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Old 04-14-2011, 01:35 AM   #21

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@brother Abul Hussain. Is it established that the names mentioned after the questions hold the belief in Question?

1) Is there Prophet's shafa3ah for christians and jews? (AHM)
2) Are christians and jews kafirs or not? (AHM, HY)
3) Is it allowed to use the phrase "children of God"? (ZS)
4) Is it right to say that it is "not intrinsically impossible" that Allah can lie? (NK)
5) Is it right to extend a doubt to budhhists being pagans and justify their paganhood? (HY)
6) What do the 3ulema say in regards to praying for a dead kafir? (HY)
7) What do the 3ulema say in regards to asking a head kafir (the pope) to "pray" for you? (NQ)
8) What is the Islamic creed on who goes to heaven and who doesn't? (HY)
9) Who according to what you know of Islam, is a "Muslim", and who is a "kafir"?
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Old 04-14-2011, 03:35 AM   #22

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R u Hanafi? or its just a display tactic? Your answers really make me question the side you represent.
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Old 04-14-2011, 03:38 AM   #23

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Interesting analysis of Awlaki...

I was too young to remember his days as Imam in one of the Masjids in San Diego, but the Salafi brothers I know don't consider him a "real" Salafi (by their definition), and seem to be convinced that he was an Ikhwani using Salafism to lure people towards the Jihadi mission. And, before anyone asks, these brothers aren't Madkhali.
I would have to agree - he didnt then and doesnt now seem to fit the traditional salafi stereotype - Even when I was around him, I found it hard at first to see where he stands on the ideological spectrum. It was only when I encountered the various situations I related earlier, that i got an idea of where he stands.

As far as him being head of "Al Qaida" in yemen - I suspect Al Qaida is a made up blanket term for anyone the US hates - there are even articles and FOX news reports that my group, MOA, is connected to Al qaida - My Sheikh was original accused of beheading daniel pearl, they even made a movie about us staring Angelina Jolie. So I dont put much weight in media and govt reports on Muslims.

Shortly after the christmas day bombing attempt - the FBI came and visted me about Awlaki, trying to connect our jamaat to his based on the fact that myself and some other MOA brothers know him. These people have very little understanding of Islam itself let alone the inner dynamics of the various Muslim ideological groups. As far as im concerned, Awlaki is free from what the US accuses him of, but not free from holding some salafi and takfiri beleifs.
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Old 04-14-2011, 03:40 AM   #24

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R u Hanafi? or its just a display tactic? Your answers really make me question the side you represent.
was Rachel Corrie a hanafi ?
' if Rachel Corrie is not forgiven then i'am in the wrong religion. '

Bad Perennialists salafis/wahabis !!!

" INSHALLAH most of what comes out of Perennialists Wahabi Arabia along these lines deserves to be burnt. "

"If their mission is to fool the "average" Muslim into becoming Perennialists Salafi - it seems to be working ......"

"Your answers really make me question the side you represent"

and why should i care what you think about me ? are you the new qutub al-aqtab of my area or what ? or is it the aqida police ?
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Old 04-14-2011, 03:52 AM   #25

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R u Hanafi? or its just a display tactic? Your answers really make me question the side you represent.
One always needs to be taking sides when presenting his views?
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Old 04-14-2011, 07:46 AM   #26

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I know this particular salafi - zarbozo is a cunning little fellow - This is a common tactic of his, to draw in non-salafis, mixing 1 falsehood with 100 truths. Hes very smart and good at spreading his salafi message to naive young Muslims. I know a few brothers who were caught up in his deception - brothers who had bayat to Sheikh and were staunch proponents of Ahl sunnah - they spent some time with zarbozo who is considered a scholar amongst salafis - and after a short time the brothers renounced their bayat and tariqa, not long after that they stopped practicing Islam all tofgether (without renouncing) - fortunately they came back to the deen later after cutting off ties with zarbozo and his buddies

