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#1 |
The international bankers controlled MTV and other global media companies. The result ? Check this.
######## Illuminati Programmed Women to Self-Destruct Boomers Threw Their Children to the Wolves "Lacking guidance or a value-system and desperately needing one, as all children do, we instead latched onto the only force that did seem to care about us - the Illuminati media. So, from our earliest years, we've been given one relentless message: "'hot woman + hot man + hot sex = happiness". The Illuminati war on Western civilization continues with the re-engineering of young women, so they'll have few children and not marry. By Anna Freeman , 28, lives in London. ############ My generation and anyone born after 1980 have not been brought up by our parents, but by the media. Our parents, brainwashed by the liberal-feminist-atheist aesthetic, sacrificed us on the altar of political correctness. They were told not to be 'oppressive' or 'intrusive' like their own parents, but rather to give us our freedom and let us find our own way. Very PC. But the literal translation? We were quite literally thrown to the wolves ("in sheep's clothing", aka the Fabian Society et al). Lacking guidance or a value-system and desperately needing one, as all children do, we instead latched onto the only force that did seem to care about us - the ILLUMINATI MEDIA. So, from our earliest years, we've been given one relentless message: "'hot woman + hot man + hot sex = happiness". And that is the only message we ever have been given, the only message any future generation is likely to receive. If you take a generation, and deprive them of all moral values, all guidance and support, all spirituality and humanness, and instead bombard them with explicit, dehumanized sexual images - this is what you get. Women now judge themselves, not as mothers, nurturers, or companions, but on how quickly and extensively men are prepared to debase them. What 50-years ago would have been considered appalling, degrading treatment from men, is now considered a compliment. A friend of mine recently told me, glowing with pride, how she'd got a job by wearing a short skirt: "The boss said he didn't think I'd be able to do the job," she said. "But he did think it would be nice to have my legs to look at every day." MOVIE DEPICTION The Matthew Perry vehicle '17 Again' is a rare example of what movies should be. The middle-aged Matthew Perry character is transported back to relive his teenage years, in the present day. This means he ends up fraternizing with his teenage daughter's friends, and is shocked at their aggressive sexuality and lack of boundaries. He sits three of them down, and says, "Look, you have to stop behaving like this. If you don't respect yourselves, who else will?" They all look at each other, momentarily stunned, and you think he might have got through to them... until one thrusts her chest forward, and declares: "You don't have to respect me!" Outraged and not to be outdone, her friend immediately counteracts: "Well, you can respect me even less!" Before the final friend delivers triumphantly: "You don't even have to remember my name!" He looks at them, speechless, before shaking his head and declaring: "This is some other dad's problem." PARENTS GONE AWOL But the problem is, of course, that no dads - or mums - are dealing with it. They're all too desperate to appear 'cool' and be their children's 'friends'. The idea of providing a robust moral framework for their children, and assuming responsibility for their development, rather than leaving it to friends and Facebook, is anathema. As an example, this Christmas, I went to my aunt and uncle's house, and they have a 13-year-old daughter, typically obsessed with her phone and Facebook. Her mother confessed to me she was having problems dealing with her, and asked me whether I, before the age of 16, had ever told either of my parents to "f*** off". I was shocked, I told her. I still hadn't said that to either of them now, nor would I dream of doing so. Apparently though, this is the typical response my aunt and uncle get - by text - if they ever try to control my cousin's whereabouts. Bear in mind this is no 'problem family' - this is a 'good' home, with married parents in good jobs and both kids at private school - yet the children are already lost. Young girls, like my cousin, and like girls all around the world, have been left to be reared by the media - where they are told repeatedly that all they have to offer the world is the packing they exist within - how 'hot' they are. And that their value in life is directly measured by how many people they can get to crudely respond to this 'hotness'. Boasting of how many 'conquests' they've achieved is a common conversational topic amongst young girls, and, as a teenager, I vividly remember facing the torturous decision to either lie, or be the subject of derision, when it came to disclosing my own 'numbers' to my friends (I usually lied.) YOUNG WOMEN FAKING IT But the truly astonishing fact is that, whilst young men may at least physically enjoy casual sex, young women don't. They are programmed and designed not to (hence the 'problem pages' inundated by "help, I'm 'faking it!" type letters). How many young men would so enthusiastically engage in casual, anonymous sex if it wasn't physically satisfying? Probably none. But young women do, all the time. That's how distorted, dehumanized and controlled they have become. This brainwashing is so extensive that many, many of my friends - all bright, attractive, kind and thoughtful women - started having unprotected sex with strangers from their teens onwards. Many have had abortions (official UK figures show that around 30% of women seeking abortions didn't use any contraception), and these abortions will probably haunt them for the rest of their lives - to say nothing of the lives that have been so brutally cut short as a result. Can this amount of suffering and pain really be justified by a five-minute anesthetized fumble with someone who might not even remember their names? Somehow, generations of girls have been convinced that it can be, I could probably rant on about this subject for years, and all the horrific, dehumanizing things I've seen my friends - all intelligent and highly-educated women - go through. I can hardly even bear to watch my young cousins grow up, and see what will happen to them. |
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#2 |
A reader's comment provides further insight.
