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Old 03-04-2012, 09:14 PM   #1

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Default Fard Salah

When we read Fard Salah with the Imaam( 4 Fard - Zhur/Asr , you read Al Fathia and a Surah and the last 2 rakahs you read AL-Fathia only?

Maghrib/3 Fard - The 1st 2 rakahs you stay quiet the last rakah you read Al - Fathia only?

Fajr - stay slient and follow the Imaam

Can anyone answer it and explain please?
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Old 03-04-2012, 11:06 PM   #2

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For Salaat Read Behind An Imam Apart From Reading Thana - Tasbeeh - And At Tahiyaat - Takbeer

The Recitation Of The Imam Will Be Enough

Even When The Imam Is Quiet In The Zuhr And Asr Salaah As Well As Those In The Other Prayers Such As The 3rd And 4th Rakaah

You Still Stay Quiet


Answer 6736
October 03, 2002

According to the Hanafi Madhab, it is Makrooh-e-Tahrimi to read anything behind the Imaam in the standing posture in every Salaat.

If you are a Hanafi, it is Waajib for you to strictly adhere to the Hanafi Madhab.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai
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Old 03-04-2012, 11:50 PM   #3

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For Salaat Read Behind An Imam Apart From Reading Thana - Tasbeeh - And At Tahiyaat - Takbeer

The Recitation Of The Imam Will Be Enough

Even When The Imam Is Quiet In The Zuhr And Asr Salaah As Well As Those In The Other Prayers Such As The 3rd And 4th Rakaah

You Still Stay Quiet


Answer 6736
October 03, 2002

According to the Hanafi Madhab, it is Makrooh-e-Tahrimi to read anything behind the Imaam in the standing posture in every Salaat.

If you are a Hanafi, it is Waajib for you to strictly adhere to the Hanafi Madhab.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai
So every fard salaat i read behind the imaam, i stay quiet all the way?
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Old 03-05-2012, 12:56 AM   #4

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So every fard salaat i read behind the imaam, i stay quiet all the way?

not all the way, you say everything apart from the surah faatihah and adjoining surah while standing up
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Old 03-05-2012, 01:35 AM   #5

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not all the way, you say everything apart from the surah faatihah and adjoining surah while standing up
Do you mean this:

Rabbana Lakal Hamd [when Imam says Sami Allahu liman Hamidah]
Subhana rabbiyal 'adheem/azeem in the ruku,
Subhana rabbiyal a'la in sajdah
tahiyatu lillahi, durood, and the dua after durood in the sitting posture with imam.
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Old 03-05-2012, 07:16 AM   #6

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Do you mean this:

Rabbana Lakal Hamd [when Imam says Sami Allahu liman Hamidah]
Subhana rabbiyal 'adheem/azeem in the ruku,
Subhana rabbiyal a'la in sajdah
tahiyatu lillahi, durood, and the dua after durood in the sitting posture with imam.
yes say all of that, also you can repeat after the Imam whatever isn't the surah faatihah and the adjoining surah, such as all takbirs, and samiAllah huliman hamidha, etc, also remember to end the Salaah by saying 'SALAAM', you have to say that allthough the Imaam says it for it is waajib and so is the At Tahiyaat; basically if you dont say anything at all in the salaats [except the first Takbir] behind Imaam the salaats will still be accepted [but you should say all of that listed above], but if you dont say the At Tahiyaat and 'salaam' at the end, you will have to repeat the salaah

you must also say the initial takbeer [saying Allahu Akbar at the beginning of salah] which is fard; omitting it will invalidate one's salaah
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Old 03-06-2012, 12:08 AM   #7

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yes say all of that, also you can repeat after the Imam whatever isn't the surah faatihah and the adjoining surah, such as all takbirs, and samiAllah huliman hamidha, etc, also remember to end the Salaah by saying 'SALAAM', you have to say that allthough the Imaam says it for it is waajib and so is the At Tahiyaat; basically if you dont say anything at all in the salaats [except the first Takbir] behind Imaam the salaats will still be accepted [but you should say all of that listed above], but if you dont say the At Tahiyaat and 'salaam' at the end, you will have to repeat the salaah

you must also say the initial takbeer [saying Allahu Akbar at the beginning of salah] which is fard; omitting it will invalidate one's salaah
When we read sana behind the imaam,