PS - One of Zarbozos closest friends was Anwar al Awlaki while he was here - Awalki endorsed Zarbozos books and propagated his message - so if you want to know what Awalki thinks about Deobandis, tablighis, sufis - read one of zaraBOZOs books
Bayah to sheikh? What is that? Some hariji ideas?
And you claim that when they were with Zarabozo, they were out from Islam? Because you wrote "they came back to the deen later"!! SubhanAllah! How easy for modern laymen to make takfir!
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Old 04-14-2011, 09:33 AM   #27

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Bayah to sheikh? What is that? Some hariji ideas?
And you claim that when they were with Zarabozo, they were out from Islam? Because you wrote "they came back to the deen later"!! SubhanAllah! How easy for modern laymen to make takfir!
I didnt mean that they left Islam and renounced, I meant that they did not practice - moved away from Islam in action. by no means did I make takfir on them.
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Old 04-14-2011, 10:14 AM   #28

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I didnt mean that they left Islam and renounced, I meant that they did not practice - moved away from Islam in action. by no means did I make takfir on them.
Salam alaikum, would you be so kind to enlighten me, what does it mean marked part? They abandoned prayer, fast?
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Old 04-15-2011, 06:04 AM   #29

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Salam alaikum, would you be so kind to enlighten me, what does it mean marked part? They abandoned prayer, fast?
Yes, abandoned prayer, began to indulge in major sins such as zina, and minor sins such as music - here in the US we say they went "out of it" - a term meaning theya re still Muslims, but they are not behaving like Muslims.

In no way did zarabozo encourage their actions - this seems to be the case with many Muslims who abandon and even denounce tassawuf and begin to follow the spiritualy devoid teachings of the salafis - no, abul husein, I dont have any proof for this observation - its just an observation I, and many others, have seen and heard in tetimonies.
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Old 04-15-2011, 02:54 PM   #30

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I am very happy to see brother abul hussains posts and
I think we should encourage him to write more and maybe open a blog.
It's good dawah. Practical dawah by clear example.

It shows what happens to your Tongue and heart and what a foul character you become
When you hang around the ideas he hangs around

May Allah(swt) save us from the fitna of the wahhabis
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Old 04-15-2011, 04:37 PM   #31

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I am very happy to see brother abul hussains posts and
I think we should encourage him to write more and maybe open a blog.
It's good dawah. Practical dawah by clear example.

It shows what happens to your Tongue and heart and what a foul character you become
When you hang around the ideas he hangs around

May Allah(swt) save us from the fitna of the wahhabis
May Allah save us from the fitnah of EITHER WITH US or AGAINST US mentality.

" if Rachel Corrie is not forgiven then i'am in the wrong religion. " should be the official zaytuna slogan !! is this the traditional islam they are preaching ? .... if this is traditionalism, then it is better to stick with wahhabism then finding excuses for real mushrikeen from jews and christians.

May Allah save us from the fitnah of pseudo Asharis in disguise as traditionalists and sufis.

Hamza Yusuf Hanson takes the award from Jews

I like how the Jews says and praises Hamza Yusuf. Interesting.....

hmmm.. what's www.tikkun.org ? wahabis/salafis ?
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Old 04-15-2011, 06:23 PM   #32

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Ja zakallahu khayr shaykh abul hussain
I was developing a soft spot for the wahhabis
Until i saw you and i remembered what type of nafs-inflated monsters they produce.

Leave this man alone to his wretchedness.

And make dua he goes into wajd and finds a wali who takes him into the deserts shouting Allah Allah.
Or make dua he finds a muhaqqiq like imam al asr mutadil in adab for ibn taymiyyah
like Imam anwar shah who said ibn taymiyyah had so much knowledge he was a mountain of ilm.
If we were to look up at his ilm it is so high our topis would fall of our heads.

But if he were to come into our dar al hadith to talk on aqeeda we wouldnt let him *ibn Taymiyya* in through the door even.
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Old 04-15-2011, 06:57 PM   #33

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Ja zakallahu khayr shaykh abul hussain
I was developing a soft spot for the wahhabis
Until i saw you and i remembered what type of nafs-inflated monsters they produce.

