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Old 01-05-2012, 04:00 AM   #1

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Default where can we get respectable ijaazas from without spending 6 years in dar al ulooms?

Im looking to get ijaazas in various sciences inshallah, but am not able to commit 6 full years of non stop full time study. How can I do bits and pieces and get ijaazas for them, completing few books here and there and get respectable ijaazas? I know of cordoba institute which looks good. any otehr means and ways in real life or online?
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Old 01-05-2012, 04:42 AM   #2

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Wa3leikoum aslam wr wb,

This is Dar al Uloom in Buffalo USA's online program part time or full time http://www.ealim.org/. The benefit of Dar al Uloom is they actually know who they hire. Cordoba hires mujasima Wahabis they say things like this:

Cordoba Academy Teacher Abu Najm Fernando Asharis.jpg

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Old 01-05-2012, 08:04 AM   #3

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Why would anyone actively seek 'respectable ijazahs'? Just study sincerely with the intention of pleasing Allah swt.
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Old 01-05-2012, 08:39 AM   #4

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Why would anyone actively seek 'respectable ijazahs'? Just study sincerely with the intention of pleasing Allah swt.
If one has a secondary intention to teach, then it might be important.
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Old 01-05-2012, 08:42 AM   #5

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Im looking to get ijaazas in various sciences inshallah, but am not able to commit 6 full years of non stop full time study. How can I do bits and pieces and get ijaazas for them, completing few books here and there and get respectable ijaazas? I know of cordoba institute which looks good. any otehr means and ways in real life or online?
I dunno if you can...to me this kind of sounds like asking, where can you get a respectable bachelor's degree without attending a university for 4 years, you know? I mean, sure, you can get the same education from some online university, but it's rare that it will be considered respectable by the general public.
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Old 01-05-2012, 08:54 AM   #6

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Im looking to get ijaazas in various sciences inshallah, but am not able to commit 6 full years of non stop full time study. How can I do bits and pieces and get ijaazas for them, completing few books here and there and get respectable ijaazas? I know of cordoba institute which looks good. any otehr means and ways in real life or online?
May Allah ta'aala increase you in 'ilm and 'amal for your beautiful niyyah.

Some online suggestions:

http://www.darululoomonline.org/ (Almost the full dars-e-nizami syllabus of Deoband available online)

http://www.shariahprogram.ca/ (First-rate Classical Arabic, some Tafsir, Fiqh, Hadith etc.)
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Old 01-05-2012, 05:08 PM   #7

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i don't think studying online is as credible as actually having sat with a scholar and studied, ijazahs given in that way to me would be more reliable as the teacher knows the student properly and is more sure of his capabilities and then gives him ijaza...a lot of the online stuff seems like marketing tactics to me..wallahu alam
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Old 01-05-2012, 10:11 PM   #8

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Why would anyone actively seek 'respectable ijazahs'? Just study sincerely with the intention of pleasing Allah swt.
if there was something wrong with ijaazas dont you think the ulema would havwe clarified this?

I want a "respectable ijaaza" so I can teach obviously inshAllah. Im doing some studies at the moment, for example the shariah program, but i dont believe it gives an ijaaza although the level of arabic is very good. So if I can top the studies off with an ijaaza in ajroomiyyah for example under a shaikh, this will enable me to teach arabic which is something i hope to do inshallah as there is little in sheffield at the moment and people want to know who you studied under if you were to teach. It has nothing to do with sincereity and i didnt much appreciate your post
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Old 01-05-2012, 10:13 PM   #9

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May Allah ta'aala increase you in 'ilm and 'amal for your beautiful niyyah.