############ Dundee said (January 12, 2012): Sadly I can't fault a word of what you say. I, from Scotland, moved to London to live in 93 and left 'eventually' in 2009. I was relieved to get out. However, the debasement of women we see in London, could really be any major city in England and Wales (thankfully, it's not as bad in Ireland and Scotland....yet). I'm now 40 and I'm appalled at the, what can only be described as a whore mentality amongst young women today. On a par, although men have always been Jack the lads, men today have no respect for women, unlike the men of old. Courting to them is taking your clothes off before sex, after knocking back as many cocktails as possible while you get to 'know' one another in a bar previously. But then young men see how to treat women from the sex education on the internet - HARDCORE PORNOGRAPHY. I was shocked upon returning to Scotland to see my nephew in his early twenties, who, upon going out for a drink one evening said to me - "Let's pick up a girl and double team her." I don't have to explain what that means, but, had I said that to my Uncle when I was young, I'd have been picking my jaw up from the floor. I was tempted, severely, but knew that were I to do so, I'd be in the jail sooner than you could say no respect. It is ironic, but children today have no sruples whatsoever. They simply do what they want and never, ever think of the consequences. I see the problem (including all that Anna has written) as being London. It's a major city and to me is like a boil that seeps puss. That puss is infecting the rest of England and the UK, as it spreads outwards. You'll find this despicable attitude that men and women have, running rampant in every major city in England. As written before, our society is contaminated. There is nothing whatsoever that can be done to stop this rot within, for in attempting to do so, it would be seen as completely draconian and never accepted by society. They have been reprogrammed. They are totally alien to their people and their culture. There is no English, Scottish, Irish or Welsh culture left. We are living fully in a communist society, under a rampant American black vulgar and white bitch (Beverly Hills 90210) culture. Multiculturalism has utterly smashed away the remnants of UK indigenous cultures. The music, the fashions, the language (all be it with a different dialect), the addiction to porn and mobile phones is all the way from the good old U.S of A, I'm afraid to say, which ironically was programmed to be that way by the Fabian Socialists and of course the Royal Institute for International Affairs, no doubt under the command, of the Rothschild empire and Crown of England (via Germany and Holland). America was the testing bed for a multicultural, non indigenous society. Multicultures, by definition, demolish indigenous cultures. Thesis (indigenous culture) + antithesis (alien culture) = synthesis (multiculture). Hollywood, porn and MTV have obliterated British culture. British youth is now American albeit with a different dialect. However, I will say that there are some girls and boys who no doubt have respect for themselves, their loved ones and people in general, but they're a dying breed, forced to abide Nu-Culture by their peers, who have never, nor ever will find themselves. The sad reality is this, look at them now and imagine what their offspring will be like, that is if they have any. Society is completely destroyed as was planned. Now it's time for the state to move in a sort it all out, that is the mess, they've created in the first place. And people will never know....... ################# |
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#3 |
There is a spiritual war going on against people on the global scale. The outcome is such that "God " is getting replaced by "Gosh" , porn has come mainstream and homesexuality is promoted as a normal behavior.
