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Old 03-10-2012, 04:08 PM   #1

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Default Planned Destruction of Religions?
Muslims be aware:

Banker (people who want to make riba, money lending and charging interest halal, and who want to own the world) conspirators called for:

1) Abolition of all monarchies and all ordered governments.

2) Abolition of private property and inheritances.

3) Abolition of patriotism and nations (one world government with one central bank).

4) Abolition of family life and the institution of marriage, and

5) Abolition of religion.

Karl Marx was hired to update the writings of Dr. Weishaupt, written seventy years earlier. The ideas Lenin developed were directly from the Karl Marx Communist Manifesto; and Marx “took his orders from the House of Rothschild,” . Gary Allan in his multimillion best seller, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, states the following about Marx's Communist Manifesto:

‘If you study the Marx Communist Manifesto you will find that in essence Marx said the proletarian revolution would establish the Socialist dictatorship of the proletariat. To achieve the Socialist dictatorship of the proletariat, three things would have to be accomplished. 1. The elimination of all right to private property. 2. The dissolution of the family unit: and 3. Destruction of what Marx referred to as the “opiate of the people,” 'Religion.'

“Up until recently, two checks made out to Karl Marx by Nathan Rothschild could be seen on display at the British Museum.”

As far as socialism is concerned, banker control of government and the elimination of private property, I’d say the international bankers are right on schedule.

Their plan will fail, but Muslims need to be made aware of their plans, so we can do the opposite of what they want. For example they want to destroy the family and marriage, so we strengthen the bonds of marriage, have strong links with relatives and make sure our children are not taken into schools for long periods of time and have no connection with us or Islam.
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Old 03-10-2012, 05:16 PM   #2

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JazakAllah kyran.
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Old 03-10-2012, 06:20 PM   #3

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Communists and feminist communists argued that the family is the cause for the oppression of women and the re-creation of oppressive conditions for women generally. The solution they devised to destroy the family was to take children away from their parents and to school them in giant state owned schools. The longer they were kept in school the better. They only went home to sleep until the next day. This would ensure that parents would have little input in the raising of their children...and they would be more malleable to state propaganda. When these children became adults they would not create families, rather they would pursue a life of consuming things, getting into debt and maybe fulfilling their sexual urges outside of marriage and 'freely'. State schools make children dependent on state authorities...you are no one unless someone in authority says you are. People schooled in this way feel anxious and they lack self confidence...they think buying things will give them status...this is why branded clothing is so popular. The lack of confidence makes them easily swayed. People who have not been scooled by the state and who have been raised at home by their parents are notoriously independent and difficult to control by the state and corporations.

This communist idea, has been adopted by all state capitalist societies...the US, Britain etc. Muslims have eagerly enrolled their children into state schools hoping they will earn lots of money and status through their education...yet the alienation, the lack of bond between parents and children, the erosion of the values and religion of our Muslim children is ignored. Wake up we with our own hands send our children to these schools where they learn the ways of corruption. Muslim children get involved in destructive rebellion, drug taking, sexual promiscuity, and other psychological and social harms, yet no one even speaks about this.

Is life simply about getting a good job, getting a mortgage, or buy to let (income from renting properties out, after getting a mortgage)? Is it to have a huge flat screen TV, a big house, nice car and the best electronic gadgets? There must be more to life than that. Why are we allowing ourselves to be corrupted in this way?

On you tube search for We're the Government -- and You're Not (only 10 minutes long) watch it, it is funny as well..
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Old 03-10-2012, 06:37 PM   #4

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If people stuck to traditional gender roles and family values, a lot of problems would be solved. For example, in America, you have young, single women entering the workforce. These girls are hired by companies who have quotas to employ women, so they might be hired over men who are equally or more qualified. They live by themselves, and take home a high salary which is squandered on luxuries for themselves. Similarly, young men who work and live by themselves spend all their earnings on themselves.

