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Old 01-11-2012, 08:26 AM   #1

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Default Question on homosexuality in Islam.
Asalaamu' Alaykum I was wondering can Gays be Muslim? I'm not gay, but I use to be bisexual for a while but Alhamdulilah Allah guided me I was just wondering because two of my Muslim friends who are religious said to me that Muslims can't be gay, that troubles me because there are a lot of gay Muslims. I keep telling them yes gays can be Muslim & they get mad at me for saying that so I came on SunniForum since I'm not going to ask anyone else, they'll probably think I'm gay, Lol. And also what part is haram about being Gay, the action of homosexuality or the feeling that you think your gay? I was shocked to find out that there are actual gay IMAMS out there. Wow. Subhan'Allah, isn't that one of the signs of Qiyyamah (Judgment Day)? Jazaku'Allahu Ghayran for your time*
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Old 01-11-2012, 08:42 AM   #2

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Islam ruling on sodomy, homosexuality and punishment both male and female, married and unmarried couples.

Answer 3056

My Respected Brother-in-Islam

Assalaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

In the spirit of Islamic brotherhood and in keeping with the Sunnah of our Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) who has said, 'None of you has Imaan (Faith) until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself', please allow me to offer to you the following words of advice:

Every true believer living in this world fears the wrath and punishment of Allah Ta'ala. Are you safe, O my brother, from the punishment of Allah Ta'
ala? The question each one of us has to ask himself is: Would you like to be amongst those who will be punished tomorrow, on the day in which neither
wealth nor children will be of any benefit except to that person who appears before Allah with a pure heart? Would you be happy if your soul were reduced
to the lowest position after Allah had created it in the best of forms? Would you allow myself to be disgraced in front of the whole of mankind and
the entire creation on the Day of Qiyaamah (Reckoning)? Certainly you would not like any of this to happen to you!

Please let me share with you some brotherly advice regarding just one evil that has become so widespread today - especially amongst the youth. I know that there may be many questions roving in your mind regarding this evil:
* What is this sin?
* Is it so grave that we should discuss it?
* What is the solution to it?
* How can we save ourselves from it?
* What are the harms and consequences of it?

Do not be too hasty for soon you will find answers to all your questions.

My Beloved Brother! You are certainly aware that the sin of homosexuality is haraam. But do you know how serious this crime is and just how despicable it is in the sight of Allah Ta'ala? Just imagine, my brother, that when it is against the very nature of man, nay even of animals, what is the position of the person who indulges in it! Is such a person unaware that Allah Ta'ala -- in all His Grandeur, Might and Power -- is watching him while he indulges in this haraam act? Is he not aware that Allah Ta'ala has the power to send down upon him a swift and severe punishment or even seize him while he is involved in it? What will his position be when he appears before his Rabb (Sustainer) on the Day of Qiyaamah?

" And such is the grasp of your Rabb when He seizes a community while it transgresses! Certainly His grasp is very painful." (Surah Hood, ayah 102)

Let us now look at a few verses of the Qur'an, Ahaadith, narrations of the Sahaabah (radhiallaahu anhum) and sayings and verdicts of the Ulama regarding the sin of homosexuality or sodomy. Thereafter, let us see what are some of the diseases that spread as a result of it as well as some solutions. May Allah Ta'ala grant us the ability to follow His guidance and the Sunnah of His Beloved Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam).


Our beloved Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said, 'Certainly the thing I fear most on my ummah is the (wicked) practice of the people of Loot.' (Tirmizi, Ahmad, Ibn Hajr Al-Haysami, Ad-Duri and Al-Aajuri) (Hadith Hasan)

Hadrat Ali bin Abi Taalib (RA) relates, 'Whoever allows himself to be used sexually (by becoming a homosexual or sodomite), Allah Ta'ala will expel from him the (natural) desire for women.'

