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Old 12-30-2011, 07:47 AM   #21

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that is the first thought that came in my mind.

when it comes down to it everyone follows the hadith compilers blindly. then to counter this a person might completely deny hadith and follow quran only like the hadith-deniers. then shaitaan will make that person think that how can i follow the compilers and transmitters of quran blindly. then that person might even go on to reject the quran.

people need to stop trying to be too clever and proud. for over 1400 years muslims who were much better than us have been doing taqleed one way or another. stick to the mainstream and inshallah we will not be lead astray. leave the jamaah and shaitaan will attack you.

The same was also thought by me. Only way to disbelieve Taqleed is to be a Hadith denier.

Always asking questions and saying "blah blah blah"s are nothing but Shaytaan's whispering.

I don't understand what's the problem of neo Salafi and Ahle Hadith to believe our Imams? Abu Hanifa was a Tabii. Others were Taba-tabiin. They were from Salaf. Then what's the problem? Authenticity of Ahadith collected by them are beyond questions.
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Old 12-30-2011, 12:20 PM   #22

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The same was also thought by me. Only way to disbelieve Taqleed is to be a Hadith denier.

Always asking questions and saying "blah blah blah"s are nothing but Shaytaan's whispering.


Brother Zahed

Now u can think from an other angle, When hadith is Saheeh and not abrogated and people say this hadith is not belong/According to our Madhab. R not they Hadith denier? If example is needed then i can provide it.

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Old 12-30-2011, 03:55 PM   #23

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When hadith is Saheeh and not abrogated and people say this hadith is not belong/According to our Madhab.
Who say that? Show your evidences. How dare you to attribute Kufr on Muslims?

And why are you not answering to my previous post? Are you afraid because your propaganda is gonna be failed?
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Old 12-30-2011, 04:05 PM   #24

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Now u can think from an other angle, When hadith is Saheeh and not abrogated and people say this hadith is not belong/According to our Madhab. R not they Hadith denier? If example is needed then i can provide it.

Yes, Imam Malik (ra) used to give the Amal of the people of Madinah of His period more importance than 'Ahad' hadith(which has only a single sanad), even if it was Sahih. You think Imam Malik (ra) doesn't respect Hadith? Do you know Imam Malik (ra) used to relate hadith only while he was in Wudu. He used to sit on a throne like chair to relate Hadith of the Prophet , He did Not use horses while he was in Madina because he respected the blessed body of Rasoolullah which is in Madina.

Are you saying this person who revered hadith so much doesn't know what he is doing when at times he preferred the amaal of the people of Madina in his time. There isn't a single person alive today who has the intellect and the knowledge of Imam Malik (ra), and you think you know better. Brother don't be deluded. Don't listen to Shaytaan's whispers.

P.s. Now You might mention Imam Shafi'i didn't agree with Imam Malik(ra). Well Imam Shafi'i is also a Mujdthahid, He has the ability to exercise Ijtihad. Such type of 'valid' Ikhtilaaf is permitted, go refer the hadith of banu qurayza. If you want to create fitnah and doubt among innocent Muslims, please go elsewhere. Ithaqullah.
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Old 12-30-2011, 04:11 PM   #25

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I request the mods not to allow Sunniforum to become a playground for propagating Fitnah instead of Islam.

The OP already got his answer and is long gone. Kindly close the thread.
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Old 12-30-2011, 07:34 PM   #26

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I request the mods not to allow Sunniforum to become a playground for propagating Fitnah instead of Islam.

The OP already got his answer and is long gone. Kindly close the thread.

such requests have been made many times but they dont listen. i think they are trying to do a 'freedom of speech' thing.
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Old 12-30-2011, 09:29 PM   #27

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Who say that? Show your evidences. How dare you to attribute Kufr on Muslims?

And why are you not answering to my previous post? Are you afraid because your propaganda is gonna be failed?

Brother Zahed

2 weeks ago one of my neighbor who pronounced Iqamas as following hadith

Bukhari :: Volume 1 :: Book 11 :: Hadith 579
Narrated Anas:

Bilal was ordered to repeat the wording of the Adhan for prayers twice, and to pronounce the wording of the Iqamas once except "Qad-qamat-is-Salat".