Now, if that young man and that young woman had gotten married, with the man working and the woman taking care of the house and kids, then the salary for one job would have provided for an entire family, and not been squandered on luxury items. Moreover, the other job would then be freed up for another young man upon whom providing for his family is an obligation. More jobs to go around for those who need them, and less waste.
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Old 03-10-2012, 09:12 PM   #5

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Yes, most people have been born into this situation and their culture has made them behave in this way, we could say they are not really conscious of what they are doing, they are simply going along with the way things are. This is why we need to be forgiving and merciful, people are feeling powerless and they cover it up with 'pride'. Of course the corporations gain more workers when women are induced to make careers their life purpose...most families now need both parents to work so mortgages can be paid...what a sad existence being presented to us as epitomizing freedom...and of all people Muslims ought to be intellectually protected from this way of seeing and being in the world. Working for a small wage so we can pay interest on debts is not freedom, it is slavery. People are trying to escape from this relentless dread, by consuming and further fuelling the great society of slavery to trap others. Our taxes go towards paying interest on the National Debt. Islamic taxes never reached such high levels. Non Muslims in many cases preferred Muslim rule, because Jizya tax was low and their 'national debts' were written off when Muslims ruled. Islam = worship of Allah = freedom.

We ought to know this our young men and women ought to understand this without getting caught up in the false propaganda of 'freedom' where Islam is portrayed as being primitive. Islam is the only protection we have against this destructive way that we are all being pressured into following.

Women at home in isolated suburban and urban houses is also not good, we need communities of women who can help one another to build strong families and communities. Exhausted men and women after a days work collapsing in front of the TV and children glued to their computer games in separate rooms leads to alienation and separation.

We should try to teach our children about what is actually going on, guide them, and give them the tools to resist.

If people stuck to traditional gender roles and family values, a lot of problems would be solved. For example, in America, you have young, single women entering the workforce. These girls are hired by companies who have quotas to employ women, so they might be hired over men who are equally or more qualified. They live by themselves, and take home a high salary which is squandered on luxuries for themselves. Similarly, young men who work and live by themselves spend all their earnings on themselves.

Now, if that young man and that young woman had gotten married, with the man working and the woman taking care of the house and kids, then the salary for one job would have provided for an entire family, and not been squandered on luxury items. Moreover, the other job would then be freed up for another young man upon whom providing for his family is an obligation. More jobs to go around for those who need them, and less waste.
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Old 03-10-2012, 09:55 PM   #6

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No problem. We shall be ready with RPG, IED, assault rifles.
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Old 03-11-2012, 01:10 AM   #7

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If people stuck to traditional gender roles and family values, a lot of problems would be solved. For example, in America, you have young, single women entering the workforce. These girls are hired by companies who have quotas to employ women, so they might be hired over men who are equally or more qualified. They live by themselves, and take home a high salary which is squandered on luxuries for themselves. Similarly, young men who work and live by themselves spend all their earnings on themselves.

Now, if that young man and that young woman had gotten married, with the man working and the woman taking care of the house and kids, then the salary for one job would have provided for an entire family, and not been squandered on luxury items. Moreover, the other job would then be freed up for another young man upon whom providing for his family is an obligation. More jobs to go around for those who need them, and less waste.
It would be ideal if man works and wife takes care of house and kids, however, this model is breaking apart due to greed and rapid increase in cost of living. We now see most Muslim men of marriageable age seeking a professional spouse so that they can affort a decent house, a car and be able to comfortably afford other luxuries in life. There is a reason why houses and other commodities have become so expensive, its to make it impossible to be able to afford them on single earner income. This could be a blessing in disguise for our Muslim youths, they can stay with their parents and start a new family from there, but, you know the state of Ummah, no one is willing to give the other their due (hukooq), while everyone wants to get the most out of the others.

