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#1 |
Well my friend told me about it and said it is a Hadith In Al-Bukari and it was said by Muhammed (SWA), I asked my old man what we are and he said we where Deobandi (Sorry don't know the spelling), but we are Sunni and we live how the Prophet (SWA) lived by his Hadith and how the Qu'ran tells use how to live and I pray My Salah and I Pay Zakat from my pocket money and I'm going to do Hajj and Umrah In 3 Years Inshallah, but could some one please put the Hadith here and tell me If I'm going to Jannah or Jahannam and this has kind of mad me really scared to be honest.
Jazzakallah Khair in advance for any reply back and May Allah (SWT) forgive and protect the UMMAH. |
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#2 |
Well my friend told me about it and said it is a Hadith In Al-Bukari and it was said by Muhammed (SWA), I asked my old man what we are and he said we where Deobandi (Sorry don't know the spelling), but we are Sunni and we live how the Prophet (SWA) lived by his Hadith and how the Qu'ran tells use how to live and I pray My Salah and I Pay Zakat from my pocket money and I'm going to do Hajj and Umrah In 3 Years Inshallah, but could some one please put the Hadith here and tell me If I'm going to Jannah or Jahannam and this has kind of mad me really scared to be honest. The Messenger (sallallaah 'alayhe wa sallam) said, "The Jews split into 71 sects, and the Christians split into 72 sects. My nation is going to split into 73 sects, and all of them will be in the Hellfire except one." It was said, "Who are they (that one Saved Sect), O Messenger of Allaah?" He replied, "They those who are upon what I and my Companions are upon." [ From an authentic hadeeth collected by Aboo Daawood, At-Tirmithee, Ibn Maajah, and others. Al-Albaanee discusses its different chains and wordings in Silsilatul-Ahaadeethis-Saheehah (203-204).] so as u can see the ending is in bold print it says "They those who are upon what I and my Companions are upon." so basically that means as long as you follow what our prophet pbuh came with which is true Islam than u are on the right path, think about this the Prophet got revelation from Allah, and his followers were sahabas they learned Islam directly from the Prophet (s) so basically they understood Islam the best, so muslims who follow the way the sahabas learned Islam are the people that are on the right path the saved sect-but of course that doesn't mean that u can just get a free pass to paradise if you join the saved sect it's not like christianity are deeds count as well. and also this saved group that is mentioned in the hadith the name for it that the muslims came up with is basically sunni's or (ahlus sunnah wal jammah it means the group of people that follow the way of the Prophet (s) and his Companions) even tho some sunni's have deviated and are doing things that the sahabas didn't do i can tell u that deobandi's are on the right way, so don't worry, deobandi is not a sect just look at it more like a school if you go to a college named ENGINEERING University-they will teach u engineering there, it's kind of like that Deobandi is like a School this is the way that people learned islam from The Deobandi Institutions, so basically they are following the Prophet pbuh and his Companions and the way they learned there knowledge is from the deobandi schools so its not a different sect it's rather a school. so don't worry brother deobandi schools are part of the saved sect, any people that follow, quran, prophet muhammad pbuh, and his sahabas (aka anyone that follows islam based on how the sahabas of prophet Muhammad pbuh understood Islam)are on the right group it doesnt matter what the names like deobandi, etc. they call themselves. and Allah knows best |
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#3 |
brother alot of people don't know the ending towards that hadith i didnt know before either but when u understand the ending it makes things more clear, it says: |
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#5 |
oh yea brother i forgot to mention, that remember if you are deobandi and from asia like me, usually there are other people that maybe doing weird practices and u might think its part of the religion when it is really not, so u might think they are also following sahaba way but they arent so remember if u see ur self in a situation where weird stuff going on find out if the Sahabas did this or not because sahabas are our reference point, and find out from deobandi scholars if this is allowed? i'll be straight up usually based on my knowledge alot of times deobandis be mixed with a group called barlevis and u might not know the difference if u dont have knowledge of there practices, but i'll tell u right now if u find out a person is barlevi than when u see him doing weird stuff stay away from that, because they think things that contradict sahabas way, so just remember that if any group does something weird find out what this is and see if it is allowed in islam, and did the sahabas do this, and talk to a DEobandi scholar and ask him first before u participate. because from what i heard some groups do things that can be shirk and kufr so its better to be safe than sorry, forget peer pressure find out before u participate if this is allowed.
