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Old 01-08-2012, 05:16 AM   #1

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Default Why do you follow your maddhab?
As salamu alaikum

I'm presently Hanafi, because in the Western world it is the maddhab that is most readily available with information, etc.

Is there anyone who has emigrated and changed maddhab as a result to make it easier for themselves in their new society?

Also, I know people who don't particularly follow a maddhab, but just follow the Qur'an and hadith and, when they need help on a subject, choose whichever opinion they find is easier for them - for example, on the standard and Hanafi Asr debate, if they go past the standard juristic time, they won't class it as a missed Dhuhr until it goes past the Hanafi method (e.g. the standard juristic time for the end of Dhuhr / start of Asr is 1:50pm, and for Hanafi is 2:10pm, however it gets to 2pm and although they would typically class this as a missed salah, they won't since it isn't technically Asr time yet in the Hanafi maddhab, so they will go with this).

They also use different rulings regarding what nullifies fasting, for example, in Ramadhan, depending on what is easier for them. So for example, if they agree with Shaf'i on one subject they will follow this maddhab, however on another topic (e.g. wudhu) they will agree with Hanifah's point of view, so follow the Hanafi maddhab on this).

Why do you follow your maddhab, or why don't you follow one?
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Old 01-08-2012, 05:24 AM   #2

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I never truly paid attention to madhab until recently. I was raised in a culture that practices Shafi'i madhab, though I had no awareness of it until just recent years and I'm still learning about it. I did not know the differences were so stark, I hope its not true. I was lucky to have grown up among a large Somali community throughout my life, so Shafi'i services were always available and I got consistent lessons throughout. Personally I do not think about specific madhabs, I will abide by the rules of the imams as well as my pious peers. If I practice Shafi'i alone to the age of 50 and I get teachings or advice from a Hanafi or Mailiki or Hanbali imam I will accept it and apply it. I'm not sure its even healthy for my faith if I pay too much respect or loyalty to a specific madhab.
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Old 01-08-2012, 05:30 AM   #3

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Shi'a because Imam Ali (as) is the true Caliph after Rasul Allah (SAWAS) :

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Old 01-08-2012, 05:50 AM   #4

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Shi'a because Imam Ali (as) is the true Caliph after Rasul Allah (SAWAS) :

If so then you should state Shi'a where your profile asks for "Madhhab;" even though Shi'a is not a madhab but a religion of its own.
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Old 01-08-2012, 06:09 AM   #5

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If so then you should state Shi'a where your profile asks for "Madhhab;" even though Shi'a is not a madhab but a religion of its own.

Ignore these Shi'a. You'll find many people who come on this forum and have one of the four madhahib as their madhhab in their profile but they turn out to be Shi'a. These Shi'a mostly show up to provide some sort of "Sunni" proof for their kufr beliefs.

Also, following a madhhab is EXTREMELY important for us. The situation the sister described, where a person picks and chooses a part of the madhhab based on their own desires - that is haraam according to all scholars. If a person is a non-Hanafi and deliberately delays his Dhuhr salah so that it is 'Asr time in their madhhab but still Dhuhr in the Hanafi madhhab - that person has sinned.

Why follow a madhhab? This question has been asked and answered a countless number of times on these forums. The simplest answer I can give is by analogy: if you're ill, do you diagnose yourself, make your own treatment, and administer it yourself? Or do you go see a physician who has studied an existing corpus of medicine under other physicians?

Also, to those that follow "Qur'an and hadeeth" only, know that the madhahib were formed before the hadeeth collections of Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim were produced and popularized. The Hanafi madhhab, as an example, existed during the time of the sahaba . Imam Abu Hanifa saw how the sahaba prayed and he prayed in their presence as well. If he was doing anything remotely different from how Rasoolullah prayed, he would have been rebuked. Another example is Imam Malik , whose madhhab is based on the a'maal (actions) from Madinah Munawwarah. Since the last place Rasoolullah resided was in Madinah and the last place he held counsel with the sahaba was in Madinah, it makes sense that the people of Madinah would be close to the sunnah.