"Subhana Kalla Humma Wa Bee Hamdika Wata Baara Kasmooka Wa Ta'ala Jaddoo Ka Wa La ilaha Ghairuka"
"Aaoo Zoo Billahee Minash Shaitaunir Rajeem"
"Bismillah Hir Rahmaanir Raheem

Is that correct?
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Old 03-06-2012, 05:32 AM   #8

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yes say all of that, also you can repeat after the Imam whatever isn't the surah faatihah and the adjoining surah, such as all takbirs, and samiAllah huliman hamidha, etc, also remember to end the Salaah by saying 'SALAAM', you have to say that allthough the Imaam says it for it is waajib and so is the At Tahiyaat; basically if you dont say anything at all in the salaats [except the first Takbir] behind Imaam the salaats will still be accepted [but you should say all of that listed above], but if you dont say the At Tahiyaat and 'salaam' at the end
, you will have to repeat the salaah

you must also say the initial takbeer [saying Allahu Akbar at the beginning of salah] which is fard; omitting it will invalidate one's salaah Brother, are you sure about this??? If this is not done, it invalidates one's prayer?
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Old 03-06-2012, 05:47 AM   #9

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Brother, are you sure about this??? If this is not done, it invalidates one's prayer?
If you dont say it, you haven't even entered the salah. You must say takbeerat-ul-ihram to start the salah.
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Old 03-06-2012, 09:40 PM   #10

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If you dont say it, you haven't even entered the salah. You must say takbeerat-ul-ihram to start the salah.
Brother a.s,
you misunderstood me.
What i meant was that despite the imam saying the takbeer in the beginning and salaam at the end, do we still have to repeat the takbeer and salaam???

Isn't the takbeer and salaam said by the imam enough?
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Old 03-07-2012, 12:01 AM   #11

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Brother a.s,
you misunderstood me.
What i meant was that despite the imam saying the takbeer in the beginning and salaam at the end, do we still have to repeat the takbeer and salaam???

Isn't the takbeer and salaam said by the imam enough?

No, they have to be said. Especially the takbeer at-tahreemah. You're technically not following the Imam until you say this first takbeer. When you say the first takbeer, THEN you're following the Imam and almost everything he recites from then on is sufficient for you. The tashahhud (at-tahiyyaat) also has to be recited because it is from the waajibaat. Forgetting to say the tashahhud requires a sajdah sahw. Forgetting to say the takbeer at-tahreemah requires a repeat of the salah.

Here's a link with an easy list of what the fardh acts are, what the wajib acts are, etc. (don't be alarmed that it's in the kids' section! Many adult Muslims don't know this stuff):
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Old 03-07-2012, 11:02 PM   #12

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For Salaat Read Behind An Imam Apart From Reading Thana - Tasbeeh - And At Tahiyaat - Takbeer

The Recitation Of The Imam Will Be Enough

Even When The Imam Is Quiet In The Zuhr And Asr Salaah As Well As Those In The Other Prayers Such As The 3rd And 4th Rakaah

You Still Stay Quiet


Answer 6736
October 03, 2002

According to the Hanafi Madhab, it is Makrooh-e-Tahrimi to read anything behind the Imaam in the standing posture in every Salaat.

If you are a Hanafi, it is Waajib for you to strictly adhere to the Hanafi Madhab.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai
When we read sana behind the imaam,

"Subhana Kalla Humma Wa Bee Hamdika Wata Baara Kasmooka Wa Ta'ala Jaddoo Ka Wa La ilaha Ghairuka"
"Aaoo Zoo Billahee Minash Shaitaunir Rajeem"
"Bismillah Hir Rahmaanir Raheem

Is that correct?
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Old 03-08-2012, 03:24 AM   #13

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When we read sana behind the imaam,

"Subhana Kalla Humma Wa Bee Hamdika Wata Baara Kasmooka Wa Ta'ala Jaddoo Ka Wa La ilaha Ghairuka"
"Aaoo Zoo Billahee Minash Shaitaunir Rajeem"
"Bismillah Hir Rahmaanir Raheem

Is that correct?
yes, i think you do say upto bismillah hirahmanerraheem, but do double check this with scholars
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Old 03-08-2012, 03:36 AM   #14

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Brother a.s,
you misunderstood me.
What i meant was that despite the imam saying the takbeer in the beginning and salaam at the end, do we still have to repeat the takbeer and salaam???