Najeeb As-Sirri (AR) says, 'They (i.e. our pious elders) would even dislike looking at handsome young boys'

Once Abul Aswad (AR) brought a letter which he showed to one of his students and said, ' I bear witness that this letter was dictated by Ali bin Abi Taalib (RA) to Abul Aswad: When men (i.e. homosexuals) will sexually satisfy themselves with men and women (i.e. lesbians) with women, then earthquakes will occur, faces will become transformed and stones will rain down from the skies.'

Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has also said "May Allah curse him who does what the people of Loot (alayhis salaam) did." (Ibn Hibbaan)

He (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has also said, 'Lesbianism by women is adultery between them.' (Tabraani)


It is a well-known fact that when this wretched disease spread among one nation in the past, Allah Ta'ala caused punishments to rain down from the skies upon them. Allah mentions their story in many places in the Qur'an. At one place, He says,
"And (We also sent) Loot (as a Messenger). 'Behold, he said to his people, do you do what is shameful even though you see (that it is wrong)? Would you really approach men in your lusts rather than women? Nay, you are a grossly ignorant people!'

But his people gave no other answer but this: They said, 'Drive out the followers of Loot from your city. These are indeed men who want to be clean and pure!'

But We saved him and His family except his wife: We destined her to be of those who lagged behind.

And We rained down on them a shower (of stones). And evil was the shower on those who were admonished (but failed to heed)."
(Surah an-Naml, 54-58)

At yet another place, Allah Most High says:
Do you approach the males of humanity, leaving the wives Allah has created for you? But you are a people who transgress.
(Surah ash-Shu'raa: 165 &166)

>From the first aayah, we learn that these people had themselves admitted
that the family of Loot (AS) who had Imaan (belief in Allah) was decent,
chaste and morally pure. They also acknowledged that the family of Loot (AS)
refrained from this filthy practice. They realised this since it is natural
for every person to immediately recognise the pure way of life inspired by
Allah Ta'ala when they see it and also to make out any type of unnatural and
perverted behaviour.

In the Tafseer (commentary) of these verses it is mentioned that the people
of Loot (AS) were practicing both homosexuality and lesbianism. When Allah
decided to punish them, He commanded Jibraeel (AS) to lift the village of
Loot (AS) to the extent that the angels of the first heaven (sky) could
actually hear the barking of their dogs. Jibraeel then turned them over and
dropped them from this tremendous height. Thereafter, Allah Ta'ala caused sc
orching hot stones to rain down upon them. This is how this nation ended up
being an example for the rest of mankind until the Day of Qiyaamah.

Imaam Al-Aajuri (AR) has said, 'Allah Ta'ala has informed you about the
despicable act of homosexuality committed by the people of Loot (AS) and how
He punished them by first snatching away their eyesight. Jibraeel (AS) was
then instructed to uproot their cities with all the inhabitants until they
were high up into the sky and then turn over their cities upon them.
Thereafter they were pelted with stones of clay.' Such was their punishment
that not a single citizen or traveller could save himself from the stones
and from being completely destroyed.

It is said that they were four million in number. (Tafseer Ibn Katheer p.471 vol. 2)

Let us reflect! Why did Allah Ta'ala punish them so severely in such a
manner that He had never punished any other nation before? Surely their sin
must have been really serious for Allah Ta'ala to have punished and
destroyed them in this way.


The acts of homosexuality and lesbianism are certainly a perversion and a serious deviation from the inherent nature of man. These acts of defiance against human nature are also even viler and uglier than adultery. There is consensus among both Muslims and the followers of other religions that lesbianism and homosexuality are evil and filthy practices. This is why it is not surprising to find that Islam so vehemently prohibits it and adopts such a harsh attitude against it.

The punishment awaiting such people in the Hereafter has already been explained, but what about their punishment in this world?

Since such type of behaviour was previously totally unknown to the Arab people, there is no record of any such incident having occurred during the time of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) or that he was faced with a case of this nature. However, it has been confirmed that Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said,
'Kill the one who sodomizes and the one to who lets it be done to him.'