This whole inflation of assest and commodities in this decade will have a profound impact on the lives of young Muslims who will be entering the workforce soon. They will have to make many important decisions which probably the generations before them did had to make as it was easy to survive on just one income.
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Old 03-11-2012, 03:04 AM   #8

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I wonder what's stopping this plan from succeeding? unless the plan doesn't exist.
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Old 03-11-2012, 10:15 AM   #9

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It would be ideal if man works and wife takes care of house and kids, however, this model is breaking apart due to greed and rapid increase in cost of living. We now see most Muslim men of marriageable age seeking a professional spouse so that they can affort a decent house, a car and be able to comfortably afford other luxuries in life. There is a reason why houses and other commodities have become so expensive, its to make it impossible to be able to afford them on single earner income. This could be a blessing in disguise for our Muslim youths, they can stay with their parents and start a new family from there, but, you know the state of Ummah, no one is willing to give the other their due (hukooq), while everyone wants to get the most out of the others.

This whole inflation of assest and commodities in this decade will have a profound impact on the lives of young Muslims who will be entering the workforce soon. They will have to make many important decisions which probably the generations before them did had to make as it was easy to survive on just one income.
Never! Muslim girls should be economically independent. The biggest tool of women oppression is to make women confined to house. Offcourse , family should be women's FIRST priority but if they can work and want to work...there should be NO obstacle in their path. Men exploit girls just because they know that their wives "depend" on them and also that women will tolerate the oppression and not go for divorce because Muslim societies , for the large part , severely look down upon the divorced women..specially in rural areas. Divorce men can get another good wife but a divorce girl will rarely get a decent unmarried husband....Don't tell me this isn't true.
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Old 03-11-2012, 11:11 AM   #10

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Never! Muslim girls should be economically independent. The biggest tool of women oppression is to make women confined to house. Offcourse , family should be women's FIRST priority but if they can work and want to work...there should be NO obstacle in their path. Men exploit girls just because they know that their wives "depend" on them and also that women will tolerate the oppression and not go for divorce because Muslim societies , for the large part , severely look down upon the divorced women..specially in rural areas. Divorce men can get another good wife but a divorce girl will rarely get a decent unmarried husband....Don't tell me this isn't true.
This understanding isn't islamic, but you're free to think what you want
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Old 03-11-2012, 11:27 AM   #11

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This understanding isn't islamic, but you're free to think what you want

Not to mention it is just not feasible for every man and woman to be employed. There simply aren't enough jobs to go around. However, it is an Islamic obligation on men to provide for the family, but not on women. Besides, how can a Muslim woman work in most industries in this day and age while still observing the rules of hijab? Traveling to distant places by themselves, interacting with ghayr maharim unnecessarily...when did all of this become OK?
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Old 03-11-2012, 02:46 PM   #12

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This understanding isn't islamic, but you're free to think what you want
This is absolutely 'Islamic' ..... We are living in 21st century and not in tribal 7th century Arabia. So please don't tell us what is 'Islamic' and what is 'not Islamic' .....


Not to mention it is just not feasible for every man and woman to be employed. There simply aren't enough jobs to go around. However, it is an Islamic obligation on men to provide for the family, but not on women. Besides, how can a Muslim woman work in most industries in this day and age while still observing the rules of hijab? Traveling to distant places by themselves, interacting with ghayr maharim unnecessarily...when did all of this become OK?
No one is saying to "employ every man and women" ...Even China and USA can't and won't do this.

Regarding the bold part of your post .... interacting with "gair maharim" isn't that big of a deal. We are living a global village of 21st century. Allah will understand this and won't throw any girl to hell just because she was a civil engineer and while building bridges , she interacted with male engineers. For heaven's sake sir , this approach should be thrown away now..Girls working in industries , offices , resturants , call centers etc etc etc is NOT 'haram' .... Europeans used to criticize Muslims about how 'liberal' Islam was and how Muslim women had liberties.....at that time..Islam was the dominant force of the planet..Think about it. Women in Islam are never meant to just sit in home and raise kids..Their role in the society is way more than that...