Isn't the takbeer and salaam said by the imam enough?
the first takbir is fardh, therefore it ahs to be said by the follower; what suffices of the Imams prayer is the 'recitation' and that is considered to be the Quranic surahs; nothing esle...

the atahiyat is wajib and so is the 'Salaam' part of the last 'Assalamualikum warohmothullah', thus they have to be said [silently ofcourse] by the follower too; if a follower misses them and salaah is completed, then salaah has to be repeated for missing a wajib of the salaat messes up the salaat and makes it worthless...

missing the first takbir will invalidte the salaah for it is fardh, but missing the wajibs does not invalidate it in that the fardh would have been offered, but it becomes worthless to the extent where scholars say it should be repeated, however they also say that if a person has missed out the wajibs on many salaah's and it would be difficult for him to make them all up, then he could leave it and just ask forgiveness of Allah and hope and pray that they get accepted

to clarify, of the two 'Assalamualikum warohmothullah' at the end, just saying once the 'salaam' part of one of those is wajib, so as long as a person at least has said the 'salaam' bit [of any one of the two salaams] once, then the wajib will be fulfilled
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Old 03-08-2012, 11:08 PM   #15

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the first takbir is fardh, therefore it ahs to be said by the follower; what suffices of the Imams prayer is the 'recitation' and that is considered to be the Quranic surahs; nothing esle...

the atahiyat is wajib and so is the 'Salaam' part of the last 'Assalamualikum warohmothullah', thus they have to be said [silently ofcourse] by the follower too; if a follower misses them and salaah is completed, then salaah has to be repeated for missing a wajib of the salaat messes up the salaat and makes it worthless...

missing the first takbir will invalidte the salaah for it is fardh, but missing the wajibs does not invalidate it in that the fardh would have been offered, but it becomes worthless to the extent where scholars say it should be repeated, however they also say that if a person has missed out the wajibs on many salaah's and it would be difficult for him to make them all up, then he could leave it and just ask forgiveness of Allah and hope and pray that they get accepted

to clarify, of the two 'Assalamualikum warohmothullah' at the end, just saying once the 'salaam' part of one of those is wajib, so as long as a person at least has said the 'salaam' bit [of any one of the two salaams] once, then the wajib will be fulfilled
as a brother mentioned, if a wajib of salaah is missed and salaah has not been completed yet, then after the Imam does the first salamualikum wr, two extra sajdahs should be done to correct this error, thereafter salaah wont need to be repeated, and even if imam has finished doing both the salaams at the end [and so has the follower] and the follower remembers he has missed a wajib, then as long as he has not done anything esle which would normally break the salaah [ such as talk], then the two extra sajdah's can still be done then
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Old 04-03-2012, 04:54 AM   #16

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For Salaat Read Behind An Imam Apart From Reading Thana - Tasbeeh - And At Tahiyaat - Takbeer

The Recitation Of The Imam Will Be Enough

Even When The Imam Is Quiet In The Zuhr And Asr Salaah As Well As Those In The Other Prayers Such As The 3rd And 4th Rakaah

You Still Stay Quiet


Answer 6736
October 03, 2002

According to the Hanafi Madhab, it is Makrooh-e-Tahrimi to read anything behind the Imaam in the standing posture in every Salaat.

If you are a Hanafi, it is Waajib for you to strictly adhere to the Hanafi Madhab.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai
So reading behind the imaam, i don't read no surah fathia.

Apart from that the rest of the salaah, sunnats,nafls,witr - all normal salaah.
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Old 04-05-2012, 12:54 AM   #17

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We only recite sana behind the imaam and for fard we dont read a surah for the last 2 rakahs and the last 3rd rakaah and fajr we recite it. Can someone tell me that this is only for fard and the rest of the rakahs such as sunnah nafl Witr are normal?
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Old 04-05-2012, 01:06 AM   #18

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We only recite sana behind the imaam and for fard we dont read a surah for the last 2 rakahs and the last 3rd rakaah and fajr we recite it. Can someone tell me that this is only for fard and the rest of the rakahs such as sunnah nafl Witr are normal?

In sunnah, you have to read surahs in all rakats.
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