Leave this man alone to his wretchedness.

And make dua he goes into wajd and finds a wali who takes him into the deserts shouting Allah Allah.
Or make dua he finds a muhaqqiq like imam al asr mutadil in adab for ibn taymiyyah
like Imam anwar shah who said ibn taymiyyah had so much knowledge he was a mountain of ilm.
If we were to look up at his ilm it is so high our topis would fall of our heads.

But if he were to come into our dar al hadith to talk on aqeeda we wouldnt let him *ibn Taymiyya* in through the door even.
I don't know why you bring Hafiz Taqi al-Din Ibn Taymiyyah ? was he also supporting Perennialism or nonsense like if Rachel Corrie is not forgiven then i'am in the wrong religion ? what ever happened to Shaykh Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi's bio on Ibn Taymiyyah ??

sorry brother, that is a very weak case because the imam of hanafis and muhadith and muhaqiq like Hafiz Badr al-Din Ayni al-Hanafi ( the hanafi Muhadith ) said about Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah : Badr al-Din Ayni (d. 855 AH) wrote in the endorsement of ar-Radd al-Waafir of ibn Nasir ad-Din al-Dimashqi (d.842 AH), "" Whoever says ibn Taymiyyah is a kaafir then he is in reality himself a kaafir, and the one who accuses him of heresy is himself a heretic. How is this possible when his works are widely available and there is no hint of deviation or dissension contained therein"

This is an attempt to show that the creed of Ibn Taymiyya is different than the creed of Salaf us Salih while Mullah Ali Qari, Badr al-Din Ayni, Mari Karmi, Ibn Hajar Asqalani in the endorsement of radd al-wafir don't seem to agree with such claims. This enmity against Ibn Taymiyyah is nothing but as Muhammad bin Abdul Barr as-Subki said, "by Allah no one hates ibn Taymiyyah except for an ignoramus or the possessor of desires which have diverted him from the truth after he has come to know it."

الْعَلامَة الامام قَاضِي قُضَاة الاسلام بهاء الدّين ابو الْبَقَاء مُحَمَّد بن عبد الْبر بن يحيى السُّبْكِيّ الشَّافِعِي رَحمَه الله حَيْثُ يَقُول لبَعض من ذكر لَهُ الْكَلَام فِي ابْن تَيْمِية فَقَالَ وَالله يَا فلَان مَا يبغض ابْن تَيْمِية إِلَّا جَاهِل أَو صَاحب هوى فالجاهل لَا يدْرِي مَا يَقُول وَصَاحب الْهوى يصده هَوَاهُ عَن الْحق بعد مَعْرفَته بِهِ انْتهى

and the Hadith master of Hanafis Badr al-Din Ayni said "whosoever says ibn Taymiyyah is a kaafir the he is in reality himself a kaafir, and the one who accuses him of heresy is himself a heretic. How is this possible when his works are widely available and there is no hint of deviation or dissension contained therein." in the endorsement of the book radd al-waafir

فمن قال إنه كافر فهو كافر حقيق ومن نسبه إلى الزندقة فهو زنديق وكيف ذاك وقد سارت تصانيفه في الآفاق وليس فيها شيء مما يدل على الزيغ والشقاق ولم يكن بحثه فيما صدر عنه في مسألة الزيارة والطلاق إلا عن اجتهاد سائغ بالاتفاق والمجتهد في الحالتين مأجور ومثاب وليس فيه شيء مما يلام ويعاب لكن حملهم على ذلك حسدهم الظاهر وكيدهم الباهر وكفى للحاسد ذما آخر سورة الفلق في احتراقه بالقلق

The book Radd al-waafir by ibn Nasir al-Din could be downloaded http://shamela.ws/index.php/book/6660 and the taqriz from here http://shamela.ws/index.php/book/6662


your attempt is nothing but desperation, confusion and state of denial to the truth about Perennialism preached by those who also promote dancing in the name of Islam and other such things like Halwa eating, superstitions, rituals and rites.