Obviously , family should be the priority...
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Old 03-11-2012, 03:17 PM   #13

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This is absolutely 'Islamic' ..... We are living in 21st century and not in tribal 7th century Arabia. So please don't tell us what is 'Islamic' and what is 'not Islamic' .....

No one is saying to "employ every man and women" ...Even China and USA can't and won't do this.

Regarding the bold part of your post .... interacting with "gair maharim" isn't that big of a deal. We are living a global village of 21st century. Allah will understand this and won't throw any girl to hell just because she was a civil engineer and while building bridges , she interacted with male engineers. For heaven's sake sir , this approach should be thrown away now..Girls working in industries , offices , resturants , call centers etc etc etc is NOT 'haram' .... Europeans used to criticize Muslims about how 'liberal' Islam was and how Muslim women had liberties.....at that time..Islam was the dominant force of the planet..Think about it. Women in Islam are never meant to just sit in home and raise kids..Their role in the society is way more than that...

Obviously , family should be the priority...
I see. That means Quran and Hadith were applicable only in the old times, and with the progress of civilization we should throw away the commands of Allaah and Prophet . Right?
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Old 03-11-2012, 04:03 PM   #14

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I see. That means Quran and Hadith were applicable only in the old times, and with the progress of civilization we should throw away the commands of Allaah and Prophet . Right?
Don't play this emotional drama here. You know that I didn't mean it. Islam never says that women should only be living in houses. There is a whole institution of "Ijtihad" in Islam. Islam remains the same but application of Islam evolves. If girls go out and work...it does not make them guilty nor it will send them it hell. People like you are the reason why Muslims are backward. Don't see religion with such rigid approach. Muslim women used to go out and work during the Golden Age Of Islam (8th-13th century) but you won't know this. Islam came to liberalize women , not to oppress them. Sadly , today , Muslim men use the name of Islam to oppress women and hence Islam has become a symbol of women oppression in the world.
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Old 03-11-2012, 04:17 PM   #15

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This is absolutely 'Islamic' ..... We are living in 21st century and not in tribal 7th century Arabia. So please don't tell us what is 'Islamic' and what is 'not Islamic' .....

No one is saying to "employ every man and women" ...Even China and USA can't and won't do this.

Regarding the bold part of your post .... interacting with "gair maharim" isn't that big of a deal. We are living a global village of 21st century. Allah will understand this and won't throw any girl to hell just because she was a civil engineer and while building bridges , she interacted with male engineers. For heaven's sake sir , this approach should be thrown away now..Girls working in industries , offices , resturants , call centers etc etc etc is NOT 'haram' .... Europeans used to criticize Muslims about how 'liberal' Islam was and how Muslim women had liberties.....at that time..Islam was the dominant force of the planet..Think about it. Women in Islam are never meant to just sit in home and raise kids..Their role in the society is way more than that...

Obviously , family should be the priority...
subhanallah, my brother, there is nothing just about raising kids. Do you know how much work goes into the tarbiyyah of one child? How hard it is to teach him Islam? To read and write? Arithmetic? Do you think if a mother does that for her children, she is not doing a great service to the ummah?

You say family is a priority. How can a woman with young children go out to work while leaving them in the care of a stranger? Do you call that prioritizing the family? Isn't it better for her to raise her own children? Does it make sense for a woman to work all day, only to give the money she earns to the nanny? Do you have any idea how much child (sexual/physical) abuse goes on because children are left in the care of strangers these days?

Fear Allah, you are making up things about shariah and talking about Allah without knowledge, in the name of the "21st century global village". Allah's ahkam do not change with time. Interacting needlessly with ghair maharim is indeed a "big deal".

If a woman can manage to raise her kids, or her kids are grown up, and she can work in a place that doesn't require her to interact with men beyond a minimum, mashallah, I'm all for it. In fact, we need women working in education, healthcare, etc. I don't see a need for women to be working in restaurants or customer service, though.

