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Old 10-14-2009, 04:37 AM   #1

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Default Lessons based on the Hanbali text al-Umdah
As Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah,

The lessons on ibnfarooq.com have been updated


These are based on the matn (text) al-Umdah by the great Hanbali Imaam Ibn Qudamah al-Madqasi (May Allah be pleased with him).
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Old 10-14-2009, 07:01 AM   #2

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Salam Sidi, this is just a question, don't get upset, seeing that you're hanbali, and i'm sure other hanbali students study with you, or under you, do you preach/practice the following, these are honest questions:

Hands below navel, and not on chest
Twenty Raka'ats tarawih
Women's postures different than men
Reciting Yasin for the dead or while the individual is on the deathbed.

JazakAllahu ta'ala al-Khayr
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Old 10-15-2009, 01:45 AM   #3

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As Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah,

Akhi, as long as you keep this discussion sincere and respectful I will not get upset. I realize that you want to see if I am Hanbai or as you guys call it 'Ghayr-Muqalid' but these issues are not as simple as ether side (the extreme muqalideen and ghayr-muqalideen) make them out to be.

If you read through my lessons you will find my answers with daleel and quotations from the classic texts of the orthodox scholars of Islaam from the past for each of your questions.
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Old 10-15-2009, 03:23 AM   #4

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As Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah,

Akhi, as long as you keep this discussion sincere and respectful I will not get upset. I realize that you want to see if I am Hanbai or as you guys call it 'Ghayr-Muqalid' but these issues are not as simple as ether side (the extreme muqalideen and ghayr-muqalideen) make them out to be.

If you read through my lessons you will find my answers with daleel and quotations from the classic texts of the orthodox scholars of Islaam from the past for each of your questions.

Brother, please continue with your valuable work and may Allah (SWT) reward you in this world and the next.

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Old 10-15-2009, 06:53 PM   #5

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He is trying to study/learn/teach Hanbali Madhab and please leave him to do so.

If you accept Fiqh differences with Shaf'ae Madhab then accept that Hanbali Madhab conditions for Masah are more relaxed then Hanafi Madhab.

Same for where to hold hands in Salah, the issues described by Br ibnfarooq in his "description of Salah" are valid differences within the Hanbali Madhab as was taught to me (as well).

Shaykh Uthaymeen (RA) was a Qadhi in the Hanbali Madhab and just like someone of the stature of Mufti Taqi Usmani (DB) (for example) he has the right to clarify a particular position of the Madhab or do Ijtehaad if he deems necessary.

Hanbalees also have some differences with regards to Aqeedah with Asharees & Maturidees and that has been the part and parcel of Muslim Ummah for over 1000 years.

Both Al-Bahuti's Al-`Umdah (Akhsar Al-Mukhtasarat ) and Ibn Qudamma's Al-`Umdah (Dalil Al-Talib) are brilliant books for the Hanbali Madhab and recommended for beginners.

Lets not focus on a handful of Masa'il which appear to have become the battle-ground.
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Old 10-15-2009, 11:52 PM   #6

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I agree.

What I get from a few lessons I browsed through is that Daleel of the 4 madhahib is presented and then it seems a fifth point of view is presented which suggests a safe approach to follow. In short what is believed to be the strongest evidence or a combination of the evidences to come up to a position. This methodology is very similar to the gayr muqallid methodology. Maybe brother ibnfarooq can shed light on this.

I just deleted my last post, as I don't want to start another flamewar. Just forget my question.

@hyneln2000, with all due respect but I think it is common amongst all scholars that they believe one position/opinion/view to be the strongest and others to be weak/er.

We should have a good opinion of brother ibnfarooq.

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Old 10-15-2009, 11:57 PM   #7

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He is trying to study/learn/teach Hanbali Madhab and please leave him to do so.

If you accept Fiqh differences with Shaf'ae Madhab then accept that Hanbali Madhab conditions for Masah are more relaxed then Hanafi Madhab.

Same for where to hold hands in Salah, the issues described by Br ibnfarooq in his "description of Salah" are valid differences within the Hanbali Madhab as was taught to me (as well).

Shaykh Uthaymeen (RA) was a Qadhi in the Hanbali Madhab and just like someone of the stature of Mufti Taqi Usmani (DB) (for example) he has the right to clarify a particular position of the Madhab or do Ijtehaad if he deems necessary.

