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Old 10-24-2010, 02:40 AM   #21

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Regarding women not reciting from Quran during menstruation

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Old 10-24-2010, 02:54 AM   #22

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1. 'A'isha ra relates that the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wasallam said: "I do not make lawful the masjid for menstruating women or for one who is in a seminally defiled state [junub]. (Sunan Abu Dawud)

2. Umm Salama ra related that the Prophet Sallallahu alayhi wasallam entered the courtyard of the masjid and announced aloud, "The masjid is not permitted for the seminally defiled and for the menstruating women." (Tabarani)

From sidi Ahmad's link, may Allah reward you!

But of course, the intent behind your questioning, Idil, was that "it looks discriminatory" -- a perfect example of following the hawa. Now, what are you going to do with the ahadith? Declare them forged because of their respective mutun?

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Old 10-24-2010, 03:18 AM   #23

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What about proofs for not allowing menstruating women inside prayer halls of masajid.I noticed how the pakistani sisters would sit outside the door near the stairs just so they can hear lectures.I was shocked to say the least it looked very discriminatory.
If you had read the Qur'an and Hadith as some lazy people on this forum do, then you would

not have been shocked. Don't take words at their face value sister. Consider the humility of the true

Muslim who considers himself lazy because he only spends all his waking hours studying Islam.

Na pooch in khirqa poshon ki, iraadat ho to dekh inko, Yad-e-baidha liye baithe hain zaalim aasteenon

mein==> Tr: Ask not of these robed ones, look at them with eyes of faith if you will, life-giving hands

do they hide behind their torn sleeves.(Sorry for the poor translation). It is truly said that attitude

decides how far one will go in his Islamic studies.

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Old 10-24-2010, 03:47 AM   #24

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You're too lazy to make yourself knowledgable about the Qur'an and sunnah but you're all energetic when it comes to bahashti zewar?


Suleiman you can always quote proofs from your madhab AFTER you present the proofs from Qur'an and Sunnah.
dear sister idil, proud to be "lazy" and follow the Qur'an and Sunnah through the illustrious Imam Abu Hanifah rahmatullaahi 'alayhi!

Point worth considering:
Didn't Iblees rely on his on his own interpretation of the command to prostrate to Adam?..look where it led him. May Allah guide and safeguard us all
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Old 10-24-2010, 09:32 AM   #25

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SubhanAllah someone's justifying her laziness when it comes to Qur'an.

Ahmad thanks for providing the Sunnipath links.

سليمان انتا شكو
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Old 10-24-2010, 06:50 PM   #26

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Will brothers or sisters on this forum post what they have read and know or post what you like? Why don't you go ahead and grace us with your brilliant references from the Qur'an and Sunna.

lol i think you'll soon realise the poster is a sheikha of personal logic/reasoning and not "Quraan and Sunnah" as she claims. Whenever this poster is put on the spot she has a habit of dodging any challenge with another halfwitted opinion based on.....over inflated self worth. Hardly academic I know and not even worthy of taking seriously....
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Old 10-25-2010, 12:17 AM   #27

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Old 10-25-2010, 12:47 AM   #28

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Does anyone know if it is permissible for a sister who has menses to learn/teach Qur'an from the internet using sites such as Qur'an Explorer? Quran Explorer has options of using Arabic only, or Arabic + translation. I'm not sure if this makes a difference as there were options of reading books that contained verses of Qur'an but as long as there was other commentary it was acceptable ?

I'm not sure.

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Old 10-25-2010, 12:56 AM   #29

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The question is a bit confusing sister. Do you mean to ask whether it is permissible for a menstruating woman to recite the Quran from a computer screen or whether it's permissible for her to just look at the words? Or do you mean can she touch the computer?
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Old 10-25-2010, 01:17 AM   #30

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The question is a bit confusing sister. Do you mean to ask whether it is permissible for a menstruating woman to recite the Quran from a computer screen or whether it's permissible for her to just look at the words? Or do you mean can she touch the computer?