Some online suggestions:

http://www.darululoomonline.org/ (Almost the full dars-e-nizami syllabus of Deoband available online)

http://www.shariahprogram.ca/ (First-rate Classical Arabic, some Tafsir, Fiqh, Hadith etc.)
ameen bro jazak allahu khair. im on the shariah progra, does shaikh yousuf give ijaaza?

does the dar al ulooom site give ijaaza? There is a local shaikh in the deobandi masjid who teaches serious ilm, perhaps ill see if he offers ijaaza inshallah
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Old 01-05-2012, 10:14 PM   #10

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I dunno if you can...to me this kind of sounds like asking, where can you get a respectable bachelor's degree without attending a university for 4 years, you know? I mean, sure, you can get the same education from some online university, but it's rare that it will be considered respectable by the general public.
no because you specified batchelors degree. I didnt specify a level of study. Obviously i wont be as qualified as someone who studied full time for 6 years and wont be giving fatawa but can teach a few basic books inshallah and do my bit. Sheffield is so dry for knowledge at the moment that having someone to teach a few hadeeth poems and basic grammer etc would probabily be well appreciated inshallah and free's up the knowledgeable peoples time so they can teach more advanced stuff
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Old 01-05-2012, 10:17 PM   #11

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Wa3leikoum aslam wr wb,

This is Dar al Uloom in Buffalo USA's online program part time or full time http://www.ealim.org/. The benefit of Dar al Uloom is they actually know who they hire. Cordoba hires mujasima Wahabis they say things like this:

Cordoba Academy Teacher Abu Najm Fernando Asharis.jpg

no disrespect bro but take your fitnah elsewhere. Unless you can point out an issue in what corodba is teaching then im not interested. The broter you pointed out, does he even teach? What does he teach or is he admin? I know cordoba and their courses have nothing to do with salafi/ahlal kalaam, they are focused on science of hadeeth and fiqh (madhab) and other beneficial books and areas of study. its a great effort mashALlah. How is your ilm academy going or your islamic projects? Perhaps focus on your stuff ratehr than throwing labels and slander around
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Old 01-05-2012, 11:58 PM   #12

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no disrespect bro but take your fitnah elsewhere.

None taken. Next time you have a question please ask people to exclude evidences and personal opinions. That's when I would know NOT to answer.

Unless you can point out an issue in what corodba is teaching then im not interested.

I didn't see that prerequisite in your post and was unable to ascertain it esoterically sorry.

The broter you pointed out, does he even teach? What does he teach or is he admin?

Yes he does work there and yes I have bought it to there attention.

Here is the result of their Shura a week later
I know cordoba and their courses have nothing to do with salafi/ahlal kalaam, they are focused on science of hadeeth and fiqh (madhab) and other beneficial books and areas of study. its a great effort mashALlah.

Then I guess you have made up your mind & that is your choice. Personally, I would not attend,support,or promote any institution that has teachers that refer to the majority of the Ummah (Ashari/Maturidis) as poodles,pimps,grave worshippers etc,mock the uulemah of Deoband & support those that mock them. Case in point:
How is your ilm academy going or your islamic projects?

I am sorry akhi at the moment I am not interested in starting a "For Profit" ilm Academy. I am a Chef and that is my training. I do beleive they are entitled to earn profit. Any good deeds that I have I would not boast of it here if I had any at all. I would prefer to take my hasanat for that from Allah. I was not aware that replying to your post required my CV. That is why I gave you a link to true uulemah, as per myself I am a nothing.
CA Profit.jpg
Perhaps focus on your stuff ratehr than throwing labels and slander around

I tried only to answer with what I knew. I can show you some replies of Abu Najm Fernando's students so you can see how he effected them, but you can inbox me for that because I would not want to make the 'fitna' as you define it here.Indeed I do need to focus on myself and family. I think if Abu Najm Fernando would do the same I would not have had to even remind you and Cordoba Academy about the trojan horse in their ranks. Fiamanillah
Barek Allah Feek
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Old 01-06-2012, 12:33 AM   #13

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you should learn under scholors meaning tutions maybe you can get freebes. when you set to the final year you can do in a darul uloom
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Old 01-06-2012, 12:36 AM   #14

