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Old 03-10-2012, 02:40 AM   #1

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Default Strong emotional attachment with the Prophet

For some reason, I cannot stop thinking about the life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his legacy. I cannot even imagine how such a man had lived amongst us. Someone so just, fair, polite, forgiving, trustworthy and humble. I cry when I think about Muhammad. I love him more than anyone else in this world. If I had one chance to go back in time to even see our beloved Prophet Muhammad I would give up everything in this world to do so. Why am I having such strong emotional attachment to someone I have never met in my life? Muhammad is truly a beauty created by Allah, and he came as a mercy to all of mankind. Muhammad is a role model for me and I wish to follow in his footsteps. I would to know if it is normal for one to have such strong emotional attachment to Prophet Muhammad.

I must mention that I am only 17 years old and live in a western society. I had the opportunity to perform umrah and visit the holy cities of Makkah and Madina this year. Ever since my umrah, this strong emotional attachment began to form. I hope Allah gives me the opportunity to visit his holy city and the holy city of the prophet once again.

Jazakallah Khair
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Old 03-10-2012, 03:25 AM   #2

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Masha'Allah brother May Allah increase more love for the Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) in all of us and give us taufiq to follow in he's footsteps.
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Old 03-10-2012, 03:56 AM   #3

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ما شاء الله this is a good thing. We are to love the Prophet Muhammad more than our selves, our parents, our brothers, the entire world. Only then have we truly embraced imaan. May Allah increase us in our love of Rasoolullah .
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Old 03-10-2012, 12:01 PM   #4

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I would to know if it is normal for one to have such strong emotional attachment to Prophet Muhammad.

Jazakallah Khair
It is abnormal to NOT have a strong emotional attachment to Prophet Muhammad

May Allah blesses us all with a strong emotional and a personal attachment to Prophet Muhammaad

Ki Wafa tu ne Muhammad se, toh hum tere hain

Yeh jahan cheez hai kya, Loh wa Qalam tere hain
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Old 03-10-2012, 01:10 PM   #5

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For some reason, I cannot stop thinking about the life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his legacy. I cannot even imagine how such a man had lived amongst us. Someone so just, fair, polite, forgiving, trustworthy and humble. I cry when I think about Muhammad. I love him more than anyone else in this world. If I had one chance to go back in time to even see our beloved Prophet Muhammad I would give up everything in this world to do so. Why am I having such strong emotional attachment to someone I have never met in my life? Muhammad is truly a beauty created by Allah, and he came as a mercy to all of mankind. Muhammad is a role model for me and I wish to follow in his footsteps. I would to know if it is normal for one to have such strong emotional attachment to Prophet Muhammad.

I must mention that I am only 17 years old and live in a western society. I had the opportunity to perform umrah and visit the holy cities of Makkah and Madina this year. Ever since my umrah, this strong emotional attachment began to form. I hope Allah gives me the opportunity to visit his holy city and the holy city of the prophet once again.

Jazakallah Khair
Recite darood as much as possible .
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Old 03-10-2012, 01:19 PM   #6

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24. Anas ibn Malik narrates that Rasulullah said: Good tidings to the one who has believed in me and seen me; and good tidings seven times over to the one who has believed in me and has not seen me. (Musnad Ahmad)

26. Anas ibn Malik narrates that Rasulullah said: I wish that I could meet my brothers. The Sahabah of Nabi asked: Are we not your brothers? He replied: You are my companions, but my brothers are those who will believe in me without having seen me. (Musnad Ahmad)

Source - Muntakhab Ahadith by Maulana Yusuf Kandehlvi
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Old 03-10-2012, 01:20 PM   #7

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27. Abu 'Abdur Rahman Al Juhani narrated that we were sitting with Rasulullah , when two riders appeared. When he saw them, he said: These two men appear to be from the tribe of Kindah, Madhhij! When they reached him, it became evident that they were, in fact, from Madhhij. One of them came close to him to pledge allegiance. Upon taking the hand of Rasulullah , he said: O Rasulallah! What will be the reward for the one who has seen you and believes in you and verifies (that which) you (have been sent with) and follows you? Rasulullah replied: Good tidings for him. So he passed his hand over the Prophet's hand and left, having made his pledge. Then the other came forward and took the Prophet's hand to pledge allegiance. He said: O Rasulallah! The one who believes in you, and verifies you and follows you although he had not seen you, what will he get? He replied: Good tidings to him, again good tidings to him, and again good tidings to him. So he passed his hand over the Prophet's hand and left, having made his pledge. (Musnad Ahmad)

Source - Muntakhab Ahadith by Maulana Yusuf Kandehlvi
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Old 03-10-2012, 01:33 PM   #8

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Glad tidings to Bro Islam

21. Anas Radiyallahu 'anhu narrates Nabi Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: Whosoever possesses the following three qualities will have tasted the sweetness of Iman: The one who loves Allah and His Rasul more than anything else; the one who loves a person only for the sake of Allah; and the one who hates to return to Kufr (disbelief) as he hates to be thrown into the Fire. (Bukhari)

