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Old 01-25-2010, 11:27 PM   #21

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Assalamu Alaikum

Harun Yahya is claiming to be a mahdi. He alters the ahadith about Mahdi. Shayh Cubbeli Ahmet Hodja who is the close student of Shayh Mahmoud Efendi has written a book refuting harun yahya's claims. For instance, Harun Yahya says Mahdi will appear in Istanbul , but there is no ahadith saying so. You can visit Harun Yahya's web page, and read how he changes the ahadith about Mahdi.


Welcome back Efendi! ;-)
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Old 01-25-2010, 11:33 PM   #22

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The reason why salafis/wahabbis attack Deobandis is pure and simple. One has to go back into history to see why. The convention in Mecca in 1926 after the Ottoman empire collapsed was attended by all Ulema across the world. It was at that convention that Ulema-e-Haq of Deoband and in particular Maulana Muhammad Ali Jawhar (ra) addressed Ibn Aziz bin Saud ( the great traitor of Islam) and told him what he thought of his so called sovereignty. Through this defiance by Ulema-e-Haqq of Deoband, the other Ulema from across the world followed suit.

Could you tell us more about what did Maulana Muhammad Ali Jawhar (ra) precisely said?

Also, I kinda agree in the Salafis being a quite bigger problem in the west than the Barelwis: the Barelwis in general are more a folk popular phenomenon of the Subcontinent, and they generally look weird outside there. I can't see a future of Muslims in Europe performing Urs, Naats, Katams, Milaad Shareef with Qiyaam and so on... While the Salafis are more a threat here, for their superficial and sintethical de-culturized Islam.

Many "die-hard Deobandis" coming from the Subcontinent are (in their full right) very hard on Barelwis, after witnessing the bid'ah and even shirk the make there, but they should take note of the fact that here and now (in the "west") we face a different situation than in the Subcontinent, and have different problems and threats..

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Old 01-26-2010, 12:29 AM   #23

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Please explain to us as to what the Shaykh has stated and the name of the book and a summary (if possible).

well, shayh says harun yahya claims mahdi will appear in istanbul, however no hadith saying that. I have not read the whole book, there are some videos on youtube about that issue. There have been some allegations about Harun Yahya for a long time. It is better not to read his books about Mahdi etc. His books about evolution and creation etc are really good.

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Old 01-26-2010, 12:30 AM   #24

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Welcome back Efendi! ;-)
Jazakallah maan, where have you been? You aint online for ages. I guess you became a wali after hajj mashaAllah.
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Old 01-26-2010, 12:44 AM   #25

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well, shayh says harun yahya claims mahdi will appear in istanbul, however no hadith saying that. I have not read the whole book, there are some videos on youtube about that issue. There have been some allegations about Harun Yahya for a long time. It is better not to read his books about Mahdi etc. His books about evolution and creation etc are really good.

He does tend to have a habit of quoting both shia and sunni versions on Imam Mehdi which to the less learned person will cause confusion. If this is his attempt at reconciling the 2 groups then it's a bad attempt because in it he mixes the truth with lies.

As a Sunni he fails to realise that Mecca has NEVER been a Shia city, and no Sunni has EVER given Ba'yah to a Shia. So what makes him and Shias think for a second that Sunnis would give Ba'yah to a Shia Imam "Mehdi" in Mecca??????.

He should keep quiet on these matters because he's confusing himself as well as others.
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Old 01-26-2010, 12:46 AM   #26

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Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh;

HARUN YAHYA is a very courages Muslim leader and widely known with his books on morals of Islam as well as the fact of creation of Allah. I was nineteen years old when I first met his works and books, and right away I started keeping my prayers while I was in university.

He started preaching on the Quran as well as verses and miracles of the Quran in his youth and because of his commitment to Islam, he was prisoned several times and many conspiracies were held against him.

I believe his total conviction to the Quran and the sunnah of our Prophet (pbuh), as well as his sincerity in the Dawah has gathered million around him. And this number is multiplying continually thanks to his great stand against atheism and materialism.

The ones who have the insight to evaluate his deeds as to the Quran would easily see that he is in full obedience to the Quran as well as the sunnah insha'Allah.

May Allah reward all sincere believers and may Allah hasten the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (a.s.)