Sayyiduna Abu Bakr (RA) had passed such a ruling and Hadrat Ali (RA) was very severe in his ruling against such a crime. It is established that once Sayyiduna Khaalid bin Waleed (RA) found a man in the frontiers of Arabia marrying another man in the way a woman marries a man, so he wrote about it to Abu Bakr (RA). When Abu Bakr (RA) consulted with the Sahaabah, Ali (RA) who was the severest in his condemnation of it said, 'Only one out of the many nations had indulged in it and you all know how Allah Ta'ala had dealt with them. I feel that he should be destroyed by fire.' So Abu Bakr (RA) wrote back to Sayyiduna Khaalid (RA) who then put the man to death by means of fire.

Ibn Qassaar and Ibn Taymiyyah (AR) have said: All the Sahaabah (radhiallaahu anhum) were unanimous that he should be killed though some of them differed in the manner in which it should be done.

Abu Bakr (RA) said that he should be executed by being thrown from a great height.

Another view of Hadrat Ali (RA) was that a wall should be dropped upon him.

Hadrat Ibn Abbaas, Ali, Jaabir bin Zaid, Abdullah bin Ma`mar, Imaam Zuhri and Imaam Maalik (radhiallaahu anhum) have said that those who commit the evil deed of the people of Loot (AS) should be stoned to death, whether they be married or unmarried. This is also one of the narrations of Imaams Ahmad, Shaafi`ee and Abu Sawr (AR).

Hadrat Ibn Abbaas (RA) was once asked about the punishment for the homosexual. He replied, 'He should be taken to the top of the highest building in the town and thrown headlong from there. Then he should be pelted with stones.'

Jaabir bin Zaid used to say, 'The prohibitive decree of the anus is far more serious than the prohibitive decree of the vagina.' In other words, the prohibition against anal intercourse is far more severe than the prohibition against illegitimate sexual intercourse (with a woman).


Among the evil consequences of this sin are the many deadly and contagious diseases that result from it. Some of these illnesses are such that medical science -- with all its might, power and advanced technology - has failed to combat or even fully comprehend, let alone cure it. Certainly no one is able to rise above the Will of Allah Ta'ala and escape his wrath!

Some of these fatal diseases are:

* AIDS: There is no cure for it. It is contracted and spread through
unlawful sexual intercourse and perverted sexual acts like homosexuality.

* GONORRHEA: which causes inflammation of the testicles, blockage of the
urethra, inflammation of the joints and sterility.

* SYPHILIS: This is a type of venereal disease commonly known among the
Arabs as 'the English Disease' since its origin lies in European societies
where free intermingling of the sexes and immorality is rife. It results in
insanity, paralysis, blindness, and other nerve disorders. Also leads to
blood vessel damage and death.

* GENITAL ULCERS: which causes inflammation of the lymphatic glands. It also
gives rise to chronic festering of tumours, inflammation of the urethra,
severe pain in the joints and swelling of the limbs.

* HEPATITIS B: Its symptoms include fever, fatigue, nausea and jaundice. It
results in chronic hepatitis or liver cancer.

These are only a few of the many deadly diseases caused by perverted sexual
behaviour. Could anyone ever desire contracting any of them?

May Allah Ta'ala protect all of us from all types of evil!


My Beloved Brother! Practicing on complete Islam is certainly the key to our success in this world and the Hereafter. Islam has provided us with the solution to problems in every sphere of our lives. Without doubt, the road to saving ourselves is simple and as clear as daylight -- and it is to keep ourselves far away from this grievous sin.