Hanbalees also have some differences with regards to Aqeedah with Asharees & Maturidees and that has been the part and parcel of Muslim Ummah for over 1000 years.

Both Al-Bahuti's Al-`Umdah (Akhsar Al-Mukhtasarat ) and Ibn Qudamma's Al-`Umdah (Dalil Al-Talib) are brilliant books for the Hanbali Madhab and recommended for beginners.

Lets not focus on a handful of Masa'il which appear to have become the battle-ground.

I agree, very balanced view -

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Old 10-16-2009, 07:36 AM   #8

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Thats not what I mean. All madhabs have their proofs based on the usuls that they have formulated. What I am saying is that the gayr muqalliddeen have a way of measuring the evidences of all the madhabs and then coming up with a strongest view. This they do based on their usuls. This is the critical point. Thus they apply their usuls to the view of the four madhabs to come with the strongest view based on their usuls. If hanafi usuls are used you will come with the hanafi view. If shafi usuls are used to derive a ruling the shafi view will be strongest. Similarly if a new set of usuls are used a new strongest position will come forth.

This is my understanding..the ulema can correct me.

Masha'Allah, I think you highlighted in a very clear and concise way the difference - in Fiqh - between "muqallidun" and "ghayr-muqallidun" as approach for non-mujtahidin.
While a Mujtahid Mutlaq would obviously be a "ghayr-muqallid".

We could say that the crucial "mistake" of ghayr-muqallidin (as approach) is that of having generalized to "normal" scholars (and even laymen) the method which should be only of Mujtahidin mutlaq.

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Old 10-20-2009, 12:49 AM   #9

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As Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah,

First of all I want to thank everyone for their comments and their good akhlaq. Many students of knowledge forget the importance of good akhlaq. As long as this conversation stays civil, I am more than willing to discuss these issues. I especially want to thank Colonel_Hardstone and al-Faruqi for their good manners.

Now, this is a class of HANBALI Fiqh taught by a HANBALI teacher based on a HANBALI text (al-Umdah). Hence I did not post this thread under Hanafi or comparative fiqh sections, rather I clearly stated it is Hanbali Fiqh. So how can this is ghayr-Muqalid?

I think people have confused the issue of Daleel, that as soon as they see dalaa'il being discussed or tarjih of a maddhab they assume it to be ghayr-muqalideen. Ghayr-Muqalideen do NOT have a copy right on discussing daleel and tarjih.

Let me give you some examples:

In the famous Hanafi book of Fiqh

فتح القدير
كمال الدين بن عبدالواحد (ابن الهمام)

It states:

قال ( ويعتمد بيده اليمنى على اليسرى تحت السرة ) لقوله عليه الصلاة والسلام { إن من السنة وضع اليمين على الشمال تحت السرة } وهو حجة على مالك رحمه الله في الإرسال ، وعلى الشافعي رحمه الله في الوضع على الصدر ، ولأن الوضع تحت السرة أقرب إلى التعظيم وهو المقصود ، ثم الاعتماد سنة القيام عند أبي حنيفة وأبي يوسف رحمهما الله حتى لا يرسل حالة الثناء .

والأصل أن كل قيام فيه ذكر مسنون يعتمد فيه وما لا فلا هو الصحيح ، فيعتمد في حالة القنوت وصلاة الجنازة ، ويرسل في القومة وبين تكبيرات [ ص: 288 ] الأعياد

Here when the author says this hadith is a Hujjah on Imaam Malik, why didn't he explain the issue from Maliki usool? Or when he says it is a Hujjah on Imaam Shafi'. Does this mean that the great Hanafi scholar and this work of Hanafi fiqh was ghayr-Muqalid?

No, akhi, this is they way of those who teach from one maddhab. They explain their proofs and their tarjih according to the usool of their maddhab. I do NOT claim to know the usool of the Ahnaf or Shawafi or Malikiyyah this is why I am not teaching a class in those maddhabs.

If you would like to benefit from these lessons and understand the Hanbali maddhab, please feel free to read the lessons. If you want to learn Hanafi Fiqh, or Shafa'i Fiqh or Maliki Fiqh then I suggest you contact a qualified teacher from that maddhab.