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#6 |
I thank you so much for that, and yes my friend didn't tell me of the ending. I feel a whole lot better so thank you for your reassurance and If Allah (SWT) wills I will thank you in Jannah with open arms an tears (if that isn't bad to say if so, O Allah Forgive Me). |
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#8 |
Why is going to ONLY a deobandi scholar important??? |
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#12 |
"The Jews split into 71 sects, and the Christians split into 72 sects. My nation is going to split into 73 sects, and all of them will be in the Hellfire except one." It was said, "Who are they (that one Saved Sect), O Messenger of Allaah?" He replied, They those who are upon what I and my Companions are upon."
[ From an authentic hadeeth collected by Aboo Daawood, At-Tirmithee, Ibn Maajah, and others. Al-Albaanee discusses its different chains and wordings in Silsilatul-Ahaadeethis-Saheehah (203-204).] Who are the group of people who are upon the ways and teachings of Prophet Muhammad and his companions? Ahl ūs-Sunnah wa āl-Jamāʿah. Which means the people of the tradition of Muhammad and the consensus of the Ummah. Among Sunnis; Hanafi, Maliki, Shafe’ee and Hanbali are considered as Ahle Sunnat Wal Jama’at. The basic difference among the four groups of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jama’at is the FIQH (Jurisprudence of Islam). Otherwise, these four groups have unanimity in beliefs, traditions and the status of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), his SAHABAH (companions), his Aal (progeny) and the Aulia Allah (The very righteous people among Muslims) in Islam. Most of the Ahle Sunnah Wal Jama’ah follow the tradition of SUFIS (mysticism of Islam). Brelvi school of thought is also considered as Ahle Sunnat wal Jama’at. They follow the Hanafi FIQH. The other Sunni sects such as Wahabis, Salafis (Ahle Hadith), Parvezees, Deobandis, etc.. do not believe or practice the traditions of Ahle Sunnah. Ahle Sunnat Wal Jama’at believes that; 1. There is no God but Allah , Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is the messenger of Allah. 2. Allah has no partners, children or associates. He is alone the Creator (KHALIQ) and Sustainer (RAB) of every thing. Allah is everywhere. He has no shape or form. He is not confined to one place. We worship only Allah. 3. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the FINAL and LAST Messenger and Prophet of Allah. There is no Prophet OR Messenger of Allah after him. Allah perfected and completed His DEEN (way of life) on Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). 4. Qur’an is the word of Allah and it is the FINAL divine book from Allah. 5. Allah sent Prophets and Messengers before Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) towards different tribes and locations, such as Prophet Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus (Peace be upon all of them). These prophets and messengers of Allah are part of Islamic faith. 6. Allah gave books to several of His messengers, such a Zaboor, Torah and Gospel. 7. Allah created angels 8. There is a life after death. On the judgement day (QIYAMAT), we will be judged by Allah. 9. There is Heaven and Hell. 10. Allah is the ultimate authority. Without His Will no harm or benefit comes to anyone. v Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is closer and dearer to believers than their own lives. v A believer must seek the pleasure (REDHA) of both Allah and His messenger, Muhammad (peace be upon him). v Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is spiritually alive in his grave (QABR-E-ANWAR). He listens and responds to the salutations and Darood Sharif that the Ummatee (followers) recite on him. v Allah keeps Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) informed about the conditions and situations of every Ummatee (follower). That is why he (peace be upon him) will be able to witness (SHAHEED) about the conditions of people on the judgement day in front of Allah. v Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the leader of all prophets and messengers of Allah. v Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) will intercede (SHAFA’AT) for the sinners on the judgement day and his SHAFA’AT (intercession) will be accepted by Allah. v Allah gave Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) the knowledge of unseen (GHAIB). He has the knowledge of past, present and future. v All the companions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are the most honourable people among the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). v The household (Ahle Bait) and the progeny of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are the most honourable leaders of the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). v The wives of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are the mothers for all believers and must be respected and honoured. v Calling Ya Rasool-ullah (peace be upon him) is permissible in Islam and a tradition of Salaf Saleheen. v The Aulia Allah (the very righteous saints) are very honourable people. They are inspired by Allah and they are spiritually alive in their graves. v Organizing the birthday celebrations of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and gatherings of Meelad Sharif are very noble and Islamic deeds. v Standing up during SALAAM (salutation) on Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is an honourable action and shows love and respect towards Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). v Visiting the graves and shrines of Prophets of Allah and Aulia Allah (Sufis) is permissible deed in Islam and highly desirable tradition of Muslims. v Organizing programs on the birthdays and death anniversaries (Urs) of Aulia Allah (Sufis) is permissible in Islam. “Giyarween sharif” of Sayyidna Abdul Qadir Jilani (May Allah’s blessings upon him) is permissible in Islam. v Serving humanity is a part of EBADAH (worship) of Allah and the tradition of Sufis. v Fanaticism, extremism and forceful conversion is an un-Islamic practice and is condemned by Islam. |
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