The following are some means that will help you to do this:
Do towbah (i.e. repent sincerely) to Allah and turn to Him.
Stay away from the company of evil people or friends who glamorize and glorify those deeds and things that are sinful and make them appeal to you.
The company that the youth keep plays the greatest role in either reforming or corrupting them. Therefore, choose for yourself the company of righteous people who will be of help and benefit to you in the matters of your Deen (Religion) and your dunya (worldly affairs)
Turn yourself and your gaze away from all those things that arouse thepassions, like looking at and staying in the company of beardless, young lads or even pictures of them of which films, magazines, etc are brimming.
Make every effort to get married in order to remain pure and chaste and respond to the call of our beloved Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) who has said, 'O Assembly of Youth! Those of you who have the means to get married, should do so. And whoever is unable to do so, must keep fast. For this is certainly a protection for him.' (Bukhaari, Muslim)
Fast in abundance in order to suppress the carnal desires/passions. Our Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) has said,' Certainly shaitaan flows in (the body of) man like the flowing of blood. So, subdue him by keeping fast.' (Sahih Bukhaari: vol.1 p.273 Book of Fasting)
Spend your spare time in those activities that will benefit you because the mind of an idle person becomes the target of sinful thoughts whispered by shaitaan and your nafs (the self which commands a person to do evil).


What is the person who indulges in this evil, waiting for? Is he waiting for the moment when death will suddenly overtake him while he is busy committing this sin? Has he given any thought to the condition of his father who had worked so hard to earn a living in order to bring him up and to see to his needs? How proud his father used to be of him, when he was a little boy, whenever he attended any gatherings! Has he thought about the condition of his mother who spent long, restless nights awake for the sake of his comfort? Is he now going to repay them with shame and disgrace them in front of everyone?

Or, is he waiting for death to overtake him while he is in the act of this despicable sin? Death certainly does not fix a time with us nor does it postpone its arrival for anyone, whether young or old!

My dear brother, this precious life is a special gift from our BelovedCreator, Allah to us so that we may perform virtuous deeds and gain His pleasure. In fact, the principal motive behind everything that we do should be the pleasure of Allah -- and this is the real meaning of success. Allah tells us:

But the pleasure of Allah is the highest achievement: This is the greatest success. (Surah at-Tawbah: 72)

Our life in this world is also a test from Allah. He has placed us in this world and created certain desires within us. But He has not made this world the place for the fulfillment of our desires. Here, we must fill our hearts with the fear of Allah and suppress our own desires and give priority to the wishes and orders of Allah over our own desires. In return for this, our
Allah has promised to reward us with Jannah, the everlasting place of indescribable beauty and happiness that He has reserved for us in the Aakhirah.

And for them who had feared standing before their Rabb (Sustainer) (on the Day of Qiyaamah) and had restrained (their) soul from lower desires, Certainly Jannah will be their abode. (Surah an- Naazi'aat: 40,41)

And since Jannah has been created as the actual place for the satisfaction of all our desires, everything there will be according to our wishes. Allah promises:

Therein shall you have all that your souls shall desire; therein shall you have all that you ask for! A hospitable gift from One Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful! (Surah Fussilat: 31,32)

In conclusion, my dear brother, I hope I have been able to illustrate clearly, yet briefly, the Islamic view regarding this sin and some of its harms so that it may serve as an eye -opener for those not involved in it and a means of earnestly repenting to Allah Ta'ala for those who have fallen into the trap of shaitaan.

It is now your duty, my beloved brother, to inform each and every youth of the sinfulness of this vice and its dangers and earn abundant reward from Allah Ta'ala.

I ask Allah, the All-Mighty, the All-Powerful to grant all of us the ability to turn to Him in repentance, and to make what I have written and you have read, a witness in our favour and not against us.

For Allah alone grants the Muslims the ability to do what is beneficial for them.
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Old 01-11-2012, 08:48 AM   #3

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Jazaku'Allahu Ghayran Brother But you didn't really answer my question is it possible to be gay & Muslim? I don't support homosexuality I'm just trying to find the answer.
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Old 01-11-2012, 08:57 AM   #4

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Jazaku'Allahu Ghayran Brother But you didn't really answer my question is it possible to be gay & Muslim? I don't support homosexuality I'm just trying to find the answer.
My understanding in this matter is weak, perhaps wait for someone more knowledgeable to answer you query. .
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Old 01-11-2012, 09:10 AM   #5

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I do not know what is meant.

