the presence of a saintly man someone cursed Hajjaaj the great tyrant. The saint
said: “Do not do that. What happens now is because of your own actions. I fear the
possibility that in the event of Hajjaaj being dismissed from office or in the event of his
death, monkeys or swine may be made to rule over you.” (MaqaaFid-ul-Hasanah)

There is a famous proverb in Arabic:

‘Your deeds are your rulers.’

In other words: As your deeds are, so too will be your rulers.
Disregard for the Messenger’s (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) Warnings
Be as it may, it is not my intention to collect and quote all the Ahaadeeth and stories
dealing with this topic. What I intended to indicate here is that all the trials, sufferings
and hardships the Muslims now face have all been clearly prophecised and warned
against by Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). Numerous references are found in
the compilations of Ahaadeeth.
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) clearly and eloquently said that sufferings in
this world are as a result of disobedience to Allah’s commands, whereas good deeds lead
to happiness in this world.

He also showed how specific misfortunes result from specific sins. Similarly he also
showed how specific rewards are the result of specific good deeds. People continue to cry
about their misfortune while hoping for good reward, but they pay no heed to those things
which cause these and upon which they depend. In fact they even oppose the coming into
existence of those causes. They wIlfully and purposely disregard those causes and if
anyone is brave enough to warn them about it, they attack him, and revile him.
Yes indeed we are just like the sick man who suffers from diarrhoea. While having a
running stomach, he takes some scammony every two hours. (Scammony is a medicine
made out of gum resin which is used to bring about a running stomach, i.e. a purgative).
This seems a foolish choice of medicine. But when anyone tries to stop him, he sets upon
the warner calling him a fool. What is the use of this person complaining to high heaven
that his running stomach does not stop when he continues to take scammony?
It is quite amazing to note that nowadays when an ordinary simple doctor, even a nonbeliever,
says something is harmful to health (as some doctors now say that guava juice
causes cholera), you will find that not even the bravest will consume it. Even if a streetsweeper,
or lavatory cleaner, comes along and says that in this lane there is a big black
snake, not even the most courageous one of us will dare enter that lane. If an ignorant
stupid says that a tiger sits waiting along the road, none will venture on that road. The
best you could possibly expect is a person going that way in the company of three or four
companions with a couple of guns, ready to kill.
But here in Islam the truthful and Holy Rasul of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)
informs his people of the beneficial things and warns against evil. He who is the most
loving and wise, - He who is most concerned about the safety, progress and well-being of
this Ummat and is filled with anxiety regarding this Ummat and its plight. He is the one
who truthfully reforms this Ummat and what do we find?
We find that in spite of their lofty claims of respect for him and devotion, they care not
one iota for his injunctions and warnings. What justice is this? If this is not injustice, then
what is it?

If today the government passes a proclamation stating that such-and-such statements are
forbidden an and punishable with ten years imprisonment, you will find the bravest and
most outspoken leaders, speakers and editors will choose their words most carefully for
their own safety.
But the Lord of the world, King of Kings - under whose control fall all governments and
kings - gives a Qur'anic command - a declaration of war against those involved in usury.
And people pay no heed to it.
In the Hadeeth-e-Qudsi He proclaims that bearing enmity against His saintly friends is as
being tantamount to declaration of war with Him.
He announces a curse upon those taking part in usurious transactions.
With regard to wine He curses ten different persons involved in it.
But how many are there whose consciences trouble them as to what they are busy doing?
How many are there who worry about the kind of punishment that may come to them?
Let every man ponder for himself. This is not something others can answer for you.
And if, we, instead of discarding our evil ways, consider that those very ways are ways of
success or progress, then be prepared to engage in a fight with Allah and to bear the
curses of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam). Then also be prepared to continue to
put up with calamities, misfortune and suffering.

“O morning breeze all this has been brought about by you.”

Al-I'tidaal, p 67

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Old 04-26-2012, 10:26 PM   #7

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it is easy to blame others

it takes character to blame the self

all muslims and none muslims should read and remember the incident of taif and our beloved blodied sandals and body
and that heart wrenching dua
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Old 04-26-2012, 10:31 PM   #8

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How do you want to overthrow the ruler if the majority of the masses are irreligious like their rulers? With which power will you manage that?
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Old 04-27-2012, 10:50 PM   #9

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How do you want to overthrow the ruler if the majority of the masses are irreligious like their rulers? With which power will you manage that?

The Prophet essentially engaged in a coup in Yathrib by gaining the the Second Pledge of Aqaba, or the Pledge of War. It was done at night with key members of Aus and Khazraj. And it was done without the Abdullah ibn Ubayy bin Salul knowing, who was supposed to be crowned the first king of Yathrib.

