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#1 |
I don't normally endorse salafi books, but this one's quite nice in places.
I don't agree 100% with its contents, But some thought has gone into it Allah(swt) bless the author |
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#2 |
I don't normally endorse salafi books, but this one's quite nice in places. PS - One of Zarbozos closest friends was Anwar al Awlaki while he was here - Awalki endorsed Zarbozos books and propagated his message - so if you want to know what Awalki thinks about Deobandis, tablighis, sufis - read one of zaraBOZOs books |
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#3 |
I know this particular salafi - zarbozo is a cunning little fellow - This is a common tactic of his, to draw in non-salafis, mixing 1 falsehood with 100 truths. Hes very smart and good at spreading his salafi message to naive young Muslims. I know a few brothers who were caught up in his deception - brothers who had bayat to Sheikh and were staunch proponents of Ahl sunnah - they spent some time with zarbozo who is considered a scholar amongst salafis - and after a short time the brothers renounced their bayat and tariqa, not long after that they stopped practicing Islam all tofgether (without renouncing) - fortunately they came back to the deen later after cutting off ties with zarbozo and his buddies |
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#4 |
I know this particular salafi - zarbozo is a cunning little fellow - This is a common tactic of his, to draw in non-salafis, mixing 1 falsehood with 100 truths. Hes very smart and good at spreading his salafi message to naive young Muslims. I know a few brothers who were caught up in his deception - brothers who had bayat to Sheikh and were staunch proponents of Ahl sunnah - they spent some time with zarbozo who is considered a scholar amongst salafis - and after a short time the brothers renounced their bayat and tariqa, not long after that they stopped practicing Islam all tofgether (without renouncing) - fortunately they came back to the deen later after cutting off ties with zarbozo and his buddies This looks like your habit to go around slandering others. Nice Habib Hasan Ali Saqqaf al-Shadhilli al-Ashari trick brother MujahidAbdullah ! |
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#5 |
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#6 |
![]() You need to read more of my posts to find that out. Does it matter if i call myself Ashari or Wahabi or Barelwi ? What matters is what I write is it in agreement with Ahlus sunnah wal Jamaah ? The point to take note is that those who accuse salafis of things is found in themselves. Islam in Indo-Pak and Far East spread not because of only doctrinal or theological supremacy but because of action together with eemaan ( amal ma3 eemaan ) ... Good manners is the key as you know the examples of Khawaja Moin al-Din Chishti or Sharaf al-Din Suhrawardi buried in Hyderabad Deccan. |
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#7 |
boogeyman returns. can you provide your proof that about your claims. if you cannot looks like you are no different than what you accused. or are you asking for proof that zarbozo is a salafi? It was a low blow on my part to emphasize the BOZO in the name zarabozo - and next time I see him I will ask for forgiveness inshaAllah From my recollection, I dont make a habbit of slandering anyone, If I do this unknowingky, please point it out to me, so I may correct my ways. I remain quiet in regards to most people - however in this instance, zarbozo is not widley known by many, and my personal interactions with him have shown me that he uses a cunning tactic to lure in young Muslims. When I saw that bro. Akabirofdeoband said "good book, for a salafi" it reminded me of the two brothers I know who were also corrupted by him who said "I know zarabozo is a salafi, but he makes some really good points" next thing you know, those brothers are chastising me for using tasbih and not saying Ameen outloud after the fatiha. When I was 17 - I was told I should sit with a local Sheikh who is American - his name is zarabozo. So I did, I hung out with him often. He knew I had been influenced by in my Islam by Qadri brothers - he heard me use "sufi" terminology - so he used sufi terminology to me. He quoted Imam Ghazali and Uthman Don Fodio (RA) - two men I had heard my Qadri teachers praise. He had me convinced he was not one of those wahabis I had been warned about - he even warned me to stay away from wahabis. I then began to absorb everything he taught me, I began to follow him, beleiving him to actually be a Sheikh - I was not aware of tassawuf - but was taught by the people who gave me shahdah the basic principals of tassawuf and tazkiya tu nafs, not wanting to confuse me. Zarabozo picked up where they had left off, and handed me a book he wrote calle "purification of the souls" - I read it and beleived sufis to be some kind of sect like shias or qadiyannis. Once I had been convinced sufis were bad- he began to attack the men he used to quote - I had an uneasy feeling when he began to attack the practice of halaqa dhikrs - something I took part in when I took shahadah - something that I witnessed before I took shahadah - something that upon hearing the dihkrullah, melted my heart, and was the catalyst that caused me to become Muslim. I then went to a trusted teacher who gave me shahadah, a man who is a khalifa of my Sheikh, a man whose face shines like the moon from the amount of noor Allah has bestowed upon him. A man whose pressence changed the hard hearts of my parents, who hated Islam. Once they sat with him, they told me they wanted me to be just like him. I asked this man about what I had learned from zarabozo and his books - he showed me what zarabozo had been doing this whole time - he showed me where zarabozo was wrong, and who his teachers are (he has no teachers, he self taught). I felt betrayed by zarabozo - I felt tricked and duped - and I have ever since, warned all new Muslims of zarabozos trickery. This is just my personal account of him - I didnt document my time wioth him, I didnt record it so abul husein would have "evidence" to consult before I warned people about him. |
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#8 |
Where are your positive posts abul husein - where are you posts praising any Sheikh who the salafis opose - and where have you criticized any sheikh the Salafis love and the sufis oppose? Just come out and say what you feel, dont hide behind Ummah unification. Not once have I seen a positive, non combative post of yours - |
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#9 |
