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![]() There are a total of seventeen doctrines of the Shiahs which are always hidden by them from the Muslims as a part of the implementation of the doctrine of taqiyah (hiding their Shiah beliefs). All of the seventeen doctrines are contained in the holy books of the Shiahs: 1. The world and all of its contents belong to the imams of Shiah. They will give the world to whom they desire and take it away from whom they desire (Usulul Kaafi, pg.259, Al-Kulaini, India ed.). It is clear, a doctrine like this is contrary to the words of Allah SWT in QS Al-A’raf 7: 128, “Indeed, the earth belongs to Allah. He causes to inherit it whom He wills of His servants.” The Shiite belief above shows the equality of the power of the Shiite imams with Allah's and this doctrine is a shirk aqeedah. 2. Ali bin Abi Thalib, who is claimed to be the first imam of the Shiahs, is said to be the first and the last dzat (being), the dhahir (manifest) and the bathin (hidden) such as contained in surah Al-Hadid, 57: 3 (Rijalul Kashi pg. 138). A doctrine of this kind is clearly a kufr on the part of the Shiahs, who lie in the name of Khalifah Ali bin Abi Thalib. With a doctrine of this kind, the Shiahs position Ali as God. And this certainly is a deception of the Shiahs against the Muslims and the purity of their aqeedah. 3. The imams of the Shiahs are the face of Allah, the eyes of Allah and the hands of Allah that bring rahmah (mercy) to the slaves of Allah (Usulul Kaafi, pg. 83). 4. Amirul Mu'mineen Ali bin Abi Thalib is said by the Shiahs to be a representative of Allah in determining the heaven and hell, acquiring something that is not previously acquired by human beings, knowing the good and evil, knowing all things in detail i.e. things which have happened in the past, as well as the ghaib (unseen) (Usulul Kaafi, pg. 84). 5. The wills of the Shiite imams are the wills of Allah too (Usulul Kaafi, pg. 278). 6. The Shiite imams know when their death will come and they themselves determine the time of their death because when an imam does not know such things, then he is not entitled to be an imam (Usulul Kaafi, pg. 158). 7. The Shiite imams know whatever is hidden and they can know and answer anything when asked because they know the unseen things like the way Allah knows (Usulul Kaafi, pg. 193). 8. Allah is bada’ in nature, i.e. He only knows something after it has already happened. However, the Shiite imams have already known things that have not happened (Usulul Kaafi, pg. 40). According to Al-Kulaini (a prominent hadith expert ulama' of the Shiahs), Allah did not know that Husein bin Ali would be killed. According to them, God at first did not know, therefore God made a new Ordinance, in accordance with the existing conditions. However, the Shiite imams already know what will happen. Due to that, according to the doctrine of Shiah, Allah is bada’ in nature (Usulul Kaafi, pg. 232). 9. The ****e imams are the warehouse of Allah's knowledge and also the interpreters of Allah's knowledge. The Shiite imams are Ma’sum (free from error and they never forget, let alone to commit Sin) in nature. Allah commands mankind to obey the Shiite imams, they must not be disobeyed and they are the hujjah (the Argument of Truth) of Allah in heaven and earth (Usulul Kaafi, pg. 165). 10. The Shiite imams are the same as Rasulullah SAW (Ibid). 11. What's meant by 'Shiite imams' are Ali bin Abi Thalib, Husein bin Ali, Ali bin Husein, Hassan bin Ali and Muhammad bin Ali (Usulul Kaafi, pg. 109) 12. The existing Al-Qur’an has been changed, reduced and added (Usulul Kaafi, pg. 670). One example of the Qur'anic verses that has been reduced from the original is the Qur’anic verse of An-Nisa’: 47, according to the Shiah version, it says: “Ya ayyuhalladziina uutul kitaaba aaminuu bimaa nazzalnaa fie ‘Aliyyin nuuran mubiinan”. (Faslul Khitab, pg. 180). 13. According to Shiah, the Qur’an brought by Jibril to Prophet Muhammad has 17 thousands verses, but what remains now only has 6660 verses (Usulul Kaafi, pg. 671). 14. Calling Abu Bakar, Umar, Utsman bin Affan, Muawiyah, Aishah, Hafsah, Hindun and Ummul Hakam as the most disgusting beings on Earth, that they are the enemies of Allah. Whoever is not hostile to them, then his iman to Allah, His Rasul and the Shiite imams is incomplete (Haqqul Yaqin, pg. 519, by Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi). 