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Old 07-23-2010, 04:53 AM   #1

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Default Naqshabandi Tariqa? Info needed
Salamu Alaikum i am trying to collect material/information on the Naqshabandi Tariqa so pls share if you have good authentic information (i am not interested in the Haqqani's/Kabbani's etc since they are quiet controversial)
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Old 07-23-2010, 04:58 AM   #2

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brother what type of information do u need ?
Book recommendations,Ebooks,Articles,PDF's on the history of the Tariqa/Wird/Scholars anything would be helpful.
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Old 07-23-2010, 05:12 AM   #3

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www.tasawwuf.org is a good place to start.
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Old 07-23-2010, 06:04 AM   #4

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extreme i am from the nashbandia owasia order and there is an error in the shajra which u posted it states that mirza ahsan baig is the 12th sheikh. i must clarify that this is incorrect. the final sheikh at the moment is hazrat maulana allah yar khan r.a. it used to be akram awan but his khilafat has been finished and it is now back in the control of hazrat maulana allah yar khan r.a
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Old 07-23-2010, 06:27 AM   #5

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Old 09-29-2010, 07:33 AM   #6

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aslamo alaikum peace be on you
I wanted to find out that does the Naqshbandi tariqa have khalwa. JazakAllah khair
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Old 09-29-2010, 03:23 PM   #7

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extreme i am from the nashbandia owasia order and there is an error in the shajra which u posted it states that mirza ahsan baig is the 12th sheikh. i must clarify that this is incorrect. the final sheikh at the moment is hazrat maulana allah yar khan r.a. it used to be akram awan but his khilafat has been finished and it is now back in the control of hazrat maulana allah yar khan r.a

(Sorry to divert slightly)

How does ones khilafat finish, who decides?
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Old 09-29-2010, 05:04 PM   #8

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Can somebody please explain to me the controversy with Sheikh Hisham Kabbani???
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Old 09-29-2010, 07:01 PM   #9

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Can somebody please explain to me the controversy with Sheikh Hisham Kabbani???
Salam alaikum,

There were so much threads on this issue that I don't think that anyone want to engage in a debate. just make a search and you will find the threads where the subject was discussed.

Wa salam
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Old 02-08-2012, 09:47 PM   #10

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Dear Saqfu,

Assalamu alaikkum. This is Javed writing to you. This is with some agony that I am writing to you. It is about that the negative rumours that are being floated around about the Silsila NaqshbandiahAwaisiah and its present Sheikh. A very unhealthy and hateful campaign is on in many places, started by Mirza Ahsan Baig and Buniyaad Hussain. None of these two have been nominated as the next sheikh of the Silsila. Your statement that khilafath from Hazrath Muhammad Akram Awan (Madda-Zillahul-Aali) has been taken back is baseless. Can you provide any valid proof supporting your statement ?. Please donot say that Mirza Ahsan Baig was informed about this through his Kashaf, who knows if his Kashaf is authentic? Or Who knows even he has Kashaf or not?

I will list out the following details in support of my statement.

1. Hazrath Maulana Allah Yar Khan's (R.A.) sermon at Langar Maqhdoom, at the Chaurasia of Khwaja Allah Din Madani (R.A.), nominating Hazrath Muhammad Akram Awan (Madda-Zillahul-Aali) as his successor. Mirza Ahsan Baig was not even avaialable there. Recorded audio tapes of this bayan is also available.

2. Hazrathji Maulana Allah Yar Khan's (R.A.) namaz-e-janaza was conducted by Hazrath Muhammad Akram Awan (M.A.)

3. All the close associates of Hazrath Maulana Allah Yar Khan (R.A.) joined Hazrath
Muhammad Akram Awan (M.A.) as his Khulafa. These include Professor Abdur Razzaq Sahab (R.A.), one of the most renowned disciples of Hazrath Maulana Allah Yar Khan (R.A.). Colonel Matloob Hussain who was naazim-e-aala with Hazrath Maulana Allah Yar Khan's (R.A.) joined Hazrath Muhammad Akram Awan (M.A.). Khaadim-e-sheikh Hazrath Malick Ahmed Nawaz Khan also joined Hazrath Muhammad Akram Awan (M.A.). Even Mirza Ahsan Baig and Buniyaad Hussain did baith at the hands of Hazrath Muhammad Akram Awan (M.A.). Now they are involved in mud slinging against the current Sheikh of the silsila.