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what is your aim and aspirations? also what do you already know
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Old 01-06-2012, 12:58 AM   #15

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Assalamu alaykum

i dont think you should be too worried about ijazahs, which if you want to get in certain subjects its not that hard, e.g in hadith. but that should not be your aim. learn knowldege, act upon it, and call to it inshAllah. may Allah make it easy for you
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Old 01-06-2012, 01:56 AM   #16

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bro I dont care about your ghiba. Focus you yourself and family like you said. Muslims got enough problems already. Nothing salafi about what cordoba academy is teaching, they do a good service and personally I find it sad the best thing you can find for your time is attacking them, given the horrendous mess the muslims are in right now, we are facing a catastrophe worse than the mongols, perhaps you can find something more constructive inshAllah.

Jazak Allahu khair for the link to the ealim site. perhaps it would have been better if you just posted taht without the unwanted fitnah and ghiba
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Old 01-06-2012, 03:14 AM   #17

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Al-salamu 'alaykum brother and may Allah help you to succeed insha'Allah.

It is wise that you have chosen the Hanafi madhab, considering that England is predominantly Hanafi. I have noticed that many British Muslims do not know basic fiqh. So please learn some Hanafi fiqh so that you can teach and benefit others. Most questions that people have are related to their worship of fiqh so this would be a great service on your behalf. Also you should see what is most pressing in need for your community and study that. Fill in the gaps that need to be filled. You will, however, have to study for an extended time with scholars, perhaps during your summer holidays.

As for seeking knowledge, generally one should take benefit from wherever it can be found. Our scholars have benefited from al-Zamakshari's tafsir even though he was Mu'tazali. Some of the most trustworthy narrators in the famous hadith collections were Shi'i or Khariji.

Ijazat, although beneficial, are somewhat redundant in our age, except in Qur'an, hadith, and fiqh. These are the only subjects that connect directly to the Prophet, peace be upon him. England has quite a few people whom you can learn these from with ijazah (especially in Qur'an). Ijazat mainly serve as a blessing and it is through peer recognition, rather than certificates, that you should get by. Many scholars say that the basics are learnt with scholars, whereas most of what they have learnt is through self-study.

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Old 01-24-2012, 10:33 AM   #18

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Barek Allah Feek
Asalam 3leikoum wr wb,

Ok alhumdulilah that is a rap and I will take down from my site any posts about Cordoba Academy and insh'Allah wish them all the best. Barek Allah feekoum for all those here that assisted.
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Old 01-25-2012, 12:44 AM   #19

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yousuf you are consumed with hatred and bitterness and its not healthy for you. I advise myself this first and foremost
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Old 01-25-2012, 12:46 AM   #20

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Al-salamu 'alaykum brother and may Allah help you to succeed insha'Allah.

It is wise that you have chosen the Hanafi madhab, considering that England is predominantly Hanafi. I have noticed that many British Muslims do not know basic fiqh. So please learn some Hanafi fiqh so that you can teach and benefit others. Most questions that people have are related to their worship of fiqh so this would be a great service on your behalf. Also you should see what is most pressing in need for your community and study that. Fill in the gaps that need to be filled. You will, however, have to study for an extended time with scholars, perhaps during your summer holidays.

As for seeking knowledge, generally one should take benefit from wherever it can be found. Our scholars have benefited from al-Zamakshari's tafsir even though he was Mu'tazali. Some of the most trustworthy narrators in the famous hadith collections were Shi'i or Khariji.

Ijazat, although beneficial, are somewhat redundant in our age, except in Qur'an, hadith, and fiqh. These are the only subjects that connect directly to the Prophet, peace be upon him. England has quite a few people whom you can learn these from with ijazah (especially in Qur'an). Ijazat mainly serve as a blessing and it is through peer recognition, rather than certificates, that you should get by. Many scholars say that the basics are learnt with scholars, whereas most of what they have learnt is through self-study.

very nice post and good advice jazak Allahu khair
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