All same-sex relationships are haram. If you make them permissible, that is istihlaal, which is kufr and expels you from the religion. So if you mean 'is it possible to say that gay relationships are halal and be a Muslim,' then that is not possible. 'Daiyee Abdullah,' and the 'al-Fatihah Foundation' is not a Muslim/are not composed of Muslims for this reason. They make these relationships permissible, and that is kufr.

If you mean, is it possible to have same-sex urges and be a Muslim combating them and staying far away from them, then this is a good thing and a form of jihad. If you are successful in combating yourself, then inshaAllah you would be rewarded greatly by Allah .
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Old 01-11-2012, 09:59 AM   #6

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Asalaamu' Alaykum I was wondering can Gays be Muslim? I'm not gay, but I use to be bisexual for a while but Alhamdulilah Allah guided me I was just wondering because two of my Muslim friends who are religious said to me that Muslims can't be gay, that troubles me because there are a lot of gay Muslims. I keep telling them yes gays can be Muslim & they get mad at me for saying that so I came on SunniForum since I'm not going to ask anyone else, they'll probably think I'm gay, Lol. And also what part is haram about being Gay, the action of homosexuality or the feeling that you think your gay? I was shocked to find out that there are actual gay IMAMS out there. Wow. Subhan'Allah, isn't that one of the signs of Qiyyamah (Judgment Day)? Jazaku'Allahu Ghayran for your time*
Yes, gays can be Muslims. But, they can not believe that sexual relations between members of the same gender is permissible.

Haram is the act itself not the person's thoughts.
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Old 01-11-2012, 10:01 AM   #7

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Also, I think you are only 13. You should be enjoying your childhood instead of thinking about these things.
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Old 01-11-2012, 10:40 AM   #8

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Also, I think you are only 13. You should be enjoying your childhood instead of thinking about these things.
I disagree completely. It's about time people started to think and use their brains rather than let it turn to mush. We as a society dont think enough. Besides, if contemplating on Islam and the hikmah behind the rulings of Islam and learning about it isn't a way to enjoy yourself then nothing will make you truly happy.
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Old 01-11-2012, 12:16 PM   #9

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Sciences prove to us that a person is born with chromosomes and when one chrosomes is more than the other a person is born a male or a female or both with male and female dispositioning. Males may have tendencies of feminism and females have tendencies of masculinity. Some men are born Macho some are not. Some women are born feminine some are not. Being gay is not a new phenomenon it has been since humanity. Gays are in every country, let not anyone say otherwise. Didn't, god say he created you whichever way he wanted. Be and it will be. Everyone will have their account on the day. To each his own grave.
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Old 01-11-2012, 01:02 PM   #10

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Sciences prove to us that a person is born with chromosomes and when one chrosomes is more than the other a person is born a male or a female or both with male and female dispositioning. Males may have tendencies of feminism and females have tendencies of masculinity. Some men are born Macho some are not. Some women are born feminine some are not. Being gay is not a new phenomenon it has been since humanity. Gays are in every country, let not anyone say otherwise. Didn't, god say he created you whichever way he wanted. Be and it will be. Everyone will have their account on the day. To each his own grave.
There is NO genetic imposition called "gay" like genes impose skin color.
"GAY" is a political concept, used to manipulate others into accepting abhorrent conduct.

There are no "GAY" people, as if they are separate, distinct group of people-an ethnicity or such.

The REAL issue, the fundamental concept, is the decriminalization of sexual activity outside or marriage.

First, this originates with Western leadership of the world. So its idiosyncratic.
In the West, modernists were struggling with Western traditions and religions, namely Christianity and Judaism.
Part of their struggle was against the social constructs of these ways.
Decriminalizing any and all such activity, except nonconsensual, was the goal and achievement of secularists, atheists, liberals, as part of their "modernity". It was deemed as 'liberating'.
To be modern, humanity MUST abandon any and all moral standards regarding sexual conduct.
Tradition and religion had to be abandoned because they were deemed backwards, restricting, oppressive, unjust. At times they were and at times they weren't. but to end this cycle, they cut all of it away.

