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Old 10-19-2011, 03:17 PM   #1

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Default The Chishti and the Qadri Zikr Gatherings
.....In the naqshbandi-mujaddadi silsila zikr majalis, the sheikh and the mureeds do approx 20 mins of Muraqaba/Zikr e Khafi apart from the bayan of tha sheikh (my observation)....what generally takes place in Chishti Zikr gatherings, you have pas anfas as one practice of the silsila, the bara tasbeeh as another, and habse dam (underwater) as the third form of zikr...what zikr does the sheikh conduct in out of Pas Anfas and Bara Tasbeeh.....

And what happens in Qadri Zikr Gatherings, they have that zikr after every farz salah...but what do they have for group zikr??...I am learning about different silsilas to choose one in the end

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Old 10-19-2011, 03:43 PM   #2

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Brother the azkaar of all the salasil have been mentioned in detail many times. You don't really join a silsila based on azkaar but more based on one's love and attachment to a particular shaykh. There are 2 separate points. 1 is halqahs of zikr and the other is individual zikr. Do you want to know what kind of zikr is held in a halqah or zikr which is given to individual mureeds. You should visit different gatherings and then feel which gathering and shaykh you feel comfortable with. Don't look at the zikr as it is a big mistake unless you yourself feel that you have an attachment to qalbi zikr then you can look for a naqshbandi shaykh or you like loud zikr so find a chisti shaykh etc. Where do you live bro?
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Old 10-19-2011, 03:55 PM   #3

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Brother the azkaar of all the salasil have been mentioned in detail many times. You don't really join a silsila based on azkaar but more based on one's love and attachment to a particular shaykh. There are 2 separate points. 1 is halqahs of zikr and the other is individual zikr. Do you want to know what kind of zikr is held in a halqah or zikr which is given to individual mureeds. You should visit different gatherings and then feel which gathering and shaykh you feel comfortable with. Don't look at the zikr as it is a big mistake unless you yourself feel that you have an attachment to qalbi zikr then you can look for a naqshbandi shaykh or you like loud zikr so find a chisti shaykh etc. Where do you live bro?
....I live in Islamabad...I have been to a naqshbandi sheikh you have heard of (I was formerly known as DepressedMuslim on the forum).....I feel quite attracted to the naqshbandi zikr....I just want to learn about the other silsilas and shuyookh before making a decision....
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Old 10-19-2011, 04:00 PM   #4

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.....In the naqshbandi-mujaddadi silsila zikr majalis, the sheikh and the mureeds do approx 20 mins of Muraqaba/Zikr e Khafi apart from the bayan of tha sheikh (my observation)....what generally takes place in Chishti Zikr gatherings, you have pas anfas as one practice of the silsila, the bara tasbeeh as another, and habse dam (underwater) as the third form of zikr...what zikr does the sheikh conduct in out of Pas Anfas and Bara Tasbeeh.....

And what happens in Qadri Zikr Gatherings, they have that zikr after every farz salah...but what do they have for group zikr??...I am learning about different silsilas to choose one in the end

Chisti: Usually there is a talk on an Islahi topic and then if new brothers are there, the method of Zikr is explained. There are many shorter versions of Bara Thasbih. One of these is picked. Something like:

200 X Laa ilaaha Illallah
400 X Allahu Allah
100 X Allah

Some esal-e-sawab is read before Zikr for the Mashaikh of the Silsilah. Zikr is done with Jahr (high voice) and Darb (movement of the head) sometimes, sometimes not too heavy on Jahr and Darb. Depends on the Shaykh and the Silsilah. Following Zikr Jahri sometimes Pas Anfas is done, sometimes Muraqaba is done. There are many Muraqabas in the Chisti Tariqa.

I have never seen Habs-e-Dam done in a Majlis and you will not see many or anyone doing it under water nowadays. It is not done under water anyway. That is not habs-e-dam. That is called Sipaya (as I have heard it). Not done much nowadays.