When Islam was "the dominant force in the planet", Allah's laws were not being violated by the ummah en masse. Today, nobody cares about hijab, salah, nothing. People don't pray because they "don't have time at work". Girls not observing hijab because they "have to" work. This is unacceptable.

The Prophet's generation was the best generation. Women did not go out and about by themselves, shamelessly interacting with strange men. They did not feel oppressed in caring for the family or obeying their husbands. And men did not oppress their wives because they feared Allah, or at least they feared the state which implemented the laws of Allah. It sickens me that the pious Muslimah who chooses to stay at home and raise her kids properly, following the sunnah of the Prophet's wives and obeying Allah's commands, is looked down upon by the oh-so-intelligent "modern" Muslims, as if she is doing nothing meaningful in her life.

The only justification you have given for a woman abandoning the shariah, is that if she doesn't work, she will be oppressed. This is not a valid argument.
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Old 03-11-2012, 04:24 PM   #16

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agree with the OP
look at this:

the catholic church is curmbling under the pressure of secularism and atheism. they wish to wipe it out entirely. look how the pope is pleading. this is what they wish to do to Islam aswell as it is the only force on the planet that stands firm with Allah's Laws that are the only way mankind can hope for success in this world and the hereafter. everything else is just herding the masses towards an abyss of destruction. we muslims should stop squabbling among ourselves, unite, and throw the secular/liberal juggernaut from our countries.
a further example of the same ideology infiltrating muslim masses is this:

time to act people.
some examples of people who are doing something about this are:
- http://2reachout.wordpress.com/
- http://answeringsecularism.wordpress.com/

among others.
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Old 03-11-2012, 04:25 PM   #17

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subhanallah, my brother, there is nothing just about raising kids. Do you know how much work goes into the tarbiyyah of one child? How hard it is to teach him Islam? To read and write? Arithmetic? Do you think if a mother does that for her children, she is not doing a great service to the ummah?

You say family is a priority. How can a woman with young children go out to work while leaving them in the care of a stranger? Do you call that prioritizing the family? Isn't it better for her to raise her own children? Does it make sense for a woman to work all day, only to give the money she earns to the nanny? Do you have any idea how much child (sexual/physical) abuse goes on because children are left in the care of strangers these days?

Fear Allah, you are making up things about shariah and talking about Allah without knowledge, in the name of the "21st century global village". Allah's ahkam do not change with time. Interacting needlessly without ghair maharim is indeed a "big deal".

If a woman can manage to raise her kids, or her kids are grown up, and she can work in a place that doesn't require her to interact with men beyond a minimum, mashallah, I'm all for it.

When Islam was "the dominant force in the planet", Allah's laws were not being violated by the ummah en masse. Today, nobody cares about hijab, salah, nothing. People don't pray because they "don't have time at work". Girls not observing hijab because they "have to" work. This is unacceptable.

The Prophet's generation was the best generation. Women did not go out and about by themselves, shamelessly interacting with strange men. They did not feel oppressed in caring for the family or obeying their husbands. And men did not oppress their wives because they feared Allah, or at least they feared the state which implemented the laws of Allah. It sickens me that the pious Muslimah who chooses to stay at home and raise her kids properly, following the sunnah of the Prophet's wives and obeying Allah's commands, is looked down upon by the oh-so-intelligent "modern" Muslims, as if she is doing nothing meaningful in her life.