How will you protect yourself in this war ? The article below , although written from Christian perspective , gives invaluable insights. ####################### ######################## With the decline of religion, the only thing to restrain the primitive drives are social norms (laws.) But with Satanists in control, social mores are changing, and many things which were forbidden are becoming permissible. Satanists invert good and evil. In modern society, man's lower nature is glorified and held up for emulation. THE SPIRITUAL WAR The mass media is the instrument for our induction into Satanism. What is considered edgy and courageous is not confronting the perpetrators of 9-11 but "adults" mentioning embarrassing toilet accidents in public. I was channel surfing recently when I saw talk-show host Chelsea Lately and her guests discussing incidents when they felt like vomiting from other peoples' farts. Every city has a give-away entertainment paper, and every paper has a sex-advice column specializing in airing the obscene and disgusting in public. In Winnipeg where I live, this paper ("Uptown") is owned by the Winnipeg Free Press, supposedly a family newspaper. One recent question involved a sex partner who defecated on the sheets. Another was from a woman whose vagina emitted a foul stench. A new TV commercial for Alexander Keith beer: Rude man gives his girlfriend a long lascivious kiss before introducing her to a friend, who also locks lips with her. Edgy! As Nike says, Just do it! I could fill a column with examples of this race-to-the-bottom, social engineering designed to make us indulge our every impulse, and broadcast our every toilet accident. Instead of aspiring for what is truly beautiful and refined, modern culture aspires to degrade humanity. Don't kid yourself. This is how Satanism works. It is deliberate. ENSLAVEMENT We think of enslavement in terms of limitations to our freedom, repressive laws, surveillance and concentration camps. The Satanists use our primitive instincts to enchain us. For example, by making sex and romance the Holly Grail, and then shoving sex in our faces 24-7, they turn us into sniveling sex-addicts. If an alien visited this planet, he would report that humanity's number one preoccupation was "who is doing whom?" and can people watch? And if it isn't sex, it's money. We dance to this tune daily, dedicating our lives to protecting the little stash we have accumulated. How do we protect and liberate our souls? Recognize that society has been subverted by Satanists devoted to degrading us to the level of domestic animals. We feel powerless but a spiritual war can be won with spiritual weapons. We can defeat Satan by what we don't do. The Illuminati Satanists have made "God" a dirty word. Don't even want the word mentioned. #################### How effectively the Muslims will fight this war ? |
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#4 |
Anyone who does not how dangerous those bankers are should check the link below. These are not your retail bankers , rather a small group of banking families that control central banks all over the world.
The conspiracy to run the world seems to emanate from these usury-loving bankers along with their associates and enablers. This group – a cartel or mafia with religious and cultural homogeneity – creates war and chaos in order to build their longed-for new world order. ############ ########### |
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#5 |
Why the Illuminati Expose the Conspiracy ? They want your soul through spiritual chaos !!
############ be aware of female pic ######## ################################ by Henry Makow Ph.D. The Illuminati don't just want your children, your spouse, your property, and your freedom. Your birthright isn't sufficient for these Satanists. They want the ultimate prize. They want your soul. They tell us about the conspiracy because they want us to be compromised. Just as lower-ranked Freemasons or ordinary Jews or Americans or Europeans are compromised by their support for war. They want us all to become demons. They are deliberately clumsy because they want our complicity. They don't want us to say, "Gee, we didn't know." They have a wager with God. They can win us over to Lucifer. But they have to give us free will, the ability to make a choice. That's the reason they reveal the conspiracy to us. For example, the Rockefellers sponsored the John Birch Society. Their publication, The New American is still one of the best sources of information about the elite conspiracy. This controlled opposition has other functions. They are able to steer the blame and make sure no real resistance ever develops. This is why many websites like David Icke's, Jeff Rense's and my own function with little difficulty. They want everyone to know. Some other websites may actually receive support from the Illuminati. Ralph Epperson, author of The Unseen Hand (1985) has been teaching about the New World Order since the 1980's. He told me that he had never encountered any push-back from the elite. This is why they are so sloppy. Anyone can see that no planes hit the Pentagon or crashed at Shanksville. They want us to compromise ourselves by accepting these stories and abandoning the victims. Thus we become accomplices in their crimes. In the movie, The Devil's Advocate, based on the novel by Andrew Niederman and produced by Arnon