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Old 10-23-2011, 12:29 AM   #21

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ما شاء الله عليك! لا فض فوك
شكرا حبيبي! احمد ربي وأشكره علي توفيقه

اللهم ارنا الحق حقا وارزقتا اتباعه والباطل باطلا وارزقنا اجتنابه...

امين يا رب العالمين

رحم الله امرء قال امين..
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Old 10-23-2011, 12:36 AM   #22

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اللهم آمين

الله يكثر من أمثالك
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Old 10-23-2011, 12:50 AM   #23

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Guys remember google translate is really bad in translating arabic, so tuf for ppl like me.
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Old 10-23-2011, 01:12 AM   #24

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Muslims forget that when Filistine was conquered by the Sahaabah and Hadhrat Umar arrived the other senior Sahaabah were waiting for him. He entered upon them and his camel was dirty and thirsty. He took the camel to the waterhole and entered into the water with his camel. Hadhrat Abu Ubaidah ibn al Jarrah mentioned to him that it would demean his rank as Ameer-ul-Mu'mineen in the presence of the Christians due to his action. What did he say? He said 'O Abu Ubaidah we are honoured through Islam'. Imagine this. Honour only through Islam. This is a lost concept for many Muslims. May Allah Ta'ala save myself first and foremost from this.

أخبرنا أبو جعفر محمد بن محمد البغدادي ثنا إسماعيل بن إسحاق القاضي ثنا علي بن المديني ثنا سفيان ثنا أيوب بن عائذ الطائي عن قيس بن مسلم عن طارق بن شهاب قال : خرج عمر بن الخطاب إلى الشام و معنا أبو عبيدة بن الجراح فأتوا على مخاضة و عمر على ناقة له فنزل عنها و خلع خفيه فوضعهما على عاتقه و أخذ بزمام ناقته فخاض بها المخاضة فقال أبو عبيدة : يا أمير المؤمنين أنت تفعل هذا تخلع خفيك و تضعهما على عاتقك و تأخذ بزمام ناقتك و تخوض بها المخاضة ما يسرني أن أهل البلد استشرفوك فقال عمر : أوه لم يقل ذا غيرك أبا عبيدة جعلته نكالا لأمة محمد صلى الله عليه و سلم أنا كنا أذل قوم فأعزنا الله بالإسلام فمهما نطلب العز بغير ما أعزنا الله به أذلنا الله
Hazrat Umar replied: "Sad, nobody said this except you O Abu Ubaidah! I did this to give the Ummah of Muhammad a lesson that We were a disgraced nation so Allah gave us Honour through Islam, whenever we will try to find Honour in anything other than what Allah gave us honour through, Allah will disgrace us!
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Old 10-23-2011, 01:13 AM   #25

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Alhumdulillah this is a great thread ! I absolutely love Maulana Taliban's post and yes there are some post where he comes off as rude [and he himself calls him rude/badtameez] but when he comes up with such a detailed, well worded opening post, then we really know that he mean well Alhumdulillah. Have nothing to add except may Allah bless us all and make us among the best of muslim. Aameen.
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Old 10-23-2011, 01:35 AM   #26

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hadrat. you are an asset to this forum. glad to have you among us.
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Old 10-23-2011, 01:38 AM   #27

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bro no need to be when we have such ulama/bro's/sisters who are very well versed and clued up with some topics, sometimes it's better to just sit back and listen, rather than thinking that our void thoughts carry any wieght or having void opinions which from time to time we see on this forum.

May allah protect us from mentioning such thoughts and ideas knowingly and unknowingly which take us far away from islam, ameen
i related my feelings towards one of the hadith that i heard from molana tariq jameel db that in jannah there will be special majlis ONLY for ulama where they will gather and talk on different things. Just thought how great it feels here to talk on deen which people like are mehroom of , and what will be the feeling there in jannah.
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Old 10-23-2011, 02:09 AM   #28

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Another problem with us is that we try to impress people about our religiosity using a materialistic approach.