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Old 01-26-2010, 01:00 AM   #27

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Harun Yahya has great works on Hazrat Mahdi (a.s.), and I advise all my Muslim brothers to follow up his works on the Internet on this issue.
First of all he is giving all sources and books that he uses quotations from. He always uses evidence for all his explanations.
He insists on using proofs because that is the only way to make "scientific" explanations on any subject.

So, I would suggest you to visit:

Mahdi According to Four Sunni Schools

The descent of Prophet ‘Isa (As) and the coming of the Mahdi are subjects “that cannot be denied” in the faith (itiqad) of the people of the people of the sunnah.
According to the beliefs of the people of the Sunnah (the Hanafi, Hanbali, Shafi’i and Maliki schools), the coming of the Mahdi, the descent from the skies of the Prophet ‘Isa (as) and his bestowing the role of imam on the Mahdi are all unquestionable tenets of faith. In this site you may find some trustworthy hadith regarding the coming of the prophet Isa (As) and the blessed Mahdi.

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Old 01-26-2010, 01:08 AM   #28

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Harun Yahya has great works on Hazrat Mahdi (a.s.), and I advise all my Muslim brothers to follow up his works on the Internet on this issue.
First of all he is giving all sources and books that he uses quotations from. He always uses evidence for all his explanations.
He insists on using proofs because that is the only way to make "scientific" explanations on any subject.

So, I would suggest you to visit:

Mahdi According to Four Sunni Schools

The descent of Prophet ‘Isa (As) and the coming of the Mahdi are subjects “that cannot be denied” in the faith (itiqad) of the people of the people of the sunnah.
According to the beliefs of the people of the Sunnah (the Hanafi, Hanbali, Shafi’i and Maliki schools), the coming of the Mahdi, the descent from the skies of the Prophet ‘Isa (as) and his bestowing the role of imam on the Mahdi are all unquestionable tenets of faith. In this site you may find some trustworthy hadith regarding the coming of the prophet Isa (As) and the blessed Mahdi.


with all due respect he also uses Shia sources so please make this clear.
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Old 01-26-2010, 01:35 AM   #29

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Jazakallah maan, where have you been? You aint online for ages. I guess you became a wali after hajj mashaAllah.
LOL I wish you were right!
I don' t come on msn almost anymore, too much time losen there.. I only lose my time here on SF! ;-)
If you come back here on a stable way I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun insha'Allah! ;-)
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Old 01-26-2010, 03:43 AM   #30

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Harun Yahya is choosen as the most effective Muslim by Reuters pole and he is rewarded for his Islamic works by Egypt Islamonline website. The Works of HY is enough to show the meaningless of this question.
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Old 01-26-2010, 06:35 AM   #31

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The following article may be of help:

Harun Yahya, the deviant.

By Faizal Riza

In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Merciful.

Adnan Oktar, also known by his pen name Harun Yahya, is a well known author. He is particularly well known for his stern opposition to Darwinism and the evolution theory. There is no doubt that the Quran clearly tells us that humans were created, and that we did not evolve from apes. “O mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam), and from him (Adam) He created his wife (Hawwa (Eve)), and from them both He created many men and women” (Quran 4:1).

However, along with producing many ‘beneficial’ works, Harun Yahya has shown that he has seriously deviated in the fundamental creed of Islam. In his book ‘The Mahdi is a descendent of the Prophet Abraham” (attached) on pages 215-217 he boldly goes on to suggest that Prophet Mohammed (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) was not the last messenger, and that Imam Mahdi will come as a messenger after him. May Allah protect us from such a deviant belief. A person who does not believe Prophet Mohammed (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) to be the last Prophet and Messenger of Allah has left the fold of Islam and has become a murtadd (renegade). If he calls himself a Muslim without giving up such deviant beliefs, then he becomes a zindeeq. The injunctions of a zindeeq are harsher than that of other murtadds. It is not permissible to have any dealings with a zindeeq, not even buying and selling. (See: Ahsanul Fataawa vol. 6 pg. 388)

The fundamental Islamic creed that Prophet Mohammed (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) is the last prophet and messenger of Allah, and that no other prophets or messengers will come after him, is one that is established from the Quran, the ahaadith, and the consensus of the Muslim ummah. Mufti Shafee (Rahmatullahi Alaih) writes in his Ma’ariful Quran:

“That is why, right from the days of the noble companions (R.A.) uptill today, all the schools of Muslim Ummah are unanimous on the belief that there cannot be any kind of Nabi (Prophet) or Rasool (Messenger) after the Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu Alahi Wa Sallam) and whoever claims to be so is a liar and denier of the Quran and is a disbeliever. The first general consensus of the noble companions (R.A.) had evolved on this very issue as a result of which a holy war (jihad) was fought with Musaylimah, the liar, the false claimant of prophethood, during the period of the first Khalifah Sayyidina Abu Bakr (R.A.), in which he (Musaylimah) and his followers were killed.” (Ma’ariful Quran vol. 7 pg. 177-178)

In the tafseer of the verse, “Muhammad is not a father of any one of your men, but he is a messenger of Allah and the last of the prophets. And Allah is Knowledgeable of everything.” (Quran 33:40), the renowned scholar, Ibn Kathir (Rahmatullahi Alaih), writes:

فهذه الآية نص في أنه لا نبي بعده، وإذا كان لا نبي بعده فلا رسول بعده بطريق الأولى والأحرى؛ لأن مقام الرسالة أخص من مقام النبوة، فإن كل رسول نبي، ولا ينعكس. وبذلك وردت الأحاديث المتواترة عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم من حديث جماعة من الصحابة

“This verse is the unambiguous proof of the belief that there would be no Nabi (Prophet) after the Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu Alahi Wa Sallam) and since there would be no Nabi (Prophet), there is no question of there being any Rasool (Messenger) after him because Nabi is a general term and Rasool is particular. And this is the belief which is evidenced by mutawatir ahaadith which have reached us through the reports of a very large number of the Noble Companions” (Tafseer Ibn Kathir pg. 1504)

After carefully studying the aforementioned pages of the book of Harun Yahya, one would have to have serious doubts about the integrity and intention of the author. It would appear that not only does the author have deviant beliefs, but that he intends to cunningly indoctrinate others with them too. He has boldly and daringly gone against the consensus of the entire Muslim ummah in the explanation of the Quranic verses quoted in the aforementioned pages. Every single tafseer book states that the ‘Ahmad’ referred to in “… and giving the good news of an Apostle who will come after me, his name being Ahmad” (Quran 61:6) is Prophet Mohammed (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam). Numerous vigorously authentic ahaadith affirm that Ahmad is one of the names of Prophet Mohammad (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam). Nonetheless, turning a blind eye to all that, Harun Yahya insists that it refers to Imam Mahdi. (May Allah protect us).

Harun Yahya’s persistence in rejecting a fundamental creed of Islam, his ignoring the clear-cut teachings of the Quran and the hadith, his turning a blind eye to the consensus of the sahabah, the mufassireen, the muhaditheen, the fuqahaa, and the entire Muslim ummah proves that it is not the truth that he wants to believe and propagate.

I would, therefore, advise all the Muslims to be extremely careful in regards to the material produced by Harun Yahya, because carefully hidden in his apparently eloquent writing may well be poison, like the poison in the aforementioned book. And this type of poison not only destroys ones life in this mundane, temporary world, it also destroys ones eternal life, that of the hereafter.

May Allah, the Almighty, through His grace bestow upon us the understanding of deen and may He keep us steadfast on the straight path, the path of His chosen servants. Ameen.

Faizal Riza,

(M.A. Islamic Sciences and Arabic, Wafaqul Madaris Al-Arabiyah, Pakistan; teacher of Islamic sciences and head of Islamic studies department at Darul Ulum College, Victoria, Australia)


P.S: The book of Harun Yahya “The Mahdi is a descendent of the Prophet Abraham” can be downloaded from the following link:
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Old 01-26-2010, 07:14 PM   #32

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Kindly check the above link in which Harun Yahya has quoted (Surat al-A'raf: 157) as a proof of MEHDI in QURAN, however this AYAT clearly refer to the Prophet Mohammed (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam).
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Old 01-27-2010, 01:05 AM   #33

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It seems we got a bunch of "Harun Yahya" supporters who subscribed to the forum just to reply to this thread.
You're welcome, obviously, but it would be more useful if instead of just saying "oh, he's a good Muslim, awarded by X and Y", you actually addressed the arguments against him brought up here.

