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Old 09-01-2011, 12:00 AM   #1

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Default The Looting of Libya : Beloved Al-Qaeda Mujahedins of NATO to implement Sharia ?
Time will prove what these fighters will bring to Libya. Slavery to Western banking elites ?
Or , Shariah based state ?

By the way, there is already a new central bank established by the rebel fighters. Who benefits ?


In handing Libya to Al Qaeda, the line has been forever crossed.

First - let's not labor under any delusions. Obama, Cameron, and Sarkozy are heads of state in name only. It is the depravity and megalomania amongst the banks, corporations, and the institutions they have contrived, that are responsible for the most egregious betrayal in Western history. For 10 years the West's leadership have stirred up hatred and fear amongst their populations to justify a lengthy and very costly global war that has sent US, British, Canadian, German, French, and many other troops, around the world, into dangerous adversity, and ultimately to their graves to fight "the forces of terror."

Now, almost as if savoring the irony, the New York Times, on behalf of the corporate-financier oligarchs that presume dominion over the Western world, fully admit that Al Qaeda terrorists, men who literally killed US troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan are now in Libya and are the benefactors of billions of dollars in Western aid, diplomatic recognition, training, weapons, the lending of intelligence assets, the full unwavering support of the West's "media," NATO-member air support, and even graced with Western special forces fighting side-by-side with them on the ground. This timely confession is also in response in part to revelations that the Libyan rebel commander now filling the streets of Tripoli with indescribable horror is a hardcore Al Qaeda leader, reported first in the Telegraph months ago, and again this week on RT and covered in depth by respected geopolitical analyst Dr. Webster Tarpley.
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Old 09-01-2011, 12:03 AM   #2

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Dan said (August 31, 2011):

Mark Twain said, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."

If you are watching the so called "Libyan Revolution" very closely, and study Nesta Webster's "World Revolution"
you will be 'enlightened' to the pattern of Illuminati "revolutions". The basic formula is recognizable after all these years.

Same goes for the whole 'Arab Spring'. The February MSM candy coated facade of 'People's democratic Facebook and Twitter Revolutions' has melted to reveal the ugly face of Illuminati war on the world just as it did with the French Reign of Terror.

The Rebel commander who is now in charge of Triopoli, known last week as the heroic bab al-azizziya, is AbdulHakim Belhadj, Al-Qaida veteran. After getting a degree in civil engineering in 1988, he trained and fought with the Taliban in Afghanistan. He was captured in Maylasia in 2004 by the CIA and released for his mission in Libya in 2008. He became an emir of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), on Homeland Security's list as an international terrorist NGO.

Sounds like a Al-CIA-duh asset to me.
Commander of Tripoli and Victim of American Rendition
"He is now the military leader in Tripoli, who on the night of liberation drew parallels between the fight in Tripoli and the conquest of Mecca while surrounded by several others celebrating around him. "

It would appear that Obama has spent another trillion dollars to help NATO set up Al Quaida with a new base of operations on the Mediterranean in the heart of the Middle East.
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Old 09-01-2011, 12:06 AM   #3

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May be , the Taliban fighters in Afganistan learn something from these Islamic Mujahedins in Libya.
How to become beloved to NATO and other Western banking elites ?
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Old 09-02-2011, 03:21 AM   #4

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How al-Qaeda got to rule in Tripoli


His name is Abdelhakim Belhaj. Some in the Middle East might have, but few in the West and across the world would have heard of him.

Time to catch up. Because the story of how an al-Qaeda asset turned out to be the top Libyan military commander in still war-torn Tripoli is bound to shatter – once again – that wilderness of mirrors that is the “war on terror”, as well as deeply compromising the carefully constructed propaganda of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO’s) “humanitarian” intervention in Libya.

Muammar Gaddafi’s fortress of Bab-al-Aziziyah was essentially invaded and conquered last week by Belhaj’s men – who were at the forefront of a militia of Berbers from the mountains southwest of Tripoli. The militia is the so-called Tripoli Brigade, trained in secret for two months by US Special Forces. This turned out to be the rebels’ most effective militia in six months of tribal/civil war.

Already last Tuesday, Belhaj was gloating on how the battle was won, with Gaddafi forces escaping “like rats” (note that’s the same metaphor used by Gaddafi himself to designate the rebels).

Abdelhakim Belhaj, aka Abu Abdallah al-Sadek, is a Libyan jihadi. Born in May 1966, he honed his skills with the mujahideen in the 1980s anti-Soviet jihad in Afghanistan.