15. Making halal the nikah Mut’ah, in fact according to the doctrine of Shiah, one who performs nikah mut’ah 4 times has a higher degree than Prophet Muhammad SAW. (Tafsir Minhajush Shadiqin, pg. 356, by Mullah Fathullah Kassani). 16. Making halal the mutual exchange of maidservants for sexual intercourse with their peers. They say, imam Ja’far said to his friend: “O Muhammad, consort with this slave of mine as you desire. If you already don't like, then return her to me.” (Al-Istibsar III, pg. 136, by Abu Ja’far Muhammad Hasan At-Thusi). 17. Rasulullah and the Sahabahs will be resurrected before the day of judgment. Imam Mahdi will come before the day of judgment and he will dig up the graves of Abu Bakar and Umar, which are besides the grave of Rasulullah. After they are brought back to life, both of these men will be crucified (Haqqul Yaqin, pg. 360, by Mullah Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi). Can all the seventeen doctrines of Shiah above be regarded as the aqeedah of Islam as brought by Rasulullah SAW and firmly grasped by the Sahabahs, as well as the Muslims who lived from the time of the Tabi’in until today? Does anyone still believe that Shiah is a part of the Islamic ummah? According to Imam Malik and Imam Ahmad, whoever does not TAKFIR (declare kafir) the aqeedah of Shiah, then he is Kafir. All of the above-mentioned kitabs (books) are the principal kitabs or main references of the Shiahs, in which the positions are similar to the hadith kitabs of Imam Bukhari, Muslim, Ahmad bin Hambal, Nasa’i, Tirmidzi, Abu Daud and Ibnu Majah for the Muslims. Due to that, the efforts of the Shiahs to instill the impression that Shiah is a part of the Muslims, that it only differs in some respects which are not in matters of principle, is a lie and should be rejected sternly!!!. Source: Risalah Mujahidin, 9th edition, 1 Jumadil Ula 1428 / June 2007 |
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Have The Shiahs Fought The Zionists?
Some of the reasons that makes Shiah Rafidhah always embellished are as follows… [=] Shiah is the greatest enemy of America and Israel. [=] Shiah is the main enemy of the Zionist Jews that is so feared, as it has a nuclear installation. The history of Shiah: "Always Stabbing the Ahlus Sunnah from the Back. And They Have Never Fought The Kuffar." [=] The Hizbullah is a figure of the Shiah power which is always courageous in stopping the armies of the Zionist Israel. [=] While Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar, are always acting sweetish with the brain of the Jews, namely America. [=] The Revolution of Khomeini is a revolution of Islam that inspires the struggles of the Islamic movements around the world. Yes, more or less thus were the claims of the activists of this Persian religion (Shiah Rafidhah). In various forums, opportunities, including in the discussion on this blog, those reasons are always presented by them. As if there is no other reasons for Shiah to remain existing on this earth's surface, besides such claims. So what are our views, as the Ahlus Sunnah, on the claims of the Shiah people? Let's discuss it in a concise and practical manner, by asking the help from Allah Al-Hadi… FIRST. Those Shiah Rafidhah people continue to work hard and be very passionate; in order that their religion will be recognized as Islam, that they remain to be viewed as Muslims and that they continue to be a part of the Muslims worldwide. This is the very essence of the spiritual torment that Allah impacts on their hearts, forever. They have sinned greatly for deriding, despising, insulting and praying badness for the wives of the Prophet, the Khulafaur Rashidin and the Sahabahs Radhiyallahu ‘Anhum. So Allah always make them uneasy, worried and desperately wanting the label 'Islam' or 'Muslim'. They are always in the confusion like this, like the Children of Israel who were in confusion for 40 years in the Tiih Wilderness, for having insulted Musa ‘Alaihissalam and Allah Ta’ala. Take a look at those humans who are the adherents of the Persian religion (Rafidhah)… they go everywhere bringing la'nat (curse) from the prayers of la'nat that they recite to insult the best human beings i.e. the Sahabahs Radhiyallahu ‘Anhum. SECOND. In its history, since the time of Ali bin Abi Thalib Radhiyallahu ‘Anhu to this day, know that this Shiah Rafidhah (Persian religion) have never