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Old 02-18-2012, 07:45 AM   #1

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Default Dalail al-Khayrat

does anyone read this book regular?
what is the significance of it?

thank you

Old 02-18-2012, 12:59 PM   #2

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does anyone read this book regular?
what is the significance of it?

thank you
It is the most comprehensive collection of durood.

My mother and I were discussing this just earlier today after Maghrib salaah, same question. I had the book in my hand and I told her that to get the maximum benefit of this book one needs to do at least 1 khatam per day. So she said, "You mean one manzil per day finish it once per week." I said, "No, it is ghanimat that we are doing 1 khatam per week, to send durood upon Huzoor salallahu alayhi wa sallam from our filthy tongue in itself is a great favor of Allah swt, but that is not the real method of reading this book. The musannif himself has said that one should do 1,2, or 3 khatms per day, or more. If not then do (such and such amount)". The author wants us to do 1,2,3 or even more khatams per day and the least is that a person should 1 khatam per week.

For those people who are just starting out on this book I recommend doing 1 khatam per week for several weeks until this book becomes easy to read and the passion to recite durood becomes stronger.

So she asked, "What are the virtues of doing 1 khatam per day?" I said, "The book title itself is titled "Dalail ul Khairaat", so just think about it yourself what do you think the virtues are? In fact, to even ascribe virtues to this book is not befitting to the honor of this book, the virtues are beyond our imagination."

So yes brother its nice to do 1 khatam per week and start there for a month or two but your goal is to do 1 khatam per day. It is very beneficial to do 1 khatam per day. Doing 1 khatam of this book per day also helps in islah e baatin very strongly.

This is the method to recite the book:

You will commence anytime Sunday after Maghrib. First make wudhu, make tawbah and astaghfar (because our tongue is dirty and filthy from telling lies, backbiting, all sorts of sins and durood is very pure and blessed, so we need to make tawbah and astaghfar for the sins of our tongue first before reading durood). If you have the flu and someone brings you your favorite dish you will probably eat it but you wont be able to enjoy its delicious taste because due to your illness your tongue cannot take in the flavor and deliciousness of the meal. So first get over your spiritual illness by making tawbah and some astaghfaar. You will not be able to spiritually taste the barakaat and anwaraat of durood as long as you are not over illness of sins.

Then you will say "Bismillahir rahmanir rahim" and after bismillah I like to add "Ya Allah Ya Fattah" this is just my personal practice it is your choice if you want to or not. Our buzrughs used to remember specifically the siffat of Fattah of Allah swt and say Ya Fattah when commencing a book so that with the blessed name of Allah swt Ya Fattah they can complete the book. This practice is long forgotten now a days.

Then turn to page 11 and begin the khutbah from there. Then after the khutbah at the end you will continue on and read what the musannif has written about why he wrote this book and what he titled it. Continue reading and on the following page you will read "Innallaha wa malaaikatuhu.... and at the end of this ayat the word "tasleema" comes at this point you will give a short pause. After this pause you will say "Labaik" and end it here.

Then you will turn to the Asma e Mubaarak the blessed names of Sayyidina Rasoolullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam and you will read those once. This will only be done the first time you open this book for the week, irregardless of how many khatams you do. If your book does not have the Asma Mubaaraka then dont worry about it just go to the first hizb of the book.

Afterwards you will start on page 50 and that is Mondays "hizb" or "manzil" or "chapter". The actual durood portion of the book start at page 50 and end at page 240 (meaning if you are reading the same version I have). On page 240 there are some poems and you should recite them how the musannif said to.

Either you can do the entire khatam in one sitting or two sitting or three sitting. The entire book takes about 1 hour and 15 minutes to read. Initially it will take longer but the more you read it the more fluent you will become and the more durood you will memorize and you will be able to finish the entire khatam once in a good hour time.