We will buy the latest Iphones, great big luxury cars, build big houses.. When you ask why? Our answer will be, to bring people towards deen.

There was a shaikh once, I spend some time with him. He was very rich. His mureed was telling me, you know why these big landlords are impressed so much by hazrat? I said no I don't know. He said because of Hazrat wealth, because of hazrats cars and because Hazrat himself is a big landlord and very rich!

I guarantee you that whoever is impressed by these things is not worthy of impressing. Just as Hazrat Umar رضي الله عنه و ارضاه وفداه نفسي said that if we try to gain honour through things other than Islam, Allah will disgrace us, these things don't impress people. People have more than us. What truly impresses the world is our Zuhd and our Steadfastness on Deen.

Why did the world accept the Akabir of Deoband as great people? Why?

Because of their Zuhd, Taqwa and their steadfastness on deen. Not because of their big bungalows, big madressahs, new cars and fancy dresses...

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Old 10-23-2011, 02:37 AM   #29

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for the posts.
Another aspect of the deen that has been swept under the carpet due to western presure is political rulings of Islam. Even the so called Islamists and most of our Ulema / leaders/ intellectuals are singing the praises of demo(n)cracy, nation state based world order, nationalism, even secularism. No body speaks of khilafah, Rule by shariah, Hudood laws etc.
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Old 10-23-2011, 03:31 AM   #30

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for the posts.
Another aspect of the deen that has been swept under the carpet due to western presure is political rulings of Islam. Even the so called Islamists and most of our Ulema / leaders/ intellectuals are singing the praises of demo(n)cracy, nation state based world order, nationalism, even secularism. No body speaks of khilafah, Rule by shariah, Hudood laws etc.
While everyone speaks in favour of democracy, it seems, not everyone is silent on Hudud and Shari'ah.
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Old 10-23-2011, 04:34 AM   #31

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Another problem with us is that we try to impress people about our religiosity using a materialistic approach.

We will buy the latest Iphones, great big luxury cars, build big houses.. When you ask why? Our answer will be, to bring people towards deen.

There was a shaikh once, I spend some time with him. He was very rich. His mureed was telling me, you know why these big landlords are impressed so much by hazrat? I said no I don't know. He said because of Hazrat wealth, because of hazrats cars and because Hazrat himself is a big landlord and very rich!

I guarantee you that whoever is impressed by these things is not worthy of impressing. Just as Hazrat Umar رضي الله عنه و ارضاه وفداه نفسي said that if we try to gain honour through things other than Islam, Allah will disgrace us, these things don't impress people. People have more than us. What truly impresses the world is our Zuhd and our Steadfastness on Deen.

Why did the world accept the Akabir of Deoband as great people? Why?

Because of their Zuhd, Taqwa and their steadfastness on deen. Not because of their big bungalows, big madressahs, new cars and fancy dresses...

simple but meaningful

Duniya is easy to understand but hard to get. Deen is hard to understand but easy to get.
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Old 10-24-2011, 02:35 AM   #32

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Fantastic thread.

Fantastic posts.

I really cannot express my delight in the first post and how well and clearly it takes apart any arguments anyone may have against polygamy. One thing a few people have raised is to be completely content with the laws of Allah. I cannot for the life of me understand some aspects of slavery allowed in Islam, but just because it doesnt make sense to me doesnt mean it doesnt make sense, it just means in my limited capacity I lack the knowledge to see it's wisdom.

The fact that you see something that doesnt make sense to you can be disastrous if you dont deal with it correctly. This happened to me a few years ago when I almost left Islam, truly, because of issues which didnt make sense. Alhamdulillah for Allah pulling me back, and since then I have learned if I dont understand something, I should still accept it. By all means, I will never stop trying to understand it but I will be careful not to disregard it or go away from Islam because of my lack of understanding.