The scholars of the past from East and West have testified in favor of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah as mentioned in the books of Scholars like Ibn Nasir al-Din Dimashqi, Mari Karmi, Ibn Abdul Hadi, Bazzar, Bukhari al-hanafi, so, it really doesn't matter about your dar hadith or what you or I have to say about Ibn Taymiyyah compared to those 100s of scholars contemporary and right after Ibn Taymiyyah said. In those times, there were no computers and things like shamela.ws but today, any fair scholar can research for himself and come to conclusion if really Ibn Taymiyyah was making up stuff as his enemies were claiming or were they lying upon him because of hasad or whatever reason.

Rivalry existed in all times and will continue to exist. I can understand that brother, so need for harbouring ill-feelings against SHAYKH AL-ISLAM.


By The Imam, the Hafidh Abu Hafs ‘Umar bin ‘Ali al-Bazzar.

“If I had to swear standing between the corner of the Ka’bah and the spot of Ibrahim, I would swear that I have not laid my two eyes on anyone like him, nor has he seen anyone as knowledgeable as himself.” – al-Hafidh adh-Dhahabi

Why Bazzar wrote the book:
When I learned of the death of the scholar and educator of this Ummah - the Imām, the
mujtahid, the defender of the pure Sharī’ah and Prophetic Sunnah, Shaykh al-Islām Taqī ad-Dīn
Abī al-‘Abbās Ahmad bin ‘Abd al-Halīm bin ‘Abd as-Salām bin Taymiyyah (may Allāh
sanctify his soul and brighten his grave)5 - some of the scholars and those who loved good
for the Muslims said to me: “You saw and befriended the Shaykh, and you came to know
him and his characteristics. If only you could write a few words regarding what you saw in
order to benefit whoever of this Ummah comes across them, since mercy descends when we
remember the righteous people.”

So, I responded: “I only accompanied him for a few days, and I only know few of his many
virtues.” However, I saw that they intended good and that what they were requesting of me
was a right and obligation upon me, as the scholar should be keen to spread and distribute
what he thinks will be of value to the Muslims. So, I produced a small effort describing his
virtues which will give the intelligent reader an idea of the honor and excellence of this man.
I divided it into sections in order that it be a guide to those who reflect, and I included all
that I could remember under each one, covering topics such as:

His birth and upbringing
Allāh’s leading him to good in his entire life
His keenness and effort in regards to knowledge
His constant listening to Hadīth
His numerous written works
His amazing memory when issuing verdicts and giving lessons
His stunning expertise in the various types of related information
His worship and cautiousness
His zuhd, dedication, and abandonment of the dunyā
His poverty, humility, generosity, and intelligence
His firmness, bravery, and patience, and the trials he endured for the Sake of Allāh
Allāh’s Protection for him despite his enemies’ envy
His death, and the immense number of people who prayed at his janāzah
The love of him that Allāh placed in the hearts of everyone during and after his life
The spreading of his knowledge and books in the far ends of the Earth

Was Bazzar also tricked into like what some brothers claim that salafis are tricking muslim into Perennialism and accepting Buddhism, Christianity and Judaism as valid religions " if Rachel Corrie is not forgiven then i'am in the wrong religion "

الرد الوافر على من زعم أن من سمى ابن تيمية شيخ الإسلام كافر

* معلومات الكتاب: رقم الكتاب: 77
* عنوان الكتاب: الرد الوافر على من زعم أن من سمى ابن تيمية شيخ الإسلام كافر
* المؤلف: ابن ناصر الدين الدمشقي، أبو عبد الله محمد بن أبي بكر عبد الله الشافعي
* بداية النسخة:
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم، الحمد لله الذي رضي الإسلام لمن أحب دينًا، وغرس الإيمان في قلوبهم فأثمرت إخلاص طاعته...
* عدد الأوراق: 146
* مصدر المخطوط: المكتبة الأزهرية - 312942
* وصف النسخة:
معه تقاريظ جماعة من العلماء، وعليه خط العلامة مرعي بن يوسف الكرمي، كتب عليه بخطه: إن ابن تيمية في كل العلوم أوحد، أحييت دين أحمد وشرعه يا أحمد..
* شوهد: 3059 مرة
* تاريخ الإضافة: 20 / رجب / 1427 هـ الموافق 14 / أغسطس / 2006 م
* روابط التحميل:
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Old 04-15-2011, 10:14 PM   #34