About the Qadiri Majlis someone will explain insha Allah
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Old 10-19-2011, 04:06 PM   #5

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mashallah great stuff. There is shabbir kakakhel in islamabad/rawalpindi. If you want you can contact my own shaykh who lives maybe an hour or so away from you in panjpir. He teaches all salasil. The chistiya nizamiya (consists of zikr lisani) numbers are not too high
qadriyah...zikr lisani with dharb (i.e. not loud but just so you can hear it)...zikr is as follows;
1. astaghfirullaazeemilazi laillahuwaalhayyul qayyum watubu ilah 313 times

2.Laillahaillah 1000

3. Illalllah 1000

4. ALLAH 1000

5. HU 1000

6. ALLAH HU 1000

7. Hu ALLAH 1000

8. Antal Hadi Antal Haq laysal Hadi Ila HU 1000

9. Habs dams zikr khafi
with a durood
1000 times

Suhurwurdi is similar except the numbers are mega high so a normal person will find it difficult.

The naqshbandiya...our shaykh teaches 2 versions. One are the lataif points as shown by hazrat syed adam binori rh or the lataif points shown by hazrat khawja masoom. There are I think 35-40 lessons and what happens is that a person starts with lessons 1 usually 12,000 isme zaat qalbi zikr on latifa qalb and each latifa thereafter 2000 then nafi wal isbaat khafi 1000 then each of the sabaqs keeps on getting added.

Shaykh does not hold halaqahs of zikr though I know 1 khalifah who does and he has the outline for the halqahs of zikr.
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Old 10-19-2011, 04:10 PM   #6

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.....In the naqshbandi-mujaddadi silsila zikr majalis, the sheikh and the mureeds do approx 20 mins of Muraqaba/Zikr e Khafi apart from the bayan of tha sheikh (my observation)....what generally takes place in Chishti Zikr gatherings, you have pas anfas as one practice of the silsila, the bara tasbeeh as another, and habse dam (underwater) as the third form of zikr...what zikr does the sheikh conduct in out of Pas Anfas and Bara Tasbeeh.....

And what happens in Qadri Zikr Gatherings, they have that zikr after every farz salah...but what do they have for group zikr??...I am learning about different silsilas to choose one in the end

What?? This is not how its done.
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Old 10-19-2011, 04:14 PM   #7

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Best thing is don't worry about zikr. Worry about if you click with the shaykh. In and around islamabad there is shaykh shabbir kakakhel and the other naqshbandi shaykh you met. Attend their majlises. If you want to meet my shaykh please get my email from abu bilal saab.
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Old 10-19-2011, 04:14 PM   #8

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I am learning about different silsilas to choose one in the end
Did you do Istikhara?
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Old 10-19-2011, 04:18 PM   #9

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mashallah great stuff. There is shabbir kakakhel in islamabad/rawalpindi. If you want you can contact my own shaykh who lives maybe an hour or so away from you in panjpir. He teaches all salasil. The chistiya nizamiya (consists of zikr lisani) numbers are not too high
qadriyah...zikr lisani with dharb (i.e. not loud but just so you can hear it)...zikr is as follows;
1. astaghfirullaazeemilazi laillahuwaalhayyul qayyum watubu ilah 313 times

2.Laillahaillah 1000

3. Illalllah 1000

4. ALLAH 1000

5. HU 1000

6. ALLAH HU 1000

7. Hu ALLAH 1000

8. Antal Hadi Antal Haq laysal Hadi Ila HU 1000

9. Habs dams zikr khafi
with a durood
1000 times

Suhurwurdi is similar except the numbers are mega high so a normal person will find it difficult.

The naqshbandiya...our shaykh teaches 2 versions. One are the lataif points as shown by hazrat syed adam binori rh or the lataif points shown by hazrat khawja masoom. There are I think 35-40 lessons and what happens is that a person starts with lessons 1 usually 12,000 isme zaat qalbi zikr on latifa qalb and each latifa thereafter 2000 then nafi wal isbaat khafi 1000 then each of the sabaqs keeps on getting added.

Shaykh does not hold halaqahs of zikr though I know 1 khalifah who does and he has the outline for the halqahs of zikr.