Source - Muntakhab Ahadith by Maulana Yusuf Kandehlvi
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Old 03-10-2012, 06:01 PM   #9

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For some reason, I cannot stop thinking about the life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his legacy. I cannot even imagine how such a man had lived amongst us. Someone so just, fair, polite, forgiving, trustworthy and humble. I cry when I think about Muhammad. I love him more than anyone else in this world. If I had one chance to go back in time to even see our beloved Prophet Muhammad I would give up everything in this world to do so. Why am I having such strong emotional attachment to someone I have never met in my life? Muhammad is truly a beauty created by Allah, and he came as a mercy to all of mankind. Muhammad is a role model for me and I wish to follow in his footsteps. I would to know if it is normal for one to have such strong emotional attachment to Prophet Muhammad.

I must mention that I am only 17 years old and live in a western society. I had the opportunity to perform umrah and visit the holy cities of Makkah and Madina this year. Ever since my umrah, this strong emotional attachment began to form. I hope Allah gives me the opportunity to visit his holy city and the holy city of the prophet once again.

Jazakallah Khair

Masha'Allah, please make du'a' I can be like you.
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Old 03-11-2012, 04:54 AM   #10

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Thank you everyone. I have gained an even better understanding of what it means to love our Prophet.

May Allah increase the love for the Prophet and Allah in all Muslims throughout the world.

The Prophet, is truly the greatest of all creation by the one and only greatest creator, Allah.
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Old 03-11-2012, 03:36 PM   #11

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60. "Maulana (Zafar Ahmed Uthmani)! The Ulama are not coming towards this effort. What should I do? Alas! O Allah! What should I do?" I replied, " All will come, make dua." He replied, " I can't make dua. You rather make dua." He then read these verses of poetry from Qasidah Burdah (Ode of the Cloak):

I seek Allah's Forgiveness from that speech which is devoid of action.
it is tantamount to attributing children to a barren woman.
I have oppressed the sunnah (way) of that personality
who remained awake in the darkness of the night
until his excessive standing (in salaah) caused his blessed feet to swell.

After this his eyes were filled with tears and he remarked that Qasidah Burdah is included in the syllabus of the Ulama not for the sake of literature but to soften the hearts and increase the love for Nabi

Discourses of Maulana Ilyas
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Old 03-11-2012, 04:35 PM   #12

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Brother At Tayyib,

you haven't wrote the most appropriate Hadith for this younger brother. Here it is:

Abu Hurairah narrates that indeed Rasulullaah said: From those people of my Ummah who intensely love me will be some who will come after me. Each one of them would desire that he could see me, even in exchange for his family and wealth!

- (Muslim)
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Old 03-11-2012, 04:42 PM   #13

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Brother At Tayyib,

you haven't wrote the most appropriate Hadith for this younger brother. Here it is:

Abu Hurairah narrates that indeed Rasulullaah said: From those people of my Ummah who intensely love me will be some who will come after me. Each one of them would desire that he could see me, even in exchange for his family and wealth!

- (Muslim)

May Allah bless you
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Old 03-11-2012, 08:44 PM   #14

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For some reason, I cannot stop thinking about the life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his legacy. I cannot even imagine how such a man had lived amongst us. Someone so just, fair, polite, forgiving, trustworthy and humble. I cry when I think about Muhammad. I love him more than anyone else in this world. If I had one chance to go back in time to even see our beloved Prophet Muhammad I would give up everything in this world to do so. Why am I having such strong emotional attachment to someone I have never met in my life? Muhammad is truly a beauty created by Allah, and he came as a mercy to all of mankind. Muhammad is a role model for me and I wish to follow in his footsteps. I would to know if it is normal for one to have such strong emotional attachment to Prophet Muhammad.

I must mention that I am only 17 years old and live in a western society. I had the opportunity to perform umrah and visit the holy cities of Makkah and Madina this year. Ever since my umrah, this strong emotional attachment began to form. I hope Allah gives me the opportunity to visit his holy city and the holy city of the prophet once again.

Jazakallah Khair

May Allah forgive me if this is the wrong thing to say, and Insha'Allah I do not mean it in the way which it is typically used, but as they say in English:

Lucky you.

May Allah make us all like this. Ameen.

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Old 03-11-2012, 09:03 PM   #15

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Salaamu alaiykum akhi
One can see the evidence of someone who loves the prophet Muhammad PBUH through his follow of the prophet PBUH. I pray that you are among those who show his love through actions, according to the verified sunnah, as well as words and emotion. I'm saying this because many people love the prophet Muhammad PBUH so much that they do and say things that are in fact contrary to sunnah e.g. words towards him PBUH that are only suitable towards Allah (which is shirk and actually abhorrent in the sight of Allah and his messenger PBUH). They have the love, but sometimes you have to know how the love should be expressed. Of course, I am among those who say that I am jealous (in a good way) towards your love for the prophet Muhammad PBUH, as compared to me, and I pray that Allah increases your love for him. Wassalaamu alaiykum.
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