@Brother tafweed - I have noted your comments in your post about Slavery in Islam and the different questions that had arisen in your mind regarding this. I have come across a book titled Slavery In Islam by Maulana Saeed Ahmad who has dealt with it quite comprehensively. It is published by Darul Ishaat. Azhar Academy are also selling it for £1.50. The link is:


I hope that this helps Insha'Allah.

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Old 10-24-2011, 03:13 AM   #33

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Assalaamu 'alaykum ww

A very comprehensive and informative opening post, specially the first part regarding reviving the sunnah. Jazaakallah. I do however have to say that I strongly feel that all our discussions (on any topic) should be such that they become a means of da'wah to those of our Muslim brethren who are not so much on the Deen and non Muslims as well. This can only be done when with the will of Allah subhaanahu wata’ala we use both “Hikmat” (where we do NOT compromise our Deen at all and declare the truth without fear) and “Maw-’ithatil hasanah” (beautiful speech). It should not be so that it makes readers turn away from the beauty of Islamic teachings. This, in no way whatsoever means that we cover the truth or make excuses and go on the defensive mode. Insha Allah it can be done.

I just wanted to explain regarding the woman’s perspective on this:
The whole problem with us - Ummah - is nafsi nafis. I come first. My husband, my quality time, my children, my house, my money, my wealth, Why should I share it with someone else?

Ta’addud, like any other sunnah is definitely a solution to many problems. I’d like to try and explain how it is for women. May Allah subhaanahu wata’ala make it beneficial.

For any woman sharing a husband would not be an easy thing. This sunnah is unlike any other sunnah. Look at it this way. Is it easy to lose a husband/wife or parent or any loved one when they die? No, but what does one do when it happens? One makes sabr (if Allah ta'ala wills). The grief is present, the heart aches but one accepts and knows that it was Allah ta'ala's decision and that its a test and there is reward waiting for patience. Now if one has a weak connection with Allah ta'ala one will cry and wail and say "Why me?" or one will become depressed. It really depends on one's strength of imaan right?

Now apply this to ta'addud. A man marries a second wife. For the first wife it is a traumatic time. Grief, heartache and even fear will be overwhelming. Jealousy will arise. It is natural and part of fitrah to be possessive and feel hurt (and discarded/betrayed) at the mention of polygamy. So what does she do? She has a choice; either she accepts it and makes sabr knowing that it is a test from Allah ta'ala (He it is Who has ordained it and knows best) and will bring much reward just as in the case of the death of a loved one or she cries and wails and says, "Why me?" or demand a divorce or “make life hell for him”. Again it depends on the strength of her connection withAllah subhaanahu wata’ala.

I do believe from talks with many sisters that the majority of them accept polygamy as part of Deen and do not have issues with it to the extent that it jeopardises their Deen. The stronger the connection the more accepting the woman will be despite the grief and heartache and whether she "likes" it or not she will make adjustments just as she would if she lost a loved one through death. Of course there are women who will oppose it and fight it just as they would oppose any other shar'ee command due mostly to ignorance, anti Islamic propagation and modern thinking and a weak connection with Allah and His Rasool sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam.

I hope this is not taken in the wrong way. I'm just trying to put forward the feelings of women which has been overlooked or misunderstood by many brothers during these discussions as many accusations were levelled at women. Generalising and assumptions caused a lot of bad feelings which I felt could've been avoided and to add salt to the wound a lot of joking took place, some of which was in bad taste and very “unIslamic”. I beg Allah subhaanhu wata’ala to correct me if I'm wrong
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Old 10-24-2011, 03:35 AM   #34

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Assalaamu 'alaykum ww

A very comprehensive and informative opening post, specially the first part regarding reviving the sunnah. Jazaakallah. I do however have to say that I strongly feel that all our discussions (on any topic) should be such that they become a means of da'wah to those of our Muslim brethren who are not so much on the Deen and non Muslims as well. This can only be done when with the will of Allah subhaanahu wata’ala we use both “Hikmat” (where we do NOT compromise our Deen at all and declare the truth without fear) and “Maw-’ithatil hasanah” (beautiful speech). It should not be so that it makes readers turn away from the beauty of Islamic teachings. This, in no way whatsoever means that we cover the truth or make excuses and go on the defensive mode. Insha Allah it can be done.