Milchan and Arnold Kopelson, the devil (Al Pacino) tells Kevin Lomax, the ambitious lawyer played by Keanu Reeves: "I only set the stage, free will, you pull your own strings!" He shows Kevin that he cannot blame anyone but himself. Kevin was driven by his own egotism and venality. He abandoned his wife in her hour of greatest need, and she committed suicide. He got many guilty people acquitted because he "never loses." Then the devil provides us with the Luciferian manifesto: Essentially it is the belief that man is defined by his carnal appetites and desires (greed, power, lust) rather than by his soul and spiritual ideals (truth, justice, beauty.) Man serves Lucifer by giving in to these temptations, by being an accomplice in his own destruction. The Illuminati always has promoted indulging our base instincts calling this "sexual liberation" and "open marriage." This undermines family. Their psychology always has been against "repression" (i.e. self-discipline.) This view that man is God, and his wishes are the measure of all things, is called "Secular Humanism" aka "Luciferianism". John Milton (the devil): Who are you carrying all those bricks for anyway? God? Is that it? God? Well I tell you let me give you a little inside information about God. God likes to watch. He's a prankster. Think about it. He gives man instincts. He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does He do, I swear for His own amusement, his own private, cosmic gag reel, He sets the rules in opposition. It's the goof of all time. Look, but don't touch. Touch, but don't taste. Taste, don't swallow. Ahaha. And while you're jumpin' from one foot to the next, what is he doing? He's laughin' His sick, ****in' ass off! He's a tight-ass! He's a SADIST! He's an absentee landlord! Worship that? NEVER! Kevin Lomax: "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven", is that it? John Milton: Why not? I'm here on the ground with my nose in it since the whole thing began. I've nurtured every sensation man's been inspired to have. I cared about what he wanted and I never judged him. Why? Because I never rejected him. In spite of all his imperfections, I'm a fan of man! I'm a humanist. Maybe the last humanist. Who, in their right mind Kevin, could possibly deny the twentieth century was entirely mine." The devil reveals that he is Kevin's father and demands Kevin have sex with his seductive half-sister in order to breed a successor. Rather than succumb to this temptation, Kevin kills himself. Just saying "No" should have been enough. We will not be accomplices in our own destruction. We will not forfeit our soul. -- Related - Why Do the Illuminati Reveal Themselves? |
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#6 |
For further degradion of human soul, pedophilia is being promoted covertly. Check this.
#################### ##################### The International Planned Parenthood Federation are now advocating the "right" to consent to sex acts become a plank the platform of the United Nations "Rights of the Child" Treaty. The international abortion NGO released two documents to be used by child sex advocates as part of a media blitz, directing children of any age to "explore avenues of sexuality", and directly attacking the protective role of the parents. This UN council plans on punishing "violators and abusers of the rights of the child" as defined by UN tribunal. Planned Parenthood, fronting for gay and pedophile NGO's, want heterosexual values such as chastity and age of consent, ruled a violation of children's "sexual rights." Meanwhile, last week California Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill that mandates "Gay History Lessons in Public Schools." What IPPF's "Sex Rights for Children' means is that a 12-year-old can get an abortion through Planned Parenthood without the parents knowledge or approval. It also affirms the child's "right" to "gay" lessons on the tax payers dime at school. Finally, it affirms the "right" to consent to sexual "explorations" with anybody, regardless of age or gender "choice". Does a child's :"rights" include opting out of sex classes promoting masturbation and bisexuality, or even the "gay" history curriculum in California? No, it doesn't. "Human Rights" is a euphemism for satanic social engineering and perversion. Related- "Why are Babies being vaccinated for STD's?" Condoms Disguised as Lollipops. |
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#7 |
Check this to see how cleverly these singers are promoting a new type of dark spirituality.
#################### be aware of female pic ######################## Be aware that the Gaga project isn't to entertain you. It's teaching the NWO's 'new' religion. Stephanie Germanotta (Gaga's real name) is merely a musician and "clothes horse" plugged into the juggernaut of psychological 'Culture Creation', where 'recreation' means RE-creation of your morality, ethics, and behavior. As Madonna twisted the symbols of religious morality with egoism, materialism through sexualization - Gaga videos ransack memes of good and evil, sex and murder to politicize them as 'equal rights'. |
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#8 |
Thus many women are schizophrenic as they attempt to reconcile their natural instincts with constant exhortations to do the opposite. The wreckage -- broken families and dysfunctional people -- is strewn everywhere.