He was stopped by Imam and they pronounced as their way and Imam said this is not according to our Madhab.

Btw, Reciting Sura Fatiha in funeral prayer is sunnah, Do ur imam recite sura Fatiha? After knowing that It is sunnah and what prevent him to follow of our
beloved prophet's sunnah? How many of them accept it when they come to know about it?

Do u offer 2 rakat sunnah during Khutba in Friday? Do u know there r many Authentic hadiths about it? Brother do u follow when u come across an Authentic hadith?

And why are you not answering to my previous post? Are you afraid because your propaganda is gonna be failed? If u don't mid plz post ur questions here again, ins ha-Allah i will try.

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Old 12-30-2011, 09:50 PM   #28

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Yes, Imam Malik (ra) used to give the Amal of the people of Madinah of His period more importance than 'Ahad' hadith(which has only a single sanad), even if it was Sahih. You think Imam Malik (ra) doesn't respect Hadith? Do you know Imam Malik (ra) used to relate hadith only while he was in Wudu. He used to sit on a throne like chair to relate Hadith of the Prophet , He did Not use horses while he was in Madina because he respected the blessed body of Rasoolullah which is in Madina.

Are you saying this person who revered hadith so much doesn't know what he is doing when at times he preferred the amaal of the people of Madina in his time. There isn't a single person alive today who has the intellect and the knowledge of Imam Malik (ra), and you think you know better. Brother don't be deluded. Don't listen to Shaytaan's whispers.

P.s. Now You might mention Imam Shafi'i didn't agree with Imam Malik(ra). Well Imam Shafi'i is also a Mujdthahid, He has the ability to exercise Ijtihad. Such type of 'valid' Ikhtilaaf is permitted, go refer the hadith of banu qurayza. If you want to create fitnah and doubt among innocent Muslims, please go elsewhere. Ithaqullah.

Brother amr123

OK, i didn't mentioned any name of honorable Imams. Let me share with u what i read about Imam Malik(ra). Taken from a Research paper.

Thereafter, al Imam al Shafi'i travelled to Egypt where he found that most of the people adhered strictly and unquestioningly to the opinions of Malik. Consequently, al Imam al Shafi'i began a critical analysis of Malik's legal opinions, and found that in some cases, "...he (Malik) formulates opinions on the basis of a general principle, while ignoring the specific issue; whereas at other times he gives a ruling on a specific issue and ignores the general principle."

Al Imam al Shafi'i also found that Malik sometimes rejected a sound Hadith in favour of a statement made by one of the Sahabah or the Tabi'un, or in preference to his own reasoning. Sometimes, al Imam al Shafi'i discovered, Malik rejected the statement of one of the Sahabah in favour of the opinion of a Tabi'i, or his own personal opinion; and that he would do this in individual cases, and in extrapolating legal details, without taking general principles into account. Moreover, Malik claimed in many cases that there was Ijma' concerning the matter, when there was, in fact, disagreement about it.

Al Imam al Shafi'i also found that Malik's opinion that the Ijma' of the people of Madinah could be treated as source-evidence was, in fact, not very strong. He wrote a book entitled Al Ikhtilaf Ma'a Malik "Disagreement with Malik; in which he dealt with all of the matters mentioned above.47

Brother i was talking about Systems that developed after their death. They didn't ordered people to make such Systems and make boundaries to follow sunnah.
Following hadith is an example from Muwatta Imam Malik. There is clear hadith from our prophet to fold hand during salat and Imam malik also recorded it.

Malik :: Book 9 : Hadith 9.15.50
Yahya related to me from Malik from Abu Hazim ibn Dinar that Sahl ibn Sad said, "People used to be ordered to place their right hands on their left forearms in the prayer."

Abu Hazim added, "I know for sure that Sahl traces that back to the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace."

Now what is the reason now a day follower of Imam Malik not following this hadith?

I have a very important question to u. U already denied to answer of my 2 questions. No this no 3.

Verdict of Imam Shafi is only for Shafi follower or for Ummah?

