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Old 04-24-2012, 11:03 AM   #1

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Default am i loving my country to mutch?
is it ok to be nationalist in islam for strange reason i always am proud of my counry and when i see things on the new for example if lets say some country would be steeling oil or land from my country (make a good guess what it is) i would get angry or if theres a divisions i would get sad. I love it to the extent where i would die for it. any way is it good to feel this way. if not how can i not be this extream?
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Old 04-24-2012, 11:34 AM   #2

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is it ok to be nationalist in islam for strange reason i always am proud of my counry and when i see things on the new for example if lets say some country would be steeling oil or land from my country (make a good guess what it is) i would get angry or if theres a divisions i would get sad. I love it to the extent where i would die for it. any way is it good to feel this way. if not how can i not be this extream?
You are no different from white nationalists, who are proud of being white because white people did things and invented stuff.

Most often these people are only proud of their group because they never accomplished anything in their life, so they latch onto the achievements of others who belong to their group.

It's irrational, at least.
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Old 04-25-2012, 04:40 AM   #3

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You are no different from white nationalists, who are proud of being white because white people did things and invented stuff.

Most often these people are only proud of their group because they never accomplished anything in their life, so they latch onto the achievements of others who belong to their group.

It's irrational, at least.
brother i think you mis understood i am not like white nationalists ( neo nazis, red necks etc...) i treet every one the same i am educated i have accompleshed many things
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Old 04-25-2012, 05:35 AM   #4

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We should all think rationally about the level of nationalism we have. Are we willing to fight against our own country if it does something against Muslims? Are we willing to die for our country for an un-Islamic cause (e.g. if our country invades another Muslim country for worldly reasons)?

If we love our country because of our familiarity with it and its culture, then there isn't anything wrong with that. But, if we're willing to become blind in our love for the country at such a level that love for the country supersedes Islam or that we prefer fussaaq from our country over the pious people of another country, then we have a big problem.
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Old 04-25-2012, 06:13 AM   #5

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Love Allah.
Love country for the pleasure of Allah.
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Old 04-25-2012, 06:16 AM   #6

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Ansabiyyah- nationalism or patriotism is haraam since it is a haraam form of pride. Racism is also haraam. I live in the U.S. and it is a beautiful country in regards to the land but I hate the govt and I would not fight for this country rather fight for the land I live on meaning my actual property. Having a flag of a certain country up on a pole or on a wall is haraam because it is a form of pride.
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Old 04-25-2012, 06:25 AM   #7

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Fusailah Rahimahallah narrates: I heard my father that he asked: O Rasulullah ! Is it from 'Asabiyyah that a man loves his people! He said: No, but a man helps his people in their wrong doing is from 'Asabiyyah. (Musnad Ahmad)

'Asabiyyah mean fanatical association on the basis of language, tribe, race, or nation.
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Old 04-25-2012, 07:02 AM   #8

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Fusailah Rahimahallah narrates: I heard my father that he asked: O Rasulullah ! Is it from 'Asabiyyah that a man loves his people! He said: No, but a man helps his people in their wrong doing is from 'Asabiyyah. (Musnad Ahmad)

most of us probably know about the hadith that says love of homeland is part of faith, but apparently there is doubt about its authenticity

maybe we have to remember to remember love the Prophets (as), Awlia, Ahlul Bayt, the scholars, the pious and the Ummah as a whole too.
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Old 04-25-2012, 07:17 AM   #9

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Ansabiyyah- nationalism or patriotism is haraam since it is a haraam form of pride. Racism is also haraam. I live in the U.S. and it is a beautiful country in regards to the land but I hate the govt and I would not fight for this country rather fight for the land I live on meaning my actual property. Having a flag of a certain country up on a pole or on a wall is haraam because it is a form of pride.
a flag on a pole is not haram their evan the islamic chalifet had one
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Old 04-25-2012, 07:20 AM   #10

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flag a particular country is what I stated beloved brother. The Flag of La Ilaha Illallah should be placed on the highest mountain and on every pole etc... so I hope I cleared the confusion
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Old 04-25-2012, 07:35 AM   #11

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flag a particular country is what I stated beloved brother. The Flag of La Ilaha Illallah should be placed on the highest mountain and on every pole etc... so I hope I cleared the confusion
you have cleared it but does this mean that evan islamic republics are supposed to change their flag ex iran,murutainia,pakistan afganistan
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Old 04-25-2012, 07:39 AM   #12

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We should all think rationally about the level of nationalism we have. Are we willing to fight against our own country if it does something against Muslims? Are we willing to die for our country for an un-Islamic cause (e.g. if our country invades another Muslim country for worldly reasons)?

If we love our country because of our familiarity with it and its culture, then there isn't anything wrong with that. But, if we're willing to become blind in our love for the country at such a level that love for the country supersedes Islam or that we prefer fussaaq from our country over the pious people of another country, then we have a big problem.
still i dont know why i but i supporeted the invasion of kuwait will that count as too much ........ if their were an iraqi here he or she might understand why i love iraq so mutch
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Old 04-25-2012, 07:40 AM   #13

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Technically speaking, there is no true Islamic country. No country on this earth implements the Shariah in totality. And the ones that do implement some aspect of the shariah has twisted it to suite their nafs. Think akhi, by saying that we should keep these national flags you are then accepting the boundaries that the kufaar has creating which divided us.
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Old 04-25-2012, 07:43 AM   #14

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is it ok to be nationalist in islam for strange reason i always am proud of my counry and when i see things on the new for example if lets say some country would be steeling oil or land from my country (make a good guess what it is) i would get angry or if theres a divisions i would get sad. I love it to the extent where i would die for it. any way is it good to feel this way. if not how can i not be this extream?