After you do the khatam you should convey the reward to Imam Jazuli (ra) and to your parents, grandparents, relatives, asatidha teachers, mashaikh, ummat e muslima in general those who are alive and those who are passed away. This is a good system of conveying isaal e sawaab.

Then once khatam is done you can start another khatam. So it takes about 1 hour 15 minutes about to read the book from start to end. You can do several khatams in a week, the more khatam the better. In a short time you will be totally a lover of durood and it will become very fluent on your tongue. Finish the book as many times as you want, there is no limit to durood.

One of the quiet users on this forum, Nayyarsh had a very strong influence on me about this book and taught me the way to read it properly. The person who reads at least 1 khatam of Dalail ul Khairaat daily is titled "Shaikh Dalail ul Khairaat"
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Old 02-18-2012, 01:57 PM   #3

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One of the duas found in this book:

"O Allah, I believed in Sayyidina Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam but did not see him; do not deprive me in the Gardens of his vision. Bestow his company upon me and cause me to die in his religion. Let me drink from his pool a quenching, pleasant, delightful drink after which we shall never thirst again. You are Powerful over everything. O Allah, convey to the soul of Sayyidina Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam my greetings and peace. O Allah, as I believed in Sayyidina Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam but did not see him, do not deprive me in the Gardens of his vision."
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Old 02-18-2012, 02:45 PM   #4

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JazakAllah brother
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Old 02-18-2012, 03:36 PM   #5

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Many people think that this book doesn't contain duas but only durood however in reality the book contains a large amount of duas embedded within the durood making their chances of acceptance greatly elevated.

The book is such that some scholars wrote its sharah, its commentary.

It is said that the musannif used to sit at the Rauza Mubarak and finish 2 khatams of his book daily.

It is said that 70-something years after his death the musannif's body was exhumed from his grave - it was in the same condition as it was when he was burried, it did not corrupt at all.

The musannif set out to compose this work after an interesting incident he had experienced. He was going through a town when it was time for zuhr salaah. The shaikh was seeking water for wudhu but couldn't find it. The time for salaah was almost at end. He found a well but then was very perplexed because the water was too low to get out. Nearby a young girl age 7-9 years was watching and came up to him to ask what was wrong. The shaikh introduced himself "I am shaikh jazuli and my salaah time is going I need water to make wudhu." The girl said sarcastically "you call yourself a shaikh and you cannot get water out of a well?" And she spat into the well. Suddenly the water began to rise abundantly and he easily made wudhu and offered salaah. After salaah he set out to find the girl and upon finding her asked how did she gain this miracle power? She said by sending abundant durood and recited a particular durood.

This durood the musannif has hidden into the Dalail. Some people are fortunate to know this durood. But for general public if the khatam is done once a day they will daily recite this durood without knowing it.

Durood has incredible virtues. Apparently looking at it, it is a dua. So for the 1 hour 15 minutes it takes to read 1 khatam, the recitor will be in dua the entire time. 1 hour 15 min dua daily will develop a very strong nisbat connection to Allah swt.

2- the unique thing about durood which is special to it than anything else in that its acceptance is already guaranteed.

It is a very special book.
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Old 02-18-2012, 04:39 PM   #6

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We have also tasted the benefit of this book and it brought blessings to our home alhamdu lillah. We only discovered it in England about two years ago. Some passages are difficult to comprehend so we recite the first juz only. Even then we fel the benefits alhamdu lillah.
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Old 02-18-2012, 04:59 PM   #7

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1 confusion, somebody told me the subject book should not be recited without your sheikh's permission,
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Old 02-18-2012, 05:54 PM   #8

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Many people think that this book doesn't contain duas but only durood however in reality the book contains a large amount of duas embedded within the durood making their chances of acceptance greatly elevated.

The book is such that some scholars wrote its sharah, its commentary.

It is said that the musannif used to sit at the Rauza Mubarak and finish 2 khatams of his book daily.

It is said that 70-something years after his death the musannif's body was exhumed from his grave - it was in the same condition as it was when he was burried, it did not corrupt at all.

