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Old 03-02-2012, 06:17 PM   #21

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if someone walks into your house and rapes your family members would you give them dawah? because thats whats happening worldwide. theres a time and place for dawah. sorry for sounding extreme but just the opinion of the ulema i follow. the mumineen are one body so we should feel there pain aswell, if our relatives are even looked at by a ghair mehram indecently some of us would atleast throw a punch, what about the worldwide oppression?

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Old 03-02-2012, 08:06 PM   #22

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if someone walks into your house and rapes your family members would you give them dawah? because thats whats happening worldwide. theres a time and place for dawah. sorry for sounding extreme but just the opinion of the ulema i follow. the mumineen are one body so we should feel there pain aswell, if our relatives are even looked at by a ghair mehram indecently some of us would atleast throw a punch, what about the worldwide oppression?

Wa'alaikum salaam (to all)

Jazakallah for your brief and TO-THE-POINT reply. Most ppl love to beat around the bush to hide the truth.

This is worth its weight in gold:

if someone walks into your house and rapes your family members would you give them dawah? because thats whats happening worldwide. theres a time and place for dawah.

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Old 03-02-2012, 08:10 PM   #23

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I found this on the website of Mufti Ahmad Saadiq Desai, a true Deobandi From Majlisul Ulama of South Africa.

What a difference between the real and fake deobandis!

Read this, you'll love it.

__________________________________________________ _______________________

24 Jamaadil Awwal 1432 – 29 May 2011


Recounting some acts of brutality and torture inflicted on helpless Muslim prisoners by America and its protégés in their black torture facilities, one of the episodes circulated by a brother, states:

"Another sister of Islam who was a victim of the Crusade war in Afghanistan, Sister Abidah was imprisoned in Bagram Prison located in Afghanistan. She accompanied over 500 men. The American soldiers would parade naked in front of her…………. The only people to help sister Abidah were not Muslims like you and I, they were not from the so-called Muslim organizations, they were not so-called Imams or Mullahs that only come out to condemn the Muslims……"

It is not our intention to speak in defence of 'you and I' nor the 'Muslim organizations'. However, the 'Mullahs' to whom the brother has directed his insinuation, must be vindicated. Generally, those who have an aversion for Islamic orthodoxy, i.e. the strict Sunnah of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), due to their hypocrisy lack the courage to directly inveigle Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Thus the Ulama (Mullahs) have become an easy target for the disgorgement of insult and vilification by the enemies of the Sunnah.

The Mullahs on the other hand proudly take the flak which is intended for Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and the Shariah. After all, the Mullahs are the Shields with whom Allah Ta'ala protects His Deen in this dunya. It is precisely for this reason that Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: "The Ulama (Mullahs) are the Heirs of the Ambiya."

An intelligent, unbiased observer viewing the global scenario will not fail to discern that in this era, no one other than the Mullahs are upholding the Standard of Jihad. About this Jihad which only the Mullahs are today fighting, Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: "Jihad will continue until the Day of Qiyaamah."

Who is it today that has taken on the combined military might of the world – of the western superpowers and their myriad of puppets? Who is today fighting the Jihad against the U.S.A. and its coalition of aggressors? Is it not the Taliban? Who are the Taliban? Much to the chagrin of the hypocrites who detest the orthodoxy of Islam, the Taliban are none other than MULLAHS. They are primarily 'illiterate' Mullahs who are holding aloft the banner of Islam in countless Jihad operations which have bogged down the world of the kuffaar in a quagmire which has become the Hell-Hole of the U.S. and its coalition of cowards.

These brave Mullahs are fighting the superpowers with all their sophisticated military might despite the great paucity of weaponry in the ranks of these Mullahs whom the enemies of the Sunnah disdain..

The entire world of the kuffaar has united to eliminate these brave and noble Mullahs who are sowing havoc with their Swords of Imaan in the ranks of the filthy, stinking, cowardly ranks of the U.S. and its forces. The entire world – the U.S.A., all western powers and their enlisted mercenary protégés (the governments of all Muslim countries), have formed the Devil's Coalition, to destroy not only the Mullahs, but their Deeni institutions (the Madaaris) as well.