conducted jihad against the kuffar, be they Christians, Jews, Mushrikeen or atheists. Shiah does not have a history of jihad, confronting the kuffar. The “Jihad” of the Shiah people for the most part are directed against the Sunnis, since the olden times until today. At first, the Shiahs in Kufah invited Husein Radhiyallahu ‘Anhu to come to Kufah, they said they wanted to give bai'at. As Husein already set out to Kufah, the ruler at that time (Yazid bin Muawiyah) considered Husein as bughat (dissident/rebel), so that he could be killed. Upon arriving in Kufah, not a single Shiah came out to give bai'at, to help or support Husein. Husein's position was so distressed, to return to Madinah, he had already been regarded as bughat. To ask help from Kufah, not even a single Shiah would help. In the end, Husein was crushed in Karbala. In fact, during that crackdown, not even a nose of the Shiahs showed itself, even to just help the victims from amongst the party of Husein and his family. Now, it's that incident of Husein's murder that are always celebrated and indulged in by the Shiahs in the moments of Ashura. Their tears condemned the murderers of Husein, while their hearts say : “Alhamdulillah Husein and his family have perished in Karbala.” The next “Jihad” of the Shiahs was in assisting Hulagu Khan (Mongol ruler) in quelling the Khilafah Abbassiyah. Then they tried to wipe out the Sunnis in Egypt, but were managed to be beaten by Nuruddin Mahmud Zanki. They continued by stabbing the struggle of Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi. They have always been enemies of the Turkish Ottoman Empire as well, always in cooperation with the countries of the Christian Europe to weaken the Turkish Khilafah. In the contemporary era, The Khomeini Revolution in Iran had eliminated the Ahlus Sunnah in Iran. They are also stabbing the struggles of the Mujahideen in Afghanistan. They slaughtered the Ahlus Sunnah in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, in fact they are almost overpowering Bahrain. In brief, there is no Jihad of the Shiahs in history, except the “jihad” that were directed at destroying and devastating the Sunnis. Classical and modern history have already laid out the facts. In fact, in the Iran Contra Gate case, a big scandal was uncovered. It turned out that behind the Counter movement in Nicaragua, America was supplying weapons to the guerrillas. Where did the funds come from? From the outcomes of oil dealing cooperation with Iran. Whereas, in the world campaign, America is known to be in conflict with Iran. But behind that, there is a ridiculous “oil dealings” farce. This case is very famous , so much so that an American colonel was sacrificed as its casualty. THIIRD. What the heck were done by the Hizbullah (Shiah Rafidhah) in Lebanon to Israel? Is it involved in an open war with Israel? Did it occupy the territory of Israel and attempt to expel the Jewish population? Apparently, the Hizbullah's actions were just firing mortars in the direction of the Israeli forces or the territory of Israel. Or firing guns, or anti-tank rockets. That's all. They are never engaged in open warfare vis a vis, like the fighters of the Ahlus Sunnah in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya and others. So in brief, those actions of the Hizbullah were just a sort of “playfulness” to dispose of the light ammunitions. That 's all. FOURTH. In the history of the Arab-Israeli war, since the independence in 1948, Israel has repeatedly fought against the Arab forces. The famous ones are the 1948 war, the 1967 war and the 70's war. They are often called the Arab-Israeli war. After that, there has not been any significant war. In this history, again and again, there was no role of Iran whatsoever. In fact, when Gaza was devastated by Israel in 2008-2009, Iran again was not involved whatsoever. So, nothing is impressive about the adherents of the Persian religion (Shiah Rafidhah), they have nothing to be proud of? FIFTH. According to Ustadz Farid Okbah, there are so many Jews in Iran. According to information, the amount could reach 50,000 souls. They can live safely and prosperously in Iran, whilst the life of the Ahlus Sunnah was miserable there. Iran has a “welcoming” attitude towards the Jews, but very offensive towards the Muslims. This is a very sad reality. Hence, it is not wrong if there is someone who says, Rafidhah is