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Old 01-23-2012, 05:06 AM   #1

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Default confused and looking for truth.....
Hello brothers and sisters I am a non muslim,I am of no religion but I am at a point in my life where I am Feeling the desire to find truth and guidence I have decided to study all religions in the hope that true god may guide and compell me to the right one,I have took on a strong intrest in your religion however there is one thing that concernes me and that is I was watching a documentary online and there were many women in karachi india finding out the sexes of their unborn baby and if a girl aborting or killing when they're born because they cannot afford the dowry for them,,and whilst I am very sympathetic to these women an their financial situation,is it not haram to abort allahs blessing he has given? I think he knows why he gives some all girls and others all boys or no children? Or am I getting things wrong?

May alllah bless you all.
WertyNtont is offline

Old 01-23-2012, 05:15 AM   #2

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May Allah allmighty open your heart and guide you to the truth sister.

In a nutshell the aborting of unborn children for financial reasons is totally forbidden and Haraam. These practices are based upon ignorance and islam came to get rid of such behaviour.
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Old 01-23-2012, 05:25 AM   #3

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Karachi is in Pakistan, I have never heard of muslims abborting children because they are girls, this was a practice of the arabs pagans which islam stopped and said that girls are a blessing, In India the practice is still practised by few conservative hindus.

Do you believe in God
Do you believe in prophets
Do you believe in fate
Do you believe in a day of judgement
Do you believe in Angels
What do you know of the Quran
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Old 01-23-2012, 05:25 AM   #4

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Thank you brother,
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Old 01-23-2012, 05:55 AM   #5

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also to add....in Islam the girls family do not give their husbands a dowry, this is from hinduism
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Old 01-23-2012, 05:59 AM   #6

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What the other two brothers said is 100% correct sister. I am also from Pakistan and I've never heard of anyone killing their born/unborn child due to their gender. That was a practice centuries ago before Islam came to mankind, where any time a girl was born the ignorants would bury them alive. Don't believe everything you hear in "documentaries", as they often lack substance. If you're looking for information on Islam, refer to only authentic sites. Check with us on the forum before believing any site to be true and authentic, as there is a lot of misinformation out there, both purposely by the enemies of Islam and mistakenly by unqualified Muslims running sites with good intentions but wrong information.

Also Firawn (Pharaoh, ancient ruler of Egypt who called himself god, Astaghfiruallh), had a practice of murdering even boys who were born, because he was afraid that one of them may grow up and try to take his kingdom. That's where Prophet Musa (Moses, peace be upon him) was sent, to deliver Allah's message to firawn and his people. All of these stories, and more, can be found in the Quran, which is the direct word of Allah, the one and only God, revealed to mankind through his beloved Messenger, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), so there is no disputing anything which is found in the Quran.

You will find many ayats (verses) in the Quran in regards to not killing your children due to fear of poverty (financial reasons), or for any reason at all. Allah has said in the Quran that murdering one innocent human is the same as murdering the entire mankind. Think about that, that is a very strong statement by our Creator. Similarly, saving one innocent person is considered to be as if saving all of mankind.

Islam put a stop to all ignorant practices over 1400 years ago, including slavery, discrimination due to race and color of one's skin, killing newborns who were girls, dishonesty in business, backbiting, etc, etc. The "west" and the rest of the world didn't catch up with this until barely a few decades ago (for example, discrimination, slavery, etc, existed in the USA until just a couple of decades ago and finally after much fighting, laws were changed to be more fair towards African Americans and everyone in general... however Islam took care of all of this over 14 centuries ago, and none of this stuff was ever an issue in true Islamic societies). If any of those ignorant practices are practiced by Muslims today, then surely they are deviating from Allah's commands.

May Allah protect and guide us all, and may He open the doors of His mercy and guidance especially for you my sister, and for your family.

Take care.
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Old 01-23-2012, 06:09 AM   #7

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Hence, do not kill your children for fear of poverty: it is we who shall provide sustenance for them as well as for you. Verily, killing them is a great sin. (17:31)

Nothing can be more clearer.
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Old 01-23-2012, 07:24 AM   #8

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Thank you all,
It is so confusing for someone like me who has grew up with no religion to find real truth anywhere would't know how to know what is truth and i don't want lies and twisted half truths,So thank you all for truths,
Also i will ask from the moderators here for accurate writings/passages/websites etc,
Also i am aware karachi is in india the reason i asked about this practise was because the documantary i watched was suposedly about muslims,
Abdul12345 i do believe in all of the above and i allways have, i just was never raised in a religious family,ive allways believed hense why i am here seeking guidance and truth,
i don't know alot in the quran i am still learning so please be patient with me,
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Old 01-23-2012, 08:06 AM   #9

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Abdul12345 i do believe in all of the above and i allways have, i just was never raised in a religious family,ive allways believed hense why i am here seeking guidance and truth,,
Welcome to the forum sister.

You can ask any doubts about Islam you have in here. www.sunnipath.com is a good website.

Sister since you already believe in the 6 articles of faith the only step you need to take to become a Muslim is Shahada(bearing witness). All you have to do is pronounce the following in Arabic with the full acknowledgement of its meaning in heart. And then you are a Muslim. All your past sins forgiven. Now you will be closer to Allah our Creator and you can worship him like He wants us to.

First step is to say Shahada(bearing witness) in arabic :

"Ash hadu anlaa ilaaha illAllah, wa Ash hadu anna Muhammadu rasool ullah."
Meaning: I bear witness there is no God but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is his Messenger.