The musannif set out to compose this work after an interesting incident he had experienced. He was going through a town when it was time for zuhr salaah. The shaikh was seeking water for wudhu but couldn't find it. The time for salaah was almost at end. He found a well but then was very perplexed because the water was too low to get out. Nearby a young girl age 7-9 years was watching and came up to him to ask what was wrong. The shaikh introduced himself "I am shaikh jazuli and my salaah time is going I need water to make wudhu." The girl said sarcastically "you call yourself a shaikh and you cannot get water out of a well?" And she spat into the well. Suddenly the water began to rise abundantly and he easily made wudhu and offered salaah. After salaah he set out to find the girl and upon finding her asked how did she gain this miracle power? She said by sending abundant durood and recited a particular durood.

This durood the musannif has hidden into the Dalail. Some people are fortunate to know this durood. But for general public if the khatam is done once a day they will daily recite this durood without knowing it.

Durood has incredible virtues. Apparently looking at it, it is a dua. So for the 1 hour 15 minutes it takes to read 1 khatam, the recitor will be in dua the entire time. 1 hour 15 min dua daily will develop a very strong nisbat connection to Allah swt.

2- the unique thing about durood which is special to it than anything else in that its acceptance is already guaranteed.

It is a very special book.

thank you ery much for your detailed replies. appreciate it alot

i wanted to ask what to you mean by khatam? do you mean recite with other people. because i will be reciting this book myself
another question i have is that there are 8 parts, from monday to sunday, then another monday...
how do i go about reading the extra monday?

Old 02-18-2012, 06:02 PM   #9

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It is the most comprehensive collection of durood.

Afterwards you will start on page 50 and that is Mondays "hizb" or "manzil" or "chapter". The actual durood portion of the book start at page 50 and end at page 240 (meaning if you are reading the same version I have). On page 240 there are some poems and you should recite them how the musannif said to.
i have two versions. one with arabic + english which i find very useful. and one plain arabic.
i wanted to ask, would it to be okay for me just to open the book one day and start straight from the hizb - rather than having to read the kutbah and etc. because when using my plain one i dont have a clue what im reading - as the begging differs to my arabic + english version. but i am able to go find the hizb's.

for your detailed replied

Old 02-19-2012, 01:22 AM   #10

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have two versions. one with arabic + english which i find very useful. Where did you get the copy of English + Arabic from? Your in Bham aren't you?
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Old 02-19-2012, 04:04 AM   #11

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Where did you get the copy of English + Arabic from? Your in Bham aren't you?

i got it from sparkhill, Knowledge and Wisdom

they can be found online easily. i think there are about 3 different versions. however the translation may the be the same and the layout may be different. it is best to check yourself

Old 02-19-2012, 04:55 AM   #12

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thank you ery much for your detailed replies. appreciate it alot

i wanted to ask what to you mean by khatam? do you mean recite with other people. because i will be reciting this book myself
another question i have is that there are 8 parts, from monday to sunday, then another monday...
how do i go about reading the extra monday?
No, you recite individually not collectively.

There are 8 hizb and 7 days. Monday you will read 2 hizb; the concluding one and the new one for the week.
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Old 02-19-2012, 05:24 AM   #13

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1 confusion, somebody told me the subject book should not be recited without your sheikh's permission,
yes absolutely correct.
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Old 02-19-2012, 02:07 PM   #14

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i have two versions. one with arabic + english which i find very useful. and one plain arabic.
i wanted to ask, would it to be okay for me just to open the book one day and start straight from the hizb - rather than having to read the kutbah and etc. because when using my plain one i dont have a clue what im reading - as the begging differs to my arabic + english version. but i am able to go find the hizb's.

for your detailed replied
Everything has a proper procedure and if the proper procedure is followed then the objective is achieved.

To clarify, you dont have to read the khutbah every day, just before you read the first hizb of the week.