He’s the founder of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) and its de facto emir – with Khaled Chrif and Sami Saadi as his deputies. After the Taliban took power in Kabul in 1996, the LIFG kept two training camps in Afghanistan; one of them, 30 kilometers north of Kabul – run by Abu Yahya – was strictly for al-Qaeda-linked jihadis.

The LIFG had been on the US Central Intelligence Agency’s radars since 9/11. In 2003, Belhaj was finally arrested in Malaysia – and then transferred, extraordinary rendition-style, to a secret Bangkok prison, and duly tortured.

In 2004, the Americans decided to send him as a gift to Libyan intelligence – until he was freed by the Gaddafi regime in March 2010, along with other 211 “terrorists”, in a public relations coup advertised with great fanfare.

The orchestrator was no less than Saif Islam al-Gaddafi – the modernizing/London School of Economics face of the regime. LIFG’s leaders – Belhaj and his deputies Chrif and Saadi – issued a 417-page confession dubbed “corrective studies” in which they declared the jihad against Gaddafi over (and illegal), before they were finally set free.

A fascinating account of the whole process can be seen in a report called “Combating Terrorism in Libya through Dialogue and Reintegration”. [1] Note that the authors, Singapore-based terrorism “experts” who were wined and dined by the regime, express the “deepest appreciation to Saif al-Islam Gaddafi and the Gaddafi International Charity and Development Foundation for making this visit possible”.

Crucially, still in 2007, then al-Qaeda’s number two, Zawahiri, officially announced the merger between the LIFG and al-Qaeda in the Islamic Mahgreb (AQIM). So, for all practical purposes, since then, LIFG/AQIM have been one and the same – and Belhaj was/is its emir.

In 2007, LIFG was calling for a jihad against Gaddafi but also against the US and assorted Western “infidels”.

Fast forward to last February when, a free man, Belhaj decided to go back into jihad mode and align his forces with the engineered uprising in Cyrenaica.
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Old 09-05-2011, 04:48 AM   #5

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The Lybian currency is printed in UK, some month ago a ship was seized which tried to deliver a lot of notes to Lybia. Gaddafi planned
to introduce a Gold-Dinar for whole Africa, of course the bankers are not amused of such ideas.
And he tried to remove his money, several billions, from French banks to Asian
banks. The French banks which are undercapitalized (and with them the Euro) probably wouldn't have survived this huge money transfer.

Gaddafi annoyed some bankers, I think this is the reason for Lybia war.


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Old 09-05-2011, 05:14 AM   #6

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CIA created al qaeda...................then America turned on them because a new enemy was needed to continue the Military Industrial Complex.
Al qaeda didn't do 9/11, impossible. This was all CIA operaton to launch the biggest money making scheme in history. Look at all the companies that have become rich since 9/11.
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Old 09-05-2011, 06:35 AM   #7

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21st Century Mujahideen are always confused....I wonder why
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Old 09-06-2011, 03:39 AM   #8

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After heavy bombing and attacks by Apaches in Tripoli’s poorest neighborhood and one of the last areas to fall, Abu Saleem, eye witnesses reported seeing masses of bodies covering the streets. A relative of one of those feared to be amongst the carnage visited the local hospital where he said just one doctor and two nurses were left. Like masses of the capital’s workers, many hospital staff had fled, were in hiding or perhaps dead. When he asked to see the bodies, the guards told him there were none - his family fears they have been dumped in mass graves in locations that may for a long time be unknown.

This bloodbath does not fit into the narrative of a “free Libya” in which civilians are “protected”, but in such an atmosphere charged with the hunger for control at any cost, it is near impossible for those on the ground to be honest about the images before their eyes, while they remain in rebel held territory.

One young armed rebel donning the French flag on his fatigues creeped up behind me and asked me where I was from. “London” I replied, “Ah Cameron, we love Cameron,” he beamed. I forced a smile; to even criticize my own prime minister would betray disloyalty to Libya’s new rulers.

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Old 09-06-2011, 03:42 AM   #9

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Paalak looks like a bot to me.
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Old 09-06-2011, 03:43 AM   #10

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Our correspondent has been reporting form Rixos Hotel, just a few hours ago, he and several other Journalists, were extracted from the hotel, they were liberated from the Hotel, which they were held for several days, and they are safe now.

But I can tell you, my understanding is, first of all this is not a revolution, these are NATO trained gunman, and they are Al Qaeda related par-militaries, mercenaries.

They have very little support within civil society in Libya. Whether we like Gaddafi [fugitive Ruler] regime or not, I do not think that is the issue, but in fact large majority of population, are against the rebellions, and the only thing that sustained the rebellions, were the NATO bombings. And these are criminal bombings; let's state them as they are.