Forgive me for being unclear.

I mean can a sister practice reciting out loud by reading from Qur'an on a computer screen without touching a Mushaf or touching the screen where the words are printed?

I'm taking Arabic & Tajweed lessons online and practice reciting with my tutor via Skype.
We've recently moved up to reading from Qur'an whether from a Mushaf or online.
I wasn't sure if it would be possible to continue my lessons or practice at the time when I am menstruating if I use the Quran Explorer instead of a Mushaf.

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Old 10-25-2010, 01:37 AM   #31

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I mean can a sister practice reciting out loud by reading from Qur'an on a computer screen without touching a Mushaf or touching the screen where the words are printed?
A menstruating woman cannot recite the Quran out loud, whether that is from a mus'haf, a computer screen or from memory. If you're having lessons online, you could keep the computer on and just follow it with your mind without vocalising the words or touching the computer screen, but you can't recite out loud if you're menstruating.
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Old 10-25-2010, 01:49 AM   #32

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A menstruating woman cannot recite the Quran out loud, whether that is from a mus'haf, a computer screen or from memory. If you're having lessons online, you could keep the computer on and just follow it with your mind without vocalising the words or touching the computer screen, but you can't recite out loud if you're menstruating.
I didn't know we weren't allowed to recite it either.

for clearing that up.
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Old 10-25-2010, 04:24 AM   #33

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First I would like to quote a single hadith from Muwatta Malik in defense of our position that wudu is necessary for touching the Qur'an:
Section: The Order to Be In Wudu (When Touching the Qur'an)
Book 15, Number 15.1.1:Yahya related to me from Malik from Abdullah ibn Abi Bakr ibn Hazm that in a letter that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, sent to Amr ibn Hazm it said that no-one should touch the Qur'an unless he was pure.

Malik said, "No-one should carry the Qur'an by its strap, or on a cushion, unless he is pure. If it were permissible to do so, it would also have been permissible to carry it in its cover. This is not because there is something on the hands of the one who carries it by which the Qur'an will be soiled, but because it is disapproved of for someone to carry the Qur'an without being pure out of respect for the Qur'an, and in order to honour it."

Malik said, "The best thing that I have heard about this is the ayat 'None touch it except the purified.' (Sura 56 ayat 79) It ranks with the ayat in Surat Abasa (Sura 80), where Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, says, 'No, it is a reminder, and whoever wishes will remember it. Upon honoured pages, exalted and purified, by the hands of scribes, noble and obedient.' "

This hadith is sufficient evidence for those who need to look at the actual sources before accepting a fatwa.

Secondly two interesting fatawa from scholars related to this topic. The first is from Shaykh Bin Baz and the other from Shaykh Ibn Uthaymin:

1)Noble Shaykh, it is a habit of mine that I recite certain chapters of the Qur’aan before I go to sleep, but there are days when I cannot do this because of my monthly period. May I write the chapters I wish to read on a piece of paper, so that I can read them during my period?

Answer:Menstruating women and women experiencing post-natal bleeding may recite the Qur’aan, according to the most correct view from the scholars, since there is no authentic proof that points to the contrary. However, they may not touch the Mushaf. what they can do is hold it indirectly, by placing a cloth, for instance, between the hand and the Qur’aan, and the same ruling applies for a piece of paper upon which is written parts of the Qur’aan. And with Allaah is the facilitation to do what is right.

Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz. Fatawa Islamiyah, vol.7, p.47, DARUSALAM

As is obvious from the above Shaykh Bin Baz differs from us in that he allows an unqualified reading of the Qur'an while we say that the lady in her cycles should break it(the ayah) into smaller parts. Definitely in this issue our opinion is the safer and cautious position. For a detailed exposition of our view please see Mufti Shafi's Ma'arif al Qur'an, vol 8, commentary on verse 79 of Sura Waqi'ah. But what is to be noted is that the Shaykh also points out that she should not TOUCH THE QUR'AN. Of course he has not bothered to give any evidence from the Qur'an and Sunna at all! I guess we'll hear something from Idil about this soon.