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Shaykh Hamza Yusuf getting an award from the Jews is a sign of him not being credible? Since when?The man wasn't recieving an award from Benjamin Netanyahu, he got it from a magazine promoting interfaith dialogue.

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Old 04-15-2011, 10:45 PM   #35

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I didn't attack Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah(rahmatullahi alayhi)

In fact i quoted the top shaykh of recent times
the pride of Deoband
The alim , the muhaddith, the faqeeeh, The muhaqqiq.

Imam As Asr
Anwar Shah Kashmiri(ra)
And his words were full of respect for Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah(ra)
But expressing khilaf-read it carefully.

Where did I defend shaykh hamza yusuf in my posts?

But i will say this, i asked him about Schuon in Makkah when i met him(shaykh hamza yusuf) and he said one or
two of the perennialists were my friends.However I havent read schuon and he said
the perennialists say strange things which are not from the ulema and he told me they twist the words of the ulema-
He had nothing positive to say about them.
After this-if you want to continue making gheebah of shaykh hamza yusuf,ahlan wa sahlan- i have presented the truth as i heard it from his lips in the city of the House of Allah(swt)
I also saw him and heard of him telling a brother from egypt to take off western clothes in Madina, saying this is an islamic city and you shouldnt wear western clothes here.
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Old 04-15-2011, 11:46 PM   #36

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i didn't attack shaykh ibn taymiyyah(rahmatullahi alayhi)

in fact i quoted the top shaykh of recent times
the pride of deoband
the alim , the muhaddith, the faqeeeh, the muhaqqiq.

imam as asr
anwar shah kashmiri(ra)
and his words were full of respect for shaykh ibn taymiyyah(ra)
but expressing khilaf-read it carefully.

Where did i defend shaykh hamza yusuf in my posts?

But i will say this, i asked him about schuon in makkah when i met him(shaykh hamza yusuf) and he said one or
two of the perennialists were my friends.however i havent read schuon and he said
the perennialists say strange things which are not from the ulema and he told me they twist the words of the ulema-
he had nothing positive to say about them.
After this-if you want to continue making gheebah of shaykh hamza yusuf,ahlan wa sahlan- i have presented the truth as i heard it from his lips in the city of the house of allah(swt)
i also saw him and heard of him telling a brother from egypt to take off western clothes in madina, saying this is an islamic city and you shouldnt wear western clothes here.


gustakh statements by hamza yusuf
brother abdalqadir called hamza yusuf a wahabi. Brother haroon asked for evidence.

I have evidence that hanson is not only a dirty wahabi, but he has insulted the prophet salallahu 'alayhi wa alihi wa sallam as well. I ask the faqir from marifah forums if he would promote hanson from now on.

I cannot repeat his horrendous statements. This is his 1995 speech in toronto, canada. I know the host of this speech, who has ties in england linked to radicalmiddleway.

Listen from 2:35 minutes onwards; the gustakh statements are at 4:54 minutes forward concerning our mother sayyida ayesha radyallahu 'anha


this is kufr


i did say this that he was a wahabi in a former life. This clip may be from that life or maybe not, because he mentions the 4 imams and ilham and so on. In any case now he is a perennialist through and through. You don't need to work so hard to find his problematic sayings like the one you have linked (where he has a lot of tawil to play with if picked on his comments). His current sayings show his true colors for what exactly he is!