I had an uneasy feeling when he began to attack the practice of halaqa dhikrs - something I took part in when I took shahadah - something that I witnessed before I took shahadah - something that upon hearing the dihkrullah, melted my heart, and was the catalyst that caused me to become Muslim. |
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#10 |
Where and how can I met that Khalifa of his shaykh ? How old is he ? Do you have any audio recording of halka-e-Zkir of Qadiri order ? Here is a video for you: |
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#11 |
PS - One of Zarbozos closest friends was Anwar al Awlaki while he was here - Awalki endorsed Zarbozos books and propagated his message - so if you want to know what Awalki thinks about Deobandis, tablighis, sufis - read one of zaraBOZOs books ![]() brother, could you tell me what Awlaki says about deobandis, tableeghis, etc??.. do you know that he is currently the spiritual leader for Al-Qa!da in Arabian Peninsula (yemen)?? he is the HOT celebrity right now in the online j!hadi circles.... but what im worried about is how there is a systematic propaganda campaign going on inorder to convert hanafis into salafis. a few months ago a new media-arm was created "al-qadisiyah media" which translates arabic/salafi material into urdu, bangla, hindi. they release a couple of Tehreek-e-taliban material and a whole lot of salafi material, inorder to make people salafi. it is just as you said- 1 lie with a 100 truths, inorder to slowly fool people into salafism without them even knowing!! ![]() |
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#12 |
If his mission is to fool the "average" Muslim into becoming Salafi - it seems to be working, because I know several brothers on this forum who are not salafi and who oppose salafism, but praise Awlaki and talk about how awesome he is. |
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#13 |
Heres what I experienced when I was around Awlaki - He was never anti taqleed - in fact he appeared to follow shafi fiqh, so I assume he was OK with hanafi fiqh as well. He did not consider practitioners of Tasssawuf to be within the fold of Islam. I was with a brother who was known to be a Qadri with bayat to a Sheikh. This brother asked Awlaki, who was the Imam of the masjid at the time, if he knew of any sisters that needed to be married. Awlaki replied "We only marry our daughters off to Muslims" - sounds a bit takfiri to me, and the brother felt the same way. He used to promote Zarabozos books - and was published by the same salafi publishing house - Al Baz publishing. He Openly opposed the tablighi brothers in our area - On Friday nights, the Tablighi masjid would hold a dinner and a bayaan, while Awlakis salafi masjid would do nothing. Then One Juma' Awlaki announced that they too would be having a dinner and a bayaan speaking about the unreliability of Fadhail Amal. He refused to let the tablighis do their tablighi thing in his masjid. Not being from the sub continent, I never really heard him say anything about the deobandis (most people outside the sub cont. dont care about deobandi/barlawis) - I was thinking about going to dar al mustafa when I was 17, and knowing that Awlaki was from Yemen, I wanted to ask him some questions about the Habaib - he replied "I try not to associate with any and all Mubtadis" - translation: Dar al Mustafa, Ba Alawis, the habaib are Mubtadis. This gives you a general idea of the positions he holds. |
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#14 |
Make dua Allah brings you in to the company of the Awliya I would like to request you to start a new thread about Qadiri Sufi order in USA highlighting your group and mentioning the spiritual lineage of your Sufi shaykh. |
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#15 |
![]() Interesting analysis of Awlaki... I was too young to remember his days as Imam in one of the Masjids in San Diego, but the Salafi brothers I know don't consider him a "real" Salafi (by their definition), and seem to be convinced that he was an Ikhwani using Salafism to lure people towards the Jihadi mission. And, before anyone asks, these brothers aren't Madkhali. |
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#16 |
![]() Man, people confuse me. Does Al Qaeda exist then? Is it a terrorist organisation or not? Is TTP affiliated with the Afghan Taliban or not? What's going on man? ![]() |
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#17 |
There is another Salafi Character Called Jamil Zeno. We got some books of his from Wahabi Arabia and before i could distribute them(at dawah table Downtown Toronto), i had a weird feeling about the book, it looked a bit fishy to me, i dont know but after having read and seen all those books by deviants(shia, Qadiyani, Munkir e Hadeeth, Jamat ul Muslimeen, Wahabi, Ismaeli etc etc), somehow i can tell just by looking at a book that something is not right. I gave it a brief read. And guess what i found
The book is Called "Pillars of Islam and Iman" There was a Chapter called Ahadith to act upon and the 1st Hadeeth goes like this "The Last Hour will not appear unless the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them." Sahih Muslim Not only was I appalled at it, i dumbfounded for a moment after reading it. I mean not only is it a lie and an incomplete Hadeeth. Its total distortion of the words of RasoolAllah(saw), deliberately done for a certain agenda. Thanks Allah we didnt give it out. I am planning to burn all of these books to smithereens. INSHALLAH most of what comes out of Wahabi Arabia along these lines deserves to be burnt. |
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#18 |
has any of the above brothers found the kufr of Perennialism in the books of wahhabis or books from arabia ? that the mushrik jews and christians might not dwell in Hell forever or things like that or making excuses for pagan jews and christians like what some in Syria under the umbrella of Jamiat al-khariyyah ( Islamic Charity Organization AICP ) are doing ?
you might want to read more about kufr of Perennialism and wahhabis/salafis over here |
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#19 |
"All three have been contacted. HY, AHM and Nuh Keller. Ask them yourself.
AHM is not replying to the e mails and not picking his phone. HY has been asked regarding Lahori Qadiyanis and he considers the Muslims. Nuh Keller has been contacted and we have many confirmations from him. Ask them yourself." Is the underlined really true? |
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#20 |
children of God and Rachel Corrie = is not forgiven then i'am in the wrong religion.
hmmm... wahhabis / salafis saying such stuff and tricking the people into becoming Perennialists ... so much love and honor for Rachel Corrie ?!! "If their mission is to fool the "average" Muslim into becoming Perennialists Salafi - it seems to be working ......" |
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