I just wanted to explain regarding the woman’s perspective on this:
The whole problem with us - Ummah - is nafsi nafis. I come first. My husband, my quality time, my children, my house, my money, my wealth, Why should I share it with someone else?

Ta’addud, like any other sunnah is definitely a solution to many problems. I’d like to try and explain how it is for women. May Allah subhaanahu wata’ala make it beneficial.

For any woman sharing a husband would not be an easy thing. This sunnah is unlike any other sunnah. Look at it this way. Is it easy to lose a husband/wife or parent or any loved one when they die? No, but what does one do when it happens? One makes sabr (if Allah ta'ala wills). The grief is present, the heart aches but one accepts and knows that it was Allah ta'ala's decision and that its a test and there is reward waiting for patience. Now if one has a weak connection with Allah ta'ala one will cry and wail and say "Why me?" or one will become depressed. It really depends on one's strength of imaan right?

Now apply this to ta'addud. A man marries a second wife. For the first wife it is a traumatic time. Grief, heartache and even fear will be overwhelming. Jealousy will arise. It is natural and part of fitrah to be possessive and feel hurt (and discarded/betrayed) at the mention of polygamy. So what does she do? She has a choice; either she accepts it and makes sabr knowing that it is a test from Allah ta'ala (He it is Who has ordained it and knows best) and will bring much reward just as in the case of the death of a loved one or she cries and wails and says, "Why me?" or demand a divorce or “make life hell for him”. Again it depends on the strength of her connection withAllah subhaanahu wata’ala.

I do believe from talks with many sisters that the majority of them accept polygamy as part of Deen and do not have issues with it to the extent that it jeopardises their Deen. The stronger the connection the more accepting the woman will be despite the grief and heartache and whether she "likes" it or not she will make adjustments just as she would if she lost a loved one through death. Of course there are women who will oppose it and fight it just as they would oppose any other shar'ee command due mostly to ignorance, anti Islamic propagation and modern thinking and a weak connection with Allah and His Rasool sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam.

I hope this is not taken in the wrong way. I'm just trying to put forward the feelings of women which has been overlooked or misunderstood by many brothers during these discussions as many accusations were levelled at women. Generalising and assumptions caused a lot of bad feelings which I felt could've been avoided and to add salt to the wound a lot of joking took place, some of which was in bad taste and very “unIslamic”. I beg Allah subhaanhu wata’ala to correct me if I'm wrong
Great post apa ummitaalib, may Allah Ta'aala reward you abundantly.

i, like most of the other sisters on SF also feel that we can deal with these discussions in a much better way, while taking the feelings and natural thinking-lines of a woman into consideration when putting our points and arguments foward.

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Old 10-24-2011, 03:55 AM   #35

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Could Sunni Man marry with shia Woman?
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Old 10-24-2011, 05:10 AM   #36

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Assalaamu 'alaykum ww

A very comprehensive and informative opening post, specially the first part regarding reviving the sunnah. Jazaakallah. I do however have to say that I strongly feel that all our discussions (on any topic) should be such that they become a means of da'wah to those of our Muslim brethren who are not so much on the Deen and non Muslims as well. This can only be done when with the will of Allah subhaanahu wata’ala we use both “Hikmat” (where we do NOT compromise our Deen at all and declare the truth without fear) and “Maw-’ithatil hasanah” (beautiful speech). It should not be so that it makes readers turn away from the beauty of Islamic teachings. This, in no way whatsoever means that we cover the truth or make excuses and go on the defensive mode. Insha Allah it can be done.

......Ta’addud, like any other sunnah is definitely a solution to many problems. I’d like to try and explain how it is for women. May Allah subhaanahu wata’ala make it beneficial.....