They are against international law, actions that are criminal in terms of its consequences and the killings, children killings, killing houses of peoples, and this has been well documented.

And what is more criminal in this process, is the fact that... this is presented to the media as a humanitarian operation, reality is turned upside down, we are told, that war is peace, and the lie becomes a truth, essentially that is what happened.
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Old 09-06-2011, 03:47 AM   #11

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Paalak looks like a bot to me.
You should go to Libya where you will find many widows. Then marry three women in distress.
And make a great service to Islam.
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Old 09-06-2011, 12:23 PM   #12

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Our correspondent has been reporting form Rixos Hotel, just a few hours ago, he and several other Journalists, were extracted from the hotel, they were liberated from the Hotel, which they were held for several days, and they are safe now.

But I can tell you, my understanding is, first of all this is not a revolution, these are NATO trained gunman, and they are Al Qaeda related par-militaries, mercenaries.

They have very little support within civil society in Libya. Whether we like Gaddafi [fugitive Ruler] regime or not, I do not think that is the issue, but in fact large majority of population, are against the rebellions, and the only thing that sustained the rebellions, were the NATO bombings. And these are criminal bombings; let's state them as they are.

They are against international law, actions that are criminal in terms of its consequences and the killings, children killings, killing houses of peoples, and this has been well documented.

And what is more criminal in this process, is the fact that... this is presented to the media as a humanitarian operation, reality is turned upside down, we are told, that war is peace, and the lie becomes a truth, essentially that is what happened.
remember Saddam....
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Old 09-06-2011, 12:33 PM   #13

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You should go to Libya where you will find many widows. Then marry three women in distress.
And make a great service to Islam.

Hadhrat it is difficult enough to live in a peaceful country.
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Old 09-09-2011, 06:11 AM   #14

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NATO And U.S. Make Libya Safe For Plutocracy

The Libyan story is the same tale that's been told since Western governments and their well-connected benefactors started pushing their weight around the last 500 years. It's just the latest chapter in this tale.

It is doubtful Western elites shared the optimism of President Obama when he recently announced that the end of Moammar Gadhafi means control of Libya's destiny will devolve to its "people."

Nothing causes so much fear among the elite as the prospect of a nation controlled by its people.

The fear becomes more acute when that nation is sitting on top of a valuable resource and located in the most volatile region in the world. Libya might be on the fringe of the Middle East, but people-controlled government there could reignite demand for change in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.

Change in Libya has been under the protective power of NATO and the United States.

Recently, the U. S. fired more than a dozen unmanned drones in the final push to oust Gadhafi.

The cost to the U. S. taxpayer for the Libyan operation now exceeds $1 billion.

That's okay. More drones and bombs means a better GDP at the end of the year.

NATO and U. S. military assistance was never intended to ensure that the people of Libya succeeded in gaining control of their government. "Rebel" forces would have never gotten the help they did if it wasn't clear from the start that they were willing to swear fealty to Western plutocrats.

The Libyan story is the same tale that's been told since Western governments and their well-connected benefactors started pushing their weight around the last 500 years. It's just the latest chapter in this tale.

Whenever there's a valuable resource or strategic location to be exploited, the standard plan has been to make sure the guy in power is on your payroll and willing to take orders. It doesn't matter what he does to his people or his neighbors, so long as he's giving you access to whatever is valuable.

If he refuses to play the game or goes rogue after being a loyal employee for many years, like Saddam Hussein, Manuel Noriega or Ngo Dinh Diem, you get rid of him. Count on state-controlled media to send past associations down the Memory Hole.

It really works the same in this country, except that the transition of real power and control to the elites was gradual and far less violent. The American people reaffirm and support this silent coup every election day.

Predictability is what matters. Look at Wall Street. They don't care who sits in the White House or Congress so long as they know that whenever they take a serious hit the taxpayers will be shaken down to make good their losses. They already got the Federal Reserve on their side. The federal government is extra insurance. Heads they win; tails we lose. It’s the same idea projected into every corner of the Earth.

Libya will be purged of Gadhafi. Its government will be reformed by Libyan people. They just won't really represent the "people." They can't. The guys in the West who write the checks won't allow it.
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Old 09-11-2011, 09:20 AM   #15

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Why NATO loves Islamist fundmentalists ?
They have a hidden agenda explained by this commentator.


Bill said (September 11, 2011):

I think the most important thing in the world right now is the process of secular governments being thrown out of the Middle East to be replaced by fundamentalist Islamic nations that will turn against Israel. They need to do this because Muslim culture will never tolerate the imposition of world government. The NWO will only be able to get rid of Muslims once and for all if they can justify a massive war by letting them attempt to destroy Israel. The Jewish people are going to be sacrificed en masse once again to further the agenda of the NWO. Please sound the alarm. If we can't turn around this sequence of critical events, the planet will be under total dictatorial control very soon.