4. In one of your books we saw a few attributes of Sheikh have been described. These are huge amount of confidence, massive patience, leaderly looks and also should be a scholar. Hazrath Muhammad Akram Awan (M.A.) is in possession of all these attributes Further, his scholarly traits can also be understood from the quantity and quality of books he has written.But at he same time it has been Allah's will that Mirza Ahsan Baig be bitten by a snake. What a contradiction.

How did you begin to follow this person. We come to understand that this person with Minhaj in Malaysia are showering huge funds on the poor fund seekers from India and Bangladesh and taking them to their way. The way to hell. What we would request is please analyze these points, then take a decision. Come away from this person. Come to the right path. You will be the only one to be
May Allah bestow good sense to all of us.
You, like many of the devout muslims around the world, must have been on the lookout for the right guide for your spiritual purification. I read the pamphlets, which have been given to a few people.

First of all, one clear truth. Hazrath Moulana Allah Yar Khan (R.A.), founded this silsila of Naqshbandiah Awaisia. For decades, he taught his disciples, Zikrullah, and cleansed them of their impurities. A huge number of people did Baith, at his hands. He had three deputies, Hazrath Moulana Muhammad Akram Awan (Madda-zillahul-aali), Mirza Ahsan Baig and Buniyaad Hussain. Out of these, the most enlightened and gifted disciple, Hazrath Moulana Muhammad Akram Awan (Madda-zillahul-aali), was nominated as his successor by Hazrath Moulana Allah Yar Khan (R.A.), during his life time. There are recorded Bayaans of Hazrath Moulana Allah Yar Khan (R.A.), wherein he nominates Hazrath Moulana Muhammad Akram Awan (Madda-zillahul-aali) as his successor, in presence of a congregation. This in addition, there is also an article named “Qartas-e-abiyad” written Professor Abdur Razzaq Sahab, which contain these events. Further, there is also one more document, viz., “Almia”, which contains the will Hazrathji Moulana Allah Yar Khan(R.A.). This was the order of Hazrath Moulana Allah Yar Khan (R.A.). Mirza Ahsan Baig and Buniyaad Hussain, did baith, at the hands of Hazrath Moulana Muhammad Akram Awan (Madda-zillahul-aali). They subsequently, seem to have got an idea of starting their own shop and broke this baith. In Sufism, if once a link is broken, and baith is broken, all the manazil are lost. You can do Zikr, and you can see light, but you cannot progress in Sulook, and where is the question of making the students progress in the path of Sulook. All the claims of elevating the disciples in the path of sulook, by Ahsan Baig, are blatant lie. He cannot possess any spiritual purification, nor can he give anything to others, as his own link is broken, and these people have simply opened shop, to sell themselves.

Further, it had been mentioned in the pamphlet "For those people, who are not with Ahsan Baig, Allah is not happy with them. Even Mashaikheen are not happy with him". What is the purpose of such a statement. To whom, has these words been addressed. These words have the fragrance of politics about them. No sufi has said this, nor has any sufi played any partisan politics with people. As we have mentioned above, you would have realized, with whom is Allah. All the events and the present activities point to only one truth, as to Hazrath Moulana Muhammad Akram Awan (Madda-zillahul-aali), being the rightful heir, nominated by Hazrath Moulana Allah Yar Khan (R.A.), and obviously, Allah will be only with him and his rightful disciples.