2) A Person In A Minor State Of Impurity May Not Touch The Qur’aan
Question:If a person is in a minor state of impurity – such as someone who passes wind, urinates, of defecates – may he recite the Qur’aan?

Answer:Such a person may recite but not touch the Mushaf, for complete purification is not one of the requisites for reciting the Qur’aan. On the other hand, a person who is Junub may neither touch nor recite the Qur’aan until he performs Ghusl, yet he may still recite certain invocations from the Qur’aan, such as, “Bismillah-ir-Rahmaan-ir-Raheem,” or when he is afflicted, “Indeed we belong to Allaah, and indeed, to Him are we returning.”

Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-`Uthaymeen. Fatawa Islamiyah, vol.7, p.49, DARUSSALAM

In this fatwa Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen seems to agree 100% with the traditional opinion preventing a Junubi from reciting a complete verse of the Qur'an. Surprisingly he also offers no evidence. Seems to be talking to a bunch of stupid muqallids.
I hope that this helps in bringing the authentic position to the fore in the minds of those who think that their poor Paki-Indian muqallid brethren are far from the sources of Islam. Wasalaam.
Sorry for the long post.

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Old 10-25-2010, 05:15 AM   #34

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First I would like to quote a single hadith from Muwatta Malik in defense of our position that wudu is necessary for touching the Qur'an:
Section: The Order to Be In Wudu (When Touching the Qur'an)
Book 15, Number 15.1.1:Yahya related to me from Malik from Abdullah ibn Abi Bakr ibn Hazm that in a letter that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, sent to Amr ibn Hazm it said that no-one should touch the Qur'an unless he was pure.

Malik said, "No-one should carry the Qur'an by its strap, or on a cushion, unless he is pure. If it were permissible to do so, it would also have been permissible to carry it in its cover. This is not because there is something on the hands of the one who carries it by which the Qur'an will be soiled, but because it is disapproved of for someone to carry the Qur'an without being pure out of respect for the Qur'an, and in order to honour it."

Malik said, "The best thing that I have heard about this is the ayat 'None touch it except the purified.' (Sura 56 ayat 79) It ranks with the ayat in Surat Abasa (Sura 80), where Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, says, 'No, it is a reminder, and whoever wishes will remember it. Upon honoured pages, exalted and purified, by the hands of scribes, noble and obedient.' "

This hadith is sufficient evidence for those who need to look at the actual sources before accepting a fatwa.

Secondly two interesting fatawa from scholars related to this topic. The first is from Shaykh Bin Baz and the other from Shaykh Ibn Uthaymin:

1)Noble Shaykh, it is a habit of mine that I recite certain chapters of the Qur’aan before I go to sleep, but there are days when I cannot do this because of my monthly period. May I write the chapters I wish to read on a piece of paper, so that I can read them during my period?

Answer:Menstruating women and women experiencing post-natal bleeding may recite the Qur’aan, according to the most correct view from the scholars, since there is no authentic proof that points to the contrary. However, they may not touch the Mushaf. what they can do is hold it indirectly, by placing a cloth, for instance, between the hand and the Qur’aan, and the same ruling applies for a piece of paper upon which is written parts of the Qur’aan. And with Allaah is the facilitation to do what is right.

Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz. Fatawa Islamiyah, vol.7, p.47, DARUSALAM

As is obvious from the above Shaykh Bin Baz differs from us in that he allows an unqualified reading of the Qur'an while we say that the lady in her cycles should break it(the ayah) into smaller parts. Definitely in this issue our opinion is the safer and cautious position. For a detailed exposition of our view please see Mufti Shafi's Ma'arif al Qur'an, vol 8, commentary on verse 79 of Sura Waqi'ah. But what is to be noted is that the Shaykh also points out that she should not TOUCH THE QUR'AN. Of course he has not bothered to give any evidence from the Qur'an and Sunna at all! I guess we'll hear something from Idil about this soon.