So as you can see, the approaches are different, but the goal is the same. The best option is to follow the madhhab that everyone around you follows because of ease of accessibility to both knowledge and observable practice.
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Old 01-08-2012, 06:16 AM   #6

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The Prophet (SAWAS) said that there 73 community, all and the hell but one in the Paradise. And Rasul Allah (SAWAS) said that everybody have to search the truth even if it is in China. Rasul Allah (SAWAS) said to : "I'm the city of the knowledge, and Ali is it is door"

And he says us
- to follow Quran + Ahlul Bayt (Sahih Muslim) = hadith al thaqalayn
- that Ahlul Bayt is like the boat of the Prophet Nuh (as)
- when Imam Ali (as) was young, The Prophet (SAWAS) says "you are the caliph after me" (Tarikh Tabari)
- In ghadir khom : "Who from him I'm the Master, Ali (as) is his Master..." (there are much hadith) suyuti says it in his tafsir : وأخرج ابن أبي حاتم وابن مردويه وابن عساكر عن أبي سعيد الخدري قال: نزلت هذه الآية {يا أيها الرسول بلغ ما أنزل إليك من ربك} على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يوم غدير خم، في علي بن أبي طالب. and al albani says that the hadith ghadir khum is sahih.

= suyuti says that Abu Khudri (RA) a companion of Rasul Allah (SAWAS) said that this verse was revealated to Rasul Allah (SAWAS) the day of ghadir khum, for Imam Ali Ibn Abi Taleb (as)

- The Prophet (SAWAS) said to Imam Ali (as) that he is for he like the Prophet Harun (as) was to the Prophet Musa (as)

- Allah (SWT) said Rasul Allah (SAWAS) to make a mubahala with the christians : "And whoso disputeth with thee concerning him, after the knowledge which hath come unto thee, say (unto him): Come! We will summon our sons and your sons, and our women and your women, and ourselves and yourselves, then we will pray humbly (to our Lord) and (solemnly) invoke the curse of Allah upon those who lie. "

"our sons" = Imam Hasan and Husein (sunnis says too)
" our woman" = Fatima Az Zahra (sunnis says too)
"ourselves" = The Prophet Muhammad (SAWAS) and Imam Ali (as) (sunnis says to).

= So The Prophet Muhammad (SAWAS) and Imam Ali (as) are from 1 light (the are a sunni hadith about it)

To conclude we can say that there much proofes who explain that Imam Ali (as) is the true caliph
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Old 01-08-2012, 06:21 AM   #7

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Yes, 'Ali was the true fourth caliph, after Abu Bakr , Umar , and Uthman .

May Allah destroy those that revile any of the sahaba and especially those that venerate the Majoosi who killed Umar .
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Old 01-08-2012, 06:27 AM   #8

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Thank you brother Abdulwahhab, you've done me a great service today and I will most certainly follow up your advices. Let me state firstly I was never so stupid as to change madhabs for convenience, its very sad and even pathetic that some would try to cheat Allah subhanna wa ta'ala. And I do know the backgrounds of the madhabs and how early they were formed, and I very pleased that the later madhabs followed in the steps of the previous madhabs and share the same central principles. From what I gathered from your post, it seems like the key importance of having a madhab is to prevent Muslims from taking on too many different ideas on certain concepts so as not to complicate their experience, which I believe is very helpful in one's practice. In my worship I have always just taken the advice of peers and imams, whom were predominately or entirely Shafi'i, and I planned to use the same method before learning about the world of madhabs. I will further research this topic. Thank you once again for sharing this helpful lesson.
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Old 01-08-2012, 12:38 PM   #9

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Subhan Allah (SWT) I give you some ahadith and do you redject him !
Because you throw ahadeeth that are saheeh, hasan, dhaeef, and even non-hadeeth (mawdhoo) at the same time. I realize that you Shi'a have a pretty terrible science of hadeeth but you could at least be more careful when citing Sunni narrations. For example, the narration about 'Ali being the door is classified as mawdhoo by al-Albani , the same guy who verified the narration about Ghadir al-Khum. But of course, that is irrelevant so that you can prove your baseless points, right?

The caliph after me the FIRST caliph ! don't play with the religion ! Now, this is funny. The work that you cite for this narration is Tareekh at-Tabari. It is a huge collection of narrations with many volumes. But, the problem is, none of the narrations are authenticated. They are merely cited. If I write down on a piece of paper, "Ali was the first caliph and those that contested him were all apostates," does that qualify as a valid source of deen for you? Any sane person would not think so. Tareekh at-Tabari contains MANY fabricated narrations, no doubt relayed to Imam Tabari by the Shi'a.