The U.S.A. is pumping billions of dollars into Pakistan to counter the Madaaris of these Mullahs. It is these Mullahs who are operating the Madaaris and most of the Mujahideen are the students of these Mullahs. Thus, the Jihad in Afghanistan is a Jihad by the Mullahs. Tremendous pressure is placed on the Madaaris in Pakistan and elsewhere in the effort and conspiracy to cut off the recruit-supply of the Mullahs who are the Men of Islam - the only ones in the world who are standing up and fighting the brutal invaders, comparatively speaking, with almost their bare hands.

The Mujahideen are not the products of secular universities, nor of modernist organizations and institutions. They are the products of the institutions of the Mullahs. America's so-called 'war on terror' is directed almost 100% against the Mullahs and their Madaaris. Numerous Madaaris were struck and destroyed with cowardly drone attacks on the basis of the belief that these Madaaris are the quarters of refuge and headquarters of the Taliban Mullahs who are proudly carrying aloft the Standard of Jihad against the combined enemy forces of the world of kuffaar. Giving the assurance of ultimate victory to the Mullahs, the Qur'aan Majeed says:

"They with their coalition cannot fight you (O Mullahs! except from within barricaded fortifications or from behind walls (of barracks)."

Alhamdulillah thumma Alhamdulillah! The Mullahs in Afghanistan are currently riding on the crest of the wave of Jihad. Just the other day, they simultaneously hit. 19 bases of the coalition of kuffaar. A couple of days later, they overran an entire district in Nuristan. Daily, the acts of Jihad of the Mullahs are on the increase while the enemy has cowardly withdrawn into barricaded fortifications. They venture out only with their murderous air force to pulverize villages of women and children from the safety of the air. The Mullahs have taken the Jihad to the cities.

In the current phase of the Jihad, the fighting is hardly in the mountains and in the wilderness. The cowards of the U.S.A. and its coalition forces refuse to come out and fight the Mullahs. They remain slinking in their barracks and send out planes to pummel villages and the folk of these villages.

The brother who has directed his baseless criticism at the Mullahs, should understand that primarily only the Mullahs and their institutions are being targeted by the Kuffaar world. Anything related to the Mullahs is also targeted for attack by the U.S.A. and its kuffaar and munaafiq protégés. Even the Makaatib (small hut-like classes) in which little children learn to recite the Qur'aan Shareef, are being harrassed by the agents of the U.S.A. These agents are the governments in the Muslim lands. A variety of schemes is designed from time to time to obstruct the smooth operation of the Makaatib which cater for millions of Muslim children.

The kuffaar superpowers so much dread the Mullahs, that everything related to Mullahism (i.e. to fundamentalist Islam – to the Sunnah) is viewed with suspicion and targeted for attack. Thus, the beard, the Sunnah attire, the hut in which the Qur'aan is taught, the Miswaak, the burqah, and just every little paraphernalia associated with the Mullahs have all become IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices).

These Mullahs of Jihad whom the cowardly modernists in our ranks revile are the Men who move in a wonderous Shade – the Shade of Holy Jihad about which Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:

"Jannat lies in the Shadow of Swords."

Which Swords? Who can deny that these Swords mentioned by our beloved Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) are today wielded only by the illiterate Mullahs of Afghanistan, the Taliban. Stand up in ovation and go down to kiss their feet, if you consider yourself to be a member of the Ummah of Muhammadur Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam).

Let it not be forgotten that it was primarily the Mullahs who drove the communists Soviets from Afghanistan. It were the Mullahs who drove the modernist, pro-Indiia Rabbaani regime from Afghanistan. It was the Taliban Mullah regime which the U.S.A. with its coalition of world forces dislodged from Kabul – from only Kabul, not from Afghanistan. The Jihad of the Mullahs continues there. The Mullahs are perpetuating the Jihad in Afghanistan against stupendous odds. Even the enemy has no option but to admire this rag-tag army of Mullahs who are standing proudly with the Sword of Jihad in their hands.

This degenerate Ummah with its preponderance of rubbish modernists, munaafiqs, zindeeqs and shayaateen in human form, has been given some honour by that small band of rag-tag Mullahs who are knocking the hell out of the U.S.A. and NATO cowards. With Sajdahs and Swords, they are bringing honour to the down-trodden Ummah groping in abject humiliation. Yet we have some 'brothers' who have the audacity to baselessly target these valiant sons of Islam, the Taliban Mullahs, with the rot they disgorge from their filthy mouths and hearts of hypocrisy.