2) A Person In A Minor State Of Impurity May Not Touch The Qur’aan
Question:If a person is in a minor state of impurity – such as someone who passes wind, urinates, of defecates – may he recite the Qur’aan?

Answer:Such a person may recite but not touch the Mushaf, for complete purification is not one of the requisites for reciting the Qur’aan. On the other hand, a person who is Junub may neither touch nor recite the Qur’aan until he performs Ghusl, yet he may still recite certain invocations from the Qur’aan, such as, “Bismillah-ir-Rahmaan-ir-Raheem,” or when he is afflicted, “Indeed we belong to Allaah, and indeed, to Him are we returning.”

Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-`Uthaymeen. Fatawa Islamiyah, vol.7, p.49, DARUSSALAM

In this fatwa Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen seems to agree 100% with the traditional opinion preventing a Junubi from reciting a complete verse of the Qur'an. Surprisingly he also offers no evidence. Seems to be talking to a bunch of stupid muqallids.
I hope that this helps in bringing the authentic position to the fore in the minds of those who think that their poor Paki-Indian muqallid brethren are far from the sources of Islam. Wasalaam.
Sorry for the long post.

So then it is ok to recite or practice as long as the Ayat is broken into smaller parts ?

What if I'm working on one of the short Surah from the end of Qur'an?
Can I practice or recite the whole Surah?
Or would it be better to practice a few Ayat from a longer Surah?

for your help.
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Old 10-25-2010, 05:56 AM   #35

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Abu Tamim

La yammasahu illal mutaharoun, what do you think I am some dumbo?
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Old 10-25-2010, 02:13 PM   #36

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La yammasahu illal mutaharoun, what do you think I am some dumbo?

Yes sister. The Qur'anic verse would be "Laa yamassuhu ill al Mutahharoon". The hadith in Muwatta'

is, "Laa yamassul Qur'ana illa Tahir." I dont think that you are some kind of dumbo but you do have

certain issues. Wasalam.
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Old 10-25-2010, 02:17 PM   #37

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So then it is ok to recite or practice as long as the Ayat is broken into smaller parts ?

What if I'm working on one of the short Surah from the end of Qur'an?
Can I practice or recite the whole Surah?
Or would it be better to practice a few Ayat from a longer Surah?

for your help.
Please see post 10 in this thread by Soupy.
I would advise you to bring up the sura on the screen and look at it without vocalising. This is the safe position. Wasalaam.
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Old 10-25-2010, 11:29 PM   #38

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what exactly does it mean to recite while breaking up the words?

can you recite a whole surah this way?

is it reciting one word at a time with a couple of seconds gap between each word?
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Old 10-26-2010, 03:59 AM   #39

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what exactly does it mean to recite while breaking up the words?

can you recite a whole surah this way?

is it reciting one word at a time with a couple of seconds gap between each word?
Please read post 10 by soupy. Peace be upon you.
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Old 10-26-2010, 04:12 PM   #40

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what exactly does it mean to recite while breaking up the words?

can you recite a whole surah this way?

is it reciting one word at a time with a couple of seconds gap between each word?
Reciting ayahs of the Quran by breaking up the words is not permitted for everyone. The fiqhi books mention that this is permitted for a 'teacher of the Quran' only and this is to avoid interruptions to the learning of her students. It is not a general ruling for any menstruating woman who wants to recite the Quran. Therefore, a person who is not a teacher should not apply this ruling to herself.

For a woman who is not a teacher of the Quran, she should just not recite at all during those few days of the month. It's not too difficult to do. If she's a student and participating in a class, she can listen in but not recite herself. If she is in a habit of reciting Quran every day, then she should substitute with other azhkaar for those few days. If she is a hafidha, she can listen to others recite during those days. I know quite a few sisters who have managed to complete and remember their hifdh in this way without too much difficulty.
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