You say Radyu Allahu (SWT) 'anh but bukhari said "alayhis Salam" for Imam Ali (as) and Fatima (as) No, he didn't. Those are put there by those from where you're copy-pasting the narrations from. The saheehain do not use "alayhis salaam". Furthermore, it matters not if I use "alayhis salaam" since there is no harm in it (except in imitating the Shi'a), but saying "radhiallaahu 'anhu" is better since that is also what is found in the Qur'an. رضي الله عنهم ورضوا عنه

Who will to make a mubahala with me about Imam Ali (as) is the true caliph and abu bakr omar and othman are kuffar ?


PS : omar and abu bakr are the twice awlad az zina = illegitimate relationship (it is in your books !)

PS : The Prophet (SAWAS) cursed abu bakr omar othman...when they didn't go with usama ibn zayd, He (SAWAS) said "la'an Allah man takhallaf 'an Jaych Usama" (Fath al bari fi sharh sahih al bukhari) Let's consider for a moment these statements are true. Then, tell me, why did Rasoolullah not curse Abu Bakr and Uthman more often? Why were they not killed during his lifetime? In fact, he would entrust them with many crucial things in his life and would praise them.

Of course, the Shi'a say that Rasoolullah was afraid. It's funny how you are willing to believe in someone willing to conceal the truth and deceive Muslims (na'udhubillah).

All I can say is that anyone who believes in the line I have bolded is a plain and clear kaafir.
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Old 01-08-2012, 04:13 PM   #10

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Abdulwahhab, don't waste your time with this guy. If someone purposely wants to lead themselves astray, let them do so until they gain a conscience and find the right path. There is truly no point in trying to debate as an equal with someone who hates many sahaba openly and attempts to tarnish the legacy of other sahaba by misappropriating their legacies. Until he and his cult fully recant these disgusting views and their pagan customs I would not put forth sincere arguments towards someone who is outside the fold of Islam.
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Old 01-08-2012, 08:14 PM   #11

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shi'a, can't you even stand without taqiya?
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Old 01-09-2012, 03:42 AM   #12

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ibn hazm said that is that abu bakr, omar, othman, sa'd ibn abi waqqas and talha planified to kill Rasul Allah (SAWAS) in Tabuk, and the isnad is sahih if we look the books of rijal.

And Ibn Qutaybah said that they killed muhsin (as) the son of Fatima (as) and Imam Ali (as) and they killed Fatima Az Zahra (as)

And they try to kill Imam Ali (as), abu bakr and omar said khalid ibn al walid to kill Imam Ali (as) in the history book it is written that it was "atwal salat as sobh"

al albany said that is sahih and there more hadith who said it. Ahmed ibn hanbal said that omar ibn al khattab after ghadir khum said "congratulation Ya Ali ibn abi Taleb, you are the master of mumin and muminat"
Wait, what? Didn't you just contradict yourself? Why would Umar want to kill 'Ali and at the same time, praise him as a master of the mu'minoon and mu'minaat?

Anyway, to Mr. Taqiyya:
You've hijacked this thread so continue your conversation elsewhere. Either make a new thread, or continue here: http://www.sunniforum.com/forum/show...-Twelver-Shias

Abdulwahhab, don't waste your time with this guy. If someone purposely wants to lead themselves astray, let them do so until they gain a conscious and find the right path. There is truly no point in trying to debate as an equal with someone who hates many sahaba openly and attempts to tarnish the legacy of other sahaba by misappropriating their legacies. Until he and his cult fully recant these disgusting views and their pagan customs I would not put forth sincere arguments towards someone who is outside the fold of Islam.

The problem with ignoring people like these is that since these forums are public, Muslims who do not know about the kufr of the Shi'a will see his arguments as legitimate, even though they are baseless. For example, in his most recent post in this thread, he said that so and so said this and so and so said that - without any citation.
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Old 01-09-2012, 03:57 AM   #13

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Makes sense. Why don't the moderators take care of ruffians who try to indirectly assault the deen?
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Old 01-09-2012, 05:24 AM   #14

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Why do you follow your maddhab, or why don't you follow one?
I fully adhere to the Madhhab of Imam al Adham Abu Hanifa because he was the greatest Imam and Faqih and his students were the greatest no other Madhhab ever produced the likes of Imam Muhammad or Imam Abu Yusuf. Also the Hanafi Madhhab is the root Madhhab the other Imams were directly or indirectly students of the students of Imam al Adham Abu Hanifa also Imam Abu Hanifa was the closest to the lifetime of Sayyidina Muhammad saws. Even today the Hanafi Madhhab is the still the dominant Madhhab around the world.
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