And part of modernity included giving new identities to people: forming nationalities, granting people rights to form new organizations, and then of course, allowing people to form identities based on whichever grouping they so choose, such as gay.

In reality, its about men who have deviant desires which they want to practice unencumbered by others.
Yes, in the past these men were either highly secret, highly exclusive, or secretly done by elites (king Richard of England was seen as engaging in "gay" sex as were many other elites, such as king Alexander of Greece).

Today, as part of "modern life", these secretive men demanded rights, and as secular civil society has no objection, they became an accepted group of society, gaining more and more power, more and more influence today, so that they are now surpassing actual ethnic and racial minorities.

But Muslims have not had with Islam the same conflict as Western societies did with Christianity and Judaism.
Islam has been just and prior to colonial wars, Muslims did not have these same problems.

Muslims have to hold to our own Deen. The explanation of the ruling in Islam provided by Amr was very clear and explanatory.

So in response to Ahlam's inquiry, there are no 'gay' people. There are people who choose to perform abhorrent conduct and have succeeded in removing judgement of their conduct. And their secular society has failed to correct them.
People choose their sexual conduct- sexual conduct is NOT forced upon by genes or by 'orientation'.

In that sense, those who commit major sins but recognize that conduct as sinful, and repent, still can be seen as Muslim.

But fuqaha have addressed this matter that those who commit major sins, rejecting that their conduct is sinful, publicly demanding that others accept their conduct, they are outside of Islam. Part of returning to Islam is accepting Allah (SWT) as God and Lord Who reveals what is right and wrong.

And Allah knows best.
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Old 01-11-2012, 01:11 PM   #11

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Also, I think you are only 13. You should be enjoying your childhood instead of thinking about these things.
I understand brother Humble One's sentiments.
Sadly, today's 'modern societies' increasingly sexualize young people. Adult viewpoints are increasingly manipulating and soliciting youths.

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Old 01-11-2012, 02:29 PM   #12

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I totally agree on some points of brother Amr123 of what is in the Quran about homosexuality but at the same time disagree about the consequences of sin being a homosexual results in diseases like aids and so forth. Everyone knows now that Aids is not a homosexual disease and neither is hepatitis. You can get hepatitis if u use the toilet and not wash your hands with soap and water after. You can get hep. From food and blood. What are the sins of those who have cancer, asthma,dwarfism,moto neuron diseases, polio, malaria. In other words there are more heterosexual diseases than homosexual ones?!!!!As to the question of pride,every sin done is swept under the carpet so as not to show its ugly side to save the reputation. Believe when I say homosexuality is practiced everywhere in the Muslim world and not just a western thing.it is practised more so in the Muslim world than in the west. Those innocent little young boys in Madrasas all around Pakistan are being fondled by these so called Mullahs all the time. They are taken away from their parents so as to make them religious. They are stuck with these monsters and they take advantage of these kids. For I know because I am one of those kids. I was twelve. Now don't tell me about turning their faces away when they see a beautiful boy. That's a lie. I am 55 years old now and am trying to get back from being away from a practicing Muslim after going through the torment every time I want to read the Quran or do Salah I think about it,it just kills me and I stopped it. I have just started going back to it and someone like Amr123 just gets my blood boiling. What does Allah say about haemophrodites. Just in case you don't know they are the ones with both gender male and female? Didn't he create them. What's the fatwa upon them? Did we ever question why Sallalahu alayhi wassallam told us not to bury children? Do we fail to realize it could be because of pride ,shame or maybe reputation or maybe the child was deformed. Every creation is from God. Homosexuality is not a choice. It is in your D.N.A.
And for the person who says I am not gay but I used to be a bisexual!!!! What?? ? So that makes you one better than the gays is it? Typical. One who takes get a higher morality ground than the one giving it?? You are both in it. Don' try to separate yourself from the other. Without the takers there won't be any givers.