If you need help in pronouncing Shahada: http://discover.islamway.com/shihada.wav
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Old 01-23-2012, 04:59 PM   #10

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Thank you all,
It is so confusing for someone like me who has grew up with no religion to find real truth anywhere would't know how to know what is truth and i don't want lies and twisted half truths,So thank you all for truths,
Also i will ask from the moderators here for accurate writings/passages/websites etc,
Also i am aware karachi is in india the reason i asked about this practise was because the documantary i watched was suposedly about muslims,
Abdul12345 i do believe in all of the above and i allways have, i just was never raised in a religious family,ive allways believed hense why i am here seeking guidance and truth,
i don't know alot in the quran i am still learning so please be patient with me,
Karachi is in Pakistan, i know its been in the news recently about girls being aborted but the stories i have read were about Hindu households in India

Even if it occurs within Muslim families its not a practice from Islam, much like other practices in south Asia such as forced marriages / honour killings...these are people influenced by culture not Religion and they are forbidden in Islam
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Old 01-23-2012, 05:04 PM   #11

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Hello brothers and sisters I am a non muslim,I am of no religion but I am at a point in my life where I am Feeling the desire to find truth and guidence I have decided to study all religions in the hope that true god may guide and compell me to the right one,I have took on a strong intrest in your religion however there is one thing that concernes me and that is I was watching a documentary online and there were many women in karachi india finding out the sexes of their unborn baby and if a girl aborting or killing when they're born because they cannot afford the dowry for them,,and whilst I am very sympathetic to these women an their financial situation,is it not haram to abort allahs blessing he has given? I think he knows why he gives some all girls and others all boys or no children? Or am I getting things wrong?

May alllah bless you all.
Pray to God with an open heart that he guides you to the truth.
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Old 01-23-2012, 05:35 PM   #12

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Hello brothers and sisters I am a non muslim,I am of no religion but I am at a point in my life where I am Feeling the desire to find truth and guidence I have decided to study all religions in the hope that true god may guide and compell me to the right one,I have took on a strong intrest in your religion however there is one thing that concernes me and that is I was watching a documentary online and there were many women in karachi india finding out the sexes of their unborn baby and if a girl aborting or killing when they're born because they cannot afford the dowry for them,,and whilst I am very sympathetic to these women an their financial situation,is it not haram to abort allahs blessing he has given? I think he knows why he gives some all girls and others all boys or no children? Or am I getting things wrong?

May alllah bless you all.
I know most would encourage you to convert without doing research. I do not advice that. It is wiser that one researches Islam before converting. I would suggest taking a course on www.qibla.com If I am not mistaken they may offer free introductory courses to non-Muslim. It is better to take a course with a teacher where you can ask question. books are fine but they don't answer questions...
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Old 01-23-2012, 08:43 PM   #13

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Sister I am that errant one who is in favour of an early jump into Islam.
My argument is that the main point of life is to die in the state of faith - so it is a practical decision.
And hence I invite you to Islam with all the concern I have for you.

Coming to the stumbling block. Karachi is in deed not in India. And yes there is this endemic problem in India where unashamed preference is given to boys and female fetus abortion is very well known problem. It is sad that this problem has reached Karachi too. I hope the news is wrong but even if it is right it is no argument on Islam. It is forbidden to indulge in such things in Islam. In fact if you had even little bit of background on history of Islam then you'll know that advent of beloved Prophet (PBUH) of Islam also heralded the end of a hideous practice of pagan Arabia where the heartless people could go to the extent of burying their daughter alive. So your fears on this point are not really warranted. Of course any medicine should not be judged on the basis of your experience with the quacks. So practice of some Muslims that you might find distasteful should not turn you off and you must inquire about the truth about Islam.

Since you are on your path to find the truth I'll advise you to keep the phrase Ya Hadi, Ya Rahim on your tongue. In plain words you are supplicating to God to show you Mercy and Guide you. (Ya=O, Hadi=Guide, Rahim=Merciful.) If you can imagine in your heart that He is very close to you so that even a whisper is loud and clesr to Him then it will be even better. You might think it a bit vague kind of action but if you do it sincerely then the results, God willing, shall be astounding.

And all guidance is from God alone.
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Old 01-24-2012, 01:29 AM   #14

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if you believe then accept the kalima and start learning, there is no point stalling yourself just in case something changes and you don't get the oppurtunity to take your interest in islam into submition. islam is to submit to the creator and not to ones or societies desires and customs, the way to ALLAH is throught the ways of the prophets, in our time the way is that of the prophet Muhammad whos way of life is an example and one that is accepted by Allah. His way converted the arabs from a people who were the worst people to the point where neither the romans nor the persians want to rule them they buried their daughters alive, commited great oppression on their women, would fight for generations with each other over small matter, would treat their slaves badley and would exploit each other, when the light of imaan firm belief entered their hearts these people became the conquerors of the romans and the persians and when the way of islam entered their lives people were converting to islam in their many seeing this TOTAL way of life being practised in its actuality, from washing hands before eating, from washing private parts after relieving onself to how to rule goverment, to how to treat the husband,the wife,the slave, how to upbring children, this way of life was then spread by the prophets companions.

The Quran is a great miracle being the word of Allah, many prophets were given great miracle. the time of Moses was a time of great interest in sorcery so Moses was given the miracle to outdo the magicians, the time of Jesus was a time of great interest in medicine so Jesus was given the miracle to bring the dead back to life, to cure the leper, the blind and the time of Muhammad was a time of great poetry which the arabs prided themselves on and one of the miracles given to Muhammad was the Quran. When the arabs heard the Quran they said this is poetry but when their poetry was a total no match then they said the typical 'magician, madman, poet'. the Quran challenges the non-believers in the Quran to produce a surah like it if they can, they can produce nothing with as much eloquence,as much beauty, with as much context, meaning and order as any surah in the Quran. The Quran has no contradictions whereas many scholars of other religious books open accept mistakes in their holy books. The Quran is in clasical arabic.

some verses being recited from the Quran

become a muslim

what is your location based on closest city.
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