more sadistic than the other kuffars. A very unique example is the cooperation between Hamas and Iran. A lot of people said, Hamas always cooperate with Iran. It was based on the attitude of Sheikh Al-Bana who ever commented that, the Shiahs are fellow Muslim brothers too. That they are equally Ahlul Qiblah. But the truth is, tens of thousands of the Ikhwanul Muslimin in Syria were slaughtered by the regime of Hafezh Assad. Apparently, that regime and his son's, were assisted by Iran too. Now, it's very ironic. Hamas cooperates with Iran, while Al-Ikhwan in Syria were slaughtered by the regime of Syria which is supported by Iran. SIXTH. As for the propaganda that says that, Shiah Rafidhah is the enemy of the Zionist Israel, all this is just sheer propaganda. In truth, they are the best of friends, they are close friends who mutually help each other, some being the wali (guardian) over the other. They will never engage in warfare forever. The Jews need Iran, as the enemy of the Ahlus Sunnah. While Iran needs the Jews, also as the enemy of the Ahlus Sunnah. In the hadith of Prophet (SAW), it is also mentioned that soon Dajjal would appear in Isfahan (one of the cities in Iran which currently has massive Jewish population) with 70,000 forces. The Jews need Iran, because out of it would appear their leader. And in the Shiah literatures, the figure of Dajjal is actually the figure of “Al-Mahdi Al-Muntazhar” whom they are always waiting for. Thus, there are many similarities between Shiah and the Jews. SEVENTH. The next very startling fact. It turns out that the Shiah Iran also establishes cooperation with China and Russia, the two prominent Communist states. They are generally cooperating in industry, trade and arms dealing matters. When America intended to apply sanction due to Iran's nuclear installation, China and Russia immediately vetoed that decision. Both countries openly defended Iran. Similarly, they are also defending the regime of Bashar Assad (May Allah Al-Aziz soon break the head of this miscreant human being, amin ya Mujibas sa’ilin) from the threat of an international sanction. Whereas we know that the regime of Syria has a very close connection with Iran. Therefore, we can make our own conclusion as regards the position of Iran in the eyes of China, Russia and the regime of Syria. So if later we hear the propaganda that suggests that Shiah is anti-Jews, Shiah is anti-America, Shiah is anti-Zionist and so on… -Yeah right, I'll just laugh- do not take it serious. Take it as just an oral “sport” (to borrow the term of a rotten politician). Shiah will forever be friends with the kuffar and very spiteful towards the Muslims (Ahlus Sunnah). They were born out of our history, but their existence and hearts belong to the kafir people. Na’udzubillah wa na’udzubillah min dzalik. May this simple article be useful. May we become more aware, that Shiah Rafidhah is not a friend. They need the term “friend” while they are still weak. Later, when they are strong they would devastate the Ahlus Sunnah. But enough is Allah Ta’ala as our Wali, Protector and Helper. He is the best Protector and Guardian. Walhamdulillahi Rabbil a’alamiin. Original article in Indonesian by : AM Waskito |
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Assalam-o-alykum WRB All we know that Muslim Ummah is passing through very critical stage. Enemy of Islam are united and they are using "divide and conquer" policy to break the Ummah. It is very important that we work for the unity of Ummah and do not propagate or involve an any issue that divides the Ummah. "And hold fast, all of you together, to the rope of Allah (i.e. this Quran), and do not divided. And remember Allah's favour on you, for you were enemies and He joined your hearts so that you became as brothers by His grace; and (how) you were upon the brink of an abyss of fire, and He did save you from it. Thus Allah makes clear His Ayat(signs, evidence) to you, that you may be guided" (Noble Quran: Surah-3-Al-Imran-Verse-103) "And obey Allah and His Messenger, and do not dispute (with one another) lest you lose courage and your strength departs, and be patient. Surely, Allah is with those who are As-Sabirun (the patient). (Noble Quran: Surah-8-Al-Anfal-Verse-46) جزاك اللهُ خيراً Jazakallahu Khayran السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ![]() |
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