Lastly I say people who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Let the one who hasn't sin cast the first one
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Old 01-11-2012, 02:50 PM   #13

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Dear brother usama. I think you should take time to learn more about human sciences and facts rather than ignorantly saying there is no correlation with human chromosomes and the way one turns out to be. I am not condoning homosexuality here but basically stating how we close our hearts to knowledge other than what we know. Those days of camels and dates and dried meat are over and it's a new world. One can't control the masses anymore. Anyway we all have our own graves to go to. You in yours me in mine.
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Old 01-11-2012, 03:11 PM   #14

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I totally agree on some points of brother Amr123 of what is in the Quran about homosexuality but at the same time disagree about the consequences of sin being a homosexual results in diseases like aids and so forth. Everyone knows now that Aids is not a homosexual disease and neither is hepatitis. You can get hepatitis if u use the toilet and not wash your hands with soap and water after. You can get hep. From food and blood. What are the sins of those who have cancer, asthma,dwarfism,moto neuron diseases, polio, malaria. In other words there are more heterosexual diseases than homosexual ones?!!!!
bro, i didn't mean to hurt or insult anybody.

First of all the Fatwa I posted is by a learned and respectable Mufti.

I m a doctor, refer any medical journals on sexually transmitted diseases. Homosexuality is a high risk group.

As for the theory of being born 'gay' its a myth. There is absolutely no evidence of any gene being related to homosexuality. Homosexuals have no physical deformity unlike hermaphrodites.

Also there is a difference between hermaphrodite and homosexuals. There is no true hermaphroditism, its only the difference in number of X chromosome. A hermaphrodite always has a predominant sex, which is determined by the presence of Y chromosome. And yes they have physical deformities, but Allah will compensate for them in the Akhirah if they are patient , Just like a blind man who is patient or any other handicapped person for that matter.

P.s. Bisexual is now commonly used for a person who is occasionally a homosexual and a heterosexual (not for a hermaphrodite as before).

We don't need medical science to prove anything is wrong or right. If Allah the Almighty says Homosexuality is a major sin, then it IS a major sin, period.
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Old 01-11-2012, 04:17 PM   #15
Saad Khan

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Those days of camels and dates and dried meat are over and it's a new world. One can't control the masses anymore.

May Allah save us from the glib utterances of the tongue.

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Old 01-11-2012, 04:33 PM   #16

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May Allah save us from the glib utterances of the tongue.

I know the truth hurts doesn't it?
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Old 01-11-2012, 04:52 PM   #17
Saad Khan

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I know the truth hurts doesn't it?

4:115 If anyone contends with the Messenger even after guidance has been plainly conveyed to him, and follows a path other than that of the believers, We shall leave him in the path he has chosen, and land him in Hell,- what an evil refuge!

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Old 01-11-2012, 04:58 PM   #18

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Dear brother Amr, I know what you are trying to say. Gay is terminology given to the sexual practices of the same sex. There are a lot of feminine males who have sexual desires the same as females rather than males. They rather have sex with males but bury their desires due to religion or family reputation or peer pressure. They do not have any desire for the female ,yet they get married but still fulfill their desires secretly. I know this for a fact. There are people who finally get divorce after 26 years because they have living a lie. I know people from Muslim families whose husband are more feminine than their wives. They admit they are born without any desire for women but do it just for family reputation. Now I don't know what is better. Damn if you do,damn if you don't. There is enough evidences to prove that males can have more female chromosomes which makes them have feminine characteristics and desires as same as women and vice versa. I don't intend on saying that a person is born a homosexual but it is how it ends up when two of a kind meet up. It may not be natural for someone
Looking in from the outside.

Conclusion: your sin is your sin and my sin is mine alone.
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Old 01-11-2012, 05:00 PM   #19

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Oct 2005
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Thank you very much, I love this religion. Only curses and no sympathy or condemnation of those religious pedophilia clerics who seduce young boys. Get the bigger picture for goodness sake.
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Old 01-11-2012, 05:03 PM   #20
Saad Khan

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Oct 2005
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Thank you very much, I love this religion.
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