Allah Ta'ala operates in wonderful and mysterious ways. He has demonstrated to the world of kuffaar and to the hypocrite-zindeeq world known as the World of Islam of this era, that only the Mullahs are holding aloft the Flag of Islam. Only the Mullahs have unsheathed the Sword of Jihad. Only the Mullahs have stopped the superpowers of the world. Only the Mullahs come within the purview of the Qur'aanic aayat:

"Many were the small groups (the rag-tag armies) who vanquished large

armies (such as the armies of the coalition of the U.S.A. and NATO) with

the permission of Allah.."

And, do not for a moment forget that all the Sahaabah were Mullahs who propagated the very same orthodoxy to which the Mullahs adhere today, albeit in a watered down form. About these Mullahs who are despised by modernist 'Muslims', the Qur'aan Majeed declares:

"And if We grant them political sovereignty on earth, they establish Salaat,

give Zakaat, command righteousness and prohibit evil."

Salaat, Zakaat, Amr Bil Ma'roof Nahy Anil Munkar – these are the occupations of only the Mullahs. Today this Ummah has no asset other than the Mullahs and their institutions, for only they are meeting the brutal enemy head-on.

With all their short-comings, the Mullahs today are still the best of the Ummah. They do no deserve unjustified criticism by Muslims. They deserve our heartfelt supplications. Muslims have the bounden obligation to make sincere and fervent dua for these Mullahs who are so effectively swinging their Swords of Jihad. Only these Mullahs have bestowed some honour to us fallen Muslims. The only glimmer of hope for this Ummah are the Mullahs. The U.S. enemy is targeting the Mullahs, and so are the stupid or hypocritical 'Muslims' targeting the Mullahs on whom to spit out their venom of hate for the Deen.

And, we beg your pardon, O Zindeeq! The Mullahs don't come out to condemn Muslims. They condemn zindeeqs and mulhids who masquerade as Muslims. The Mullahs have come out wielding the Swords of Jihad against the combined might of the kuffaar world who has been joined by all the kuffaar governments holding sway in the Muslim lands. Thus, the entire world is aligned against a small band of impoverished Mullahs.

The Mullahs in Afghanistan have resolutely confronted the brutal kuffaar invaders for more than ten years, and they (the Mullahs) have not slackened their resolve to fight the savages despite their pitiful mundane state in terms of weaponry and other material resources. It is with the Qur'aan in the one hand, and the Sword of Jihad in the other hand that these illiterate Mullahs have successfully opposed the evil enemy with all his superpower might. How dare any Muslim wag a vicious tongue of venom against these noble and valiant Mullahs?

In his synopsis of brutal episodes perpetrated against abducted Muslims, the brother also refers to the abduction of the Pakistani national, Khalid Rashid. Referring to this episode, the brother says:

"The Department of Home Affairs, which appears to have been asked by the police crime intelligence division to provide legal cover for Rashid's arrest and handover to Pakistani authorities, has been left exposed to charges that it connived with the South African Police Service and foreign intelligence agencies in the "extraordinary rendition" of a suspect in the war against terror."

It appears that this brother is blissfully ignorant or is feigning ignorance regarding the process which by the grace of Allah Ta'ala ultimately secured the release of Khalid Rashid from one of America's torture facilities in Pakistan. Mullahs here in South Africa had initiated the process and had seen the process to its successful end. It were not modernists. It were only Mullahs. Whilst all other Muslims in the country had abandoned Khalid Rashid, a group of Mullahs had taken up the challenge and by Allah's fadhl succeeded to gain Khalid Rashid's release.

The following episode of Mullah Hadhrat Ali Ibn Abi Talib (radhiyallahu anhu) adequately reflects the attitude of the Mullahs who are brandishing the Sword of Jihad and holding aloft the Banner of Islam in Afghanistan. Once in the midst of a severe battle, Mullah Hadhrat Ali (radhiyallahu anhu), overcome with tiredness and drowsiness fell asleep on his horse while spears and arrows were flying from all sides. The agitated horse, with the drowsy Mullah (radhiyallahu anhu) was wandering aimlessly in the battle field. A companion seeing the sleeping Mullah (radhiyallahu anhu) screamed to wake him up. Mullah Ali (radhiyallahu anhu) opened his eyes and with extreme calm said non-chalantly:

"From which two days of Maut can I flee?

The day that Maut has been decreed

Or the day it has not been decreed?

The day Maut has not been decreed

It will not arrive

The day it has been decreed, no amount

Of defence will avail.