At the same time, Playboy Magazine etc. aimed a similar message at men. You don’t need to get married to have sex. Marriage and children are a bore. How the Rockefellers Re-Engineered Women ####### ######## By Henry Makow Ph.D. Feminism is an excellent example of how the Rockefeller mega cartel uses the awesome power of the mass media (i.e. propaganda.) to control society. In 40 short years, many women have lost touch with their natural loving instincts. Consequently, the family is in disarray, sexual depravity is rampant and birth rates have plummeted. I will expand on the Rockefeller's role, but first we need to remember that for a woman, love is an instinctive act of self-sacrifice. She gives herself to her husband and children and is fulfilled by seeing them thrive and receiving their love, respect and gratitude. A woman makes this supreme sacrifice to only one man who will cherish her and provide for his family. Men instinctively want to fulfill this responsibility. This is the essence of the heterosexual contract (i.e. marriage): female power in exchange for male power expressed as love. Sex is the symbol of this exclusive bond. Marriage and family may not be for everyone but it is the natural path for most. Feminism has trained women to reject this model as "an old fashioned, oppressive stereotype" even though it reflects their natural instincts. On Thursday a British writer reported overhearing two young women: "All men are useless these days," one said. "Yeah," said the other. "The trouble is that they haven't risen to the challenge of feminism. They don't understand that we need them to be more masculine, and instead they have just copped out." That's their logic? If women are less feminine, men will be more masculine? Men aren't designed to fight with women. They need to be affirmed by a woman's acquiescence and faith. When women constantly challenge them, men will "cop out" of marriage and family. Now that love and marriage have been "discredited," women have nothing left to exchange for love but sex. Thus, many are unnaturally obsessed with appearance and pathetically give their bodies to all and sundry. Permanent love is not based on a woman's sex appeal, or personality or achievements. Ultimately, it is based on self-sacrifice. We love the people who love us. THE BIG PICTURE: THE CENTRAL BANKERS People do not realize that feminism is mass indoctrination because they cannot identify the perpetrator, the means or the motive. Recently Aaron Russo, the producer of Bette Midler's movies and "America: From Freedom to Fascism" identified all three confirming what I have been saying. While trying to recruit Russo for the CFR, Nicholas Rockefeller told him that his family foundation created women's liberation using mass media control as part of a long-term plan to enslave humanity. He admitted they want to "chip us." Google "Rockefeller Foundation" and "Women's Studies" and you'll get a half million citations. The hidden goal of feminism is to destroy the family, which interferes with state brainwashing of the young. Side benefits include depopulation and widening the tax base. Displacing men in the role of providers also destabilizes the family. A drastic paradigm shift is required to make sense of the world. The Rockefellers are part of the private world central banking cartel that also controls media, defence, pharmaceutical and other cartels. To protect their monopoly of credit and wealth, they are instituting a world police state ("world government") using the bogus 9-11 attack and endless war as a pretext. Rockefeller told Russo about this plan a year before 9-11. The poet Charles Peguy said, "Everything begins in faith and ends in politics." The banking cartel needs a philosophy to justify enchaining mankind. That philosophy is Satanism. The cartel controls the world through a network of occult societies linked to Freemasonry, Communism, the Vatican and organized Jewry (Bnai Brith, ADL, AJC, Zionism.) The highest occult rank is known as the Illuminati. Modern Western culture is Masonic. Based on Luciferianism, Freemasonry teaches that man and not God determines reality. (Naturally, they need to overrule natural and spiritual laws in order to assert their own control.) They have noticed that people are diffident malleable creatures who prefer to believe what they are told than trust their own reason or perception. Thus, for example, the media successfully promotes homosexual values that conflict with our natural instincts. MEDIA ERADICATES LOVE Every facet of the mass media (movies, TV, magazines, music, commercials, news) is used for indoctrination and social control with the ultimate goal of enslavement. There is a connection between what happened in Communist Russia and what is happening in America today. In both cases the central banking cartel is asserting its totalitarian control. The mass media's function is to distract us from this, and the imminent Iran war and North American Union. Currently they are using the global warming fracas for diversion. In order to destroy the family, the media