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Old 01-27-2010, 03:14 AM   #34

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It seems we got a bunch of "Harun Yahya" supporters who subscribed to the forum just to reply to this thread.
You're welcome, obviously, but it would be more useful if instead of just saying "oh, he's a good Muslim, awarded by X and Y", you actually addressed the arguments against him brought up here.

I've notice that alot os these "cult" personalities have new members defending them at all costs whenever they are mentioned here.

Makes me wonder if there are people watching these boards, just waiting to defend their leaders.
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Old 01-27-2010, 03:33 AM   #35

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I've notice that alot os these "cult" personalities have new members defending them at all costs whenever they are mentioned here.

Makes me wonder if there are people watching these boards, just waiting to defend their leaders.

Exactly the same thought I had.

And it would be typical of a cult having its members engaged in browsing the web ready to jump everywhere their cult-leader is criticized..
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Old 04-24-2012, 12:06 PM   #36

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Salaam Brothers & Sisters,
In fact this question is exactly what Harun Yahya tells. The unbelievers around the world have an union against religions, so they have a power. But Muslims do not have union and they waste their time by trying to solve the problem among themselves. I think asking the reliability of sincere Muslims is against supporting Islam. It only helps to divide the Muslims. And knowing that Harun Yahya’s scientific claims of Qur’an are excellent and his works increase many people’s belief and knowing that he wrote more than 300 books and devouted his last 30 years to Islam how can anybody ask such a question about his reliability? How can a person accuse any Muslim that supports Qur’an and Hadiths and who do not say a contrary thing against Qur’an and Hadiths. The first thing that Muslims have to do is not to accuse sincere Muslims but try to make an Islamic Union, a global Islamic Union. Otherwise by asking such questions you make the Satan happy.
I agree with you and I have often seen in this site as well as many other people among our Ummah that they reject the good things of a person because of his bad things. This attitude is wrong and negative. One should take hikmah and good from anywhere one can find. IF Harun Yahya is wrong iN islamic issues why consult him in it. Consult only in the field in which he is expert that is scientific facts. IF Dr.Zakir Naik is wrong in fiqh issues, why consult him in that field. Consult him in Comparative religion study. So we shouldn't be narrow minded to reject the good things as well. Instead of banning everyone, one should develop the insight of differentiating right from wrong instead of narrowing one's scope of study. One can't learn this way. I have seen the same attitude in Tableeghi Jamaat. They believe wrongly that they are the only ones doing dawah and the rest of the groups are not doing the correct dawah. Where as hundreds of thousands of people have come to Islam because of the efforts of all the Dawah groups of the whole world. Same is true about other Islamic groups who criticize TB for their old fashionedness. So there is a mess on all sides and we must be united and correct our attitude and stop pulling each other's leg otherwise we can't propagate our religion in a proper manner which is the sole purpose of sincere and honest da'aees no matter which group they belong to.
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Old 04-24-2012, 12:29 PM   #37

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Shouldn't such people who are very public but are not versed in specific areas remain silent and defer to those with knowledge? How can one trust the words of such a person who deceives in other areas, doesn't remain silent when they should?

I distrust such figures, completely.

May Allah (SWT) forgive me if I've erred.

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Old 04-24-2012, 02:41 PM   #38

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Shouldn't such people who are very public but are not versed in specific areas remain silent and defer to those with knowledge? How can one trust the words of such a person who deceives in other areas, doesn't remain silent when they should?

I distrust such figures, completely.

May Allah (SWT) forgive me if I've erred.

I agree.

We are not debating about the sincerity of Adnan Okart other then what he makes apparent himself.

Regardless of what he supposedly did of merit his methods and approach deserves fair criticism .

He is seen as a comical figure by most people I know other then the ones who are his die hard fans.
Far from being the ideal source of religious knowledge.

I think he follows so many of those loony christian televangelists all over TV and design his shows
around themes of sensationalism and entertainment. Hard for many to give him serious attention.

Sorry if some of his fans are offended but many of us are skeptical of him and its a fact .
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