Further, Buniyaad Hussain, seems to have written a letter, in your book “Taaroof”, which runs something like this::
“Just like there were people, who made false claims about Nabuvvath, there are people, who make false claims of Vilayath.. These people will have to reply on the day of Qayamath”

What does this mean? By this time, you would have realized, that the truth is with Hazrath Moulana Muhammad Akram Awan (Madda-zillahul-aali), and it is these persons, who are with you, are lying. They will have to face the wrath of Allah, on the day of Qayamath, and they and they alone will be answerable to Allah, Insha Allah, because, the purpose, the cause and the action of Hazrath Moulana Muhammad Akram Awan (Madda-zillahul-aali) are nothing but truth, truth and truth.
It seems that, these people you are with, are drawing reference to Hazrath Moulana Allah Yar Khan (R.A.)'s book "DALAEL-US-SULOOK". They have not developed anything beyond that. Nor is their any reference of these people doing any Bayaans for the guidance or benefit of these people. This speaks volumes about their lack of knowledge and wisdom, in the line of Sufism. In contrast, there are 100s of video and audio CDs of Hazrath Moulana Muhammad Akram Awan (Madda-zillahul-aali), which are a treasure trove for the guidance of humanity. Further, the veracity of the present Shaikh being the true successor of Hazrath Moulana Allah Yar Khan (R.A.) can be verified from the fact that he is conducting Zikr from the place, where Hazrath Moulana Allah Yar Khan (R.A.) did, during his life time. Further, knowledge and wisdom of the present sheikh, can also be gauged by reading his commentary on Quran, viz., "Asrar-ut-Tanzil", a dream of Hazrath Moulana Allah Yar Khan (R.A.), coming true. Further, it was also the dream of Hazrath Moulana Allah Yar Khan (R.A.), to start a monthly magazine for Sufism, which has been fulfilled by the present Shaikh. The magazine being published is "Al-Murshid". Further, there are more books by Hazrathji Moulana Allah Yar Khan(R.A.).

Further more, there are 100s of silsila books written by the present Shaikh and his closest disciples, which are a wealth of guidance for the true seekers. In contrast, Mirza Ahsan Baig does not have any such mastery, at his command, simply proving that he is here to sell himself, not spread the Name of Allah. Our purpose is not to delink you from Mirza Ahsan Baig, but to forewarn you. Let you be warned and beware of these hypocrites, these people are out to make a fool of people in the name of Sufism. Do Taubah, and reform yourself. This is heartfelt wish that you come back from the path of having gone astray. May Allah bless us all.

We feel duty bound to clear certain misconceptions, amongst people, we feel constrained to write to you yet again. In Tasawuff (Sufism), it is the words of the Shaikh which matter. It is the order of Shaikh, which brings you Divine Refulgence, it is the order of Shaikh, which takes your spirit through the path of Sulook. If his orders are betrayed, and if his orders are not followed, there is no question of receiving any Divine Refulgence, forget progress in the path of Sulook. Islam is not a right to follow, Islam is a matter of following the Right. This word of "right" is fraught with danger. It is this "right" which we see in the infidel movements like Ehle-Hadees, Jamaat-e-Islami and Tableegh Jamaat, which is taking their toll.

Our purpose is not to convince you to follow us, but to convey to you the truth. We have sat in the majlis of Ahsan Baig, but we haven't seen any light, nor did we see any one progress in Sulook. But with Hazrath Muhammed Akram Awan Sahab (Madda-Zillahul-Aali), we have seen huge quantity of Divine Refulgence, we have seen Salikeens receiving the same, we have seen saalikeens progressing in Sulook, we have seen how high Shaikh is in his Maqaam, and we are also seeing how he is taking us in the path of Sulook.

Further, Ahsan Baig and Buniyad Hussain, have been promoting just one book of Hazrathji (R.A.) "Dalael Us Sulook". But there are about 24 books of Hazrathji (R.A.) which have not even been taken a look at. In addition to this, there are other books written by Professor Abdur Razzaq, one of our Silsila Saathi. Further, there are dozens of books written by the present Shaikh Hazrath Mohammed Akran Awan (M.A.). In comparision, are there any books written by Ahsan Baig or Buniyaad Hussain. Where there is light, there is wealth and treasure of knowledge. There is only one successor in Tasawwuf, and it is Hazrath Hazrath Mohammed Akran Awan (M.A.).