convinced women that they could not rely on the heterosexual contract. Myrna Blyth was the editor in chief of Ladies Home Journal from 1981 to 2002. In her book "Spin Sisters" (2004) she says the media sold women "a career in exactly the same drum banging way that the Happy Homemaker had been ..sold to their mothers." (38) The Illuminati undermined women's natural loving instincts using the following mantras: 1. Men can no longer be trusted. Using the Lifetime Network as an example, Blyth concluded "all men are 1) unfaithful rats 2) abusive monsters 3) dishonest scumbags, or 4) all of the above. Women on the other hand were...flinty achievers who triumph despite the cavemen who...want to keep them in their place." (62-63) 2. Women are victims by virtue of their sex. Blyth says the media sends "one message loud and clear. Because we are women, we remain victims in our private lives, at work, in society as a whole." (156) Thus women must have a sense of grievance, entitlement and rebellion. The same tactic was used to manipulate Jews, Blacks, workers and gays. (See my "Victim as Moral Zombie" ) 3. Women should be selfish. "Liberation and narcissism have merged," Blyth says. Leisure now means, "time for yourself, spent alone, or perhaps with one's girlfriends but definitely without spouse and kids...Endless articles preached the new feminist gospel, that indulging yourself is an important part of being a healthy, well adjusted woman." (65) 4. Sex is not reserved for love and marriage. Magazines like Glamour and Cosmopolitan urge young women to "put out on their first date,"ogle men openly" and be an athlete in bed. There is no discussion of marriage or family. (160) Such women can't trust a man enough to surrender themselves in love. 5. Self-fulfillment lies in career success and not husband and family. "The social rewards of holding down a job are critical to one's sense of dignity and self worth," Betty Friedan pontificated. In fact, "most work is deeply ordinary," Blyth observes (35-36.) (I'm not saying women can't have jobs, only they shouldn't be tricked out of having families if they want them.) Thus many women are schizophrenic as they attempt to reconcile their natural instincts with constant exhortations to do the opposite. The wreckage -- broken families and dysfunctional people -- is strewn everywhere. At the same time, Playboy Magazine etc. aimed a similar message at men. You don’t need to get married to have sex. Marriage and children are a bore. CONCLUSION This consistent media drumbeat is organized brainwashing. Society has been totally subverted by the central banking cartel, using a Satanic cult, Freemasonry as its primary instrument. Most masons are unaware of the truth but the owners of the mass media certainly are. We used to say, "as American as motherhood and apple pie." Only satanists would trash motherhood. Far from empowering women, feminism has unsexed many. It has deprived them of a secure and honored role and reduced them to sex objects and replaceable workers. Luciferians promote rebellion because they are defying what is natural and conducive to happiness. Like their symbol, Lucifer, they wish to play God. God's love can be seen in a woman's dedication to her husband and children. Thus the bankers must destroy it. |
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#9 |
Check this artcile to see the status of the western women.
####### Be aware of female pic ####### ####### Highlights ########## Growing up in America, I did not have a very positive view of women. Sure, there were a few good girls, but mostly the women I knew were all whores, to put it bluntly. One girl I remember, who was only 16, had sex with like 20 guys during a 3-month period. I lost all respect for American women and basically saw them as nothing but animals. INDIA Everything changed when I visited India. The women I met there were completely different. Real feminine women who weren't brainwashed by the man-hating feminist culture of the West. Indian women had qualities of gentleness, submissiveness, humility, and kindness. Now, if I were living in Thailand, I would not marry, as I could get all of my needs met by any old "massage parlor." So the more women give sex away, the less incentive there is for men to marry them. That is something western women should really think about. Is lack of education a factor? Well, I think lack of education is a good thing. Too much education for women turns them independent. The more educated a woman is, the less dependent she will be on a man. Women in the West are so independent because they are way too "educated." Education is nothing but a disguised indoctrination. Western women are getting PhDs in Psychology and other useless subjects, but they can't even cook a good meal. So I'd call that kind of education completely useless! My wife is like a real woman, actually acts feminine. So I am quite satisfied. ######### |
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#10 |
Further insight on how the bankers degraded the culture through print media !! Who owns Cosmo ?