Iraq right now is ruled by evil Zanadiqah (i.e. Rafidhah), who have been installed by America (which means that the whole government are traitors!).
Half of the country are extreme Shi'ah, who hate those whom Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is pleased with (i.e. the Sahabah (radhiallahu 'anhum)) and they commit shirk every day and they're upon a religion which has nothing to do with Islam.
And the new Iraqi Army/Police are the most inhuman people upon this earth and they're either Zanadiqah or apostates!
So I hope you're not proud of them.

And that's why the only ones I love in Iraq are the truthful muslims (no matter whether they're Arabs, Kurds or Turkmens).

and when i see things on the new for example if lets say some country would be steeling oil or land from my country (make a good guess what it is) i would get angry
Brother, the Iraqi people don't get the oil! Nuri al-Maliki - qatalahullah - and all the other politicians get the oil!
So it really does not make any difference whether they steal our oil or whether another country steals it!

I love it to the extent where i would die for it.
One shouldn't want to die for anything except for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, because it's Allah ta'ala who gave us this life and not a country!
And how could one die for Iraq right now? By joining the Army? Then this surely would be Riddah (apostasy) from Islam!
But if it means to protect the muslims in Iraq, then it's a good thing, but the Niyyah should be not to fight for the sake of a country, but to fight for the pleasure of Allah 'azza wa jal.
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Old 04-25-2012, 07:48 AM   #15

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Iraq right now is ruled by evil Zanadiqah (i.e. Rafidhah), who have been installed by America (which means that the whole government are traitors!).
Half of the country are extreme Shi'ah, who hate those whom Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is pleased with (i.e. the Sahabah (radhiallahu 'anhum)) and they commit shirk every day and they're upon a religion which has nothing to do with Islam.
And the new Iraqi Army/Police are the most inhuman people upon this earth and they're either Zanadiqah or apostates!
So I hope you're not proud of them.

And that's why the only ones I love in Iraq are the truthful muslims.

Brother, the Iraqi people don't get the oil! Nuri al-Maliki - qatalahullah - and all the other politicians get the oil!
So it really does not make any difference whether they steal our oil or whether another country steals it!

One shouldn't want to die for anything except for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, because it's Allah ta'ala who gave us this life and not a country!
And how could one die for Iraq right now? By joining the Army? Then this surely would be Riddah (apostasy) from Islam!
But if it means to protect the muslims in Iraq, then it's a good thing, but the Niyyah should be not to fight for the sake of a country, but to fight for the pleasure of Allah 'azza wa jal.
brother i want our government to be over with too (sadly the sunnis are currupt to) and i know were not getting our money i was giving exaples but for example when i ment i will die for it i would die in revelution or over throwing the government or protecting it from its ivaders out of all the people you would understand my pain if you have been in iraq in the 80s 70s or evan the 90s its buitifull but seeing it now is sad i hope you understand now
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Old 04-25-2012, 07:49 AM   #16

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Technically speaking, there is no true Islamic country. No country on this earth implements the Shariah in totality. And the ones that do implement some aspect of the shariah has twisted it to suite their nafs. Think akhi, by saying that we should keep these national flags you are then accepting the boundaries that the kufaar has creating which divided us.
it is deviding us but also if we get every one together their will be cival conflict but i kinda agree with you not compleatly
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Old 04-25-2012, 10:42 AM   #17

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putting up a flag on on one's property with or without La ila ha ilallah written on it is not haram. btw I know of Islamic institutions and Darul ulooms that have put up Canadian flags on poles on their premises. I also know of many Islamic institutions based in Canada that have incorporated the maple leaf into their logos. openly displaying your affiliation with your coutnry is not haram.

similarly being a patriot to one's country is not haram. patriotism does not mean you go with the flow on everything your country does...the writer Mark Twain said something along the lines of "Patriotism is supporting your couitnry when it is correct and opposing it when it is wrong"...or something like that.

i think archiaic reality, a non-scholar, who has made it his duty to fix all of the world's problems, is getting a little over-zealous and time will inshallah temper him a bit. I'm not insulting or mocking him, but I think he's getting carried away here. Btw i like many of the channels you run on youtube, keep up the good work akhi
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Old 04-25-2012, 10:53 AM   #18

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How am I getting carried away? I have never stated nor even tried to fix the world's problems..thats impossible for a human being to do. In regards to patriotism, a muslim's first duty is to Allah. One must defend his/her property even if it be against the very country one lives in. I simply have been pointing out that one is a muslim before ones assignment to nationality. Nationality is used for identification purposes only and should be upheld a tool of reformation. For example, I live in the U.S. and I really dont care who is in office or how they run the country rather I am concerned with muslims that happen to reside in this country and throughout the world and I would never ever put country over fellow muslims. There are muslims who wear their nations flag as a designer hijaab or a thobe that is designed as a particular flag which is absolutely going overboard thus showing an impermissible act of pride. As you pointed out so clearly that I am a non-scholar, which I never stated I was nor pretended to be, I am simply stated fact that nationalism-patriotism can lead to and will lead to arrogance/sinful pride. As to youtube channels, were you stating that you liked my channel and that of Hanafi Militia?
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Old 04-25-2012, 12:10 PM   #19

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still i dont know why i but i supporeted the invasion of kuwait will that count as too much ........ if their were an iraqi here he or she might understand why i love iraq so mutch
bro. Do not support the killing of other Muslims. If there is a war between Muslims its better to be neutral. Rather make dua for unity.

“You’re not supposed to be so blind with Patriotism that you can’t face reality. Wrong is wrong no matter who does it or who says it.”

-Malcom X ( El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz)
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