Dear Bill

The famous letter from Pike called for a Third World War between Zionists and Islam. Looks like the Illuminati are getting their ducks in live.

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Old 09-11-2011, 09:29 AM   #16

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In the artcile below you can see how Muslim brotherhood is provoking ordinary Muslims to fight.



The US voiced concern about the violence after protesters burned the Israeli flag and threw embassy documents from windows of the building.

Protesters lit tyres in the street and at least two vehicles were set alight near the embassy, located on the upper floors of a residential apartment block overlooking the Nile.

As dawn broke, about 500 demonstrators remained and a few threw stones at police and army vehicles and personnel. But police gradually pushed them further away and secured the area.

It was the second big eruption of violence at the embassy since five Egyptian border guards were killed last month during an Israeli operation against gunmen.
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Old 09-12-2011, 01:36 AM   #17

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Walter Fauntroy, Feared Dead in Libya, Returns Home—Guess Who He Saw Doing the Killing


In an interview inside his Northwest D.C. home last week, the noted civil rights leader, told the Afro that he watched French and Danish troops storm small villages late at night beheading, maiming and killing rebels and loyalists to show them who was in control.

“‘What the hell’ I’m thinking to myself. I’m getting out of here. So I went in hiding,” Fauntroy said.

The rebels told Fauntroy they had been told by the European forces to stay inside. According to Fauntroy, the European forces would tell the rebels, “‘Look at what you did.’ In other words, the French and Danish were ordering the bombings and killings, and giving credit to the rebels.

“The truth about all this will come out later,” Fauntroy said.
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Old 09-15-2011, 03:13 AM   #18

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U.S. Admits Greater Role Amid NATO Continuation of War

As the war in Libya escalated over the months since the beginning of the rebel attacks on February 17 in Benghazi and other areas in the east of the country, it has been revealed that the U.S. and the NATO countries have organized, financed and coordinated the actions and movements of the rebel NTC. The White House dispatched Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operatives to Libya to provide assistance to the counter-revolution.

It was reported during this same period earlier on during the war that British MI-6 agents and Special Forces were involved in the fighting as well as units from the U.S.-backed military in neighboring Egypt and Qatar in the Gulf. This direct ground intervention by the imperialist states and their allies illustrated the degree of importance that the ruling classes in these various western countries valued the efforts to seize control of Libya, its waterways, national treasury and natural resources.

Nonetheless, further claims gave additional proof of the deployment on the ground of U.S. military units. Despite consistent reports that U.S. forces had been spotted in the theater of war, the Pentagon has repeatedly denied these allegations.

However, it was reported on September 12 by the Associated Press that “The Defense Department says it has four troops in Libya—only the second time since the U.S. became involved there that it has acknowledged having any military personnel on the ground. The first time was in March when Marines rescued an Air Force pilot who had ejected over eastern Libya.” (AP, Sept. 12)

Although Navy Capt. John Kirby, a spokesperson for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, indicated on September 12 that the military personnel were only in Libya to investigate the re-opening of the U.S. embassy in Tripoli, in all likelihood this is part of a much broader strategy for greater Pentagon deployment inside the country. Why should the Libyan people or the international community accept these denials by Washington when the Business Insider stated “That (this) admission contradicts the Obama administration’s repeated assertions at the outset of the Libyan military intervention that no U.S. forces would be deployed to the North African nation.”? (Business Insider, Sept. 12)

This same publication later noted that “American officials have previously acknowledged the presence of some CIA agents on the ground in Libya who were reportedly helping coordinate NATO air strikes.” The Pentagon and the CIA also supplied the predator drones which were utilized to identify targets and to hit Libyan positions on the ground.
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Old 09-15-2011, 03:21 AM   #19

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Libyan Rebels Inspired by Globalization

Mahmoud Elwarfally, self-proclaimed leader of the Libyan “Transitional National Council” speaks before the corporate-financier funded Brookings Institution, moderated by former CIA analyst Kenneth Pollack. Elwarfally maintains that the rebellion against Qaddafi was a natural product of the “globalizational process.”He still claims the rebellion is “peaceful.”


Elwarfally talks about a “new global cultural paradigm,” “new global values,” common values, shared by many “young people.” These young people, he says, are calling for human dignity, democracy, and inclusion at all levels of national government, repeating verbatim statements coming from geopolitical meddler Zbigniew Brzezinski and the myriad of US-funded NGOs that promote these “new global values.”