############ Be aware of female pic ######## ################################### Julian Lee said (February 20, 2012): The fact that the oral sex and slut manual "Cosmo" magazine is openly sold in grocery stores, often right in checkout lanes, with it's leering headlines ("Dirty Girl Sex") and painted ladies -- is proof that there are very few men left in America. At least men of morality and chastity who can clearly see the offense and corruption in such magazines aimed at our women. But I say: Every slut generates at least ten sluts. The female slut is the gander-follower of the male slut. We are their moral guide. Cosmo magazine tells women 100 different ways to orally service some boyfriend's genitalia because there are men who ask them for this and don't see the immorality of it. Thus a woman's sexuality now has no real value or sacredness. She buys Cosmo Magazine hoping that if she can give a "good enough blow job" to some lecher -- maybe she can keep a lecher. Women will only become decent and make sex sacred again when the men become decent and reserve it for marriage. Then perhaps some day we can go and happily burn down the offices of Cosmo magazine and send the vile inhabitants of their offices packing. That would be a happy day. Start developing the protection of our women by morally regenerating yourself first. Then write a few letters to the store managers who feature mordant trash like Cosmo in the checkout lines brazenly without a brown rapper. |
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#12 |
######### Be aware of female pic ########### ############################ The "empowerment" of women was social engineering not social change. It was designed to make them seek career instead of family. They were told they could "have it all" but for most, that was a lie. by Henry Makow Ph.D. Feminism has been convincing women they "don't need men" since the 1960's. Now women have one problem. They can't find husbands. Successful women often make men feel demoralized and inadequate. According to a recent article by Margaret Wente, What if Women Don't Need Guys Any More: "Magdalena Hinojosa, (above) a striking-looking single woman, is a senior associate vice-president at the University of Texas. She's learned that her job makes men uneasy. So when they ask her what she does, she simply tells them she works ... in the admissions office. "You have to hide who you are, at the beginning, until that person is comfortable with you," she says. In the past fifty years, feminism has swept through society like an Oklahoma tornado leaving a trail of wreckage: 1. "Women in America now earn almost half the family income, and more than half in lower-income families. Forty per cent of wives now out earn their husbands. And the gender gap is closing fast. The median income of young, unmarried urban women in their 20s is now higher than the men's." 2. "More than half of births to American women under 30 now occur outside marriage. One mother, Amber Strader, 27, said she was in an on-and-off relationship when she got pregnant. Marrying her boyfriend, a clerk at Sears, never entered her mind. "It was like living with another kid." 3. Men have been deprived of their identity. "What happens when they aren't needed as providers any more? What happens when their sense of purpose is lost? The answer is, they become unmoored." 4. The US birthrate is down from 23 births per 1000 in 1960 to 13.8 in 2011, the lowest point in history! In 1960, 72% of all American adults were married; in 2010 just 51% were. The number dropped sharply by 5% in the most recent year, 2009-10. We don't need to debate that a stable loving marriage between a man and a woman is the best foundation for raising children, and for giving people identity, purpose and love. With statistics like those cited above, you'd think the government and media would be sounding the alarm. What do we hear instead? The news is full of homosexual marriage. Gays don't have children. Those who want to marry represent roughly one person in every thousand. Schools and media actively promote homosexuality which is a debilitating developmental disorder. "Gay Rights" is a mask for a vile attack on heterosexuals. Obviously something is fundamentally wrong. Our society has been subverted by a satanic cult, the Illuminati ( i.e. Freemasonry.) Our government, corporations and media are owned or controlled by the Illuminati central banking cartel. Everybody who achieves public success -- educators, politicians, journalists, feminists in general -- is either a dupe or a traitor. They have sold their soul to this devil-worshiping cult unwittingly or not. The "empowerment" of women was social engineering not social change. It was designed to make them seek career instead of family. They were told they could "have it all" but for most, that was a lie. Anyone can do a job. Only a woman can be a mother. Naturally she needs her husband's support. Feminism has deprived millions of women of a socially honored lifetime role. The institutions of marriage and family are being undermined in order to destabilize society, making it vulnerable to the Illuminati Communist NWO. The destruction of marriage and family has been a plank in the Communist Manifesto since 1848. Luckily, men aren't buying the nonsense in articles like "What if Women Don't Need Guys Any More." ################# |
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