I do believe from talks with many sisters that the majority of them accept polygamy as part of Deen and do not have issues with it to the extent that it jeopardises their Deen. The stronger the connection the more accepting the woman will be despite the grief and heartache and whether she "likes" it or not she will make adjustments just as she would if she lost a loved one through death. Of course there are women who will oppose it and fight it just as they would oppose any other shar'ee command due mostly to ignorance, anti Islamic propagation and modern thinking and a weak connection with Allah and His Rasool sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam.

I hope this is not taken in the wrong way. I'm just trying to put forward the feelings of women which has been overlooked or misunderstood by many brothers during these discussions as many accusations were levelled at women. Generalising and assumptions caused a lot of bad feelings which I felt could've been avoided and to add salt to the wound a lot of joking took place, some of which was in bad taste and very “unIslamic”. I beg Allah subhaanhu wata’ala to correct me if I'm wrong
Wa alaykumusalam Warahmatullah
The assessment is very informative and points mentioned which many of us need to ponder over.

I only beccame acquinted with 'Sunni Forum' in the discussions posted in the thread titled "the danger of the 'traditionalists' " in which the obsevations made in your last paragraph is very much prevalent in many threads that become contentious. I therefore wrote :-

...."Instead of working together on common grounds with mutual respect, giving each other Naseehah with sincerity, as one brotherhood many threads unfortunately convey sarcasm name calling etc.... Many threads enter into personal attacks instead of concentrating into the substance of the subject.....

One may recall what happened to the teachings of Isa alayhimus salam when Paul of Tarsus came and mutilated the original teachings of the Injeel in the name of his different methodology to suit in his time etc.... Mutilated to such an extent that ended up in a totally different religion called the christianity of today. Sadly we do not appear to take lesson from this and legalize many prohibitions in the name of "a bigger picture".

The naseehah which is very much needed in this forum is to desist ones nafs into name calling within the threads and to concentrate on the substance without inuendos etc...

May Allah azza wa jal guide us all to the seeratal mustaqeem and forgive our sins/shortcommings and grant us Ma arifah of his DEEN. AMEEN ......."

Unfortunately such sarcasm, personal attacks, unwarranted jokes causes rancour and ill feeling amongst the participants with intentions becoming besmirched in point scoring and insincerity. Perhaps moderators need to point out when such aberrations occur in adaab within the discussions.

Also the sisters input in regard to anxiety caused to the first wife etc... needs further insight into the practices of the salaf and we need to explore ways of helping those sisters afflicted with such an anxiety. Maybe other brothers and particularly sisters can expand on such concerns... etc
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Old 10-24-2011, 05:18 AM   #37

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Could Sunni Man marry with shia Woman?
Yes after you fight her parents, and dodge bullets from her brothers. Why not? bring muslims together, all kinds, but both should have firm intention on following the haq! (you know) Or the children MAY reject both differing views out of frustration and mixed emotions. Unless you send them away to deoband madressa five years or what have you.
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Old 10-24-2011, 05:20 AM   #38

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Yes after you fight her parents, and dodge bullets from her brothers. Why not? bring muslims together, all kinds, but both should have firm intention on following the haq! (you know) Or the children MAY reject both differing views out of frustration and mixed emotions. Unless you send them away to deoband madressa five years or what have you.
is this way to answer an Islamic question without quoting anything?
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Old 10-24-2011, 05:39 AM   #39

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people's perception of "Love" has changed
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Old 10-24-2011, 05:45 AM   #40

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Yes after you fight her parents, and dodge bullets from her brothers. Why not? bring muslims together, all kinds, but both should have firm intention on following the haq! (you know) Or the children MAY reject both differing views out of frustration and mixed emotions. Unless you send them away to deoband madressa five years or what have you.
yes that is going to be so easy after one marries a shia woman....especially if you want to send him to Maulana Ali Sher Haideri's (RA) Madrassa....
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