Deriding 30 years of documented history showing that the current armed uprising is but the latest campaign in a long war of foreign-funded armed sedition against Qaddafi, and recent admissions by rebel leaders themselves of having direct ties to Al Qaeda, Elwarfally claims such accusations are merely “Qaddafi projecting fears” onto the Libyan people and the world abroad. Elwarfally, rewriting history in mid-sentence, claims that armed struggle was forced upon them – despite 30 years of history saying otherwise. He proposes that current fighting is merely defensive and that the rebellion is still peaceful. When asked about comments he made just minutes before regarding “marching on Tripoli,” Elwarfally maintains it was merely rhetorical.
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Old 12-31-2011, 03:11 AM   #20

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Post-Gadhafi Libya: Naked Neo-Imperialism

The Daylight Robbery of Libyan Resources


While the unconcealed hypocrisy that led to the emergence of a new Libya fades from the public consciousness, the governments of the West are beginning to reap the profits of their investments. Under a mandate to protect civilians, these allied forces armed radical factions of Islamist fighters and showered white phosphorus tipped ordnance onto densely populated residential areas. While sponsoring politicians equated the Libyan rebels to heroic advocates of western democracy fighting for freedom, these men committed racially motivated beheadings and executions of migrant workers from sub-Saharan Africa and filled mass graves with the corpses of their fellow countrymen, Gaddafi loyalists.

In the crumbling ruins of the new Libya under hardline Sharia law, the abduction and subsequent atrocities against former Gadhafi loyalists are commonplace. As the revolutionary vigor dies down, the seeds of civil war between tribal lines of the armed rebel factions may foment at any moment. It is upon this unstable foundation that an economic protectorate is being born. In exchange for being brought to power, representatives from Libya’s National Transition Council (NTC) have recently visited their former colonial administrators in London to begin awarding contracts to insidious corporate entities who will be commissioned to rebuild the country's bombarded infrastructure.

The disingenuous Franco-Anglo-American architects of post-Gadhafi Libya are now being given free reign to economically exploit the country they helped devastate. Irrespective of the moral and ethical consequences of their plunder, the colonial administration’s investment of $500 million USD to oust Gadhafi will result in a projected yield of $300 billion USD over a ten-year period. As shares rise for Shell and British Petroleum, staff members of the UK Department for Trade and Investment have begun to establish themselves in Libya. In exchange for French warplanes over the skies of Tripoli, the NTC allegedly promised to grant 35% of its oil contracts to the French oil conglomerate, Total, a corrupted corporate body complicit in the use of forced labor during it’s pipeline operations in Myanmar. Much to the denial of the French Government, the company has been approved to begin onshore oil extraction in the upcoming year.

While places such as Sirte sit in ruin, opportunist American businessmen scour for building contracts. Richard Peters, a construction firm owner whose company is also involved in rebuilding Iraq and Afghanistan after the subsequent US-led occupations has advocated the construction of golf courses and a Disney Land, suggesting that the Libyan people could really do with a little entertainment. On a recent trip to Libya, John Laughland from the Institute for Democracy and Cooperation reported that the NTC was fully aware that the Libyan assets frozen in western banks would be unfrozen and redistributed to the nations originally responsible for orchestrating the NATO bombardment. As an economic client state masquerading as a liberated nation, the new Libyan regime owes its entire sovereignty and legitimacy to colonial European powers responsible for fomenting anarchy and civil war within their country.

It is interesting to note that the NTC declined business opportunities to countries opposed to the way NATO interpreted its mandate, such as Germany, China and Russia. Several billion dollars worth of construction and arms contracts between Russia and Gadhafi’s government are now contested and subject to revaluation. In 2010, China was the recipient of 11% of Libya’s oil exports and maintained approximately 30,000 workers in Libya through China’s National Petroleum Corporation. It remains unclear if these nations will be able to fully reclaim their business interests in the country.

While corporate opportunists talk of developing Libya to become the next Dubai, cases of political executions and atrocities against Gadhafi loyalists are a non-issue to the NTC and major media outlets of the West. NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen proclaims, “Our military forces prevented a massacre and saved countless lives”, upon the recent discovery of three hundred alleged Gaddafi supporters who were executed with their hands bound. Tragically, the Libyan people themselves fail to recognize that their country has been usurped. Abdullah Naker of the Tripoli Revolutionists Council recently released the following statement, “We've seen many examples in the past when peoples' revolutions were stolen and we are very clear that our struggle is far from over. Gadhafi may still come back – in some other shape or form – and in that case, we will have to take up our weapons and defend our revolution.” Unfortunately, Naker’s proverbial Gadhafi has already returned… and he’s wearing a five thousand dollar business suit.
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