Here is an account of the event at al Aqaba:

We set out for pilgrimage and struck a rendezvous in mid Tashreeq Days. We were accompanied by a celebrity and a notable of ours called ‘Abdullah bin ‘Amr bin Haram, who was still a polytheist. We disclosed to him our intention of meeting Muhammad and exhorted him to join our ranks and give up polytheism lest he should serve as wood for Hell in the Hereafter. He promptly embraced Islam and witnessed the serious meeting at Al-‘Aqabah.
That very night we slept with our people in our camps. After a third of the night had elapsed, we began to leave stealthily and met in a hillock nearby. We were seventy three men and two women Nusaibah bint Ka‘b from the Najjars and Asma’ bint ‘Amr from Bani Salamah. We waited for the Messenger of Allâh until he came in the company of his uncle Al-‘Abbas bin ‘Abdul Muttalib who (though himself not a Muslim yet) adjured us not to draw his nephew away from the protection of his own kindred unless we were fully prepared to defend him even at the risk of our lives. He was the first to speak:

"O you people of the Khazraj — the Arabs used to call the Ansâr (Helpers) Khazraj, whether from Khazraj or Aws — you all know the position that Muhammad holds among us. We have protected him from our people as much as we could. He is honoured and respected among his people. He refuses to join any party except you. So if you think you can carry out what you promise while inviting him to your town, and if you can defend him against the enemies, then assume the burden that you have taken. But if you are going to surrender him and betray him after having taken him away with you, you had better leave him now because he is respected and well defended in his own place."
The Prophet showed deference and sympathy for Abdullah on account of him being denied eventhough he became the chief of the hypocrites. [And on our beloved, ]

The Pledge occurred at night and everyone involved understood it to be of the gravest of life and death importance.

This occurred because the Prophet had a strategy to approach different people and gauge their capabilities in fulfilling the requirements of 'protection', which today amounts to self sustaining governance and economics and the power to wage war.

And this occurred because the Prophet had sent Musab ibm Umayr to Yathrib previously as an emissary to spred the message of Islam. And it is known that he strategically leaders of Aus and Khazraj for Dawah for their conversion would lead to entire tribes converting. And of course the Prophet intentionally gave Dawah to Quraishi leaders for the same reasons- that securing authority and power enables the secure practice of Islam and the greater propagation of Islam to humanity.

Thus, there was a known strategy for Dawah and the cause of establishing Islam in life.

In the face of this from our Deen, the matter of ruling is NOT beyond the reach of the believers. Rather, it is part of the obligation of the believers: to enjoin Good and forbid Evil and to Rule and judge according to what Allah has revealed.

These are fundamental features of the Ummah of Muhammad and the way of the believers.
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Old 04-28-2012, 01:30 AM   #10

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Assalamu alaykum

It is not the rulers alone who should change. Hajjaj said you be like Abu Dhar Gaffari I will be like Umar RA.

Aamaalalkum ummalakum.
Exactly correct. Changing rulers ALONE does not suffice.

Allah saiys what means from 13:11:

Verily Allah does not change a people's condition unless they change their inner selves. And when Allah decides to make a people suffer punishment, no one can avert it. Nor can any be of help to such a people against Allah.
It is my concern that there is a confusion between what the Sunnat of Allah and what is within the realm of human conduct to determine.

Let us approach this matter based on the Original Rule of what Allah Commands, what means of the Holy Quran:

(5:48)Then We revealed the Book to you (O Muhammad!) with Truth, confirming whatever of the Book was revealed before, and protecting and guarding over it. Judge, then, in the affairs of men in accordance with the Law that Allah has revealed, and do not follow their desires in disregard of the Truth which has come to you. For each of you We have appointed a Law and a way of life. And had Allah so willed, He would surely have made you one single community; instead, (He gave each of you a Law and a way of of life) in order to test you by what He gave you. Vie, then, one with another in good works. Unto Allah is the return of all of you; and He will then make you understand the truth concerning the matters on which you disagreed.

(5:49) Therefore, judge between them (O Muhammad!) by what Allah has revealed and do not follow their desires, and beware lest they tempt you away from anything of what Allah has revealed to you. And if they turn away, then know well that Allah has indeed decided to afflict them for some of their sins. For surely many of them are transgressors.

(5:50) (If they turn away from the Law of Allah) do they desire judgement according to the Law of Ignorance? But for those who have certainty of belief whose judgement can be better than Allah's? We, the Ummah of Muhammad , have been granted the Holy Quran and the Shariah by which we are commanded to judge and rule. And if we deviate from these, it is the Sunnat of Allah for us to suffer afflictions until we repent and return.

So the necessity is to motivate the people to return to the Book and the Sunnah, including in governance- ruling and judging- to gain Allah's Pleasure.

Part of that motivation is reviving the thoughts and sentiments about Islam so that the people change their thoughts and sentiments to be in accordance with and in favor of Islam.

[more later ]
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