The sword and the dagger are our flowers

Confound the narcissus and the myrtle

Our wine is the blood of our enemies

Our cups are the hollow of the skulls


Brother salute the Mullahs who are holding aloft the banner of Jihad, and repent for your hypocrisy and for the hatred you harbour for the Mullahs of Jihad.

Source: http://www.themajlis.co.za/index.php...haqq&Itemid=55


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Old 03-02-2012, 08:15 PM   #24

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They invited them in and spoke to them about Islam. If these soldiers leave the masjid with an iota more respect for the Muslim traditions and Muslim beliefs, that can only be a good thing. The stories that we hear of British and American troops abusing Muslims are due to lack of respect, understanding and care for the Muslim way of life coupled with the animalistic and barbaric tendencies and hate that they conceal within their hearts. If there was one way to give dawah to them or to try and decrease that, isn't this the method?

But I do agree with OP that we need to offer the same type of 'lets look at the bigger picture' approach when it comes to initiatives taken by non-deobandis too.
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Old 03-02-2012, 08:24 PM   #25

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I read this before somewhere:

Our Akabireen are the real Deobandis. What they stood for in regards to the maslak of Deoband we can never match hence we are not even worth the “dal” (د) on Deobandi, let alone ascribing ourselves to their maslak. Their strict adherence to the Qur’an and Sunnah is unparalled to any claimants of today. To say who is a Deobandi refer to the Akabireen as the benchmark.
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Old 03-02-2012, 08:41 PM   #26

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well done Deobandi's!

the general british soldeirs in my view hardly know anything about Islam, thus they are not fighting Islam in Afghanistan, but have just fallen for propaganda of their government and think they are fighting an opressive Taliban regime and terrorists; this mosque visit and talk is a beutifull way to introduce Islam to them and give them dawah; inshAllah after that they will have more respect for Islam and it's people

that mosque visit is not about congratulating them on their travel to Afghan., but it is only to teach them about Islam
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Old 03-02-2012, 08:59 PM   #27

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I agree with giving da'wah to the soldiers, explaining to them about islaam and maybe even showing them kindness to a certain degree, in hope of attracting them to the truth.
BUT i totally disagree with doing it in the mosque. They are, after all kuffaar and the masjid is the sacred and pure house of ALLAH.
Don't tell me there was NO other venue availabe to hold their meeting! And even if there really wasn't, i don't think its correct to bring the enemy of ALLAH into the house of ALLAH.
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Old 03-02-2012, 09:00 PM   #28

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that mosque visit is not about congratulating them on their travel to Afghan., but it is only to teach them about Islam
If it is not about congratulating, did they tell these soldiers even once that it is wrong and hypocritical to go to Afghanistan and that your war is not legimate and rather unmoral?

So that means if you invite a bunch of killers and rapists to the mosques, knowing fully well they are going to kill your brothers next day, you are going to "invite" them to Islam or "tell" them about it, without even once hinting to the heinous deeds they are about the commit?

What kind of nonsense is this?
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Old 03-02-2012, 09:08 PM   #29

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Assalam alikum wa rahmat Allah. May Allah swt bless you. WAN eye opening argument jazak Allah khair brother. you are so right.
No bro I must disagree with you.

These filthy harbi kuffaar (disbelievers who are fighting against us) are amongst the worst creatures on earth. They slaughter Muslims (night raids, anyone?), rape our women (anyone wants to take the place of Sister Afiyah Siddiqui?), burn our Qur'an and lock up our brothers like dogs (11 Days 10 Nights all-expenses paid 'holiday' at Guantanamo Bay, anyone?).


The least we must do is voice our opinion clearly, let these 'soldiers' be aware that "YOU FILTHY DOGS ARE NOT WELCOME IN OUR LANDS. GET LOST OR WE WILL SEE YOU OFF IN COFFINS." Even 'teaching' them about how to behave in Afghanistan is tantamount to supporting the haraam occupation, and you get loaded with mountains of sins. Rather one's very imaan is in doubt.

The best we can do has been mentioned by Allah ta'aala:

Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward. (4:74)

So, it's NOT right to accept the accursed soldiers of Shaitaan into a masjid, hope it makes sense.

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Old 03-02-2012, 09:18 PM   #30

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If it is not about congratulating, did they tell these soldiers even once that it is wrong and hypocritical to go to Afghanistan and that your war is not legimate and rather unmoral?