The only justification you have given for a woman abandoning the shariah, is that if she doesn't work, she will be oppressed. This is not a valid argument.
superb reply ma sha Allah
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Old 03-11-2012, 04:32 PM   #18

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Don't play this emotional drama here. You know that I didn't mean it. Islam never says that women should only be living in houses. There is a whole institution of "Ijtihad" in Islam. Islam remains the same but application of Islam evolves. If girls go out and work...it does not make them guilty nor it will send them it hell. People like you are the reason why Muslims are backward. Don't see religion with such rigid approach. Muslim women used to go out and work during the Golden Age Of Islam (8th-13th century) but you won't know this. Islam came to liberalize women , not to oppress them. Sadly , today , Muslim men use the name of Islam to oppress women and hence Islam has become a symbol of women oppression in the world.
Then why Prophet didn't send his wives and daughters outside to liberalize them? And his companions ? Can you show me a Hadith where Prophet urged women to go outside and work with men?
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Old 03-11-2012, 04:46 PM   #19

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Then why Prophet didn't send his wives and daughters outside to liberalize them? And his companions ? Can you show me a Hadith where Prophet urged women to go outside and work with men?
Can you show me a hadith where prophet stopped anyone from working outside its home? Hazrat Khadija was a business woman in THOSE times...Prophet worked for her in 7th century!!!! Also , Prophet (SAW) was living under social pressure and he was living in 7th century desert....NOT 21st century industrialized world. Also , there are special "Ahkaam" for Prophet's wives/daughters and even family members (women).There was a profound reason behind it..So please , don't give example of Prophet's wives because Ahkaam for general Muslim women were different . . . . . Why are you against your women so much? Don't you want your daughter and sister to be confident , economically indepedent and strong! So that no man can oppress them and exploit them (sexually , physically and mentally) ? C'mon now ...
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Old 03-11-2012, 04:50 PM   #20

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subhanallah, my brother, there is nothing just about raising kids. Do you know how much work goes into the tarbiyyah of one child? How hard it is to teach him Islam? To read and write? Arithmetic? Do you think if a mother does that for her children, she is not doing a great service to the ummah?

You say family is a priority. How can a woman with young children go out to work while leaving them in the care of a stranger? Do you call that prioritizing the family? Isn't it better for her to raise her own children? Does it make sense for a woman to work all day, only to give the money she earns to the nanny? Do you have any idea how much child (sexual/physical) abuse goes on because children are left in the care of strangers these days?

Fear Allah, you are making up things about shariah and talking about Allah without knowledge, in the name of the "21st century global village". Allah's ahkam do not change with time. Interacting needlessly with ghair maharim is indeed a "big deal".

If a woman can manage to raise her kids, or her kids are grown up, and she can work in a place that doesn't require her to interact with men beyond a minimum, mashallah, I'm all for it. In fact, we need women working in education, healthcare, etc. I don't see a need for women to be working in restaurants or customer service, though.

When Islam was "the dominant force in the planet", Allah's laws were not being violated by the ummah en masse. Today, nobody cares about hijab, salah, nothing. People don't pray because they "don't have time at work". Girls not observing hijab because they "have to" work. This is unacceptable.

The Prophet's generation was the best generation. Women did not go out and about by themselves, shamelessly interacting with strange men. They did not feel oppressed in caring for the family or obeying their husbands. And men did not oppress their wives because they feared Allah, or at least they feared the state which implemented the laws of Allah. It sickens me that the pious Muslimah who chooses to stay at home and raise her kids properly, following the sunnah of the Prophet's wives and obeying Allah's commands, is looked down upon by the oh-so-intelligent "modern" Muslims, as if she is doing nothing meaningful in her life.

The only justification you have given for a woman abandoning the shariah, is that if she doesn't work, she will be oppressed. This is not a valid argument.
I am not saying that girls HAVE TO work or else she'd be oppress. If a girl wants to raise kids..most welcome. I am saying that IF a women/girl wants to work , NO ONE should put ANY obstacle in her path. Girls SHOULD get education ..They should be economically independent so no one can oppress them. Also , when Islam was the dominant force , Muslims were progressive and liberal. Their women use to interact with men.Their women use to work etc ..Science was flourishing ....Even today , Saudi Arabians etc observe Islam and pray etc ..look at them..Just by praying namaz , you can't rule the world. You have to be DESERVING and CAPABLE and PROGRESSIVE to be a leader..
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