Even in the field of Tareeqath, how many schools of sufism have provided Divine Refulgence to their disciples. There whole life is being spent on Tasbeehath, not even a sprinkling of Divine Refulgence is being achieved by them. There whole life does not bear any purposeful fruit.

Finally, we can only show you the path. Whether to accept it or not is up to you to decide. This emotion of ours is well defined by the Quranic verse, the translation of which is mentioned below;

Surah Dahr : "We showed him the Way: whether he be grateful or ungrateful"

May Allah bestow sanity on all of us.


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Old 02-18-2012, 08:21 PM   #11

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Salamu Alaikum i am trying to collect material/information on the Naqshabandi Tariqa so pls share if you have good authentic information (i am not interested in the Haqqani's/Kabbani's etc since they are quiet controversial)
Kinldy visit www.naqshbandiaowaisiah.com and read the book Dalaeel us Sulook to know about Tasawwuf and sulook. it is a very unique book.
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Old 02-25-2012, 12:06 AM   #12

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Assalam o Alaikum: I am a humble servant of Major (Retd) Ghulam Muhammad (may Allah raise his darjat), Khalifa Majaz of Hazrat Maulana Allah Yar Khan Rehmatullah Alaih and his true disciple and follower. He is a true and very highly elevated Wali-Allah in present times for the world to see.
He is an Sufi Master and a great spiritual teacher. His branch of the Silsila Naqshbandia-Awaisiah is the truest and closest to the way of the Shaikh-e-Silsila Awaisiah, Hazrat Maulana Allah Yar Khan Rehmatullah Alaih.
I have this great blessing from Allah, that I am associated with Hazrat Jee's shoe-dust for last 15 years, Alhamdulillah! I have also been close to Akram Awan sahib. To his followers I just have this to say, "Brothers, wake up".
For those who want to learn and practice true Islamic Tasawwuf, my present Shaikh maybe the best Shaikh the world right now.
facebook.com/Awaisiah for more info.
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Old 02-27-2012, 02:44 PM   #13

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Assalam o Alaikum: I am a humble servant of Major (Retd) Ghulam Muhammad (may Allah raise his darjat), Khalifa Majaz of Hazrat Maulana Allah Yar Khan Rehmatullah Alaih and his true disciple and follower. He is a true and very highly elevated Wali-Allah in present times for the world to see.
He is an Sufi Master and a great spiritual teacher. His branch of the Silsila Naqshbandia-Awaisiah is the truest and closest to the way of the Shaikh-e-Silsila Awaisiah, Hazrat Maulana Allah Yar Khan Rehmatullah Alaih.
I have this great blessing from Allah, that I am associated with Hazrat Jee's shoe-dust for last 15 years, Alhamdulillah! I have also been close to Akram Awan sahib. To his followers I just have this to say, "Brothers, wake up".
For those who want to learn and practice true Islamic Tasawwuf, my present Shaikh maybe the best Shaikh the world right now.
facebook.com/Awaisiah for more info.
WaAlaikum Salaam, brother Awaisiah,
Can you please post the links to, or mention any of the books written by Major (Retd) Ghulam Muhammad sahib or any of his audio lectures, or anything that he has done for the silsila e Aliya. Can you please elaborate any of the contributions that Major (Retd) Ghulam Muhammad has made for the progress of Tasawwuf and Sulook?. As you can see in my previous post, I have elaborated and produced all the proofs that clearly indicate that Muhammed Akram Awan (DB) is the only spiritual successor and Janasheen of Maulana Allah Yaar Khan (RAH).
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Old 03-30-2012, 04:31 PM   #14