So that means if you invite a bunch of killers and rapists to the mosques, knowing fully well they are going to kill your brothers next day, you are going to "invite" them to Islam or "tell" them about it, without even once hinting to the heinous deeds they are about the commit?

What kind of nonsense is this?
Exactly. It doesn't make sense. If anyone really feels for the suffering's of the muslims in afghanistan, they will NEVER tolerate it or come up with any excuses. Wrong remains wrong - whether committed by brelvi's or deo's.

The soldiers can't be so stupid to go and kill innocent people out of ignorance. They have brains (or do they?) to think and understand what they're doing.
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Old 03-02-2012, 09:26 PM   #31

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If it is not about congratulating, did they tell these soldiers even once that it is wrong and hypocritical to go to Afghanistan and that your war is not legimate and rather unmoral?

So that means if you invite a bunch of killers and rapists to the mosques, knowing fully well they are going to kill your brothers next day, you are going to "invite" them to Islam or "tell" them about it, without even once hinting to the heinous deeds they are about the commit?

What kind of nonsense is this?
Assalam alikum wa rahmat Allah. May Allah swt bless you. WAN eye opening argument jazak Allah khair brother. you are so right.
Wa'alailkum salaam warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh to all.

Brothers like you are the reason why I keep coming back to this forum.

If everyone here was in a consensus that it was a "good deed" to invite a bunch of najis-laden, murderously bloodthirsty, sexually-perverted, blasphemous, war-mongering disbelievers into the House of Allah, then indeed this forum would have to be thrown into the trash bin as yet another deviant, midguided (so-called) Islamic forum.

May Allah guide us to the straight path, ameen.

__________________________________________________ ______

O ye who believe! Shall I show you a commerce that will save you from a painful doom?

Ye should believe in Allah and His messenger, and carry out Jihad for the cause of Allah with your wealth and your lives. That is better for you, if ye did but know.

He will forgive you your sins and bring you into Gardens underneath which rivers flow, and pleasant dwellings in Gardens of Eden. That is the supreme triumph.

And (He will give you) another (blessing) which ye love: help from Allah and present victory. Give good tidings (O Muhammad) to believers.

(Qur'an Majeed 61:10-13)
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Old 03-02-2012, 09:34 PM   #32

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Al Haqq-Bulletin No.39-October 2011

Published by Majlisul Ulama of South Africa (led by Mufti A S Desai)


12 pages of Haq (truth) about the Taliban and Jihaad in general.
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Old 03-02-2012, 09:54 PM   #33

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If it is not about congratulating, did they tell these soldiers even once that it is wrong and hypocritical to go to Afghanistan and that your war is not legimate and rather unmoral?

So that means if you invite a bunch of killers and rapists to the mosques, knowing fully well they are going to kill your brothers next day, you are going to "invite" them to Islam or "tell" them about it, without even once hinting to the heinous deeds they are about the commit?

What kind of nonsense is this?
brother as this was a joint government initiative, then the visit would have been allowed under conditions, and one of them would have been, no politics please, thus therefore should the Mosque have taken up the offer on a strictly Islamic dawah basis, leaving aside discussing the right and wrongs of the war itself?; why not; some dawah is better than nothing!
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Old 03-02-2012, 09:56 PM   #34

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I agree with giving da'wah to the soldiers, explaining to them about islaam and maybe even showing them kindness to a certain degree, in hope of attracting them to the truth.
BUT i totally disagree with doing it in the mosque. They are, after all kuffaar and the masjid is the sacred and pure house of ALLAH.
Don't tell me there was NO other venue availabe to hold their meeting! And even if there really wasn't, i don't think its correct to bring the enemy of ALLAH into the house of ALLAH.
in the Hanafi madhab, non-muslims are prohibbited from performing hajj, but not entering Mosques itself, so there really is no problem with allowing them into the Mosque
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Old 03-02-2012, 10:03 PM   #35

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in the Hanafi madhab, non-muslims are prohibbited from performing hajj, but not entering Mosques itself, so there really is no problem with allowing them into the Mosque
Do you have any Islamic daleel (proof) for what you are saying, or are you just typing whatever comes to your mind?
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Old 03-02-2012, 10:06 PM   #36

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For those who are blindly obsessed with da'wah without any due regard for the Shariah of Allah ta'aala, the article below is a fitting reply.