U answer is very important.

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Old 12-30-2011, 10:00 PM   #29

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Bro rqsnnt,
You have not been responding to the posts from #19. If you don't answer, then you'll not get answer.
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Old 12-30-2011, 10:12 PM   #30

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blah blah blah

You and me have very little understanding of Fiqh. Stop playing Scholar with translations of Hadith.

Thats it from me.

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Old 12-30-2011, 10:22 PM   #31

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i think @rq has solid proofs of everything..but people don't know how to refute him instead they show harsh attitude just to get rid of which they don't have answers what he is asking by refering all quoted hadiths and statements...

i feel sorry for those people who show harsh attitude when they can't refute the truth...sad!
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Old 12-30-2011, 10:29 PM   #32

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i think @rq has solid proofs of everything..
Yea right He beat the Scholars of the past 1000+ years with a bunch of Hadith translations.
Sister you need a reality check. No one here knows anything substantial in Fiqh. The intelligent people keep their mouth shut because they don't want to pretend to be a scholar, others copy paste hadith without even knowing arabic to make Home Made Fatwas.
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Old 12-30-2011, 10:41 PM   #33

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but he is displaying everything though..in front of u guys with all quoted hadiths and quoted statements...how can one say it is HOME MADE fatwa.

u need to refute him..if u can't then keep silent..but showing harsh attitude is not the winning situation...and that is not Islam.
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Old 12-30-2011, 10:44 PM   #34

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but he is displaying everything though..in front of u guys with all quoted hadiths and quoted statements...how can one say it is HOME MADE fatwa.

u need to refute him..if u can't then keep silent..but showing harsh attitude is not the winning situation...and that is not Islam.
What refutation you want.
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Old 12-30-2011, 10:50 PM   #35

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but he is displaying everything though..in front of u guys with all quoted hadiths and quoted statements...how can one say it is HOME MADE fatwa.

u need to refute him..if u can't then keep silent..but showing harsh attitude is not the winning situation...and that is not Islam.
If one argues with a fool, one loses. So no point. Anybody can quote hadith to fit their own agenda. But only a scholar can give the right context and usool.
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Old 12-30-2011, 10:53 PM   #36

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but he is displaying everything though..in front of u guys with all quoted hadiths and quoted statements...how can one say it is HOME MADE fatwa.
is he a scholar that he understands the history and context behind the hadith that he is quoting? does he know how to reconcile between differing hadith that seemingly contradict each other? does he understand arabic so that he can actually take knowledge directly from the hadith without relying on translations that do not convey the pure meaning of the hadith?

do you yourself know what is required to understand hadith and derive the law from them?
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Old 12-30-2011, 10:54 PM   #37

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What refutation you want.
read all @rq posts..then u will know what to refute...
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Old 12-30-2011, 10:55 PM   #38

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is he a scholar that he understands the history and context behind the hadith that he is quoting? does he know how to reconcile between differing hadith that seemingly contradict each other? does he understand arabic so that he can actually take knowledge directly from the hadith without relying on translations that do not convey the pure meaning of the hadith?

do you yourself know what is required to understand hadith and derive the law from them?

then refute him...
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Old 12-30-2011, 10:58 PM   #39

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Bro rqsnnt,
You have not been responding to the posts from #19. If you don't answer, then you'll not get answer.

I'm saying about the scholars who are the "chain of narrations". How will you prove that they actually collected those Ahadith from Sahaba, Tabiin and Taba-tabiin?
My answer is How a hadith becomes Saheeh in Bukhari and Muslim when there is a established masala of ur Madhab is not same meaning of that Hadith? I hope u understand me. Nothing is Authentic without proof. Scholars have done their works and provided their works with proves. Some works become strong and some become weak. Btw don't miss to answer me brother.

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Old 12-30-2011, 10:58 PM   #40

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does this fool really think that the muslims of the last 1400 years were following islam wrong, and that a fool such as him that came over 1400 years after the advent of islam who cannot even read arabic knows islam better???

this fool is arguing with people who lived with the SAHABAS (rd) and who lived in the first 3 generations of islam, the era of the salf e saliheen!
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