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WaAlaikum Salaam, brother Awaisiah,
Can you please post the links to, or mention any of the books written by Major (Retd) Ghulam Muhammad sahib or any of his audio lectures, or anything that he has done for the silsila e Aliya. Can you please elaborate any of the contributions that Major (Retd) Ghulam Muhammad has made for the progress of Tasawwuf and Sulook?. As you can see in my previous post, I have elaborated and produced all the proofs that clearly indicate that Muhammed Akram Awan (DB) is the only spiritual successor and Janasheen of Maulana Allah Yaar Khan (RAH).
Dear Brother Javed:
Major Ghulam Mhumamad is a Khalifa Majaz of Hadhrat Maulana Allah Yar Khan Rehmatullah Alaih, just like Maulana Akram Awan, Major Baig Sahib and others.
For you kind info, tasawwuf is a Batini Ilm and the progress in Tasawwuf is not based on writing books, which is a Zahiri thing. This is something very basic, of which you seem to be unaware. Can you point out the books written by other Mashaikh, like Hadhrat Hassan Basri Rehmatullah Alaih, Hadhrat Dawwod Tai Rehmatullah Alaih, or Hadhrat Allah Deen Madni Rehmatullah Alaih? Does that mean they did not contribute to the Silsila Aliya (Naooz Billah)?
Please look at the way of life of Akram Awan Sahib. He rides in a Hummer fitted with bull horns and has accumulated a lot of wealth. Lately, he has declared his son to be the heir to his "gaddi", transforming this sacred silsila to just another shop like so many others.
My Shaikh is not like that. His life is the closest to his Shaikh and to the Holy Prophet SallAllahu Alaih Wasallm. He is not a VIP surrounded by guards, but our teacher and father who is all the time available for us, just like his Shaikh Maulana Allah Yar Khan Rehmatullah Alaih.
As I mentioned, I spent about 6 years with Maulana Akram Sahib also, and he might know me personally as well. You are also welcome to spend some time with my Shaikh. Hopefully, you'll know the difference.
May Allah give istaqamat to all His sincere servants engaged in His Pursuit, and guide them to the right track.
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Old 03-30-2012, 10:48 PM   #15

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Dear Brother Javed:
Major Ghulam Mhumamad is a Khalifa Majaz of Hadhrat Maulana Allah Yar Khan Rehmatullah Alaih, just like Maulana Akram Awan, Major Baig Sahib and others.
For you kind info, tasawwuf is a Batini Ilm and the progress in Tasawwuf is not based on writing books, which is a Zahiri thing. This is something very basic, of which you seem to be unaware. Can you point out the books written by other Mashaikh, like Hadhrat Hassan Basri Rehmatullah Alaih, Hadhrat Dawwod Tai Rehmatullah Alaih, or Hadhrat Allah Deen Madni Rehmatullah Alaih? Does that mean they did not contribute to the Silsila Aliya (Naooz Billah)?
Please look at the way of life of Akram Awan Sahib. He rides in a Hummer fitted with bull horns and has accumulated a lot of wealth. Lately, he has declared his son to be the heir to his "gaddi", transforming this sacred silsila to just another shop like so many others.
My Shaikh is not like that. His life is the closest to his Shaikh and to the Holy Prophet SallAllahu Alaih Wasallm. He is not a VIP surrounded by guards, but our teacher and father who is all the time available for us, just like his Shaikh Maulana Allah Yar Khan Rehmatullah Alaih.
As I mentioned, I spent about 6 years with Maulana Akram Sahib also, and he might know me personally as well. You are also welcome to spend some time with my Shaikh. Hopefully, you'll know the difference.
May Allah give istaqamat to all His sincere servants engaged in His Pursuit, and guide them to the right track.
brother i will contact u on facebook. i am also one who left akram awan in 2002 when the silsala split. i m also with hazrat major ghulam muhmmad r.a as i met in pakistan this year in february in karachi and also in last year when he was in lahore. i was with him. we did zikr with a large group of youths. u may have been there as well and might have seen me.

brother do not bother wih akrm awans mureeds. they wil toally ignore all anti sharia activities he done over the past 15 years.
dont bother with them.
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