This clip is a good example of the saying "neem hakeem khatra-e-jaan" in action. Or to speak bluntly in english, "give a monkey a microphone..."

a couple of ironies that have developed over time, in my opinion -

1 ) he says going against the teacher means losing a grade in the western model. Try saying hanson committed blunders in circles of his students now! He has bred the exact same arrogance that he speaks against.

2) his blind followers too learn early on that to regurgitate the nonsense of the few western and internet "shuyukh" like him and others is the only path of the ahlus sunnah. They think the world of ahlus sunnah scholarship is confined to these few names that show up in google search results!

3) he says something went terribly wrong in our educational system when we began to give absolute authority to the teacher - the irony is that's exactly what has gone wrong with the murid fanclub of hanson, nuh "not intrinsically impossible to be a liar" keller, faraz rabbani, et al.

The jahalah as i see it (those who know please correct my mistakes) and as pointed out by brother kattarsunni -

1) calling the questioning to learn of our mother 3aisha, radi allahu 3anha a "refutation". What is his explanation for the angels "questioning" allah "ataj3alu feehaa man yufsidu feehaa wa yasfiku-d dimaa'". Questioning to learn is different than questioning to refute/object.

2) calling the quran as a "higher authority" than the prophet. It was none other than the same ummul mu'mineen who said that the prophet's character is the quran. The prophet is the law giver. It is he who calls the quran as the quran - and it is he who explains the commands it contains. He has full right to make any exception to any rule from within it. In fiqh, we place the quran above the sunnah, for reasons of the sciences of narration!
Do you homework akabirofdeoband before preaching what is gheebah : www.masabih.org/showthread.php?p=28680
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Old 04-16-2011, 12:16 AM   #37

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Abul Hussein, you just quoted a bag of bull. The link given in the post doesn't work so nothing the post said can be verified and in fact, no information is given regarding the Shaykh other than a claim that he insulted the Messenger and the rest is just insults, all of it unsubstantiated

Plus, I thought you were all about unity but all you do is cuss ulema unless they are Salafi

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Old 04-16-2011, 12:27 AM   #38

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I also saw him and heard of him telling a brother from egypt to take off western clothes in Madina, saying this is an islamic city and you shouldnt wear western clothes here.
oh, so saying don't wear WESTERN clothes is your yard-stick ? funny brothers..... "if Rachel Corrie is not forgiven then i'am in the wrong religion "

Let us see what clothes is Molwi Hamza Yusuf Hanson is wearing in his lofty praise of Rachel Corrie

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Old 04-16-2011, 12:33 AM   #39

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Abul Hussein, you just quoted a bag of bull. The link given in the post doesn't work so nothing the post said can be verified and in fact, no information is given regarding the Shaykh other than a claim that he insulted the Messenger and the rest is just insults, all of it unsubstantiated

Plus, I thought you were all about unity but all you do is cuss ulema unless they are Salafi

the link is working well, may be your laptop doesn't like to see the dark side of Hamza Yusuf Hanson !

Talking about unity, while the brothers have no issue bashing salafis/wahabis but when their own maulanas have greater deviancies " if Rachel Corrie is not forgiven then i'am in the wrong religion " invoke rule number##@$%$% and talk about unity.

Read http://www.islambuddhism.com/docs/CommonGround.pdf

In the above article Hamza Yusuf Hanson contributes with his views on Buddhism.

the real unity is looks like between Buddhism Judaism Christainity and Islam, forget about wahabi/salafi and pseudo-ashari sufi unity.

Funny brothers.... truth is bitter.
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Old 04-16-2011, 12:47 AM   #40

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@ brother Akabirofdeoband. I would like to ask a simple question. Gohar Shahi , the ex-sufi , the dumbest perennialis/religious pluralist , who claimed to be Mehdi/kalki avatar , unanimously declared Kafir laters by the deobandi/barelvi scholars ,was warmly received by Mr Kabbani so much so that he sat in his feet. Whats the official stance of your Akabir on Mr Kabbani? Was he even castigated in mild words like you chose for Shaykh Albani ra , Ibn Baz ra or other "Wahabies" , for this act?


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