Also, the durood should be read in their original arabic not the english. You can use the translation if you want to get some understanding of what it is you are reading.
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Old 02-19-2012, 02:16 PM   #15

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Today is Sunday. After Maghrib salaah try to muster up some courage and read half of the book.
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Old 02-19-2012, 05:32 PM   #16

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Everything has a proper procedure and if the proper procedure is followed then the objective is achieved.

To clarify, you dont have to read the khutbah every day, just before you read the first hizb of the week.

Also, the durood should be read in their original arabic not the english. You can use the translation if you want to get some understanding of what it is you are reading.

may i also ask where the 201 names at the begging of the book came from for the prophet [peace + blessings of Allah be upon him]?


Old 02-19-2012, 06:48 PM   #17

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Hakim al-Umma Shaykh Mawlana Ashraf ‘Ali Thanawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said,

“People request permission (ijaza) for reciting ‘Dalail al Khayrat’ from the piously elders (shuyukh). There is faulty intention in doing so. They believe that reciting it without permission will be without any blessings (baraka). Most likely, the system of acquiring permission was initially developed to make sure that the wordings of the text were correctly transmitted. While giving the permission the Shaykh used to listen to the recitation and made any corrections needed.

In fact, the text that is worthy of being recited from the pulpit what has it to do with this intimate secrecy (of considering it essential to acquire an individual permission for its recitation).

If someone asks me regarding the recitation of ‘Dalail al Khayrat’, I tell him to (recite, but) leave the recitation of the statements that say, The Prophet said (قال النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم). This is because few of the Prophetic sayings (hadith) in it are fabricated (موضوع). Apart from this, its subject matter is completely accurate.”

Majmua e malfuzat: al-Kalam al-Hasan, 106

This is the salutation & blessings recited by that girl, who spat in to the well so water rose up until it overflowed and spilled across the ground and Imam Jazuli(may Allah have mercy on him) made his ablution (wudhu).
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Old 02-19-2012, 11:03 PM   #18

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Hakim al-Umma Shaykh Mawlana Ashraf ‘Ali Thanawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said,

“People request permission (ijaza) for reciting ‘Dalail al Khayrat’ from the piously elders (shuyukh). There is faulty intention in doing so. They believe that reciting it without permission will be without any blessings (baraka). Most likely, the system of acquiring permission was initially developed to make sure that the wordings of the text were correctly transmitted. While giving the permission the Shaykh used to listen to the recitation and made any corrections needed.

In fact, the text that is worthy of being recited from the pulpit what has it to do with this intimate secrecy (of considering it essential to acquire an individual permission for its recitation).

If someone asks me regarding the recitation of ‘Dalail al Khayrat’, I tell him to (recite, but) leave the recitation of the statements that say, The Prophet said (قال النبى صلى الله عليه وسلم). This is because few of the Prophetic sayings (hadith) in it are fabricated (موضوع). Apart from this, its subject matter is completely accurate.”

Majmua e malfuzat: al-Kalam al-Hasan, 106

This is the salutation & blessings recited by that girl, who spat in to the well so water rose up until it overflowed and spilled across the ground and Imam Jazuli(may Allah have mercy on him) made his ablution (wudhu).
Good post masha'Allah. Yes recitor should know they are not asking shaikhs permission for barakah purpose. But because it is usool, principle, to ask shaikhs permission before starting any nafil worship.

The Salaatul Bir is not written correctly in the above link. It can be found in the Dalail on I believe Sunday hizb.
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Old 02-20-2012, 02:43 AM   #19

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Good post masha'Allah. Yes recitor should know they are not asking shaikhs permission for barakah purpose. But because it is usool, principle, to ask shaikhs permission before starting any nafil worship.

The Salaatul Bir is not written correctly in the above link. It can be found in the Dalail on I believe Sunday hizb.
So what is the correct version?.JazakAllah.
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Old 02-20-2012, 04:27 AM   #20

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So what is the correct version?.JazakAllah.
It can be found in the book.
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