And Allah is the source of all knowledge and all good.

And Allah knows best.

The one in need of the mercy of Allah

Uthman Ibn Farooq
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Old 10-20-2009, 03:58 AM   #10

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brother mashallah great work........can i request a favour......is it possible u could do the fiqh of qitaal.......there is a serious shortage on authentic material on this important topic........but please only do it if u feel u will not get into trouble........i dont want to get u into trouble........so if there is some way of covering the topic without putting urself in danger that would be great........but mashallah may ALLAH bless u ameen.....
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Old 10-20-2009, 04:30 AM   #11

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I agree with brother London786.

May Allah strengthen you. Ameen.

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Old 10-21-2009, 02:43 AM   #12

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brother mashallah great work........can i request a favour......is it possible u could do the fiqh of qitaal.......there is a serious shortage on authentic material on this important topic........but please only do it if u feel u will not get into trouble........i dont want to get u into trouble........so if there is some way of covering the topic without putting urself in danger that would be great........but mashallah may ALLAH bless u ameen.....
As Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah,

Akhi, we MUST only fear ALLAH. So the trust must be spoken, fair and balanced sticking to what pleases Allah and His Prophet (peace be upon him). I am going over al-Umdah from the beginning to end InshaAllah. When we get to Kitaab al-Jihaad we will cover Qitaal inshaAllah.
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Old 10-27-2009, 11:59 PM   #13

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brother mashallah great work........can i request a favour......is it possible u could do the fiqh of qitaal.......there is a serious shortage on authentic material on this important topic........but please only do it if u feel u will not get into trouble........i dont want to get u into trouble........so if there is some way of covering the topic without putting urself in danger that would be great........but mashallah may ALLAH bless u ameen.....
the new translation of quduri covers everything from a to z. it's by zamzam
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Old 04-29-2011, 02:24 AM   #14

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Assalamu Alaikum,

Sorry to revive an old thread but I needed to get Br. Ibnfarooq's attention.

MashaAllah great stuff! May Allah accept it.

Could you re-check the links on classes 29 to 31 and 38 to 51 please? They don't seem to be working for me.

Jazak Allah Khair
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Old 04-29-2011, 04:48 AM   #15

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Actually, ignore me! I was being stupid!

For future reference, if anyone stumbles across the same problem:
> If you are asked to save a .zip file onto your desktop, save it as a .docx file and open it as normal on MS Word.

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Old 06-14-2011, 02:33 PM   #16

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I have returned from my trip overseas. I was able to sit with and benefit from many of the scholars who teach in our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him)'s Masjid, such as Shaikh Abu Bakr al-jizairi and Shaikh Abdullah ash-Shanqiti. We will be starting up the Fiqh classes again in San Diego. inshaAllah updated lessons will be posted online.
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Old 06-14-2011, 05:43 PM   #17

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I have returned from my trip overseas. I was able to sit with and benefit from many of the scholars who teach in our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him)'s Masjid, such as Shaikh Abu Bakr al-jizairi and Shaikh Abdullah ash-Shanqiti. We will be starting up the Fiqh classes again in San Diego. inshaAllah updated lessons will be posted online.

I will be in touch with you very shortly as I need to discuss an "oppurtunity" with you so I will be emailing you shortly, Insh'Allah.

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Old 06-15-2011, 02:55 AM   #18

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I have returned from my trip overseas. I was able to sit with and benefit from many of the scholars who teach in our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him)'s Masjid, such as Shaikh Abu Bakr al-jizairi and Shaikh Abdullah ash-Shanqiti. We will be starting up the Fiqh classes again in San Diego. inshaAllah updated lessons will be posted online.
Do you know the answer to the question in this post

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Old 10-24-2011, 06:56 PM   #19

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Assalaam u alaikum

I was followwing brother Ibn Farooqs website but it is no longer available (due to domain expiry?) and I am unable to contact him via email.

Hence I was wondering whether any brothers/sisters had downloaded the files and could email them to me. I require from lesson 14 onwards.

Jazakallah khair
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Old 10-24-2011, 07:36 PM   #20

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I second brother Bin Ismail's request (I'm also looking for the uploads insha-Allah.)
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