Maulana Binnuri on Haram Methods

Commenting on the
employment of haraam
methods ostensibly for
the sake of the Deen
and Tabligh, Hadhrat
Maulana Yusuf Binnuri
alayh) said:
“With regards to
methods for Tabligh
and Da’wat, I wish to
present a principle.
Allah Ta’ala has not
obliged us to produce
uprighteous Muslims
by any means whatsoever.
Yes, we have the
obligation of harnessing
all lawful ways of
Tableegh which are
within the scope of our
acquisition and ability
as best as we are able
Just as Islam has
commanded us with
the duty of Tabligh, it
has also shown us the
honourable ways and
etiquettes of discharging
this obligation. We
are obliged only to
execute the duty of
Tabligh within the
confines of these
ways. If we are successful
in our efforts
of Tabligh whilst observing
the lawful
ways and means, then
we have achieved the
objective. However,
assuming that we cannot
accomplish the
objective by employing
these lawful methods,
then we are not
obliged to resort to
unlawful methods to
call people to the
Deen, and to cast aside
the rules and etiquettes
of Tableegh. It
is not permissible to
adopt any methods
whether permissible or
If we manage to
reform even one person
by employing the
lawful means of the
Shariah, then the mission
of our Tableegh is
achieved and successful.
On the contrary, if
we convert a hundred
people by the utilization
of unlawful
means, then this
‘success’ has no value
by Allah Ta’ala.
Tableegh which is executed
by trampling on
the ahkaam of the
Deen is not Deen. It is
the propagation of
something other than
the Deen.
Films (as well as pictures,
videos, television,
etc.) are by themselves
in conflict with
the laws of Islam.
Thus, we are not
obliged to utilize such
methods for Tableegh.
If we do not adhere to
this method (i. the lawful
method), then today
we shall utilize films to
satisfy the whims of
people. Tomorrow we
shall begin to make
use of semi-nude
women for the objective
of Tableegh. This
will be followed by
functions of singing
and music to draw people
towards the Deen.
In this manner, in the
name of Tableegh we
shall be guilty of trampling
on the laws of
the Deen.”
(Hadhrat Maulana
Yusuf Binnuri –
rahmatullah alayh –
presented the above
naseehat in 1977 when
he was requested to
give a talk on television.
The narrator of
this naseehat is Maulana
Muhammad Taqi
Sahib who had accompanied
Maulana Binnuri
on the journey on
that occasion. Maulana
Muhammad Taqi
had also commented as
follows: “This was
Maulana Binnuri’s last
address to the Council.
On reflection, it will be
understood that this
was the final naseehat
of Maulana Binniri to
all workers of Da’wat
and the Deen. It is
most befitting to impress
this naseehat on
the tablet of the heart.”

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Old 03-02-2012, 10:10 PM   #37

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Do you have any Islamic daleel (proof) for what you are saying, or are you just typing whatever comes to your mind?
RasoolAllah allowed some Christians into His mosque

wallahu alam
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Old 03-02-2012, 10:17 PM   #38

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in the Hanafi madhab, non-muslims are prohibbited from performing hajj, but not entering Mosques itself, so there really is no problem with allowing them into the Mosque
Its the first time i'm hearing this. Thought its prohibitted. will check with a scholar.
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Old 03-02-2012, 10:19 PM   #39

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I just read a fatwa which says its permissible to let non-muslims inside the mosque.



The British Soldiers are actively in war against the muslims. I have heard the normal courtesy and politeness thats to be shown to non-muslims is NOT applicable to the kuffar who is in active war with the Muslims.

So the real question is that are such enemies of Islam allowed inside the mosque? Are such dawah applicable in such conditions? I wish some respected Ulema issue a fatwa on this matter, so it will be clear for us.
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Old 03-02-2012, 10:20 PM   #40

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RasoolAllah allowed some Christians into His mosque

wallahu alam
See bro we cannot just cherry-pick an incident and then run away. That's the whole purpose of the 4 madhaahib, to prevent baatil ta'weel (false interpretations) of Qur'anic ayat Sacred Ahadeeth by the ignorant masses.

Firstly bring forth the EXACT HADITH.

What have the authentic scholars from the salaf commented on it? What rules have been derived from it? What are the conditions attached?

Most importantly, does Islam really allow a bunch of murderers-cum-rapists-cum-robbers to roam freely in the House of Allah with their physical and spiritual najaasat?

Let's not attribute anything false to Rasulullah s.a.w. (I am not saying you did, just a general advise), for then our seat in Jahannum is confirmed.
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