May i know the name of your sheikh brother?
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Old 10-19-2011, 04:24 PM   #10

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My shaykh is a hidden person brother you won't know his name. If you want more information about him then I can tell you inshallah.
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Old 10-19-2011, 04:26 PM   #11

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errr what is underwater zikr and what is pas anfas?
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Old 10-19-2011, 04:33 PM   #12

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errr what is underwater zikr and what is pas anfas?
Theres nothing called underwater Zikr. But there is Zikr happening under water.
Pas Anfas: http://jaamiahamidia.wordpress.com/2...ng-the-breath/
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Old 10-19-2011, 04:41 PM   #13

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okay, ive only ever heard zikr of different chishti shaykhs, its just a bayan and then zikr of laa ilaha ilallah, illallah, Allah

doesn't sound particularly loud, just normal voice that the shaykh was giving bayan in and it doesn't sound like they are head bopping or anything like that either...wallahu alam it all sounds pretty calm
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Old 10-19-2011, 04:49 PM   #14

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Best thing is don't worry about zikr. Worry about if you click with the shaykh. In and around islamabad there is shaykh shabbir kakakhel and the other naqshbandi shaykh you met. Attend their majlises. If you want to meet my shaykh please get my email from abu bilal saab.
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Old 10-19-2011, 04:50 PM   #15

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Did you do Istikhara?
I havent done istikhara yet..
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Old 10-19-2011, 05:41 PM   #16

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.....In the naqshbandi-mujaddadi silsila zikr majalis, the sheikh and the mureeds do approx 20 mins of Muraqaba/Zikr e Khafi apart from the bayan of tha sheikh (my observation)....what generally takes place in Chishti Zikr gatherings, you have pas anfas as one practice of the silsila, the bara tasbeeh as another, and habse dam (underwater) as the third form of zikr...what zikr does the sheikh conduct in out of Pas Anfas and Bara Tasbeeh.....

And what happens in Qadri Zikr Gatherings, they have that zikr after every farz salah...but what do they have for group zikr??...I am learning about different silsilas to choose one in the end

If you are interested to know the depth of Sufi zikr from the perspective academic curiosity , you may read this book " Ziaul Quloob " where zikr formula of some sufi orders are written in details. In this thread , you can find more info about this book.


However, you should not decide by yourself which sufi order is best for you . Rather, you should meet several shaykhs and see to whom you feel attracted. Another way is to do Istikhara to find who is the best for u.
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Old 10-19-2011, 11:21 PM   #17

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the chisti nizamiyah zikr my shaykh gives is as follows; each of the azkaar is a separate lesson and a beginner would start with lesson 1 and then keep on adding.

200 times nafi ithbaat (Laillahaillah)
400 times ithbaat (Illah)
600 times you say the word Allah as if you pull it up from under the navel to your forehead
the tasawur (imagination/zikr qalbi) of ALLAH using the above method 1200 times
500 times Allahu
500 times huwallah
100 times ya wadoodu ya wahaabu
so these are 7 asbaaq (lessons) of Chistiyah nizaamiyah
but this is not with jahr (loud) as it is disliked in our chisti nizami silsila and its more like zikr e lisani. i.e. only a person can hear it nobody else.
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Old 10-19-2011, 11:25 PM   #18

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Maulaana Ashraf ali thanvi in qasdus sabeel he has divided talibeen in 4 groups
1) those who are not alim,and are busy in earning rizq
2)those who are not alim and free
3) scholars busy in earning
4) scholars who are free
He has devised different routines for all the 4 types

1st group just to pray farz,and after each salat say subhanallah,alhamdolillah,lailaha illallah,Allaho akbar 100 times,spend time with ulema when free,learn masail.no more

2nd group all the above,plus 6000 isme zat with out zarb or jahr
3rd group 24 ooo isme zat with zarb and jahr
4th group,bara rasbeeh,above isme zat,shughule anhad muraqeba of death
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Old 10-20-2011, 01:37 AM   #19

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London Bhai for all of this....what i understand is that the zikr routine for most silsilas varies for every sheikh, mureed and place....I will ask Maulana Abu Bilal to forward me your email or you can put it in the brothers section if you want to...
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Old 10-20-2011, 02:18 AM   #20

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My shaykh is a hidden person brother you won't know his name. If you want more information about him then I can tell you inshallah.

it will be beneficial for all of us if you can tell more about your sheikh. i understand if you can't tell his name.

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